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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  September 11, 2014 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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enjoy your day. we leave you with some shots from new york. captions by: caption colorado good morning. to our viewers in the west. it is thursday, september 11th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama vows to degrade and destroy isis. we'll ask cia insider mike morrell if the plan can work. a judge cleared blade runner oscar pistorius of murder charges, but also calls him negligent. and new accusations the nfl received a copy of the ray rice video months ago. we'll hear from the reporter who broke the story. >> we begin this morning with a la look at today's "eye opener." your world in 30 seconds. >> if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven.
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>> the president lays out his strategy to combat isis. >> deploying 475 more military advisers to iraq and authorizing air strikings in syria for the first time. >> my copy of the constitution says congress has the authority to declare war. >> the judge ruled there was not enough evidence to find him guilty. >> we pray for the souls of those who -- >> the 13th anniversary of 9/11. a ceremony today -- >> shanksville, pennsylvania, flight 93 also being remembered. >> associated press says a video copy was delivered to an nfl exec april 9th. >> the former head of the fbi is being brought in. >> the nfl says they did not receive a tape to their energy but they're looking into it. if they are looking into it, it means they don't know. >> dangerous rain and fierce
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winds. >> oh, my god. >> the driver of this truck may be facing charges after driving through the doors -- >> a reporter brought up his rape conviction -- >> you're really a piece of -- >> there it is. >> there it is again. >> seriously. >> man, we're all jumping around. >> and all that matters. >> his name's george, he kills people. >> saying good-bye to actor richard kiel. >> on "cbs this morning." >> the dalai lama. >> made a huge announcement. >> he said, quote, let us then finish with a popular dalai lama. boom, lama out. he then dropped the karma and walked off stage. >> this morning's "eye opening" is presented by toyota. let's go places.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." we're counting down to the debut of thursday night football on cbs tonight. in baltimore, this is a big day for fans and for cbs. >> we have coverage from the stadium where they will host the steelers. hanging over the game, the big development in the ray rice story. >> but first, big developments in the case of blade runner oscar pistorius, the double amputee olympic sprinter is cleared of all murder charges. deborah potter has been in the courtroom. she joins us from south africa. >> the judge saying he was a poor witness who was often untruthful. but she said this did not mean he was a murderer.
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>> the state clearly has not proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder. p>> the whole point of this turs on whether the judge believes pistorius shot his girlfriend by mistake thinking she was an intruder or in a murderous fit of rage. the judge said the state had not provided enough evidence to discredit pistorius' version of events. the judge said pistorius should have foreseen that when he shot those four shots through the locked bathroom door, it would have resulted in the death of the person behind it. >> i am of the view that the accused acted too hastily and used excessive force. >> as the judge read her verdict, oscar pistorius sobbing uncontrollably. this continued long into the lunch break. for him this could be hisredemp >> ahead, we'll talk to legal
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analyst ricky clekliemann aboute verdict. that's ahead. in an address to the nation last night, the president said american warplanes will expand a bombing campaign into syria for the first time. bill plante is at the white house. bill, good morning. >> good morning. the president wanted to demonstrate to the nation that he has the plan to destroy the terrorist group in syria as well as in iraq. senior officials tell us air strikes against isis positions in syria will begin as soon as intelligence identifies targets. >> i will not hesitate to take action against isil in syria as well as iraq. this is a core principle of my presidency. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> the president said his battle plan includes the expansion of air strikes. an increase in support for partner forces on the ground.
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counterterrorism efforts to prevent attacks by isis on the u.s. and its allies. and humanitarian support for victims of isis attack. but he insisted the u.s. will not go it alone. >> america will lead a broad coalition to roll back this terrorist threat. already, allies are flying planes with us over iraq. sending arms and assistance to iraqi security forces and the syrian opposition. sharing intelligence and providing billions of dollars in humanitarian aid. >> as part of that effort, an additional 475 u.s. service members will deploy to iraq to advise, conduct intelligence and coordinate u.s. efforts. bringing the total number of u.s. troops there to more than 1,600. the president again promised that no u.s. combat troops will be involved on the ground. air strikes will support iraqi forces and the newly formed iraqi government. >> we cannot do for iraqis what they must do for themselves. nor can we take the place of arab partners in securing their
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region. >> the president called on congress to authorize training and funding to support moderate syrian forces. >> i think that this should have been done obviously much more aggressively from the beginning. >> new hampshire republican senator kelly ayotte was among several republicans skeptical that the president would deliver on his promises. >> because often he's given speeches, but following up on the actionings ths that need to taken against this dangerous group i think is what is going to measure what he said today in the following days. >> the administration officials say the president does not need any additional authorization to take the fight to isis, that it can rely on existing law. but he does need congress to vote on funds to train syrian forces. the speech was his answer to the critics who say he hasn't acted soon enough. >> cbs' mike morrell is with us from aspen, colorado.
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he was in a meeting with president obama this week about the isis threat. mike, good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> what has to happen for the president's plan to degrade and destroy isis, to make it work? >> so, on the iraqi side of the border, charlie, i'm confident that we're going to be able to roll him back. what gives me that confidence is a new political deal that the united states deserves a lot of credit for. putting advisers, military advisers in to assist the iraqi army and the kurdish army. and broader u.s. air strikes. i think all those together will make a big difference in iraq. it's the serious side of the border that i'm worried about. we are going to double down. we are going to go all in with the syrian opposition. and that's how we're going to try to win this thing. but the syrian opposition is a very weak group. they're much weaker than they
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were two years ago. this is the long attempt, this is what's going to be hard. >> is that the only option in syria, the free syrian army? >> i think so, unless you want to throw your lot in with assad, who has butchered his own people. which i don't think we want to do. so i think going with the syrian opposition is our best chance of success. the chance of success is not high though. took a lot of work. >> the president said yesterday some americans have joined isis and they could try to come home and carry out attacks. but he also said he doesn't have a specific threat against the united states. it's 9/11. how worried should we be here at home? >> intelligence does not give you a 100% clear picture into the plotting that a terrorist group is doing. so the fact that we don't have credible reporting on the threat doesn't give me a lot of comfort. the fact that they have the capability to send fighters
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here, and that they want to send fighters here is what should worry us. so i think the threat of a foreign fighter coming here and doing something is real. >> mike, the president's been meeting with some columnists yesterday and earlier with intelligence officials like you. what is he trying to accomplish as far as you know in these meetings? >> so i don't want to talk about the specifics. i don't think that's appropriate. i will say two things, charlie. he laid out his thinking. he late out his policy. he invited -- he invited his comments, including critiques. i think he was really open to trying to think about ways to improve his chances of success here. i was impressed by his approach to the meeting. the second thing i would say is there were a lot of former -- very senior former officials in the room. there were differents of opinion on how to handle this because of the complexity. and i think that was interesting
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in and of itself. there was a consensus. >> mike morrell, thank you. on this 9/11 anniversary, the cia says there's no evidence now that isis is planning an attack on the united states. in washington, intelligence officials are tracking the threat. >> in an interview with cia headquarters, director john brennan told us isis is a terror group, in his words, with blood in its eyes. he called it evil inkarenate and a cancer that must be eliminated before the group has the time and the space to carry out attacks against the u.s. homeland. brennan also ridiculeled the claim from isis that it's established an islamic caliphate, straddling parts of iraq and syria. >> this group, the islamic state of iraq in levant, is not islamic, first of all. the caliphate it has declared is a fraudulent one. it is not representative of the muslims in the area there at all. the sunni and shia muslims, as
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well as others, who have felt the violence of isil are determined to tear it apart and so i stand by my assertion that the idea of that type of extremist islamic calla fist worldwide is an absurd -- they can declare whatever they want, but i think they have come to learn they have now garnered the attention of the world and the united states. >> brennan says the united states and its allies will use a robust intelligence effort to find and target isis leaders like abu al baghdadi. but he cautioned it could take years to destroy that terrorist group. he also warned there are other al qaeda groups in syria and yemen still continuing to plot attacked aimed at the u.s.
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homeland. americans paused this morning to honor the victims of 9/11. mourners held two minutes of silence for the times when the planes struck the towers. relatives are reading every name of the victims. president obama, the first lady and vice president biden led a moment of silence at the white house moments ago. the president moved on to a ceremony at the pentagon by american flight 77 crash. and moments ago, shanksville, pennsylvania, held a moment of silence for the victims from united flight 93. this morning, the nfl is asking a former fbi director to investigate the ray rice controversy. robert mueller will look at watt nfl knew and when at the request of commissioner roger goodell. a new report this morning claims that five months ago, the league received the video showing the former all-pro punching his future wife. goodell denied that in our
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interview on tuesday. so, did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before monday? >> no. >> no one in the nfl? >> no one in the nfl is, to my knowledge, and i've been asked that same question, and the answer to that is no. we were not granted that. we were told that that was not something we would have access to. on multiple occasions we asked for it. and multiple occasions, we were told no. >> you know there are people saying they just don't buy that, that no one in the nfl had seen this tape. >> well, that's a fact. i think it's a fact because the criminal justice system and law enforcement were following the laws and doing what they needed to do to make sure that they followed the criminal activity. this is an ongoing criminal investigation. and i think they were doing what they do. we are cooperative. we are supportive. we will ask for any pertinent information we can have access to. we can't force them to provide
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any information. >> sharyn alfonsi is at mnt bank stadium in baltimore where baltimore will play tonight. >> the associated press says an anonymous law enforcement official claimed he sent a dvd of the video to nfl headquarters back in april. even though he wasn't authorized to share the video. the official claimed he did so anyway in the hopes that the league would see it before rice was punished. this latest allegation poses a direct challenge to roger goodell's credibility. according to the associated press, the nfl had possession of the brutal video in april, five months before it was released by tmz sports. reporter rob nmotti said he listened to the voice mail con irm iffing the dvd had arrived. >> the voice mail is from an unidentified woman saying that she received the video, thanking
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the law enforcement official for sending it and telling him he's right, it's terrible. >> but the ap source could not say if any nfl employees actually watched the video because the law enforcement official had no other contact with the league after the dvd arrived. >> i have complete confidence in my source. he is very credible. this is a story that we were working on for days and long hours and it is not something that we would go with unless we were rock solid sure that this is a credible source. >> an nfl spokesman questioned the accuracy of the ap report, saying, we are not aware of anyone in our office would possess order saw the video. anger grew more intense. members of congress are now openingly questioning goodell's leadership. >> in there is information that came out that shows he did know or he had access to this information, i do think it puts
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at risk the current job that he has. >> the national organization for women also called on goodell to step down. >> we need someone to go in there, do a top to bottom review, make recommendations that will really have teeth and that will really institute the kinds of changes that we need so that nfl -- the nfl can be about football again and not about trashing women. >> the nfl says muller's investigation will have the full cooperation of nfl personnel and access to all league records. but it will be overseen by two nfl owners, john mara of the new york giants and art rooney of the pittsburgh steelers. >> "new york times" sports columnist bill rhodin is with us again this morning. welcome. so we have this ap report. >> yes. >> what's the impact of that, the consequences of that? what does that change where we're going? >> number one, i've always maintained if it's fact, comes
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out that goodell or his office knew, that put his -- i think he may have to step down. >> he didn't know, but his office did, you think he'll have to step down? >> what will happen, there will be somebody -- will take the hit on this. but the second thing is it has implications. because if in fact they saw this tape and after they saw it they gave him two games, now you can't come back and, you know, just for public show say now we're going to suspend you, ruin your livelihood. so there are a lot -- there are a lot of consequences to this. >> let's be clear though. the associated press report quotes a law enforcement official saying this tape was delivered. and of course there's a voice mail saying thank you. it does not indicate whether the videotape was seen. i spoke with the nfl yesterday. an executive said to me, well, if it's found that there's a delivery sitting under someone's desk, there will be consequences. but isn't the larger question how does the nfl not know if
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that tape ended up in their offices? >> we keep coming back to this incompeten incompetence. you know, everybody has -- the nfl league sets the standard for security. i mean, that's what they're known for, a great security department. so to come and say you have this kind of basic gaffe is basically indefensible. you can't have it both ways. and now you're having -- now you're having to bring in a political independent investigator. that they're paying -- >> at some point, you have to make the decision about what you knew what you should have known. >> absolutely. >> thank you so much. and it is 7:19. ahead on "cbs this morning," the fda,, from the kpix 5 weather center, good morning, everybody. stemming out the door this morning, clear skies inland but we are socked in with that right there. it's a compressed deck of low clouds and patchy fog but
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that's going to wipe away early today revealing lots of sunshine number-wise we are in the 50s and 60s heading out the door. later today from the 70s at the beaches. 80s across the bay and peninsula through the 90s to 103 hottest part of our inland areas. heat wave continues through the weekend. isis earns millions of dollars day on stolen oil. >> how they get an oej
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morning on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. ♪ in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side
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paying tribute to victims oe good morning, it's 7:of it. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's manage happening. -- here's what's happening around the bay area right now. san francisco fire station paying tribute to victims of the september 11th attacks. this morning, fire department personnel rang the apparatus bells to signify the last alarm at 6:59. the time the south tower collapsed at the world trade center. today the san francisco flower growers association will vote on whether to sell the flower mart to gilroy realty. the flower mart at sixth and brannon houses 60 small businesses. the realty company plans to keep the flower mart on the property but not how much of it will stay there. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. ,,,,,,,,
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good morning. getting a check of bay bridge they are really clamping down on those metering lights! is it looks like traffic is down to a crawl right now approaching the pay gates. it is stacked up east of the maze and the drive time on the eastshore freeway pretty rough for this time of the morning as well, almost 40 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. traffic is still slow to recover on 101 after that earlier crash in menlo park. that's traffic. here's roberta. >> liz, go ahead and take a look outside. first off we have mostly cloudy skies along the coast into the bay this morning. currently air temperatures are in the 50s and 60s and later today, we're talking about 70s beaches, 80s bayside and peninsula through the 80s and the 90s to 103 in the hottest locations inland. triple digits again tomorrow. ,, ,,,,,,,,
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what do you call that. baltimore ravens' ray rice caught on camera dragging his fiancee out of the elevator. >> did you really need to see a video of ray rice punching his wife in the video? >> no. i have to tell you the video we saw was in and of itself bad but what we saw yesterday was extremely clear, extremely sickening and that's why we took the action yesterday. >> so you did need to see ray rice -- >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, mid east region of terror funded at the gas pump. isis is getting rich selling oil
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and gas on the black market so we'll follow the money trail of the financing jihad. big news just in this hour from south africa. oscar pistorius, the blade runner, cleared of the charges. we'll ask the judge the reasoning. if he could still be blamed for the killing of his girlfriend. that's ahead. a new weight loss drug has been approved. contrave has been approved for obese peep. they lost 5% of their body weight but the fda says the drug may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and may cause seizures. the milwaukee "journal sentinel" says criminals may have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars. thieves reportedly reset p.i.n.
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numbers on the cards. "usa today" says target is moving forward from its own data breach under a new leader. the retail giant says it's being more open with its employees and the public too. brian cornell, target's first ceo hired from outside the company. he laid out his plans for the future at yesterday's fall meeting. we'll speak with him tomorrow in an interview you'll see only on "cbs this morning." and "the dallas morning news" sass the faa is allowing a drone to search for a missing woman. dozen ofrs volunteers have been looking for 23-year-old christina morris. she disappeared from a shopping center last month. the faa is very strict about the use of drones by the public. and "the hill" says the treasury plans to take on isis. the treasury says it will undermine isis's finances in syria and iraq where isis controls vast areas.
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as isis is gaining ground it's adding to its enormous wealth. wine andrews has more on how isis's finances have spiked. good morning. >> good morning. they've grown far richer and more organized than al qaeda ever dreamed. it involves oil and gas. the idea is to steal it and then trade it. after isis expanded into northern iraq, sources say its earnings from oil and gas reached roughly $3 million a day by selling on the black market for cash. former u.s. intelligence analyst says energy profits give isis its edge. >> we've heard isis described as the wealthiest terror group ever. do you see them that way? >> that's absolutely right. isis is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. >> these photos taken from an
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isis social media page shows some of the cash. drown in your envy, hypocrites he posted in russian, the caliphate is getting richer. isis is also getting rich through crime, looting buildings, extorting businesses and taking money. they're taken private donations to the groups from the citizens of gulf countries like saudi arabia, kuwait, and qatar. on this web posting a saudi sheikh says do jihad with your money. for 100 kuwaiti dinars. but the gulf states have internal reasons for allowing the donations to continue. >> in kuwait, some of the terrorist fund-raisers are very powerful and popular and the
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government is very concerned about upsetting this domestic con stinltd yhency. >> so in exchange for peace at home they tolerate the funding of jihadi groups outside the border. >> yes. the irony is that some of america's closest allies in the gulf allow their citizens to support terrorist groups. >> the u.s. has slapped sanction on several gulf citizens in recent months but by running it outside the banking system isis has made it harder for u.s. to disrupt its unprecedented financing. norah? >> wyatt, thank you. this morning oscar pistorius was cleared of murder charges in the death of his girlfriend. the olympian sonned in court while the judge read the verdict. he may not be off the hook.
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rikki klieman is here. what did they find? >> there were three findings on the facts of the killing. we had premeditated murder. she says no. that's not a surprise. in south africa when you have premeditation it's not nano second, so he didn't premeditate. then we had intentional, a logical verdict, he intended to kill her from behind the door. acquitted of that. now he's coming back from lunch. homicide. no small thing. in the u.s. that would be akin to manslaughter or negligence homicide. that is he may have made a mistake, he shot but he did not intent to kill and that sentence ultimately, which will not be today -- that will be some weeks from now -- that sentence could be zero all the way up to 15 years in prison. >> but he -- go ahead. >> no, go ahead. >> he now knows he's not going to be convicted on the greater
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charge. >> right. and if he's s ee's sobbing in c there may be a reason why. i think we would be surprise or the legal experts and namts would be surprised if he's also acquitted of culpable homicide. >> what's interesting is she said he was a poor witness. >> oh, he was a poor witness. what we find in his need is someone who justifies his own actions. he's making up the story as he goes. he does not have a coherent story. he wu just taken apart by the prosecutor? and she seems to dismiss which she said in her own written statements that she raid, a cell phone conversation about her being scared. >> i think she dismisses great deal of the evidence both in pistorius's favor but also not in his fash because much of the evidence. we have to remember. the burden of proof is on the
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prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt and a lot of this evidence falls away. >> rikki, let me ask you. if he does get convicted of culpable homicide, he goes to jail for how long? >> we do not know. it could be 0 to 15 years. remember, there are some gun charges there. now, in south africa, i have learn thad if the presumption is even if he's cob viktded for a substantial period of time, that he will be gifrp bail during this period of time until he comes back for sentencing. we do not expect the sentence to occur immediately. i could be wrong but ordinarily both sides will get a long time to be able to give paperwork to explain what should happen. >> everything seems to take longer in south africa, but are you surprised he was not convicted of the more serious charges based on all the evidence that we saw in this case? >> i hate to be one of those people who reads the tea leaves before let alone after, but i
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will say this. i honestly did not expect him to be guilty of pre med tatd murder but between the toss-up, it was going one way or the other. for him to walk out with nothing would be unbelievable. >> thank you. we should note "48 hours" will have mmt bank stadium. that's in baltimore. we'll be right back. [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks.
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"thursday night football" debuts. have you heard. we'll brink you the latest on
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the nfl investigation and the latest mounting pressure on roger goodell who said he did not receive the videotape this week showing rice striking his wife in the elevator. many do not know how he couldn't have seen the video before giving a two-game suspension. later we'll be joined by james browns of "nfl today" as well as phil simms and jim nantz who will break it down for tonight's game. >> thank you so much. data brokers know more about your health than you realize.
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,, from the kpix 5 weather center, good morning, everybody. stepping out the door this morning, clear skies inland but we are socked in with that right there. it's a compressed deck of low clouds and patchy fog but that's going to wipe away early today revealing lots of sunshine number-wise we are in the 50s and 60s heading out the door. later today from the 70s at the beaches. 80s across the bay and peninsula through the 90s to 103 hottest part of our inland areas. heat wave continues through the weekend.
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it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. but you've never seen this before. baby bear walked onto the green, started playing with the flag stick. the cub does a funny little dance while the flag spins around. at one point the cub even looks like he's scratching his back, pulls it to the ground, snaps it back. i don't believe it. that bear is very nimble. >> what to you think? >> i want to believe it's true. >> i want to believe it's true and why there happened to be camera right there. >> is that a real bear. >> it snies it's cute and we like it. >> did you know when you scribe a credit card and swipe something online you probably don't realize that marketers
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collect your personal health data. "bloomberg news" takes an in-depth look this issue this morning. she's right here in studio 57. good morning. >> good morning. how are they mining this data? >> well, millions of americans are inadvertently leaving little crumbs about their health outside of the doctor's office and way from the counter. we're talking about retail purchases like diabetes supplies, if you go to a survey and question your health, take a survey online, fill out a store warranty card, these are all ways information can be collected on you and sold and resold and repackaged. >> most importantly, i get it. my credit card company knows what i buy and then it sells? >> it goes through this process of third-party aggregators but
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essentially the retailer is passing information along. once they know your name they can pass it on to data brokers, who can then compile it, repackage it and sell it to a marketer. >> it may be disconcert bug what's the real harm here? hey, looks like you're buying diabetes medicine. >> some want information about their disease. some who have alzheimer's, they want to know more information about that. there's a risk here that people could be taken advantage of because they have a disability either physical or mental. there's a list of alzheimer's patients, parkinson's. there's a list of suffering senior, 4 million who suffered from depression, anxiety, alzheimer's disease. that's for say for any marketers. they sell to financial services companies, lawn care companies. you know,ite note just health companies that can buy this information. >> so if you don't want them to know, pay cash.
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>> there are ways to opt out online. >> thank you very much. this morning america remembers 9/11. the national memorial system chronicles the very day. we'll show you a new exhibit next. rel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey...
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7:54 am
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paying tribute to those kild in the 9-11 attacks. san fr t good morning, everyone. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. all over the bay area, people are paying tribute to those killed in the 9/11 attacks. san francisco fire department members rang bells to mark the time the south tower collapsed at the world trade center. wildlife officials believe they have killed the mountain lion that attacked a 6-year-old boy near cupertino. yesterday, a mountain lion was shot after it was spotted after it was sited near the attack. dna will determine whether it was the right mountain lion. with the mayoral election two months away challenger rebecca kaplan leads jean quan by 61-39% margin. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. ,, ,,
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it is rough along the peninsula. we have accident number 2 between redwood city and menlo park. this one is approaching woodside road. and traffic was just beginning to recover after an earlier traffic alert in menlo park. so this latest accident now is three lanes blocked. it was involving a charter bus and several other cars. you can see the delays already forming in belmont. across the san mateo bridge slow crawl trying to get out of hayward. drive time is about a half-hour between 880 and 101 but it may even be longer than that. and we also are seeing the usual slowdowns out of the livermore valley causing your drive time to bump up through the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. that is "kcbs traffic." here's roberta. >> hey, elizabeth, take a look at this our live kpix weather camera looking out this morning towards the bay bridge. and yeah, we have the inundation of patchy fog but the bottom line is temperatures are mild. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it's thursday, september 11th, 2014. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead including thursday night football. are you ready? james brown join us from baltimore, but first, here's a look at today's eye opener at 8:00. >> just focusing, staying he was often untruthful but she said this is not me, he was a murderer. >> the double amputee olympic sprinter oscar pistorius is cleared of all murder charges. >> the president wanted to demonstrate that he has a plan to destroy the terrorist group in syria as well as in iraq. on the iraqi side of the
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border, i'm confident it's the syria side of the border that i'm worried about. >> 13 years after a small and hateful minds conspired to break us, america stands tall. >> the associated press says an anonymous law enforcement official claimed he sent a dvd of the video to nfl headquarters back in april. >> if, in fact, it comes out that goodell knew or his office knew, i think he may have to step down. >> 64, i'm 67. it's essentially -- once you hit 60, who cares? i mean, the clock is ticking. >> we're a hell of a lot closer to the end than the beginning and then you get there you kind of get where [ bleep ]. president obama is laying out his battle plan against the terror group isis. >> in his speech to the nation last night the president called ice circumstance quote, a
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cancer. he says getting rid of the group was a long-term challenge. >> our objective the clear. we will degrade and ultimately destroy isil through a comprehensive and sustained counter terrorism strategy. this campaign will be waged through a steady relentless effort to take out isil wherever they exist using our air power. and our support for partners forces on the ground. >> the president says he's authorizing air strikes inside syria for the very first time and he's sending nearly 500 more u.s. troops into iraq to help security forces there. >> one of the people making sure isis and other terrorist groups never reach america is jay johnson. michelle miller had an in-depth conversation with him. good morning. >> good morning. secretary johnson told me the threats to homeland security do not come from isis alone but from those on u.s. soil seeking to lend any terrorist a hand. >> the issue of syrian foreign
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fighters is always topic number one in our discussions. and so, we're tracking these individuals. several have been arrested by the fbi who have attempted to leave this country to take up the fight in syria. >> are we under a greater threat today from these radicalized extremist, the homegrown terrorists, the lone wolf than we are from these organizations overseas? >> in many respects that type of threat is harder to detect than the threat from overseas. the independent actor who is inspired toward violence because of something they read or something they see at home, in their own living room, can strike without a whole lot of notice. so one of my priorities as secretary is community outreach and it's worked with considerable success in some context but we need to do a better job. >> it's been 13 years since we were attacked on 9/11.
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are we more secure today than we were there? >> what i tell people is, still a dangerous world, 13 years later. the terrorist threat is more decentralized, it's more diffuse. so in many respects the terrorist threat that we face today is more complex. >> secretary johnson says now authorities are doing better job of gathering intelligence can to detect terrorist plots overseas before they come to the u.s. and an interesting note, just an aside, 9/11 is, in fact, jay johns johnson's birthday. >> wow. >> a day for him to remember. >> to remember. >> he was here in manhattan when it all went down. >> thank you, michelle. >> thank you. the nfl is doing damage control this morning. commissioner roger goodell announced an investigation to the league's handling of the ray rice case. former fbi director robert mueller will be in charge. >> talk of the controversy brought carolina panthers owner jerry richardson to tears last night. one of his players is appealing
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his conviction in a domestic violence case. critics now accuse the panthers of being too lenient with defensive end hardy. they ask people not judge too quickly. >> when it comes to domestic violence, my stance is not one of indifference. i stand firmly against domestic violence, plain and simple. >> now, roger goodell was supposed to attend that event last night to honor richardson but he canceled. the baltimore ravens return to the field for the first time since the team cut ray rice. sharon is in baltimore with a preview. good morning. >> good morning. it's game day here in baltimore. the debut of thursday night football kicks off tonight right here on cbs. but there are still questions this morning surrounding the
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domestic violence case of former ravens running back ray rice. associated press reports law enforcement official sent a copy of the video that shows rice punching then fiance janay palmer to nfl offices this past april. the law enforcement source said the nfl didn't to follow up with him after the tape was sent and he can't confirm whether or not the material was actually ever viewed. on tuesday commissioner goodell told norah that no one in the nfl saw the second tape before monday. james brown is the host of "nfl today" and he's here with us this morning. >> good to see you. >> good to see you as women. this is tough stuff. goodell has been under fire from all sides and now we're hearing from former players, current nfl players. can he withstand this? has he lost face? >> it remains to be seen, certainly from the public square standpoi standpoint, there's an awful lot of concern and pressure for him to step down, et cetera. i think from a players standpoint, players say, look, you hold us accountable for what
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we do on the field. in the case of new orleans saint in 2012 he was suspended for the whole season. we claimed that he knew nothing about this bountygate where defensive players were paid fees for certain hits on the opponents. peyton says i knew nothing about it. goodell says you should have known. players are holding goodell to the same standard. >> now the investigation by the former fbi director. independent investigation. but it's been overseen by two nfl owners. so is there transparency there? have they learned anything? >> to the degree that nfl went outside the house to hire the former fbi director, that's a good thing. he said that the report will be made known to the public in its entirety. that's a good thing as well, too. these are two highly respected owners. part of the problem is what was agreed to is that roger goodell has full authority when it comes time to punishment. he is judge, jury, and executioner. that gives the appearance of a
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lack of transparency and evil as opposed to the checks and and balances we have on capitol hill. those things aren't working well there either. >> do you think in a year, where is roger goodell in a year, where is ray rice in a year? is he back playing ball? >> i can't play clairvoyant but ray rice has been suspended indefinitely so there is a possibility he could come back. michael vick walked the road to redemption. it could take place foray rice if he appearancely to be serious. in terms of the commissioner, remains to be seen. >> norah has a question she wants to throw at you in new york. >> hey, j.b., looking forward to seeing you later today. i know you're going to interview the baltimore owner today. what do you think the questions are for the ravens organization because there have been questions raised about whether ray rice and his legal representatives and whether anyone on the ravens team knew about or had seen this second tape. >> great question and to the degree i guess i'll reveal it
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publicly one of the questions will be the ravens had initiated their own investigation as well but it stopped at a certain point. the question is, why. and the bigger question with respect to domestic violence, this is a serious issue. it's been known for quite some time. i hope a serious action will be taken. superb questioning on your part of the commissioner as well. >> all right. >> you're certainly right about that, james. sharon, we thank you, too. ahead on "cbs this morning" is it right to train your dog with a shock? a new study finds flaws with electronic collars. ,,,,
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9/11 museum, a shirt is now part of history. we'll visit a new exhibit on the hunt for alabama. that's next on "cbs this morning." ♪ [ breathing deeply ]
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,,,,and serta mattress sets. save up to $300 on sealy posturepedic even get 24 months interest-free financing on every tempur-pedic. but don't drop the ball. mattress discounters fall kickoff sale is ending soon. ♪ mattress discounters this is the first 9/11 anniversary that the national september 11th memorial museum will be open. jim axelrod is near the facility in manhattan where the newest
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item comes from thousands of miles away. jim, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i had an opportunity to see the 9/11 museum for the first time yesterday. a walk through makes for an extraordinary and powerful and emotional journey. starting before the first plane hit the north tower and finishing now with a new display, focusing on the death of osama bin laden. since its opening in may, the national september 11th memorial museum has been home to the somber and painful reckoning of what happened 13 years ago, putting on display the artifacts of attack. >> we're also standing in a space called foundation hall. >> reporter: but it's the museum's latest exhibit opened just in time for the anniversary that displays another set of facts. >> these are artifacts of justice. >> yes. >> you'dn't tell the complete story of 9/11 without having at least part of the museum dedicated to the tracking down
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of osama bin laden. >> that's true. the challenge that museums have is we convey history with stuff, material. what we had wias this particula sign a woman put out on her front lawn. she started a countdown until obama bin laden was caught. >> that day was may 1, 2011. they donated the camouflaged shirt he was wearing under his body armor. >> seeing that shirt connects you to the human being who wore it and the incredible courage and expertise the men had to do what they did. >> on the shoulder is a black and brown american flag. they couldn't use colors during a night raid. it's also a backward view to signify the front line nature of their mission. it's joined by a brick from his compound and pair of challenge
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coins commemorating the day he died. >> these two coins came to us through the cia agent who most of us know because of "zero dark thirty" as miya. >> bin laden is there and you're going to kill them for me. >> she donated the coins to the collection. >> what did these two artifacts at this museum bring to the museum? >> i think they are a reminder of several things, one, that there are men and women out there doing extraordinarily difficult work on our behalf and it is a recognition of the tremendous sacrifice and courage of people in so many different agencies who are literally on the front lines of fighting the war on terror. >> reporter: nearly a million people have visited the 9/11 museum since it opened in may, but today it will only be open for the families of those killed 13 years ago today. norah? >> jim, thank you.
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i think so much about so many families. >> me too. >> who miss their fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers and their children on day like today. i saw it for the first time with mayor bloomberg. i like what jim said. it's very powerful and moving. everywhere you look you know people are associated with whatever that debris is and you have to take a moment and remember that day. >> we should say avoiding another 9/11 in new york city is priority number one for john miller and his boss bill bratton. we're going to tell you how that's all changed america. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." at the corner of times find themselves "mmm, home cooking" and "umm, i think that's enough." that's why walgreens offers new nexium 24 hour, protection strong enough for whatever your day dishes out. walgreens makes it easy to treat frequent heartburn. with new nexium 24 hour,
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xfinity internet from comcast,
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a new study this morning claims a popular dog training tool may do more harm than good. they can stress out your pet. don dahler looks at the technique and the controversy it's causing. >> sit. good boy. down. good. >> caller: sean o'shea has been using shock collars for years and he swears by it and he's not alone. >> as far as tools go with the dog, it's about as close to 100% dependability, reliability you can get anywhere.
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>> reporter: shock collars tend shock that can deter bad habit but it was found the immediate effects with the e-collar give immediate stress in pet dogs particularly when used at high settings. >> dog collars can cause damage physically, cause burn marks, but they can be emotional. >> if you try to use pain and aversion to teach an animal, they're going to learn at a slower rate and have a negative effect of being high stressed. >> reporter: but a leading maker says they are both safe and humane and there is no evidence of long-term harm to a dog's welfare. they say a lot of people have the wrong idea about the
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devices. >> the ecollar -- that's a perfect example. i pressed the button. the scientists think they're the experts but this guy's the expert, right? he tells me what works and what doesn't and if he was a stressed out wreck, i would know that we've got a problem. >> reporter: if used correctly by a good trainer, is there any benefit to a shock collar? >> well, the thing is in the logic of what you asked is by a good trainer. a good trainer wouldn't need to use a tool that uses severe pain to teach an animal. while they are a last resort for some pet owners, others use them for basic training. clearly there is disagreement among dog trainers and owner as like they have banned in parts of the uk and canada but no sign. >> you've used it. >> i have used it, to keep them from running into the street. >> you tests --
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>> i did it on my neck. fire stations are paying tre to victims of the september1 his good morning. 8:25. i'm frank mallicoat. in the bay area today, san francisco fire stations are paying tribute to the victims of september 11th attacks. this morning, fire department personnel rang the apparatus goals signify the last alarm at 6:59, the time the south tower collapsed at the world trade center. our time. today the san francisco flower growers association will vote on whether to sell the flower mart to kilroy realty. the flower mart on sixth and brannon houses about 60 small businesses. kilroy realty says it does plan to keep the flower mart on the property but says it can't say how much of it will stay there. traffic and weather coming up. ,,,,,,
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(vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers.
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well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. good morning. if there's a stretch of freeway to avoid around the bay area, it's definitely 101 along the peninsula. there's about 10 miles of backup right now between san mateo and menlo park. i think there's been four separate accidents in the area. the worst of which approaching woodside road still blocking several lanes so use 280. obviously a much better commute. caltrain might be another good option. it's also beginning to back things up now across the san mateo bridge. unfortunately, the dumbarton doesn't look a whole lot better. it is a "spare the air" day. roberta has been mentioning it.
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so use mass transit. bart is on time. let's check the forecast. >> hey, elizabeth, frank tells me that the transamerica building stands 1,035 tall and we cannot see the top of it this morning. no, we are shrouded in a deck of fog. it's true! he told me that. temperatures right now are into the 60s. it's 52 in santa rosa where it is foggy but, hey, everybody is going to enjoy some sunshine today and look at these temperatures. 70s beaches, 80s across the bay and peninsula. 90s to the south and north. the further south you go, however, gilroy today at 103 degrees. the tri-valley easily in the mid- to high 90s. this heat wave is going to continue through friday, yes, it is a "spare the air" day. we do have 90s in the offing in inland over the weekend. and then by monday through wednesday, we'll gradually see the ridge of high pressure begin to break down allowing us much more seasonal temperatures. ,,,,,,,,
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his righthands man john miller how isis changes their thinking about terrorism. that's ahead. right now we show you headlines from around the globe. the toronto star says the mayor of the fourth largest city in s in the hospital with a tumor. a biopsy will determine whether the abdominal tumor is
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malignant. he took a leash of absence after admitting he used crack cocaine. he's running for re-election next month. the feature's been rolled out to some i phone app users that allows users to schedule a removal of their post. it can last from seventh days to a few hours. >> and george clooney will guest star on downton abbey. it will be broad kosher the controversy. in fact, our own norah o'donnell, what can't you do? she's now going to be in the pregame show. she talked in british accents, she does the news, she's married with three kids.
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>> i told you i want to get into sports. tonight is the night. >> we haven't focused on the game as much as we wanted to so we'll do it now. >> who better to break down the matchup than the two men who will be called it. they're on with sharyn alfonsi. >> good morning. you see i've got the two best guysys t to o talklk o onn t thg passes. >> i'll throw them to her. >> let's talk about the game instead of the stuff going on. >> there's game going on tonight? >> there is. >> this is one of the most physical rivalries in the nfl and to have this game nationally broadcast, is that going to amp things up a little bit? >> look. these are two teams that really don't like each other, they have a long history of battling for the division. their games are always close. i'm not trying to -- we're totally aware of everything else
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that's leading into this game, but as far as the game goes itself, it's one of the great rivalries in the nfl. >> the last five games have been covered by three points. >> usually everybody's politically correct. >> we go we don't like him, i don't like him and it's great. all we heard all week long from both teams, hey, let me tell you what this is about. it's very personal. there's a lot of good stars, young stars on both teams and, of coursing it's going to be physical because of the emotion. >> it's week two and they're acting like it's a must-win game. >> it's not a must-win. let's take the ravens, having lost four days ago in a division against cincinnati. if they go 0 her 2 and you lose two of your home games already, it's a tough spot. the season's not over. no reason why they can't go on a
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ten-game win streak but you hate to say this early, not even mid-september, it's a crucial guam. it really is. >> charlie, do you have a question? >> what kinds of things will make a different tonight. >> you might be shocked for me to say this, charlie and i looks at both teams. >> no, it's not. >> no, it's not but i'll say that. we have two premier franchise:s, two of the best in the nfl. last year they were not protected. both teams rebuilt these offensive lines during the off southbound so i expect the quarterbacks to show off a little while. >> sharyn? what about the coaching?
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both have won super bowls, what dow you say? >> it's been arguably the stormiest leading into this game and these teams at the same time, they have to go prepare for it. now, you get the thursday game. everybody's going to do it. if you get this one early in the year, it's even tougher. there's less, if yo lu recovery time for the quarterback. we like to pamper our quarterbacks. >> pamper the quarterback. >> you should explain how flacco and roethlisberger both talk about how sore they are because they don't take a lot of hits in the preseason like the linemen do. >> it's a quick turnaround for you guys, though. it's a quick turnaround for you guys. >> jim's in good shape. >> by the way, we were in new york for the jets' opener on sunday and we've gottet the game
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in denver this coming sunday. so we're going to keep going like this chugging along and we're going to keep going forward. >> you mean i've about got to talk about football? >> will it be covered any differently? it's thursday night. everybody's expecting a rival and cbs has been promoting the heck out of it. have you been covering it any different? >> i'll say this. tracy wilson joins us on the sidelines. she's an outstanding reporter. that's something we had been doing for years during the postseason. tracy's going to be with us all season long. on thursday night we're going to be loaded up with equipment that almost reaches the amount of equipment that we've had hat super bowls. it's a listle different for us because we have a lot more technology options because there's been more cameras and angles we don't have ,,,,
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at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal.
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that $22.50. that's insane!d 50 cents. jack. what? it's not even a meal? right now, at my place you can get my spicy chicken club combo. it's my classic spicy chicken breast with bacon and melting cheese on toasted sourdough plus fries and a drink for just $4.99. aww, you're just a big softy. nah, i'm still sad about the popcorn.
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bring yu a moment of silence marking the first moment the first plane struck the north tower of the world trade center. on the eve of the tragedy president obama laid out his plan of attack for isis in iraq and syria. we want to talk the man who works on it every day. welcome back to studio 57. >> good to be here. good morning. >> happy to be here. >> commissioner bratton, assess the threat and how safe we are. >> we are safe. however, the threat is growing exponentially since the emergence of isis as reflected in the president's speech last night. it's something we've been talking about for quite some time and it is real and it is growing. >> and is isis different than al qaeda? >> very much so in the sense
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that al qaeda is always looking for the big event. its history has always been the 9/11 style, the plane bombing, et cetera. isis is much more into the inspiration of the lone wolf. isis would be much more into the solo act. very sophisticated in their capabilities through their videos, through their social media, through their magazines. they're a very sophisticated operation seeking to recruit, more so even than al qaeda was over the years. >> last night, john, the president said we will degrade and destroy isis and he talked about an air strike. i think they never heard of this group until they saw the brutal bee heading of mr. foley. do you think the air strike can take isis out? >> not a single strike. as was said it's a very
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sophisticated group from the m saddam hussein era. >> when deputy director mike morell was here last month he said he would not be surprised if an isis militant walked into a mall and opened fire. do you see them as an imminent threat. >> it's already happened. if you go back to the attack in belgium, you see a foreign fighter who was on the ground fighting for isis in syria who returned home and on the way decided to carry out an attack. and when he was captured at the airport and they recovered the weapon, it was wrapped in an isis flag at that checkpoint. so you have to look at that case. the man who was arrested coming back from syria who when they raided his home in france, he had the explosives. you have to look in some cases where they've already returned i never in turning out plans and carrying out plans we haven't
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seen but it's a concern. >> you say it's growing. what steps are you taking in terms of new york? what are you doing differently? >> not differently but expanding upon the already formidable expertise of them. commissioner kelly had really built a world-class kind of terrorism operation here. we had sought to expand our relationship with our federal colleagues over the last eight months while we've been here and expanding our conversations. i was on the phone earlier this week with the head of the metropolitan police in london. we're hoping he will be coming here shortly for a joint terrorism conference. so this is a joint international concern. >> so you know who these people are, who have american passports, and you have a sense if they try to come back. >> it's been publicly reported that they are in excess of 100 americans, at least 100
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americans. the brits anticipate they've got several hund over there, the australians also. so the overall scope is known and the ,,,,
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area -- people are paying tribute to those killed in e 9-11 attacks good morning. 8:55. time for headlines. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening all over the bay area today. people are paying tribute to those killed in the 9/11 attacks. san francisco's fire department members rang bells to mark the time the south tower collapsed at the world trade center 13 years ago today. wildlife officials believe they have killed that mountain lion that attacked a 6-year-old boy near cupertino yesterday. a mountain lion was shot after it was spotted near the site of the attack. dna tests will determine whether it was the right cat. and the big leader in the newest poll in the oakland mayoral race with the election less than two months away challenger rebecca kaplan leading the incumbent jean quan 61-39%. roberta has a hot day for you. >> right. it's going to be scorching
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today inland. up to 103 degrees in the hottest locations. right now, we're taking a look at sfo. look at that compressed deck of patchy fog there. that is not causing any delays there but we do have delays now at oakland metropolitan airport up to 35 minutes. right now air temperatures are into the 50s and 60s. it's now 64 degrees in pleasanton and in livermore. upstream in the 50s across the north bay. santa rosa reporting some fog. highs today from the 70s beaches 80s bayside and peninsula through the 90s inland. again, outside number, 103 degrees in gilroy. also to the east in brentwood, oakland and in tracy. otherwise, triple digits continue for your friday. a look at traffic and, more importantly, elizabeth next.
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good morning. another rough commute out there especially across the san mateo bridge. i haven't seen this kind of drive time in a while. it's about double what it should be 36 minutes right now between hayward and foster city. not helping that commute is the 101 commute. we have had a series of accidents three or four different crashes between burlingame and redwood city. we are seeing mild backups still because of an earlier accident in menlo park which is now cleared actually. so watch out for that, use 280 unless you're trying to take 280 across this stretch, leaving south san francisco. an accident westboro.
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9:00 am
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