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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  July 9, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday july 9th 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." hell and back. the women held captive for a decade in cleveland break their silence this morning. how could a traffic cop see osama bin laden and not recognize him. stung details from a report. two of america's most powerful lawyers and the the motion picture association fighting. they are here to tell us. we beginning this morning with a look at today's eye-opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> i want everyone to know how happy i am to be home with my family. >> thank you for the support. >> i'm looking forward to my
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brand-new life. >> three ohio women kidnapped for nearly a decade break their silence. >> amanda berry, gina michelle thank for their support. >> kidnap and rape as well as forcibly causing an abortion. >> i may have been through hell and back but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. >> ntsb officials interviewing the cockpit drew. >> asiana airlines 214 focusing on the speed of the plane as it came in for landing. >> everything was torn apart. >> president obama is considering pulling u.s. troops out of afghanistan faster than expected. >> the frustration with hamid karzai. >> at the center of the george zimmerman trial, who yelled for help on that 911 call. >> former lead investigator testified trayvon martin's father acknowledged that was not his son screaming. >> that wasn't my son's voice.
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around 300,000 people without power in the canadian city of toronto. a man is recovering after being severely burned. a car slams right into one of those pumps. >> jets head coach made a trip to pamplona this weekend. he was unhurt. >> gomez leaps. and the catch. >> all that matters -- >> one of the nation's most famous landmarks, the washington monument lit each night at dusk while the building is repaired due to earthquake damage. >> it's beautiful, proud to be an american. >> on "cbs this morning." >> you're telling me -- >> i don't have the right one. >> do you still pick up hitchhikers? >> no. >> this morning's eye-opener is presented by choice hotels.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is off, so anthony mason is with us. good morning. >> good morning. nice to be here. >> glad to have you here. we're going to begin this morning with the first public word from three kidnapping victims who survived a decade of torture. the women were rescued from a house in cleveland two months ago. >> the women release add youtube video overnight with a message from supporters reporter bill safs from affiliate woio is in cleveland. >> reporter: good morning. instead of a highly publicized interview, the women decided to break their silence in a youtube video. in the 3 1/2 minute clip the women are happy and healthy and each had the same message for their supporters. >> i think everyone. >> thank you for your support. >> thank you for all your prayers? >> michelle knight amanda berry and gina dejesus still carry the burden of their ordeal but the pvideo shows how far they have come. >> i'm getting stronger each
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day. having my privacy helped immensely. i ask everyone continue to respect our privacy and give us time to have a normal life. >> the last time we heard berry's voice was just over two months ago, the night she escaped from the home of alleged kidnapper ariel castro. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. >> you need police fire or ambulance. >> i need police. >> okay. and what's going on there? >> i've been kidnapped, and i've been missing for 10 years and i'm -- i'm here. i'm free now. >> investigators say the women endured repeated abuse at the hands of castro. for almost 10 years they were said to have spent much of their cab tift tied up. the 52-year-old former bus driver is alleged to have starved, raped and beaten knight. in the video she says she will not be consumed by hatred. >> i may have been through hell and back but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. >> reporter: just hours after
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berry made that 911 call castro was arrested. the three returned safely to their homes and families. dejesus and in the video alongside her parents who thanked the community for standing by them. >> they know who they are. awesome. >> reporter: the women make no mention of their captor who has since been indicted on counts of rape and murder. now their focus on the future. >> i'm looking forward to my brand-new life. thank you. >> reporter: the women were inspired to make the video after receiving all the financial support that they have gotten. still, they hope they can somehow maintain their privacy as they continue to heal. as for ariel castro well on july 3rd a judge found that he is competent to stand trial. if convicted, he could face the death penalty. norah, anthony. >> the women look remarkably
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good but i'm sure there's a lot to deal with there. >> we of course have been worried about them and can't accelerated by this story. it's having they put this out especially at midnight to break their silence in this sort of way and they continue to heal. we want to talk about what's going on with this investigation in san francisco. we're hearing investigators today continuing with the asiana jet that crashed in san francisco. they are taking a close look at the actions of the crew of the boeing 777 in the final seconds before impact. john blackstone at san francisco international airport. john, good morning. >> good morning, norah and anthony. the charred remains of the asiana jetliner are still lying just off the runway where the plane skidded after the crash. investigators continuing to look through the wreckage. investigators also trying to determine what role the pilots may have played in the crash, assessing what the pilots did and when they did it. >> oh, my god. that's scary.
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>> reporter: amateur video shows the moment emergency slides deployed and passengers began running for their lives. investigators are trying to figure out exactly why flight 214 made a crash landing saturday and then caught fire. they are piecing together the data gathered from videos the crash scene itself and flight recorders. but the pilots can answer key questions. >> we also want to talk to them about whether they were hand flying the airplane whether the autopilot was on and how well they understood the automation and what it was supposed to do. >> one factor may be the inexperience of the pilot who was landing the plane. it was the first time he was to land a boeing 777 in san francisco. but what is known is the final approach was too slow and too low. >> the lower portion of the tail cone is in the rock at the seawall. there was a significant piece of the tail of this aircraft that was in the water. >> as it made its final descent,
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the plane was flying 40 miles an hour slower than normal. at 7 seconds before impact a member of the flight crew called for increased speed. just three seconds later, the controls began to shake signaling the plane was about to stall. just before hitting the ground the flight crew attempted to abort the landing and initiate a go-round for another try. >> we're looking at what they were doing. we want to understand why they were doing it. >> monday the father of one of the two teenagers killed confronted the ceo of asiana airlines who apologized for what he called a sudden accident. just last night the families of both of the girls arrived here at san francisco international airport and were quickly whisked away by security. as for the ceo of asiana he's expected to arrive here a little later on today and he's believed to be visiting some of the injured. anthony, norah. >> john blackstone thank you. a flight attendant aboard that plane is being called a hero
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the last person to leave the burning jet. she helped evacuate passengers and even carried a boy on her back to slide down a chute, all after breaking her own tailbone. coming up first responders describe the dramatic scene they found at the crash site. that is ahead on "cbs this morning." captain sully sullenberger cbs news aviation consultant. captain, good morning. >> good morning, norah. >> we're learning a lot of details from the ntsb about what might have happened, led to this crash, including that the plane was going 40 miles an hour slower than it should have been. what do you make of that? >> i think part of this information released so quickly is is logistically easier than in some accidents. for example, this wreckage was on the airport itself easily accessible not on the bottom of the atlantic. the flight recorders recovered quickly, transported overnight, the first night to the ntsb headquarters and begun to be
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listened to and deciphered. the crew survived and is able to be interviewed. a lot of information available and available very quickly. i think also in the digital age, people are clamoring for more and more information. if it's possible to be released to the public i think the ntsb is doing so in a reasonably quick fashion. >> at the same time the pilots union put out a state criticizes criticizing data from flight recorders. why so upset? >> in the statement, the pilots union, largest in north america representing pilots from u.s. and canadian carriers has been expressing frustration with what they call wild speculation about this crash when still it's very, very early on. my approach to this entire investigation has been constant from the beginning is that two comments. first, it's still very, very early. second, it's more complicated than that. everything that's been released
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has been bits and pieces of information. we haven't yet figured out which questions are going to be the most important ones to ask, much less have all the answers. this is going to require many months. it's going to take a while to put all the pieces together. >> all right. captain sully sullenberger. good to see you. >> good to be with you. the white house is debating a major change in afghanistan. a complete pullout of u.s. troops next year. it would reverse plans to keep a small number of american troops after the drawdown. major garrett at the white house. major, good morning. >> good morning, norah and anthony. the debate over whether to leave afghanistan militarily completely at the end of 2014 or keep, as has always been planned, a residual advisory force is now more real than ever. top white house aids tell us change in part building frustration the president has with afghan president hamad karzai. that boiled over when he was in germany when he had a well
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designed effort to begin peace talks. a day after karzai denounced them and suspended all conversations over future military. that prompted this idea of a residual military force after most are due to leave afghanistan by the end of 2014. it's important to remember back in january the president said a zero troop option in afghanistan was on the table. back then it felt more like a point of leverage. after 69 u.s. military deaths this year and 2,115 over the entire course of the afghan war, that option is now more real. what's telling is the afghan government is beginning to understand that and so is the pentagon. white house insists no final decisions on this have been made. norah and anthony. >> major garrett at the white house. thank you, major. in egypt muslim brother wood calling for more protests today after the deadliest day of violence since mohamed morsi was
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ousted last week. holly in cairo. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. four people killed in a violent week of protests. in an attempt to restore calm the interim president announced fresh elections in around six month's time. the situation here in cairo is changing very quickly and there are real fears that egypt is descending into chaos. outside the barracks of the republican guard in chiropractor okay protesters face off with the egyptian military. deep divisions in this country have erupted onto the streets again. these men supported mohamed morsi, the democratically elected president who was ousted by the military last week. they believe morsi is being held inside the barracks. yesterday the military opened fire on the demonstrators killing more than 50 people. the protesters say they were praying peacefully when the
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soldiers started shooting. the egyptian military denies that and told a press conference they were provoked by an armed attack. but nobody is disputing that dozens of people were left dead in a cairo hospital where many of the injured are being treated, there's anger at the army. there were women and children said this man, who was shot through the arm. people were falling in the streets and we weren't able to help them. and this man said that his injured son wasn't carrying a weapon but was holding only an egyptian flag when he was shot. supporters of president morsi are organizing protests today. they don't want elections but want morsi reinstated. the top cleric has warned egypt could be dragged into a civil war. anthony and norah. >> holly, thank you. the jury in the george zimmerman murder trial is expected to learn today that
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trayvon martin had marijuana in his system when he was shot. the judge ruled yesterday that defense lawyers could introduce the toxicology report. but the main focus of the testimony is the 911 call where someone can be heard screaming for help. the lead investigator and martin's father offered different versions of the father's reaction to hearing that call. >> i in inquired if that was, in fact his son yelling for help. >> what was his response? >> he looked away and under his breath, as i interpreted it said no. >> i think the chairs had wheels on them and i pushed away from the table and just kind of shook my head and said i can't tell. >> cbs news legal analyst jack ford. good morning. a lot of confusion about whose voice is on this 911 call. we have different accounts. why does it matter? >> matters because the core of the case is who started the fight.
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prosecution wins if the jury says george zimmerman started the fight. he can't rely on florida's law and say i'm losing this fight, i'm going to pull my gun and blow you away. the defense wins if trayvon martin started this fight and george zimmerman has a reasonable fear for his safety. he's protected by that. the idea theory is whoever is yelling for help probably didn't start the fight. that's why it's become so critical. >> jack, we've been following this case a while now. you've been here a bunch. i keep getting more confused. what is that telling you about the case. >> in some ways that's telling you that's what the defense wants to do. the prosecution to win this case has to proof beyond a reasonable doubt george zimmerman took the life of trayvon martin with ill will or hatred. the defense can win two ways. yes, indeed self-defense comes into play he's not guilty. the second way is you know what, we don't know what happened here. if they can't figure it out,
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they can't conclude the prosecution proved beyond a reasonable doubt. confusion is the defense's friend. >> now the judge ruled toxicology reports can be made public to the jury trayvon martin had marijuana in his system. >> most people would be surprised to know everything about a person's background either a victor defendant is not automatically admissible. here the judge has agreed with the defense that we're not trying to trash trayvon martin but explain what his conduct was like and why george zimmerman was attracted to him. the judge will tell the jurors. you'll hear he had marijuana in his system. you can use that for whatever you choose or ignore it at this point. at least they will hear it at this point. >> thank you. time for headlines around the globe. usa today reports brakes on the train that exploded in canada had been disabled. about 90 minutes before the blast firefighters put out a fire on the train and unhooked the brakes.
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at least 13 people are known dead. forty others are still missing. >> germany newspaper had excerpts from edward snowden. he claims nsa is in bed together with germans. he says israel and nsa co-wrote the computer virus that hacked into iran's nuclear program. "the washington post" says this year's deficit forecast has shrunk. deficit expected to be $759 billion. that's $214 billion less than previously forecast. part of the reason the massive automatic spending cuts that kicked in march 1st. "wall street journal" says americans are keeping up with their credit card bills. the rate of people falling behind has dropped to the lowest level in two decades. experts say debt is down and wealth is up. >> charlotte observer said singer randy travis is hospitalized in critical condition with heart problems. the 54-year-old is treated for a heart ailment caused by a virus that can cause heart failure.
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a scene of chaos in canada. flash flooding dumped a record amount of rain nearly four inches around toronto. 300,000 customers lost power. the subway system was shut down and may not be back at full strength today. 1400 commuters were trapped four hours until early this morning. they had to be rescued after their train filled with gushing water. police and firefighters used small inflatable boats to free them. forecasters saying more thunderstorms today. >> a fast moving tropical storm threatens the caribbean. it intensified in the atlantic overnight. it may be near hurricane strength by tomorrow. that could mean major flooding for parts of starting out with thick fog along the coastline this morning. a little patchy inside the bay as well. a little gray early. but by the afternoon lots of sunshine coming our way. and the san jose, couple clouds there. high pressure building
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in. that will warmup the temperatures outside today. cooling down as early as tomorrow. if you like the heat, enjoy today. 90s in the valleys. 70s and a few 80s. next couple days, cool off in temperatures then warmup for the weekend. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by safelite autoglass. strange new revelations this morning about how osama bin laden was hiding in plain site
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for year. >> former fbi john miller is one of the people to recognize him. >> he had one of the most recognizable faces in the world. how could a cop from pakistan not recognize the car he pulled over for speeding was carrying one of the most wanted. we'll have new details. and the fight on building sand dunes on the jersey shore to stop another disaster. i have no interest in taking your property. i don't want to build a road. i don't want to build a bathroom. i don't want to build anything except a dune, okay? [ applause ] >> what homeowners fear they'll lose in return. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." so stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by target, expect more. pay less.
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this is a kpix 5 news morning update. >> good morning, everyone. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you updated obey area headlines. the ntsb will continue interviews of those four pilots from the flight 214. they want to know why the plane was flying too slow before it crash landed over the weekend. new spin on the bay bridge will not open as planned. still working on a fix for the broken bolt problem. the opening is now delayed until at least december. people forced out of the redwood city fire can return today to pick up things they need. investigators still trying to find out what caused that fire that killed one man. traffic and weather on a tuesday coming up after the break. stay right there. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot.
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good morning. just canceled a traffic alert in san francisco. it was a serious crash northbound 280 by the geneva avenue exit. five cars involved. two overturned. they just reopened all lanes within the last few minutes. still see delays from 19th avenue. use 101 as your alternate. that is traffic. here's lawrence. >> dense fog around parts of the bay area. some of the north bay valleys as well. thick fog settled in over ocean beach. a little drizzle too. temperatures in the 50s and the 60s right now. toward the afternoon, probably the warmest day of the week. 70s and 80s inside the bay. next couple days cool down the temperatures before warming up over the weekend. [ female announcer ] air fresheners like febreze air effects aren't approved to kill the germs that cause
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♪ frankly, i'm surprised about eliot spitzer running for city comptroller because comptroller. i mean this guy couldn't even comptrol himself. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour it's the big reason people move to the beach. a breathe taking view. now on the jersey shore, a legal fight. you'll hear what governor chris christie is saying. plus, just after they closed the washington monument. and the pakistani government missed huge opportunities to catch terror leaders before he
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was killed in 2011. the report blames the incompetence of pakistan's intelligence and security forces. elizabeth palmer shows us why at times, bin laden was hard to miss. >> reporter: the u.s. raid that killed bin laden revealed that he'd been living in a large house in a compound with many neighbors just 60 miles from pakistan's capital right under the noses of pakistan's military and security agencies. the whole world, including most pakistanis asked how on earth could he have pulled it off. this report does fill in some blanks. based on interviews with three of his wives it shows after narrowly escaping a vast military manhunt in tora bora in 2001 bin laden escaped in pakistan. moving on to the town haripur in
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2005. how then did he avoid detection for five more years? the report says from top to bottom riddled it says with complicency, inefficiency and negligence. but what it doesn't do is accuse of any of those of colluding with bin laden. >> the report was designed ultimately to show that there was nothing deliberate or malice. bin laden generally was a failure. >> reporter: for many intelligence in the west this was nothing new. corruption from pakistani security services is already a given. and the report will do nothing to dispel suspicion that somewhere someone somewhere gave bin laden cover. for "cbs this morning," elizabeth palmer london. >> with us now, our senior correspondent john miller, a former fbi director and one of the few that interviewed bndz. good morning.
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>> as elizabeth pointed out, i don't think people were shocked that there were innishefficiencies in the service. what surprised you about that? >> none of that. i think the most interesting are the stories told by the wives and children about day-to-day life year after year. i think you have to consider osama bin laden figuring the pakistani intelligence machine, the united states of america, nerve expected to last there that long. >> i mean this is a scathing report that was leaked on al jazeera and then the government shut down al jazeera. some of the details are kind of interesting. that osama bin laden was walking around with a cowboy hat on. >> to avoid detection from above. >> in a way that makes sense. if you really want to get noticed in pakistan walk around
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with a cowboy hat. plus imagine if george bush heard that, he was walking around with a what? >> the other interesting thing, is that this house that bin laden had four separate meters for electricity installed in it. so it didn't look like they were using a whole bunch of electricity. i mean there were multiple examples of deception. and yet, the pakistanis missed multiple opportunities to catch him. >> it seems everybody in town knew about the big house, except the police the military which owned that town at the location of the pakistani west point, and their intelligence service. so, now that we're at this stage of the conversation, we have to raise a serious question which is did the pakistanis construct a report -- >> that's what i was going to ask you -- >> -- that fell on the sword choosing to say we're incompetent. >> rather than to say we're colluding. >> right. you have to understand the pakistani government service. it seems governments in pakistan will come and go but the isi,
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the intelligence service, is really the permanent government there and the shadow government in many ways. >> finally i want to ask you about the associated press report that the top commander mcraven ordered that these files be transferred from the defense department to the cia. how significant do you think that is? >> i don't think it's terribly significant. i think anybody who says they're not trying to do it for two agencies i don't is not being completely honest. it was carried out under the intelligence title of law which meant really the head of the cia was the commander of the raid. but the actual raid was done by the military. so if it was an intelligence operation, all the files belong on the intelligence side. >> the pakistani military office saying the extent of their incompetence to put it mildly was astounding.
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the fact that they allowed the u.s. to fly in and carry out this raid without detection. >> and that's something that the u.s. went to -- i was actually briefed on that operation the day after by the director of the cia. i sat in on that briefing. and this wasn't simply just flying in unnoticed. the u.s. went to a lot of time and trouble to make sure that this worked. and i can't get into how they did that. but the pakistanis would have been pretty good if they did notice. >> john miller. thanks so much. on the jersey shore there is a turf battle under way. sand dunes were put in place to protect the coastline from another disaster like superstorm sandy. one couple says though they're losing their view and the valve their home. their lawsuit led to a six-figure settlement. but the state supreme court has just tossed that deal out. michelle miller is in cedars new jersey with a view of some of those dunes. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah, this isn't just about one home or the 20-foot sand dune
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i'm standing on. it's seen as a wider case of coastal protection. and it's really about the town's fight to keep it. >> with the dune here although you can see that it's really a lot of times at the first level. >> reporter: mayor jonathan oldham says sand dunes saved the town of harvey cedars from the ravages of superstorm sandy. without them he says these exclusive multimillion-dollar beach front homes would have washed out to sea. >> it's a must. for us there's no other answer. >> reporter: mayor oldham supports the supreme court ruling against the owners of this two-story, $1.7 million home. the owners sued the town for building the 20-foot dune on their property. saying it blocked their view devalued their home by $500,000 and they were not justly compensated. a lower court awarded them $375,000.
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>> so they're saying you know what you have damaged value of my property by building this dune to protect my home in front of me. >> reporter: haven't you? i mean isn't that what people are saying for, the view? >> well if you don't have a home, what difference does it make? >> reporter: the dune has been a work in progress for three years. it's part of a statewide protection plan. an aerial tour post-sandy confirmed that communities who fortified their dunes systems suffered far less damage during the superstorm than those who didn't. residents feared politicians could build whatever they wanted. and their property values would tank. governor chris christie has called them knuckleheads. >> i have no interest in taking your property. i don't want to build a road. i don't want to build a bathroom. i don't want to build anything except a dune, okay?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> we are not going through that again so you can sit on the first floor, rather than the second floor and see the ocean. >> reporter: the case has now been kicked back to a state court to decide a payout for the couple. mayor oldham says the dunes in fact increase property values. and adds the safety of the many outweighs the need of a view. >> we had 95% of the people of our town sign the -- 95% of them signed them for a dollar right? because they saw the value in what they were getting by getting protection. >> reporter: the couple that sued the town declined an interview. but we did speak with their attorney. he says they're ready for the next round, as they seek what they consider just compensation. norah, anthony. >> and, michelle how big is that dune that you're standing on? >> reporter: it's 22 feet high. or at least that's the grade
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that it should be. it varies in different places. and as you can see, they're in the process of trying to restore it. since superstorm sandy. >> michelle miller. thanks michelle. how about a glow in the dark landmark? the washington monument like you've never seen it before. we'll show you why it took a disaster to create a thing of beauty. and why this is giant statue of a famous actor standing in the middle of a lake? if you're any kind of a jane austin fan you'll know. that's next on "cbs this morning." ♪ ooh baby when i see your face mellow as the month of may ♪ if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints
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stop vacationing, dan. book during the great getaway for great rates at our ten top hotel brands. travel is calling you to the end. lovely read susan. may i read something? yes, please. of course. a rich, never bitter taste cup after cup. 340 grams. [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] always rich never bitter. gevalia. hi! i'm sandy, and walmart's super summer savings event is here. this 5-piece dining set on clearance, save over $49! how bout all these bikes on rollback? like this mongoose adult bike, you save over $20! get more summer for your money at walmart's super summer savings event.
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♪ hmm. that, well it's a massive statue of colin firth in a lake. the scene at a lake was quoted
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the most memorable moment in british tv drama. the 12-foot statue will eventually end up in the same lake where the miniseries was filmed. our nation's tribute to the first president, the washington monument has been closed to visitors since 2011. but the national monument has found a way to put it in the spotlight. chip reid is there. >> reporter: good morning. it is worth coming to washington and coming to the mall to take a look. as you can see behind me it's wearing pretty fancy temporary duds and at night, it really dresses to the nines. >> three, two, one -- >> reporter: for the first time in two years national mall superintendent bob vogel can see the light. >> i think it looks fantastic. and the crowd how enthused they were. >> reporter: the washington
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monument has a new look as it recovers from a damaging earth wake. back in august 2011 a 5.8 tremor rocked the east coast, shaking the monument causing structural cracks and pieces of stone to fall off. the 555-foot landmark has been closed ever since. >> it's been frustrating that people have come again from far and wide to go into the monument and see the spectacular views and be disappointed that they can't get in to see it. >> reporter: most of the monument is from the top where visitors can get a spectacular crew it continues next spring costing taxpayers $7.5 million. to keep the monument in the national spotlight, the park service decided to use some of that money to light it up. >> we still want it to look as spectacular and as glorious a symbol to america as it can. >> reporter: on monday vogel
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got his wish. visitors will get to see it until it's done. so far the reviews are glowing. >> it's great to be an american. >> it's great to see life coming back to life. >> reporter: for anyone having a feeling of deja vu. yes, you may have seen this before. 15 years ago they used that same pattern and the same lighting when the monument was undergoing scheduled reconstruction. they had a lot of work to do that added up over time. yes, by the way, the observation deck on top of the monument is closed. but they've installed a webcam to enjoy the view from the comfort of your own home. >> thank you very much. i hope my kids are watching this morning. we love the washington monument. they call it a pencil. it's an
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starting out with thick fog along the coastline this morning. a little patchy inside the bay as well. a little gray early. by the afternoon should see lots of sunshine coming our way. to san jose a couple clouds there. that will warmup the temperatures outside today. cooling down as early as tomorrow. if you like the heat, enjoy it today. 70s and a few 80s around the bay. 60s toward the coast. cool off in temperatures and warmup for the weekend. what's in a name? in hold it's leading to a battle involving movie mogul harvey weinstein, warner brothers and two lawyers arguing before the supreme court. we'll talk about it coming up. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by kleenex brand tissues. now they're thicker and more absorbent. [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. ♪
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this is a kpix 5 news morning update. >> it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. today federal investigators plan to continue interviews of the pilot who were on the plane that crashed at the san francisco airport. they are trying to determine why the plane was flying at a speed considered too slow for a safe landing. crews are looking for more possible victims two days after a deadly fire at an apartment complex. at least one person died in sunday morning's fire. today people's whose homes on the first and second floor will be escorted in. traffic and weather in just a moment.
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good morning. it's still slow coming in to san francisco on 280 because of an earlier traffic alert and injury crash northbound 280. still seeing break lights as far back as east moor. traffic is flowing well both directions. bay bridge fully into the maze. 20 minutes on to the span. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> foggy start around the bay area. sunshine coming our way likely to be the warmest day of the weak. outside over the bay bridge plenty of clouds there. very thick as you approach the coastline. temperatures now running in the 50s and the 60s. more sunshine in the valley. by the afternoon plenty of sun. hot in some spots. 95 in livermore. 93 in fairfield. 67 in san francisco . next couple days a few more clouds floating our way. temperatures start to cool down and warmup slightly for the weekend.
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it's 8:00 a.m. in the west. welcome back to "cbs this morning." investigators have started interviewing the pilots of asiana flight 214 and we are learning the stories of those that raced to save more than 300 people from the burning wreckage. for the first time we are seeing and hearing the women that escaped as hostages from a house in cleveland. >> a hollywood mogul, two lawyers that have argued before the supreme court an a former senator tells us why there is a fight of a title of a movie starring oprah winfrey. first, a look at today's eye opener i want to thank everyone that has helped me and my family
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through this entire ordeal. >> the first public words from three kidnapping victims that survived a decade of torture. >> they hope that they can somehow maintain their privacy as they continue to heal everything that's been released has been bits and pieces of information. we haven't yet even figured out which questions are going to be the most important ones to ask, much less have all the answers the white house is debating a major change in afghanistan. a complete pullout of u.s. troops next year top white house aides tell us that change reflects building frustrations the president has about afghan's president, ho ma'am head mohammed karzai. osama ben lad den wasin laden was walking around with a cowboy hat.
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>> i think it looks fantastic. >> you no he that guy, the nsa leaker guy, that edward snowden. here is how hot he is. he is seeking asylum in antarctica. antarctica. >> announcer: today's "eye opener" at 8:00 is presented by choice hotels. i'm norah o'donnell with gayle king and anthony mason. charlie rose is off for the first time, we are hearing from the three women held prisoner for years in cleveland, amanda berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight were kidnapped between 2002 and 2004. >> arral castro held the three women and a child he fathered with berry until two months ago. they spoke in a three-minute video. it was recorded on july 2nd. this is amanda berry. first and foremost i want everyone to know how happy i am to be home with my family and my friends. it has been unbelievable. i want to thank everybody who has helped me and my family
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through this entire ordeal everyone who has been there to support us. it has been a blessing to have such an outpouring of love and kindness. i am getting stronger each day and having my privacy has helped immensely. i ask that everyone continue to respect our privacy and give us time to have a normal life. >> castro has pleaded not guilty to the 329 counts he is charged with. i don't know. i saw this as we all did, very early this morning. it was so exciting to see them even the slightest of smiles saying they are going on with their life. they have been to hell and back but they are going to be all right. it was exciting to me. >> it was very exciting to see them. they said they are going to try and let this episode not define their lives and move forward. >> a lot of people pulling for them. the probe into the crash of asiana flight 214 has turned to the pilots. investigators have spoken to two of them. the other two will be interviewed today. they want to know why the pilots
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didn't recognize the danger they faced as the plane approached the san francisco airport. it clipped a seawall before crashing on the runway. many of the survivors owe their lives to the swift and heroic actions of emergency personnel who were on the scene within minutes. >> reporter: this was the scene that met the more than 100 first responders who rushed to saturday's crash site. burning wreckage, passengers trapped inside and very little time to help them. >> when the situation goes bad, it goes bad really fast. we had -- entering the plane, we had seen the amount of fuel dumping out of the wing. i knew we had to get the passengers off the plane. >> my first reaction was like it wasn't real. when you get to the scene, you kind of like it clicks and you just start and your training takes over. >> reporter: among the heroes that among, an asiana flight attendant who literally carried passengers to safety on her back. many passengers climbed out of the plane unaided but some were
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unable to escape on their own. >> tell me what you saw when you walked to the back of the plane. >> i saw multiple patients in different states. some looked like they may be semi icon chus semi conscious. >> reporter: lieutenant dave monteverdi remembers one passenger in particular. >> he was moaning and moaning. we were hoping to get a backboard an clear him out. that's when you could see the dark smoke was coming toward us. we had to pretty much just grab him and go. >> two 16-year-old girls died as a result of the crash. they were students from china planning to attend an educational church camp in california. their parents along with the parents of our students that survived left shanghai monday headed to the u.s. to be with their children. a dozen of those classmates met yesterday with the chinese consul general. many undecided whether to return
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home or attend the camp without their two lost friends. for "cbs this morning," anna werner, san francisco. there are new questions coming out of washington about how to handle the crisis in egypt. the country's interim president has announced plan to hold new elections in six months. that's doing little to calm the fears the country is descending into chaos. yesterday was the deadliest day since president mohamed morsi was ousted. john dickerson is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> you see the white house walking a very fine line on this. you have lawmakers saying we should end this massive aid we give egypt. what take does the white house ake on this? >> you see yesterday the white house not calling it a coo. when you have the military removing the democratically elected president, people being beaten in the street this is not a democracy do-over. the white house can't call it a
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coup because it threatens aid. the best leverage the white house has is this aid to egypt. using that and the threat of removing it to get some kind of a post situation where all parties will have representation. the conservative chris teet is this isn't much leverage at all. if there is any real threat the aid is going to leave, it is not a threat. >> isn't it true most of the aid for this year is already on its way there? >> that's what senator mccain said. he said we need to withhold this aid. most is in the pipeline. as leverage goes this leverage a lot of it is out the door. it's the best they've got. >> we have just learned that the president is considering pulling all troops out of afghanistan faster than he originally intended. this is in "the new york times" this morning. what's that all about? >> the white house says look this has always been an option. they talked about it in january, this zero option no troops being there after 2014. so the president's decision is not based on the bio rhythms of
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hamid karzai. there are plenty of other reasons other than karzai's mer kerral response to things. that is part of what has the white house so angry at him. there are other things going on. marginal gains, the continued loss of life. the difficulty still ongoing with pakistan. the idea that the operation for other reasons is not going as well as planned. >> as you know, eliot spitzer was here yesterday talking about his decision to run for controller. the decision he made over the weekend. you said he wants new yorkers to give him the one thing he has never shown anyone else forgiveness. he said that's what he wanted. >> he said he wants forgiveness. if you look at his career he calls himself the steamroller. that's not a piece of equipment associated with mercy. when he is running for office he is saying look at bhawhat i did as attorney general. that was hard-charging,
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relentless. voters don't need to forgive him. they need not to care. he has skills and talents for this job as comptroller more important than anything that happened in his personal life. >> don't you find you are writing down quotes. >> a steamroller, not amachine associated with mercy. >> if you want maerscy,ercy, you have to go to a backhoe or some other piece of construction equipment. >> or a rake. >> the voters will decide the owner of the new england patriots robert kraft, is commenting about his former player, aaron hernandez, charged with murder. kraft says if the allegations against hernandez are true the patriots have been duped. the team signed the tight end to a five-year, $40 million contract last year but released him on his day of arrest. krft says he was shocked when hernandez was charged with killing odin lloyd mexico has knocked the united states from the top spot
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of the list of the fattest countries. a new report from the united nations says the obesity rate in mexico is 32.8%. that's 1% above the rate in this country. our neighbors to the south face problems familiar here, more sedentary lifestyle and diets high in fats and sugar. >> i always want to be number one in anything except when you want to be the number one nation of fatty fats. i will give that over to mexico. two is not so good. a little bit later on we are
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a couple of years ago, a super computer named watson remember him, it her, defeated the best jeopardy contestants on the planet. now, ibm tells us watson can help diagnose and treat cancer better than human doctors. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." ibm tells us that watson can help diagnose cancer better than doctors. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by choice summer. book direct at
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can save over $470.00 bucks a year. $470 bucks. that's a ton of money. yeah. save on hot pockets sandwiches backed by the low price guarantee. walmart. it starts with something little like taking a first step. and then another. and another. and if you do it. and your friends do it. and their friends do it... soon we'll be walking our way to awareness, support and an end to alzheimer's disease. and that? that would be big. grab your friends and family and start a team today. register at
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♪ ♪ ♪ one of the one of the world's best known super computers has gone from being a tv star to a far more important role. doctors are counting on the computer known as watson for a life-saving battle. doctors show us why watson could be the future of medicine. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is watson. >> reporter: two years ago ibm's super computer beat the champions of jep bardy. >> we are lacking for bram stoecker? >>. >> reporter: now, the wiz kid is taking on a new challenge.
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he is in intense training to help find cancer. >> what we are creating now are a generation of computers that can learn from the data that they see and make decisions. >> reporter: on colgist, dr. mark kris is teaching the computer how to assist doctors in making individualized treatment plans for patients. >> 2 million people with lung cancer. the vast majority get drug treatment. the idea was to use watson technology to make better treatment decisions. >> reporter: watson has already injested more than 600,000 pieces of medical evidence, 2 million pages of text. 26,000 clinical cases and had almost 15,000 hours of training. >> the essential part of it is self-taught. it is called machine learning where watson is programmed to
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understand and analyze english. >> reporter: doctor martin koen is the chief medical technology at ibm. >> the amount of information is immense. we will need help in keeping up with it. >> reporter: here is how it, would. dr. kris inputs the patient's medical history on an ipad with a remote connection to watson. >> these are the tests she has already had. >> and it puts them together. >> reporter: then watson thinks and scans through testing, guidelines and journal articles and suggests further testing. >> reporter: he has suggested an mri of the brain, to get a hepatitis b and a pregnancy test. >> reporter: watson recalculates and comes up with a personalized treatment plan. instead of replacing the role of the physician, dr. kris thinks it should be seen as a second opinion. carol zaxel is battling lung
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cancer. >> i think it is a phenomenal advance. i am very excited about it. >> reporter: the computer is also being trained to help with breast cancer and even to teach medical students. experts hope a version may be used in hospitals in a year a move that would make medicine better than ever but would undoubtedly change it forever. >> reporter: is watson have a future in health care? >> yes. >> we have seen the doctor up there looking and thinking i want one of those. will it affect health care cost? >> absolutely. unfortunately, about a third of our health care costs in this nation are considered health care waste. where diagnostic tests and treatments are ordered that shouldn't be. watson will help to individualize that care and lower costs. up next all that mattered in 1995, the concert that left
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there's no single thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ ♪
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[ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start. t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience on at&t's newly expanded advanced digital network and connect more wi-fi-enabled devices at home. [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] get more speed for wi-fi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. hurry! offer ends july 27th. [ male announcer ] u-verse
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high speed internet. [ man ] where all systems are go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ where the sun don't shine underneath ♪ "all that mattered" 18 years ago today. the grateful dead played their last concert at chicago's soldier field. it was there 3,118th show. and a month later, founder jerry garcia died of a heart attack. what a long strange trip it had been. the band started in san francisco in 1965 and kept on trucking for three decades. the psychedelic rock group had a cult following of fans known as dead heads. survivors reignited and performed under the name the
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this is a kpix 5 news morning update. >> good morning, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. 8:25 your time. time for news headlines on this tuesday morning. ntsb south korean investigators start interviewing the pilots whose plane crashed on saturday. they want to know why the plane was going 40 miles an hour slower than it should have been by the time the crew thrust up. the tail clipped a sea wall short of the run way. family members of the two teenage girls from china who died are here in the bay area. they stayed in a hotel. they were shuttled there. the families directly from the tarmac to the hotel early this morning. and some of the first responders have been talking publically about how they got the passengers off that plane. san francisco firefighters said yesterday, they had to go up the
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emergency chutes. once inside they put out the flames while freeing a number of passengers. traffic and weather coming up after the break. 97
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good morning. we got a couple hot spots out there right now including coming up northbound 101. all because of
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an earlier crash. it is long since cleared. look at that, a solid line of red traffic sensors from san jose. and traffic and back up on 237. those are two slow spots. both coming into san francisco one earlier crash at 280 at geneva and one on vermont. we're still seeing delays northbound on both freeways. that is traffic. how is the weather ? >> we're going to see a great day ahead. still getting through patchy fog early on in spots. have sunshine here looking good. temperatures beginning to warmup in the 50s and mid 60s. and looks like by the afternoon becoming mostly sunny. mid 90s inland. 70s and 80s around the bay. next couple days start to cool things down and warmup over the weekend.
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she went to dartmouth but that doesn't stop her from getting into dumb and embarrassing situations. that's ahead. on august 16th the weinstein company is expected to release "the butler" starring oprah winfrey. executives say they own the name
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because it was the title of a short film that warner brothers released back in 1916. the motion picture association of america agrees and siding with them in arbitration last week. but harvey weinstein will not stand down and is appealing the decision. here's a look at the film they're fighting over. >> all puffed up. say whatever you want. you need to go. >> what? >> get the hell out of my house! get on out! >> please. >> no, no. >> i can't take this no more. >> we ain't doing this no more. everybody sit down. >> i'm sorry, mr. butler i didn't mean to be a hero. >> everything that you are and everything that you have is a butler. >> and we welcome harvey weinstein back to studio 57.
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and from london we're joined by christopher dodd. the chairman of the motion picture association of america and floyd abrams. and welcome to all the lawyers. we know how important this is given how many people are here. let's start with you, harvey. warner brothers say they own the rights to the title "the butler." they reregistered it as recently as 2010. why are they wrong? >> it's not that they're wrong, but it would have just said this is a movie about civil rights. 28 financiers financed the movie. and titles have been used and repeated. our understanding with them was this was just going to be a simple process. sandra bullock and mccarthy have a movie out called heat. and ten years before that bert reynolds made a movie called
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heat. these guys told us they were going to do the normal business day practice. i think there was an ulterior motive. >> chris, what went into that decision that they couldn't use the title? what was the consideration that went into that decision? >> it's almost 100 years it's called the title registration bureau. it was established in 1925 to set up a mechanism for easy dispute resolution were resolute scribers are, the weinstein company is obviously one of them. they've submitted titles like "the king's speech," "the artist," it's designed to protect titles. to protect articles to make sure titles are not duplicated. when that happens i'm not familiar with cases that my good
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friend harvey cited, but that's where you go and work this out between the companies. that's the role of the bureau established in 1925. you're not forced to entirely a voluntary system you sign an agreement by which you say i will abide by the rules. now, the rules are in place. now, you can argue about whether or not you like the rules or not. there's an appeals process. go through that. there's no reason why this has to become a large issue. >> okay. let me bring in harvey david boies, your attorney. david, the film is set to be released august 16th. the clock is ticking here. now that the mpaa says you can't use that title, what are you going to do now? >> we have to find a way to get this important civil rights movie out. i think there are three points you have to understand. first, if this was to do as my friend chris dodd says to protect against confusion, there wouldn't be a problem here. there's no confusion.
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the 1916 was a short subject. no one alive virtually has seen it. not on dvd, not on television. there's simply no chance for confusion. what's going on here is that they're using the power of the mpaa which after all is an organization of all of the major studios to say, we're going to restrict competition from this new film. and that's simply wrong. it would be fine if what the goal was what chris says which is to protect competition. >> warner brothers says this in a statement to us that the weinstein company is disregarding the mpaa's rules and follows an off-ready toen path of creating well publicized controversies in order to promote their films by disseminating deliberate misinformation about the true nature of this dispute." they accuse the weinstein brothers of hypocrisy. trying to drum up publicity.
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they could have settled it and they didn't. what do you say about what the warner brothers company is saying about you? >> we did try to settle it. you know i went through this with bullying. i've gone through this all my life. my dad taught me to fight injustices. this is unjust. this is coming out august 16th. i was asked by two executives of warner brothers which i'm happy to testify if i gave the rights back to "the hobbit" they would drop the claim for a 1916 short. this was used as a bullying tactic. >> this is about somethings? >> oh yeah i think this is 100% -- this is the big guy thinking they can hit the small guy. they didn't know that the small guy knows david boies pretty well. and david boies takes the small guy's side. >> is this about something else? >> what it's really about is people keeping their word. the weinstein company agreed signeded a contract to participate in this system where
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movie titles would be protected. and part of that system is that companies can designate a certain amount of titles as protected. the weinstein company's done this. why do you think "the artist" is protected? well why is "the king's speech"? those words protected. it's because they said and they had every right to say it no one else can use this title. now, the system works by saying if you can't agree, around apparently, they haven't so far. you got arbitration. they went to arbitration. they lost. they had a right to appeal. they are appealing, that's just what they should be doing. but idea that this is some sort of effort to suppress a movie is -- it's just not true. >> harvey, you know the rules of this game. and you've played the game and you've lost. so why are you still fighting? >> if we run ads with "the butler" the mpaa is $25,000 a day in penalties.
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we have to pull 5,000 trailers from the theaters. we have to pull our website down. and movie is coming out august 16th. and 28 individual investors did it. what do they need the title for "the butler"? they're not making a movie called "the butler." if you watched this as a movie, we would say this smells. where's the culprit at the end of this. >> harvey you could change the title, too. >> what should i call it something else? formerly known as the -- >> we've got to go. >> let me urge what i said last week long before we got to this point. sit down. talk to each other. you've got great lawyers here. great companies. they know each other well. sit down and work it out. >> august 16th something-something is going to be opening up.
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lee daniels directing, forest whitaker and oprah winfrey, august 16th. to be continued. >> that was good. the man who really makes the doughnuts at dunkin' is here at
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] gentle lilac... ...fungi still there. ocean breeze... ...e. coli still around. air fresheners like febreze air effects... aren't approved to kill the germs that cause the odors. lysol disinfectant spray does more. we call it healthing... because it kills 99.9% of germs that cause odors at the source. and now you can use it to freshen the air too. lysol... a fresh smelling home... ...and a healthy one.
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time to make the doughnuts. doughnuts at dunkin' donuts are always fresh. >> i made the doughnuts. time to make the doughnuts. >> just a few kinds like supermarkets. >> time to make the doughnuts. >> but up to 52 varieties. >> doughnuts, whoo-hoo! time to make the doughnuts. i made the doughnuts. >> dunkin' donuts up to 52 varieties fresh day and night. well for 15 years we
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watched fred the baker say "time to make the doughnuts." in a commercial for dunkin' donuts today, the company is getting recognized for its new glazed doughnuts and going up against starbucks for the drinks. nigel travis is here. hello, nigel. before this is over we'll all be talking in an english accent. >> no, i'm from boston. >> i was excited when i read about your dunkin' donuts sandwich. in a way i was upset, i thought this is so wrong to do to people. we're already a nation overweight. then i tried it this morning thinking we are redunk lous. >> it's fairly low in calories. >> 360 calories.
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>> which really isn't bad. you can't say it's healthy for you, right? >> i can say you need a balanced diet. we give all our consumers a choice. you can get a wake-up wrap, 160 calorie calories. >> where did this idea come from, we're supposed to be cutting back eating healthier, where did the idea come from? >> it was actually our consumers. we kept talking about it. we tested it in massachusetts. thought, i got to listen to the consumer s consumers. all the customers out there. we rolled it out so it's been very successful. let me tell you, we've got lots of sandwiches like that low in calorie. >> but i was surprised to read you're actually -- you don't really consider yourself a doughnut company anymore. you consider yourself a beverage company.
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almost 60% of your business is coffee and drinks? >> exactly. we have a great range of beverages. we have the coolattas, the coffees and teas. people love it. what people love about it is not just the smooth taste of our coffee, they like the fact that they can go in and get it fast. >> are you trying to take on starbucks with coffee? >> we don't think we have any direct experts. starbucks does a great job. >> starbucks would probably feel differently about that. >> well maybe. what we're very proud of we're made up of small business business. we only have 32 corporate stores. 17,000 stores globally. it's the dunkin' coffee, that you get the great taste of dunkin' coffee. >> you've redesigned your stores and some people say they look a
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lot like starbucks? >> actually, i've read that and i'm not sure that's true. we have stores where you go in and get your coffee and doughnuts very quickly. we've toned it down a little bit. we've got wi-fi which i think is very important for people these days. >> and again, a starbucks trait. >> well i think everyone needs wi-fi these days. >> fair enough. >> how is expanding to the west and california part of the business? dunkin' donuts which was private equity bought out a company and helped it to grow? >> we had great private equity firms, they left us a year ago, but still represented us. that's the great concept it is. so we had -- we've got a strong hold here in the northeast. we can build 3,000 stores east of the mississippi. we're taking dunkin' donuts in california. we announced, in january. we'll be there early 2015.
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the demand for it is incredible. the letters i get from california is just amazing. so we're excited that we can probably double our footprint in the u.s. and last week i came back from a tour of ten countries in nine days. and we're growing internationally. so you're going to for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school
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supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ male narrator: there's something
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positive being generated in california. when ordinary energy is put in the hands of extraordinary people, amazing things happen. the kind of things that drive us to do more to go further, to be better. we're dedicated to being a company you can count on because you've always been customers we believe in. your energy plus ours. together there's no limit to what we can achieve. ♪ aisha tyler is an actress and a comedian and the co-host of the cbs daytime show "the talk." now, she's got a new book. it's called "self-inflicted wounds heartwarming tales of
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epic humiliation." good morning. you went to dartmouth, but you admit in this book you did a lot of not so smart things in your life. one of those is you got drunk before the s.a.t.s, what happened? >> the hubris of youth. you have this bulletproofness, impervious to outside influences. like many, it started with a boy. i thought it would be fun to go to the beach. luckily, i had already taken the s.a.t. once. that was my second pass. i did pretty well in the first one. i slept through the second one that was the one i throughout. >> you made it to dartmouth? >> i had great extracurriculars. a black female white water rafting guide for blind kids is
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a shoo-in anywhere you go. like a unicorn. >> stories you could tell. listen, i have to say i think your book is very brave, you have had some doozies of things. i get a kick out of your dad whose mantra is to keep your drawers up and your grades in. >> and it stuck. there's nothing more terrifying than a single father raising a girl. >> yeah. >> it's like he's got this puff ball of a kitten and the world is full of broken glass and unexploded mines and dragons. so my dad was terrified. so his response was to make me the toughest kitten he could. now we drive our kids everywhere. when i wanted to go somewhere, high father is like you've got a bus schedule. i'm watching the game you mow what i mean? it made me self-reliant. be home when the street lights come on. >> there's a picture of you in the book with very large
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glasses. you describe yourself as a recovering nerd. >> oh my. oh, my god, look at me eighth grade science fair. look at the casio watch. what a winner. i looked like that until about three weeks ago. i'd been this tall since preschool. >> how tall are you? >> 6 feet tall. i've been this tall since third grade. i was the tall poor hippy kid during school i was the exhibit. here's the natural habitat. >> what's negroes inc.? >> i have no idea. just like a brain for everybody. >> you describe your parents as hippies which i'm having trouble processing. >> they were afro-wearing
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carob-eating hippie. >> you have been on maxim list more than once. you sit here today and you still consider yourself a comedian? >> yes, when i was a kid, i got teased constantly. when you're a little kid, your defense mechanism is i'm going to make fun of me better and faster than you can. at a charity, i was sitting next to rod stewart, even now, at this point in my life i'm like i don't belong here. somebody is going to tell me i have the wrong ticket. when you're an outsider as a kid you feel that way your whole life, i think challenges when you're young you know what i mean, if you're not part of a group, you stop trying to become part of a group. you become your own person. >> you're hosting "whose line is it anyway?" >> yes. i love a job. >> thank you, aisha.
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the book is called
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dldldldldldldldldlines... this is a kpix news morning update. >> hi, everyone. and good morning. 8:55 on your tuesday. i'm frank mallicoat. we have your kpix 5 headlines. investigators from both the united states and south korea will continue joint interviews in all four pilots involved in saturday's crash landing. the crucial question is why the pilots took so long to recognize their boeing 777 was coming in far too slow and too low. one of the flight attendants was the last one off the plane despite a broken tail bone, worked to put out fires, helped a number of people off the plane. she said she was calm and only thinking about rescuing the next passenger. some snapped photos who kept returning to the wreckage. many of the injured survivors facing surgeries now
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and need blood donations. blood donations opened three areas today. asked for more donors to step forward especially people that have o negative and ab types. how about your weather? >> warmest day of the week. starting out with fog around the bay area early on this morning. and thick fog out toward the coastline. that's going to breakup a little bit. the temperatures are going to be heating up though inland for today. 90s showing up in the valleys. 70s and 80s and 60s out toward the coast. the temperatures warm back up as we head toward the weekend. we're going to check out your time saver traffic coming up next.
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good morning. a couple new problems on the roads from our chp reports including one northbound 880 right close to the coliseum. one lane is blocked. also we're still seeing that long line of slow traffic on 101 from san jose all the way up towards palo alto. 280 very backed up through downtown san jose. and quick check of the bay bridge where it's not quite backed up to the maze any more. only the foot of the maze. 10 to 15 minutes to the bridge. t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but
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we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call now for a new low price. choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a $150 promotion card. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years, with a total home dvr included for life. [ female announcer ] plus switch today and get a $150 promotion card. [ male announcer ] 's a triple play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ ♪ wayne: yeah! open curtain
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number one. you won a car. you've got $20,000. you've got the big deal of the day. it is fabulous. jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady. wayne: welcome to "let's make a deal." we're going to be making deals, of course, but i can't do it by myself. this time around i need a personal assistant. who's going to help me out? i need a personal assistant to get this done. barbara, come here, barbara. you look trustworthy. everybody, sit down, everyone. have a seat for me. hello, barbara. so are you a cowgirl of some sort, barbara? - i am, i'm a dusty saddle bag


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