tv CBS This Morning CBS April 19, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT
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♪ >> good morning. this is a special edition of "cbs this morning." i'm charlie rose with gale king and scott pelley. breaking news from brochoston. >> here is what we know at this hour. one suspect in monday's marathon bombing killed overnight. police searching for the other in watertown, massachusetts, right now. west of boston. hundreds of thousands of people in neighboring cities and towns are being asked to stay behind closed doors. all trains, buses and taxis in the boston area have been taken out of service. authorities now say suspectswer from
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be the u sel years. >> bob orr is in washington. been following the story all morning. good morning. >> good morning again, charlie. the focus right now is on the manhunt which is centered in watertown, massachusetts. and it's an urgent press by authorities. they know the man they are looking for is very dangerous. and potentially armed with explosives. we know he has weapons and we also know if the fbi is right and he's one of the two marathon bombers, we know he's demonstrated a willingness to kill and maim. this is a picture from the brand new fbi bulletin. the man's name is dzhokhar tsavraev. his family came from chechnya, and he and his brother carried out the marathon bombings. the older brother, as you mentioned in the beginning, tamerlan, his picture on the icio gun
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fight overnight with police in massachusetts. what really has authorities troubled, they have locked down the 20 square block area or so in watertown that we have been discussing and we think they have pinched in on the man in the white baseball cap, but they can't be sure. what has them most concerned is that these two brothers have shown quite a bit of skill, and evidence of training. one senior law enforcement official told us a short time ago, these guys were almost textbook perfect in terms of operational planning and security. they stayed off the radar, but beyond that, they have shown a high level of sophisticatifi sod skill in terms of evading police, and when they were confronted with a police shoot-out, incredibly, one of them escaped that cordon. he made the point that there were more police officer there and the suspects were outgunned.
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he summed it up by saying when have you ever seen that? they don't known he might have other confederates or other plans. the search, while focused in watertown, not a tunnel vision situation. they may have to expand that and perhaps even to neighboring states. charlie. >> we're pleased to have scott here at our table this morning. what's intriguing are the things we don't know. not only where is suspect number two. if he got training, where did he get it and when? >> charlie, we should hasten to mention a police officer was murdered apparently by these two men. overnight, sometime around midnight. a little after that local time. a police officer from the massachusetts institute of ch a campus police officer, was cruid dead in his police
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se head, and shortly after that that all of this began to unravel, and the two men led boston police on a chase through the city, and a running gun battle between the police vehicles and the suspects' vehicle and during the police chase, they were throwing bombs out of the car that were exploding until their car was finally dstopped, engaged in a ferocious gun battle. police officers calling for backup, armor, more explosions. finally, the elder of the two brothers apparently was shot and killed. the hospital tells us that he had multiple gunshot wounds and also evidence of having been wounded by explosion, burned skin, that sort of thing and then somehow in that melee, the 19-year-old escape ed and is th
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subject of the manhunt. >> interesting to hear what relatives are saying about these two young men. >> the father has been found in russia by the associated press, and he told an associated press reporter that his son was a second year medical student in the united states. well, neither of these young men is a medical student. so one haso wonder whether these young men were telling their father the truth back in russia what b whabout what they doing. they have been here a number of years, not like they snuck in from chechnya six months ago. >> described as assimilated. the entire city of boston is locked down. in watertown, police with guns drawn are searching door to door. done dahler has that part of the story. >> good morning, gayle. i can add details to the sewnan arrow scott sketched out for
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you. 10:20 last night, place officer found dead. the two suspects took his car from that location, an hour later, carjacked a man in a mercedes suv, they then freed him at a guess statioas station. he was then freed. shortly after that the running gun battle that scott described took place. where individuals were being chased by police, tossing explosive devices out the window, shooting at police. that went on for some time, until they pulled the car over, used it as a barricade and had a gun battle with police. a witness describes them rolling a device out, trying to explode it among the police officer. we have an eyewitness who describes the pandemonium. >> playing video games, i thought it was the game and i hear rapid fire, an assault rifle, something like that.
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>> three explosions, one after the other, and so i opened my front door, and i heard sirens all over watertown. somebody up there they were looking for. they were looking under cars in backyards, on top of trucks. they were looking for everything. >> i have to tell you, it appears to me, it's those bombs, explosive devices that has the police here most on edge. we have seen a number of bomb disposal units going by with the pods that they want to take a suspicious article, put it inside and explode. they are proceeding with such caution throughout the neighborhood. they have swept our area, the media encamp, with bomb sniffing dogs, to make sure nothing around here. they are very nervous about that originally, just watertown and the areas around here cordoned off by police. that has slowly expanded as time went on. when we first got here around 2:00 a.m.
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30 minutes after the gun fight, the cordon way down this way. moveded it this way and nowthini would sa the governor asked for that to be extended throughout all boston. in other words, all of boston is in lockdown, people being urged to stay inside. whether that indicates that they are concerned he may have slipped the noose in this area or being cautious, i don't know. charlie, scott, gayle. >> don, thank you. we go back to bill plante at the white house. >> to give you an idea of how serious this has become with the revelation of the possible overseas connections, the director of the fbi, robert mulder and attorney general, eric holder, are here at the white house to brief the president on the developments overnight. following this wild night all through the night here at the white house. senior officials told us that the president was awakened a couple of times and briefed as things developed in watertown. those briefings were by his assistant for homeland security
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lisa monaco, briefing him through the week. now, he's been kept current as this went on. today or overnight, certainly raised the stakes and the president now is getting a personal briefing from the head of the fbi, and the -- the attorney general. he doesn't have any public schedule today, we were not scheduled to see him, but we'll be waiting to see if as events develop, the president will have anything to say. charlie. >> bill plante, thank you. back to washington. or go to washington for bob orr. >> charlie, bear with me. we're just getting this together. there is more evidence that the search may have to expand. we've been working on this a while. and the connecticut state police, the connecticut state police have put out a bulletin, circulated through the government, which says the suspect that we're looking for, the fbi is looking for, may be in a vehicle, may have left the
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area. this suspect here, d sfwlnch hokhar tsavraev, a fugitive wanted in the bombings in boston. may be in a vehicle. we're not sure about sharing his identity of the source, says he may be going in a southbound direction. they believe he might be driving a gray honda crv. a gray honda crv and the registration is 316 es 9. a massachusetts plate. i'll say it again, we haven't had time to put it on the screen. so you can take down this note. not a sure thing, a bolo, be on the lookout time bulletin. connecticut state police and also mirrored by other authorities. the suspect they are looking for might be driving a gray honda
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crv. 316es9, massachusetts plates. we'll get this into a more readable graphic so you know what we're saying this is important. because they are worried, among other things, that the man is potentially heavily armed, may be carrying explosives, and they -- they don't know where he is going, if he's -- if he's trying to flee or might be going somewhere else, to present an even greater challenge, oh, we're still working sources on this. get further information, we'll be right back to you. but for a third time, the man might be driving a gray honda crv with a massachusetts plate. >> bob orr, thank you very much. >> if this is true, it means he has escaped the perimeter.
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>> in a case like this, you have the perimeter lock. you want to know what cars are associated with him, his car, his mom's car, his brother's car, can put eyes on that car. if you can't, you have to allow for the possibility he may have had the car and moved. the second version of that would be if you have a perimeter and fin find a car was stolen in the perimeter or outside the perimeter, during the period you are in lockdown, something you might be looking at. the idea he's headed south with a particular destination, and i know what bob is talking about. seems to suggest that not only do they have a description of a car, but information comes with that. >> can you talk about how he could have escaped the perimeter? his brother dies in a shoot-out with police, perimeter put in place immediately. they lock down the neighborhood, go door to door, how could he possibly gotten out in a car allegedly? >> when you put together a
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perimeter like that, and, remember, you have to add some context here. not like they had a plan and said we'll put a box around this neighborhood and they had a week to do it they are coming off a wild gun battle with numerous explosive devices. an officer down in serious condition. this perimeter was put together quickly and under tremendous stress. you try to got all of the units you can and post them one at a time. cops have to fan out from the center of the action and get the box set up block by block, and sometimes you can get one end of the perimeter tight and a gap in the other enand have yd and fil out. that can be an opportunity for a suspect. you do the $ybest you can. >> the police said they had a 20-block perimeter. they were going teahar by garage, house by house. does this indicat t
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have looked at that, and hes not there? >> if we put u four-block perimeter, a six-block perimeter, that's a lot of grown to cover, especially going house to house. they have to get through that, that will probably go for a longer while than we are even on the air. you have to allow for the possibility a perimeter that big there, say hole in it. >> we had the name, charlie of the police officer, the m.i.t. police officer apparently killed by these men early this morning. eastern time. his name is sean collier. to we know what it was that officer collier had been responding to, that apparently caused him to intersect with these two men? >> we know a little. but there are a couple of gaps there, and we can never say often enough, the information is coming together and as it comes together it can shift and change. but what we were told, in a very
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good briefing this morning, was he was responding to a call of a disturbance. then he goes off the grid. and the next thing we know, a police officer arrives on the scene, we need an ambulance. officer down, officer down, and from there, they are trying to put together what happened. after that it appears there is a second incident at a convenience store located at a gul station a short distance away where thi police chase. >> remarkably they didn't kill the driver of the mercedes. that's remarkable. >> it may be more convenience than anything. it may be faster to pull the man out of car. it could have been consideration. we don't know. sometimes it's about speed and efurchcy many. >> let's go to lauren, following
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the police search in watertown. lauren, good morning. >> good morning to you, i have been here scienince about midni. covering the 20-block perimeter. most of the focus over the past several hours has been in a two-block area at the edge of the perimeter and what we have seen are s.w.a.t. teams, state, local, national guard, police here, to try and assist. an hour and a half ago, we saw a number of police and s.w.a.t. teams running toward one house, they staged there. they pulled the media back so that we could not see what they were doing and keep everyone safe, and they evacuated buildings, made residents get out. and now within the last 15 minutes, a noticeable decrease in intensity here. it sort of coincides with the be on the lookout for the gray suv. may have escaped the honna crv,
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316es9 massachusetts plate. we it notice a decrease in the intensity of search when that came out. still a massive perimeter here. a big law enforcement presence, has been all night long. ebbed and flowed. how much they were searching door to door, i have the same question that i have heard other people ask. with the large perimeter, how was he able to get out? the fact is, there were so many streets, so many small streets they had to block off, it's very faesub feasible you could have gotten out. we were able to drive through parts of the perimeter during the night. being stopped, one the perimeter was set up and they kept expanding it. >> have you heard who that car
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belonged to? how he was able to get another car? >> we have not learned anything about that. in fact, we found out about the car just a short while ago when everyone else did. we don't have information about that. of course, we know earlier in the evening, he carjacked someone and took the car. now, i heard here in watertown, but as we were talking about, it was a large scene. a large perimeter. things could be happening in other parts of the perimeter, you're not privy to on the outside. we heard nothing about any other sort of carjacking. does this belong to a friend, relative, stolen, we don't know any of those answers, the other question we don't have the answer to, how did he wind up in watertown in the first place? convenience, because it was near cambridge, or some sort of acquaintance he >> thank you, lauren. >> let's factor in to what we ju hrd as to our understanding of how things are unfolding. >> we received information a
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short while ago that the white house has been following this quite closely. the white house situation room was activated and been filled with top counterterrorism officials and as bill plante reported a short time ago, the fbi director, robert muller and the attorney general of the united states, eric holder were going to be briefing the president this morning. but apparently the white house, through the situation room, has been watching events unfold overnight. >> how unusual is that for that to happen? the white house situation room would activate? >> well, it's an indication -- it's not surprised anyone at this point. it's a case of terrorism, internationally inspired terrorism. >> common criminality. and perhaps concern it may expand to something else. john. >> the white house and i've been around the prebriefs for some of those meeting, the white house
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concern this morning, they are concerned later ma what is the strategic implications, how was chechnya involved? a lot of questions. they are concerned this morning, what resources do we have that can either bring good information from here or overseas that will help authorits? resources wean give to authorit w thas satellites or something else that will help in the search. the president will be asking hio offer? what can we push out that will help? that will be the second thing he asked after he gets information about what he knows? >> underlines the global implications of the story. >> and the global implications could be truly, physically, geographically global, may have gone somewhere, may have been trained in a camp. but the global implications may have as much to do with globalization as actual more. we have seen 60 cases where
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there were plots to attack u.s. soil from different groups here since 9/11, and a great deal of them never went anywhere. this was people who learned -- who were, a, radicalized by chat rooms and sermons and figures like anwar al awlaki. that's the ideology piece, and then the technique piece, learning weapons training. >> these men were permanent, legal resident of the united states. they had what are called groan cards and they could gm and go as they liked. >> we have a team of cbs correspondents, and we continue the breaking story, entire boston area on alert. you are watching "cbs this morning. " can't believe i bought a 6-inch subway breakfast sub
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald it's 7:26. an alameda county sheriff's patrol car struck and killed a pedestrian on mission boulevard just north of hayward this morning. a woman who was also hit has minor injuries. the accident happened about 4:30 this morning. 11-year-old aaron hern from martinez could get out of intensive care today. first lady michelle obama visited him in a boston hospital yesterday. it's not clear when he will return home. san francisco police chief greg suhr holds a town hall meeting had afternoon about a fatal officer-involved shooting in the potrero hill area. the meeting is at 5:00 at downtown high school. traffic and weather in just a moment. ,, the humble back seat.
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we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪ th wdesigned our newest subaru fr the back seat forward. introducing the all-new, completely restyled subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. good morning. we're continuing to watch this developing news out of hayward.
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mission boulevard both directions remains shut down south of 238 between blossom way and medford avenue. again, an alameda county sheriff's deputy hit and killed a pedestrian. so they continue their investigation there. also, northbound 101 approaching bailey avenue, that accident is still in the clearing stages. in the meantime, it's backed up from morgan hill to south san jose. better news over at the bay bridge, only backed up to the end of the parking lot to the first overcrossing for a 10- to 15-minute wait. that's traffic. here's brian. >> thank you, elizabeth. good friday morning. thanks for stopping by channel 5 as we look at the transamerica pyramid. a lot of blue out there. a few high clouds out in the east bay. but we still have a warm on tap with 81 degrees forecast in fairfield, san jose today 81. san francisco 65. cooler by the shoreline. 72 at oakland. extended forecast we are still looking for things to warm up midweek.
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a massive manhunt under way for one of the suspects in the bone marathon bombing. another suspect, his brother killed in a shoot-out with police. the manhunt has been centers in boston, the suburb of watertown, but the hunt is expanding. >> breaking news on the search from the suspect's car much let's go to bob orr in washington. good morning. >> good morning, gayle and charlie. we told you a short time ago that the police in boston and connecticut had put out a be on the lookout for a car that they thought might contain the fugitive suspect. we have to tell you now, just a few minutes after we heard about this, the car has been located in boston. this was a car apparently registered to tamerlan tsavraev.
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the older brother was killed in the shoot-out overnight in watertown, massachusetts. so just to be clear here, the man on the left of your screen, the older brother of two, is dead. the one on the right is now the subject of a furious manhunt in massachusetts. we do not have any further information as to his whereabouts. as the hours go on, though, the police in massachusetts have to think about expanding their search, though. been looking block by block in an area where he was last seen. that is hours ago and there are fears that charlie and gayle, perhaps he has moved on. >> what do you make of this, john? >> this is typical. and i wouldn't make more of it or less of it. i can tell you from my experience, and i know -- i know chief bratton, particularly in los angeles, where we have these perimeters all the time, you
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would lock down the perimeter. hear the suspect had escaped. first thing, you don't let go of that perimeter. sometimes you get through the whole perimeter, house by house, and find out you missed him. sometimes you get to the second to last house and everybody has told you he is long gone, and you fun him. this is something we'll watch go on for some time. >> an army of police officers there, extensive firepower. does it surprise you he may have gotten away from the perimeter? >> he may, or may not. christopher dorner out in los angeles, they had finished the search, and there was an individual wanted for the murders in los angeles, completed the search, thought he was out of the area. and lo and behold, he was write in the middle of the area, 100 yards from the command post. i wouldn't read too much t
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hocat't him. huge area, 20 square blocks. area and also clely started to expand. in case he know out of the perimeter. >> former homeland security secretary tom ridge. goodorning. goorng, charlie. >> what are your assessments this morning of what you have heard, and the phone calls you may have had? >> a couple of things come to we know the two principal actors and we don't know the motive yet, although i think a lot of people speculating about the chechnya connection, the relationship -- improving relationship between the united states and russia, dealing with the extreme u.ists in chechnya. right now, we're not too focused on motive. nor should we be. we need to find the perpetrators. i found troubling the report that there may be two or three other suspects. it's not particularly helpful.
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i would be curious as to your guest field, the leaks, whatever the sources, the two principal perpetrators, one is dead, and then one on the periphery, there mate be another suspect on the loose. i don't know that's particularly helpful for law enforcement. you know they may have expand the network of outreach to identify this individual, given the placement of this vehicle. but so far, doing exactly when they are trained to do, doing a very effective job. >> mr. ridge, scott pelley in new york. what is the federal response based on your experience as director of homeland security? what can you tell us the federal response would be in this instan instance? >> i think in the aftermath of 9/11, the communities, law enforcement community, really doubled up. enforcement s, there used to bf
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agencies and the state and loca thi the maturation of the relationrelationship, drama improved. i suspect the fbi is leading this investigation, there are multiple assignments given to everybody associated with this investigation and all reports, the collaboration and the communication is to this point, exceptional. not necessarily it might have happen 10 or 15 years ago. we learned a lot of lessons. we need to share, communicate, cooperate, and every indication, they have done a remarkable job today. >> tom ridge, you have been in one of these briefings with the president. what happens there? >> i think the president will be getting reports from multiple agencies. i mean, i believe the opes
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center, set up with homeland security, had individuals reporting to the secretary of homeland security from all of the other agencies within the federal government. in this instance, i suspect that the fbi director bob mueller will take the lead. there may be -- obviously will be insight from the intelligence community and surely from secretary napolitano is president. i think over the p 72-plus hours, the fbi is probably the funnel through which most of this inforon but absolutely imperative that the inlligence community and secretary napolitano be out there, ready and be available to offer their perspective with other information, peripheral knowledge they may have. >> tom ridge, have you been out of government for a while now, i assume are you still part of the conversation about homeland security. what to you make of the chechnyan link? generally, because of the war there, it is assumed that most terrorism coming from chechnya
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was directed against russia. >> you know, it's a very interesting question, charlie, and when we get the perpetrato perpetrators, a lot of analysis done, needs to be done. the chechnyans, broke away, tried to declare independence back in 1 1991. it didn't work out. the russians went in, suppressed it with superior capability. you call the incidence in the theater, in schools, multiple incidents in moscow. pure speculation on my part, but if these individuals were either converted once they were here or held resentment toward russia, our collaboration with russia, have a lot of fundamental difference with putins and russia combatting musli terrorists is certainly bringing us closer together. could have been the i center of
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their hatred toward america. who knows. right now, the motive not as important as capturing perpetrators. >> that is, in fact, where the intense focus is. as we wait to hear further developments, the question continues to arise, what was their life before the boston marathon? where were they trained? >> exactly. >> did they develop this over a period of time, this intense that led them to do this? was there other influences on them? are there connections to other people in the united states, whether it's one or more? any support? why might he be hawaeaded south he escaped the perimeter? a whole range of questions that go to what his base was before this terrible traj doe at the boston marathon. >> no question, charlie. and i'm quite confident that they literally have hundreds of people trying to -- an overused
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euphemism, let's connect the dots. who were they associated with. check the e-mail. i understand there is some information possibly available on facebook. are there other people involved in supporting the effort. while the public is very appropriately focused on these individuals, at least one, there are other scores of investigators focusing on the possibility that others might exist in support, and, again, the capture of this individual, if that is the ultimate outcome, may lead to other findings, relative to this -- this brother team. are they operating independently? part of multiple cells? i don't know. i haven't any way to confirm whether or not -- although they were here the past several years, whether they traveled back and forth to other parts of the globe, to get training. as you and i both know, you can pick up training, process letized and converted by
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interaction on the internet. they are focusing on trying to find the actors, others are trying to find out if there is connectivity between these two individuals and anybody else in the united states for the time being. >> tom ridge, thank you. a fluid situation. we are searching for answers. thank you, tom ridge. we want to go to elaine at the federal courthouse in downtown boston. >> reporter: good morning, gayle. investigators continue their manhg to loo at ke background o thewo suspects and providing incite. cbs news has interviewed a person who says he is the uncle of the suspect. the man who lives in suburban maryland, a man by the name of alvi tsarni. let's take a look. >> they killed my nephew, tamerlan. and he is involved in this bombing. >> do you believe -- >> i can't believe this.
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it's not possible. my nephew can't do this stuff. no way. i'm sorry too if he did this. i'm sorry too. it's crazy. it's not possible. i don't -- i can't believe it. nice, when i heard this, i said who can do this? crazy, unbelievable. >> reporter: the uncle there, the person who says he's the uncle of the suspects, expressing surprise at all of this. gayle, more information, another perspective from someone who says he is a relative of these two individuals. gayle and charlie. >> thank you, elaine. >> breaking news coverage continues. the suspect's car one of the issues. more in just a moment. carfirmation.
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tsarnaev is. there is a bulletin for a gray honda crv. >> the car belongs to the brother, killed overnight. the c has b located in the boston area. what are you hearing? >> gayle, we'll find out more details shortly. expecting a press conference in the next 30 minutes to give us the latest. we were talking earlier about the court. a we were here within 30 minutes, and the police were already establishing a cordon. they have expanded that out. i should tell you, that perhaps in a sense of precaution, they have also put logan airport on high security levels right now. saying domestic travelers should expect to get there two hours ahead of time to go through heightened security measures to make sure this person is not slipping out of their grasp.
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>> don dahler, thank you. >> as we hear this, what does it say to you? anything different or new? the report he just made about -- >> about the airport and -- i mean, i think we're watching the process of elimination. which is you have your perimeter going. that far into it don't have bad guys, saying all right, what were his other out? does he have a car? no. does his brother have a car? yes. let's put out the alarm for the car. we found the car, let's stand down on that does he have another way out? >> also getting reports, charlie that police in west port, connecticut, have been stopping trains between boston and new as in case he was -- might be on one of those. >> we'll be right back. ♪
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it's 7:56. get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. one pedestrian is dead and another is injured after they were both struck this morning by an alameda county sheriff's patrol car. it happened around 4:30 this morning on mission boulevard just north of hayward. there's no word yet on what may have led to that accident. pg&e is beefing up security at its local substations after a facility was sabotaged this week. someone used a rifle to shootout five transformers at the metcalf station in south san jose on tuesday. pg&e says the extra security right now is a precaution. got your traffic and weather coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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good morning. on this friday morning traffic is better than usual on northbound 880 from the oakland coliseum up towards downtown. we are just getting word of an accident though southbound 880 approaching lewelling as you get into san lorenzo. let's check the bridges now. san mateo bridge traffic nice and light. about 14 minutes out of hayward towards the peninsula. and over at the bay bridge, the metering lights remain on but the backups again are not as significant as we usually see jammed up to the end of the parking lot. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's brian. thank you, elizabeth. we'll start by reminding you there are thrust faults in the east bay. we're looking at one, mount diablo there. magnificent eminence. and temperatures this morning, 48 degrees in santa rosa, 53 concord, 45 fairfield. and 51 at mountain view. we'll have highs in the low 80s inland. 82 at concord. even mild in the city. 65 in san francisco. warm today and it will stay warm all week. so plenty of sun and not a drop of rain in sight. ,,,,,,,,
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i'm charlie rose. we have new developments in this morning's breaking news story. police have spent several hours searching a neighborhood in watertown house to house. that's west of boston. they're looking for a suspect in monday's marathon bombing. the other suspect is dead. >> and there is new focus on a car registered to the other suspect in the case. he was killed in a police shootout last night. the car has now been found. we expect a news conference at any time now. >> we began our coverage this hour with be on boob osrr in wa. >> there is a flurry of activity, as you've been reporting, in watertown as we've been reporting all morning.
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there's literally an army of police and federal agents there trying to lock down this area where they think the suspect might be. the suspect who we're looking -- who they're looking for is named dzhokhar tsarnaev. this is his picture. dzhokhar tsarnaev. he is originally of chechen origin. he's lived here quite a long time. he and his brother came here many, many years ago. his brother, tamerlan, with the same last name, he was killed overnight in the shootout we've been talking about with police that john miller just laid out for us in watertown. so they have not found the younger brother yet. he is believed to be heavily armed, perhaps carrying explosives. he's obviously proven to be dangerous. and right now there is just a full-court press trying to find out where he is because until they can neutralize him, there is a potential that the threat goes forward because we don't
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know what else, if anything, he might have planned or have been up to. and also at the same time, on another channel, investigators are trying to find out if these two brothers were simply working together as a small two-man cell or if they were working with something larger. at this point we have no evidence of anyone else involved, but that is not a concrete conclusion. charlie? gayle? >> bob orr, thank you. awaiting a news conference. john miller, bill bratton back with us as well as gayle king and scott pelley. here's what interests me. we know their name, we know a little bit about them. where the father is, is the father alive, where the mother is, the siblings, all those kinds of questions. >> well, those things are coming out slowly but surely over time. looks like the associated press has found the father in russia. he told them that, of course, he couldn't imagine his boys being involved in anything like this. and he also told the associated press that he thought that one of his sons was a second-year
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medical student in boston, and as best we can tell, neither of these young men has ever been enrolled in medical school. who knows what they were telling their father. >> we heard from an uncle who describ described him as a loser. we're trying to figure out if these two are acting on their own or if they're tied to a larger group. how do you begin to make that connection? what needs to happen? >> basically, they are going to map out these guys' entire lives, every contact, every friend, every bank account, every check, every credit card, every cell phone, every text message. and what they're going to do is they're going to say, is there money coming in from some source that they need to identify? is there something from the telephone analysis of the people they call on their cell phones and say, they called these people more than those 20 people, and they'll develop a chart on that. basically, they're going to get to the bottom of do we have two people who are operating alone,
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or do we have two people who are part of a limited network of a dozen or two people connected to a foreign group? i'm not suggesting they know any of that yet. that is the task at hand. >> there's also this question. what's the lag time between what the fbi and the white house and everybody knows and when they release that information? >> it depends on the kind of information. and you know, if it's information that if it gets to the public, that can help investigators. that will get out fairly quickly. if it's information that they can use that may allow them to get a jump, if you will, on the suspect, they're going to keep >> is it interesting to you, bill bratton, i was watching scott pelley last night where they first showed the pictures on the evening news that shortly after those pictures are released, within less than 24 hours, we now know their names, that they're brothers, where they're from. does it make you think we should have seen the pictures earlier? >> no, it really took them a while to sort it out. just think of the tens of thousands of images they were looking at. to zero in on these two as
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quickly as they did. that moves it very quickly to the public to get some public assistance. john and i had dinner last night. john was receiving, over his phone, pictures that were now being forwarded of people who had taken pictures of these young men at the marathon. and now that they knew what they were looking for, found those images and were pushing them forward. >> that shows you the role of social media, though. >> part of this information came from the state department which was a connection, was it not? with the names? >> yeah. and according to some of our people in washington, the state department, once they had the names, were able to -- once they had the faces -- >> right. >> -- were able to compare records and come up with some names. i'm actually curious whether, you know, investigators were working with a set of names, one name in particular from the time they identified this person in the first photograph, i'm curious if their true identities are the names investigators started with, and we'll learn that later today. >> what we're looking at right
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now or were looking at just then was a picture of the police action in watertown, massachusetts. and police actions are occurring really all over this part of boston, one after another as police run down tips. we saw the boston bomb squad going into a house at one point earlier. and now we're going to listen into the coverage of our cbs station there, wbz. >> all of this investigation, he is now learning that these two suspects are accused of robbing the 7-eleven, and at 7-eleven, you may remember, that's where we got the shot of the suspect in the gray sweatshirt, the most recent picture of him tonight. and officials are now working with the idea that the suspects thought that that m.i.t. officer had a description of them. and that's what began this chain of events. so from what we're hearing from john miller with cbs is that what began this was a robbery at
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the 7-eleven in cambridge which on the left screen -- >> and we're sitting here with john miller of cbs news. john, what can you add to that? >> i think as we've kind of brought this time line together, some of its pieces have shifted. what we are now told is that it starts with the robbery of the 7-eleven and that they take off from that. that they encounter an m.i.t. police officer. and rather than see, is he going to follow us? is he going to chase us? it appears that they came up and engaged him, killed him in his police vehicle, took off and then believing that there was already a description of their vehicle out from the gas station and 7-eleven robbery, that they carjacked another individual. and they take him with them hostage in the car. they threaten him. and at some point they stop and throw him out of the car. >> they let him live. >> they let him go. that culminates in a police chase that goes to watertown.
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a long shootout involving lots of rounds of ammunition. one of the brothers, tamerlan, advances on police, throws an explosive -- an explosive package at them, ends up being shot down and hurt in an explosion. his brother then jumps back into their carjacked vehicle and in the getaway backed over his own brother's body in the street, takes off, makes it about five blocks away, and that is the place where this search has emanated from ever since. >> that's the interesting point. how did he escape from after the incident with his brother when he jumped into the car and backed over him, and how do they lose him? he was outnumbered. >> he takes off in the car. and you know, he's running through the narrow streets of watertown in a residential area. he gets about five blocks away. at that point he makes a tactical decision that a lot of people fleeing from the police have to make. do i turn this into a car chase where i'm running up against a million police cars and
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helicopters where they're going to block me in this grid, or do i hop out and run? and he made the decision to hop out and run. there's a decent chance because of the number of shots that were fired in that shootout and at his vehicle as he was taking off that he may also be wounded. and we have heard from our people up there a couple of places where there's been blood on the ground. we don't know what shape he's in. >> getting away from the shootout and the explosion with the police, the explosion itself would explain the explosion going off, the flash bang, night blindness, he gets back in the car. we don't know how many police were there at the conclusion of this event. and so this whole scenario in terms of how has he escaped this, but there's so much going on in that scene at that time. >> charlie, we're being told that the president and the vice president are in a briefing in the situation room, and the briefing includes the secretary of state, secretary kerry, the attorney general, eric holder,
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and the secretary of the department of homeland security, janet napolitano. also we're being told that the police officer who was killed overnight, sean collier, was 26 years old. and had been on the police force at the massachusetts institute of technology only since 2012. he was new. new on the job. >> a few minutes ago secretary of state john kerry said, we are part of the way there in bringing the boston bombing suspects to justice. cbs news national security analyst juan duarte is in washington. what is the white house concerned about right now? >> they want to make sure the federal government, the fbi, the federal services are supporting the manhunt as much as possible. but i think it's important to keep in mind that the white house wants to make sure that nothing further happens. they want to ensure that federal resour resources, state and local authorities are doing not only everything to find the suspect but to make sure there isn't further death and destruction
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contin. i think that explains the caution and movement by authorities. this is certainly somebody who's used explosives in the past. you've already seen statements from the russians talking about these individuals, where they lived or where they came from. so there's a diplomatic dimension that the white house has to be worried about. and finally, gayle, the white house has to think of this broadly. and i think the president is going to be very concerned that there isn't a siege mentality across the country after the metropolitan area of boston has been, in essence, shut down. and so i think the white house is going to be very careful and worried about the messaging here and to try to bring this to closure as soon as possible without any further death or destruction. >> we continue now with our coverage of the events in boston. stay with us. try our delicious new freshly made lunch pizzas on our house-baked pan crust
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we are waiting right now for a news briefing in watertown, massachusetts. there is, as you see, a flurry of activity in that boston suburb. police s.w.a.t. teams are searching for one of the two suspects in the marathon bombings. they say that a car connected to the suspects has been found. >> we've been joined by scott pelley.
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scott, thank you for being here. >> great to be with you, charlie, gayle. thank you. >> scott will have muchore on tonight's "cbs evening news" and will anchor a special at 9:00 p.m./ p.m./8:00 p.m. tonight. we'll continue our coverage when "cbs this morning" returns. fore. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii!
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the technology may be hard to imagine. but why you would want it... is not. the 2014 e-class. it doesn't just see the future. it is the future. we are following the breaking news in massachusetts. police are searching for the last suspect in the marathon bombings. he is being called a terrorist. >> a news conference is about to begin in watertown near boston. the area is being swept by security right now. bob orr is in washington. bob, what can you tell us? >> gayle and charlie, we're learning a little bit more about the suspects that -- we're looking for one suspect. one is dead. the tsarnaev brothers were known to police we're told briefly. we've been led to believe they
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did not have any kind of criminal histories or long criminal record. we're still checking that. at some point they did come up on the police radar. i was led to believe it was not a serious infraction. and even in spite of that past, you know, encounter are police, however minor or major it might have been, they were not on anybody's radar as a threat prior to the bombings. now, importantly, we've seen a lot of activity going around watertown, police scrambles and people hustling and getting behind barricades and s.w.a.t. activity. and that's all part of this manhunt. there has been police interest in a train in east norwalk, connecticut. there was a guy on the ground somewhere in watertown. as far as we know so far, all of these things relate to tips but do not directly connect to the missing fugitive. as for that fugitive right here, dzhokhar tsarnaev, he's a 19-year-old originally chechen born but came here many years ago with his family. he is said to be armed and
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extremely dangerous. the fbi says he is one of two brothers who planted the bombs at the boston marathon. and now they believe, as he's on the run from police, he not only has guns, but they believe -- and i want to emphasize, they're not absolutely positive, but they believe he is wearing an explosive vest. so again, they're telling the public not to go anywhere near this guy if they see him to leave that work to the police. it goes without saying, this is a very, very dangerous, volatile situation. this is a guy who has proven that, you know, he has no boundaries, and he at this point could be desperate since he's on the run. gayle? charlie? >> i assume, bob, one of the big questions is "a," is obviously where he is. are they reasonably assured that he is within the perimeter? do they have more information on that? >> we really don't. i think commissioner bratton said it pretty well, and john echoed as well that just because you start this meticulous, you know, inch-by-inch search of a 20-block area, that's a big
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area. there's a lot of places he might be hiding. so i don't think they really know. and they can't just afford to have tunnel vision. so they're looking not only in that intense manhunt quadrant, but they've also kind of branched out. we already know this morning, for example, they've put out various alerts and bulletins to surrounding states, one regarding a car which they've now found. so this is not just limited to watertown, although i think it's still a safe bet at this hour, which is now coming up on some 12 hours after the overnight activities, they are still focused there, hoping they find this guy in the quadrant where they're looking. >> it goes without saying that a lot of government is involved in this. the fbi certainly is leading the investigation. you've got boston police. you've got other aspects of both federal and state government people involved. from everything we know, there is the highest level of cooperation between all elements of government, and that is part of the reason that we've had such effective communication and
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald your kpi ews headlines. an alameda county sheriff's deputy struck and killed a pedestrian with his patrol r this morning. it good morning. it's 8:25. an alameda county sheriff's deputy struck and killed a pedestrian with his patrol car this morning. it happened on mission boulevard and cherry near hayward. the patrol car hit the man along with a woman and then struck a parked car. you see the car there. the woman was taken to the hospital. the deputy was not hurt. he is now being questioned. a 16-year-old boy arrested for the murder of a paramedic quinn boyer, expected in court today. christian burton is supposed to enter a plea for shooting boyer as he drove through the oakland hills this month. five other teenagers were also arrested for the crime. and 80 old muni buses with a new look will hit the streets
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metering lights are on since 6:00. southbound 680 coming into walnut creek, approaching north main one lane blocked. you can see our sensors are picking up slowing as far as 242. also an accident now in the clearing stages. if you are coming into san francisco, it's northbound 280 approaching 101. there were two lanes blocked but again they are clearing lanes right now. that is traffic. for your forecast, here's brian. thank you. friday looks a little cooler along the shoreline. a few clouds floating around coit tower. you can see that there in the background. but still plenty of blue and warm temperatures later in the day. right now it's 48 in santa rosa, 54 san jose and 51 at livermore. we'll hit a high of 81 at livermore today in the city. 65 and 81 in san jose. the look ahead still looks warm. warming up through next wednesday. the bay will be in the 70s. along the shoreline, pretty much in the 60s but it looks like a great if dry weekend ahead. ,,,,,,,,
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we continue our special coverage of the events in boston this morning. i'm charlie rose with gayle king. we expect new information shortly in the search for a suspect in the marathon bombings. authorities outside of boston say they will hold a news conference in the next few minute >> at this hour 19-year-old dzhokhar tsarnaev is unaccounted for. authorities say he is the suspect wearing the white cap backwards in the photos released yesterday by the fbi. the other suspect was his brother, tamerlan. he was shot and killed overnight during a police chase. >> a short time ago the suspects' uncle, russian, spoke to reporters outside his maryland home. he said the family knew nothing about their activities.
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he called on his nephew to turn himself in. >> of course, what a shame! yes, what a shame! they're children of my brother! who has little influence of them, honestly, as much as i know what little influence of them. >> have you had any contact with them? >> it's personal. it's personal. i just want -- i just wanted my family to stay away from them. again, i say what i think what's behind it, being losers, not being able to settle themselves and thereby hating everyone. i've been in the united states -- oh, they? they came early 2000, 2003. >> why do they live in massachusetts? >> they came to -- when they moved to the states, they came
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to the cambridge area. >> why? >> they immigrated. >> were they going to school? >> they lived there. >> did they go to college? >> well, i hope they were. i don't know. when they grew up, as i said, me, myself, and his family had nothing to do with them for a long, long time. >> how do you feel about america? >> the last time i spoke with my -- it was about 2009. >> how do you feel about america? what do you think of the united states? >> i say -- i teach my children, and that's what i feel myself. the entire world, i respect this country. i love this country. this country which gives chance to everybody else to be treated as a human being and just to be human beings, that's what i feel
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about this country. >> can you give us -- >> we have been telling you the suspects came from chechnya. we have a cbs news expert on russia. good morning. >> morning, charlie. >> you have spoken to the father of these two young men. >> that's correct. i just got off the phone with him a couple of moments ago. and i asked him, you know, is this true that his sons were involved in something like this? he absolutely is in shock and denial. he said that they were very good boys. he absolutely can't believe that they would have done any kind of terrorism. he said the older one wanted to be a professional boxer. the younger one is in college. they had been living in the united states since 2002 when the whole family immigrated to the states. he said about a year ago the father got ill and moved back to russia and is now living in the area just to the east of chechnya. >> why did he think, beth, they were in medical school? >> i didn't get a chance because the line dropped out. he did say that the younger one
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was in college. and the russian system is different. there you would go straight into medical school, not into college first. he may just not understand the american system. >> did he talk to his sons on a regular basis? >> he said he did. he said the last time he talked with them was three days ago and that there was absolutely no talk about any involvement that they may have had in the bombing. >> and how were you able to talk to the father? did you just pick up the phone and call him? how did that connection come about? >> actually, the credit goes to the associated press bureau in moscow. they're the ones who found him, and they were kind enough to share the number with us. it did take me about 50 tries, but i got through to him. he answered and he basically said i'll give you a couple minutes. i just tried to fire away with every question i could think of. and i did ask about whether they were religious, which was really most on my mind. and he said the older boy was more religious. he did go to the mosque sometimes. but the younger one was not religious at all. >> i realize you had a short amount of time. there's also this question.
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did they have any training anywhere? because if he's denying that they could have done this, i assume he would deny that there was any training, but there's the suspicion, the way they have acted, they did have training. >> well, you know, that's exactly where the phone call dropped out because, of course, you know, chechens and a lot of people who live in rural areas of russia, you know, would know how to fire a gun, although not necessarily know how to build a bomb. so i just don't know. >> and what was he like, his mood? because that aungle we saw, that uncle was extremely angry, calling his nephews loser. is the father angry? sad? devastated? confused? >> he's furious about the first minute of the phone call was him basically just ranting about how could they kill his son? how could they kill a young boy? >> oh, he's furious with the united states. >> yes. >> with the authorities. >> yes. >> not with his sons. >> well, no, he may be furious at his sons, but he's certainly furious for killing one of them,
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and we obviously don't know the state of the second. he's very, very angry. if it turns out to all be true, i'm sure, like the uncle, he'll be terribly embarrassed and hurt. >> and where is the mother? >> i tried to get her money number to talk to her. he said that she's in russia right now, that he thinks maybe they're not actually living together. he wouldn't give me the phone number. he said i shouldn't call her becau because she would just be saying the same things he said and be very upset. >> what does he do for a living? how were these kids raised? >> i don't know that. all i know is they did, from what we can tell from the state department, they did immigrate legally in 2002 and they obviously had to be doing something. and now he's back to seek medical treatment. >> beth, thank you so much. right now back to bob orr in washington. bob? >> charlie and gayle, the manhunt continues. and i wish i had better news that they had actually made real
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substantial progress. it's hard to know exactly whether or not they're getting closer, but they're being very persistent, and they're still in that same quadrant, going house by house, block by block and almost inch by inch. we don't know whether or not the suspect who we're looking for here, dzhokhar tsarnaev is still there or has found his way out of that perimeter. just going back to what people have told us earlier today, he may not have been all that familiar with watertown. so that just leads one to believe that he might not have a comfortable safe harbor to go to that he knew of, that was readily available when the shootout ensued. but that's somewhat speculative. authorities are very, very concerned because they really don't know what his plans might be. they haven't yet established a full picture of his past contacts, who his friends were, who he associated with, who he's most recently, for example, been talking to. so they don't know if there's
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any other plans out there in the wings. they have to presume that the clock is a factor here, and they have to end this search sooner rather than later. and then on top of that, this is a guy who we already know from the overnight murder of the m.i.t. officer, the wounding of the metro transit officer and the carjacking, this is a guy that's heavily armed. as john miller's been telling us all morning, he and his brother were throwing explosives from the car. and they believed that the man who's still on the run has explosives on his person. one official said to me, they felt it might be an explosive vest. another person said they're not just sure he doesn't have them just in close proximity. nevertheless, it's hard to underline how important this is. he's ultra dangerous. when police say armed and dangerous, they can't imagine a descriptor that is more fitting. >> do you have any sense -- bob, i'm turning to john and bill here -- do you have any sense
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that the police feel that there's any information they have that they haven't communicated, they feel that they're getting closer to him? >> you know, in those situations, you never know when you're close unless something spins up. you know, if you've got an area that's a perimeter, you know, you're going to go house to house to house. you might get him on the first, the third or the last. sometimes the wild card is you've got somebody who's hidden somewhere, and they decide they're going to move from that spot. and somebody picks up the phone or the radio and says, we've got somebody on the move in the alleyway. and that can generate a flurry of activity. we've seen a couple of those in this, but we haven't seen one that's resulted in the capture. >> how do reports that he may have either an explosive vest or explosives on him change how officials conduct this search for him? >> it changes dramatically. the earliest story that we had heard that potentially maybe the brother was taken to the hospital, that maybe they found some type of explosive device on him, maybe that's the source of
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the information that the surviving brother may have some type of vest like that. that technology is totally different than the devices that they used at the marathon, that they were throwing at the police. at the same time, they certainly have the skill set that they may have been able to create a vest. you don't want to get near him in any way, shape or form in terms of the potential blast. and so they will deal with him from i adistance at all tima di. there will be no going in close. if they find him in a house, they'll do robots, et cetera. >> continuing coverage from "cbs this morning" of the manhunt in boston.,,,,,,,,,,
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a chaotic morning continues for people in watertown, massachusetts. we want to get you up to date. police are combing a neighborhood in watertown looking for suspects who in the boston marathon bombings. we're standing by for a news conference. nearly 1 million people in the region are being told to stay home until the remaining suspect is found. >> officials revealed this morning that the two suspects in the bombings are brothers. one of them was killed in a shootout with police. a short time ago the suspects' uncle made an emotional plea to his nephew to turn himself in. >> what do you say to him right
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now now? >> i say if you're alive, turn yourself in. and ask for forgiveness! from the victims, from the injured and from those who left, ask forgiveness from these ut shame -- he put a shame on our family. he put a shame on an entire chechen ethnicity because everyone now relates it with the word chechen. so they put that shame on the entire ethnicity. so that's what i would say. turn yourself in. and whatever -- whatever, put yourself at the discretion. so that's what i would say. >> the passion of this uncle. and unlike in contrast to the father in russia.
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let's go back to don dahler in watertown, massachusetts, where they're expecting a press conference. don? >> yeah, charlie, i can tell you right now we're expecting mayor menino and governor patrick for a press conference starting at any moment. i have more information on that honda crv was police eventually found abandoned. they told us that it did belong to one of the brothers and that the brothers were actually driving that vehicle when the incidents happened last night. the scenario they've painted out to us, they were in that vehicle when they robbed the 7-eleven. they then killed the police officer, the massachusetts
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institute of technology officer. they then kidnapped or carjacked an individual at that 7-eleven and took both vehicles with them at that point, abandoning their own honda crv at that point. that's where that fits into the situation. i just want to make an observation here. i don't want anybody to read too much into this, but earlier starting last night, the vehicles, the police vehicles, the national guard were coming in here at a high rate of speed. really severe looks on their faces. everyone was serious, kevlared up, helmeted on, all that kind of conditioning here to start this search. i can tell you within the past hour, the helicopter -- i'm not going to point out where because police have asked us not to be specific about things -- the helicopter has been hovering over one specific area instead of moving all over the entire area. now, that might indicate something, it might not. in addition, we've seen a number of police vehicles and national guard vehicles leaving the area at a slower rate of speed. kevlar helmets off. again, i don't want to read anything into that, but it was
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an interesting situation. it was definitely a change in mood here that may or may not indicate that there has been a resolution. i don't want to go too far on that, but it was an interesting exchange here. >> thank you very much, don. as we wrap things up here, this has been an extraordinary morning. we do not yet know where the suspect is, and we do not know what information they have as to -- that might lead them to him. but we have seen an extraordinary unfolding of the events that looked like they may be going to the final stage. >> let's hope that's the case. that the level that this has created and also, though, the resiliency, the superb coordination among law enforcement, public cooperation, an horrific event that is really moving forward in a way that i think as a nation, it certainly is an area, a profession
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probably associated with this being so much to be proud of in the sense of how we've come together around this terrible tragedy. and hopefully it will come to a successful conclusion. >> i wanted to follow up on that, bill, especially because given your background with boston and your ties to boston, if you could lay out how you're feeling when you first heard about the boston bombing, as we sit here today, appears to be coming to an end, hopefully by today, your thoughts as you sit here. >> i was actually in london having dinner when the first messages started coming in. i couldn't believe it. boston. the boston marathon. these are things that always seem to happen someplace else, even though i was living here on the day of 9/11. and that event is so special to anybody who grew up in boston. it was more than a holiday. it is more than a race. it's part of you. it really strikes home, if you will. the good news is that that race will happen next year. it will go forward.
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it will be bigger than ever. and this will be something to build on when boston came together when the world came together. the boston marathon is no longer the marathon, it's the world's marathon. >> i'm intrigued by two things. one, how will it end and what choices he may make and what opportunities the police may have, but also, how long has this planning been under way, and what happens to these young brothers to lead them to do this awful thing? >> that last question is easy to answer because we just don't know yet although the wheels are turning within the federal government to try and backtrack through their lives and their communications and their friends to find that out. the answer to your first question has a best-case scenario and a worst-case scenario. from a tactical standpoint -- we went through this a number of times in los angeles and new york city -- best-case scenario
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is your suspect is in a house. you find him in that house. and you're able to communicate over the telephone. now you inject a police negotiator into it. you blow the incident down. you give him his options. you get that conversation going. and you have him come out in a way that you can control that event. worst-case scenario is, you have intelligence information that he may wear a suicide vest. you know he possesses explosives, he's armed and willing to shoot at police and you encounter him in the street. the introduction of explosives in that scenario means you want a lot of standoff between you and that person and your calculus about whether to shoot or don't shoot in a situation where somebody may have explosives is ratcheted up a little bit. neither one of those are pretty scenarios, but these are very experienced officers with very good tactical teams that are used to working together up there. i know they're prepared to try and do the best they can with all the training they have. >> but john, based on what you're seeing and hearing, what do you think the chances are
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that he will just go quietly, given what he's been doing for the last week, really? >> it would go against everything that's occurred in the past 24 hours. but events have slowed down enough. the key to that, gayle, if they get a dialogue with him, if you get a dialogue with somebody that goes on, you can almost always get a situation where you can read that. without that day log, if it's a quick confrontation in the street, it's all wild card. >> there are many questions that remain including what connection they may have to chechnya and to other activities, what else they might have had planned. all of boston and much of the surrounding area on lockdown. trains are shut down and s.w.a.t. teams searching door to door for the one bombing suspect who's still alive. cbs news coverage continues with scott pelley. a special report is next. we'll also have expanded coverage of the manhunt on tonight's "cbs evening news." and we'll also bring you a cbs news special tonight at 9 9:00/8:00 central.
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it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald mallicoat, with your k-p-i-x five headlines... good morning, everyone. it is 8:55. i'm frank mallicoat on this friday with your kpix 5 headlines. an alameda county sheriff's deputy struck and killed a pedestrian with his patrol car early this morning on mission boulevard and cherry way near hayward. the patrol car hit the man along with a woman and then struck a parked car. the woman taken to the hospital. the deputy was not hurt. 11-year-old aaron hern from martinez could get out of intensive care today. he was one of people hurt in the boston marathon bombings. first lady michelle obama visited him in the hospital yesterday. it's not clear when he will return home to the east bay. and pg&e is beefing up security at its local substations after a facility was sabotaged. someone ed rifle to
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shootout five transformers at metcalf substation in south san jose on tuesday. pg&e says the extra security now is a precaution. here's brian with the forecast and i think we're all going to like it, too. >> i think you will, as well. we have some haze around the bay area this morning. you can see that as we look out toward the skyline of san francisco. it's there, believe me. but that's the view from oakland. a little inversion layer means temperatures at the shoreline will cool down. it's 48 in pacifica, 51 livermore. but livermore gains 30 degrees today. forecast high there of 81. 72 oakland. 77 redwood city. 81 in san jose. 65 in the city. look ahead, mid-80s will do it inland. 70s around the bay and along the coast it will be a nice mild week and traffic is coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. we're watching a couple of surface streets problems including this one in san francisco at division and pine street. an accident involves a shuttle bus so lanes are blocked. at this point we don't know about injuries so avoid the area. in hayward mission boulevard is closed very early this morning. a sheriff's deputy car hit and killed a pedestrian. mission remains shut down both directions between blossom and medford. use foothill as an alternate. bay bridge, still stacked up through the maze. have a great day. ,,
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cccccc >> pelley: this is a cbs news special report, i'm scott pelley with our continuing coverage of the boston marathon bombing at this moment we are awaiting a news conference in boston, perhaps featuring the mayor or governor of massachusetts, governor patrick. this is where the press conference will be occurring. this is a live shot that you're seeing there. there have been remarkable developments overnight in the case shortly after the f.b.i. released video of two suspects in monday's bombing of the boston marathon. there were a number of gun battles with the suspects in boston overnight. one police officer was killed. the suspect you see on the l
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