tv Mosaic CBS July 6, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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"mosaic." good morning, welcome to the kpix "mosaic" program. >> this was installed in the archbishop of san francisco. he succeeded john needer meyer. and educated in rome with a doctoral degree. and working as the apostolic sinator and refreshly they are simple. in his homily, he highlighted the deep spiritual words of the that francis spoke. >> francis rebuilt my house.
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i quote. st. francis' time is a time of spiritual unrest and they saw the condition of the human person as totally debased. >> there was a need for reform of the clergy who is too absorbed with worldly things. francis' response was holiness. he focused on the call to holiness. and knowing the work of rebuilding must start with within. >> it was his personal holiness which led the way in the needed reform of the church at that time. >> he served as chairman of the subcommittee for the promotion and queens of marriage recently faced harsh criticism for participating in the d.c. march for marriage. he boldly declared that we now in our time need to live the truth for compassion. as it applies to us today. to build a civilization of truth and love. i am pleased to welcome to our program this morning,
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archbishop salvatore corleone. >> thank you for having me. >> the start in the san francisco bay area has been explosive to say the least. i know you don't view yourself necessarily as a high profile archbishop. but san francisco is a key leading city in the united states and in the church and in the world. what you think and how you feel matters. especially to a lot of people here. >> we are so happy that you have agreed to give us this time. had is taking shape and in the coming months, i hope you will be back to discuss important things to you. let's talk about the first big project that you started, it is you renewal of the arch diocesan seminary. and it is the development of an oratory, these things are phenomenal to start one at a time. please shed some light on this
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for us, please. >> it is seed bed and -- it as seed bed. and parrish life is vibrant and priests are vibrant. so, to me. the highest priority is the seminary. i speak a lot of formation and in a lot of senses and beginning with that. and also, formation for forms of ministry and for the people of the faith in had general. that begins with the formation of priests. i have tried to make that a priority and i am very happy with the way the seminary has been developing from before the time before i came here in san francisco and i was aware of what was going on in the seminary and i tried to tip
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down the track. in the church, the vision for formation of priests speaks of four pillars of formation. which are the spiritual obviously. and intellectual and human and pastoral. we are trying to focus on those pillars and continue to develop them. the seminary does a good job at integrating the pillars and especially the pastoral with the intellectual and there is an emphasis with the experience of doing pastoral work in parrishs and they do a year in the parishes, like a year internship. and it is the theological thoughts. >> it is linked with their study. >> yes. >> it is a fascinating beginning they never heard the word formation. we will go to a break and we hope you will stay with us and join us in the fascinating conversation with the archbishop of san francisco. we will be right back. born in joplin, missouri,
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i'm nascar driver jamie mcmurray, and my niece has autism. learn more at . welcome back. i am christine mugrich and i am with salvatore cordileone, he is the archbishop of san francisco. archbishop, this topic of formation may be knew to people and you described what goes into the development of priests. had is a key person that we want. four formations. >> human and oscar practical and you send them out for a
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year of pastoral activities. >> you are working with the homeless which we love about you. this is in your mind as a person and a priest candidate to be well formed and for example, the interesting fact is that you are combining the formation of priests that allows for the presence of lat -- laity and religious to be alongside the seminarians. that is pretty new. >> it is it idea of what pillars mean to catholic understanding. it means to draw out and it is the, we are drawing out what is already the potential within
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the person it is not just imparting knowledge and teaching kills so the person do grow. i talk about well formed. and it is comprehensive in all those areas. that's what we focus on in the programs of formation. it is the lit thank you -- liturgicaal. >> what does that mean? >> they are hosting the office was of the institute. we are just beginning to get off the grounds. . the idea is that classes will be for the people and it is not a matter of teaching skills.
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that will be a part of it. they have to learn the skills and they receive a more in depth formation. as wells the practical skills. >> it has music. and sapping into the great treasures we have in our tradition. >> you yourself rap a music aficionado. and you are an accomplished hue significance. and not many people know that. >> i was once. >> not practicing eight hours a day any more. >> no, you have. but not to the exclusion of more comp temporary style of music but how to use the music and how it is with the lit thank youy and how it is -- lit thank youy. and -- liturgy and other roles as lectors and ministers of
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holy communion. >> coordinators. and the idea then is not that they have skills. electricelectric tore needs to know how to project words and speak them. and that is biblical theology and history. and they understand the connection. and what is -- context. and what was going on when jeremiah made the trough of prophecy and how he was standing for god's truth for his own people. in st. paul, they were trying to get the christians adhere to the moassaic law. and this is all parts of history and theological history. and for the word of good effectively. >> your ideal of educating all of the people involved in the
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welcome back. i am dr. christine mugridge. >> we are talking with archbishop salvatore cordileone. before we went to break we were talking about the spirituality and formation of individuals and experience they will have together with seminarians. how are the seem anniversaryians feeling about that by the way.
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it is something new for the campus. >> well, as i mentioned, not all the classes will be offered there. and they will do work on line and there has to be some personal encounter with the teacher and that is throughout the way area. >> that is fantastic -- bay area. >> it is coming to a parish near you, correct? >> yes. >> i want to also in our brief time we have together. speak about the oratory, i didn't know what the word oratory meant and most lay people don't. how does it fit with formation. >> oratory is a chapel and it as private association of people. oratory in this accepts is the oratory of st. phillip nery
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which is apostolic life and priests doing pastoral ministry and not like relidge just priests are but belong to the society. >> another form of life in the church as we know, that there are many different normals of life in the church. >> yes. began with st. phillip neresidents y, second apposesle in rome and we have it -- apostle and he began the communities where there were priests and lay brothers too: oratory is apostolic life and parish ministry and usually in an urban setting where they share a common life. >> that is wonderful. >> this is not my idea.
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two priests approached me and they enjoy the pastoral ministry and these days, priests are alone. they don't live with anyone else and they wanted to share a common life but they wanted to do a pastoral ministry. >> let's talk about how this dovetails with the formation and i want to introduce a new topic near and dear to your heart. that is stewardship. >> it is good. and it happens in community. it doesn't happen alone. >> there has to be a sense with other priests and this might be the only priest assigned to a parish. this are other opportunities for a priest to do that. and it is heightened in the situation of an oratory. any situation where priests are sharing a common life and
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pastoral ministry. it helps with their own ongoing priestly formation. >> no one goes it alone on the way to heaven. not even the priests. >> no. >> i know they are near and dear to your heart as well. >> stewardship, this is something you wanted to focus on. >> from an old fashioned perspective is what occurs when a and fuel appeal goes out. some think of the it financially. and i know, that is not the focus that you have. >> stewardship is something deeply spiritual and personal to for you. can you elaborate on that before we go to a break. >> it is not the focus the church has. and not the u.s. bishops. it is 20 years that they issue the past letter and it is disappointing that people have the idea.
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a steward is a he servant but a certain type. it is the servant to master and 10 trust the masters. and these see wards, they are not alone. they belong to the master. this is the common image our lord uses in the parables. and he speaks of the steward in his sparables. the good steward and wicked. and those who squander the goods and those who use them with an issue east and the master expects to use them with an increase. everything we have, and everything that we are is a gift from god, it doesn't really belong to us. their good is entrusted to us for good's purposes and we are going to lead to the true happiness. >> you keep that foremost in your mind with everything that you do and maybe more so than ever before under the pontificate under st. francis. it is not material goods, it is
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about the gifts and talents you have as well. they make up your identity. >> we speak of it in time, and treasure. and some are called to share. and again, it is not merely practical material thing. it is a matter of, it has to come from a spirituality. spirituality of communion which is sharing spiritual and goods. >> spirituality of communion. we will talk about that after the break. stay tuned. ,,
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. welcome back to "mosaic." we are talking with archbishop salvatore cordileone. we had an interesting conversation with you. archbishop. we are so grateful you took the time to be with us. promise us. you will come back. >> i do. if you want me back. >> you heard it here. we were talking about something, rather novel. it is spirituality of communion and spirituality of stewardship. i would like you to elaborate. >> it means sharing, sharing of spiritual and material goods. the pattern was set at the beginning, at the creation. what do we see when god in second chapter of genesis when he creates the man and woman. he recrated them and gave them dominion over the earth. he entrusted the creation to the man and the woman. so, from the very beginning we see the pattern set of marriage
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and stewardship and really marriage in a certain sense and stewardship of our bodies. our bodies are a gift of god. they are meant to be used for god's purposes that are meant for communion. the communion of the man and woman and love to bring new life in the world. >> let me stop there. you are broaching a topic of marriage and family that is very explosive in our area. it is misunderstood. perhaps, would you mind sharing a little bit about your sense of communion of persons and even being good stewards of the gift of our body and personhood. >> marriage is the image god uses in crypt tour for his relationship with us because marriage is a comprehensive union of mind, body, spirit of the man and woman who joined their bodies in an act which new life comes. >> and they join their heart and soul and treasures.
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>> so, our union with god is like that. and it as comprehensive union and in marriage, they become one. the two become one. they don't lose their identity. they refeign the integrity and this is the model of what our life is like with god and in oracle's chen theology, that is the model of the trainity and of the church. christ is the bridegroom and church is the bride and the union of the two generate new life for god's kingdom. >> one is baptism and the other sacraments and that christ entrusted to the church. this is a steward of the treasures. >> steward of the treasure of new life on a human level as well as a spiritual level. please, go on. >> yes. >> so, the church receives the grace from christ and as a mother generates new life through the sacraments. baptism and the that signifies
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that baptism and the automatic carries and the gifts that faithful are given life and life in christ and they are formed in faith t because christ has entrusted to the church what peter calls the positive faith and the truth of his teaching. we can be guided. we don't have to grow cup in the darkness. we can't know good thoroughly. we can know the truth. >> christ left the church. >> a little bit of what you are saying, in the marital union of persons and gift consist and even practical communedown of persons in the material element, the two experience god in his love for us and the family represents that little model of the church. a domestic church, which is often the phrase brought to us by john paul and other popes. >> yes, we have about three
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minutes left. i would like you to please elaborate on then what this means in the archdiocese with regard to stewardship as a whole family. are we to understand that we are a gift for each other and we live in communion with each other and everything we have and do goes back to the lord as an offering? >> our faith is a communion. we share a communion of faith. and everything from god is for god and meant to be shared. this is human experience. and if you hold something on to yourself and some how you become lonely and unhappy. it is when you share it with others that one experiences joy. >> giving away of yourself. >> ask anyone. >> i always ask young people about this and especially in confirmation classes. because they do service projects to reflect point that am and i would invite all the listeners to reflect on that.
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any time they would out of their way to help some. and give of their time, talent. and treasure too. you come back enriched. it is a spirituality of communion or solidarity. everyone gives and everybody receives. it is not that i. and you have not. it is what i give to you. it is condescending. and as the pope teaches. when i invest myself and my gift, it as mutual exchange. giving and receiving. that is when christ becomes present. >> this is what you lived out in your office. you are so happy, really and you are excited about the good things that you have an opportunity to do. you are doing more with people in need behind the scenes. than people understand. and i am seeing now clearly. that is because it is your joy. and you are giving of yourself in a very personal way as a model for the rest of us.
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>> it is sustaining. which is the basic lesson of life. >> no one lives in a vacuum then. >> correct. >> i can't wait for you to come back. to again teach us more about the beautiful theology of come mondaydown of person. we thank you for joining us this morning. we thank you for joining us this morning and look forward to being with you again. and we will see you then. bye-bye.
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. hi again, welcome to "bay sunday." i am frank mallicoat. if you have a show idea, we would love to hear from you. go to face back/"bay sunday" and our producer will get in touch. >> did you ever wonder what it would be like to be a twin. someone like you or are they look you. it is a misstry. >> our guest -- mystery. and she has fraternal twin sons and her latest, the same but different. how twins can live, love and learn to be individuals. say hi to author and twin herself. dr. joan freeman. >> we chit chatted a little bit. you are close
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