tv 60 Minutes CBS July 20, 2014 7:00pm-8:02pm PDT
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captioning funded by cbs and ford >> rose: billionaires don't usually like to talk about their wealth, but this group has. they and others like them have all pledged to give at least half of their incredible fortunes away to charity-- a half a trillion dollars, so far. >> government is showing, you know, over the past couple of decades that it can no longer solve the great problems of the day. now, these philanthropists who have incredible wealth, and also the name and the influence, are uniquely qualified right now to solve the huge problems. >> stahl: it is the story that has never been told. there were 105 in all, john riordan risking his own life, rescued in the last days of the
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vietnam war. even now, four decades later, when they see him, you know, they know he is the reason they are alive. >> thank you. >> stahl: and they call him "papa." how many children do you actually have now, and grandchildren? >> i just keep using the number 105. but the grandchildren, don't ask me. i can't keep up with that. ♪ ♪ >> simon: the phrase "the greatest show on earth" usually refers to the circus, but a man named peter gelb, who runs the metropolitan opera in new york city, is doing everything he can to change that. there's no other place where you can see such monumental staging, elaborate sets, and a cast of hundreds. but the met is, above all, about extraordinary voices, some of the best voices in the world. tonight, we're going to take you backstage at the met and show it to you in a way you've never seen it before.
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>> kroft: i'm steve kroft. >> stahl: i'm lesley stahl. >> safer: i'm morley safer. >> simon: i'm bob simon. >> rose: i'm charlie rose. >> pelley: i'm scott pelley. those stories tonight on "60 minutes." the next big thing is here. dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back?
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dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab [ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup having coffee. okay, movhow do i win?yone wins. because we're streaming the movie that you love. well, how do i win? because we ordered that weird thing that you love from the pizza place. how do you win, dad? because i used the citi thankyou card and got two times the points on alllllll of this.
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well, and spending time with you guys of course. that was a better answer. the citi thankyou preferred card. earn two times the thankyou points on entertainment and dining out all with no annual fee. to apply, go to [guyi know what you're excited. you're thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldn't he be? beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. it has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr! [announcer]even accents of vitamin-rich veggies. [guy] so happy! you love it so much. yes you do! but it's good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina.
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together, it's been reported they own as much wealth as the bottom half of american households combined. while resentment towards the super-rich grows, there may be a silver lining taking shape. it turns out a lot of those rich people are giving staggering sums of money away in what is being called a golden age of philanthropy. and this surge in generosity is not by accident. much of it is the result of an ambitious and targeted campaign called "the giving pledge." it was started by an influential trio-- bill and melinda gates, and warren buffett. last year, we had the opportunity to get them together to learn more about their new club for billionaires. membership comes with just two requirements-- be worth at least a billion dollars and be willing to give half of that away. is it necessary to join the giving pledge that you promise 50% of your net worth? >> melinda gates: yes, in your lifetime or in your will. >> rose: or in your will. >> warren buffett: right. >> rose: are people shocked by
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that? >> buffett: i don't think so. >> melinda gates: we're asking them to be bold. we're asking them to step out and to do something big. but a lot of them were already on their way there and just hadn't put a numeric number behind it. and i think now, also, the giving pledge has gotten going, people know that's the expectation. >> buffett: and we don't... we don't find a lot of people that say, "i want to join if it was 40%." ( laughter ) >> rose: some may say, "i'm happy to give much more than 50%." >> buffett: oh, most of them. most. my guess is that a very significant percentage of our... our members, i mean, way over half are going to give a lot more than half. >> rose: that's certainly true of the founders. the gates have already committed to giving 95% of their wealth away; warren buffett, 99%. they say that kind of extreme giving is needed because the rich have been getting so much richer. tech innovations and rising global markets have produced vast fortunes not seen since the industrial revolution. so what does warren buffett say to convince today's billionaires
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to give their fortunes away? >> buffett: incremental wealth, adding to the wealth they have now, has no real utility to them. but that wealth has incredible utility to other people. it can educate children, it can vaccinate children. it can do all kinds of things. >> rose: there are others, and people that i know, say, "i want to give it to my children. that's what i want to do." what's wrong with that? >> buffett: i don't really think that, as a society, we want to confer blessings on generation after generation who contribute nothing to society, simply because somebody in the far distant past happened to amass a great sum of wealth. >> rose: so far, 115 billionaires have bought buffett's argument and signed the giving pledge. ages range from 27 to 98. some inherited wealth, but most are self-made. their businesses range from technology and social media to pizza, hair care, and home improvement. combined pledges so far?
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over a half a trillion dollars. what conditions are there? i mean, can they say, "yes, i'm with you. i'm here. but i want to give it to this institution or that institution." >> buffett: we don't care what institution they give it to. >> bill gates: yeah, in fact, we're not endorsing any flavor of philanthropy. we do think we're all going to be smarter and do it better learning from each other. but there is no pooling of money. we celebrate the diversity of philanthropy. >> rose: billionaires can be shy when it comes to talking about their money. but warren buffett helped convince seven who have signed the pledge to sit down with "60 minutes." they are investors pete peterson and nicolas berggruen, south african mining tycoon patrice motsepe and his wife, dr. precious moloi-motsepe, entrepreneur sara blakely, and a.o.l. founder steve case, and his wife jean. when did you first hear of the giving pledge? >> jean case: melinda called and talked to us. but we had the benefit of knowing bill and melinda for a
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long time, going back to our technology roots. >> steve case: we competed against them for many years. >> jean case: we did. >> steve case: and we're happy to finally join forces. >> rose: you wanted to be on their side. >> steve case: yeah, yeah, we wanted to be on the... aligned. >> rose: they've all signed the same pledge, and they bring the same brashness to their philanthropic ambition that helped them build financial empires. >> pete peterson: charlie, this is a group made up largely of entrepreneurs. and they didn't make a billion dollars or $5 billion by doing the ordinary; they did it by being bold. >> rose: that's certainly true for sara blakely. >> sara blakely: well, i made all the money by making other people's butts look a lot better. >> rose: i think you've missed me. in 2000, she took $5,000 in savings and started the undergarment company spanx. now, she wants her philanthropy to be as cutting edge as her billion-dollar business. >> blakely: i started my business with an invented product that didn't exist and shook up an industry. and i want to collaborate with
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people and increase my chances of coming up with an idea or something that will do that for my cause, which is helping women. >> rose: at 42, blakely admits she's just beginning to figure out how she'll help women. at 83, warren buffett says he wants to stick with what he's good at-- running his company, berkshire hathaway-- so he's given the bulk of his fortune to the bill and melinda gates foundation so it can be used to reduce global poverty and disease. as for the other pledgers, they're tackling an impressive array of causes-- unemployment in south africa, early detection and treatment of brain cancer-- and some interests that take on a more political tone: tax reform in california and the national debt. but as bill gates discovered when he left microsoft, going from making money to giving it away isn't always easy. an example of just one of the lessons he's learned-- it doesn't matter how effective a
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vaccine is; if you don't package and deliver it the right way, it will not do any good. i guess there's a learning process, too. >> melinda gates: absolutely. >> rose: because you feel like, "how do you do this even if you're inclined to do it?" >> bill gates: it's almost disconcerting to switch to an area where you're back at square zero a little bit. and the measurements aren't quite the same as in the business game. what you're trying to do-- the need to take risk, try different things, and so you need encouragement. >> rose: that's why buffett and the gates invite pledgers once a year to exclusive resorts like kiawah island in south carolina. here, billionaires attend seminars on how to give money away more effectively. our cameras were not allowed in, but we were shown this day's agenda-- it included lessons on how tools like technology can be used to transform failing schools and, with the government cutting funding on medical research, how can philanthropists step in and help
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spur new medical breakthroughs. but we wondered, what else goes on behind closed doors? will there be a conversation here about failure? >> buffett: sure. >> jean case: yes, there most definitely will be. >> rose: what does that... how do you phrase that? >> buffett: well, if you bat a thousand, you're playing in the little leagues. i mean, the... and the problems are major league. >> steve case: the difference in the entrepreneurial world, when you launch a company, you have a particular idea, a particular product, a particular service-- almost always you pivot, you shift. you... the market reacts to your initial idea. you make some adjustments. it's only after making a few adjustments that you see the success. we need that same mentality in philanthropy-- trying things, taking risks, recognizing the first try, maybe the second try, maybe the third try won't work. but if you stay at it and you're learning, you're talking to others, and you're learning together, eventually, you'll break through and see the kind of impact you were hoping for. >> rose: jeffrey skoll, one of the first to sign the giving pledge, is using the billions he made as ebay's first president
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to fight what he calls global threats-- not just one, but five problems he's convinced pose immediate danger to humanity: climate change, water security, pandemics, nuclear proliferation, and the middle east conflict. i mean, is there some argument to make sometimes that... that because people made a lot of money, they may come to these problems with a certain arrogance, like, "i know everything there is to know. i'm so... smart guy. let me tell you what to do." >> jeffrey skoll: i think we all have a danger... >> rose: arrogance... >> skoll: ...of feeling like we know the answers. and the reality is we don't. >> rose: but that doesn't keep skoll from trying. in addition to his more traditional charitable giving, in 2004, he started the for- profit media company participant, to make movies that promote his philanthropic goals. and the purpose of the movies is what? awareness is one. >> skoll: to create entertainment that inspires and compels social change. and so whether that is climate
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change or dolphin hunting in japan or dealing with drug sentencing laws, every film we do has a purpose and it has a social action campaign associated with the movie. and we try to get people involved in the issues of the movie to try to make a difference in those issues. >> rose: but the problem with all of this may be that it shows how quickly charity can cross over into advocacy. take the 2011 movie "contagion." skoll took what he'd learned through his charitable work in pandemics and funded a movie to warn people that a virus could kill billions. >> on day one, there were two people, and then four, and then 16. in three months, it's a billion. that's where we're headed. >> rose: and what did the movie accomplish for you? >> skoll: in many ways, it put pandemics back on the map, that the public realized how important our public health organizations are, for example. a number of politicians that had
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seen the movie who were ready to vote on cuts to funding to the cdc recognized that that would be a bad idea. >> randall lane: the public has a right to know who owns the world. >> rose: randall lane, the editor of the business magazine "forbes," says billionaires like skoll have become so influential, he devoted an entire issue to philanthropy. >> lane: government is showing, you know, over the past couple decades that it can no longer solve the great problems of the day. now, these philanthropists who have incredible wealth, the problem-solving brainpower, and also the name and the influence to be able to open doors, are uniquely qualified right now to solve the huge problems. >> rose: but that does raise the question, do these billionaires have too much power? there's some people who say big philanthropy is not such a good idea, meaning that, somehow, you have enormous power and you're not elected, and that that may
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not be such a good idea to have people with enormous wealth to have so much influence. >> buffett: well, would they prefer dynastic wealth, pass it on? or would they prefer, you know, obscenely high living? there's a couple other ways to get rid of money, but i... i think it's better if you're helping other people, using a good bit of it for helping other people. >> rose: okay, so there's no instance in which somebody could say, "look, i mean, we got too many people of huge wealth who are having too much influence." >> jean case: well, charlie, think about bill and polio, for instance-- bill and melinda's work in polio. i mean, they're coming close to eradicating polio on the face of the earth. i think when we have a couple of examples like that, people will see, that's not power being used for personal purposes; that's really leveraging everything you have to change the world to make it better. >> rose: but as warren buffett is finding out, not every billionaire feels that way. >> buffett: i've gotten a lot of yeses when i've called people, but i've gotten a lot of nos, too. because i've been calling people
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with a billion dollars or more, i've been tempted to think that if they can't sign up for 50%, maybe i should write a book on how to get by on $500 million... ( laughter ) because, apparently, there's a lot of people that don't really know how to do it. >> rose: since our story aired last november, another 12 billionaires have signed the giving pledge. >> cbs money watch update sponsored by: >> good evening. europe could impose tougher trade sanctions on russia tuesday over the downing of malaysia airlines flight 17. rj reynolds will fight a $26.3 billion verdict in a florida tobacco liability suit. sales of certain cadillac models are on hold due to an ignition flaw gm can't fix. i'm elaine quijano, cbs news.
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>> stahl: you've heard of the brave and ingenious rescue of jews from the nazis by oscar schindler, and the courageous and unlikely rescue of the american hostages from iran depicted in the movie "argo." but until we first reported it back in october, very few people had heard about the daring and dangerous rescue of the vietnamese from saigon by john riordan. it happened nearly 40 years ago, at the very end of the vietnam war, when everyone was trying to escape the communist incursion. no one was paying attention to an unassuming american banker who had already been evacuated, going back in to save his stranded vietnamese colleagues and their families. you got everybody... >> john riordan: everybody. >> stahl: ...everybody who worked at the bank, spouses and children? >> riordan: right. >> stahl: there were 105 in all who john riordan, risking his own life, rescued in the last days of the war. even now, four decades later,
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when they see him, you know they know he's the reason they're alive. today, they're leading prosperous lives as american citizens, with children who are doctors and lawyers, and with grandchildren. >> riordan: isabel, do you know my name? >> isabel: john riordan. >> riordan: you even know my last name! it's even more than i know. >> stahl: john riordan was as far from rambo and "mission: impossible" as you could get. back in 1975, he was a young banker, handsome and unattached, working as the assistant manager of citibank in saigon. they gave you a villa. >> riordan: they gave me a villa. >> stahl: and you lived well. >> riordan: i lived well, yes. >> stahl: he hosted barbecues at the villa for the bank's 34 vietnamese employees-- tellers, secretaries, accountants. they were like a family, tying their future to american banking. but that april, communist tanks were barreling toward saigon.
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hundreds of thousands were leaving, or trying to. three weeks before saigon fell, john got an order from citibank in new york-- burn everything important and get out. >> riordan: they said, "john, we've chartered a 747 pan am that's coming in. and we want you to take all of your staff and leave the bank and get out to this plane." >> stahl: by this point, it dawns on you what would happen to those people if you didn't get them out. >> riordan: some of them would be killed. >> cuc pham-vo: it's scary. it was very scary. >> stahl: cuc pham-vo worked in personnel; chi vu was the head teller. they were hearing rumors of reprisals by the vietcong against anyone working for the americans. would you have been seen as traitors, as spies? >> cuc: the closer you to american, the more they think you spy. >> stahl: but their own government set up checkpoints to keep people from leaving the
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country. without exit papers, the staff had no way to escape. john didn't want to leave without them. but the bank ordered him out. so he boarded that pan am flight to hong kong alone. and the employees were left to fend for themselves. did you feel abandoned? >> cuc: yes. >> stahl: did john say anything to you when he left? >> chi vu: i was crying so much. i was worried about my kids, my husband. and he said, "don't worry. i'll be there for you." >> stahl: john and his bosses at citibank spent day and night in hong kong cooking up rescue plans. they tried to send in helicopters, even an oil tanker. and they asked the u.s. government to help, all in vain. >> riordan: i felt we had all those people back in there, and they were counting on us. and many, many times, in the conversations we had with them, they said to us, "don't let us down. please do everything you can." >> stahl: but after two weeks of
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trying, citibank said "enough." a manager told the hong kong team, "if you try some daring rescue mission, you're fired!" that night, john's immediate boss, mike mctighe, a former marine, asked john to dinner. >> riordan: and just as my steak arrived, and i was picking up my knife and fork and he's making small talk, and then he suddenly... he says, "you know, john, one of us has to go back." and i put down my... >> stahl: oh! >> riordan: ...knife and fork and pushed that steak back, and i can feel tears coming outof my eyes. and he said, "would you go back?" >> stahl: go back, even though it meant losing his job, possibly losing his life. and yet, 11 days before saigon would fall, the mild-mannered banker defied his bank and better judgment, caught the very last commercial flight into saigon, and walked into the branch. >> riordan: and everybody comes running around me and said, "what do we do? what do we do? how are we going to get out of
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here?" and everything. >> stahl: but you're there under the authority of who? you're not working for citibank. >> riordan: no one. no one. on my own. >> stahl: on his own authority, john moved them, with their families-- all 105 of them-- into his villa and another one nearby so they'd all be ready to go as a group when and if he came up with a plan. he told them to tell no one where they were. four days went by. nothing was working, until a cia agent told him-- the only way out now is on u.s. military cargo planes that are evacuating americans and their dependents. >> riordan: he says, "the evacuation has begun. take your family and go out to the airport and process them through." and i said, "well, i don't have a family." and he said, "just create a wife and children, no matter who they are, and go out there and sign the dos."
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>> stahl: this is thrst tithis i >> stahl: try and pass off his vietnamese colleagues, their spouses and children as his family? there were 105 of them! do you say to him, "are you kidding me?" you don't say cockamamie? you don't say-- >> riordan: no, no. because there'd been so much cockamania before that, this was a time to jump on anything that looked like it was going to float. >> stahl: you were at the end of your rope. >> riordan: yes, absolutely. >> stahl: it was worth a try, but not for all of them at once. he took the bank van and went out to the airfield alone to see if it would work. >> riordan: i walked into that processing area and i... somebody gave me a piece of paper. he said, "list your dependents on here." and i was fumbling for what piece of paper i was going to have to write this all down. they said, "just attach that to this piece of paper and keep going." >> stahl: there were 15 names... >> riordan: it was a bit of a rush. >> stahl: you had a wife and 14 names. >> riordan: right. that was kind of ambitious. >> stahl: daughter, son, daughter... >> riordan: right. >> stahl: ...son. yeah.
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this is the paper-- wife, daughter, daughter, son. 14 kids, some older than he was. he was certifying on a u.s. government document that these were his children. is your heart pounding? >> riordan: yes, a little bit. >> stahl: palms sweating? >> riordan: i certainly was nervous, yes. >> stahl: he was stunned when the officer-- no questions asked-- stamped it and handed john evacuation tags. he rushed to the villa to pick the 15 up, amazed that such a crazy idea was actually working. do you remember when he came back what happened? >> cuc: we so happy and elation to see. he is a life saver. he an angel. >> stahl: but you had to keep it secret, right? >> chi: yes. >> stahl: you never told your parents? >> cuc: no. >> stahl: so you never said goodbye? >> cuc: no. >> stahl: over the next four days, as fear gripped the city, john repeated this ruse, going back and forth to the airport ten times, filling out papers with groups of six or eight.
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did any of these officers ever question you in all this time? >> riordan: this one man, he said, "haven't i seen you here before?" i said, "no, sir, absolutely not." bang. i know he wanted to get going, too. and then, another time, this man said, "well, you've got one heck of a big family here, huh? you've been busy when you've been..." i said, "oh yes, i've been here a long time." and just stamped it again. >> stahl: you just went back and back and back. >> riordan: hard to believe it would be that simple to do. >> stahl: we recently met with seven of his "daughters". they didn't think it was all that simple since john was separating them from their husbands. >> all the staff women will go first, and the husbands will leave in a separate group. at that moment i was thinking, "will i ever see my husband again?" >> stahl: getting the husbands out was the most dangerous. >> yes, because they were either
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in the army or working for the government. and if the m.p. they saw anybody like that or they caught anybody like that, they would shoot right away. >> stahl: john was able to get the husbands fake adoption papers as his sons. and managed to get some of them on what he thought was safe, a u.s. embassy evacuation bus like this one to the airport. but the bus was stopped by police looking for deserters. >> riordan: the driver of the bus stopped at the checkpoint, opened the door, and a vietnamese police officer stepped onto the bus. and he looked up and down the aisle and i thought, "this is it. we are all going to be taken off this bus and shot." but in a split second, a woman sitting in the front seat, a vietnamese woman, leaped up toward the policeman and poked her hands into his stomach. i thought she knifed him. and then i saw a bag of something move from her hands to his hands and i thought "aha, it's a bribe!"
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>> stahl: bag of money? >> riordan: bag of money, yes. >> stahl: the bribe worked; he waved them through. the last group of men at the villa were afraid to risk another bus, but john was out of ideas. finally, one of the men thought up an ingenious plan-- they pretended they were delivering bundles of money to the airport in the bank van. they even called the police for an escort like this. >> riordan: and they had rifles and everything. and they just led us right through the gates of the airport. >> stahl: you just went right on the plane with these guys? >> riordan: right. they were safe. >> stahl: all of them? >> riordan: all of them. >> stahl: one of them was chi's husband. every time i ask you about john, you cry. >> chi: he's so kind, you know, to stay behind and take... took us out. he did so much for us. saved my kids and my husband.
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>> stahl: they flew on one of the last planes out of saigon. after that, the only route of escape were the helicopters at the u.s. embassy. within a few days, north vietnamese tanks rolled into the presidential palace. the war was over. what followed were years of starvation and brutal repression. many who tried to escape by boat drowned at sea. but thanks to john, the citibank employees were flown out to either guam or the philippines, and then all reunited at camp pendleton in california. do you think all this time you've been fired? >> riordan: yeah, i do still think that. i'm not worried about it, though. i'm still alive, they're all alive. important things. >> stahl: well, he wasn't fired. he was given a big bonus and hailed as a hero. at the reunion for john in long island with a group of his
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"children," we found out they call him "papa." >> papa john... >> riordan: do you remember me? >> yes, i do. i haven't talked to you in a long time >> stahl: citibank spent a million dollars to resettle all the employees, giving them and many of the spouses jobs. >> riordan: i will never forget you, too. >> stahl: at the time, in saigon, he thought of his colleagues at the bank as his vietnamese family. 40 years later-- still his family, but now, as american as... >> cheese! >> stahl: do you think the people who came here have had good lives? >> riordan: yes, i do. >> stahl: how many children do you actually have now, and grandchildren? >> riordan: i just keep using the number 105. but the grandchildren, don't ask me. i can't keep up with that.
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>> simon: the phrase "the greatest show on earth" usually refers to the circus, but a man named peter gelb, who runs the metropolitan opera in new york city, is doing everything he can to change that. as we found out when we first reported this story last october, gelb is reinventing opera, making it accessible to more people, even those who always thought they would hate it. he wants opera to become as popular and populist as it was a hundred years ago. he believes people would come out in droves for opera if they just had a chance to see it. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ there's no other place where you can see such monumental staging, elaborate sets, and a cast of hundreds. ♪ ♪ and raw emotion... beautiful women... defiant... and doomed. ♪ ♪ and special effects that you might expect to find in a hollywood movie. ♪ ♪ but it's not just about the magic, the met is above all about extraordinary voices... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ some of the very best voices in the world.
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beginning with rehearsals, we followed a new production, a re-imagining of giuseppe verdi's masterpiece "rigoletto." polish tenor piotr bezcala belts out one of verdi's greatest hits. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) what's the difference between singing at the met and singing in the smaller european houses? >> piotr beczala: it's the most important opera house in the world. >> simon: do you get more nervous before met performance than at other performances? >> beczala: maybe a little. maybe a little because i know how important is... it is here. ♪ ♪ >> simon: serbian baritone zjelko lucic sings the role of rigoletto.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> zeljko lucic: this is the kind of crown of our business, coming to new york and metropolitan. because i know what kind of people, what singers sang here and stood at the same place where i am. >> simon: in fact, when you sing the first time at the met, is it a very big deal? >> lucic: yes, because that's your chance to prove yourself. and if you are, you know, if you... how can i say, blew it
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out? >> simon: if you blow it? >> lucic: if you blow it, you're done. that's it. >> simon: unlike divas of the past, german soprano diana damrau is a working mom, nursing a two-month-old baby and a cold. she has a lot to contend with. you were quite sick last week? >> diana damrau: yes. i'm still a bit. but i tried not to sing all the time, and reduce a little bit. >> simon: just a little bit. i mean, you were belting it out. >> damrau: oh, no, only at the end. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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( applause ) >> simon: "rigoletto" is far from the only thing going on here today. there can be as many as ten operas in production at once. right now, the met stage is being set up for a new version of richard wagner's "parsifal," a sacred opera that's never been done like this before. dozens of raven-haired maidens sloshing around in a river of blood. 1,600 gallons of the stuff, heated so the singers don't get cold. overseeing all this is that worried-looking man, peter gelb, the met's general manager. he says opera is a blood sport. >> peter gelb: i go in every day to the met knowing that this is... there is a battle to be... to be waged and fought for the survival of this art form. and so, i'm here to do that. >> simon: this is your seventh year at the met? >> gelb: yes. still here. ( laughs )
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>> simon: seven years micromanaging one of the biggest theatres in the world, and one of the most expensive to run. the met employs over 3,000 people. it spends more than a million dollars a day on its productions. >> gelb: we are the closest thing to an opera factory that one could possibly imagine, except the difference is that all of our factory workers are the greatest artists in the world. >> right now. we got it. >> wahoo! >> gelb: we're doing seven performances a week, constantly going from opera to opera, which is why our stage is busier than any other opera house in the world. it's like a giant, self- sufficient ocean liner. >> simon: but that liner was in danger of sinking. the met struggled financially, with falling attendance, and an audience which might not be around much longer. >> gelb: it was way behind the times. and it had become so mired in images of elitism that unless that changed, unless it was prepared to become accessible, as opera once had been, it was going to be very difficult for
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the met to survive. >> simon: to make opera more accessible, gelb opened up dress rehearsals to the public for free, and put up huge screens in lincoln center and times square. and he did something which has never been done before-- he began transmitting live performances in hd to movie theaters around the world, now in 64 countries. those broadcasts are money makers; this year they grossed nearly $60 million, more than three-quarters of total tickets sold. >> gelb: there's no opera company in the world today that has a global audience that the met has because of these live hd transmissions. >> simon: but you're still a hundred million dollars in debt. how does that relate to everything you've done? >> gelb: opera's always in debt. from a business point of view, opera shouldn't exist. i mean, it only exists because there are enough people who love
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opera, and my job is to try to persuade them that it is necessary to change in order to keep the art form alive. otherwise... otherwise, it will die with them. >> simon: one of gelb's strategies to keep opera alive is to update the classics, like "rigoletto." this production, directed by broadway veteran michael mayer, is ready for it's opening night. rigoletto has been performed over 800 times here, but this audience of almost 4,000, and later, another 350,000 watching in hd as far away as tokyo, will see a radically different version. ten minutes before curtain, you can cut the tension with an a-flat. ♪ ♪ >> beczala: okay, i'm ready. >> lucic: it seems that i'm not nervous. but, yeah, of course i am. this is a big thing, so i'm kind
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of, you know, cooking somewhere here, you have this feeling that everything's... that you are going to throw up. ( laughs ) >> gilda to stage right, please. ms. damrau to stage right. ♪ ♪ >> please. >> maestro to the pit, please. maestro to the orchestra pit, please. ( applause ) >> simon: giuseppe verdi set his tale of debauchery, lust, and vengeance in a corrupt court in 16th-century italy. this one plays out in its modern equivalent-- las vegas in the 1960s. ♪ ♪ the heartthrob, the duke, is now a big-shot singer and casino owner with an eye for the
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ladies. ♪ ♪ the met provides subtitles for its hd broadcasts, and those have been revamped too. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> take it easy, fella. >> simon: it's a big role of the dice for peter gelb. will the old guard be ready for show girls, a pole dancer, even a sharp-dressed hitman? his name is sparafucile, one of the longest names in opera. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> simon: when you decided to put on "rigoletto," in las vegas, what worried you the most? >> gelb: that i was heading for a disaster, but it's a risk worth taking. the risk of doing nothing is the greatest risk of all. >> simon: in the last act, the mood changes. rigoletto will not have a happy ending. very few operas do. >> damrau: let's go and die. >> lucic: yeah, but peacefully. ♪ ♪ >> simon: the plot is much too complicated to explain, but we'll just tell you rigoletto's daughter sacrifices herself to save the duke. ♪ ♪ it will be a spectacular death scene, with the met pulling out
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♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> simon: at the final curtain, the audience jumps to its feet, even the orchestra applauds. that doesn't happen every day. ( applause ) for gelb, it was a good night. but in opera, as in so many other things, you're only as good as your next night. >> what does las vegas have to do with a 16-century italian opera?
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>> stahl: i'm lesley stahl. we'll be back next week with another edition of "60 minutes." captioning funded by cbs and ford captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ ben! well, that was close! you ain't lying! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! it's olive garden's first ever alfredo three course. it starts with our famous alfredo made from scratch. and features four new recipes.
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captioning funded by cbs >> previously on "big brother", caleb's obsession with amber. >> this kid just always happens to pop in the room. i just walk by to check in, it is getting under my skin. >> began to turn his own alliance against him. >> for what, game. >> no, because amber likes you. >> it's evident that caleb is head over heel force amber and is thinking with his heart and his head is not in the game. >> he is becoming a big liability and that could be a problem. >> and they considered making a big move. >> you say caleb. >> i want to. >> it's a big move, you know. he's letting a girl cloud his judgement. >> but there was still a bigger target on the block. >> at this point-- so at the
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