tv 60 Minutes CBS June 1, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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and ford >> we need to make a stand right now that our schools need to be the most important thing we have in this country-- not wall street, not capitol hill, our schools. >> yeah. >> pelley: frank hall doesn't want to be known as a hero, but when you react the way he did during a deadly school shooting, it's hard to call him anything else. i saw a young man firing into a crowd. i just stood up, shoved my table out of the way and started after him. >> pelley: the emergency plan is to get all the kids out of the hallways, get them all into rooms and shelter in place. frank didn't do that. >> he didn't. he acted as a father. >> martin: the f-35 joint strike fighter is the pentagon's newest warplane and its most expensive
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weapons system ever. it is supposed to replace virtually every other jet fighter in the united states military. >> this is a fighter that has amazing capabilities in a lot of ways. >> martin: the f-35 is a supersonic computer, the most complex fighter jet ever built. it's also seven years behind schedule and $163 billion over budget. >> ♪ well, my heart went boom when i crossed that room... ♪ >> i looked around and i could see the hysteria on some of these girls, tears streaming down their faces. ( girls screaming ) >> safer: his name is henry grossman, a photographer who won the confidence of the beatles and any number of icons of the 20th century-- statesman and starlets, presidents and pop stars. >> let's see what these are. >> safer: the wonderful world of henry grossman and the chronicle of an age, tonight on "60 minutes."
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>> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm morley safer. >> i'm bob simon. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories tonight on "60 minutes." ♪ (thunder rumbling) (thunderclap) (bellowing fire) (steaming and chugging) (thunderclap) (cheering) (rollercoaster rumbling) the world you've been waiting for is here. the wizarding world of harry potter, featuring the all new diagon alley and the hogwarts express. (thunderclap) come and live it. universal orlando resort. hey! so i'm looking at my bill, and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa? julie?! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score.
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are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work. [ male announcer ] haagen-dazs gelato. inspired by italy and made like no other. [ male announcer ] haagen-dazs gelato. you need to see this. show 'em the curve. ♪ do you know what this means? the greater the curvature, the bigger the difference. [sci-fi tractor beam sound] ...sucked me right in... it's beautiful. gotta admit one thing...
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...can't beat the view. ♪ introducing the world's first curved ultra high definition television from samsung. >> pelley: it happened in less than a minute: three students were shot to death; and three more were wounded in a high school outside cleveland. an assistant football coach named frank hall helped stop the shooting. when we first reported this story last february, hall told us he wished there was no reason
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to know his name or, god forbid, think of him as a hero. he's the type you'd call a "regular guy." on february 27, 2012, hall was doing what he always did. with hugs and fist bumps, he kept order among 100 kids gathering in the school cafeteria before class. then, hall was confronted by a question no one can truly answer: what would you do at the sound of gunfire? no time to think, there's only the reflex of character. this is the story of a fraction of a second, and the months of consequences that follow. so much time has passed, and still no one in chardon, ohio, knows why it happened. in february 2012, they'd been marking the inches of lake erie snow and counting the days till the tapping of the maples. "forbes" had said that this was the fourth best place in america
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to raise a family, and many of the 5,000 in chardon credited the high school, ranked excellent 13 years in a row. >> 9-1-1. what is your emergency? >> this is chardon high school calling. we need assistance right now. there's a student with a gun. >> pelley: at 7:35, the call came from the principal's office. there, teacher tim armelli heard shots down the hall. >> tim armelli: you knew that the shooting was what it was. you're... your head's telling you there's shots; your heart's not believing it. you... you freeze for a moment. you don't think you're going to see your wife or kids again. >> pelley: you got onto the school p.a. and said what? >> armelli: "lockdown. teachers, go to lockdown." >> pelley: in the cafeteria, through the door on the left, a 17-year-old boy who went by the initials "t.j." was shooting to kill. he'd put ten rounds in his gun and six letters across his
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shirt-- "killer," it said. >> frank hall: i saw a young man firing into a crowd. i just stood up, shoved my table out of the way and started after him. >> pelley: it's tough even now for frank hall to speak of it. but with the support of his wife, he told us what happened when he charged at the boy with the gun. >> hall: he raises his weapon at me, i jumped behind a pepsi machine. i hear another fire. >> pelley: that bullet missed hall, so he kept chasing the student down the corridor. >> hall: and he sees me and he takes off down the hallway, so i chase after him again screaming, yelling. kid's still running. and i get to within like six, seven, eight feet of him, and there was a young man at the end of the hallway right in front of the doors, nick walczak, and t.j. shoots him in the back. >> nick walczak: i was shot once in the spine. that paralyzed me. and that's when i went down. >> pelley: what do you remember seeing or hearing of coach hall in those moments? >> walczak: he said, as he's running by me, he said "hang tight.
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i'll be back." >> pelley: pursued by hall, the shooter ran without loading the second magazine that he carried with ten more rounds. >> hall: then, i chased t.j. out the doors and i lose him in the parking lot and... 47 seconds-- from the first shot till he exited the doors, 47 seconds. >> pelley: hall ran back to the cafeteria, where daniel parmertor, demetrius hewlin, and russell king were not going to survive. >> hall: you just knew that it wasn't going to end well. so i just asked god to be in this place with us and to be with them. i went around and i tried to comfort them the best i could, and demetrius had a long tear on his face and i wiped it, and tried to make danny and russell as comfortable as i could. they were still breathing. they were trying to fight. what was only a couple minutes
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seemed like forever waiting for the paramedics and law enforcement. it was tough. >> pelley: but those boys needed somebody to be with them. >> hall: yeah. you know, i'm... i'm so thankful, very thankful that i could be there. >> pelley: the emergency plan, in essence, is to get all the kids out of the hallways, get them all into rooms, lock those rooms and shelter in place? >> armelli: correct. >> pelley: frank didn't do that. >> armelli: he didn't. he acted as a father, you know, he acted as someone that was those kids' parents while they're away from home. >> pelley: there's nothing in the plan that says, "assistant football coach chases gunman through the school." >> hall: you just think about getting him out of your room, you know, get him out of your area. >> pelley: and you did that. you got him out of the
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cafeteria. but you kept going. >> hall: i just reacted that day. i just... i just... you know, he was hurting our kids, and that's all i did. i just reacted. >> nate mueller: as soon as you're staring down the barrel of a gun, you just take off. >> pelley: death missed nate mueller by less than an inch. a bullet tore through the top of his ear. >> mueller: and for him to be a teacher, and to put himself in harm's way to chase him out of the building for kids that were just students in his cafeteria is amazing. >> pelley: he never thought of you as just students. >> mueller: no. >> walczak: no, we were his family. >> pelley: and you know that now. >> walczak: oh, yeah. oh, yeah. >> pelley: it wasn't long after the gunman bolted out through that door that he was found in the woods by the police. he gave himself up without incident, pled guilty, and has been sentenced to life without
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parole. he has never given a reason or a motive for the shooting. at sentencing, the judge wondered whether he did it to make a name for himself, so the community asked us to keep his name and his face out of this, and we have. when it was over, hall texted "i'm okay" to his wife, ashley, but she didn't know what he'd done until he came home. >> ashley hall: he said he was sorry that he had put himself in that situation and that, you know, he realized that he could've been shot, and that would've left us without a husband and without a father. >> dad... >> pelley: there was a lot to leave behind. ashley works for the county, placing kids in foster care, and the halls have adopted four of those kids-- christian, quincy, and the twins mark and shawn.
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sheltering kids is a way of life for the halls, which is why he can't understand how school shootings have become a fact of life. >> frank hall: we need to change. we got to stop this from happening. i mean, i remember when columbine happened. everybody in the world knew what columbine was. i mean, i can't sit here and tell you every school that's had a school shooting now. we need to find ways to secure our schools better. we need to make a stand right now that our schools need to be the most important thing we have in this country-- not wall street, not capitol hill, our schools. we need to determine that in our minds and heart, that our school and our children need to be the most important thing we have. that's the bottom line. ♪ ♪ >> pelley: three days after the shooting, the students reclaimed the most important thing they had, chardon high school. >> armelli: frank chasing the shooter out of the building allowed us to not say we were victims. it allowed us to fight the evil.
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we were not going to let that evil take over. and frank, by his show of courage, allowed all of us to fight. they came down arm in arm-- 1,100 kids-- marched right down the center of the street, and coming back into that school and taking over it was our first step in our recovery. >> frank hall: i don't know why this happened. i only wish i could have done more. i'm not a hero, just a football coach and a study hall teacher. >> pelley: a hero in a tragedy never feels heroic. every hug, every "thank you" that frank hall endured took him back to the boys in the cafeteria. >> frank hall: you know they'll never have another birthday. >> pelley: frank, no one could ask you to do more than you did. >> frank hall: yeah, i know. it's just hard, you just want so bad to be able to take them home. sometimes, i get mad about it, i
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get angry. you know, scott, i wish you weren't here. i wish i was never on tv. i'd give anything for this not to be happening right now. >> pelley: coach hall returned to chardon, but he was tormented by the memories. ten months later, when the shooting happened at sandy hook elementary, he couldn't finish the day. it wasn't long after that when hall did something that surprised and saddened many. he left chardon high school. he had heard about some kids in the county next door who needed him more. ashtabula county had not made the cut for "best place to raise a family"-- 31% of the kids here live in poverty. the high school had won only two football games in three years. the head coach quit. and that's how frank hall made a comeback. >> frank hall: green, go straight.
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get it down. go. hey, great kick. nice job. act like gentleman, play hard, right? >> yes, sir. >> tyree meeks: he changed everything around here. >> pelley: tyree meeks and damondre haywood are on hall's new team at lakeside high. >> meeks: he told us he's not only going to make us great football players, but he's going to make us men. >> pelley: sounds to me like, with coach hall, it's not all about xs and os and blocking and tackling. >> meeks: oh, no. no. >> frank hall: done a great job, from your effort on the practice field, people, to your effort in the classroom to your respect of the school and the teachers. >> pelley: when a player smarted off to one of the teachers, hall made it a problem for everyone on the team, a reflex of character. >> meeks: each and every single last football player had to go and apologize to that teacher, just because it's that important. it's like... >> pelley: wait, the... the players who didn't talk back to the teacher also had to go and apologize? >> meeks: yeah, yeah. >> pelley: what was the point of that? >> meeks: it's just based upon, like, if one of us messes up, we all mess up, like family, you know. >> damondre haywood: it's to
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show that we've changed. because, you know, last year, before coach hall came here, the football players, they were getting in trouble all the time, and he wanted to really make sure that the teachers knew that it was a big change. so we all went down there and apologized to her for how our brother acted towards her. >> pelley: and so, there was a big change on the field. they won their first game, then two more. this last season was building toward their final contest, an away game back at chardon high. it had been eight months since coach hall had left. we were with you at the ballgame with chardon. couldn't help but notice when you walked out by yourself to collect your thoughts. and i wonder what you were thinking in that moment? >> frank hall: i was being thankful-- all the blessings that i have, you know, four healthy boys, a beautiful wife.
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i was very thankful for my players, for those kids at chardon, for this community. thankful. >> announcer: coach, welcome back. and thank you. >> pelley: an opposing coach... >> we love coach hall. >> pelley: ...never gets a welcome like this. ( cheers and applause ) hall didn't win the game. his old team at chardon was better that night, 49 to 21. but it was the homecoming that mattered more. >> frank hall: love you, buddy. how you been? how you guys doing? >> pelley: at the end, two teams rallied around one coach, a regular guy of extraordinary character. >> frank hall: i'm so proud right now of each and every one of you. serve your family, take care of your family, serve them, you understand me? >> yes, sir! >> frank hall: all right. love you. >> pelley: since we met the halls, their family has continued to grow. frank and ashley are now in the
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process of adopting two more sons. >> cbs money watch update sponsored by lincoln financial. calling all chief life officers. glor good evening, philadelphia co-owner katz died in plane crash last night. his business partner said planned deal to buy out the rest of the paper will proceed. apple's worldwide developer conference starts monday and wal-mart tops the fortune 500 rankings. a full list tomorrow on "cbs this morning." i'm jeff glob, cbs news. jeff glor
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$400 billion to buy 2,400 aircraft. to put that in perspective, that's about twice as much as it cost to put a man on the moon. this at a time when cuts in defense spending are forcing the tq!e military.rink the size of as we reported in february, the air force, navy and marines are all counting on the f-35 to replace the war planes they're flying today. if it performs as advertised, the f-35 will enable u.s. pilots to control the skies in any future conflict against the likes of china or russia. but the f-35 has not performed as advertised. it's seven years behind schedule and $163 billion over budget, or, as the man in charge of the f-35 told us, "basically the program ran itself off the rails." >> chris bogdan: good morning. >> martin: lieutenant general chris bogdan is the man in charge of the f-35, and every morning starts with problems that have to be dealt with a.s.a.p. this morning, it's a valve that's been installed backwards
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and has to be replaced. >> bogdan: how long does it take? >> it's about a seven day operation. >> bogdan: okay. and now, you know what i'm going to say next. >> yes, sir. >> bogdan: what am i going to say next? >> you're going to say, "we're not going to pay for it." >> bogdan: that's right. we're not going to pay for it. long gone is the time where we will continue to pay for mistake after mistake after mistake. >> martin: when bogdan took over the f-35 program a year and a half ago, it was behind schedule, over budget, and relations with the plane's manufacturer, lockheed martin, bordered on dysfunctional. how would you characterize the relationship between the pentagon and lockheed martin? >> bogdan: i'm on record, after bein job for only inin the j month, standing up and saying it was the worst relationship i had seen in my acquionr. >> martin: these planes coming off the lockheed martin assembly line in fort worth cost $115 million apiece, a price tag bogdan has to drastically reduce if the pentagon can ever afford to buy the 2,400 planes it
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wants. >> bogdan: i know where every single airplane in the production line is on any given day. you know why that's important? because lockheed martin doesn't get paid their profit unless each and every airplane meets each station on time with the right quality. >> martin: so if this plane doesn't get from that station to this station... >> bogdan: on time with the right quality, they're going to lose some of their fee. you've got to perform to make your profit. >> martin: they must love you at lockheed martin. >> bogdan: i try and be fair, david, and if they want what i call "winner's profit," they have to act like and perform like winners, and that's fair. >> martin: although the f-35 won't begin to enter service until next year at the earliest, pilots are already conducting test flights and training missions at bases in california, florida, maryland, arizona, and nevada. it's supposed to replace virtually all the jet fighters in the united states military.
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there's one model for the air force, another for the navy-- designed to catapult off an aircraft carrier-- and a third for the marines, which seems to defy gravity by coming to a dead stop in mid-air and landing on a dime. >> david berke: this is a fighter that has amazing capabilities in a lot of ways. >> martin: lieutenant colonel david berke says there's no comparison between the f-35 and today's jet fighters. >> berke: i'm telling you, having flown those other airplanes, it's not even close to how good this airplane is and what this airplane will do for us. >> martin: we have planes that are as fast as this. >> berke: you bet. >> martin: and can maneuver just as sharply as this one. >> berke: sure. >> martin: so why isn't that good enough? >> berke: those are metrics of a bygone era. those are ways to validate or value an airplane that just don't apply anymore. >> martin: you can see from its angled lines, the f-35 is a stealth aircraft designed to evade enemy radar. what you can't see is the 24 million lines of software code which turn it into a flying computer.
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that's what makes this plane such a big deal. >> berke: the biggest big deal is the information this airplane gathers and processes and gives to me as the pilot. it's very difficult to overstate how significant of an advancement this airplane is over anything that's flying right now. >> martin: without the f-35, says air force chief general mark welch, the u.s. could lose its ability to control the air in future conflicts. >> mark welch: air superiority is not a given, david. it never has been. and if we can't provide it, everything we do on the ground and at sea will have to change. >> martin: today's enemies, al qaeda and the taliban, pose no threat to american jets. but welch is worried about more powerful rivals. >> welch: we're not the only ones who understand that going to this next generation of capability in a fighter aircraft is critical to survive in the future of battle space, and so others are going-- notably, now, the chinese, the russians-- and we'll see more of that in the future. >> martin: and this is what the competition looks like-- the russian t-50 and china's j-20
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stealth fighter. according to welch, they are more than a match for today's fighters. >> welch: if you take any older fighter, like our existing aircraft, and you put it nose to nose in... in a contested environment with a newer fighter, it will die. >> martin: and it will die because? >> welch: it will die before it even knows it's even in a fight. >> martin: in aerial combat, the plane that shoots first wins, so it all comes down to detecting the enemy before he detects you. the f-35's combination of information technology and stealth would give american pilots what marine lieutenant general robert schmidle describes as an astounding advantage in combat. >> robert schmidle: i shouldn't get into the exact ranges, because those ranges are classified, but what i can tell you is that the range at which you can detect the enemy, as opposed to when he can detect
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you, can be as much as ten times further when you'll see him before he'll ever see you, and down to five times... >> martin: i want to nail this down here. if the f-35 was going up against another stealth aircraft of the kind that other countries are working on today, it would be able still to detect that aircraft at five to ten times the range. >> schmidle: you would be safe in assuming that you could detect that airplane at considerably longer distances than that airplane could detect you. >> martin: the f-35's radar, cameras and antennas would scan for 360 degrees around the plane, searching for threats and projecting, for example, the altitude and speed of an enemy aircraft onto the visor of a helmet custom-fitted to each pilot's head. it is so top-secret, no one without a security clearance has ever been allowed to see what it can do... >> alan norman: if you want to head up to my office, come on up. >> martin: ...until lockheed martin's chief f-35 test pilot alan norman took us into the
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cockpit for a first-hand look. >> norman: so, if you put that over your face... >> martin: that blindfold is to make sure i can see only what cameras located in different parts of the plane project onto the visor. >> sot norman: you're looking through the eyeballs of the airplane right now. and you can even look down below the airplane. so you're looking actually through the structure of the airplane right now. >> martin: we've positioned "60 minutes" cameraman tom rapier underneath the plane so we can test the system. so now i look, and there's tom rapier and he's giving me one finger up. >> norman: you're the only person in the world that can see him with that imagery right now. >> martin: we're not allowed to show you what's on the visor, because much of it is still classified. but wherever i turn my head, i can see what's out there. >> bogdan: so there's a lot riding on that helmet, david, there's no doubt. >> martin: how much does it cost? >> bogdan: the helmet itself, plus the computer system that is used to make the helmet work, is more than a half-million dollars. >> martin: but there have been
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problems with the helmet, and when we visited the marine corps station in yuma, arizona, a malfunction caused a scheduled flight to be scrubbed. in fact, on any given day, more than half the f-35s on the flight line are liable to be down for maintenance or repairs. bugs and glitches in the plane first revealed themselves in testing at edwards air force base in california, where every test flight is monitored and recorded as if it were a space flight. the plane has to go through 56,000 separate tests, everything from making sure a bomb will fall out of the bomb bay to seeing what happens when it is dropped at supersonic speeds. >> rod cregier: of course, you never like to lose an aircraft. >> martin: colonel rod cregier runs the test program. >> cregier: you're taking an aircraft that's unknown, and you're trying to determine does it do what we paid the contractor to make it do. does it go to the altitudes, the air speeds? can it drop the right weapons?
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we're trying to get all that stuff done before we release it for the war fighter, so that they can actually use it in combat. >> martin: so, are you basically the guy who has to deliver the bad news about the plane? >> cregier: sometimes, it's hard to tell folks that their baby is ugly, but you have to do it because, if you don't get it done, who else is going to do it? >> martin: a number of surprisingly basic defects have been uncovered. the f-35 was restricted from flying at night because the wingtip lights, shaped to preserve the plane's stealth contours, did not meet faa standards. >> bogdan: when you hear something like that, you just kind of want to hit your head like this and go, "multibillion dollar airplane? wing tip lights? come on! >> martin: and then there are the tires, which have to be tough enough to withstand a conventional landing and bouncy enough to handle a vertical landing. we found out that the tires were wearing out two, three, four times faster than expected. tires. >> bogdan: tires aren't rocket science.
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we ought to be able to figure out how to do tires on a multi- billion-dollar highly advanced fighter. >> martin: lieutenant general schmidle remembers the day one of the planes delivered to the marines had gaps in its stealth coating. >> schmidle: they sent me the pictures within half an hour of the thing landing, and i then sent them on to lockheed martin and said, "so, talk to me." >> martin: i got a feeling you said more than just "talk to me." >> schmidle: um... ( laughs ) >> martin: did you say, "what the hell?" >> schmidle: you know marines tend to be relatively direct in the way that we try to help people understand what our... what our particular concerns are. >> martin: executives at lockheed martin declined our request for an interview, and instead sent us this email saying, in part: "we recognize the program has had developmental and cost challenges, and we are working with our customers, partners and suppliers to address these challenges." that stealth coating was repaired and the problem with the wing tip lights fixed.
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but, so far, not the tires. with about 35 planes a year coming off the lockheed martin assembly line, it seems awfully late to be discovering such basic flaws. that's because, early in the program, the pentagon counted on computer modeling and simulators to take the place of old- fashioned flight testing. >> frank kendall: an old adage in the... in this business is, "you should fly before you buy." make sure the design is stable and things work before you actually go into production. >> martin: frank kendall is the under secretary of defense for acquisition, the pentagon's chief weapons buyer. >> kendall: we started buying airplanes a good year before we started flight tests. >> martin: so you buy before you fly? >> kendall: in that case, yes. >> martin: just saying, it doesn't sound like a good idea. >> kendall: i referred to that decision as "acquisition malpractice." >> martin: this may 2010 pentagon memo detailed the "flawed assumptions", "unrealistic estimates," and "a general reluctance to accept unfavorable information" that put the program seven years behind schedule and more than
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$160 billion over budget. to stop the bleeding, kendall pumped an extra $4.6 billion into flight testing and froze production. >> kendall: we need to face the truth in this business. we need to understand what works and what doesn't. >> martin: is this f-35 program now under control? >> kendall: yes, it is. >> martin: shortly after he spoke with us, kendall issued this memo, stating "progress is sufficient" to increase production next year. but, he warned, the plane's software "is behind schedule" and "reliability is not growing at an acceptable rate." still, the pentagon plans to buy as many as 100 f-35s a year by 2018. has the f-35 program passed the point of no return? >> bogdan: i don't see any scenario where we're walking back away from this program. >> martin: so the american taxpayer is going to buy this airplane? >> bogdan: i would tell you we're going to buy a lot of these airplanes.
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>> martin: since our story first aired in february, the air force and navy have been forced by budget cuts to slow the rate at which they are buying new f-35s. but there is no change in the pentagon's plan to eventually purchase a total of 2,443 aircraft at a cost of nearly $400 billion. kids are fed? [ dad ] kids are fed. homework is done. baths are taken. i'm impressed. looks like you got everything under control. we got it all under control here, we're all good, right guys? yeah. yeah, we're all good here. yeah. yep. love you guys. [ dad & kids ] love you bye. [ computer beeps ] [ male announcer ] finally a paint that's stain resistant and scrubbable. introducing new valspar reserve. now the colors you love stay the colors you love. exclusively at lowe's. now the colors you love stay challenged new coppertone sport accuspray.
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that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. democrat john perez for controller. >> safer: last november, we marked the 50th anniversary of two defining but very different moments in american history: the assassination of a young president who represented the hopes and dreams of a new generation and, a few months later, the arrival in this
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country of four young englishmen who effectively changed the culture of not only america, but the world-- john f. kennedy and the beatles. what they had in common was a photographer who catalogued their rise to power. tonight, we take another look through the lens of henry grossman. >> henry grossman: i love this picture. look at that. i was a photo journalist. i was trying to capture what was happening, what was going on. i wasn't interrupting them and saying, "oh, wait a minute, i got to do that again." what is it-- "seize the day," "seize the moment"? smile. stay right there. i like the light. >> safer: over half a century ago, this picture changed henry grossman's life. john f. kennedy, in boston, where grossman, a student, often photographed visiting v.i.p.s. >> grossman: this is taken the day he announced his candidacy for president. i gave him a copy of this and he
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called it his "eyes portrait." he was very young and unknown. >> safer: you were pretty young yourself. >> grossman: i was about 22, 23, yeah. >> safer: the encounter compelled grossman to hit the road, tagging along on the kennedy campaign. >> grossman: the crowd wanted him, liked him so much. >> safer: why did you decide that you wanted to follow jfk around? >> grossman: personality was great. and it was an opportunity to photograph a man who could become president. wasn't that fun? >> safer: a famous image taken on wall street. they're looking up at what, people in windows, was that it? >> grossman: people in windows. they were beginning to throw confetti. >> safer: another captured the savvy candidate posing with the statue of liberty. you were clearly a fan of his. >> grossman: i was a fan of his, yes. >> safer: did you go to great pains to make him look good? >> grossman: you didn't have to try to make him look good. there i was. >> safer: after the election, he was a familiar face in the white house. >> grossman: the president is just signing a picture here for me. we called him "jack" all during
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the campaign, and even when he into the white house, except not when people were around, because then it was "mr. president." this one i like because it looks like i'm an advisor to the president. and there's jack with a bandage on his face because he bumped his head when he picked up a toy or something that caroline had dropped. >> safer: another famous image-- a windblown jfk. it was published around the world. >> grossman: i gave jackie a copy of that picture because i loved it. and a friend of mine said, she looked at it and she said, "i think it's my favorite picture of jack," which was very inspiring, very nice. >> safer: what was your reaction when you heard he was killed? >> grossman: oh, god. sorrow. how deeply can sorrow be felt for the loss of what would have been, what could have been, what might have been, what was? >> safer: this was the front page of "the new york times" the day after john kennedy died.
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the portraits of the fallen president and his successor, both taken by henry grossman. he later photographed the former first lady at home in new york. >> grossman: she was very photogenic, very quiet. she could be sharp and strong. >> safer: tough. >> grossman: yes, lovely but tough. ( cheers and applause ) >> safer: and he traveled with robert kennedy during his presidential campaign. shortly before rfk was killed, grossman caught him catnapping during an exhausting day on the road. >> grossman: it's an eerie picture to me, knowing what happened to him and having known what happened to his brother, my god. >> safer: like many talented photographers, henry grossman also had great luck being in the right place at the right time. this theater in new york, for instance. today, it's home to the david letterman show. 50 years ago, a revolution took
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place here. ( girls screaming ) >> grossman: i lived a block away and so i walked over here with no anticipation, no understanding of what i would find. there's an english word-- "gobsmacked." i was gobsmacked. >> ♪ ah, ah, ah ♪ ah, ah, ah ♪ shake it up baby, now ♪ shake it up, baby ♪ twist and shout ♪ twist and shout... >> safer: when ed sullivan introduced the beatles to america, 73 million viewers were watching. henry grossman was there, shooting for "time" magazine. >> grossman: i guess i shot a first couple of pictures of the guys on stage and what they were doing. >> safer: we talked onstage at the very spot the music was made. >> grossman: and then, when i looked around and i could see the hysteria on some of these girls, tears streaming down their faces. "wow, look at that. look at that. look at that." >> ♪ she wouldn't dance with another ♪ ooh ♪ since i saw her standing
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there... >> safer: it's fascinating that these kids probably couldn't hear the band for their own voices, right? >> grossman: i don't think it mattered. ( girls screaming ) >> safer: grossman figured that first glimpse of the band was probably his last. did you feel, or did they feel, that this was just a flash in the pan? >> grossman: i'm afraid they did. i was speaking with george in london at his house once. he said, "henry, who knows how long this is going to last?" and that was 50 years ago, before they became icons of the century. >> safer: they would meet again. but for the moment, grossman moved on, photographing, in just a few weeks time, the wedding of elizabeth taylor and richard burton in montreal; barbra streisand opening on broadway in "funny girl"; and the supremes, the other pop music phenomenon of 1964. >> grossman: huh, let's see what these are. oh, my gosh!
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>> safer: his archive, if you can call it that, is an archaeological dig into our collective past. why don't you just open a drawer at random and pull something out and see what surprises we'll find here. >> grossman: oh, ho, ho, ho, ho. march on washington. oh, this is eleanor roosevelt and mandela. >> safer: a hodge-podge of history. >> grossman: nixon. >> safer: he looks pretty happy. are you surprising yourself as you go through these? >> grossman: endlessly. endlessly. >> safer: there's david ben- gurion, israel's founding father, both fore and aft. >> grossman: this was the shot, i shot in back. >> safer: oh, that's wonderful. looks like a flying saucer or something. >> grossman: yes, saturn. >> safer: there's george hamilton as dracula. writer kurt vonnegut. jimi hendrix, eating his guitar. the man who would be king, briefly-- the duke of windsor and his american wife. >> grossman: one of my favorite pictures. this is cassius clay, winner, after a knockout fight.
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>> safer: before he was muhammad ali. >> grossman: that was the celebration. there was a strawberry shortcake in front of him, and he was too tired and beat up to really appreciate it. >> safer: beautiful women became a specialty: jacqueline bisset. julie christie. mia farrow. meryl streep. you really hung out with the babes a lot, didn't you? >> grossman: oh, do you blame me? >> safer: many of the performers he photographed have gone on to that great red carpet in the sky: leonard bernstein, the conductor and composer, who gave us "west side story"; maria callas, in her farewell carnegie hall recital; another operatic superstar, luciano pavarotti, in a photo that could be a renaissance painting. and marilyn monroe, the night she sang "happy birthday" to jfk. >> grossman: wow. >> safer: george harrison and his aston martin. but he's best known for his beatles pictures, and for good
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reason. a recent limited edition book containing hundreds of previously unseen images sold out quickly at $500 a pop. >> grossman: this is george harrison in nassau. he had obviously just gotten up. and there was a look to him that was so simple and vulnerable, but look how open and honest he is. >> safer: and so ridiculously young. >> grossman: yes. >> there he is. hey, i tried to warn him. >> safer: he got to know them really well in the bahamas, when they made the film "help." grossman tagged along, shooting for "life" magazine. it was a low-key affair, a far cry from the pandemonium of the sullivan show a year earlier. the photographer and the band hit it off. >> grossman: i was a fly on the wall, watching and being a friend. >> safer: they talked. they joked. each morning, grossman served as the band's human alarm clock. your wakeup call to the beatles was what?
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>> grossman: "♪ oh, what a beautiful morning ♪ oh, what a beautiful day ♪ i've got a wonderful feeling everything's going my way." and it did. this is a picture that ringo took. john wanted to make my hair long and combed like a beatle, which he tried to do. this is terrific fun for me. >> safer: as filming took them from nassau to austria to london in early 1965, he met the four young women who were the envy of teenage girls everywhere: ringo and his wife maureen, newlyweds; john and his wife, cynthia; paul and girlfriend, jane asher; patty boyd, george's girlfriend and wife-to-be. soon, he was welcome in their homes in london. life went on around him. ringo and son jason, a chip off the old block. john and cynthia, and julian, two years old. everything looks very conventional, with wives and
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girlfriends. >> grossman: that was a surprise to me, too. john's house looked very much like a straight, middle-class american house. george and john were strumming guitars and playing, while little baby julian was watching. the girls, the wives were in the living room talking about drapes and curtains. >> safer: grossman was there for the band's famous audience with the indian guru, the maharishi-- the summer of love, 1967. >> grossman: i think they were genuinely hooked on him and what they might become through him. i don't know how long it lasted. >> safer: he took rare pictures of others in the beatles family: paul and his father, jim; brian epstein, the band's brilliant manager; george martin, the legendary record producer. >> grossman: george martin was the kind of guy that was reading poetry in between recording the beatles. >> safer: by 1970-- the ending,
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the unraveling of the band-- grossman had moved on to other assignments, other interests, parting, though, with the greatest respect. >> grossman: i loved them. they were terrific guys. they knew what they were doing, they knew who they were very well. they did not try to put on somebody that they're not. what was there and what you saw was what you got. >> safer: looking at henry grossman's pictures, there's a sense of both joy and melancholy, of things past and times lost. but as the novelist robert goddard wrote, "photographs don't distinguish between the living and the dead. the pictures are always there. and so are the people in them. frozen in the best time of their lives." >> for a gallery of rare beatles
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previously on elementary... you ruined my life. gun! woman: a blood clot got wedged in his right subclavian artery, obstructed the blood flow to his arm for about 30 minutes. he may never regain full use of the limb. watson: this is about your guilt. you're not directly responsible for what happened. but this time your fondness for blowing past bureaucratic guideposts got a man you respect shot. you may very well have saved my life. i'd rather not see you around here. look at you, southpaw. well, life has changed, right? at least nowadays most of the paperwork's on the computer. well, i made you some ready-to-nuke dinners. nothing fancy. baked ziti's about the extent of my culinary skills. thanks. that's really nice of you.
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