tv CBS This Morning CBS September 6, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT
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how about that? captions by: caption colorado good morning to our viewers in the west. it is friday, september 6, 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." overnight, reports the united states could have a bigger military strike planned for syria. plus, new concerns about iran. david martin is at the pentagon. >> our john miller on the family of brothers sworn to protect our country. now they're charged with smuggling sniper and assault rifles. >> and tennis great jimmy connors in the studio. >> we begin with your eye opener, the world in 90 seconds. >> both of them stuck to their guns. >> president obama struggles to build support for a strike on syria. >> if the united states acts alone, any attack could be
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larger than first anticipated. >> a message intercepted by u.s. intelligence indicates iran will plot revenge on american interests in iraq if a strike happens. >> an incident at hobby airport. a southwest jet took off with its pilot door still open. the pilot returned to the airport. >> i couldn't believe it would take off with the cargo door open. >> this young man confessing to killing a man in a drunk driving accident. >> i'm begging you, please don't drink and drive. >> touchdown! >> touchdown! >> he's the sixth man to throw seven in a game. >> the ravens went from getting a ring to getting wrong. >> a bus hiring a high school football team caught on fire in oregon. the driver made sure that everyone got off safely. >> broke the sound barrier for the second time. verge e
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virgin wants to fly tourists to space next year. >> this monkey has a little coat on and he's just running around playing. he's a monkey! >> andy murray goes down in straight sets. >> and all that matters. >> a handshake and a big smile. that's how president obama handled the much anticipated moment when he came face-to-face with putin. >> obama had two meetings with putin. both meetings without a shark cage. >> on "cbs this morning." >> residents in one county are making plans to secede from the state of california. >> we're all in this together. if someone does decide to leave, i'd like it to be florida. >> presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning, norah. >> good morning, charlie. a lot of news about syria. >> president obama meeting with world leaders this morning trying to build support for a
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strike against syria. >> this morning, there are reports the list of possible military targets in syria could be expanding. david, do you think the u.s. is preparing a larger attack against syria than anticipated and why? >> well, right now, norah, what's happening is the pentagon is adding potential targets to its list. and that's because the syrians have been moving stuff around that they think might be targeted and hiding some of it. and the u.s. cannot find it again. so the pentagon needs to sure that they can do enough damage to make this strike worthwhile, so they have to keep adding targets so that they have a sufficient target list. they'll accomplish two missions. one is to damage syria's ability to use chemical weapons again and, two, is to discourage the syrian military from thinking
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that whatever advantage they get out of using chemical weapons is worth the damage they're going to suffer from a retaliatory strike from the u.s. now, when you start adding targets, depending on what targets you add, you raise the possibility that aircraft may be needed to strike those targets. aircrafts carry bigger weapons than is carried on the cruise missiles. but once you add aircraft, you vastly increase the complexity of this operation. because you put pilots up in the air and that means you need aerial refueling, you need search and rescue and all the other things that support a manned mission, as opposed to firing an unmanned cruise missile into syria. but right now, as of now, the list of military assets that is targeted for this mission include only the ships in the eastern mediterranean and in the
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words of one official, the scope of the operation has not changed, but we are still probably at least a week away from this operation and a lot can change in the meantime. >> thanks, david. new concerns this morning about retaliation. "the wall street journal" reports the united states intercepted an order from iran. it tells militants to attack american interests in iraq including the united states epbase in the event of a strike on syria. this morn, the united states is warning americans to get out of lebanon. nonessential diplomats are being pulled from the country. americans also are being told to avoid southeastern turkey. >> and u.s. officials say the obama administration is considering sending military trainers to help train some syrian rebels. it would be a major expansion of the effort that the is under way. there are big questions about who the rebels are. clarissa ward went into syria to talk to them. she joins us from the border of syria and turkey. clarissa, what did you learn,
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what do they want, and what are they getting? >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. we just returned from the trip inside syria with rebel fighters where we could clearly see evidence of u.s. support on the ground. but what isn't clear is whether that support is making any real difference. these are the fighters that the administration is backing in syria. members of the free syrian army, an umbrella of moderate groups that the u.s. sees as a crucial counterbalance to the growing influence of islamic extremists vying for power in rebel-held syria. the colonel is in charge of the free syrian army supplies. he took us to a warehouse full of boxeses that began arriving from the u.s. two months ago. uniforms, body armor. but, he lamented, it isn't nearly enough. he's saying they've got like ten helmets. it's not enough for one brigade, let alone the whole free syrian
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army. of more concern is the u.s.' failure to deliver weapons. he took us to where the group stored ammunitions. it was almost entirely empty. he said this wouldn't even last five minutes. the u.s. hasn't even given a bullet for my pistol, another commander added. a big part of why those weapons haven't been more forthcoming is because of u.s. concerns about the rise of extremist groups within the opposition. yesterday, "the new york times" released a video that appeared to show a rebel leader executing syrian soldiers. colonel khotoba conceded these groups are a big problem but insisted their numbers are small. what americans want to know is how can you make sure that any guns or heavy weapons they give you don't end up in the hands of these extremists. "i am the one who personally would receive these weapons," he
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said, "and i would personally distribute them to the right groups." now, the assurances of moderates like colonel khotoba are unlikely to alleviate the fears of many americans that the weapons will end up in the wrong hands. the reality is, despite u.s. support, these groups are still very disorganized. of course, the moderates argue that by arming them you're, in fact, empowering them, and giving them an advantage over the extremist groups. so essentially what you have here is a chicken/egg argument. >> clarissa, thank you. president obama met with russia's president for 20 minutes this morning but neither leader changed their opinions on syria. major garrett is at the g-20 summit taking place in st. petersburg. >> reporter: good morning. syria still dominates discussions at this global economic summit and president obama's taking questions on that subject right now. at a dinner last night, there was intense debate over whether or not the united nations security council had to approve
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military strikes against syria. president obama argued that if nations like russia blocked actions of the security council, the international community must still step forward. so far, the president has many listeners but few takers. president obama met with chinese president ping who doesn't support strikes against syria but wants to stay out of the debate. white house officials said economics dominated the discussions. but with everything, syria lurk, in the shadows. >> although there will continue to be some significant disagreement and sources of tension, i'm confident they can be managed. >> reporter: president obama has quietly lobbied leaders of the 20 largest global economies to punish syria for using chemical weapons to kill nearly 1,500 civilians in late august. on that mr. obama is walking a relatively lonely path. close ally british prime minister david cameron still stunned by parliament's rejection of military support
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will sit out any strikes. german chancellor merkel, at the end of a campaign, said germany will be on the sidelines. president obama huddled with french president hollande. the white house knows putin, the russian president and staunch syrian ally, wields a veto that could block any action against syria. at the united nations, u.s. ambassador samantha power lowered the boom. >> russia continues to hold the council hostage and shirk its international responsibilities, including as a party to the chemical weapons convention. >> reporter: even though all five permanent members of the united states security council are here, the united states will have nothing from them for syria. next, obama faces congress and the looming authorization vote in the next week or so. >> major garrett in st. petersburg. arizona senator john mccain got an earful from constituents
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opposed to military action in syria. at a town hall meeting in phoenix thursday, mccain was questioned about the possibility of putting u.s. troops on the ground in syria. >> how much is the life of american service men worth? to me, it's worth a whole lot more -- >> sir, there is no con step pla contemplation of putting a single service man or woman -- >> you can say that now -- >> i'm telling you there's not, sir. that is not -- that is not an argument we can have. it's not going to happen. >> mccain is one of many members of congress facing pushback on syria this morning from the people they represent. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. nancy, sounds like they're getting an earful. good morning. >> reporter: they are. it's weighing on them heavily, norah and charlie. they care a lot about what their constituents think. that may be part of the reason why the lion's share of members of congress still say at this point they are undecided. i've spoken to many members this
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week who say they're really struggling with this decision. they go to briefings and hearings being provided for them and they leave with more questions than they had before. among those who have made up their minds like senator john mccain who's voting yes, they don't fall along predictable lines like hawks versus doves or right versus left. senator feinstein and another senator are both liberals for example but she's for it and he's against. take a listen. >> i think he's got to understand, assad, that there's a penalty for this. >> it's simply not our responsibility. we're not going to be able to do any good. it's expensive. and it's dangerous. >> when you hear that, you see why it's still too soon to say which way this vote is going to go, but i think it is safe to say, norah and charlie, it is going to be an uphill climb, particularly in the house. >> thank you, nancy. new revelations about how easily the government may get ahold of your private online
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information. reports say the nsa invested billions of dollars to crack encryption codes that are designed to protect sensitive information like e-mails and financial data. the details come from even more documents leaked by former nsa contractor edward snowden. our senior correspondent john miller served as director of national intelligence. what does it say about the possibility of not having real privacy? >> probably not as much as the headline suggests. every time snowden releases one of these programs, the headline is about what the program's capability is, what it can do. each program is different but the rules don't change. the nsa is still barred by law from spying on americans. and that's a broad category. that means u.s. citizens here, u.s. citizens abroad, foreign people who are here on u.s. soil. >> this can be much more than spying though. what they're reporting is the nsa has circumvented or cracked
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much of the endescription that guards global commerce and banking system. this suggests to me the nsa could do a lot of the cyberattacks on other country's banking systems maybe that we hadn't known about. >> really not their first concern though. the nsa's first concern is are we going to pick up a foreign conversation with the boston marathon bombers? by the way, if they do, they can't listen because the boston marathon bombers were american. are they going to pick up a plot for syrian retaliation? they are -- before they were an intelligence agency, they were code breaking agency. breaking encryption is what they were born to do. if they're going to be charged with protecting the united states from spies, from terrorist, from people selling nuclear secrets from iran or north korea, they're going to have to break encryption codes or they won't be able to read what they need to. >> once more the question of the
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nsa wants the power to do whatever it needs to do but it's projsi inpromising it won't do anything that invades the privacy of private citizens. >> that happens. every now and then they'll pick up an american. there are alarm bells that go off when someone said that. that's like saying when we send the police out if they do a bad search out, we're not going to send them out anymore. they have a system. congress knows it, so does the administration. they're very frustrated right now about the expectations them doing their jobs, keeping us safe and having their secrets revealed every day in the papers. investigators say a hunter who started an illegal fire caused the massive yosemite wildfire in california. the hunter's name not being released. the forest service is not saying how the fire got out of control. the rim fire destroyed 11 homes, burning 371 square miles.
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that is bigger than the size of san diego. > now 80% contained. the unemployment rate dropping to its lowest rate in nearly five years. adding 169,000 jobs in august, sending the unemployment rate down to 7.3%. cbs news analyst jill schlesinger is with us. what do we read into this? >> only 169,000 jobs created. that's a little bit light. we were expecting 180,000. the unploinlt raemployment rate slightly disturbing. the rate went down because people left the labor force. our total labor force is now the smallest it has been in 35 years. that's how hard the jobs market is. >> this jobs report was important. people are watching it very closely. why? >> because there's a federal reserve meeting coming up. remember, the fed has been injecting our ailing athletes,
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the united states economy, with steroids, trying to make it stronger. been doing so for almost a year. the thought is, the steroids would be pulled back and we'd move on. now this complicates things a little bit. we're not sure whether the fed is going to do that in the september meeting. >> speaking of the fed, there's a story on the front page of "the wall street journal" today that larry summers may not have all the votes in the senate to get out of the senate. >> it's larry summers and janet yellen. he worked for both the clinton administration and the obama administration. he seems to be a little more confident in this bond strategy. janet yellen, a democrat, the vice chair right now, would be more of a continuation of bernanke. this is going to be a really interesting battle. >> make the point for janet yellen her predictions have been better than those of others. >> "the wall street journal" has found she's the most accurate of the fed forecasters.
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>> thank you, jill schlesinger. the nfl season kicked off with a bang last night. peyton manning tied an nfl record. the broncos quarterback had seven touchdown passes against baltimore. crushed the super bowl champs 49-27. the score would have been higher but broncos linebacker celebrate today soon after making an interception. he dropped the ball just before crossing the line. >> ah, man. >> you can't celebrate before you get to the line. >> that's exactly right. all right. >> time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the washington post" says millions of dollars for aid in public health programs in afghanistan are being wasted. a entire program is at risk because of waste and fraud. "the new york times" says the fertility rate in this country is stabilizing. the number of babies born in 2012 remained flat. that's the first time in five years u.s. births have not declined significantly. the "wall street journal" says more people are doing without land line phones.
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more than 1 in 4 american households relies solely on cell phones. micro organisms in a person's gut appears to determine whether the person is lean. it might be possible now to transplant lean microbes to keep a human slim and healthy. interesting story we're looking at a whole lot of sunshine coming our way today, mostly sunny-side up to start out this friday and looking at some great weather ahead toward the weekend. in fact, we're going to bring that summer heat back again. looking good over the financial district, just a little haze in the atmosphere but just a couple of patches of fog out along the coastline now. that is going to give way to sunfully skies, 90s in the valleys, 70s and 80s around the bay and near 70 degrees some places near the coast today even hotter over the weekend. >> announcer: this national er report
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sponsored by safelite auto glass. sniper and assault rifles going into the wrong hands. >> former fbi insider john miller is breaking the story. >> these were three brothers, two of them working in american law enforcement, they're accused of an international arms smuggling ring. we'll look at how they may have used their law enforcement status to get a hold of some of those weapons. plus, millions of americans will be able to see a rocket blasting into space tonight. the nasa mission to solve a
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mystery on the moon. and hope amid the rubble of the oklahoma tornado. the people of moore finally have a reason to cheer. the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. back on "cbs this morning.""cbs this stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] ♪ and your favorite songs always playing.
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[ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may your lanes always be clear. [ engine revs ] ♪ and your days be sunny and bright. ♪ may things always go your way. but it's good to be prepared... just in case they don't. let's go places, safely. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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[ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. save 20% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one to use later. and better is so easy withrning tyou cabenefiber.o something better for yourself. fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. ♪ ♪ i've got something for you too. (announcer) fancy feast delights with cheddar. a meal that is sure to delight your cheese lover. now available in the classic form she loves. fancy feast. the best ingredient is love.
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your real time captioner is linda marie macdonald. >> 7:of it. i'm frank mallicoat. a massive fire lighting up the morning sky over in the east bay car lot. kpix 5's cate caugiran is live on the scene in martinez with the very latest. investigators say the fire started in the kitchen of this apartment they just learned that the people who live here were cooking potatoes at 3:15 this morning. flames covered the apartment and wholesale car dealership. cars were exploding in the parking lot and two power lines were compromised. now, we know it took firefighters nearly an hour to knock out this fire and right now investigators are still here on the scene. reporting live in martinez, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> traffic and weather on this friday morning coming up right after the break. ,,,,,,,,
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eastbound bay bridge a stalled big rig is blocking one lane on the lower deck and that treasure island off-ramp. so again, it's eastbound 80 right before you reach the tunnel. westbound, traffic actually looks okay. it is "friday light" even though it is backing up towards the overcrossing. metering lights are on. quick check of the nimitz 880 in oakland smooth commute towards downtown. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> all right. starting out with a whole lot of sunshine around the bay area, just a few patches of fog today, but high pressure already beginning to set itself up. i think today we'll be heating those temperatures up all around the bay area. let's plan on 90s in the valleys, 80s inside the bay and 60s toward the coastline. getting near 100 degrees over the weekend. then slow cooling next week. ,,,,,,,,
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a nasa camera in georgia a nasa orbit caught this as it blasted across the atmosphere. by the time it reached the ground near chattanooga, it shattered into harmless particles. wrel coupelcome back to "cb morning." another out of this world show is coming tonight. millions will see a rocket blasting to the moon. we'll show you why nasa is out to solve a mystery that lasted since man first landed there. >> plus, there are smart phone apps to help you stay in shape. a privacy expert show us where your personal information might end up. now to a story developing overnight. three brothers are under arrest this morning, accused of
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smuggling weapons that includes sniper and assault rifles. >> our senior correspondent john miller is a ranking official with the new york police department. john, good morning. wow, three brothers, what were they doing? >> this is a disturbing case. you've got an nypd officer here in new york city. you've got a customs and border patrol officer assigned to l.a.x. in los angeles. and you've got their brother in the philippines. they have an elaborate weapons smuggling ring. this is a case that's been put together by homeland security investigations, nypd internal affairs and the u.s. attorney for the eastern district. we expect to see these guys in court later today. >> how many weapons are we talking about? >> in the charging documents, you see evidence of more than a dozen weapons. the kinds of weapons you're talking about are sniper rifles. a weapon called the scar which was designed for u.s. special
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forces. you see a number handguns, high capacity magazines. these are the creme de la creme that they want and in the philippines they're taking special orders for them. >> who do they sell them to? >> that part of the investigation is ongoing. we're going to learn more about this as this case unfolds. if you look at the environment in the philippines, you've got criminal gangs, operators in the countryside who kidnap americans. you have the abu sayyaf terrorist group started by bin laden. and u.s. special forces and the fbi embedded in there working on these problems with the philippines. so the idea that law enforcement people here were allegedly supplying a pipeline of these guns is amazing and disturbing. >> we just got some pictures of these brothers with these weapons. were they taking these, were they government weapons they
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were then smuggling out and selling? >> some of these weapons are the kind that would be generally prohibited for civilian use. in the evidence, you see the pictures, the brothers, you see that rex is sending e-mails saying, i'm a police officer in new york city. can i buy this weapon? because i'm a police officer it and can i get the law enforcement discount. >> how did they crack the case? >> well, that is not spelled out. but this is clearly something where they developed information, were able to backtrack over a lot of this. here's the key, charlie. they're talking about $12,000, a dozen very scary weapons. i think as they start to dig further through this, you're going to find it's much more likely to be tens of thousands of dollars. >> john miller, thank you. it's been more than three months since a deadly tornado ripped through parts of moore,
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oklahoma. more than 20 members of a high school football team lost their hopes. last night, they were back on the field for the first game of the season. >> reporter: good morning, norah and charlie. there are still plenty of scars from the tornado, buildings that are being repaired and houses that have been abandoned. but this football field gave people here a chance to focus on something else. as big as football is in oklahoma, few game, are as big as this. when the sabre cats took to the field, it was a chance to prove they are bigger than the disaster that's defined their town. and they did it with a touchdown on the first drive. but back in the spring, this is what they were trying to overcome. an ef-5 tornado. the most powerful type. killed 24 people and damaged or destroyed 1200 houses.
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it left 22 members of the sophomore football team without homes. including brandon dick. we spoke with him one day after the tornado hit. >> our principal had got on the intercom and is, like, take cover, take cover. >> until recently, he and his family moved from one temporary home to another. >> football is an escape. i look forward to every day, you know, no matter where i was during that time, you know, i had a place to go. football was my home. >> his father james watched him play. >> what does it represent to you that he's back out there on the field with all his buddies? >> it represents getting back to it. >> it's kind of hard to describe. >> helping them get to this point, not only coach but counselor to this team. >> i thought they might want a little time off but they wanted to go as soon as possible. >> what does that tell you about them? >> it tells me how resilient kids are, that obviously it also
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tells you when things are going bad in your life, you can always go back to that other love you have, you know, like football. >> and on this night, it was football that showed how far they've come. the sabre cats defeated last year's state champions. >> people see that this tornado hit moore but then they didn't expect us to come out and play like this. you know, we came through. we pulled out. >> and it wasn't even close. the sabre cats won 37-14. the other number they're proud of is how much they've raised to help families affected by the tornado. $87,000. last night during halftime, they got a check for $4,000 more. >> manuel, thanks. nasa's headed back to the moon tonight. the space agency will launch a small unnamed craft aboard a rocket bound for the lunar surface. the goal, to solve a mystery more than 40 years old.
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the cbs contributor is a physics professor in new york. what is it -- why are they doing this? >> well, the countdown has begun. at 11:30 tonight, you can go outside and actually watch this launch from the comfort of your doorstep. this is historic. we're launching it from virginia, not florida. it's going to travel over the northeast and so tonight go outside, look southeast, you'll see a speck of light going over the horizon. it is the space probe which will solve this mystery of this glow on the moon. >> what's the mystery? >> just before dawn on the moon, our astronauts saw this glow that lit up the sky. the moon has, quote, no atmosphere, so it mutt st be du of some sort. that could interfere with a man's space pressence on the moon. so we have to know more about
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the atmosphere and the dust. this probe will skim the moon at a distance of 30 miles and give us information about the dust, the atmosphere, hopefully in preparation for a permanent presence on the moon one day. >> after this moon skimming, what might scientists learn? >> we'll learn about, for example, the other planets, mercury and asteroid, because that's one of the -- >> there's all these myths about the dust from the moon can help cure cancer or other things. what about that? >> don't think so. i think they're just old wife's tales basically. >> we've learned most of what we can learn from the moon? >> people think we know everything about the moon but actually we know very little about the moon. we've only landed there a few times in a few selected spots. we don't know how thick it is. we don't know the density. we're going to have to know a lot more about the surface. >> when will we have a permanent presence on the moon? >> we're going to get a shot in the arm in 2025 when the chinese
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put the chinese flag on the moon. we may have a sputnik moment at that point. and that of course will spur interest in the moon once again. so nasa i think is covering its back. it wants to go to mars but it can't totally lose interest in the moon because the chinese, the japanese, have also said they're going to the moon too. smart phone apps can help you count calories but are they also invading your privacy? who can learn intimate details about your health. "cbs this morning."s served on a toasted pretzel roll, our new bacon avocado chicken sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad.
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with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. can your makeup remover do that? yowithout thinking officing sotheir own satisfaction. really? you're sacrificing that gorgeous complexion for this? um... it's the playoffs! enough with the sacrificing. start here... light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, twice the protein and ps 80 calories. it's a home run right? light & fit greek. ♪ dannon! go cougars!
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last week, america faced an election that could change the tide. >> and a screeching halt, all because of this furry duo. kittens sh s shut down the subw service. >> it was chaos. hundreds were stuck on the platform with nothing to instagram. thousands of baristas were late for their shift. dozens of bands instantly formed called the subway kittens. apps collect personal information but the seemingly private details may be sold to advertisers and other companies. our guest is with the electricity privacy information center. is this surprising to you, all this information is being sold? isn't that sort of what is happening on the internet? >> a lot of times we are seeing this on the internet. what we're seeing is the consumers did not expect their sensitive medical information would be sold to third parties
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without their consent. >> can they do something about it? >> it's a largely unregulated market. consumers can take their offline common sense and apply it to the online world. you wouldn't share your sensitive medical information with anyone on the street and the same can be said for about these apps. moreover, consumers should delete the information once you're done with the app. once you've achieved that fitness goal, you've cured that common cold, go celebrate and delete that information from the app or delete the app itself. >> i think this will be surprising to a lot of people who use apps to insert a lot of personal data. people who trying to lose weight. they put what they're eating, how much they weigh, how much they're exercising. who are they selling that data to? >> well, advertisers are increasingly interested in that information. they want to say, okay, a certain illness, so maybe we can sell you information concerninged me soconcerning ed me medicine. there are pregnancy trackers or apps that help individuals cope with alcoholism or anxiety
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issues or sensitive information. >> very sensitive information. >> is there any responsibility to advise people when you buy these this could be happening? >> there is. a lot of these apps are free. so consumers should just read the privacy policies. because free is actually coming at a cost. it's coming at the cost of your private information. so consumers should read the privacy policies. do a gut check. if they're asking for access to your social media profile, it's because they intend to broadcast it on social media. >> nobody reads the privacy thing. it's too long. you just hit the "i agree" thing. if you have a paid app, a health app, does this provide you more privacy? >> recent reports are showing it does provide additional privacy but not the type that consumers expect. unfortunately, still information is being disclosed instead of information that consumers should not expect to be disclosed. >> that's too bad because a lot of these we're looking at a whole lot of sunshine coming our way today, mostly sunny-side up to
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start out this friday and looking at some great weather ahead toward the weekend. in fact, we're going to bring that summer heat back again. looking good over the financial district, just a little haze in the atmosphere but just a couple of patches of fog out along the coastline now. that is going to give way to sunny skies, 90s in the valleys, 70s and 80s around the bay and near 70 degrees some places near the coast today even hotter over the weekend. it is definitely not for the weak. it is definitely not for the week. the high flying job of being a hero. >> i'm strapped to a rescue basket dangling over a 75-foot basketall. dangling over a 75-foot waterfall. it looks dangerous but it's actually part of training exercise that's designed to save lives. we'll show you more coming up on "cbs this morning." sleeping apart. things should never come to this.
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that is why i'm through the moon to present our latest innovation, tempur choice. it features an adjustable support system that can be personalized with a touch of a button. so both of you can get the best sleep possible...together. goodnight love chickens. ...excuse my english, love birds.. hearty cheeseburger. creamy thai style chicken with rice. mexican-style chicken tortilla. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, imagine how they taste. m'm! m'm! good! [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums!
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you work. and you want to get an mba. but going back to school is hard... because you work. now, capella university offers a revolutionary new way to get your degree. it's called flexpath and it's the most direct path, leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know so you can get a degree at your pace. and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university learn more at with new all natural lean cuisine honestly good. it's frozen like you've never seen. they've stripped down to only natural ingredients. why? what were you thinking? new lean cuisine honestly good.
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that's tough trying to straighten that thing out. everybody's going to start remembering that when landing in windy weather. that's why they strike. you'll see why some believe the pope is taking a much different approach from his predecessors. that's ahead. to your dry routine? yes. so you like using them? i do. because you feel... ultimately clean, i guess. you're welcome to borrow my container. it's new, look at that. would you ever use these? i think i should. would you like to have a go? yeah, we could do that. it's awesome! [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. where to next?
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still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. with new roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1 proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles high performance skincare™ only from roc®
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everybody. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. this big fire in a martinez car lot started after somebody tried to cook potatoes this morning. all the flames and smoke had streets blocked off on pacheco boulevard near peach street. nobody was injured. tonight, nasa launches an unmanned rocket to the moon. it was designed at nasa ames research center in mountain view. it will measure lunar dust and examine the moonglow. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,
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right now in those westbound lanes of 92. they are working to clear it. bay bridge is actually a better ride right now. it's only stacking up from the 880 overcrossing looks like the other lanes free and clear. the metering lights are on. it's the lower deck where traffic is stacking up. a stalled big rig is blocking the treasure island off-ramp in one lane so eastbound 80 is slow from the skyway. also a quick note a traffic alert eastbound 80 by red top road there was gravel in lanes and a spinout. several lanes are blocked to clear it. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> all right, got some great weather ahead today. lots of sunshine out there already. just a few patches of fog. blue skies over coit tower. looking good as high pressure builds in overhead and these temperatures are really going to start heating up. high pressure now moving in. and offshore winds likely to kick in so think we'll clear out your skies even at the beaches today nearly 70 degrees in pacifica, 80s inside the bay and 90s in the valleys. even hotter over the weekend with some temperatures near 100 degrees inland. ,,,,,,,,
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welcome to cbs this morning. president obama made a last ditch appeal at the g-20 summit for global support of a syrian strike, and the u.s. urges americans in the region to get out of neighboring countries. plus they risk it all to bring you back alive. how search and rescue teams volunteer for danger. and jimmy connors won the u.s. open five times. he will be here at studio 57 to talk about his career, his tennis, and who he is watching this weekend. first, a look at the eye opener at 8:00. >> i'll continue to consult with my fellow leaders around the world, i intend to address the american people from the white house tuesday. >> the pentagon is adding
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potential targets. that's because the syrians have been moving stuff around. >> we could clearly see evidence of u.s. support on the ground, but what isn't clear is whether that support is making any real difference. only 169,000 jobs created, our force the smallest it has been in 35 years. >> the idea that law enforcement people here were allegedly supplying a pipeline of these guns is amazing and disturbing. >> the countdown has begun. at 11:30 tonight, you can go outside and watch this launch from the comfort of your doorstep! >> in this town there are still plenty of scars from the tornado, but this football field gave people here a chance to focus on something else. >> they didn't expect us to come out and play like this. >> peyton manning tied an nfl record, seven touchdown passes against baltimore. the score would have been
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higher, but celebrated too soon after making interception. >> can't celebrate before you get to the line. >> that's exactly right. i am tony rose wood, gayle king on assignment. president obama met with president putin, they spoke at the g-20 summit in russia. >> putin says they don't agree on syria but listen to each other. in the last hour, president obama addressed the media. major garrett reports from st. petersburg. >> reporter: at a press conference wrapping up this global summit, president obama urged the international community to stand up to syria. >> i intend to address the american people from the white house on tuesday. the kind of world we live in and our ability to deter this kind of outrageous behavior is going to depend on the decisions we make in the days ahead. and i'm confident that if we deliberate carefully and choose wisely and embrace our responsibilities, we can meet
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the challenges of this moment as well as those in the days ahead. >> reporter: the president won some converts here, but they offer only moral support, not military participation. the president now turns his attention to congress in hopes of winning an authorization vote there for strikes against syria. charlie and nora? >> major garrett in st. petersburg. the state department is warning americans to leave lebanon while diplomats are pulled from the country. they're told to avoid southeastern turkey, too. vice president biden held a meeting in the white house situation room. the senate is poised to vote next week whether to authorize a military strike. the house will vote after that. among those opposed to use of force, pope francis is calling on world leaders in the futile pursuit of military action. mark phillips is in london. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. poeps have urged peace before. remember john paul ii was firmly
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against the gulf war. this pope francis is actively arguing against military action against syria, and the question is does it matter? this pope with the common touch has been uncommonly active, lobbying against an attack on syria. he has used his last two major public appearances in st. peter's square to appeal to world leaders and that primarily means president obama, not to do it. he used strong language, telling the crowd he is anguished about the developments being envisioned as he put it. while he has strongly condemned the use of chemical weapons, he also dismisses military action as a solution. violence can never bring peace, he said. war is war. pope francis followed up his appeal by writing to vladimir putin as current president of the g-20. armed conflicts create profound divisions and deep wounds which require many years to heal, he
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said. it must have been music to the russian president's ears. the pope may be taking a moral position in his mind, but in arguing against military action, he has entered into the world of partisan international politics. he has taken sides. >> he's certainly chose striking out in a different way from his predecessor for sure. he has obviously got a much more socio political agenda than benedict xvi had, which some of us welcome. >> reporter: what influence the pope has is another question, but francis seems intent on testing the limits of what he can do. he's called for a mass prayer, fast, and peace vigil for st. peter's square this saturday. the pope has tweeted against the attack, written letters, is organizing a former religious protest, and has given moral and spiritual ammunition to those opposed to an attack. some of those people in the united states senate.
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>> mark, thank you. syria the main topic on "face the nation." dennis mcdonough, mike rogers, ohio oh cummings. a man admitted to killing a man in a wrong way car crash, following a night of heavy drink zblg my name is matthew cordel. on june 22nd, 2013, i hit and killed vincent kinsani. this video will act as my confession. when i get charged, i will plead guilty and take full responsibility for everything i've done to vince and his family. >> that gives me the chills. prosecutors say matthew was already a suspect. after seeing the video, they plan to charge him with vehicular homicide. he could face eight years in prison. virgin galactic completed a step towards flying to the edge of space next year.
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space ship 2 second rocket powered test flight took place yesterday. the ship reached the highest altitude and speed yet. virgin galactic says more than 600 people have put down deposits for the $250,000 ride. >> wow. that's quite a ride. cities across the country are seeing an explosion of food truck vendors. tomorrow, the 9th annual vendee awards honors the best. two of the finest are outside the cbs broadcast center this morning, the chipper truck which specializes in, what else, irish food. and look who is out front, john miller. i wonder what he has ordered for a nice, thick breakfast. maybe corned beef. >> don't want to be between miller and a good meal. >> apparently he has gone back for seconds. he has already eaten. and top it off baby, gourmet popsicles, popcorn, booze pops. what is a booze pop. somebody is trying one, hopefully not a booze pop at
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8:00 in the morning. >> anxious to see the winners, frequently you don't have time for lunch, run out and get some. >> the new way people are,,,, they are the men ande,,,, they are the men and women who save lives every day. we'll tag along with a team of volunteers that pluck injured people out of the wild. that's ahead. plus all that mattered in 1997, a song that found new meaning has a worldwide tribute
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next on "cbs this morning." ♪ tribute next on "cbs this morning."on "cbs [ male announcer ] let's go places. but let's be ready. ♪ let's do our homework. ♪ let's look out for each other. let's look both ways before crossing. ♪ let's remember what's important. let's be optimistic. but just in case -- let's be ready. let's go places, safely.
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with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ makes an epic journey throughr pines, wildflowers, and aspens. and is matched only by our journey to capture its scent. crafted by expert perfumers for your home, air wick mountain woodlands and crisp air is part of our limited edition national park collection. airwick. the craft of fragrance.
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"all that all that mattered 16 years ago, elton john recorded "candle in the wind" 1977. the song was originally a tribute to marilyn monroe with leer ricks wrote by his long time clab rart. he was asked to perform at princess diana's funeral and had the leer ricks reworked to honor the princess. ♪ your candle burned out long before, your led jend ever will ♪ >> john recorded two versions of the song on september 6, 1997, one at diana's funeral and another at town house studios in london that afternoon. the second recording went on to
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become the top selling single of the 20th century with more than 11 million copies sold in the u.s. alone. >> top selling single of the 20th century. >> incredible, beautiful song. >> even if you're not a progolfer you could own something jack nicklaus and tiger woods don't have. >> this is the green jacket awarded to the first masters ever. it is now up for auction. how much it's worth coming up on "cbs this morning." it's frozen like you've never seen. they've stripped down to only natural ingredients. why? what were you thinking? new lean cuisine honestly good. in the natural frozen meals section.
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and better is so easy withrning you cabenefiber.o something better for yourself. new lean cuisine honestly good. fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. every weekend millions of
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mountains and the forest, but some get into trouble, and that's when volunteer search and rescue teams jump into action. carter evans got an up close look at how they save lives. >> reporter: the waterfalls in eaton canyon in the mountains just outside los angeles are a magnet for urban weekend warriors, but it's not that easy. >> no, it's not that easy. it's very technical, very challenging. many people have died in this very canyon where we're standing. >> reporter: to be exact, four people have died in the past two years ago with hundreds seriously injured, which is what brings two dozen search and rescue volunteers here early on a sunday morning to learn how to safely locate, secure, and extract wounded hikers. >> res kus in l.a. county have gone up 5%. this place alone, rescues have doubled in the last year. >> reporter: l.a. county reserve
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chief mike liam says social media is fueling the increase. outdoor enthusiasts record their adventures and post them online luring others to an unpredictable wilderness. >> when they get up here, they're finding rocks and cliffs that go straight up and down and had no idea it with u going to be like this. >> reporter: liam trains wasn't a month. he works with volunteers who put their lives on the line simply to help others in trouble. the exercise starts with nearly half of the team securing rescue ropes. >> we're going to put them around the tree. we can put them in a stretch er or harness and put them on a track line and fly them over the line like a cable car. >> reporter: the rest of the team begin as grueling climb, up almost 500 feet along a vertical rock along the aptly named acrow phobia ridge before strapping in
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for a harrowing 150-foot repel over the top of the waterfalls. >> for the rescue we have to get into the same pre carous situation they got into but we have to do it safely for ours. >> reporter: the team rescued two hikers lost in orange county. two of the volunteers were severely injured. >> i fell 110 feet. u have two titanium rods on either side of my spine with 11 screws. >> reporter: stories like that keep this team focused training. in this exercise, one of the trainees plays the role of the injured hiker. he's strapped into a stretcher. >> all right. let's do it. >> and gently carried to the edge of the fall. >> we're going to start pulling him through the tree. copy? >> copy. >> both crews ready? top crew, lower when ready. >> lowering. >> bottom crew go with deep
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tension. top crew, more speed. >> a little faster. >> reporter: it only takes a few minutes to get the victim to the bottom of the fall and into the outstretched hands of rescuers. it looks deceptively simple, almost relaxing. that's how they talked me into giving it a try. >> here we go. i've got to tell you, this is pretty interesting looking. >> bottom side, begin descension. >> reporter: we're about 75 feet up. it's a long fall. all right. we're descending down now. here's my view as wi approach the rescuers. that was nice. >> job well done. >> reporter: we ought do that more often. for me it's basically hitching a ride, but for venture seekers whose day trips go awry, it can mean the difference between life and death. >> very few people get rescued out of here that aren't in crill cal condition.
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>> the only advantage we have is familiarity. we've been up this hundreds and thousands of times. i've done it for 16 years. this is familiarity. >> reporter: that's why you do this training. >> yes. >> reporter: the better they know this terrain, the less likely. >> incredible work they do it's incredible what they do. >> yeah. putting their lives at risk. >> and our own carter. >> yes. speaking of one of our favorite people, jimmy connors is here in our toyota green room. we'll see who he likes in the final stretch. hey, there, jimmy. how are you doing? >> hey. >> how's it going? >> good morning. >> excited to talk to you. we're going to look at his own amazing career on the court. that's this morning. your local news is next. here's the question. >> let me ask you this.
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crisp, fall rocky mountain air makes an epic journey through pines, wildflowers, and aspens. and is matched only by our journey to capture its scent. crafted by expert perfumers for your home, air wick mountain woodlands and crisp air is part of our limited edition national park collection. airwick. the craft of fragrance.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald it's 8:25. time for some news headlines. a big fire in a martinez car lot started after somebody tried to cook potatoes this morning. all the flames and smoke had streets blocked off on pacheco boulevard near peach street. nobody was injured. president obama is meeting with world leaders on his last day at the g20 summit in russia. the president is trying to build support for military strikes against syria but many countries including russia are resistant. the obama administration is also lobbying congress to authorize force against the assad government. the mother of a baby was run over and killed while sunbathing at a san francisco city park. it happened at holly park in the bernal heights neighborhood yesterday afternoon. witnesses say a city parks
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good morning. we have delays in pleasant hill both directions of 680 because of southbound 680 there's an accident by gregory lane and then right around that same exit, northbound there's a stall a truck carrying granite. so lanes are blocked both directions. it's really backing up on to 242, as well.
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also very busy right now across the san mateo bridge. they are still working to clear a big rig. it is blocking one lane approaching the high-rise stacking up into hayward. and this traffic alert is still there if you are heading out of town towards fairfield. there is an accident there a bunch of gravel in lanes eastbound 80 by red top road. multiple lanes blocked. that is traffic. here's lawrence. >> all right. checking out the weather around the bay area today, a whole lot of sunshine coming our way and those numbers really going to be heating up. high pressure now building in overhead. you can see very little in the way of fog. we have just had a couple of patches this morning. lots of sunshine toward the golden gate bridge. on the satellite image still a couple of patches of fog along the coastline clearing out sunshine in the afternoon. 90s in the valleys. 80s inside the bay. even mid-70s into san francisco. this weekend looking hot in spots inland. 70s out toward the beaches then cooling down toward the middle of next week. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour, in golf, no piece of clothing is more famous than the green jacket from the master's. but the first jacket mystery is now solved. how it could end up in your closet. >> you would love that. >> i would indeed. >> and julie chen and sharon osbourne in studio 57. good morning. >> we're telling secrets. >> we're going to learn more about the secrets, the new season of "the talk" is a tell all. how much they're ready to share with the world, sharing secrets with us this morning. time to show you today's headlines. use of electronic cigarettes doubled among american teens.
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the cdc reports 10% of high school students say they tried e-cigarettes last year. the government is expected to announce plans of battery powered smoke with tobacco products next month. and the harvard reports on the integrity of in coming students finds 42% admit cheating on homework. 17% have cheated on a paper. 10% admit cheating on an exam before coming to harvard. >> cheaters never win. new york post says a man paid $120,000 for a piece of land in the hamptons, but it is only one foot wide. his beach front home sits next to it. he bought it to keep his neighbor from walking across his property to get to the ocean. the u.s. open continues in new york today. jimmy connors joins us. in the 1970s, was the top ranking tennis player in the world, still holds the record
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for singles titles. over the span of three decades from 1972 through 1996 jimmy connors riled up crowds with his inspiring play and brash style. he won over 100 singles titles and 8 grand slams. but it was in new york at the u.s. open where connors was most at home winning the tournament five times. >> it seems that every time i come to new york, i play my best tennis. whether you like me or not, i like you. >> at age 39, he went on one last magical run at the open, summoning his trademark hustle and theatrics, thrilling the crowd, he loved them until the very end. jimmy connors, author of the outsider, a memoir. pleased to have him here at
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studio 57. welcome. >> good morning. >> good time to happen. u.s. open under way. >> best time of year. >> what is it with you and the u.s. open and you and new york fans? >> well, we didn't always get along at the beginning, that's nor sure. certainly as my career went on here i think they became, the fans i mean, became more interested in the way i played, my kind of attitude towards my tennis. >> what was that attitude? gl well, bad attitude. and i say that with pride now because, you know, i look back, i could always find a way to go out and to give a little extra, but certainly the crowds here in new york were able to push me to another level. >> the u.s. open has not disappointed at all this year, exciting heading into the semifinals. what do you think makes the u.s. open different than other grand slam tournaments? >> i think it is the toughest tennis in town, putting up with everything, new york city, the pace, everything that goes along with getting to the stadium, then the crowds of course, they're different from any other crowds around the world.
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there's no sitting still. the noise, the excitement, the electricity, the emotion that's out there. not that the others around the world aren't, but in new york it just takes it to another level. >> thinking of what nor is said, what happened to fedderer, what's going on? >> i think with roger, he is listening to too many people. he is 32 years old, he is getting older, saying he can't keep up. it is almost insulting to hear that. i mean, it really is. there is a different mindset when you get older. andy murray, on the other hand, won the open last year, won wimbledon this year, a huge deal for europe and especially for britain. he might have had a let down. but still that's his business. he has to come out and perform up to standard every time. >> it is looking like a final between rafa and novak. what do you think? >> nadal is playing the best
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tennis. for someone that took six, seven months off last year, has come back and played this kind of tennis is an incredible feat. amazing. djokovic knows how to play. they have great matches all the time, he is able to take the ball early, neutralize the top spin that nadal throws at him. the intriguing parts of it will be great. >> jimmy connors with the game he had, if he was playing today, would he be in the top ten? >> i certainly would have to make adjustments, there's no doubt. the equipment is different, strength is different, the athletes are different certainly. to come out and to get involved in that and the scientific way of training, i didn't do that. all of my training was on the court, playing the matches and so forth. would i have like to have tried? sure. no doubt. the competitiveness in me would love to go out and play nadal,
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djokovic or murray or any of them. unfortunately it is not my era. this is their time. it is time for them to carry the game to another level which is certainly what they're doing now. >> women's semifinals starts today. do you think this is serena williams to -- >> she's certainly playing good tennis. lee na, three of four women in the semifinals are 30 years old. that makes me look back to say the tennis they played 10, 12, 15 years ago can hold up today. >> sometimes women age better than men. >> i am not disagreeing with that. certainly not disagreeing with that. >> you made a point of their age saying that's different. >> it is different. it doesn't seem to me that the kids are coming up so young any more, where it used to be 15, 16. maybe they're reaching their strides a little later now. >> one more question. coaching murray, you coached before, do you want to do that?
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>> it is an interesting question because to get a murray, you take a small number, and the tweaks are very small. might be better to get a younger player who listens and is able to open up to what you have to offer them, the experience and so forth. would i like to be put in that position again? sure. i enjoyed it. >> great to see you, jim. >> thank you. >> great to see you. coverage of the u.s. open continues later today on cbs. in golf, the champion of the master's earns the coveted green jacket. now you can own one, and not just any jacket, but the one given to the first winner of the master's. many collectors of golf memorabilia had no idea where it was until now. >> there it is! adams got it, a life changer. >> reporter: to win the master's as adam scott did this spring is to reach the pinnacle of professional golf. and the prize, the green jacket.
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the most sought after in the sport. the first green jacket was awarded to sam sneed in 1949, but he wasn't a prestigeous tournament first champion. that title is horton smith who won in 1934 and again in 1936. 15 years before the green jacket became synonymous with augusta. >> back in those days, they had -- >> reporter: michael lackovic decided to sell it. >> we feel strongly it should be displayed somewhere very prominent. i would like to see the pga historical museum acquire it. that would be nice. >> reporter: the co-owner of green jacket auctions questioned the jacket's authenticity. ant totici. as hesitant to talking to me an telling me that he e was actual a relative of horton smith, i am like okay, this possibly is,
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this might be real. >> reporter: smith's jacket joins nearly 400 pieces of golf history currently up forbid on >> it is the holy grail. >> absolutely. i would be surprised if it didn't sell for over $150,000. i really would. and the sky is the limit. something like this, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. >> it has been taken well care of, protected, and cherished, believe me. hope it goes somewhere very nice. that's our goal. >> reporter: the current bid is up to $117,000. the final bid is expected late saturday night. one of the last green jackets believed to be owned by bobby jones, co-founder of the master's, that sold in 2011 for more than $300,000. look at our model. >> what do you think, terrell? >> looks good on you. >> can i borrow a couple hundred
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thousand? >> if you had it, would you wear it to cocktail parties? >> no. can you imagine who won the green jacket. nicholas, tiger woods, bobby jones. that great ceremony at the end of the master's when you put on the green jacket, speaking of finding greatness. >> i don't think we will get this off you. >> perfect fit. he was the same height i was, 6'3". >> had long arms. when i had it on out there. >> i have long arms. >> it is all about you, charlie. >> looks good on you. >> this is a little darker than the jacket. >> i love it. >> fits like a glove. >> looking good. thanks, terrell, nice to see you. next, julie chan and sharon osbourne are in the toyota green room. they h,,,,
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i have given my husband unspeakable things but he's not in public often. >> and near therare you. >> neither am i. >> thank god. >> at least we own up when we mess up, okay? >> the ladies of the talk don't shy away from much including the troubles of anthony weiner. the hit daytime talk show takes a look at the issues of the day and now it's going into its fourth season. the cohosts promise a few surprising secrets this morning. what kind of secrets are we talking about? >> i will say this. last year when we premiered we decided to bare all by not wearing any makeup or hair
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extensions or whatever. how are we going to -- we have to up the ante. so this year each lady is going to reveal a secret that not only have we ever told the public but we haven't told each other. >> about yours -- >> no, about ourselves. >> i haven't even told my family. >> oh my. are they going to find out live on the show monday. >> yes. >> i have a feeling sharon might go first. >> we have one secret a day. >> no. >> we'll see if cheryl goes first. each day next week since monday is the season four premier, monday it might be cheryl revealing a secret u be each day one lady will reveal a secret. and i will say my secret, i haven't told my family either. i better clear it through them. because when this happened it
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caused a controversy in my family and i have tangible evidence of my secret. i have pictures and i'm digging up a videotape. >> videotape, i'm terrified. >> kim car dashian, you better move over sister. >> did i hear you say that you would forgive your husband many things but he was not a public figure. if he had had some kind of relationship you would have forgiven him? >> no it doesn't mean that at all. i meant that my husband isn't representing new york or los angeles. see, he just represents his own and his own conscious. but for somebody who is in public office, i think for me you have to be above the everyday person. you have to be an example. >> i think this is going to be very revealing because people
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have lots of secrets and telling your own secrets can be ek bar raszing. are you struggling with this or is this something you want to tell. >> i've struggled with it for a few weeks but now i've just embraced it. the beauty is once you put it out there, you own it and no one has power over you. there are other people who know my secret but they've never revealed it. so now they can't. >> can we get a hint here? >> i told you. >> you want to hint about yourself? >> yes. >> i don't know about yours. >> there's probably only two other people that know and i was really embarrassed to share it with anyone until now. >> i'm dying to get somebody's take on this. we reported this study yesterday that yelling to your adolescents can be just as damaging to hitting them, yelling is just as damaging as spanking, just as
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hurtful. do you think that's true. >> absolutely. words hurt. >> i'm not a physical person with my pepper but i yell at them an awful lot. and when i read this i feel really like i need therapy now. >> this is a little bit self-serving -- go ahead. >> i was going to say sharon, her version of yelling is probably quite dignified because of that british ak vent. it wasn't like the study say you're a lazy, good for enough -- >> no. >> i didn't agree with that. >> we're out of town. should we borrow their idea an start telling secrets? >> you first. >> well done. >> open that closet. >> charlie. you're now the second charlie in my life. julie chen and sharon osbourne,
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it's been a great week.,,,, as we leave you, let's take a look back at the week that was. have a great weekend. i didn't set a redline. the world set a redline. the moral thing to do is not to stand by and do nothing. i do thing we have to act. >> president obama and vladimir putin met here. >> albrighton bashir al assad described the middle east as a powder keg and said it will explode amid a u.s. strike. >> a lot of members are saying you've got to do it or you don't have my vote. >> you should never, ever give up. >> diana nyad told us her body is not soar. and incredibly hard to believe, she slept great last night.
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imagine that. >> you're hardly ever out there saying, oh, my god, isn't it a beautiful moon out there tonight? >> some are saying the nfl got off easy? is the litigation over because four ex-nfl players have filed a lawsuit. >> one things learned, charlie, litigation is never over. >> new york mayoral candidate anthony weiner had a meltdown on the campaign trail. >> there's still plenty of scars from the tornado, but this football field gave people here a chance to focus on something else. >> being the sun at all can sometimes be an alien site in london but this is like the sun on steroids. >> look at this mississippi monster. >> what do you do with a 700-pound gator? >> mount the head and make a wallet. >> hello, sexual chocolate. >> yes, indeed. >> i want to make sure my husband lives without me because i can live without him.
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>> i think that's nice. i'm divorced. i definitely want to outlive him. >> what do you think about our producer, does he punish or pamper? >> pamper. he drops the ball before he gets to the line i know you can't get an alligator wristband go with that. >> you know what i'm hearing, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka chick. >> what you should be hearing is excited, yeah. >> ka-ching. >> we know who will play the lead role in "fifty shades of grey." >> he's read the book, iechl sure. >> don't even go there, charlie. >> i'm finding a good tummy rub always works. >> a would-be robber pull add gun on a clerk at a liquor store and check this out. i don't think anybody's going go in there and hold him up. >> i get a kick out of the fact that people think i've got some great physique. >> i want to see this perfect
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