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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  September 10, 2014 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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apple pay. bigger iphones, but it's the watch that stole the show. >> a british explorer ship which
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vanished 170 years ago has been found off the coast of canada. found off the coast of canada. a boy in louisiana is recovering after being attacked by an alligator. >> get the fashion rock award show in new york. >> he only felt better in his calvins. >> and all that ermatters. >> elected representatives saying thing to you. how do you not say this to the c-span camera? >> i want to get on the thing. >> you get on the thing and nd i w you're going into space?t >> yeah. i would love it if you could. f >> i'd love it too. >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." nfl commissioner roger goodell is answering nora's questions about this week's violent video of running back ray rice. it shows the baltimore raven punching and knocking out his future wife at an atlantic city casino. the nfl suspended rice indefinitely on monday. >> critics question how much the league knew about this february incident before this video came out. in his first video since the footage surfaced goodell answered every question he has. he was epfatmphatic that no one with the league had seen the video well in this week. so did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before monday? >> no. >> no one in the nfl. >> no one in the nfl is to my knowledge, and i've been asked that same question and the answer to that is no. we were not granted that.
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we were told that that was not something we would have access to. and on multiple occasions we asked for it. on multiple occasions, we were told no. i understand that there may be legal restrictions on them sharing that with us. and we've heard that from attorney generals and from former attorney generals. >> you know there are people saying they just don't buy that. that no one in the nfl had seen this tape. >> well that's a fact. i think it's a fact because the criminal justice system and law enforcement were following the loss. and doing what they needed to do to make sure that they followed the criminal activity. this is an ongoing criminal investigation. and i think they were doing what they do. we are cooperative. we are supportive. we will ask for any pertinent information. we can't force them to provide any information. >> how is it that the nfl couldn't get their hands on the second tape but a website called tmz could?
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>> i don't know how tmz or any other website gets their information. we are relying on law enforcement. that's the most reliable. we don't seek to get that information from sources that are not credible. >> do you wish you had seen this videotape before it was released by tmz? >> absolutely. >> why? >> that's why we asked for it on several occasions. because when we make a decision we want to have all the information that's available. and obviously that was -- when we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happens. >> but what was ambiguous about her unconscious, dragged out by her feet? >> nothing ambiguous about that. that was the result we saw. we did not know what led up to that. we did not know the details for that. we asked for that on several occasions. it was unacceptable in and of itself what we saw in the first tape. that's why we took action.
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albeit insufficient action. we acknowledge that. we took responsibility for that. and i take responsibility for that now. what we saw yesterday was clear, graphic and absolutely necessary to take the action -- >> on the first tape she was lying unconscious on the ground being dragged out by her feet. did you really need to see a videotape of ray rice punching her in the face to make this decision? >> no, we certainly didn't. i will tell you what we saw in the first videotape was troubling to us in and of itself. and that's why we took the action we took. because, as i said before we didn't feel that was surfficientsufficient. we didn't get that right. what we saw yesterday was extremely clear. was extremely graphic. and it was sickening. >> the question becomes, did the nfl drop the ball? was the nfl willfully ignorant
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about what was on this tape? >> well, we certainly didn't know what was on the tape. but we have been very open and honest and i have also. from two weeks ago when i acknowledged that we didn't get this right. that's my responsibility. and i'm accountable for that. >> what does that mean that he was suspended indefinitely? does that mean ray rice will never play in the nfl again? >> i don't rule that out. but he would have to make sure that we are fully confident that he is addressing this issue clearly. he has paid the price for the actions that he's already taken. >> so under what circumstances do you see that you would lift ray rice's suspension? >> i hadn't thought about that. because right now, i think the focus is, he's got a lot of work to do. the family has a lot of work to do. we're going to obviously provide whatever resources we can to help him work through that. at the same time we're going to continue to try to implement our
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policies and our revised education and training so that we can get to people and help people and their families make the wiser decision. and know they have resources available. >> but commissioner this problem seems big are than just ray rice. i don't have to tell you. i mean there have been a number of recent high-profile cases of nfl players accused of domestic violence. does the nfl have a domestic violence problem? >> what we have is a young man that are going to be unfortunately involved in this if we don't provide the right resources. one case is too many. one. what we have to do is go back and say if we have one case that's something we've got to address. if we have multiple cases, we have to change our training and our education to try to eliminate that issue. >> but is domestic violence more wide spread than in the general public? do you look at the nfl and say, i'm the commissioner we've got
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a problem. >> absolutely we're saying we have a problem. we have one incident that's a problem. what we want to do by policy we implemented two weeks ago, is say we haven't done this right. we have had lots of conversations. lots of listening and learning right here in this room with experts not just in the last two weeks or three weeks or months but over the last couple of years say how can we deal with this issue better. how can we prevent the cases from happening? >> do you feel like your job is on the line? >> no. i'm used to criticism. i'm used to that. every day, i have to earn my stripes. every day, i have to do a better job. and that's my responsibility to the game to the nfl, and to what i see of society. people expect a lot from the information. we accept that. we embrace that. that's our opportunity to make a
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difference. not just in the nfl but in society in general. we have that ability. we have that influence. and we have to do that. and every day, that's what we're going to strive to do. >> very good interview. "new york times" sports columnist william rhoden is here. he writes, goodell and his lieutenants seem to have viewed rice's violence through the prism of corporate protectors whose first responsibility is to protect the nfl. is there evidence out there, is there reason to believe someone in the nfl saw the second tape? >> there's probably not evidence, but there's certainly reason to believe that a league that prides itself on its security, that prides itself on its connection to homeland security that has fbi -- former fbi agents working for them former new york police -- you can't have it both ways. either with all the security either it's >> this morning's eye a cover-up.
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you can't have it -- so i would give roger goodell the benefit of the doubt, maybe he didn't see it but i think that somebody in his circle some lieutenants saw it. >> sit ait's a good question. there's no evidence to suggest robert goodell saw this tape. however there are sports reporters in july who reported from their sources who described what was on the second videotape. everybody knew the second videotape was out there. the question was, did anybody know it was the contents of this. and should that have influenced the contents of this decision. it was this graphic. >> you get the impression if he had seen that he says based on his reaction to this second tape, he would have made a difference. >> as you say though i mean seriously, and, again, this is a problem, the nfl has turned this into a legal problem. this is a moral problem. and they never -- they never saw this through the lens -- if this guy, goodell, i think, has a daughter. if you look at that. >> he certainly has a wife. >> if you look at that a father watching his daughter getting
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dragged out or a brother watching his sister getting dragged out or a son watching his mother getting dragged out, your reaction is instantaneous. this guy is history. he's gone. he's not going to play in my league again. unacceptable. >> ever? >> ever. at the very least. it's an emotional thing. they do not look at it like that. they looked at it as a protector of corporate shields. how do we minimize this. that's why he got two games. let's give him two game. take an aspirin, you know, wake up in the morning, tell us how you feel. and then it's over. it was only because people saw this. that's why we're here. not because of some moral -- because we got busted. >> what i learned is the nfl's been working on this problem of domestic violence and sexual assault for a while. but there are players on the field who have been charged with domestic violence. >> i'd like to see -- next month is domestic violence month. i would love to see these groups, men and women, to
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basically target every single nfl team that has people on that team on that field, that's either on the field and has been convicted or even not. i don't know is that going to make a dent against the league that's printing money. there has to be some type of consciousness. we can't continue to be addicted to this game. >> there's some questions later in the program. >> we'll have a lot more. bill, thanks. we'll have more of our interview with roger goodell and the commissioner describe, a meeting with ray rice and his wife. that's ahead here on "cbs this morning." president obama will address the isis threat in an address tonight. saying he will not ask for congress' approval. now, reaction to the speech and from capitol hill. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. good morning to our viewers in the west. the next phase of offensive u.s. military operations in iraq now that a new unity government in
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baghdad has been formed. unclear if the president will announce air strikes into syria, something he's been contemplating for the better part of two weeks. in his oval office meeting with congressional leaders, the president said he has all the authority he needs to carry out the strategy against isis. some members of congress including one democratic ally of this white house aren't so sure. president obama said he doesn't need congress to approve his isis strategy but does need the $500 million he's asked for and the legal authority to train syrian rebels fighting isis in that war-torn country. the senate democratic leader is in no mood to vote on the new white house war plan. >> i'm inclined to not rush into anything. i'm just going to wait try to get the facts before i jump off something that you read on the internet some place. >> the white house said there's no timetable to defeat isis and the president will not tell the country how much it will cost. >> i wouldn't -- i wouldn't expect something that's quite that detailed.
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but, you know, the president is indicated clearly about what our priorities are and what our plans include and what our plans don't include. >> that troubles longtime white house ally tim kaine. >> i don't believe that the president has the authority to quote, go on offense and wage an open-ended war on issel. >> how much of a sacrifice is it for a president to engage in a contentious debate with congress about whether military action is a good idea? >> the senate republican leader agreed. >> this is a matter of extreme importance to the country. it would be to his advantage and all of our advantage for congress to be in effect approving a plan for defeating isil. >> after meeting with the president, house speaker john boehner said he would support targeted air strikes by the united states military against isis leaders and sending more u.s. military advisers into
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iraq. the pentagon has recommended both to the president. charlie. >> major, thanks. cbs news will bring you the president's address tonight in a special report at 6:00 pacific time here on cbs. and this morning, secretary of state john kerry is making an unannounced trip to iraq. he wants to build international support for the president's plan to fight isis. margaret brennan is traveling with kerry in baghdad where he met with iraqi leaders. margaret, good morning. >> reporter: good morning from baghdad. this is the first stop on a u.s. campaign to build a coalition to defeat isis. kerry arrived here undert's a security to tell emely tight will give more financial and military aid to his new government. isis has carved out a state within this country and abadi says he needs international support to expel them. a staggering number of suicide bombers are flowing into this country. all of them foreign.
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nearly 150 military air strikes by the u.s. have not stopped them. because the fighters are flowing across the border from syria. jordan and saudi arabia have implored the u.s. to take stronger action. now kerry will ask those same questions to be at the forefront of this u.s.-led fight. charlie. >> margaret thanks. dangerous thunderstorms threaten millions in the midwest today. there reports of tornadoes in missouri. and inch an inch of rain fell in just ten minutes. reviews are mixed for the new apple watch and iphone 6. some critics say tuesday's unveiling in california didn't impress. wall street is sharing those doubts. apple stock fell after the announcement. the event was still important for customers and the company. >> reporter: to launch its latest products apple chose the same theater where steve jobs
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unveiled a revolutionary computer. >> on this stage 30 years ago, steve introduced a macintosh to the world. >> reporter: for tim cook who took over the company after jobs death, returning here seemed to be both a nod to the past and a look to the future. >> it is the next chapter in apple's story. and here it is. >> reporter: the apple watch is the first original apple product not launched by steve jobs. is today the beginning of the tim cook era at apple? >> exactly what i would describe it as. >> how important was it for tim cook to come up with this now? >> he needed, especially now, something to really give i think not only investors but the public this sense of, you know, that apple has a direction that it's going in and that it has a vision for an apple beyond steve jobs. >> that vision also includes
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replacing credit cards with iphones through a new system called apple pay. such mobile payment systems from other companies have been slow to catch on. but apple says it has signed up major credit cards, banks and retailers. cook ended the event by bringing out u2. and if assurance was needed this is now tim cook's company, bono delivered that too. >> we're the blood in your machines. oh zen master of software. >> you going to get that watch? >> absolutely. i was hoping it would be available earlier than it is. i think it's next year before it's available. more ahead on that. at 7:19 ahead on "cbs this morning," desperation on a flooded from the kpix 5 weather
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center, good morning, everyone. as seen from one city by the bay to another city by the bay, we still have some overcast out there, but it is an earlier burnoff. currently temperature-wise into the 50s and 60s later today, much warmer than yesterday. you will feel the difference. good morning, pacifica. 67 degrees, that's your forecast high, to mid-90s throughout the tri-valley. 86 degrees in san jose. extended forecast, we have triple digits by the friday.
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their agonizeing wait has their agonizing wait has lasted two years. >> i do not accept that he is missing. >> the parents of an american kidnapped in syria tell us why they are still hopeful. the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion o ♪ in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem.
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the search continues this morning for a missing hayward teen. sixteen year old "m 's home good morning. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening around the bay area right now. the search continues this morning for a missing hayward teenager. 16-year-old minh ly left his family's home on the outskirts of hayward saturday afternoon. teams have searched the woods near the family home. they are also checking san francisco's tenderloin. there's been more of the boy's -- his facebook account was accessed from a library in the area there. governor jerry brown will sign a bill giving paid sick leave to most workers in california an hour of paid leave for every 30 hours work. it will be the second state to require paid leave. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment.
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it's busy at the bay bridge toll plaza. most of the approaches are pretty backed up. you can see the drive time is already in the heavy category so coming down the eastshore freeway, stacked up early from richmond straight into the macarthur maze. it is backed up well east of the maze 580 very heavy from 24 as you can see from our sensors trying to get out of the east bay into san francisco. once you hop on the span though it looks okay. and hayward this new crash coming in northbound 880 at tennyson blocking one lane. you can see the delays in that area. actually both directions. and traffic remains heavy a little break and then slow again from high street to downtown. here's roberta. >> currently temperatures are in the 50s and 60s out the door. later today, we are talking about a warmup from the 60s at the beaches to mid-90s inland. triple digits by friday.
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before we go i just want to say i'm actually not going to do the dare and i'm going to tell you guys why. i really do believe in facing your fears and doing things that make you uncomfortable, but -- >> you don't have to do it. >> but i actually can't do the dare because i'm pregnant. >> that was good sara gilbert. that's a good surprise and celebration. you can see she shocked her co-hosts with big news. it will be the first child for gilbert and her wife linda perry. she said she feels really good. of course, people wondering how she became pregnant, how does that work. i know they'll tell us later. they tell us all her business. what great surprise.
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>> that makes me so happy. congratulation s congratulations, sarah. >> it is. coming up this half hour. a couple caught in a flood prayed for help. we'll show you the dramatic efforts to save them from a raging flood. and britain braces for a breakup. they have the momentum. ahead, what would shake up this 307-year-old union comes apart. >> good story. tomb to show you some of this morning's headlines. "usa today" says doctors are frustrated by the res spir torrey virus affecting children across america because there's no procedure to treat for it. 12 states report clusters of cases. it's difficult to confirm an outbreak because many hospitals cannot perform a test to identify this particular strain. "the new york times" says anger erupted last night in
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ferguson, missouri. >> make a change now before this grows into something worse. >> the city council met one month to the day after 18-year-old michael brown was shot to death by police officer darryn wilson. residents called for an overhaul of ferguson's police department and vote out elected leaders. john kearney fell to political newcomer seth molton. scott brown won the senate primary in new hampshire. he'll face jeanne shaheen. and georgia says 90% of american kids are eating way too much shout. their average daily intake of sold yum is nearly 3,300 milligrams and the recommended total is 2,300. high amounts of sodium at risk for heart disease in future. the search for a kidnapped
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american is taking on a new tone this morning. austin tice was working as a freelance journalist for the "washington post" and also cbs news. clarissa ward sat down with his parents. they haven't spoken since james foley and steven sotloff were murdered last month. good morning. >> good morning. austin put his law degree at georgetown university on hold because he was tired of reading reports on syria couldn't be verified because it was too difficult for journalists to work there. he went deep into some of the most dangerous parts of the country and delivered award-winning reporting. >> i do not accept that he is missing. i have lived in a place where he's coming home. >> how do you sustain that optimism? >> i don't have to sustain it. it's the most beautiful miraculous gift that god is giving me every single day. i do not have to keep hope
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alive. it simply encases me. >> for marc and deborah tice the last two years have been agony, waiting for news of their eldest son austin an ee dpal scout, captain in the marine corps core and fearless journalist. austin was taken outside damascus in august 2012. this chilling video released weeks after his capture, the only sign of him since. >> oh jesus. oh jesus. >> what was your reaction when you first saw it? >> i don't even remember because i went into physical shock. >> nothing could have prepared the tices for the horror of the execution of american jurjt james foley and steven sotloff. >> marc came downstairs again with that look again and that whiteface. i'm just begging him, what what is it what is it what is it.
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i mean it was such a gut punch. because we have such hope that that would never happen to an american journalist. >> unlike foley and sotloff, austin is not thought to be held by isis and there's been no demand for money, but the tices are conflicted about the u.s.'s strict policies on paying ransoms. >> if an american citizen is held hostage overseas you are discouraged and disparaged if you even consider paying a reward for a precious human child because you don't know where that reward money's going to go. >> do you think that the foley and the sotloff families should have been allowed to pay a ransom? >> you know, we're just a mom and dad. we just want our child back.
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and we want to do whatever it takes. >> one small source of comfort for the family has been the massive outpouring of support. >> we got an e-mail from -- it's hard to talk. we got an e-mail from a girl that worked at the same restaurant in georgetown that austin worked at and she said you know i was walking home at night by myself and austin noticed that and so he started walking me home every night. you know it wasn't -- it was just a small thing, but, you know, he cared. >> perhaps nobody knows that better than austin's six younger siblings. >> has it been hard on austin's brothers and sisters? >> oh it's been hard. i think all of them to a certain extent feel like their parents have been captive for two years
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as well because in the same way that we can't talk to austin our kids can't really have full access to us in the way that they did before this chunk of our heart was just blocked away from us. >> i mean it will always be a part of our lives. when austin comes home we'll all be changed. certainly he'll be changed. >> does that make you nervous at all when you think about how he might be changed when he comes home? >> one thing i feel sure of, when austin comes home we will walk that path. >> when was the last time they heard anything? >> well, over the years they've received assurances from various
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might be holding him and where? >> well a senior u.s. official has told cbs news that they believe he's being held by the regime, but to be honest it's a little bit murky. i don't think we know. >> by the syrian rerey jet stream. >> by the syrian government. this is not isis, which you can imagine is a real release to them right now. >> i can't imagine what it was like to see the deathings of foley and sotloff. and the hardest part in the piece was we're just a mom and dad who want our child back. do we have any idea why he's being held? >> i think unfortunately in this conflict journalists have been targets, especially american journalists. >> do you ever worry? i bet your mom does but do you worry about being abducted? >> of course we worry. you have passion about it. at the same time you feel fear you need to assess the risks, do
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whatever you can to mitigate them. >> such an incredible interview. >> thank you. >> really hard for a parent. you would feel as parent you would do anything you could even though it's controversial about paying a ransom. it's your child. >> it's your child. >> here's hoping. thank you, clarissa very much. flash flooding has killed two people and led to dozens of rescues. roads in las vegas will be closed for repair bus this morning we're hearing of a story of survival. danielle nottingham spoke to one couple in the flooding after they were swept away. >> there was a car coming and it got swept up in the water. >> reporter: this cell phone video shows a minivan being swept off interstate 15. >> it was like a free fall. >> waterfall. >> caller: the couple opened their doors to try to escape. they were clinging to the van and to each other and then she
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slipped out of his hands. >> deep down i thought i'd never see her again. >> i prayed the whole time, lord, help me help me. >> loren was still stranded on top of the van until a nearby construction crew came to his rescue. >> i had to jump across about a 10- or 12-foot rushing river. this thing is really wild. they got me a rope and pulled me up all the way to the bank. >> both walked away uninjured. >> what did you say to each other when you saw each other again? >> so glad we were alive really. we knew we lost our car and our stuff. >> a lot of it is good stuff but a lot of it is garbage. >> we're alive. we can start again. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," danielle nottingham nevada. >> absolutely incredible. so glad they got out. they don't want voters to break apart the uk. why british leaders are more
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worried than ever about a historic drive for independence. charlie will give his opinion on this matter. >> or not. >> that's next on "cbs this morning." type 2 diabetes affects millions of us. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side
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lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. lowe's presents how to install a fence while riding a motorcycle. whoo-hoo! [ male announcer ] get 10% off all fencing and decking when installed through lowe's.
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this morning are very worried about a possible divorce and it's not in royal family. scotland votes next week whether collective political love bomb to try to keep the united kingdom united, it's become that serious. when you think of scotland what
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do you think of? the pipes, the kilts, strange highland sports maybe the drink drink. think again. scotland is in the middle of a referendum campaign whether it should break away from the rest of the united kingdom and become an independent country and the polls have tightened to the point where it's too close to call which is why british leaders like david cameron has headed north. >> we care passionately about these nations and we would be desperately sad to see it torn apart. >> reporter: cameron's problem is he's seen everything that's wrong with england and the uk. pro-independence leader alec salmond calls today's campaign a
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gift. >> if they were coming by bus i'd call it the bus fare. >> reporter: it's so close that the queen who is in scotland and supposed to be above politics is said to be very concerning that a country who's been together for 300 years may be breaking apart on her watch. the palace has had to issue a statement saying she will not enter a debate. others have including president obama speaking last june. >> we obviously have a deep interest in making sure that one of the closest allies that we will an effective partner. >> reporter: that's now in serious doubt. the vote is next thursday and, gayle, it's too close to call. >> but i know markey will stay on top of it. ahead, eye on money.
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jill schlesinger is in our good morning, everyone, it's wednesday, september 10. disease we have overcast out in but it's an earlier burnoff. temperatures in the 50s and 60s and later today, much warmer than yesterday. you will feel the difference. good morning pacifica. 67 degrees your forecast high to mid-90s athroughout the tri- valley. 86 degrees in san jose. extended forecast, we have triple digits by friday. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by cvshealth because health is everything. e, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly.
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we are the solis family. and this is our chex commercial. there's lots of choices and each of us has a favorite. like chocolate, honey nut and cinnamon. there's no artificial colors or flavors. that's good. and it's gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. you asked for gluten free oatmeal. now it's here. new chex oatmeal. in the hot cereal aisle. new gluten free chex oatmeal. ♪ one...two...three...four.... ♪ ♪ drop and roll ♪ ♪ drop it more...drop ♪
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♪ i wanna know your name ♪ ♪ i wanna i wanna know your name... ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' the cut ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down... ♪ ♪ ♪ name droppin' on them boys with the tags, don't stop ♪ ♪ me and my crew just droppin' and dancin' ♪ ♪ stop, stop and drop it ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it up ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down ♪
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the mountain lion that attacked a six-year-old boy near cupertino. good morning, everyone. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. new information could help find the mountain lion that attacked a 6-year-old boy near cupertino. test results reveal the mountain lion is a male and that could help narrow the search in the pichetti open space pri serve. the meadow fire in yosemite has now scorched more than 4400 acres. more firefighters were called in yesterday as the fire quickly started to spread. the park is open, several trails are closed. this morning governor jerry brown plans to sign a bill mandating paid sick leave for nearly all workers in california. workers will earn an hour of paid leave for every 30 hours worked. california will be the second state to do so. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment.
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hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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it is a brutal morning unfortunately at the bay bridge. i checked the sensors. westbound 24 backed up to 13 trying to get on the bridge. so you're stacked up well east of the maze this morning trying to get on the bay bridge span. also, that crash in the clearing stages now. southbound 680 is between pacheco and highway 4 traffic slow coming off the benicia bridge. that's a busy morning commute for you. and here's roberta with your forecast. >> good morning, everybody. rise and shine! heading out the door, take a look at this. we have clearing in the city by the bay in the city of san francisco where you can see the transamerica building. yes! number-wise, we are in the 50s and 60s. out the door. later today you will feel the difference. 60s beaches, 70s across the bay, into the peninsula. then jumping up to 85 degrees in redwood city. check out east of the bay all the way to 97 degrees in the hottest locations. and then by friday, triple digits return right here to the bay area with drier conditions, as well.
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good morning. viewers in the west. it is wednesday, september 10th, 2014. welcome back to cbs this morning. more real news ahead including more from roger goodell and rikki klieman looks at the bigger issues of domestic violence. first, a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> you know there are people who say they just don't buy that, that no one in the nfl had seen these tapes. >> well, that's a fact. >> i would give reasonabler goodell the benefit of the doubt but i think that somebody in his circle saw it. >> oval office meeting with congressional leaders the president said he has all the legal authority to carry out strategy to defeat isis. kerry arrived, iraqi prime minister, the u.s. will give more financial and military aid.
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it is the next chapter in apple's story. >> are you going to get that watch? >> absolutely. deep down i thought i'm never ever going to see her again. you realize you're in big trouble, it's surreal. you fight to stay alive. >> live in a place where he is coming home. >> how do you sustain that optimism? >> i don't have to sustain it. it's the most beautiful gift that god is giving me. >> this is normally the epicenter of british politics. not today. today they've all gone up to scotland to deliver a collective political love to keep the united kingdom united. >> the new, i phone 6 has a new more advanced siri. you can ask her where the nearest bar is and she will actually meet you there. i'm charlie rose are gail king. the nfl is playing defense this morning against growing public
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outrage. late commissioner roger goodell insists no one in the league saw the videos showing ray rice punching his future wife until it was posted online this week. the running bab was suspended indefinitely on monday. rice's wife janay posted an emotional statement tuesday lashing out at the media and the nfl. we asked commissioner goodell about this in his first interview since the violent video was posted online. janay spoke out on instagram and she said to take something away from the man i love just to gain ratings is horrific. you effectively ended ray rice's career. how does that make you feel? >> it never is easy to take difficult positions. the victim is never at fault here. that's not the issue. the issue here is ray was a player in the nfl, and he cannot engage in that kind of behaveiorbehavior. >> when you first took the action in terms of the two-game
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suspension did you speak with ray and janay? >> i spoke to them before that. i met with them probably a month before the decision. >> what did you learn from that meeting? >> he indicated what he and janay were doing as a couple to try to address their issues. it's a very difficult issue for families. what i'm learning about this whole issue of domestic violence is that it's very complicated, very difficult on families. there are victims, there are family members that are impacted by this. and we have to have the resources necessary to try to help them. what we wanted to do is make sure they understood you have resources and we still do that. we have been in touch with the family to make sure they have resources in the last 24 hours. >> and the release of this video is putting a spotlight on the handling of domestic violence cases. cbs news legal analyst rikki klieman is with us. she's prosecuted cases of sexual and physical assault.
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joan has a great line, we tell ourselves stories in order to live. and i wonder in some ways if that is what janay is doing. we know that the prosecutors saw that tape. >> they did. >> so the fact that they saw that tape the big question is how is he not in jail and only got probation? >> well, in certain ways it's hard to believe he was actually treated potentially, potentially, more harshly by the prosecutors. most of these cases come into a prosecutor's office. they come in as simple assault. they get pre-trial intervention or an equivalent. his went to a grand jury. he was indicted for aggravated assault. but what he did, according to the rules, was apply to be in pretrial intervention. he is then -- oh his then fiance became his wife. by may 20th when his application was approved for pretrial intervention it was the usual course of events. >> but there's a lot of outrage of the nfl commissioner.
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what about the prosecutor? >> i think there is outrage at the prosecutor. there are lawmakers in new jersey now going forward who say they want to make it mandatory that anyone accused of domestic violence cannot be put in pretrial intervention. i say that that would be really a difficult idea to make -- to have it go forward and even to enforce. what are you doing when you're trying to protect a victim and the victim says this has never happened before and please don't ruin my life. >> the problem with that tape though, at one point even kicks her legs. he just drops her like a sack of potato potatoes. there is nothing like a, oh, my god, what have i done to you? do you think the prosecutors overrely on her looking saying i'm okay. >> which, by the way, is often the case of the victim of domestic violence. victim of domestic violence takes responsibility feels shame and says it's my fault. but the prosecutor here who is
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being criticized can simply say, if you look at the records in our courthouse and by the way, same thing across the united states we handled him the way we would handle anyone else. now, does that mean it's right? not necessarily so. should we look at domestic violence 20 years later like we did in o.j. simpson and say maybe we need to do something about this. the answer of course is yes. >> just quickly, because the commissioner told me they could not get their hands on the second videotape because it was in the hands of law enforcement and they couldn't get it from the casino buzz that illegal. is that true? >> they cannot get it from law enforcement once it becomes evidence in a grand jury. in terms of getting it from the casino well, we don't really know if they could or couldn't because the casino may have said they would. goodell said he didn't go for it. >> the casino is out of business as of now. >> i haven't thought of it that way. >> thank you. and president obama is preparing to speak to the nation tonight about his plans to
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handle isis. the president met with congressional leaders yesterday. major garrett is at the white house and reports the president will spell out the next phase of military action in iraq. it's not clear if he will announce any plans for u.s. air strikes in syria. cbs news coverage of the president's address begins at 6:00 p.m. pacific time here on cbs. apple is betting the next big device will wind up on your wrist. off unveiled the apple watch. the iphone 6 and a new way to use your phone as a wallet. scott stein is a senior editor at cnet and just got off a red eye flight from silicon valley. >> good morning. >> i guess the star of the show was the watch? >> it was. i think it was the first time the iphone was a guest at its own party. the watch stole the show. the one we didn't know much about. they're really in the wearable business. this will not come out until early 2015.
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starting price, $3 49d3$349. they had a ton in demo mode. six different bands, women and women's sizes. >> why not make them available for the christmas holiday season? >> they're waiting -- it's infrastructure and apps and how it works. they were showing enough of them it seems like it's ready to go in terms of the build. you get to the point of what's the point of smartwatch snes can they do things and can they do them well? there's this whole push now to take app developers and give them enough time to work with this over months not surprise them. i think it's smart because we still have to convince people we have to buy these things and use them. >> how could the iphone not be the star? were you not knocked out by it? >> i think it's really good. i think it's the product that people want to buy. they're uncertain whether they want to get a watch but the phone is the thing. but i think it's to the point now certainly larger screen is great. you know, you're looking at apple pay, which is the really interesting story there. and then you also got you know you've got slightly better processor and all that stuff.
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new design. but i think that you're at the point where it's a bit like laptops. you've seen so many phones that do this stuff. it's about apple catching up to that. and you have a little more storage. i think people are going to want it but it's an evolution. >> all right. scott stein, you look good just coming off of a red eye and coming right here. >> thanks. >> thank you very much. on cbs this morning on who's who in fashion and music, too, on stage in brooklyn last night we'll show you the standout
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question a lot of people are asking these day, how much is enough when you are saving for your retirement? how do you live? jill sles enjer is in our toyota green room with her eye on the money. how to achieve the big three goals to put your financial house in order. only three? that's ahead on "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." we'll be right back.
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losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix.
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what if there was a credit card where the reward was that new car smell and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at it's great on strawberries apples... bananas... rice cakes... raspberries... toast! [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. spoons! which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. claritin-d presents two allergy sufferers. one tried nasacort, which could take up to a week to feel maximum nasal symptom relief.
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the other took claritin-d,which starts to work on allergies in 30 minutes. the moral: nothing works faster than claritin-d
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ow nur eye on money matters takes on things you care about most. just as summer winds down and children return to school people are refocusing on money. they rate their personal finances as only fair or poor so it's more important than ever to learn how to improve your situation. cbs analyst jill schlesinger is here. good morning. >> good morning. >> where do you start? >> i like to start with the big three. the first is we want to start talking about credit card debt. we've done a good job. we've whittled it down. but there's about $9 billion in credit card debt. we want to push that credit card debt and pay off car loans and student loan. about 56% of americans say they're falling behind financially. i think some of it has to do
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with having depleted their emergency reserves. we want people with six to 12 months of their living expenses. >> that's a lot. >> retires, i want 12 to 24 months because you have to be able to ride out bad times. >> who can do that, jill? >> it's an aspiration. we know you can't do it immediately. but we think back to the financial crisis. if people had bigger nest eggs they wouldn't have had to go in and plunder their account. >> two people have to look at it seriously. >> without that it's impossible to know what you can save. one of things we talk about is looking at the way you spend money. i know there's big categories, there's housing, food transportation but there are discretionary items. you want to look at the discretionary items. free up the money to pay down debt and establish your reserve fund. we want people to use their
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retirement accounts. this is really going to become a bigger issue especially as the millennials get older. so you've about got your financial priorities all set and now you say you should turn your eye on insurance. >> people hate to talk about it. a lot of times people with homeowner's and rental insurance underinsure and after a horrible event they find they're uninsured. >> or you put in claim and it's denied. >> exactly. make sure you're not comparing apples to apples. be careful about this. when it comes to life insurance, i have to stress this. so many people are underinsured. one of the best things you need how much you can calculate and you can do that at life and do your estate planning documents. please, a will a guardianship, some power of attorneys health care proxy. >> do you have eight hours later to talk with me? >> anytime. >> or we can go to youra boya
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office. boy ya office. we rock here. phil simms will be with us to preview tomorrow's game. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. >> announcer: money" sponsored by voya financial. changing the way you think of retirement. financeial financial. rethinking the way you think retirement.
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tomorrow. vinita nair is here to show us how fashion rock -- you look like you just walked off the runway. >> you're far too kind. that's right. models and musicians, they sure do seem like a likely combination. ryan seacrest was the ring leader. ♪ >> reporter: the catwalks and runways of new york fashion week joined forces on one stage during "fashion rocks." ♪
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>> reporter: musicians, models, and designers all under one roof. >> the record shows that when it comes to music, style counts. >> reporter: jennifer lopez proved it's not all about the clothes but what you put in them. >> tonight we're going to give it to you. >> reporter: tuesday night's live show on cbs show cased fax and highlighted the combustible energy of your wardrobe and what it's coming to. ♪ >> reporter: the music world was well represented from classic rock and country to hip-hop and pop. >> when it comes to fashion, i think it's not what you wear but how you wear it. >> reporter: justin bieber left little to the imagination by
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showing the world his preferred. rapper nicki minaj flaunted a diamond bra and mini skirt and not much else. ♪ >> reporter: wearing a british flag jacket and mini jumper, she bented out david bowie. while the music rocked and the fashion played the common thread throughout the night, keep it original keep it fresh, and keep it on beat. ♪ with men's underwear these days. that was such a beautiful venue. >> i didn't find it tight enough. >> i didn't even see it there was so much other things to see. >> jennifer lopez, vinita just looks awesome.
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>> 45 years old. continues this morning for a missing ha good morning, it's 8:25. time for news headlines. the search continues this morning for a missing hayward teen. 16-year-old minh ly left his family's home on the outskirts of hayward saturday afternoon. teams have searched the woods near his family's home and they are checking san francisco's tenderloin area. that's where the boy's facebook account was accessed from a library nearby. today governor brown will sign a bill giving paid sick leave to nearly all workers in california. starting next july, workers will earn an hour of pay leave for every 30 hours worked. california will be the second state to require paid leave. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment.
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good morning. there is a lot of congestion out there. i keep waiting for things to loosen up at the bay bridge. instead, the 24 approach all the way through the macarthur maze, it begins to slow out in orinda. i want to show you the sensors in the east bay. as you can see, it's sluggish through the caldecott tunnel and out into the macarthur maze. westbound 580 also very heavy trying to get to the bay bridge toll plaza. here's a live look at the richmond/san rafael bridge toll plaza. it is also heavy, delays from at least canal all the way on to the span. and in southbound 101 coming through marin county, looks
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like there's delays around delong in novato and continue into san rafael. once you hit the golden gate bridge everything looks okay. but traffic is once again heavy this morning trying to get to the golden gate bridge toll plaza into san francisco. that is your "kcbs" drive to work. here's roberta. wow, we already have sunshine in the city by the bay, the city of san francisco. good morning, everyone! wall-to-wall sunshine right now except the immediate seashore where we're socked in. but we'll see earlier burnoff there. notice san jose at 58. santa rosa in the low 50s. otherwise low 60s in oakland o everybody warms up today from pacifica, 79 in oakland, 86 in san jose out of the 70s. mid-90s east of the bay and also to the south i gilroy. friday 100 inland back in the forecast dry conditions through the weekend.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour a tour of new york's 9/11 museum with former mayor michael bloomberg. the billionaire also tells us why he changed his mind and returned to the company that he created. plus a white house have itting center reopens this weekend after a two-year renovation. we get to see early thanks to bill plante. he'll take us on a high-tech trip through the mansion. that's ahead. >> that's cool. >> yeah. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. a lawsuit accused justin mateen of sexually harassing one of its co-found ders.
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he pleaded not guilt to any wrongdoing. they're selling parking spots for $1 million. the ten sparkparking spots will cost more. >> that's ridonkulous. even if i could afford it that's stupid. this man has the world's longest tongue. how long is it? >> that is -- >> nearly 4 inches from tip to lip. anybody want one of those? i'll go first. no. throngest usable golf club measures 14'5". the shourdest cat measures 5 1/4 inches from the floor to the shoulder. >> that makes my stomach hurt. >> what? the tongue? >> the whole thing, the whole thing makes me laugh. those books are really popular. i have them for my kids. in fact my twins were fighting
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over the one for last year so i'm looking forward to the new version. i digress. >> hello. >> charlie you know it's ridiculous, a million dollars for a parking spot. >> they're telling us to move on. there's a new link to certain sleep and anxiety drugs and alzheimer's disease. researchers found that seniors taking medications like xanax and valium for more than three months had up to 51% higher risk of the disease. our dr. holly phillips is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> what medications are we talking about because this is scary. >> sure, norah. we're talking about benzodiazapines. they're drugs that are calming they act on our central nervous season. you might know then by xanax, klon oh pin, valium. researchers have looked at people taking them for three mojtss or longer and found they had double the risk of developing alzheimer's disease at some point in their life.
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we have to be clear this is a link. it's not a cause and effect. we can't say the benzodiazapines cause it but there's a link between taking them at some point in your life and developing the condition. >> what do theys is suspect that is? >> what's interesting about this, this is not the first study to worry about long-term effects on the brain whether it's concentration, memory the ability to think clearly or even dementia. there may be a way that the drugs affect our gather receptors that there's a long-term effect. >> if you're taking the drugs, what should you ask your doctor? i notice ambien wasn't on your list. >> that's a sleeping drug. that's important. if you're on the drug rather than getting a refill make sure this is the best drug and only drug for you. for instance there's other sleep aids like ambien and other
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alternatives for helping you get to sleep. for anxiety there are other classes of medications we can use. >> i think -- i mean a lot of people suffer from anxiety and a lot of people take xanax, you know. it has that code name now as mommy's little helper but you're saying you've got be careful. >> absolutely. more than is 100 million prescriptions are writ finance before zoe die as peen. they're tried and true. they're good for difficulty sleeping and seizures and other things. they're bad for abuse and affect the kidney and liver. >> really interesting. >> thank you, holly. michael bloomberg was new york's mayor for 1 the years and many remember how tried to
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reduce sugy drinks. but his biggest legacy may be the museum located in lower manhattan. >> each one of those panels remember the number of people that died. >> no day shall erase you from the memory of time. >> reporter: we were given a tour of the 9/11 museum from former new york city mayor michael bloomberg. bloomberg is chairman of the national september 11th memorial and museum board. >> probably all of the crew from the engine in these buildings when it came down. >> when you look at this, mr. mayor, what do you think? >> i think of the men that were on it. >> reporter: this will be the first 9/11 anniversary the museum will be open. it ooh located beneath the memorial. a large plaza with two reflecting pools where the twin towers once stood. bloomberg is often given credit for saving the product when
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heated heated arguments with regard to the design of it. >> people can come in every day and walk around. you know smile and laugh. even family members. there's a time for grieving but there's a time to make sure that those who were left are treated the way those who we lost would have wanted them to be treated. >> reporter: bloomberg, too, has moved on after three terms as mayor. he has left city hall succeeded by bill de blasio yet it is michael bloomberg who will be in charge of the ceremony. >> reporter: is that something you had to work out together? >> no. our staffs talked to each other. i'm sure the mayor will be here on 9/11. he'll stand here. i assume the governors of new york and new jersey will be here. >> reporter: his post mayoral plan was to focus on
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philanthropy while taking a small role in the company he founded. bloomberg, l.p., which made him a billionaire. last week he surprised everybody saying he will return full time replacing dan. >> you're going back to place called bloomberg, a place you know very very well. did you reach a point where you weren't satisfied with what you were doing? >> on the contrary. the company is doing very well. i started out with two hours a day and i wanted to be involved. 20 blocks from my home and my name was on the door. i found i was doing it eight hour as day. it's exciting interesting. >> i love the comment that dan doctoroff said. mike is like god in the company. when god comes back people defer. >> i was sitting there when he
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said that. i gagged because i knew that would be the sort of thing you'd use in an interview. >> i'm sure you don't feel like god but it's like listen the boss wants his job back and it's right this way, mr. bloomberg, is it not? >> when you own the company you have the right do that. >> i love that my name's on the door. you know him very well. he's very excited to go back and the people seem to be glad he's coming. >> they are indeed but doctoroff did a great job. >> he made a point of saying that over and over again. >> a great point. a good reminder that tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11. coming up one man said a free concert with jay z and carrie underwood can
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think about this. can music help end world poverty by 2013? it's not far-fetched for the nonprofit group global citizen. it has a plan to help 1.2 billion people who live on $1.25 a day or less. it starts with ath york's central park and gayle is part of the host committee as well.
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hue evans is part of it and the ceo of the global project. >> what were you going to say, charlie? i wasn't saying yay, it's me it's yay, i'm excited. >> who's on it? >> it's a whole host of people with gayle, hugh jackman, bridget moynihan. >> who are some of the musicians who will be performed? >> this year the global citizen festival will be headlined by jay z, no doubt, and we have a few surprise special guests. >> when he came in this morning, guys s guys, he said i couldn't even sleep because i'm so excited. you know i'm a member of the host committee. he goes i can't even talk about it. >> this is a performer that will be at -- >> yes and he can't say. >> can we guess? >> no. hue and deborah lee had a dinner
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and they said we want to invite a small group over to talk about poverty. to be honest i thought it was going to be an old geezer guy. hugh stood up. no, really. your enthusiasm is so infectious and you're so young and so committed that i walked out of there going what can i do. so how did this become a passion for you and what is your ultimate goal? >> it started for me at the age of 14. i was given an opportunity to go to the fill peeps with an organization called world vision. we were taken to a slum area in the center. i was placed in the care of a boy my age, he was also 14 years old. that night when it came time to go to sleep, we laid on garbage dump with cockroaches all around us and rubbish. i thought it's pure chance i was born where i was born and he was born where he was born. >> they call that the ovarian lottery. >> you got it. i decided i was going to commit
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cent immunization useless suffering. >> what are you asking people to do? >> what we want to do is go to global citizen and they eesk they've got to take action. >> they're for free. >> but you have to do something. >> you have to do something. >> we've been to the black tie galas and we've all written checks. you said that's not enough to make people aware of it. >> charity is something but not significant. we need business we need government at the table and that's what the global citizen festival does. we're building the largest possible movement to convince the government to take a lead on
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it. >> and the level of poverty on this plant is unacceptable. >> slooul. >> what day is it. >> november 22nd. come along. >> it's a sadr. >> saturday. >> could you say gayle again? >> gayle king, you're the best. >> i just like the gayle part. thank you. thank you. coming up, a look at the president's new home. >> i'm bill plante at the new white house visitor center which even though it's across the street offers a glimpse inside the executive mansion. that story coming up later on "cbs this morning."
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bulldog: [whimpering] has your old bed got you in a twist? well, mattress discounters has up to 48 months interest-free financing. plus, mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! now what's best about 48 months interest-free financing at mattress discounters? it's 28 years in dog financing. ♪ mattress discounters ♪
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a white house shows the president saying good-bye to a secret service agent add his family. the photo also shows the young son making himself at home diving head first into the couch. most don't get that kind of access, but a newly renovated center is close by. bill plante is at the white house to take us on a personal tour. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they've always called this the people's house the white house. and the website says it's a place that should be open to everyone, but, of course it's not. since 9/11 there are no more open public tours. now around the corner there is a brand new visitor's center. >> this becomes the substitute for the white house itself. >> reporter: walking through the new visitor center is a little bit like peeking through the window of the nation's most famous residence. jonathan jarvis is the director of the national park service. >> we needed a place to tell the story of the white house and
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display specific items that are representative of the role the white house plays in our country, for the president, and in society in general. >> reporter: the exhibits here show the white house in its many roles. presidential workplace, family home entertainment venue, and with the help of technology the actual rooms come alive. >> with this system we can actually go inside the white house and explore the various components. >> reporter: good. take us inside. touchscreens offer a 360-degree view of the white house interior. >> you're in the blue room. look at that beautiful blue carpet and the curtains as well. >> reporter: most people will never get a chance to see the oval office even if they get a tour of the public rooms. >> that's in the west wing. here you have the oval office. that's the president's desk. >> reporter: there are dozens of artifacts from history's attic. one of harry truman's bowling
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balls, an inyand club calvin coolidge used for skper sierks an early radio. bill is chief white house curator. >> president woodrow wilson signed the declaration of war that started world war i for the united states on this desk. didn't go back upstairs. he came in and signed it on this desk. >> reporter: there's even an exhibit of favorite presidential snacks. pull back the plate of squirrel soup and discover that's what james garfield savored. fried chicking harry truman jelly beans, ronald reagan. even if you're one of the lucky few to tour the white house there's a lot more to see at the visitor center. it's open to the public free every day. charlie? >> bill, thank you so much. great interview and fabulous show. >> bravo. >> didn't the two hours go fast today? >> we did. we had a lot of fun stuff. >> take note of this.
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tune no the
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could help find the mountain lion that attacked a six-year-old boy near cupertin good morning. it's 8:55. time for some news headlines. new information could help find the mountain lion that attacked a 6-year-old boy near cupertino. test results reveal the mountain lion is a male and that could help narrow the hunt for the big cat in the pichetti open space preserve. the meadow fire in yosemite has now scorched more than 4400 acres. more firefighters were called in yesterday as the fire quickly started to spread. the park is open but several trails are closed. this morning, governor jerry brown plans to sign a bill mandating paid sick leave for nearly all workers in california. workers will earn an hour of paid leave for every 30 hours worked. california will be the second state to do so. now here's roberta with the forecast. >> michelle, look at this
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weather camera looking towards the bay waters from the city of san francisco. we have a little bit of haze out there but we are certainly clearing out sooner than yesterday. right now we're still in the 50s and 60s. later today with an offshore wind that's out of the northeast it will be slight at 5, with temperatures going up everywhere from the 60s at the beaches, 70s bayside into the peninsula. then we jump up to the mid-80s in redwood city. 80s also in the santa clara valley. 90s east in the bay and also towards the south towards gilroy and morgan hill. we have triple digits inland in the forecast by friday. it's a warmup. elizabeth is up with traffic next coming up. (vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots.
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all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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good morning. this might be a good morning to use mass transit. we have a lot of really slow east bay drive times. really bay area drive times are way up but here's a look at some of them. 880 in oakland still very heavy as well as westbound 580 through the livermore area. bay bridge still really backed up on all the approaches westbound 24 with a car accident past the caldecott. you can see it slow from orinda and past the accident scene heavy traffic through the macarthur maze. here's a live look at 880 at those red sensors showing the biggest delay right now between 238 and your downtown oakland exits. once again, bart all on time.
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(imitates dolphin) wayne: you've got a brand new car! (screams) the power of the deal, baby. - wayne brady, i love you, man! wayne: this is the face of “let's make a deal.” - thank you, thank you thank you, and thank you. jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, welcome to “let's make a deal” thanks for tuning in this is our super deal week, not any old ordinary i'll give you a car week this is super deal. if one of our traders wins the big deal they are eligible to play for the super deal where they have a one in three shot of winning an additional $50,000 in cash. someone in this room one of these crazy people, someone could win over $75,000 in cash and prizes today. there. i said it all.


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