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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  September 21, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT

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>> i am bob schieffer and today on face the nation, the president tries to musterd coalition to fight isis and the nfl commissioner says he-nl9x is sorry again. >> i got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. and i am sorry for that. >> schieffer: we will talk about the domestic violence crisis in the nfl, then we will examine the president's plan$>ir war on isis and the divide between the milit president on the need foregrounñ troops. plus in another embarrassment for the secretoqalk service, a n jumps the fence and actually gets in to2]úb through the front door. we will talk to intelligence committee chair senator feinstein and congressman mike rogers, then turn to an all-star panel of experts for analysis.
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and on the eve of the annual united nations meeting in new york, we will checkjambe in wit. ambassadocv get an update on the efforts tos fight the ebola epidemic. 60 years of news because this is face thevçrguñi from cbs news in washington, "face the nation" with bob schieffer. captioning sponsored by cbs and good morning again. we are going to start with a story that just will9jm away, the crisis in the nfl, roger goodell promises(> in the league on domestic violence, so far herz specifics, the baltimore ravens say they will hold ab$ conference monday, formallyqwq6p respond to an espn report that they knew thezq ray rice did but successfully lobbied the and a shocking report that has gone all butoo;e unnoticed, the league says that nearly one in three4k debilitatingy-9r'h!aain conditi. the anchor of the nfl todayhí
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cbs news special correspondence james brown has been on the story all week, and we start as i understand it, with the baltimore ravens now saying that this report on espn contains numerous errors inj;y5eu((v false assumptions and perhaps1+ misunderstandings. i know you have been talking to people in the ravens organization. you have been talking$çnç to thú all week. what can you tell us about this? >>z6,rx reporter: and, bob, including thekc8añ owner steve e shot at this .. who i spoke to tuesday before the broadcast. that has been reported on on thv outside the lines report by espn, nothing different than what i covered in my conversations a wide-ranging one with steve, ag the:n2ew text messages specificy that the report talked about, i asked steve about that. he acknowledged and was very forthright he sent twofv/añ text messages to ray and shared the contentswnóy÷ of. in terms of whether people wantu
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ray rice's silence, i didn't necessarily see it that way. i thought steve was very forthcoming in what he hadi offering to ray in termsá support of the organization, and potentially a job afterwards, which is not different than what he has done with a previous player donte stallworth who unfortunately was inebriated and involved in a car accident that killed an innocent person as well. >> schieffer: well are we going to get anything more specific? i mean, ray mcdonald of the 49ers charged with felony assault on his pregnant wife. he is going to be in theáç >> reporter: which is exactly why i guess a policy needs to come from the1 leave the individual 32 teams with determining what that should be.!ji8w bob, i think there is consensus domestic violence then until the facts are in, that player ought to be sat down, witho%.?v paydaf
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in fact the player is convicted of aoó,>o charge, then they are, whatever thatñwòx is, six6bxañ z year, without pay. it is as simple as that. those are things that will be collectively bargained, i know a lot of people want to see and hear more specifics from the commissioner but again?zljy thes a investigation as crowell know that will be investigated by bob muller the former fbi commissioner and said everything is on the table in terms of what will be done once all the facts are in, and quite frankly azbbv5 that the commissioner be subjected to some type of fine and/or suspension because that is exactly the kind of standard that he has had with players too. >> schieffer: all right. well, jb keep us posted and let you get to your business with the nfl today and see you later during the broadcast today, thanks a lot. >> good talking to you,á >> schieffe are gathering in new york this week for the annual unitedqzfz nations conference and u.s. ambassador samantha power joins us from new york, ambassador,
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welcome. let me just start right in here. u.s. officials, according to the wall street journal say it is important for other nations to join the united states in launching air strikes into syria, so i guess my question is, do yo do you have any indicn yet that other nations will be willing to do that? >> we do, bob. but we are going to leave it to othev/éqnations to announce for themselves what their specific commitments to the coalition are going to be. secretary kerry chaired a meeting of the security council here on friday in new york, and more support of our efforts, including france, which announced it had just conducted air strikes in iraq against isil for the first time, saudi arabia which described the training facility that it is providing for syria's moderate opposition and a whole host of other commitments, including germany, which has broken with tradition in order to provide weapons and military equipment to the iraqis and the kurds. so it is as you know with a whole host of
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aspects to it, but the combat role is very important, of course. >> schieffer: i just want to make sure i heard you right because i think you made a little news here. you do have word that other nations are going to join us on conducting air strikes in to syria? >> well, as youxv+vó know, bob,e president has said we aree going)&ag allow ice sillx÷> schieffer: and gowned troops, what commitments are there foreground troops to join ini7[v this? >> i think the most(cli importat commitments are the commitments of the iraqis, the kurds and the syrian moderate opposition which has been fighting isil forxa/ nearly a year,q/ appealing for outside/ now that congress approved overwhelmingly in az:jo very bipartisan way the training and equipage that help is on the way for the moderate opposition so local forces are always going to beg
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in a country that of course belongs to the iraqis, the kurds and in the case of syria the syrians. >> schieffer: secretary kerry said last week]7?squ york that every country has a part in this, including iran. what exactly is iran's part? >> well, let me stress that we are not coordinating military operations or sharing intelligence with iran i think what the secretary that iran has made clear that im too views isil as an enemy and as a threat and so in that respect, you know, all of our operations are oriented around the objective of degrading and destroying isil and we are waiting to hear whether iran thinks it has a constructive role to play but i h iran's behavior and its actions in syria have been very destructive from our perspective,mf supportinga0 hezbollah, supporting the assad regime whichñ been complicit with-
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spending in up more time going after civilian neighborhoods and the m n[ going after such a profound monstrous terrorist threat. and that they have received the full support of iran as you know throughout this conflict so those actions would have to change really if we are going to deal with isil in a comprehensive way, assad is not somebody who can be relied upons as a partner in the effort against isil. >> schieffer: ambassador, let me ask you this question, because a lot of people in washington, it is bothering them. why does the president to stress what we are not going to do? no ground troops, no shock and awe. instead of stressing what we are going to do? is that -- is he boxing himself in here in an effort to assure people we are not going to launch another war like we already had in iraq? >> well, i think what he is doing is describing of the campaign that he has
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worked out with his cabinet and most %d importantly with chairmn dempsey, secretary hagel and his military advisors. so i guess ik premise, i think he has been very clear we are going to use our unique capabilities with true air operations to support the ground efforts by the iraqis and the kurds. we are going to mobilize counter financing, we are going to promote counter violent extremism programs in communities, working with countries all around the world. you know, there are a lot of different aspects toml strategy that he has spoken to and when he comes to new@e4ps y, on wednesday he will be convening ahead of state summit a very rare thing in the history of the u.n. security council, created on states to stop the stem of foreign terrorist fighters to conflict areas like that in iraq and syria. >> schieffer: but i guess the question that a lot of the critics have is, isn't he kind of watering down his message to
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the terrorists when he says we are not going to do this and we are not going toy4x> well, given the string of military defeats isil suffered since the united states got involved in iraq i would assume that isil is taking the united states very, very seriously as they are now on their heels in a way they were not before the u.s. got involved but the other thing i would say, bob, the strategy the president has laid out has the overwhelming support of the american people even after ten years of war, so i think we are presenting a strategy in a manner that american people understand, is in our interests. they understand the national security imperative of taking on isil and understand that other countries have to be a part of that and we have to build a coalition, so i think the message is coming across loud and clear. >> >> schieffer: madam secretary, madam ambassador, i should say,
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we thank you so much for being with us this morning. >>"éiq i really appreciate you having me. thank you. >> schieffer: please come back. >> absolutely. >> schieffer: and to talkxhn chairs of the intelligence committees are here with us this morning, it is rare for republican and a democrat to appear together anymore in washington, which is just another sign of the partisan divide,dvq do that. california senate dianne feinsten is in san francisco, michigan congressman mike rogers here in the studio, they chair the two and senator feinstein, i want to ask you about what samantha power has just been talking about but first i have to ask you about this situation we have now, this thing that is blown up in the nfl one of the players for the 49ers, your hometown team, ray mcdonald, charged witñ felony assault on his wife, yet he will be in the starting laneup out there today. how do you feel about all of this and what is happening in
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the nfl? all ofrx the women in the senate by saying qg1i are very -- we ae surprised, resolute to do something about it. having said,'u) that, i ayk1u ar fan and i remember the glory days of the niners when i was mayor of five super bowls, terrific team. what hasvk#v happened,>a(ñz excs a dramatic growthhahtu in violec and i think ifí!:# you combine violence with alcohol in in a social set you get a very unpredictable result. i think there is no place for this, period. i believe very strongly that if a player is arrested they should be suspended and if they areó'qc know there are this has gone on too long, it is getting too bad, and this team
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-- these teams have to set an example for the rest of society. football is a major sport, the nfl is a great league. i have known pete roszell and roger goodell a little bit but there has to be a strength in the league and they have to project the values of what is right and what is wrong, and to let players continue to play after they have been convicted of what would be a felony i think is a huge mistake. >> schieffer: all right. well, mike rogers, i want to ask you about something that happened here in washington last night, and we keep talking about national security. a guy jumps a white house gate and actually gets in to the white house before he is arrested. the president and his team were not there and all of that, but what needs to be done here? >> well, again, one of the biggest problems in a static
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security force is atrophy of concern, and i think what you have seen is that they are not doing their audits, their checks, their test runs to make sure that people are up to the right standard. we see this a lot that happens frequently in other places where there are static security forces, and it is just a matter of the secret service upping their game to make sure that they can maintain that every detail mattered. a door locked, a quick reaction when somebody hits the fence and over the gate and i think they will have to reinstate some of these ongoing checks about what activities they participate in. and i am talk about their self audits on their security. >> schieffer: "the new york times" reports today that a syrian terror group called corazon is more of a direct threat to the united states and europe than isis. you have talked about this, congressman rogers, but i it has not gotten much attention, i
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must say. i would hike to ask both of you, all of a sudden now, you know, isis is here and all of a sudden we are hearing there is something worse down the line. first of all al qaeda always has been on that immediate path of conducting western add tax. we shouldn't forget it. what happened with isis and i disagree with the assumption it is less. it is different. it is more immediate, this group that you call corson group we described it before it is deployed al qaeda operatives engaging with al qaeda in the arabian peninsula to develop a terror plot to bring down airplanes they haven't lost that interest in doing it. that means it is serious, they have both capability, financing and people all of that is dangerous. but if you step back, isis, they have something different, they have access to people with western passports. well, this group of al qaeda individuals almusra is an al qaeda group in syria they have access to some of those same individuals, that's why we are so concerned about the
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possibility of them pulling off a successful attack and buy we have retrimmed our efforts if you will. >> senate feinstein do you share chairman rogers' concerns about this group. >> i do, and i think there are essentially three major groups that would affect our national security, affect our homeland. of course one of them is isil, another is aqap coming out of yemen that has a bomb that goes through magnetometers and has tried to get four of those on different occasions into our country, and there is isil. each one of these is capable of one day some sooner than later of a strike against our country. so this is not a good situation. with isil, in my vieg this aims to be a country, a
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caliphate. it has a third of syria already, it has occupied some 14, 15 cities in iraq. it beheads -- excuse me. it beheads children. i have a picture of what i estimate to be a six-year-old girl in a gingham party dress, white tights, a little red band around her wrist, mary jane, and he is lying on the ground and her head is gone. this could be an american child. it could be a european child, it could be a child anywhere. and this is the mentality of the group that we are so concerned with. they have killed thousands, they are marching on. they have an army. they are well organized. many of us believe they are aimed at baghdad, perhaps our embassy this, and who knowslp else. what kind of authorization of use of force, we give the
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president, and when we go back after the election that has to be a major point of debate. >> schieffer: well, let me ask you this then. the president keeps stressing there will be no ground troops involved in this. you heard me talking to samantha power about this very thing. this is the president boxing himself in here by stressing what we are not going to do should he be talking more about what we may have to do and that we have to do what is necessary here? >> well, the president -- excuse me. has a strategy. that strategy, i think, had something that was very special. that is a majority of republicans and a majority of the senate supporting him and that is the first time i think this has happened in a long time. so it is something very special. i think it is safe to say it is a strategy. now strategies develop.
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i believe understand what general dempsey have said but i think we need to deal with use of force in a -- and the general nature in an amendment perhaps to the authorization to use military force, perhaps in something separate that deals with nonstate actors who are real threats to our country and who are creating massive violence throughout the world. isis is a problem because it has access to europe, so many fighters for europe, and visa wave countries where they can go back and be waved into our country. that is part of a concern about isis. >> we need to deal with this on a more comprehensive basis. >> schieffer: well, congresswoman rogers, does that mean that congress should tell the president, look, if you need to use ground troops, we are ready to back you on that. we need to do whatever needs to be done here? >> well, we need to start
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talking about a plan to defeat isis. we probably should lay out our shouldn't lay out our battle plans but not take off anything from the table. military says please don't limit us on what we need to do to defeat this terrorist group so think about where we are. egypt, assisi just said he would be interested in helping on isis. this is huge. this is an important development, but a few years ago he said give me the equipment, mr. president, so that i can push back on terrorists in the sinai, he said no, the terrorists said yes he has a fight on his hands, the arab league partners came to us a couple of years ago and said mr. president we need help on fighting extremists in eastern syria the president said no, the terrorists said yes, now they hold land about the size of indiana in eastern syria and iraq, poroshenko came to the united states and gave an inspirational speech about standing up for liberty, used our revolutionary motto live free or die the president said, no, the russians said yes. and so we got we have got to
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change this and get everybody at the table, i agree with dianne feinsten we need to deal with this comprehensive, stop saying no and start saying yes. let's get this taken care of. >> schieffer: thank you both very much and we will be back in one moment.
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>> schieffer: as i watch the documentary on pbs this week about franklin and eleanor roosevelt and their cousin teddy, i couldn't help but think about what set them apart from today's politicians. yes, they were very smart but there are still a lot of smart people in washington. yes, they saw wrongs that needed to be corrected but we still have those with good hearts, and, yes, they were good politicians, but we still have a few good politicians around here. what set them apart to my mind was their courage. when they saw wrong, they not
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only tried to make it right, but they did so with no guarantee of success. what a glaring contrast to the washington of today which spends most of its time doing nothing and the rest of its time devising schemes to avoid responsibility for anything. the latest example, when congress approved arming the syrian rebels they stuck the legislation in a bill that also provided money to keep the government from shutting down. that way if arming the rebels turns out to be a debacle members can say, i was never forearming the rebels, i just voted to prevent the government shutdown. the roosevelt documentary was 14 hours long spread over seven nights, a story about the courage of today's washington would take about 30 minutes. at most. would take about 30 minutes. at most. >> back in a minute. >>
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>> schieffer: we have a lot more coming up on face the nation, including our panel with former congresswoman jane harmon, former senator joe lieberman, security contribute more mike morell and brook kings robert kahgans.
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9:00 am
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