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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  November 15, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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>> papa boston you call him. >> papa boston sometimes.
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>> axelrod: good evening. i'm jim axelrod. we begin tonight with obamacare. today marked the start of the second enrollment period for people to sign up for federally mandated health insurance. they have three months, until february 15, to select a plan. after the troubled roll out last year, the web site appears to be functioning relatively smoothly so far this time around, but this remains a highly controversial law and still appears to be fighting an uphill battle for acceptance with the american public. the latest associated press poll finds given the choice, 56% of the american public would choose to repeal it completely. here's kristine johnson. >> reporter: this is what it looked like last year for hoe designer tory knoll and millions of other americans, and today? >> this time it's totally fine. >> reporter: she was lucky. others did experience delays. health and human services secretary sylvia burwell saw
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firsthand as she toured several enrollment centers in the d.c. area. washington state's health care exchange had to shut down for a few hours. there were also a few surprises. knoll, who just turned 30, found out her premium is going up. >> they're a lot more expensive than what i had before. >> reporter: roughly how much, do you know? >> more than $100. so about $125 more. >> reporter: a month or year. >> per month. >> dan mendelson helped build the site. now a consultant he calls the second roll out a period of adjustment. >> health insurance companies came to the market last year and made guesses about prices. some priced too high, some prices too low. >> reporter: the average premium is going up in 24 states, but in at least 11, premiums are going down. if you're satisfied with your current plan, you don't have to re-enroll, but mendelson says shop anyway. >> it's quite likely that a person will be able to find a less expensive plan that is
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comparable in this market. >> reporter: tory hopes to qualify for some exemptions to lower her premiums, but knowing she has insurance just in case, she says, is worth the cost. >> it's peace of mind, right? >> yeah, it is peace of mind, yeah. >> reporter: the penalty for not enrolling has increased this year. for 2015, it's either 2% of your income or $325 per adult, whichever is higher. 2016 penalty goes up again. jim. >> axelrod: kristine, thank you. now to the g-20 meeting of world leaders in australia. russian president vladimir putin came under fire today for his intervention in ukraine. let's bring in chief white house correspondent major garrett who is traveling with president obama in australia. >> reporter: major, mr. putin had to expect some rough treatment given that russian-supported rebels in ukraine allegedly shot down that airliner that killed 28 australians in july. >> reporter: the reception is so rough here that the european news agency reported putin intended to cut short his g-20
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summit meeting by about a follow day. the kremlin, whose credibility is limited, denied that report saying putin would remain in brisbane until his work was done. while here putin has received icy glares and cold shoulders ss from western leaders fed up with russian military meddling in ukraine. whether putin stays or goes, president obama and other european leaders will meet here shortly to discuss whether or not to slap another round of economic sanctions on prominent russian business figures and those closest to putin. this is the second summit this week, jim, and some leaders have taken their grievances over ukraine directly to putin. canadian prime minister stephen harper his office said reluctantly shook pint's hand but told him i have only one thing to say to you, "get out of ukraine." and the australian prime minister said he told putin stop chasing the dead dplorez of czarist russia. president obama in his speech here denounced russian military activity in ukraine saying it threatened world peace and undermined international law. jim. >> axelrod: major garrett traveling with the president in
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australia, major, thank you. the midwest is finding itself dealing with an early and extended episoafd bone-chilling cold this weekend. look at the snow blaisketting blanketing sioux falls, south dakota. john, where exactly are the coldest temperatures? >> that's an easy question, jim. you threw me a softball there. it's cold swrp, but it's really cold, the coldest upon across portions of the upper midwest and the northern rockers, the northern great plains. look at those temperatures today, teens and 20s. 30s as far south as texas and louisiana. and it's really not going to warm up any into tomorrow as those bone-chilling temperatures plunge farther south and east. that will be the case right into monday as well. so what makes this so unusual is that it's not just cold but it's also so cold, so early in the year, and it's going to be around for a longer-than-average time which is going to mean the possibility of severe storms in the deep south, huntsville, and
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shreveport. snow in chicago tonight. maybe a foot of snow or more for the snowe belts of upstate new york by the middle of next week. >> axelrod: that's a lot of snow for mid-november. a doctor with ebola arrived in the united states today for care. he is the third ebola patient to be fleet omaha and the tenth ebola case in the u.s. vanita nair has more on his condition. >> reporter: after landing at epley airfield in omaha, 44-year-old surgeon martin salia was quickly transported in a containment bubble to the nebraska medical center. the hospital knows he is more critically ill than the other aid workers coming home. dr. mark rupp is the infectious disease specialist who will treat salia. >> we've had patients transferred here that we're aware have ebola stow we are all set to go. >> reporter: the omaha facility is one of four u.s. hospitals with specialized units to treat people with highly infectious diseases. while ebola has killed more than 5,000 people in west africa, in the united states, eight have
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been successfully treated and released. there has been one fatality. like other non-government employees evacuated, salia is responsible for reimbursing state department for the expenses. the legal u.s. resident was working in sierra leone with united methodist church. in an interview in april, he explained why he returned to his naift home for the second time to treat infected patients. >> i took this job not because i want to, but i firmly believe that it was a calling. >> reporter: unlike the previous ebola patients whose return to the u.s. garnered wall-to-wall cable coverage, salias' return was relatively quiet. jim, it might be an indication the fear associated with the has abated as a result of successful recoveries. >> axelrod: thank you. any day now a grand jury in missouri is expected to return a finding in the shooting death of michael brown in ferguson this past summer. today, audio tapes emerged of
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police radio calls in the moments just before the sh shooting. vicente arenas is there. >> reporter: what you're >> reporter: what you're hearing is a radio call between a ferguson police dispatcher and officers following a convenience store robbery on august 9. the recordings were obtained by the "st. louis post-dispatch." just after 11:53 a.m., a description of a suspect is given. >> reporter: four minutes later. more details. >> reporter: police were told the two men, who were later identified as brown and a friend, dorrian johnson, had left the store. at noon, officer darin wilson joins the hunt. at 12:02, wilson spots brown and johnson in the middle of the street and asks for backup.
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>> reporter: moments later, a scuffle reportedly broke out between brown and wilson. shots were fired, and brown went down. according to the "st. louis post-dispatch" the encounter lasted less than 90 seconds. a backup officer then arrived. >> reporter: two hours after the shooting, wilson can be seen leaving the ferguson police department for the hospital. this video was also acquired by the same newspaper. benjamin crump is an attorney for michael brown's family. >> we certainly have suspicions about what injuries he suffered and did they try to exaggerate his injuries? >> reporter: a grand jury still hasn't decided whether it will indict the officer who killed brown. a decision is expected within the next couple of weeks. meantime, schools have been told they'll get a warning when a decision is made, three hours if it happens during the week, 24 on a weekend. jim. >> axelrod: vicente arenas
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covering for us tonight in ferguson, missouri. thank you. there is now a criminal investigation under way at west virginia university after the death of a freshman named nolan burch who passed out at a fraternity party. they had already banned activities. juliana goldman is in morgantown tonight. >> reporter: as hundreds of prospective students and their parents visited west virginia university saturday, the campus was reeling from the loss of one of its own. freshman nolan burch was pledging the kappa sigma fraternity on wednesday when paramedics discovered him unresponsive. law enforcement confirms alcohol was a factor in his death and police are conducting a criminal investigation. the official also tells cbs news that 30 be minutes after paramedics picked up burch they were called back to the fraternity house to transport another student to the hospital. cory farris is the dean of students. >> i won't deny that student party and students drinks, as happens in every college community.
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we're essential not unique, and lots of us that are in this business around the country talk about that 800-pound gorilla in the room being alcohol. >> reporter: but police sources say the party culture has reached critical mass. they point to riots and other fraternity arrests, including three last week. there is also this student-run twitter account that encourages student to send pictures of blacked out classmates. and just days before burch died, the school learned the kappa sigma's fraternity charter had been revoked by its national office. police records show cops were called to the fraternity house 18 times just this year. and, jim, they also show a criminal citation for under-aged possesion of alcohol for nolan michael burch last march. >> axelrod: juliana goldman in noorgt, west virginia, thank you. bill cosby stayed silent today when asked about sexual assault allegations and the lay-up that wasn't in last night's southern
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utah-kansas state game when the cbs evening news continues.
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>> axelrod: a social media are reviving sexual assault aldzs against comedian bill cosby. a woman cameed for this week to say she'd been raped pie the comedian years ago. carter evans has more on the backlash that followed including a cancellation of an appearance on the "david letterman show" for next week. >> reporter: bill cosby has never been charged with sexual assault, but this is not the first time he's been accused. this morning, national public radio host scott simon asked him pointblank. >> reporter: cosby and his wife camille were being interviewed about the donation of their art collection to the smithsonian in washington, d.c.
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>> reporter: the allegations date back to a 2005 civil lawsuit which claims cosby drugged and sexually assault add i woman in his home. cosby denied the accusations, but more than a dozen other women with similar stories of assault were prepared to testify against him. the case was settled before it went to trial. now, one of those witnesses is speaking out. actress barbara bowman wrote an op-ed in the "washington post" claiming cosby assaulted her multiple times after agreeing to act as her mentor. the headline read, "bill cosby raped me. why did it take 30 years for people to believe my story?" in it she said, "i'll never forget the c g of his belt as he struggled to pull his pants off." according to bowman it happened in 1985. >> hey, hey, hey, stop that! >> reporter: the height of the "cosby show's" popularity, the number one show on television. cosby has never spoken publicly about any of the allegations,
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but the online backlash became aggressive this week when his twitter account asked followers to post pictures with funny captions. this was the response, classic photos of the famous tv dad with pointed comments about his alleged behavior. the statute of limitations has run out, so cosby cannot be tried in court but he may well be facing a battle in the court of public opinion. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. >> axelrod: up next, no end in sight to the protests in mexico over an apparent massacre of college students.
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>> axelrod: protests continue this week in mexico over the apparent murder of 43 college students. as manuel bojorquez reports, what began as a spontaneous demonstration is becoming a movement of young people fighting political corruption and a culture of fear. >> reporter: there have been
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peaceful protests this weekend, like this one, asking shoppers to boycott major retailers. while outside, demonstrations continue seven weeks after the students disappeared. in their absence, a movement has sprung. students who say they were too afraid to speak out against corrupt officials before made signs like tehelim rivera's-- "kill me or let me be free." you're willing to die for that right. "yes," she said. "we all have convictions and we are willing to give our lives for them." they rallied in the town of iguala, where the now-former mayor is accused of ordering of kidnapping of the 43 students on september 26. officials say police there acted on the mayor's orders to keep the young man from disrupting a public event for his wife. they say the students were turned over to gang members and killed. >> they thought they could get away with it. they never thought that the whole world would hear about this.
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>> reporter: anna grew up in the united states but now lives in iguala. she's joined a movement partly fueled by a social media campaign called ya me canse, "i'm tired of this." it reflects the country's mood and represents the first real test of the president's administration. critics say he's been more focused on establishing foreign trade relations than dealing with the crisis at home. >> i don't want to be afraid anymore, and i want to be part of that change. if change does happen, i want to be part of it. >> reporter: there are calls for a national day of action on november 20, when they'll be closer to measuring their protests by months rather than weeks. manuel bojorquez, cbs news, iguala, mexico. >> axelrod: and still ahead, a college basketball debut for zach hodskins, born with just one hand.
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>> reporter: i'm juan fernandez with late-breaking news. a leak at a texas chemical plant killed four workers today. the leak at a dupont plant in laporte, texas, occurred at 4 a.m., and was contained two hours later. another worker is hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. the cause of the leak was not immediately known. now with more news, here's jim axelrod. >> axelrod: now to college basketball and the debut of a player at the university of florida named zach hodskins. hodskins was born with only one hand and now plays for one of the powerhouse programs in college basketball. he got in at the end of the gators' game last night against william and mary. zach made the team as a walk-on. now to some video another college basketball player homes no one ever sees again. southern utah's john marshall had the ball and was driving to the hoop for a lay-up against kansas city, which is maybe not the best idea, at least not if k-states brandon bolden got involved. ouch. kansas state won 98-68. a member of america's golf
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future being mentored by america's olympic past.
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>> axelrod: we close tonight with an up-and-coming golfer. mariah stackhouse is a junior at stanford university who holds the women's n.c.a.a. record for the lowest roipped ever, having shot a 61. but this impressive young woman from atlanta didn't get there on her own. among her mentors, a former world-class athlete who saw her going places and wanted to help her with the trip. despite learning on shoddy public courses, hitting cracked range balls so old they flew crooked, if they flew at all, mariah won 97 tournaments as a junior golfer, often beating country club kids in the process. among those who heard about her was ralph boston. he wasn't a golf pro, but he had been an elite athlete. the form are world record holder in the long jump, and a three-time olympic medalist who won gold in 1960. he knows well, the makeup of a champion, which he quickly saw
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in mariah, and it was more than just her swing. >> listening to her, the first time we met, you hear an individual that is not an ordinary person. >> reporter: in what way? >> the way she talked. the way she expressed herself. she could converse with any and everybody, and she made you feel comfortable. >> axelrod: this wasn't just about how she hit the driver. >> no, absolutely not. this isn't a 15, 16-year-old. this is-- this is a polished individual that is going places. >> axelrod: boston wanted to help get her there. he invited mariah to play on the manicured and more challenging private course where's he was a member. how did it help her? how did her game develop >> i watched her hit shots that i-- and she was just dropping them right at the flag. and i saw those shots just improve and improve and improve. >> he took me under his wing and
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took on that role of a mentor for me. >> axelrod: mr. boston, as you call him. >> yes. papa boston sometimes, too. >> axelrod: papa boston? >> papa boston. >> axelrod: what's he taught you? >> to be as great as you can be takes a certain level of commitment. >> knock her in there. >> yes, ma'am, i'd love to do that. >> axelrod: you can see the entire profile of mariah stackhouse on this month's edition of "60 minutes" sports on shotime. that is the cbs evening news for tonight. later on cbs, "48 hours." for now i'm jim axelrod in new york, and for all of us here at cbs news, thanks for joining us and good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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-- for the price. need health insurance? now'e time to act. the all-out puo cover california.. before 's too late. we have good news about dungeness crab. but be prepared to pay. >> the all out push to enroll in "covered california" before it's too late. >> bay area teens in a garage for months. wait until you see what they are building inside. kpix 5 news is next. ,, ,,,,,,,,
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. their first catch.. of what coul od season. it's a sure sign the holidays are almost here. fresh crab, local fishermen reeling in their first catch of what could be a very good season. good evening, i'm brian


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