tv CBS Evening News CBS October 18, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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,, >> axelrod: tonight, a win for vatican conservatives. in a setback for pope francis, bishops back off calls to welcome gays. the c.d.c. is about to issue new guidelines for health care workers handling ebola patients. vicente arenas has a look at them tonight, while carter evans tracks the false alarms. the officer in the ferguson, missouri shooting says he feared for his life that day. vladimir duthiers on darren wilson's account of his fatal encounter with michael brown. >> welcome to the royals! >> axelrod: and meet noah wilson, a six-year-old cancer patient way world series dream. which tell you which heavy hitters lined up to give him the royal treatment.
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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> axelrod: good evening. i'm jim axelrod. we begin at the vatican tonight where a two-week meeting of 200 bishops has revealed a deep split over the the direction pope francis upons to take the church. the assembly had considered language in a document to be issued at the conclusion of the meeting that would welcome gays as well asicals who had been divorced and remarried andmented to be able to take communion again. conservative bishops vowed to fight this, saying it undermind the traditional family. in rome, alan pizzey tells us how this all turned out. >> reporter: the pope came out smiling, but the final vote on the synod's deliberations showed deep divisions. a draft document at the halfway point of the two-week gathering included an unprecedented acceptance of gays. a final version was watered down to people with homosexual
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tendencies must be welcomed with respect and delicacy. but even that failed to get the required two-third majority vote. two paragraphs dealing with divorce suffered the same fate. the gap between the synod bishops and the reality they are trying to deal with was evident within walking distance of the vatican walls, even as they debated today, the mayor of rome was registering and giving his blessing to the marriages of 16 gay couples. pope francis had urged the bishops to speak openly and freely. and in his address at the end of the synod, he warned against what he called temptations. spokesman father thomas rozika quoted this one. >> a temptation to a hostile rigidity, which forces us to lock ourselveses into the letter of the law and not allow for god to surprise us. this temptation is present among the zealots, the scrupulous, those when are too careful, and the so-called traditionalists of today, and even among those who
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claim to be intellectuals. >> reporter: vatican officials were at pains to stress that the 62-item report is a work in progress. at francis' insistence, the entire document, including the disputed paragraphs and the voting tally, was handed out to journalists,s an unusual exercise in transparency by vatican standards. a final document won't be ready until october 2059. there seems little doubt it won't please everyone in the church, for the first time the synod was held in what one cardinal called a positive and provocative atmosphere an atmosphere created if not imposeed by pope francis. >> axelrod: now to ebola. the c.d.c. is preparing new guidelines for health care workers who treat ebola patients. at the same time, the number of people being monitored for the disease continues to grow. vicente arenas in dallas begins our ebola coverage. >> reporter: the updating guidelines come after two nurses, nina pham and amber
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vinson, became infected with ebola after treating thomas eric duncan at texas health presbyterian hospital. pham, shown in this video taken at the hospital, was flown to the national institutes of health in maryland where she's in fair condition. vinson was flown to emory university hospital in atlanta. her condition is not being released. duncan died from the virus 10 days ago after initially being misdiagnosed and released from texas presbyterian. duncan's case, the first ebola diagnosis in the united states, has sent owf a chain reaction in dallas and beyond. the c.d.c. says it's monitoring about 400 people for symptoms noogd. in an e-mail to employees friday's, frontier's c.e.o. barry biffle said the c.d.c. informed the airline that vinson may have been at a more advanced stage of illness than previously determined when she flew from cleveland to dallas on october 13, a day before she was hospitalized. taylor cole was a passenger on that flight and is isolating
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himself. >> you know, until this 21 days is up, i mean, every time i check the thermometer and it's low it's like winning the lottery. >> reporter: texas government officials have asked the 75 hospital workers who may have been exposed to duncan to restrict their movements in public places and on mass transit. their temperatures are being checked twice a day. >> it's a critical weekend because we feel like we get to monday, we've got-- we're in a much better probability place. >> reporter: before monitoring was enforced a hospital lab worker who may have handled duncan's lab samples boarded a carnival cruise ship in texas. that worker is now in self-isolation as a precaution and is said to be healthy. the carnival "magic" will return to galveston tomorrow morning after mexico refused to let the ship dock there. and we confirmed the c.d.c. has asked the t.s.a. agents to check themselveses and monitor themselves regularly after learning that agent came in contact with ebola patient amber
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vinson at cleveland's airport. >> axelrod: vicente, thank you. the threat of ebola is generating a considerable amount of fear and misinformation across the country, not to mention a growing number of false alarms. carter evans is covering that part of the story. >> reporter: fears about ebola have reached a fever pitch in recent days. hazmat crews boarded a plane in boston, traffic was halted near the pentagon when a woman fell ill on a bus, and at cleveland's airport several days after infected nurse amber vinson had passed through, tamika freeman was still worried. >> it was a huge scare, you know. i'm pregnant. and there's a lot of people who touch each other. >> reporter: vinson was in ohio to plan for her wedding. now the bridal shop she visited is temporarily closed. the workers on voluntary quarantine. do people need to be concerned about ebola in the u.s.? >> no. >> reporter: public health professor andrew noymer studies infectious disease. >> i would say definitely the spread of panic about ebola is harder to contain than the spread of the disease itself.
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they see scary images of people caring for sick people with ebola wearing protective gear, and it looks frightening. >> reporter: so frightening, that even a school teacher's trip to dallas was enough to cause a panic in maine. she was placed on leave after attending a conference 10 miles from the hospital where ebola patient thomas eric duncan was treated, "an over-reaction says parent megan starbird. >> we want to keep the kids safe but i think it's a little ridiculous. >> reporter: so far, all the scares are false alarms. >> it's just not highly transmittible. i really can't say that enough. >> reporter: would you get on a plane that someone with ebola was on? >> i would. >> reporter: to this point, no one outside that one dallas hospital has tested positive. >> everyone needs to take a step back, just take a breath. if we look at the family of mr. duncan none of them have come down with the disease. >> reporter: the only thing that might ease ebola fears is time. each day that passes without a
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new diagnosis. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. >> axelrod: police in charlottesville, virginia, said late today a body had been found in the area being searched for missing university of virginia sophomore hannah graham. graham disappeared this past september 13 after an evening out with friends. police say they cannot immediately identify the body they have found. police earlier charged 32-year-old jesse matthew with her disappearance. hurricane gonzalo struck bermuda overnight, leaving plenty of damage and downed power lines in its wake, but no deaths. in bermuda, here's tari trot. >> reporter: surging waves pummeled beaches and sustained wind of 110 miles per hour crushed trees, toppled walls and felled power lines as hurricane gonzalo crossed bermuda. thousands remained without electricity and many roads remain unpassable. water leaked through the torn roof of bermuda's main hospital and damaged the intensive care
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unit. what began as a category 4 storm weakened to a category 2-strength system before coming ashore. while there were no deaths, or serious injuries, this is the strongest storm to sweep bermuda in a decade, and the second storm to hit the island this week as tropical storm fay damaged homes here last weekend. gonzalo was moving northward over the atlantic on a track to take it offshore of newfoundland in canada and across the atlantic to britain and ireland. >> axelrod: in a rare saturday decision, the supreme court upheld a controversial new voter i.d. law in texas, and its order comes in the closing weeks of a heated campaign season with election day now two weeks from tuesday. juliana goldman has more on the ruling and its possible impact. >> reporter: civil rights groups and the justice department strongly oppose texas' strict voter i.d. law and filed an emergency petition to try to stop it. but today, six of the nine justices denied their judge.
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voters in texas will now be required to show one of seven designated types of photo i.d. acceptable forms include aitate driver's license, gun license, military i.d., or passport. the decision came without explanation, which is typical in cases like this, but three justices, ginsburg, kagan, and sotomayor, filed a dissenting opinion saying, "the greatest threat to public confidence in elections in this case is the prospect of enforcing a purposefully discriminate torlaw." discriminatory, they say, because minority and lower income voters would face the biggest hurdles, like needing to take time off from work, travel great distances or pay money to get birth certificates or acceptable forms of i.d. a lower cowt judge struck down the law, finding mostly blacks and latinos don't have this type of identification but a federal appeals court blocked that decision saying it was too close
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to the election to make changes. today the supreme court refused to intervene. the texas attorney general's office said they were pleased with the high court's decision and pledged to continue to defend the law, calling voter i.d. laws "a legal and sensible way to protect the integrity of elections." but, jim, we spoke today with the n.a.a.c.p. legal defense fund, which said texas doesn't have a history of problems with in-person voter fraud, which is what this law is meant to prevent. >> axelrod: juliana goldman in our washington newsroom tonight. juliana, thank you. as juliana just reminded us, the midterms are a little more than two weeks away and, of course, the big prize on the election day, control of the senate. let's bring in cbs news elections director anthony salvanto. anthony, the republicans need to win six seats to take control, 17 days out, what are their chances? >> pretty good right now. our best estimate is the republicans would get to the 51 they need for a majority. but underneath that estimate are a lot of close races, most of which are still polling within the margin of error. so they could swing either way.
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now, a lot of the battleground statessa and we see about 11 right now-- go through very conservative territory, through the midwest and through the south, places like georgia, louisiana, north carolina. the democrats are hanging on, though, in part because views of both parties right now in congress are very low. >> axelrod: so you're telling me we have 11 close races that are going to decide this thing. could be by the end of election day we don't even know who's got control of the senate. >> we could be up late because these races are close. bit there's another wrirchg expel that is in two of them, in georgia and louisiana. if no candidate get 50%, they go to runoffs. so we could be sitting here looking at those two states in the spotlight come december, even january, for control of the senate. >> axelrod: anthony salvanto, thank you. >> thank you. >> axelrod: later, was there a struggle for the gun? what the officer in the first son shooting reportedly told investigators. and after all these years, the explanation behind bono's
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reported today forensic tests conducted on the gun, uniform, and vehicle of the police officer who shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old michael brown of ferguson, missouri had the teen's blood on them. the report also says officer darren wilson "feared for his life." vladimir duthiers has the details. >> reporter: the "times" report says darren wilson told authorities he was trying to get out of his car when michael brown shoved him back in pinning him. there was a violent struggle. wilson says brown punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck. he also told investigators brown tried to grab his gun. as they scuffled, the gun fired twice. one shot hit brown in the arm, the second missed. dorian johnson was with brown when the shooting happened and described officer wilson's actions differently. >> he just reached his arm out the window and grabbed my friend
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around his neck and as he was trike to choke my friend? >> reporter: the "times" report does not explain why wilson shot milt pel shots even after he got out of the car. >> he shot again and once my friend felt that shot he put his hands in the air and he started to get down but the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots. >> i'm attorney benjamin crumb. >> reporter: benjamin crumb is the attorney for michael brown's parents. >> he is trying to justify killing an unarmed teenager. >> reporter: if it turns out to be true according to the report that michael brown did attempt to reach into the car and grab officer wilson's gun, does that change the equation at all? >> not at all, but, again, that's his version. whatever happened in that car, michael brown jr. was running away from him. >> reporter: the grand jury has been meeting since august 20 to decide whether to indict officer wilson for killing michael brown, jim, and the st. louis county prosecutor robert mccullouch says he expects a decision in mid-november.
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$61 billion-a-year business in the united states, but a new study in the "american journal of public health" suggests drinking them could shorten your life. >> reporter: the first-of-its-kind study looked at whether america's thirst for soda speeds up how the body's cells age. researchers at the university of california san francisco used a sample of 5300 healthy adults. dr. elissa epel worked on the study for five years. >> we think we can get away with drinking lots of soad as, as long as we're not gaining weight, but this suggests that there is an invisible pathway that leads to accelerated aging regardless of weight. >> reporter: epel's team discovered napeople who drank more sugar-sweetened beverages, the ends of their chromosomes,
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known as telemeres were shorter, the shorter the telemeres the less a cell can regenerate, and raising the risk of disease and early death. >> soda may be aging us in ways we're not aware of. >> reporter: researchers found no link in cell aging when drinking diet soad as and fruit juices. former new york city mayor michael bloomberg lost a high-profile court battle to ban large sodas in his city. he is now supporting a measure on the november ballot in berkeley, california, that would add a one-cent per-ounce tax on soda distributors. 39 states and the district of columbia currently tax sodas in vending machines. helped by ad campaigns from various groups, soda companies are on a four-year winning streak at the state house. 30 bills to levy or raise taxes on sugary drinks have all failed. the american beverage association would not do an interview today about the study. but pointed out researchers did not find a conclusive link between soda and cell aging.
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finally cleared up a long-standing question-- why does he always wear sunglasses. speaking to the bbc, the lead singer of u2 said it has absolutely nothing to do with looking cool. >> i have glaucoma for the last 20 years. >> axelrod: bono says he is being treated for his glaucoma and does not expect and deterioration in his vision. among the buildings destroyed in new york on 9/11 was a church, the st. nicholas greek orthodox church. this morning a ceremony was held in lower manhattan to bless the site of the new st. nicholas church which will also serve as a nondenominational place of remembrance for those killed in the attacks. and we have a jarring sight for
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chicago cubs fans. wrigley field without its bleachers. they've been torn down as part of a $575 million renovation of the ballpark. the bleachers had been there since 1937. new bleachers and a new brick wall will be built in place of those that have been removed. coming up, world series bound. a brave six-year-old with a story to match the one of his beloved cs royals.
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with a cindarella story out of kansas city-- no not the royals heading to the world series next week for the first time in 29 years, but the story of a young royals fan who is quickly developing an impressive following of his own. six-year-old noah wilson, who lives near kansas city, will be attending game two of the world series next week and he couldn't be more excited. >> once my dad told me, i was, like, pumped up and very
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excited. >> reporter: noah could use a little list. in april, he was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer and has been undergoing treatment ever since. noah's father, scott. >> at one point he had six or seven ban band-aids up and downs legs. >> i'm almost seven and have sesame street ones. >> axelrod: that's for little kids noah. >> that's for little kids and i'm a big kid. >> axelrod: big kids, afterall, need super hero band-aids and since noah knew he wasn't alone he started a band-aid drive. >> we've collected probably 4,000 boxes. >> axelrod: hang on. 4,000 boxes of band-aids. >> watching all this was noah's neighbor who launched a social media drive of his own to reward this big kid for the way he'd looked out for others during his own battle. >> and i'll be your announcer for the royals. >> reporter: this drive was to raise enough money to buy a pair of tickets to the world
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>> in 24 hours it went off like wildfire and they raised almost $10,000. >> axelrod: once the story got out the ticket service stubhub and major league baseball both donated tickets to noah and his family. they're now using the money to buy series tickets for other sick kids. >> when we found out our tickets are paid for it made sense to use that money that was raised to get more kids out there. >> axelrod: your family seems to have this understanding that the best thing you can do in life is give. >> well, we've been given a lot ourselves. everywhere we turn, we meet people that want to help. and it feels good to give, so it's-- it makes sense. >> axelrod: that big kid turns seven at the end of the month. and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. later on cbs, "fraes fraet hours." for now, i'm jim axelrod in new york and for all of us here at cbs news, thanks for joining us. and good night.
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next at 6:30, crews working often a pier in san francisco find a decomposing body in the water. more disturbing, what happened next. >> the plan to intentionally poison every living thing in this bay area lake and why experts say they don't have a choice. >> and getting ready for the royals. the giants take their final swings before hitting the road to the world series. kpix 5 news is next. ,,,,,,,,
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