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tv   Mosaic  CBS  September 7, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT

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good morning. welcome to the kpixmosaic program. the arch bishop was sworn in on march 12th. having worked as the highest judicial body in the vatican, his views are simple. he highlighted the deep spiritual meaning of the words which our lord spoke to saint francis. francis, rebuild me house. i quote from the arch
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bishop, saint francis's time was one of spiritual unrest. there was need for the reform of cl clergy. francis's call was holiness. he knew the work of rebuilding must start from within. it was his personal holliness that led the way in the need of the reform of the church at that time. the arch bishop that serves as chairman faced harsh criticism for participating in the washington dc march for marriage which he boldly declared that we now should build a civilization of truth and love. i'm pleased to
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welcome salvator. >> thank you. >> your start in the san francisco bay area has been explosive to say the least. i know you don't view yourself necessarily as a high profile arch bishop. san francisco is key leading city. what you think and how you feel matters to a lot of people here. we are so happy you agreed to give us this time. i want to start in right now with an area of your ministry that's taking shape. in the coming months i hope you'll be back to talk to us about key developments that are important to you. right now let's talk about the first day project you started, the renewal of the seminary with a newly established institute of formation as well as the development of an oratory. these things are phenomenal.
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please shed some light on this for us, please. >> there are really three separate considerations. i wouldn't say disconnected. beginning with the seminary, the seminary is the beginning. the seminary literally means a seed bed. for the health of the church the parish life has vibrant. it is vibrant when the priests are vibrant. i speak a lot of formation. formation of surprise but formation of other forms of ministry in our church and the faith of the people in general. it starts with the formation of praise. i have tried to make that a priority. i'm very happy with the way the seminary has been developing from before the time i came to san francisco. i was in oakland for 3 years and aware of what was going on at the seminary. i tried to
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continue down that track. in the church the vision for formation of priests speaks of four pillars. >> very good. >> which are the spiritual, intellectual, human and pass pastoral. we're trying to focus on each of those four pillars and continue to develop them. the seminary does a good job at integrating thepillaring the pill -- the pillars. you sort of do an intership but with your theological reflection. >> that's linked with their deep life and their study. >> yeah. >> this is a fascinating beginning for many people who never heard of the word formation. we're going to go to a break and come right back. we hope you will stay with us and join us in this fascinating conversation with the arch bishop of san francisco.
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we'll be right back.
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welcome back. i'm sitting in today with arch bishop salvator. he's the arch bishop of the diaces of san francisco. we are talking before the break recording formation. this topic of formation might be new to some people. you well described what goes into the development of a priest. priests are important as a person in the parish life that we want to keep
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revising over and over. four pillars of formation. we sent a young man out for a year of passtorial activities i know you're involved, sometimes people don't know you're out there such as working with the homeless. let's go on what it means in your mind to be well formed and the interesting fact is that you're combining the formation with priest with an institute that allows for the presence of religious to be formed in some aspect alongside of those seminaries. that's pretty new. >> yeah. well, to go back to the formation of the priest -- the whole idea of formation, it's more or less corresponding to our idea of what education means from our catholic
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understanding. it literally means to draw out. we're drawing out what's already the potential that's within the person. so the person can become the person that god created them to be. it's the education of the whole person. it's not just imparting knowledge, not just teaching skills. it's so the person grow. so that's what we find in our programs of formation as i explained at the seminary. in terms of the institute, it's an institute for the church formation. >> what does that mean? how could lay people be present for that? >> actually, the seminary is hosting the offices of the institute. we are just beginning to get off the ground. we haven't actually done anything yet. we're still not planning stage. the idea is
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that courses will be available for lay people who exercise the ministry. again, it's not a matter of teaching skills. that will be a part of it. they have to learn the practical skills. they will receive a more in depth formation. there's two sides of it. one is it has an emphasis on music. the sacred music and tapping into the great treasures we have in our tradition. >> you yourself in a music person? >> yes. >> you're an accomplish ed musician and many people don't know that. >> i was once. not anymore. >> not 8 hours a day anymore. >> no. but helping people to understand how to use that music well and how it's not just music to be added on.
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how important it is though. another side is formation for people who exercise other roles, coordinators, all that. the idea is that they -- it's not just simply a matter of having skills. they need to know how to announce words properly and project. that will be a part of it. they need to understand bible history and theology. >> the very context. >> what was going on in this life to understand how they were persecuted for standing for god's truth by his own people. >> that's wonderful. >> understand things like -- understanding things like that. or saint paul who was trying to make them adhere the to god's law. there is all part of bible history and theology
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that's important to know to proclaim the word of god effectively. >> i think your ideal of educating all the people in the church is amazing because it brings us all together as one family. after the break i'd like to elaborate on that thought. again, this is mosaic. we'll be back in just a moment.
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welcome back. so happy that you've joined us. we're talking with the arch bishop of san francisco. before we went to the break we were talking about the spiritual and ma thur -- maturing of people. how do they feel about the institute being something new for the campus? >> the offices are housed there. not all the classes will be there. the idea is that the institute can offer the -- well, do a lot of work online but also there has to be some personal
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encounter. we can host all in churches throughout the bay area. >> it's coming to a parish near you, correct? >> yes. >> also in our brief time we have together i want to talk about the oratory. i didn't know what the word oratory meant. most lay people don't. what does oratory mean and how does it sit with formation? >> well, oratory has different meaning. it's a certain type of a chapel. it has that meaning too for a private association or group of people. oratory in this sense is the oratory of saint phillip mary. that's priests are committed to doing pastor ministry but not belong to this society. >> that is form of life in the church? >> yes. >> there's different form
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s of life in the church. >> yes. >> wonderful. >> it started in the 16th century. they revived the faith in the city of rome at that time. he began these communities where they would preach -- there's two. they would share a common life together. the oratory has then grown up as a society of life that's priests committed to doing pastor ministry, parish ministry usually in an urban setting where they share a common life. >> that's wonderful. sgrsz that was not my -- >> that was not my idea. there were two priests who were interested in doing this because they are both very committed to doing pash ish parish work. oftentimes priests are alone and don't live with anyone else. they wanted to share a common life and do a
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pastor ministry. >> let's talk about how this duck tails to conformation. i want to also talk about a stewardship. >> well, it's good for one's formation. there has to be some sense of relationship with other priests. now, that's all also possible for priests on a day-to-day basis. there are other opportunities for priests to do that though. it's heightened in the situation of an oratory, any situation where priests are sharing a common life and exercising some type of pastoral ministry. >> so no one goes alone on the way to heaven, not even the priest. i know they're near and dear to your heart as well. stewardship. this is an interesting topic. this is something you wanted to focus on
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this morning. stewardship is what occurs when an annual appeal goes out. people think of it pretty much only in terms of finances. some might have a knee-jerk reaction to the word implaying finances stewardship is is deeply personal for you. can you start to elaborate on that before the break. >> it's not the focus the priests have. it's disappointing a lot of people have that idea. the steward is a servant but a type of servant. >> okay. >> the goods are not his own, they belong to his master. this is a common image our lord uses. he speaks about the steward in
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his parables. we have those who squandered the goods, those who used them responsibly. the -- everything came from god, it doesn't belong to us. they are goods entrusted by god. >> i know you keep that foremost in your mind with everything you do, maybe even more so than ever before under pope francis. stewardship is not only about material goods, all about the gifts and talents that you have as well, those things that make up your identity. >> we speak about stewardship as time, talent and treasure because they are measurable quantities that everybody has some of that we are called share. it's not nearly practical material things. it's a matter of -- it has to come
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from a spirituality. it's essentially sharing spiritual and material goods. >> that's a fascinating phrase. we're going to talk more about that after the break. stay tuned.
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welcome to our final segment. we're talking with arch bishop of san francisco. we've had quite a discussion with you. we're grateful you took this time to be with us . >> thank you. >> promise you will come back. >> thank you for
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wanting me back. >> spirituality of common communion, spirituality of stewardship, tell us about that. >> communication is people who recognize the goods and shares them. what do we see in the second chapter of genesis when god creates the male and the woman? he entrusted the stewardship of creation to the man and the woman. from the very beginning we see the pattern set of marriage and stewardship and really marriage in a certain sense is the stewardship of our bodies. >> that's right. >> our bodies are a gift from god. they were meant to use for god purposes that are meant for communion. the man and the woman and then the love bringing
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new life into the world. >> you're broaching a topic of marriage and family that's very explosive in our area. >> yes. >> i want it's -- i think it's misunderstood. would you find sharing about your sense of communion of persons and being good stewards of the gift of our body and our person hood. >> marriage is the image that god uses in scripture for his relationship with us. marriage is a comprehensive union of mind, body, spirit of the man and the woman who join their bodies in an act by which now life comes. >> they join their heart and their soul and their treasures. >> yeah. >> so our kwlun union with god is like that. in marriage the two become one but they don't lose their identity. they each retain their identity and their integrity of the persons that become one. that's the model. >> that's the mod el of the
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life. >> that's the model of the trinity and of the church. christ is the bridegroom. it unites for god's kingdom. the church is a steward of these treasures. >> a steward has the treasure of new life on a human level as well as a spiritual level. >> yes. >> please go on . >> so the church receives the grace from christ. as a a mother generates life through the grace of the baptism that float. >> that's deep. >> the sack ri the -- the faithful are given life in christ. the people are formed in the faith because christ has entrusted to the church what st. peter calls the deposit of faith, that truth of his teachings, so that we can
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be guided, we don't have to grow up in the darkness. we can't know god thoroughly of course but we can know the truth. that's why christ left the church, the know the truth. >> i get it. what you're saying then is that in that marital union of persons and gifts and even practical communion of persons in the material element the two experience a little bit of god in his love for us and the family then represents a little model of the church, a domestic church if you will that is in the phrase bought to us by john paul. >> we have about 3 minutes left. i'd like you to elaborate what that means for us in the arch diaces with regard to stewardship as a whole family. are we to understand that we are a gift to each other and live in
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communion with each other and everything we do goes back to the lord? >> our faith is a communion. we share a communion of faith. everything we have is for god's use which is meant to be shared. if you hold something onto your self you somehow become lonely and unhappy. it's when you share with others when experiences join. >> giving of yourself. >> i always ask young people about this, especially in conformation classes because they do service projects. i ask them to reflect upon that. i would invite the listeners to reflect any time they have gone out of their way to help someone if need. they made a sacrifice of their time, talent and maybe their treasure to and their energy. you also come back enriched. that's a solidarity. everyone gives and everyone receives. it's not that i have,
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you have not so i give from what i have to help you. that's not it. i invest myself in my gift because of mutual exchange. that's when christ becomes present. >> this is what i see lived out in your office. you're so happy. you're excited about the good things that you have an opportunity to do. you're doing more with people in need behind the scenes than people understand. i am seeing now clearly that it's because that is your joy and you're giving of yourself in a very personal way as a model l for the rest of us. >> it's very demanding but it's sustaining. >> no one lives in a vacuum then. i can't wait for you to come back to, again, teach us more about this beautiful theology about communion of persons. we thank you for joining us. >>
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>> -- >> thank you. >> thank you. we look forward to you joining us. we will see you next time. bye-bye.
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idea......we would love to from you. go to facebook dot com good day sunday. glad to have you on board. go to, comment to the page and we can get in touch. we begin at the movies this sunday morning, the 6th annual latino film festival kicks off september 16th and runs through the 27th. kpix channel 5 is a is sponsor. it will feature long and short films, documentaries from latin american. we're glad to have the director as long with a film maker with us this morning. >> great to have you guys. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> a cal grad


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