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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 21, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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the death toll climbs in gaza after a weekend of heavy fighting as world leaders call on both sides to step back. the u.s. says there's powerful evidence that pro-russian separatists shot down malaysia airlines flight 17. and a massive wildfire in washington state destroys up to 150 homes and more than 200,000 acres. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, july 21st, 2014. good morning. i'm lauren lyster in for anne-marie green. secretary of state john kerry heads to egypt today to try to work out a cease-fire between israel and hamas. this is gaza this morning where the overall palestinian death toll surged to more than 500 after a weekend of heavy fighting.
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20 israelis were killed including 13 soldiers. two americans fighting for israel are among the dead. barry petersen is in gaza where families are mourning their losses. >> reporter: when the shelling began, the people ran for their lives. i was crying and shouting she told us. i saw bodies spread in the street. i have never seen anything like this. for hours the shells poured in. there were brief humanitarian cease-fires when rescuers raced to find the wounded, but mostly they only found the dead. i saw the israeli tanks firing rounds at us said this man, and so this was a day of grieving at the overwhelmed morgue in the city's hospital.
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there's a grim efficiency about death in this place. as soon as a family identifies one body, there's another to take its place. the family of this man spent the morning mourning when his ambulance was hit by a shell. a relative tried to make sense of his loss. he wasn't a fighter, she said. he was a fighter for humanity, an ambulance worker. why did he deserve to die? but this was a day, after all, of tears without answers. barry petersen, cbs news, gaza. now to the latest on the crisis in ukraine and the shooting doubt of malaysia airline flight 17. there were reports of fierce fighting in the rebel city of donesque this morning and at the crash site search teams have
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found 251 bodies. the united nations may vote as early as today on a proposed resolution pressuring russia to help gain access to the site in eastern ukraine. there's concern that pro-russian separatists are tampering with the evidence, and there's new evidence to accuse the rebels of firing the missile that brought down the jetliner. russian president vladimir putin asked for all sides in ukraine to allow for the investigation and called for an end. meanwhile the separatists have been moving the victims' bodies. mark phillips reports from the crash site. >> reporter: under the supervision of the rebel militias that control the site, workers began loading the dead onto trucks and took them to a train with a refrigerated car about ten miles away. observers from the osce were brought to the train to view the bodies, but delegation spokesman said they couldn't counseled or examine them. >> we had the doors open for us. the stench was overwhelming as you might imagine but the
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refrigeration is there. >> reporter: at least 100 victims, though, remain unaccounted for and more bodies were being removed to also be loaded on the train where the rebels say they will stay until they can be identified by experts. and here they wait stacked in refrigerated railcars stuck in a town without a morgue large enough to handle them. the innocent unlucky victims of somebody else's war. the wreckage, too, remains unexamined. no crash investigation has begun and won't until the safety of aviation experts can be guaranteed. the plane's data recorders, though, have been found. the rebels now say they have them and will hand them over to international aviation authorities, but possession of the evidence is power here and this crime scene is still controlled by the prime suspects. the victims of malaysia air flight 17 were killed because of a foreign civil war.
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their bodies now are effectively being held hostage to it. mark phillips, cbs news, donesque. >> mark phillips reporting from eastern ukraine. the u.s. has presented new evidence that appears to link russia to the missile attack of flight 17. david martin has more from the pentagon. >> reporter: a video taken on friday shows what the u.s. says could well be the sa-11 missile lawn cher that shot down the airline being trucked across the border from ukraine into russia. it adds up to an overwhelming circumstantial case implicating russia. >> there's an enormous amount of evidence, even more evidence than i just documented, that points to tin involvement of russia in providing these systems. >> reporter: an intelligence assessment posted on the website of the american embassy of ukraine says a convoy of 150 vehicles crossed from russia into ukraine last weekend.
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on monday ukrainian intelligence recorded pro-russian rebels making repeated references to having and repositioning the sa-11 system. on thursday at the same time the airliner went down. the u.s. detected the launch of an sa-11 missile from rebel-controlled territory. the ukrainian military also has the sa-7, but the assessment says we are confident no ukrainian air defense systems were within range of the crash. that leaves russia as the sole suspect. david martin, cbs news, the pentagon. fire crews in washington state are hoping that cooler temperatures and lighter winds today will help them battle wildfire. the biggest fire in north central washington has burned 370 square miles and destroyed 150 homes. washington's governor took a tour of some of the areas damaged by the fire. >> this is a very active fire. it is extremely dangerous. that firestorm hit us like a
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rolling ball of thunder coming down the hill. >> we've got 7 million washingtonians who stand with them and are in their thoughts and prayers right now. >> the governor promised people the state would help them rebuild their homes. people in the philippines are cleaning up after typhoon rammasun killed at least 18 people. the strongest storm in 18 years carried winds up to 130 miles per hour. the storm is now headed north toward vietnam. and coming up on the "morning news," new video from a deadly police confrontation. we'll look at the fallout from the death of a new york man put in a choke hold. this is the "cbs morning news." it removes stains within the microfine lines of your teeth... and locks out future stains. crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. life opens up with a whiter smile.
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placed on desk duty after new video emerged of the man's death. anne-marie green reports. >> reporter: the new video shows the aftermath of the confrontation between >> reports the aftermath of the confrontation between -marie gr >> reporter: the new video shows the aftermath of the confrontation betweea-marie gre >> reporter: the new video shows the aftermath of the confrontation betweem-marie gre >> reporter: the new video shows arie green reports. arie green >> reporter: the new video show 43-year-old eric garner and five new york city police officers. garner lying on the ground still in handcuffs. his eyes are open but he appears unresponsive. the officers talk to him, check his pulse and empty his pockets. garner does not react even after a paramedic arrived. moments earlier another eyewitness captured the confrontation. police were arresting him for allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes. garner refused to be cuffed. one officer appears to put him in a choke hold. garner, whose family says suffered from asthma, complained of being unable to breathe. police officials say garner died of cardiac arrest while being
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transported to the hospital, but the city medical examiner's office has not released a cause of death. the nypd banned the choke hold over 20 years ago but now tl city's complaint review board is holding a review. garner's family is demanding someone be held accountable. his sister. >> he didn't die because he stopped breathing on his own. somebody took his breath away from him. >> reporter: an nypd spokesperson tells cbs news any video or information regarding this incident will be investigated by the internal affairs bureau and the staten island district attorney. one of the officers involved has been stripped of his badge and gun. another has been placed paid desk duty. anne-marie green, cbs news, new york. on the "cbs moneywatch," big tobacco reacts to a
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billion-dollar punishment, and the box office goes ape. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, jill. >> good morning. lauren. asian markets were mixed ahead of key ipos in china. hong kong's hang seng was flat but shanghai composite's index shed half a percent. tokyo's nikkei is closed. wall street's stocks began the week higher. the dow ended up 123 points on friday. the nasdaq gained 68 points. r.j. reynolds, the nation's second largest cigarette manufacturer, says it will appeal a damage award by a florida jury. the company which makes brands like kool, camel, winston, and pall mall said the award was grossly excessive. a widow of a man who died from lung cancer filed the lawsuit. subprime auto loans with their hire rates and steady profits are fueling a bonanza for many investors. "the new york times" found that
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many of those loans are made through used car dealers working with some of the nation's biggest banks and private equity firms. in some instances interest rates can exceed 23%, often pushing vulnerable borrowers into debt. somerset, kentucky, has what appears to be the only gas station run by a municipal government. the price is $3.36 per gallon which is a little lower than nearby markets. the gas station is a taxpayer swipe at the free market. and "dawn of the planet of the apes" was number one at the weekend box office for a second consecutive week. the science fiction sequel raked in $36 million in ticket sales. "the purge: an archie," a horror film was second and fire rescue and "planes "fire & rescue" came in third. lauren? jill, thanks. >> straight ahead, your monday morning weather, and in sports
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rory mcilroy holds the late challenge to walk off with the claret jug. k off with the claret jug. optic white® whiten t toothpaste. this shell is made of calcium that can absorb stains like teeth. brush one side with a regular whitening toothpaste and the other side with optic white®. it whitens deeper... and it can stay white! even after dipping it again, colgate®'s white seal technology helps prevent stains from coming back. for a whiter smile that stays white, new colgate® optic white whiten & protect. try our delicious chipotle chicken or margherita flatbreads, baked fresh in house and served with your choice of soup or salad. chili's lunch combos, starting at just 6 bucks. more life happens here. [ female announcer ] aveeno® introduces new positively radiant targeted tone corrector. it helps reduce the look of stubborn brown spots in just two weeks. what are you waiting for? aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™.
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[ male announcer ] there's a simpler way to fluffier eggs. ♪ ♪ i can't believe it's not butter! the simpler way to delicious fluffy eggs. [ chicken clucks ] believe. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. in sports at just 25 years old rory mcilroy has now won three major golf championships. mcilroy led the british open
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wire to wire. he made two key birdies on the back nine of yesterday's final round to finish with a one under par 71 and a two-stroke victory. mcilroy joins jack nicklaus and tiger woods as the only player with three different majors at the age of 25 or younger. and rory mcilroy wasn't the only winner yesterday. when rory was 15, his dad and three friends bet 400 pounds, about $680, that rory would win the british open before the age of 26. the odds were 500-1. they'll collect about $340,000. in baseball they salvaged a win. l.a. won 4-3 and pulled in a tie with san francisco in the n.l. west. rookie second baseman tommy la stella drove in three runs at
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atlanta beat philadelphia, 3-2. they're tied with washington in the l.a. east. oakland has the best record in baseball. the orioles remain atop the n.l. east. and the yankees took three straight from cincinnati. new york won 3-2 yesterday on brian mccann's walk-off pop fly sing thal dropped in. when we return, a maverick actor. we remember hollywood leading man james garner, star of television and film. want some greek yogurt? can i ask you a question? tell us what tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. that one is good. a is great. yoplait greek 100! that's the stuff right there. you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! it is a beautiful day for yogurt.
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osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. oral-b toothbrushes aree] engineered al, bi-flex, with end rounded bristles so brushing doesn't scratch gums and angled perfectly, to remove 90% of plaque for a healthier smile. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. same bank earlier this yeare eerie similarities.. next. new details about the deadly malaysia airlines crash in ukraine.. the image that cod hold key clues about who was responsible. the deadliest day yet in the conflict between israel and hamas leaves 2 americans de. coming up, the latest on u-s efforts to stop the violenc join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3
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,,,, here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. here's another look at this morning's top stories. in the mideast, heavy fighting
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pushes the palestinian death toll in gaza to more than 500. 20 israelis died including two americans fighting for the israeli army. and in ukraine search teams have found more than 250 bodies from the crash of malaysia airlines flight 17 and there's new fighting reported between government and rebel forces in eastern ukraine. the federal aviation administration is trying to determine why a hot air balloon struck power lines in central massachusetts and exploded into flames. the crash was caught on cell phone video. >> oh, my god. >> call around an ambulance. >> call 911. at least five of the six were injured. power was knocked out for a short time too. james garner is being remembered for his long and stellar career in television and movies. the 86-year-old actor died saturday. with his movie star looks and easy-going personality, garner was an audience favorite. omar villafranca takes a look
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back. >> reporter: he was a tough guy, but a charmer. america knew him first from "maverick" where he played a wandering gambler, a con man with a heart. born in 1928 in norman, oklahoma, james garner dropped out of high school to join the merchant marine. then at the urging of a friend, he stumbled onto his first nonspeaking acting role at age 25. at 6'3" with rugged good looks and part cherokee indian, he made an impression. after "maverick" ended in 1960 garner spent the next decade on the big screen before landing the other role that defined his career. cast as the laid back private detective jim rockford in "the rockford files" garner brought humor and humanity to the popular whodunit series. it ran in the '60s to the 70s,
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even making a come back in the 1990s. though health problems started to slow him down, he kept working. and in 1994 he came up full circle teams up with mel gibson and jodie foster this team teaming up with "maverick." >> this is the best job in the world being an actor, and it's one of the toughest. but it couldn't be any better. >> reporter: garner spent nearly 50 years as a leading man. omar villafranca, cbs news. there was only one ernest hemingway, but many who resemble him. there was a look-alike contest in key west, florida, over the weekend. the annual event was held at a bar that the author frequent when he lived in key west in the 1930s.
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the winner was the lucky collins who lives in phoenix, arizona. coming up on "cbs this morning." we'll be live on the crash site from malaysia flight 17. i'm lauren lyster. this is the "cbs morning news." from malaysia flight 17. i'm lauren lyster. this is the "cbs morning news." 'e something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for making new ocean friends.
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some good news in the fight against aids. david begnaud has details in our health report. first, dow futures indicate a slightly lower open on wall street this morning. jericka duncan has that and the rest of the business headlines. >> stocks were up friday after google and general electric and other companies reported their quarterly results. the dow jones was up 123 points. the nasdaq added almost 69. comcast cable has reached a deal with espn. next month comcast will carry the southeastern conference network which launches august 14th. the s.e.c. network will carry at least 45 college football games this season. unemployment rates dropped in 22 states last month, according on to the labor department. employers added jobs in 33 states. illinois saw the biggest drop in the unemployment rate which is now at 7.1% from 7.5%.
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and workers at walt disney world could be getting a raise. union officials say they've reached a tentative agreement with the amusement park. starting hourly pay will be $9.50 and move up to $10 in 2016. next month union members will vote on whether to approve the contract. that's your "money watch" report. for the latest go to in new york i'm jericka duncan. hiv rates are declining in the u.s. new research shows the annual hiv diagnosis rate in the u.s. has decreased more than 30% from 2002 to 2011. while declines have been seen in several groups including women between 35 and 44 cases among homosexual men have remained stable and increases were seen in groups of young men.
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a new study found most of the genetic risks of autism comes from virtues of genes that are common and not rare mutations. researchers at mount sinai in new york says knowing the nature of the genetic risk can help them better understand the disorder that right now has no cure. and attending a successful school may improve a student's behavior as well as their performance in the classroom. a study looked at high school students from low income neighborhoods. students admitted to higher charter schools performed much better on math and english tests. fewer also engaged very risky behaviors. and those are some of today's top health stories. i'm david begnaud for cbs news, new york. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," the investigation into the crash of malaysia airlines flight 17. we'll hear from former deputy cia director mike morell. plus, an update on the crisis in the middle east. we'll get reaction from the white house. and a look at the growing business of risky subprime car loans. that's the "cbs morning news" for this monday. thanks for watching. i'm lauren lyster. have a great day.
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-- captions by vitac -- great day. -- captions by vitac --
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and i'm frank mallicoat good morning everyone, it is monday, july 21st, i'm michelle griego. >> where'd the weekend go other than? it is nearly 4 chon 30 and we're delighted -- 4:30 and
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we're delighted to be here today. >> oh boy right? >> what happened to the weekend? >> went oo f tt. >> i was getting so many facebook messages, what's coming from the sky? >> rain this morning. >> today we also have that chance for a couple of raindrops and right now heading out the door on this monday look how mild it is and it's into the 60s and later today 60s and 70s across the board. 80 livermore and your full forecast still straight ahead. and because it's not quite 5:00 we have a lot of overnight roadwork. head off to work and to a live look at 880 in oakland. 98 to the davis still have the lanes blocked and a few delays at this hour. we'll tell you when it will wrap up in a little bit. thank you. the crisis in gaza is hitting home. a soldier from california is killed in one of the deadliest days of fighting yet. two americans were killed in that fighting yesterday. both served in the israeli army. 24-year-old max steinberg of the san


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