tv Face the Nation CBS December 15, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PST
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>> schieffer: it has been ten days now since former south african president nelson mandela died at the age of 95. cbs news reporter debra patta has been covering the long road home to his boyhood village of kunu, she joins us now from johannesburg. >> good morning, bob. if there is one word that sums up this ten-day mourning per it would be soulful. today was really a send off that captured the essence of nelson mandela. this song about nelson mandela is really the sound track for this ten-day mourning period. it's been impossible to go anywhere in this country without hearing it on the streets of south africa, so spontaneous rendition of it at the funeral was very fitting. it was always going to be a
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difficult past calling a state funeral in the village, bear in mind it is remote, without any modern conveniences and yet massive marquee inside 95 candles lit in tribute to the 95 years of nelson mandela's life. this was nelson mandela's long held wish, he always wanted to return to the place in which he grew up. and hard to imagine this kind anywhere else in the world. against the backdrop of a rural, african village. that ultimately was always mandela's trademark style, this combination of african prince, iconic statesman blended with the x factor, something akin to a hollywood superstar. but really for me the most heartbreaking moment came when one of mandela's oldest friends spoke, who was imprisoned with mandela and behind bars with him for 26 of the 27 years he was in jail.
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>> i have lost a brother. my life is in a void and i don't know who to turn to. thank you very much. >> also got a sense of mandela the family man, this came from his granddaughter, nandy. >> we shall miss a steady voice when you were not pleased with our behavior. we shall miss your voice as it told us of your childhood. we shall miss your laughter. >> a lot of focus on the two great loves of nelson mandela's life, flanking either side with winnie mandela, former wife and widow, both enormous strain of very tough ten days. publicly displaying unity in their grief. eventually the casket was transported with full honors to the gravesite. we once again saw the symbolic gestures nelson mandela loved. in the black and white military
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officers, then echo can inauguration as president just under 20 years ago physical terry fly pass before the casket was lowered in to the ground. from here the rest of the final burial was strictly private affair, out of respect for the family's wishes. >> schieffer: that was debra patta who has been covering this from the beginning for us in joe hansberg. joining us now cbs this morning cohost gayle king and actor forest whitaker they were both at the services earlier. and they have made their way now to johannesburg and they're with us, thank you both for coming this morning. gaylee what was this like? it must have been an amazing experience for you. >> bob, it really was. forest and i were talking in the car, we landed less than an hour ago jumped in the car came straight to you. both of us said a day that we'll never forget. nelson mandela for those who knew him say that he was a very simple man but there was nothing simple about this service today.
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as debra pointed out we were in kunu a very remote village but the way the dome was, it was so well produced, so well done that i think nelson mandela would have been very pleased today. at how he was bid farewell. >> schieffer: you were both there, i take it as guests of the family and really an exclusive group there, forest, what does it mean to you? >> paying tribute to someone who has shaped the world, shaped this country. i was moved. we were enveloped by the energy of all these people who were trying to express their mourning but also their love and admiration for this man. it was extremely moving to be able to sit there and to be a part of the celebration of his life. >> they kept saying over and over about nelson mandela's love of children, they kept saying we will miss your love, your smile,
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we will miss your leadership, you were the right person at the right time for this job. tell bob the part about the ocean, i loved that sentiment. >> during the ceremony the bishop told a story about a boat on the horizon, go to the other side. person that was with him, he said, it's gone, no, no, it's on the other side. you can see it coming. you can see it on the other side coming. >> just because he isn't there doesn't mean -- you can't see him doesn't mean he isn't there. from the moment we sat down they said, listen, we're on a time schedule, we're going to keep to the time. because madiba has to be in the ground by noon where the sun is the highest, the shadows are the shorest but as you might expect it ran long they said, two and a half hours is not enough time to pay tribute to nelson mandela. so they were asking for special dispensation. then we all moved over to the burial site which was another --
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i can't even begin to describe that to you in terms of the tribute that was paid the him. to see winnie and grassa michelle paying tribute to a man this they loved. i have to say was very moving thing. >> i think when they were bringing in -- procession bringing him to the site, then they did the 1-gun salute and then jets started to fly above. i thought -- it was a lot of emotions about how do you express gratitude to a man of this magnitude. how do you express it in words. i think the feeling was overwhelming. >> i agree with that. bob, to anyone who has lost someone that they love, there is something about seeing the casket go in to the ground that that -- it hits you even though you know that moment is coming. it was a very painful thing to
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see. very painful. but at the same time people said, let's celebrate him that he came and did he his job and he did it well. while they said the long walk may be over, but the journey continues. i think people left there believe it or not feeling very uplifted and very inspired today. >> schieffer: forest whitaker, let me can you this. when did you first know about nelson mandela and what kind of an impact did he have on your life? >> i knew about the struggle when they were struggling to free south africa of apartheid. the affect he's had on my life, he's taught me so much. personally i like to do a lot of work in the peace field. watching him as a model and someone to study and understand has been very important for me. i think i've used his philosophy of forgiveness, his philosophy
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of understanding true forgiveness, love, all the workings that i do. i think that influenced aspects of my life to try to incorporate that holistically in every moment of my life that i can. >> what about you, gayle? >> at the service today they shade everybody has a madiba moment. anybody who came in contact with him had a madiba moment. i have to say first time i met him, it was working with oprah at the magazine, we were allowed to come to his house and sit and talk with him. and it's the interest that he took when he met you. i can't stress enough how much he loved children. he wanted to know, was i married, no, i'm not. you're not, that's not good. do you have children, yes, i have children. what are their names, what are their ages, what are they doing? he became very engaged talking to me about my children. i will never, ever forget that moment. and again, what i said, what i've been saying to everybody
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about his belief in the power of forgiveness. how important that is, that was very evident today. tell your madiba moment. >> schieffer: absolutely. >> i was impressed -- my children were with me when i first met him, i spent so much time talking to them, asking them questions. my daughter she was probably like nine years old she was shaking when she walked up to him. what do you want to do? what are you dreaming of? what do you feel? it was the most beautiful thing. he loved children. and expressed it in that moment so simply by trying to draw from my daughter just some words because she couldn't find the words to express how important he was. >> schieffer: i know this was very important day for both of you and as we said in the beginning i'm sure it's one that you will never forget. nor will the world forget for a long, long time. nelson mandela. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you,.
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>> schieffer: we appreciate it. we'll be back in one minute with panel of analysts. every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. i'm bethand i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative,
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we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. >> schieffer: joining me now to talk about a lot of things on this day of many, many developments our friend "new york times" columnist tom freedman, cb i news foreign correspondent, all star correspondent clarissa ward we welcome the managing editor of "time" magazine radika jones. and our friend jeffrey goldberg of the atlantic and bloomberg news. let's start first on iran thing. what do you take from what the iranian foreign minister told liz palmer this morning. >> not much, bob. the fact is that the iranians aren't in these negotiations by accident or tourism. the foreign minister and the new
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president to power. six men were allowed to run they were called, their names were mr. black, mr. black, mr. black, mr. black, mr. black, mr. light black. it turns out that 61% of the iranians all rushed to the guy who is just a little more moderate than anybody else. actually the word is there were 64% of the government just take this to 51%. what they were saying, tired of sanction, tired of being disconnected from the world. the iranians are in these negotiations for regime survival and the situation. fact that we sent them a little signal early on which is don't think that because we're going to six-month negotiations that it's now green light or yellow light for companies to come back and start. they will be back. they're not there by accident. >> schieffer: jeffrey, we are obviously seeing a change in tone but obviously for these things to be successful there has to be a change in more than just the tone. >> the amazing thing about this
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process nothing has actually happened. i mean the interim agreement has not even been implemented. the talks that he temporarily suspended were just technical talks to move toward implementation of an interim agreement. we don't know where this is going. i believe that the iranian regime, the president and foreign minister are authorized to freeze in place, but i don't get the sense that they're authorized to dismantle the program. so the hard stuff hasn't even begun. you see all these mini eruptions we haven't begun to see how difficult it's going to be. >> schieffer: is this a good thing for bad thing are we wasting our time doing this? should we be at the table? >> i think we should be at the table. we're in the run up to interim deal it's very much in the future. i don't think the feeling on that has changed. >> schieffer: what about you, clarissa? >> i'd like to see in the context of this discussion about iran more attention paid to syria. i know i've become this sort of bore who is talking about syria.
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but i would like to see any work with iran based on action with iran in terms of reign ink the president who virtually single-handedly financially and militarily supporting. it's essential to see iran play more active role in facilitating some type of a peace agreement in syria. >> i agree. i agree with you but it's a lovely fantasy. obama administration has two agreements with the regimes in the middle east, syria to get rid of the chemical weapons and iran to begin negotiating on the nuclear side. doesn't seem to be any interest on obama administration to open other files. auto ran is the major state sponsored terror in the world. and there's not an interest in discussing that. and there doesn't seem to be much interest in discuss syria. >> i don't think as a result the administration has reputation in the middle east for having a complete lack of consistency and
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its policy while they have been good at sort of spying opportunities and zoning in on those even taking risks to do so. there really is a stunning lack of clarity when it comes to a larger policy. >> the middle east has reputation for not getting along with itself. and some point we have to decide how much do we invest in trying to sort out between sunni and shiites. how much having tried this now in iraq do we simply let that sit back, let this fire burn out and hopefully come in at a later stage. i think if you tack about syria you have to talk about international force that goes in, evicts asad, controls the border, takes out the bad guys and tries to build a center. it's 20-year project. >> never going to happen. >> schieffer: that's what we tried to do with iraq, is it not? >> didn't work out real well. >> we have distinct allergy to that kind of state building exercise. >> with good reason.
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while this war of attrition is going on and on in syria you are seeing the makings of potentially a somalia on the mediterranean which will have ramifications for all of us. >> isn't it still the case that it's extremely hard to know who to support in syria? >> of course. we have royally screwed the pooch. >> gave too little, too late to guys who didn't have any traction on the ground. >> the issue, do you let it burn out but in the burning do you get burnt yourself. if large swaths of syria become alexi da safe havens then 2016 and 2017 having to invade, god forbid, parts of syria to eradicate al qaeda. we've done that one before quite a bit. >> schieffer: does anyone think anything is going to come of this? these talks? >> syria talks? or iran talks? [ laughter ] >> which problem are you talking about.
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>> schieffer: do we think these geneva talks in the end something is going to happen here? >> i would say, yes. i do think something is going to happen. but i think it's hard to know how long it will take to see any results from it, if that makes sense. >> happen if the united states and soviet union come together to get something to happen. back to the ukraine story, we decided that we thought it was more important to have the czech navy in the nato alliance than try to build a bridge to soviet union. over basically trying to build relationship with democratic soviet union. that has been the gift that keeps on giving. in ukraine, my heart goes out with entirely ukrainians who want to have a future with the west, i appreciate that. let's not forget where ukraine is. vis-a-vis the soviet union, how
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we've treated the soviet union why we have a putin who finds the wonderful to run against the west and nato domestically because of something that goes back 15 years ago. this isn't happening out of -- in a vacuum. >> schieffer: that brings us to john mccain who is in ukraine, in kiev this morning, you just heard him. he told ukrainian people, he spoke to the demonstrators, he said we are for you, united states is with you. i think john mccain is with them. i want to check and see how far that extends to the united states. >> i think as tom said it's hard, we have it in our. >> dan: to love the protesters in the cold, that's what mccain was talking about. ultimately it's really the european union's fight not the united states' fight. very difficult to imagine scenario which the threats that pout is in making about withholding frayed agreements and what have you are able to be
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resisted. putin is railroad irresistible. >> the american people are emotionally with the ukrainians. i think the obama administration i can like a lot of issues, seems less interested in engagement. the perfect example is 2009 in iran when there was the green revolution, obama administration was very hesitant to say you guys are standing for what we stand for. i think today i think senator mccain is on to something. i think that people proceedesters look to america for moral leadership on these issues. it's a complicated issues. russia and eu plays primary role but there could be more that americans can do to stand up for our values. >> schieffer: what do you think, that john mccain should have gone and talked to the protesters? >> i don't think there's anything wrong with that. it warm my heart to see us siding with people who want to build a future with the west. not happening in a vacuum, in a country that really screwed up
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its domestic politics, incapable of reforms. again, what people build statutes of liberty and carry them in their independent square, i'm a sucker for that as much as anybody else. are they really -- can they back it up? it's not always just about us. we're not only subjects, what we do or don't do isn't the only thing. sometimes people look at south africa, yes, we are part of sanctions regime. what made the difference, they had a leader who was ready to reach out to the other side and challenge his own base. >> there's a theme for the past couple of weeks, it's that where are the other mandelas, iran, israel, palestine, syria, ukraine. it's remarkable how rare a personality he was when you look at leadership in the world today. >> you think about what is going on in all thighs countries, you either have -- one of three things, you either have external midwife that comes in tries to
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make the transition to more democratic order. we tried that in iraq and afghanistan. largely did not succeed. we have domestic nill terry like egypt has, may be can make that transition or you have a mandel louisiana if you have no mantle la, no military, no midwife, no syria. >> schieffer: i'm struck by that. i have never been one who believed in the tides of history. i think individuals make history. i think individuals make the difference. i think the great lesson in mandela here is for all of us to step back and realize, he was a person who led, he wasn't worried about getting primary opponent. he went out and stood for what he thought was right and that does make a difference. >> he challenged his base, the knuckleheads in the senate on the republican side, are they really worried about agreeing to this minor budget deal? not one is a profile in courage that we're going to lecture
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ukrainians on what to do? >> something you said just really struck me. everyone makes choices. assad made a choice to murder his countrymen in order to stay in power. think about the power personality and character and compare that to mandela. it's really astonishing. >> schieffer: we that have to leave it right there. thank you all so much for adding some context this morning. we'll be back.
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[uncle]this is hopscotch,okay? uncle go one,two,one,two,one two,one. [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah?
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air is hanging around so lo- and when its expected to clr out. good evening... i'm ann it is ugly and we are breathing it in. why dirty air is hanging around and when it is expected to get out. today is day 8. tomorrow, another spare the air day has been declared. that means no wood burning. the dirty air is effecting the bay area. >> reporter: the filthy air is visible throughout the bay area. >> the yellowish hazy, you know, smog. >> reporter: tomorrow's alert is the thenth since the winter spare the air began on november 1st. this record-breaking 9-day run is caused by an ongoing set
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