tv CBS Evening News CBS October 26, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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>> glor: tonight's quarantines under challenge. a nurse in isolation hires a civil rights lawyer the nation debates how to treat health workers returning from west africa. >> jon lapook reports. >> what drove the washington state high school shooter, we talked to the friend of someone who died. >> no. >> is your computer higher prices online? don dahler on the latest twist in targeted merchandising. >> and making light of isis, elizabeth palmer shows us the iraqi that is drawing laughs and death threats. >> this is the cbs evening news. >> glor: good captioning sponsored by cbs
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good evening, i am jeff glor, it began as a medical crisis, it is now a political and legal one as well. a nurse under mandatory quarantine has a lawyer, the governor of new jersey and new york have a policy they say they are sticking with, those mandatory 21 day quarantines for medical workers arriving from west africa who have had contacr those passengers are showing symptoms of not, the white house wants those rules changed, but they haven't said how yet. we have two reports tonight beginning with jerika duncan. >> kaci hickox and cbs news these pictures of her isolation unit as university hospital in newark, new jersey. hickox gained national attention saturday when she wrote an article in the dallas morning news criticizing the new mandatory quarantine process saying they was questioned as if she was a criminal. >> the hospital where hickox is saying issued this statement. >> while we understand the required quarantine is an inconvenience, the patient continues to be ice hated in a climate controlled extended care
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facility area that is inside a building that is part of the hospital. cnn spoke to hickox this morning. >> i have kind of a port-a-potty type restroom, no showers facility, and no connection with the outside world, they shut my iphone which i insisted i brought with me when i arrived late friday night. >> aclu attorney norman siegel represents hickox, the organization issued a statement that reads in part, by forcibly detaining people we are also frightening the public, but also encouraging caregivers and first responders from helping sick patient whose need their assistance. >> some state and federal officials are divided on the mandatory quarantine policy, now effect in three states. today, new jersey governor chris christie defended the protocol. >> i don't believe when you are dealing with something as serious as this that we can count on a voluntary system. this is government's job, if anything else, the government's i don't know is to protect the
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safety and health of our citizens. >> dr. anthony fauci of the national institutes of health appeared on "face the nation" with charlie rose. >> right now we have a devastating epidemic in west africa and having an epidemic of fear in the united states. >> critics of mandatory quarantines are concerned healthcare workers like hickox and dr. craig spencer who contracted ebola will be discouraged from traveling to west africa, knowing they will have to stay in quarantine for three weeks upon their return, even if they are not showing symptoms of the deadly disease. >> doctors here at bellevue say spencer is doing a little better than yesterday, just right now spencer is in serious but stable condition. jerika duncan, thanks very much we return to our chief medical correspondence jon lapook, he spoke to kaci hickox, how did she describe her home coming to you. >> when she first described at new jersey airport it was all smiled and when they found out she was in sierra leone the
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smiles evaporated and she felt she was being treated like a criminal. they actually took her temperature and it was transiently elevated which she thinks was a false positive because she was so flushed, then she was transferred to university hospital in newark. >> and she is in a better spot for her now. >> yes she tested the negative for ebola and treating her well there but the big complaint is where do i go from here and do i really have to be in the tent but what if she does test positive. >> she said she already had known by the protocol from msf, that is doctors without borders exactly what to do and following her temperature and planned to do that, back in may there was a place if she did test positive she would go there and in touch with the state epidemiologist and the scientist says unless you have symptom you are not infected, that is her big complaint. >> glor: thank you very much. a search for answer continues in washington state tonight after a deadly high school shooting on friday. today carter evans spoke with a close friend of a girl who died.
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>> at churches around marysville pilchuck it was a day to test their faith. >> the families that are sitting at hospitals. >> the horror of that day is compounded by the shock that jaylen fryberg was even capable of murder just six days after he appeared a with freshman homecoming friends he asked friends to join him at lunch, including paige aicher. >> what did you think that day? >> i was gows going to skip class because i didn't do that kind of stuff. >> could you see this come something. >> no, it was so out of the blue. >> but several clas classmates t to that lunch, includer including her best friend, zoe a galas sew, in the ram, she was shot and two of fryberg's own cousins. >> how are you dealing with this now? >> i am just in like complete shock. it just doesn't feel real to me. >> and the fact that not only were you so close to these
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people, but you could have been there too. >> yeah. that scares me. >> page and her parents came this afternoon to pay tribute to the victims at a growing memorial outside of marysville pilchuck high school, page's father is still in disbelief. >> how do you have wrap your head around this? >> we don't. we don't know the reason behind all of this, and hopefully pieces come together to give a reason, but as of right now, there is no reason. >> they are my close friends. that's who i go hang out with every single day. >> where do you go from here? >> i don't know. i don't understand why. i just don't understand what was going through his head that day. >> reporter: and paig. >> paige sat next to her in class right before the class. she says he seemed completely normal and showed no designs of the massacre he was planning to carry out, but, jeff, she does say if fryberg intended to commit suicide he now believes
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he wanted to take his closest friends with him. >> glor: carter evans, thank you very much. the suspect in a brutal crime spree in northern california has been deported twice, it turns out, federal officials say luis monroy-bracamente was sent back to mexico after a drug conviction in 1997 and deported again in 2001. two police officers were killed in his attack. u.s. and british forces ended their combat mission in one of afghanistan's most troubled regions today, it happened in helmand province, where they handed camp leatherneck and camp bastion over to afghan forces, it is the latest step and a big step in the drawdown of u.s. forces. here is charlie d'agata. >> u.s. marines at camp leatherneck lowered the american flag for the last time today. >> and at a ceremony on the sprawling base shared with british force it is flag was folded away to join the marines who defended it through the
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final journey home. >> corporal matthew thompson from maine said he was honored and humbled to be the among the last standing guard. >> every marine would want a chance to go to afghanistan and close the door, be the last ones on the berg and leave end to u.. combat missions in afghanistan, close ago chapter on america's longest war. >> 2,2ten american servicemen and women have lost their lives fighting on afghan soil in the 13 years since u.s. troops first set foot there. >> the aim was to topple the taliban for harboring the al qaeda militants responsible for the terror attacks of 9/11. >> some of the fiercest battles took place in hell imagined province itself. >> helmand province itself .. >> camp bastion came under
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constant attack, including taliban assault in 2012 that killed 22 u.s. marines and destroyed six u.s. fighter jets. >> today, as marines packed up their gear and prepared to pull out, nobody is claiming victory over the taliban. >> we think attacks have raised concerns once again whether the afghan army is ready to go it alone. asked whether he is worried he will have to one day return, corporal thompson answered. >> i am worried that my son has to come back, the future generation of marines have to come back and start over again, much like iraq. >> the typing of the withdrawal of u.s. forces is being kept secret for security reasons, jeff, but by the end of the year there will only be around '98 hundred service members who will remain, their mission will focus mostly on training and counter-terrorism. >> glor: charlie d'agata in london, charlie, thank you. >> the midterm races are about
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to enter the final week as republicans look to claim the senate, with an update tonight we are joined by elections director anthony salvanto, anthony almost there, what are shaping up to be the most interesting races? >> jeff, the republicans do head into this final week with an edge to retake the senate. the newest battleground tracker estimate has them getting at least a 51 seats they need for the majority, maybe more. and while there are still a lot of races in play, we are seeing moment now on a, movement now that may tell us the story. the first one is iowa where democrats are trying to hang on to an open seat but this race is now tied 44 to 44. that one closes late on election night, we will be watching that. then the other is in georgia, where the democrats are trying to take a republican open seat, michelle nun has now moved within striking distance on that one, the big question there too is, whether that could go to a runoff if nobody gets 50 percent. >> glor: anthony, if republicans control both the
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senate and the house, what are the implications for the 2016 presidential race? >> i think the answer is, where they went, if the republicans win in plays like iowa, in places like colorado, expand the map beyond the south, and people will start to talk about whether they can expand their presidential map, those are states where their presidential candidates have had a hard time winning lately, having said that, remember that this midterm electorate is a lot smaller, often a lot older than a presidential year turnout and that could be very different in 2016. >> glor: anthony salvanto, thank you very much. >> thank you, jeff. >> glor: the ukrainian president petro poroshenko is claiming victory tonight in his country's parliamentary elections. in a slap to russia, parties backing his policy of stronger ties to the west took an early lead in exit polls, talks to set up a coalition government begin tomorrow. online shopping pitfall, you may be steered to a higher price in
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macy's,. >> glor: it is no surprise companies track your online buying habits, they say it is to provide a more personalized shopping experience. but a new study says sommer chance are using the data for other purposes, to charge different prices to different people for the same products. here is don dahler. >> reporter: you may have noticed while shopping online your computer seems to know exactly what you are looking for. that is because companies track your search and purchase histories to make guesses about what you like. but in northeastern university study shows some companies are also using information about how you are shopping online to customize prices. >> study coauthor cristo wilson. >> many ecommerce sites will give dehls or change the prices for people using specific devices or particular kinds of browsers or they will change the
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order of search results, to highlight more expensive items. >> for instance, you get an average discount of $15 if you use an iphone to look for hotels or plane tickets or travelocity but not if you are using a desktop computer. researchers found a random search on home depot's website using a desktop around $120 an item, but the same search on anthony salvanto droid or iphone averaged $230 per item. home depot had the largest percentage of different prices for the same products in the study, followed by chief tickets, o orr bits, priceline, sears, macy's. >> the difference in the real world these practices are transparent but on the internet you don't know wha what is goin, so you go to a web state and search for a product and you don't know if those products have other prices that are available or if there are products that are being hidden from you. >> customizing prices isn't illegal but when orbitz was
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discovered steering apple computer users towards more expensive hotels, the company stopped doing so. the researchers say if you want the find the very best deals try doing the same product search using different devices or, jeff, enlist the help of a friend. >> glor: all right, don, thank you very much. up next, are new mortgage rules coming? and is that a good thing? >>
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banks in greece and one in italy a series of proposed regulations are supposed to make it easier for americans to qualify for a mortgage, but is that about to create a new set of old problems? cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger is here with more on this. jill, first of all, what are these new regulations? >> reporter: the federal financing housing authority is finally going to drop the down payment required for new borrowers and lower credit score requirements and also known fannie mae has actually said if you went through a short sale you may be able to qualify for a loan as soon as within two years of that hitting your credit report and regulators are now considering a plan where banks would not have to hold loans on their books as long as the borrowers could actually repay the loan, they could verify that, and the borrowers debt is less than 43 percent of their income. >> glor: if some of these loose policies are what led to the financial crisis in the first place, why are the rules changing again? >> well, the fear is that the sluggishness of the housing recovery is partially due to the fact that it is hard to get a loan, and the theory is if we
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loosen these requirements perhaps we will get more first time buyers into the market and we will also get something called boomerang buyers, that is three and a half million people who went through foreclosures between 2006 and 2010, three quarters of a million who went through a short sale that will will get those people back in the market. >> glor: but you think there is a birthday a hitch here. well just because you have lending requirements that are looser doesn't mean the banks will make the loans and buying a home may not be the best thing for every american family, so i think both sides have to go in with ey eye open knowing we stil have some time to go before housing gets back to normal. >> glor: all right, jill, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> glor: still ahead here, rays from davey jones locker, blackbeard's cannon. >>
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>> glor: a lava flow in hawaii is threatening homes, the lava from kilauea has been oozing toward one neighborhood for over two years now, but now it is getting close, 1,000 yards from a road, officials say they may issue an evacuation order in the coming days in hawaii. the former home of mobster al capone is for sale. it is on the south side of chicago, there it is, and it is priced and $225,000, capone lived there as he rose to become one of the most notorious crime bosses in the 19 twenties and eventually moved after somebody tried to kill him. there is more plunder this week from the wrecked ship queen anne's revenge, this time it is a 600-pound cannon. archaeologists have been raising that wreck piece by piece and since the discovery 18 year 18 o
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>> glor: we close tonight with a look at a comedy show in a place we don't ordinarily associate with laughs. elizabeth palmer takes us backstage at the studios of iraqi state tv. >> five, four, three, two, queue. >> comedy doesn't get much edgier than this. >> >> a sitcom where the yoke is on isis. >> in neverland, isis suicide bombers are buffoons. >> >> iraqis may be laughing, but it is a fair bet isis is not. neverland's script writer has
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already received several death threats. >> fatima haideri is the director. >> why did you want to do this show? >> we are -- we must do something for our country. >> do you see this as a way this program as a way of fighting isis? >> yes, yes, yes, of course. >> fighting back against the highly effective terror campaign that isis has waged through its slick and bloody propaganda videos. >> some of iraq's most famous actors wanted parts in neverland immediately. >> but fear of isis it took a while to find someone brave enough to play the head of isis, a but backer el bag da difficult he is a relative unknown and would like to keep it that way. >> he didn't want to be filmed without his make-up. >> but on the set telling his suicide bombers not to get too
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close, it is clear he loves the part. >> .. >> in every show, there is a sub text. the brave people of neverland are determined to run isis out of town. >> can you tell me how it ends? >> no, i can't. >> can you tell me if isis loses? >> no, i can't. >> because it is a secret. >> elizabeth palmer, cbs news, baghdad. >> glor: that is the cbs evening news tonight. later on cbs "60 minutes" and first thing tomorrow, cbs this morning. i am jeff glor. cbs news in new york, scott pelley will be here tomorrow. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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photo-sharing scandal rocki one of its bay area offices. if you commute on bart -- getting there could cost you more. within a few weeks.. there be no such thing as 'free parking' at bay area bart stations. and while the giants work on building a dynasty in the w series.. they're also looking at building somethi empire along the waterfront. kpix 5 news is next. bart riders, be aware.... t transit agen,,,,,,,,,,
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