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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  December 29, 2013 7:00pm-8:31pm PST

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captioning funded by cbs and ford >> kroft: tonight, on this special edition of "60 minutes presents: going to extremes." >> three, two, one. one to base. >> kroft: here he goes. a small group of extreme sportsmen wearing specially made wing suits have come about as close to flying as you can get outside the confines of an airplane, at least for a minute or two. we can hear them already. >> yeah. that was probably about 140, 150 mile-an-hour fly-by. >> simon: you may have seen polar bears shot like this before, but have you ever seen them like this-- close up, intimate, just doing what polar bears do, sometimes even treading on thin ice?
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probably not. and that's because they're not being shot at the end of a long lens right now; they're being filmed by spies. >> cooper: the nile crocodile can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh as much as a car. they're patient and stealthy killers that drag their prey into the water, where they drown and dismember them. hundreds of people are killed every year. yeah, okay. anderson, good? >> cooper: let's go. >> okay. >> cooper: so, why would we go diving with them? to learn more about africa's largest and most feared predator face to face. this handles really nice.'s a great ride and it has great gas mileage.
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>> kroft: good evening. i'm steve kroft and welcome to "60 minutes presents." there are, in this world, people driven to take risks, and we've met many of them over the years on "60 minutes," people who are willing to go to extremes in pursuit of their passions. tonight, a few of our favorites. for hundreds of years, fully- grown adults and very young children have dreamed about flying. people have made wings out of feathers and wood and jumped off buildings and cliffs in order to soar like a bird. and a lot of them have died trying. now, a small group of extreme sportsmen wearing specially made wing suits have come about as
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close as you can get to flying outside the confines of an airplane, at least for a minute or two. some people call them "birdmen." we first learned about them on the internet. the pictures we saw were so spectacular, a few years back, we decided to assemble some of the sport's top athletes, and mount a small expedition with the latest high-definition cameras to one of the most beautiful places on earth to see what this is all about. >> tom eric heiman: three, two, one. one to base. >> kroft: there he goes. >> j.t. holmes: he's going to come around the corner. oh, he's high. nice. >> kroft: you can hear him already. >> holmes: yeah. ( laughs ) sweet! you feel that? >> kroft: j.t. holmes is an american, a professional skier from lake tahoe.
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>> julian boulle: man! i got, like, little goose bumps from that speed, eh! >> kroft: julian boulle is a south african living in france, a skydiver and aerial photographer par excellence. and that's tom eric heiman, one of our norwegian hosts darting across the valley. >> holmes: i just love just feeling that speed and watching stuff go by. >> kroft: and how fast are you going? >> holmes: that was probably about 140, 150 mile-an-hour fly- by. >> kroft: that sound was amazing. >> holmes: did you feel it? >> kroft: yeah. >> holmes: it's so cool to watch. i can just... whoosh! >> kroft: if you want to do this, there is no better time or place than the romsdal valley of norway during the summer solstice, a paradise of fjords and farms several hundred miles northwest of oslo. myth has it that norway's trolls live here amidst the waterfalls and some of the tallest, sheerest cliffs in europe. norwegians have been parachuting off them for decades. birdmen take the extreme sport to new extremes, dropping off a
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cliff and free falling until the air inflates the wings of their nylon suits and propels them forward. >> holmes: the dive creates the speed. and you use that speed to glide out and, you know, fly flatter. >> kroft: gravity makes it impossible for them to go up or even maintain altitude. for every two feet j.t. glides forward, he drops a foot. but the suit allows him to stay aloft three times longer than a skydiver. >> holmes: within a few seconds, of course, that suit... that wind is going to fill up that suit. it's going to pressurize and you're going to have total control. >> kroft: how long have you been doing this? >> holmes: five years. >> kroft: what's special about the wing suits? >> holmes: mm, you know, it... it's just like so many children dream. it's flying. >> kroft: you feel like you're flying? >> holmes: well, i am flying. ( laughs ) so, yes, i do very much feel like i'm flying. >> kroft: like a bird? >> holmes: yeah. just like a bird. a bird that can't flap his wings
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and go up. the birds probably laugh at us. they're probably just like, "look at these guys." >> kroft: they have long grown bored of simply flying over the valleys. in order to maximize the sensation of speed, they need a visual reference point, so they fly just a few feet from the rock face. sometimes, you're flying so close to these cliffs, it looks like you could reach out and touch them, and you are going 100 miles an hour, 140 miles an hour. >> holmes: yes. >> kroft: there's not much margin for error there. >> holmes: it feels entirely in control. and the speed actually increases your stability and it increases your safety margin, because with the speed that we're flying with, you can create lift. and you know, you can pop up and fly away at any time. there's margin there. ready, set, go! >> kroft: how quickly can you turn? >> holmes: i don't even know how to turn.
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you just do it. you just... you know, you just look where you want to go and you just go there. and you just feel it and go. you're like, "yeah, let's go fast. this feels good. the faster i go, the more control i have." and you just charge with it. >> kroft: to the extent that j.t. and the others ever get nervous, it usually comes at a time that many people might consider one of the most mundane legs of the trip-- when the end is in sight. what is the most dangerous part of this? >> holmes: the most important thing is to open that parachute, you know. just that moment, when you reach back and throw the... the pilot chute out there, which extracts your parachute. that's the most critical thing. i mean, if you don't do that, you're not going to live through it. >> kroft: but getting down the mountain, which only takes a minute or so, is just part of the extreme sport. the much longer and more arduous part involves scaling the mountains you are going to jump off in the first place. how long does it take you to get up to the ledge where you go from?
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>> holmes: this one's about an hour and a half. but, you know, some of them are up to four, five, six hours for the big, big mountains around here. >> kroft: there are no chair lifts, which explains why j.t., julian, and tom erik are members of such a small and exclusive club. you have to be a skilled climber, an accomplished skydiver, and an experienced outdoorsman to even attempt to do this. >> holmes: you know, it... that... it's that first view, looking over the edge that really hits you. you're like, "whoa, cool. this is an amazing spot to fly." >> boulle: money can't buy you this experience. you've got to have the passion to do your time. if you haven't done the time, you just can't get there. you can't arrive with, like, $10,000 and buy a wing suit experience. >> kroft: what do you have to know? what kind of skills do you have to have to be able to do what you do? >> holmes: you need to just have some mountain sense. you know, what... how long am i going to be? what if that... something goes wrong? how long is it going to be until i can get back if the weather comes in? you need to know yourself. how much water do i need to have?
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can i realistically walk up this mountain for two hours, or is that not within my physical capabilities? yesterday, i jumped from... >> kroft: it all looks spontaneous, but the birdmen put together a detailed plan every time they jump. >> there is some fog coming in. >> kroft: and they almost always have help from the locals, who serve as spotters, keeping them posted on weather conditions and potential problems on the ground. do you ever get spooked up there? >> holmes: i have, yeah. in the... on a... on a couple of occasions, i've had no real good reason for not... not jumping, but i just walk back down. >> boulle: we're trying to get people to understand that we're not crazy. we just want to have fun like everybody else, and we want to share nature like everyone else. we just have our own special way of doing it. >> if you die base jumping, it is your own fault. it is your own mistakes that makes that happen. >> kroft: do you think about it? i mean, when you're up there on top of the mountain, you're getting ready to go, and you all shake hands and say... do you think about the possibility...
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>> holmes: yeah, but we don't think, like, "i may not see you again." >> boulle: "better say good-bye. give me a kiss." >> kroft: that never enters your mind? come on. >> holmes: if you do crash when you're flying your wing suit, you're... you're going to die. nobody lives through that. you're just going too fast. >> kroft: j.t. was just 15 when his dad took him helicopter skiing. today, he's one of the best in the world at it, making a living endorsing products and making movies for top-of-the-line production companies like msp films. you're a professional skier. >> holmes: yeah, great job. >> kroft: i mean, in your day job, you could... there are any number of ways you could kill yourself in your day job. and for fun, you take on something that's maybe even more dangerous? >> holmes: yeah, i... i do dangerous things. >> kroft: he and his friend shane mcconkey were the first to ski off mountains wearing their wing suits. then, they jettison their skis
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so they could fly down the mountain. you lost a good friend recently. >> holmes: yeah, i did. yeah. >> kroft: shane. >> holmes: uh-huh. >> kroft: he was... he was supposed to be with us here. >> holmes: yeah, he was. we planned this trip to meet up with you guys, then i took off to europe. that was when he died. >> kroft: you were with him? >> holmes: yep. >> kroft: shane crashed in italy because he was unable to release his ski bindings quickly enough so he could begin flying. how did it affect you? >> holmes: it saddened me deeply. you know, i miss my friend. >> kroft: did it make you think about quitting? >> holmes: yeah. >> kroft: but you didn't. >> holmes: no, i didn't. i didn't quit. at least, i haven't quit yet. >> kroft: near the end of our stay, we chartered a helicopter for the biggest adventure of our visit. we were going to the top of one of the most famous mountains in norway, romsdalshorn. when j.t. and the others climb up here, they don't even use ropes. the chopper saved us time and energy.
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it was a dizzying flight, not for the faint-hearted. from the air, our landing pad looked tiny but solid, a flat piece of rock. but when we touched down, it turned out to be an unstable patchwork of stone. these guys said that this was like the size of two football fields. this is like the size of an nba basketball court. >> boulle: for a summit, it's huge. you could throw a party up here for new year's eve. >> kroft: i'm busy new year's eve. ( laughter ) it was early summer, but we were a mile above the valley floor and the temperature was just above freezing. >> holmes: it's kind of half the battle just getting in these things, though, you know? you kind of feel like you're climbing into the tight cockpit. >> kroft: they had a pre-flight checklist, making sure their zippers were closed, parachutes well-packed, and there were no rips in their wing suits. it was time to go to what they call the exit point. so, you're having fun. >> heiman: yes, i am enjoying
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myself. >> kroft: i wish i could say the same thing. i am not crazy about heights. by his count, j.t. has jumped off mountains like this 125 times. but there is a bit of the first time every time he does it. >> holmes: i feel, you know, kind of butterflies in my stomach, and you just feel like a flow of adrenaline. >> kroft: tom erik and his norwegian friend espen were the first to take the plunge. >> holmes: yeah. sweet! >> kroft: so, are you psyched right now? >> holmes: yeah, for sure. >> kroft: pumped? >> holmes: yeah. >> kroft: you're pumped? >> holmes: yeah, i am fired up. i want to go. can i go? >> kroft: you can go. we decided not to follow j.t. down the last few steps to the ledge where he was going to jump, and we were glad we didn't. he then collected himself and took a couple of deep breaths. do you ever have trouble pulling the trigger? >> holmes: no. no, i don't. but, you know, you do sometimes
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have trouble finding that calm moment, you know? and you're just like, "okay, this is about as calm as i'm going to get this time." okay, ready, set, go. you know, you step off and it's like you're an astronaut; you're just weightless. and then you start to fall and you get the wind. that's when you're gaining speed. i really enjoy that part. you know, air's air, gravity's gravity. you're carving through just beautiful stuff there. >> kroft: for some of these pictures, julian was our cameraman. and at one point, he and j.t. were flying so close together, in such perfect formation that there was time for a birdman high-five half a mile up at 140 miles an hour. it was an exhilarating moment, but it wasn't the last. >> whoo-hoo! >> kroft: over the next few days, they kept on jumping, saving the best for last. >> holmes: ready, set, go!
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and you're just flying along the wall on your right, and at that point, i don't really know what's going on. is julian there or not? i assume he is because he's so good. but on this jump, i can see our shadows, and i am like, "oh, my god, sick! he's right there. every jump is like a little mini-adventure. these are experiences that i only want to share with people that i love and respect. >> heiman: thanks. >> holmes: yeah, buddy, good trip. >> heiman: good trip. >> holmes: we've done it again. >> heiman: yeah. >> boulle: do you think anybody else had as much fun as us today in the entire world? >> holmes: i don't think so. i really don't think so. >> boulle: i don't think it's possible. >> cbs money watch update sponsored by lincoln financial: calling all chief life officers. >> good evening. the minimum wage goes up in 13 states starting wednesday.
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colorado this week becomes the first state to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana. and the united nations is cutting staff for the first time since it was formed in 1945. i'm jeff glor, cbs news. mom: good luck, sweetie! i love you! girl: i love you too. cow: (tearing up) go get em' gracie! girl: bye! cow: they grow up so fast baby: (giggles) cow: my bad. girl: would you like some tea? cow: yes please. girl: o.k.
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>> kroft: if you've ever enjoyed the sight of polar bears, this story is for you. because you're about to see them as you never have before. for this, you can thank the ice- breaking work of john downer, a british filmmaker who spent two years getting to know them. it wasn't easy. polar bears frequent the most forbidding part of the planet. it's tough to get there. and once you do, it's really cold. polar bears are also difficult to spot-- white on white is not easy on the eye.
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in the past, they'd been filmed from a distance, which is advisable. polar bears are dangerous. but as bob simon reported two years ago, john downer wanted to get up close and survive. so, he needed new tricks. he came up with forms of surveillance which could make the c.i.a. proud. downer's film, "spy on the ice," takes you inside their world. tonight, we'll show you how he does it. >> simon: you may have seen polar bears shot like this before, but have you ever seen them like this-- close up, intimate, just doing what polar bears do? sometimes, even treading on thin ice. probably not. and that's because they're not being shot at the end of a long lens right now; they're being filmed by spies. for the last two years, they have been under constant surveillance, scrutinized by
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snowballs, by mounds of snow, by tiny icebergs drifting in the seas. they're cameras, of course, but the nearest cameraman can be miles away. we're up in the arctic circle, chillingly close to the north pole. we've traveled to remote places before, but never on an icebreaker. we were invited on board by john downer, the englishman who has revolutionized the way wildlife films are made-- with espionage, cunning espionage. what's the idea of a spy cam? >> john downer: well, the thing about a spy cam is it... it actually gets you close to the animals. you're in the scene, you're in the picture. you're picking up a magic that you cannot capture with a normal camera. it is like a secret world. >> simon: if the lion is the king of the jungle, then the polar bear is the king of the ice. he's at the top of the food chain here on the top of the
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world, and he's revered by the few people who live in the arctic circle. they call him "god's dog" or the "ever-wandering one," because he can roam hundreds of miles searching for seals. that is, on ice. but in summertime, there is less ice, so some bears get stuck on dry land, where they have to scavenge to stay alive. downer and his crew plant their spy cams wherever they think a hungry chap might pass by. they do it quickly because it's dangerous up here. it's illegal to leave your boat without an armed escort. we had two. >> downer: polar bears see something on two legs and think, "well, that might be food." everything it sees that moves in this environment could be food. and of course, food is everything in this world. >> simon: the cameras are triggered by motion, and there isn't much motion up here that isn't a polar bear. the remains of this whale carcass looked appetizing.
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bears were bound to come around, even though there wasn't much meat left on the bone. >> downer: that's tucked back in there. that's perfect. i think this is a good shot. >> simon: it's all in the positioning. what you need more than anything else is a wild imagination. >> downer: ( laughs ) yeah. wild, that's right. and... and, you know, some commitment to... to have a mad dream and then carry it through. >> simon: but not mad enough to hang around very long. bears are rather rapid. they can do a hundred meters in nine seconds. that means they can outrun the world's fastest sprinter. >> downer: you see the polar bear is not far. >> simon: now, at this time of year, would this polar bear presumably be hungry? >> downer: very hungry. ( laughter ) we'll keep an eye on him. >> simon: and he's keeping an eye on us. >> downer: i mean, that's fine, at that distance. >> simon: that is as long as there isn't another bear behind
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us. >> downer: well, there are other bears behind us, and we can't see them. >> phil dalton: okay, we've got to go. >> simon: he's looking right at us now. >> downer: i think now is the time to go. the bear is getting closer. i think we need to get back on board now. >> simon: back in the safety of the mother ship, downer's technical wizard, geoff bell, is innovating by the minute. bell had been a model airplane designer for years when downer realized how useful his talents and his toys could be in the espionage game. you've used the word "toys," and you started doing this when you were how old, seven? >> geoff bell: seven, yeah. >> simon: yeah. ( laughter ) >> bell: yeah. and the only difference, as you know, between men and boys is the price of the toys. so, you... you know, that's what we do-- we're hobbyists and gone into it professionally. >> simon: bell has just perfected what he calls an "iceberg cam," which does double duty-- above the water and down
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below. the camera catches the action when a bear goes under, feet last, to check out that whale carcass. >> downer: fantastic. there she comes and feeds. >> simon: this is one cool bear, isn't it? >> downer: it's done exactly what we wanted absolutely on time. >> simon: exactly what the bear wanted, too-- lunch. what her cub seemed to want was to be on camera. don't tell me that she's not mugging for the camera. look at that-- full-faced shot, relaxed. i wonder how they would react if they could see themselves on television >> downer: i am sure that would be very pleased to be on "60 minutes." very proud. ( laughter ) fantastic scene.
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>> simon: but mama bear doesn't seem to think so. she takes out her disappointment on the hapless camera. this film, "spy on the ice," is the latest in downer's 30-year career, which began with the bbc's natural history unit. first project-- he wanted to capture what it's like to be a bird. that meant flying with one. so he trained a duck from the time its egg hatched to think of him as its father. you were the daddy of a duck. >> downer: i was the... i was the daddy. >> simon: how did it feel? >> downer: i was the daddy. i had to take it to the office. it came with me as it was growing up. it would be in the car when i was driving along. it would even go to the dinner parties. i always had to go everywhere with this duck. >> simon: eventually, he took the duck and his camera 200 feet up in a parasail. he had never flown before. >> and when we were up at altitude, i released this duck. and within a few seconds, it formatted next to me, and was
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flying alongside me, literally, a foot away from my head. >> simon: john, you flew with a duck. >> downer: yep. one of my first filming experiences was flying with a duck. and i think, very early on in my career, i started to realize, you know, what it's like to be that animal. >> simon: what's it like to be a lion? downer explored that in his film "spy in the den." the stars were not only lions, but sir david attenborough, the world's most respected naturalist. >> sir david attenborough: this, as you may have guessed, is no ordinary film about lions. some of its sequences were gained in the most extraordinary way. this remote camera, disguised as a boulder, has been able to go into the very heart of the pride. >> simon: how about tigers, the most elusive of predators? downer got to four cubs when they were ten days old. it was the first time anyone had filmed them that young.
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there they were with their protective mother, who just wouldn't let go. and downer wouldn't let go, either. he was with them to celebrate their first birthday, and stayed with them for the next three years. how did he do it? by enlisting the ultimate all terrain camera vehicles-- elephants. he mounted trunk cams and tusk cams, and the tigers were not at all self-conscious, because elephants have always been part of their world. and in downer's world, the gravest sin is to do something that does not astonish his viewers. that requires a lot of patience and a lot of tape. he shoots 17 hours of material for every minute that makes the cut. >> downer: every time i make a film on a new subject, i want to interpret that animal in a way
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that hasn't been before, and i... that's really what drives me. i think if you're approaching a subject afresh and really trying to get new insights, you can never bore the audience. >> simon: africa's famous wildebeest migration has been filmed hundreds of times, but not with a croc cam, or a skull cam, or a dung cam. that's right-- an hd camera smothered in dung. somebody had to do it. how about the toy man, geoff bell? geoff had to spread the dung on the camera. >> downer: yes. >> simon: did he get a bonus for that? >> downer: it's all part of the job. >> simon: downer says his toughest job has been right up here, because of the hostile environment, and the fact that his subjects are so hard to find. but on the bridge of the icebreaker, he and producer phil dalton showed us what might just be the most extraordinary polar
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bear sequence ever filmed. the snow cams were placed outside a den, where a bear stays for six months to give birth to and rear her cub. then, dalton went away, far away. >> dalton: about 60 miles away. >> simon: 60 miles? you were 60 miles away from that camera? >> dalton: while this was being filmed, yeah. i mean, we had no idea it was going on, really. >> simon: when he retrieved the camera ten days later, this is what dalton saw-- the snow mysteriously being wiped off the lens. how? with a paw. >> downer: there's the cub. the first glimpse of the cub. >> simon: this is the cub's first look at the world? >> downer: it is. >> simon: his brave new white world. >> downer: we couldn't have dreamt that we would get something like this. this here, we've got this wonderful situation here-- the mother righting the camera. the cam... the... the bears seem to be doing the camera work.
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and the... what happens-- this is actually quite magical, because you feel you really are alone with these bears in the moment. and a little cub, you know, the first glimpses and there... >> dalton: she pushes the camera down the hill here. >> simon:( laughs ) wow. >> downer: so, miraculously, the camera is still in the middle of frame. yeah. >> simon: and, miraculously, they not only follow the camera, but the mother reframes the shot. >> downer: for me, this has a certain magic and innocence about it in the way the cub and the mum are just there alone with the cameras in their world. and those little glimpses... and they're... they're wandering off. and this is the start of their journey, you know, which is going to be thousands of miles >> simon: probably never to be seen again by the likes of us.
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they'll just keep wandering, roaming on the ice as long as it's there. >> welcome to the cbs sports update presented by pacific life. i'm james brown with a look at nfl playoff picture starting next weekend with wild card matchups. in the a.f.c., san diego travels to cincinnati. kansas city visits indianapolis for a rematch of their week 16 game. denver and new england have byes. in the n.f.c., the 49ers will play the packers. new orleans will face the winner of tonight's philadelphia-dallas game. seattle and carolina have byes. for more sports news and information, go to the deal he and mom made with me when i was ten. he said, "you get the grades to go to college -- and we'll help out with the school of your choice." well, i got the grades and, with dad's planning and a lot of hard work, i'm graduating today with a degree in marine biology.
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in just 3 minutes.
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>> kroft: of all the different species of crocodiles in the world, africa's nile crocodile is the most dangerous and deadly. they can grow up to 20 feet long, weigh as much as a car, and bite as hard as a tyrannosaurus rex. crocodiles are prehistoric creatures that have been around since the time of dinosaurs, but we still don't know a lot about them because studying them up close on land is treacherous, and underwater has always thought to be impossible. as anderson cooper reported last march, two wildlife filmmakers
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in botswana in southern africa have found a way to get up close to crocs in the murky water of the okavango delta. the images they've captured are some of the most remarkable wildlife scenes we've ever seen. >> cooper: the okavango delta has been called one of the last edens on earth. the hundreds of miles of winding waterways and untouched islands are home to some of africa's most exotic and enchanting wildlife. it's also home to tens of thousands of nile crocodiles. for the last five years, brad bestelink and his wife andy crawford have been risking their lives filming these man-eaters in the most daring way imaginable-- following the crocodiles into their underwater lairs. it is a dark and foreboding world down there.
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visibility is sometimes only a few feet, and you can't even see the crocodiles until you catch a glimpse of their long rows of razor sharp white teeth. how did you know you could do this? >> brad bestelink: we were next to a ledge, and this crocodile swam out and actually swam between us and then settled on the ground next to us. ( laughs ) >> cooper: what first went through your mind? >> andy crawford: well, just lots of bubbles and just panic. >> cooper: the panic was understandable. nile crocodiles are africa's largest and most feared predator, but surprisingly, this one didn't attack. brad and andy have been getting closer and closer to these creatures ever since. >> crawford: you do get a different sense of them. they look very beautiful underwater. they're dappled and gold and black, and you see them as more timid, i think. beyond the teeth and the terror, there's this incredible creature that is actually an amazing animal in its own right. >> cooper: you actually think they're beautiful.
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>> crawford: i do think they're beautiful. i never used to think they were beautiful, but this is a whole different view of them. >> cooper: this is the view most people have of nile crocodiles. patient and stealthy killers, they grab their prey, drag them into the water, then drown and dismember them. and it's not just animals they eat-- hundreds of people in africa are killed each year while bathing, laundering clothes, or fishing along the waters' edge. nile crocodiles are now protected in botswana, but brad and andy believe more needs to be known about their behavior so that humans can better avoid them. they've invited dr. adam britton, an australian zoologist, to dive with them. when you first heard about what they were doing here, what did you think? >> adam britton: look, i'll be honest. when i... when i first heard about this, my instant, immediate reaction was "that sounds crazy." >> cooper: dr. britton has been studying crocodiles for more than 18 years. >> britton: i describe crocodiles like ferraris; they're just extremely finely honed creatures.
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they are... they're... they're just perfectly adapted to do what they do. they're, you know, the smartest of... of all the reptiles. >> cooper: britton is building a genetic database on nile crocodiles in the delta to better understand how to protect them. for years, the only way to study them up close was to capture them. >> bestelink: croc on. so, once i've got him by the mouth... >> cooper: it is difficult, dangerous work. >> britton: sit on him. get his legs back. pin his legs between his knees, as well. he's got no leverage. >> cooper: so, what are you doing now? >> britton: i am just going to cover his eyes so that he can't see what we're doing. >> cooper: so, he's not injured at all? >> britton: no, no, he's not injured at all, apart from his pride, perhaps. >> cooper: this crocodile is not sedated; it's simply trying to conserve its energy. why are you doing this?
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>> britton: if we can get a sample of all the dna from every single crocodile across the delta, then we can start to build up a picture then of exactly not only where these crocodiles came from, but how they're moving within the delta. >> cooper: because right now, you don't really know that? >> britton: no one really knows anything about that at all. >> cooper: when you actually see the crocodiles up close, there is a beauty to them. often, in pictures, they're covered in mud. they look very drab. but up close, you see the variety of color not just on the top, but also on the bottom. and the tou... to the touch, it's really... there's a softness to them, particularly on the... the feet like this. the claws are about an inch, an inch and a half, but the pads of the feet are actually incredibly soft. capturing crocodiles is stressful for the animal and for us; putting them back in the water is just as hard. >> britton: just keep pressing down, anderson, on the top of the skull. that's good. okay, noose ready to go. okay. three, two, one, go. >> cooper: diving with brad and
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andy has given dr. adam britton a whole new understanding of crocodiles and their underwater world. >> britton: you're in the water. you've got the current washing over you. you can feel the changes in temperature. and you suddenly think, "this is what it's like to be a crocodile. this crocodile is... is experiencing these same things." >> cooper: britton has actually begun to take dna samples from crocodiles underwater, cutting off pieces of their tails. and, incredibly, they don't seem to mind. diving with nile crocodiles is only possible in the winter months when the water is chilly and the animals are sluggish. these cold-blooded reptiles are far too dangerous to dive with in the summer. >> bestelink: the crocs are much more active. they're much more inclined to want to predate. you know, i don't... i don't... >> cooper: predate? attack? >> bestelink: attack, yeah. they... they... they want to go and eat something. >> cooper: so, two months from now, three months from now, you would not dive in these waters. >> bestelink: no. no. no, and i don't. i don't want to die. make no mistake, i do this
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because i get an understanding as to how these predators work. >> cooper: brad and andy offer to take me diving with them, explaining it's crucial to get off the surface of the water as quickly as possible because that is where crocs attack. >> crawford: that's the most important thing, because as soon as you're underwater, we believe the crocodiles don't know what we are. they don't recognize us as prey. >> cooper: you say "we believe." do... do you know? >> crawford: we don't. we don't know it for sure. we can never know how they're perceiving us. we trying to establish how they perceive us. >> cooper: again, you're not really building my confidence here by saying you're not sure. what... what do i need to know before... before going in? >> crawford: well, we believe you're safe. ( laughs ) with all that uncertainty, we believe you're safe. >> cooper: safe? take a look at a recent encounter they had with a crocodile. >> bestelink: you see how close he comes to me? >> cooper: and look at the eye. >> bestelink: yeah. >> cooper: and look at those teeth. those are huge! >> bestelink: they are. >> cooper: this croc was twelve feet long and weighed about 1,400 pounds.
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>> bestelink: and there's a diver, and watch what he does. >> cooper: oh, my gosh! but because the croc's moving, it doesn't even really sense that diver there. >> bestelink: it... it didn't even know that he was there. and you'll... you'll see how it just goes. it hits his light and... squashes his light. >> cooper: so, it just thinks that some debris or tree or something? >> bestelink: yeah. >> cooper: that's amazing. we set off early the next day. it's an hour up-river to a spot that has a lot of underwater caves. three divers will go in with me- - brad, cameraman richard uren, and andy. she will be the safety diver watching our backs. >> i'll let you know that there's a croc if i see it first. >> crawford: the sign of crocodile is that. that's the sign. >> cooper: it's the international sign for crocodile? >> crawford: that's the sign for... well, it's our sign for crocodile. >> cooper: okay, okay, good. >> crawford: brad does this. >> cooper: i didn't learn that in scuba school. they didn't teach that. >> crawford: we're going to give you one of these to dive with. it makes you feel better. it also gives you some barrier... >> cooper: makes you feel better? that's really all it's for, is just to make me feel better? >> crawford: well, main... mainly that, and, actually... to actually anchor yourself in the current.
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>> cooper: because no matter what, you do not want to drift onto... >> crawford: you don't want to drift onto the crocodile. >> cooper: as soon as the crocs see our boat, they disappear. we hope they've gone to the bottom to hide in their underwater caves, but they might still be floating near the surface waiting to attack. it's a very strange feeling before you go diving because you know there are crocodiles in this area but you don't see any on the surface. the problem is, as the boat comes in, any motion on the surface does tend to attract crocodiles, so you want to try to get here and in the water and to the bottom as quickly as possible. we suit up, do our final checks and then take the plunge. >> bestelink: anderson, good? okay. >> cooper: we get to the river bottom as quickly as we can. it's only about 15 feet deep. thankfully, the visibility is good and we find ourselves in a stunning underwater garden with overhanging ledges, walls of papyrus, submerged trees and
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lilies. we know there's at least one crocodile in this area because we saw the ripples on the water. we believe it's gone into a nearby cave system, and we are going to go into the caves right now to try to see if we can find it. it's eerie and intimidating down here. the only light comes from our cameras, and it's easy to lose your way. brad signals that he sees a crocodile. at first, i can't see anything. but then, out of the darkness, on the floor of the cave just as brad warned, i see that gleaming row of white teeth. to finally see one, it's amazing. there's a beauty to it, but it's also incredibly intimidating. you really have the sense when you're so close to it of just how strong it is. and it looks right at you, and you know and it knows that it could attack you at any moment,
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and there is nothing you can do about it. the crocodile disappears into the darkness. we push further into the cave. it gets narrower and more claustrophobic as we move deeper into the gloom. then, lurking on a nearby ledge, there's another crocodile. this crocodile is about nine feet long. its tail, though, makes up about half its length. crocs have the amazing ability to actually slow their heart rate down. they can close off one of the valves in their heart, which stops the flow of blood to some of its organs and allows them to stay underwater for hours at a time. it... it's amazing how close the crocodile is. you can't tell if it's watching you or not. suddenly, the crocodile backs away. it's not taking its eyes off me. i have no idea what it's going to do.
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my heart is pounding. neither of us moves. then, with a flick of his tail, he's off. we move further through the undergrowth and find yet another crocodile. this time, it's facing me head on. on the stick i'm holding, i have a small camera, and i move it closer to try and get a better shot. i know i should be terrified, but the truth is, it's actually thrilling. it's extraordinary that i can get so close. i'm literally looking at it right in the face, staring at it face to face. the crocodile's front vision is not very good, so this is
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actually a relatively safe place to be. the crocodile is also laying low, which is a good sign. if it felt threatened, it would rise up on its feet. that would be an indication it might be ready to strike. when it finally takes off, we start following it. the crocodile is kicking up so much sand and sediment, we can't see where we're going. we are trying to pursue the crocodile right now, but i can't tell how large it is. its tail is so powerful, i am almost right on top of it. i can reach out right now and just touch the tail, but i am worried if i do that, it will somehow turn around. it just doesn't seem like a good idea, but i got to say it's so tempting. the croc is moving so fast, we can't keep up for long. it's time to surface and find the boat. that was amazing.
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i was right... right on top of it. >> bestelink: eh? >> cooper: i was right on top of its tail. i mean, i could have touched it. >> bestelink: yeah, i know. and then he turns around. >> cooper: and then he turns around! ( laughter ) i swear, there was a moment where i thought, "jesus, he could just attack, and there's nothing i could do about it." >> bestelink: absolutely. but did you ever feel like he was going to attack? >> cooper: no. well, may... ( laughs ) ...maybe a little bit, actually. i've dived with great white sharks before, but, in terms of numbers of people killed each year, nile crocodiles are far more deadly. once ruthlessly hunted, still vilified as mindless killing machines, we can finally observe them as they really are: perfectly evolved denizens of the dark, ancient creatures now, for the first time, fully visible in the light. when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain,
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7:56 pm
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previously on the good wife... neil gross. i'm ceo of chumhum. alicia: chumhum is a worldwide company, like yahoo, google, facebook; they do business in canada, mexico, china. peter florrick has offered me the vacated illinois supreme court seat if he wins the governorship. i'm in. with agos/florrick? florrick/agos. alicia: look, we can't keep skulking around. we have to cut the cord at some point. people want to wait for bonuses. our client, mr. marwat, was a translator in afghanistan. his daughter was dying from dysentery. i brought him medicine, that's all. i took it to his home in badula qulp. (line ringing) (line clicks) woman (over phone): hi. man (over phone): hey, it's me. i can't believe jim. he was acting so weird. woman: i know. what's all that middle eastern stuff he was talking about? man 2: have you seen team america?
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(laughs): it's so cool. i saw it last night. man 3: how about when they say "weapons..." woman 2: i should probably be there about ten, 15 minutes. woman 3: this sewer kind of smells. it smells like sarin gas or something like that. so i'm thinking... man 4: yeah, i went to taliban down the street. the cover charge is just outrageous. i mean... man 5: so, i'm doing a chumhum search on al-qaeda, and i started thinking, you think this puts me on a list... (men speaking arabic over phone) (men continue speaking arabic) (phone conversation in arabic continues) (tapping) hey, i need a translation. (tapping) i need a translation. is it a new call? no, it's two years old. then send it downstairs. they mentioned one of the lockhart/gardner lawyers. it's two years old. some of us are working present-day here, okay? man (over phone): i understand, but i think... woman: well, next time. i'm sure... woman 2: i can't believe he said that.
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(phone conversations overlapping) (line ringing, line clicks) diane (over phone): what's wrong, david? david (over phone): the fourth-years have stopped. they've stopped texting each other. diane: that's good news, isn't it? david: no. it means they've been warned. diane: please. i have an appointment with the governor, and will is here. will: you wanted to read their texts and there are no texts. take good news as good news. david: the absence of bad news is not good news. okay, david, i have to go. (line ringing, line clicks) cary: hey, alicia, where are you? alicia: i think in reception. wow. it's big. where am i going? i'm coming to you. $25 a square foot? i know. you like it? i think it's... a real law firm. (chuckles): yeah. let me show you your office; it's right here. (laughs) no, no, it's over here. funny. oh, hey, everyone, thank alicia for the heads-up on the phones.
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bought burners for everybody. only use the company phones for lockhart/gardner calls. (phone ringing) it's... will. hey. shh. quiet down. alicia: hey, will. alicia, we have a scheduling problem here. where are you? lunch. when can you get back? diane's heading out to a meeting on her judgeship, and i can't take the chumhum meeting; neil gross hates me. i thought cary was taking that meeting. he is. it's just... they want a partner there, too. mr. gross has expressed some concern about cary being up to the job. we just want the best. sure, i'll be there. bye. what was that? will... wants me in the chumhum meeting. why? he wants a partner there. cary, you're sure chumhum is coming with us when we leave? yeah. why? what did he say? nothing. i just... due diligence. if chumhum doesn't come with us,
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we don't have a firm. i know. we're fine, alicia. i'm in touch with neil gross every day. don't worry, he's coming. neil: all i want to do is speak the truth, and i want to tell our users how little my company's cooperated with these nsa subpoenas. we know, and we're going... oh, and the nsa has asked us over and over to provide user information from our social networking sites. over and over and over-- i can't tell you how much we've pushed back. actually, yes, i know, barney, i can't tell you how much we've pushed back, because according to this gag order, if i do tell you, i will spend the next five years in prison. could we get a copy of that, sir? neil: my users think i have sent every text and personal e-mail over to the united states government. this gag order prevents me from denying it, so what do i do? well, first good thing you did is come to us. good. i'm a good boy. so now what? alicia: sue them. neil: sue who? the national security agency. sue them for what? anything. the whole point is to look like they're gagging you,
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that you are the injured party. sue them with anything. great. that gains more billable hours for you, and for me gains nothing. sue them for prior restraint. what does that mean? well, the government can't ban the expression of an idea prior to its publication. that's exactly what they're doing here-- stopping you from speaking with this gag order. you have the same rights as the new york times. cary: and it'll also help if we can get other social networking sites on board-- yahoo, google, sleuthway. they're all in town for techweek. we get them to sign on to an amicus brief in support of your claim. okay. good. do it. (door opens, closes) excellent job. thank you. hey, kalinda. we need help on this chumhum case. we're suing the nsa. kalinda: okay, what do you need from me? cary: well, techweek is in town... hey. they're suing us. what? the law firm, lockhart/gardner, they're suing us. you and me? no. the nsa. yeah, take that one to the systems admin.
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check out the link i just sent you. (bleating) (bleating) (bleating) (bleating continues) you have $1.3 million. now, many advisors would suggest stocks. uh, i tend to advise interest-bearing bonds. my second husband always advised against bonds. really? and how long were you married to him? (both laugh) have you ever been married, mr. liebenbaum? uh, i have not. but, then, i have an excuse: i'm selfish. you know what you are, mr. liebenbaum? hmm? you're a carnivore. you're a jungle cat. well, it's a dangerous place here on the savannah. the cat survives. hmm. mom. hi. oh, hi, darling. how are you? good, mom. i... what are you doing here? david and i are running off together.
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ha-ha. ha-ha. we're estate planning. i was advising bonds. ah. uh, mom, could you come by my office... (phone ringing) um, h-hold on. (whispers): i'll be right back. can you talk? we have a problem. not yet. hold on. okay, what's the problem? we don't have the office space. what do you mean? we put down earnest money. i know. and the bank loan was supposed to come through to make up the difference, but the bank wanted to talk to our current employers. will and diane? yeah. and we couldn't let them talk to them. uh, mom, i'll be right out. no, i'll just wait here. go ahead. how did that happen? i don't know. (sighs) john made some assumptions. but now we need $140,000, or we're out the earnest money. the $60,00 we already put down? yeah. it sucks. mom. it's better by the door. so now we need to get the full amount.
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cary... i don't have $140,000. cary: do you have any way to get it? alicia: this is really wrong, cary. i put up $10,000 of my own money for that earnest money. (knocking) cary: i know. i did, too... hey. we're up. hopkins: it's the marwat warrant. fisa court warrant 30-879. dellinger: danny marwat. he's an arab-american translator who worked for the military until he was accused of collaborating with the taliban. he hired the law firm lockhart/gardner to defend him. so that's why we're following all these lawyers? hopkins: just two lawyers: alicia florrick and diane lockhart. and we've only gone back two years in the bit bucket. so we have a warrant for this person of interest, marwat, he hires two lawyers and we've been listening to their calls for two years. i don't see the problem. well, these lawyers also represent chumhum. yeah. this firm's all over the map. the problem is, they're suing us. these lawyers are? yeah. but not for marwat. for chumhum.
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(goat bleats over speakers) (both bleat) okay, don't do that again. so, you want to know whether... does our warrant restrict listening to a law firm in active litigation with us for a non-terroristic action? sometimes i can't tell if you're the stupidest people in the world or the smartest. we're the smartest. okay, i'll check with counsel, and in the meantime, if anyone refers to this chumhum suit, mark it down as a possible omit. thank you, sir. we respect you greatly, sir. hey, have any of these lawyers done anything illegal? not yet. i mean, not glaringly yet. hopkins: uh, the one lawyer, florrick, her husband's about to be governor of illinois. what? yeah, in about a month. alicia's wondering what to wear to the inaugural. froines: all right, keep an eye on this. we can direct justice to illegality these days. maybe this case can prove its worth in another way. any illegality? any illegality. by the governor? by anyone.
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you're the smartest people in the world; don't limit yourselves. real hostile energy. don't limit yourselves.
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woman: governor-elect florrick's office. (men laughing) peter: well, i've wrapped a three-iron around a tree many a time, so... so... do you think you can get behind this, chief justice? this? diane lockhart's nomination for the supreme court seat. we'd like to announce tonight. if that's possible. how did you like my gift, mr. governor-elect? "fiat justitia ruat caelum"" the engraved gavel. he loved it. it was supposed to be back here today, sir. we are having it mounted. yeah, i'm gonna hang it on the wall there. words to live by. "fiat justitia ruat caelum." "let justice be done though the heavens fall."
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it's beautiful. okay, so, diane lockhart? we'd like you to attend a press conference tonight. diane lockhart is a perfectly charming woman with an unobjectionably appropriate resume, who, when i met her, took every opportunity to defend her perfectly corrupt legal partner. and you'd like her to...? explain herself. publicly. i want to know why her firm still represents chicago's top drug dealer. i want to know how she disagrees with her disbarred partner. i want what you want, sir. "fiat justitia ruat.."" oh, this is such idiotic crap. you don't want her because you're a sexist old fool. peter: eli! and you are a rude backroom huckster. but that is irrelevant to this. chief justice, diane lockhart is my choice. it is so good to see you, sir. (phones ringing)
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well, this is a pleasant surprise. how nice to... chief justice... no, no, no, don't get up. what do you want to do? well, we can't lose him. it'll cost us too much politically. i'll tell diane we're delaying. see if you can give him what he wants, for god's sakes. done. what about this gift? this gavel? have you lost it? no. it's probably in the gift room with the other 900 presents. i'll make sure it's out here the next time you see him. mounted. mm-hmm. eli: it's a gold-plated gavel given to the governor by the chief justice, with latin on it. mr. gold, remember damian the intern? no. the one in the hawaiian shirt? oh, yes, the one i fired. what? well, he was in here, in the gift room, and i'm just guessing... he took it? i just checked on clarkswap, and look. (eli sighs) call him, arrange a meeting. don't say who it is. just say i'm interested, and i want to inspect it. so any word from google? no.
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yahoo? no. facebook? no. is this 20 questions, kalinda? no. so... sleuthway, patric edelstein? yes. ah. edelstein will support our amicus brief? no. kalinda... what do you have? clearly you have something, because i can see the file under your arm. when are you leaving? to start our own firm? soon. why? well, you're putting me in an awkward position. that's not my intent. you intend on taking neil gross and chumhum with you as clients, right? you're improving your position at the expense of lockhart/gardner. no. i'm doing my job as a lawyer at lockhart/gardner. kalinda, what do you have? something for lockhart/gardner, not agos & associates. kalinda, this is a lockhart/gardner case. any money derived from it stays at lockhart/gardner,
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so whatever you have helps lockhart/gardner. you have to change your strategy. kluger: yes, yes. i heard your argument, and i was mightily impressed, but no. prior restraint doesn't apply here. the second circuit has ruled that nsa subpoenas are legal, and gag orders are required for national security. that ruling wasn't precedential, your honor. oh, yes, it was, and you want to know why? because i just said so. so, if there's no other business before this... alicia: just-- excuse me, your honor, just one more matter. what might...? i know you. you were just in here last week. yes. good to see you again. lovely to see you. what, you're the only lawyer in town? (laughs) no. we just had so much fun last time, we thought we'd do it again. actually, counselor, i'm the one who makes the jokes here, not you. apologies, your honor. cary: your honor, we'd like to change our suit to one of selective enforcement. your honor, is the plaintiff really accusing the united states of selectively enforcing its gag order? we are, and we'd like to call a witness. tingles, counselor... tingles.
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patric edelstein. i'm ceo of the social networking site sleuthway. cary: and you were just served a subpoena at techweek today? yes. thank you, neil. cary: uh, what is the size of sleuthway, mr. edelstein? the size? 900 million users, and growing. cary: and you have been served with fisa warrants to grant access to your users' e-mails and chatting functions, isn't that...? hortense: objection, your honor. all discussions of hypothetical fisa court warrants are, in fact, classified and cannot be discussed here. as kafkaesque as that sounds, i will sustain. cary: have you ever been served with a gag order regarding the nsa's requests-- sorry-- hypothetical requests for access to users' data? no. thank you, sir. sorry. that was just preamble. (applause over tv) patric: we can do so much with technology, and yet, when i was served with a warrant, i caved. we gave the nsa e-mails, data, phone calls.
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not that many. less than a hundred. but still, we gave it to them. rip into him. definitely. so that was you, right? yes. and you were discussing the extent of your cooperation with the nsa? do you mind voicing your answer? yes, i was. and did you receive a cease and desist letter from the nsa after that talk? patric: no. were you warned of your gag order either before or after that talk? no. were there nsa recruiters in the audience of that talk? kluger: okay, okay, okay. i get it. selective enforcement. and i'm prone to let this suit go forward, unless the government has something up its sleeve. we request a recess, your honor. of course you do. (church bell tolling) eli: what time did you say? 3:00. he's late. you're not gonna make a scene, are you, mr. gold? no, i'm gonna get my gavel back and scare the hell out of mr. hawaiian shirt. i'm not gonna... what? what's wrong?
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oh, mr. gold. hello. i should have known. i'm not as fast as i used to be. oh. i see. you're my clarkswap contact. you can go now, deborah. she seems a little young for you, mr. gold. so, zach took the gavel home, you stole it, and now you're selling it? no. i am selling it, for $890. i found it at the flea market under a stack of old pottery. it's amazing what you can find at the flea market these days. and it's just a coincidence you found the gavel belonging to the father of your boyfriend? zach's not my boyfriend. i'm in college now. i don't really have time for high school seniors. becca, i work for the governor now. i'm his chief of staff. congratulations. you can't steal from the governor. you'll be arrested. excuse me, mr. gold. that'll be $890. oh, no, no, dear becca. my gift to you is you not being arrested.
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no, mr. gold. only one of us is taking something they haven't paid for. excuse me, officer? hello. yeah? could you help me out? i-i'm a student here, and this man is trying to take one of my father's antiques, and he won't pay me for it. are you serious? officer, uh, my name is eli gold... sir, are you a student here? eli: peter and i have a problem, alicia. alicia: and it's going to become my problem, eli? eli: uh, i mean, yes. it's about zach's girlfriend, becca. hey, frick and frack, let's go. and so, our question is, does this lawsuit change anything, or can we continue our surveillance? last time a person of interest contacted these lawyers was two years ago? you mean danny marwat? yes. and you're a two-hop warrant? yup. we can go from marwat to his lawyer to his lawyer's contacts, that's all. and this has taken you to the governor-elect of illinois? well, yeah, but we're not actively pursuing him.
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garber: doesn't matter. you're going into the governor's mansion, you need a more recent terrorist connection. get it to me in 36 hours, and we'll take it to the fisa court. wait, wait. that's not why we brought this to you. it was about the lawsuit. i don't have any issue with the lawsuit. my issue is taking a two-hop programmatic warrant into the governor's mansion. thank edward snowden. everybody's cracking down now. why do you guys care? move on to one of your other cases. i don't know. we were getting interested. well, then find a more recent terrorist connection. kluger: okay, here we are. we're back together. what do you have, bobby? bobby? bobby, i intend to move this suit forward, unless you guys got something. we do, your honor. we request a very brief scif. uh, excuse me, your honor. a what? scif. s-c-i-f. sensitive compartmented information facility. for the communication of
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classified information. this is really necessary, counselor? it is, your honor. the matter is quite sensitive. okay. i have no choice but to move this into the courthouse's scif. (gavel bangs) uh, excuse me, your honor. plaintiff's counsel doesn't have security clearance for this scif. excuse me? the data to be imparted is highly classified, and it requires a security clearance only available to his honor. your honor, the ausa cannot just determine who can... your honor, this is ridiculous! this is not a fisa court! kluger: okay, okay, okay! i know you're outraged, but he's right. you don't have security clearance. you have to wait in court. (gavel bangs) eli: we have a problem you can help us with. we need you to do a chicago law interview tomorrow. an interview? really? on, uh, what subject? your work here. putting your career in perspective. your excitement at being considered for the judgeship. the interviewer is mandy post. she's good. she won't sabotage you. why do i feel another shoe is about to drop? you need to put the past behind you, diane. and how do i do that? there will be questions about will. his disbarment.
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is this from the chief justice? yes. he won't stand behind my nomination unless i declare my antipathy to will? no. not to will. to his past behavior. oh. eli, has... any other nominee ever been asked to disavow his or her past? not that i know of. and what happens if i don't? peter really needs you to get the chief justice on your side. so i trash will or i'm not nominated? no. trash his past. oh, of course. this is insane. we can't just... (door opens) after a discussion in scif with ausa hortense, i rule... for the government. (gavel bangs) uh, excuse me, your honor, that's crazy. you haven't even heard our rebuttal. what rebuttal?
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you weren't even privy to the government's argument. that's because we were left out here. all right, now listen to me. if you are arguing, mrs. florrick, that this is absurd, i'll agree with you. but if you are arguing that this is illegal, unfortunately you are wrong. lawsuit based on selective enforcement is denied. court is adjourned. wow. i'm pissed. good. use it. nisa: i just don't understand. you said you didn't want to see anyone. nisa, listen to me. i'm not seeing becca. you have to stop calling. who's nisa? zach's old girlfriend. oh, that cute little black girl. i liked her. you're not supposed to say "black." it's "african-american"" but i guess she's somalian, so i don't know. somalian? wow. what are you guys doing? we bought clothes. some very, very pretty clothes. mom's not gonna like that. oh, sure she is. she wore this kind of thing in high school. except it had rips in it. her father said it looked like a young man's rape fantasy. wouldn't let her wear it. but she found a way. how'd she find a way? she put them in my car and changed on the way to school.
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(grace and veronica laugh) now, makeup. you're gonna want to wear more than you should. zach: what happened to christian grace? thought you were religious. i'm just getting stuff for school. now, now. jesus has no problem with grace looking her best. that's what jesus believed in. (door opens, closes) here. (phone ringing) that's nisa. i'm letting it ring. is anyone answering the phone? it's nisa; we're letting it ring. oh, hey, mom. how was shopping? oh, so much fun. grace got three dresses. you know she wears a uniform; she doesn't need dresses. well, she does for dances. am i going to approve of these? (scoffs) they're perfectly appropriate evening attire for a young lady. i'm gonna start drinking. pour me one, too. (cell phone ringing) hey, cary. any thoughts on chumhum? cary: not yet. but thanks so much. this is... this is incredible. uh, what's incredible? your check. my check? that i wrote for the $60,000 contribution? no, your check for $140,000.
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we got the offices, and you will get first out with interest from all the other partners. cary, i didn't give you a check. you did. yeah, the envelope, it's from you. okay, what-what's the name on the check? it's a... a trust. ivy road trust. alicia. where do you keep your earrings?
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear.
8:29 pm
i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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look, i heard you on the phone, and i wanted to help. but, mom, that's a lot oney. oh, i know it is. it's my money, i want to spend it. but you're... this is crazy. yeah, consider it a loan. if you pay me back in six months, i won't come after you. (laughs) mom... what's this about? why does everything have to be about something? can't someone just be nice? okay, if it makes you feel better, you have to have dinner with me. i've met someone. who? michael barnwright.


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