tv Face the Nation CBS November 16, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PST
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,, >> schieffer: today on "face the nation." breaking news overnight, it appears isis has executed another american hostage. a new video has surfaced indicating that american aid worker peter kassig has been beheaded. latest on that and we'll talk to former republican presidential nominee mitt romney. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, two key senate armed services committee members, missouri democrat claire mccaskill and utah tea party republican mike lee. plus america's top spy, national intelligence director james clapper and panel of analysts. 60 years of news because this is "face the nation." captioning sponsored by cbs good morning again we're going first to london and cbs news veteran iraq correspondent
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charlie d'agata more on this atrocity. >> good morning, bob. the video surfaced this morning it appears to show that same english speaking isis militant seen in previous videos claiming to beheaded peter kassig. unlike previous videos this did not show kassig alive before the alleged beheading. 26-year-old aid worker was captured in syria just over a year ago while trying to deliver food. he's a former army ranger served in iraq, set up his own agency. his family from indiana they released statement saying they're aware of the reports. death of their treasured son, but they're awaiting confirmation from the u.s. government. national security council said they're trying to confirm the authenticity of the video but if true, the u.s. government is appalled by the brutal murder of innocent american aid worker. the 15 minute video included gory scene which reported to show beheading of syrian soldiers are unlike previous
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videos usually cut away when showed every last detail. bob. >> schieffer: thank you so much, charlie. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu now joins us from jerusalem, thank you for coming. another of these hideous videos, another execution. are we losing this war with isis? >> no, i think you're fully engaged in it. we see these horrors, this atrocity the people of israel are with you, we're with the family, we're with all the american people who understand that we're up against. we support you in this battle. support president obama in leading this coalition. it has to be fought, isis, has to be defeated and it can be defeated. >> schieffer: last time we talked you said that us rewas a was ready to help in any way possible you did not go beyond that. are you going to take -- is
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israel going to take more active role in this fight against isis? >> we're fully coordinated with the united states, we exchange all information that needs to be exchanged. i really don't want to go beyond that. i will say i think we have a global conflict here. basically the middle east is awash with militant dissidents. led by al qaeda and the isis on the sunni side, the militant is led by iran and hezbollah. on the shiite side, we want both of them to lose. l.a. thing we want is to have any one of them get weapons of mass destruction. look at what isis is doing now with assault rifles and pick up trucks, just imagine what iran would do if it had nuclear weapons. both our enemies are fighting one another. we can both -- >> president obama says his
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reaching out to iran to help in the fight against isis has nothing to do with iran's nuclear program. should the united states try to work with iran to fight isis? >> iran is not your ally. iran is not your friend. iran is your enemy. not your partner. iran is committed to the destruction of israel just as the united states and world powers in negotiating with iran on nuclear agreement. ayatollah, the ruler of iran called for annihilation of israel, he just did that four days ago. he specified nine reasons of why. he participated in chants of death to america, death to islam. this is not a friend. neither in the battle against isis nor in the effort, great effort that should be made to deprive capacity to make nuclear weapons.
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don't fall for iran acerous they are not your friend. >> schieffer: there is a week left to the deadline for the u.s.-iran nuclear talks. do you think the united states should agree to any concessions in order to make a deal with iran? >> i want to be clear what has to be achieved. it's not merely preventing iran from having nuclear weapons today. prevent them, bob, from everything nuclear weapons tomorrow. that means that iran should not be left with the residual capacity to enrich u rain yum you need for a bomb. or long range ballistic missiles to launch them. why they have developed a list of missiles. they need them to reach united states. now they're asking the capacity to make in very short order the nuclear bombs to put on those missiles that can reach the united states. they should be deprived from
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having that capacity to make those weapons. i think that is what is on the table. i think it's important to continue the sanctions, alternative to a bad deal is not war. alternative to a bad deal are more sanctions, tougher sanction, is that will make iran dismantle its capacity to make nuclear bombs. >> schieffer: prime minister, i would like to hear your characterization of how you think relations are now between the united states and israel. as you well know, an administration official told the "atlantic" that you were a chicken expletive. have those comments affected your relationship with president obama? >> i'm not going to deal with anonymous sources that issue all sorts of critical statements. i think that is not appropriate. i will say this. i think the relationship between israel and united states is very, very strong. i mean, there is bipartisan support for israel which we
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appreciate, and support for the american people is at all time high. because i think americans when they look around the middle east and they see isis beheading americans, see the chants "death to americans" they see the fluidity that is an understatement, the fact that one state after another is collapsing, they see this democratic state of israel admittedly a bee leagued democracy but one that stands for values of democracy, personal liberty and free speech, an organized society, hi-tech society. people instinctively understand that israel is america's best ally in the united states, in the middle east. best ally of the united states. we think america is our best ally, too, there's a very, very strong bond there. yes, we can have disagreements between governments, that happens in the best of families. but we are one family. >> schieffer: prime minister, thank you so much for joining us
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this morning. >> thank you, bob. >> schieffer: we go now to salt lake city where former republican presidential nominee mitt romney is standing by, governor, thank you so much for joining us. this is the third american now that we've seen executed. you said recently about the president's foreign policy, i'm going to quote here, it's tempting to think he is just inept. what should we be doing differently now in this war against isis and are we doing enough? >> well, first of all, what we should have done by now is has had american troops standing by in iraq, that was something that we argued for years ago, the president didn't do it. likewise we should have armed the moderates in syria a long time ago so they would be able to keep something like isis from being formed. as a result of the mistakes that have been made in the past on the president's part we now have terrible visions being shown on tv and of course threat to ourselves here in the homeland.
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the right course for this nation is to do whatever it takes to destroy and defeat isis. and of course it's appropriate for us to provide support to the iraqi military and intelligence that we should have been doing a long time ago. i think the president's wrong in saying that under no circumstances will he consider ground troops. no one wants to put-own ground troops there. if you're going to defeat something you don't tell the enemy exactly what you plan on doing or don't do. say we're going to defeat you regardless of the consequence. >> schieffer: what you're saying, governor, is that if it comes to it that we may have to send american fighting forces, not just advisors, but american fighting forces on the ground back in to iraq and perhaps even in to syria? >> well, no one wants that. but when the president says we're going to destroy isis, then you have to recognize that that is a statement which means something. and it doesn't mean something if you say, we'll destroy it unlessor only if the following ways. you say instead we're going to do whatever it takes to destroy
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isis that's something that president is ultimately going to have to make a decision on. i hope that we're able to see isis destroyed with troops from iraq and with troops from other neighboring nations. but if that does not work, i certainly hope it does work, but if it doesn't we have to be open to whatever it takes to destroy isis. it is not acceptable to represent the kind of threat it does to the peace of the world and to our interests. >> schieffer: sending american ground troops back in to iraq is still on the table. >> no one wants to call it on the table, i don't think. i don't think you take things off the table. you don't say that we're going to destroy isis. when the president says that isis is a cancer and it must be eliminated. he's right. but you don't say we're only going to use the following tools in doing so. you say we're going to do whatever it takes, hopefully be able to do that with other people's troops but if it takes our own troops, you don't take that as a source of our strength from the battlefield. >> schieffer: all right.
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let's shift to domestic politics. a big battle coming in the congress over immigration, the president saying he may take unilateral action that will keep millions of people in this country, illegal immigrants from being deported. republicans say that's waving a red flag in front of a bull. they're going to try to stop that, some are even talking about maybe shutting down the government. what is your advice to the republicans at this point, governor? >> well, my advice to the democrats at this point and to the president in particular is take a breath. the president said that he was not on the ballot in the election that was just held. but policies were. the american people sent a very clear message to the president about his policies, they're not happy about them the republican congress, house and senate come together with legislation that they put on his desk which relates to immigration.
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he can veto it or not, but let the congress and let the selection have its say as opposed to jumping in and by doing something unilaterally in way which is extra constitutional he's poking an eye of the republican leaders and in congress making it more difficult to be a permanent solution to this issue. what he's proposing to do is a temporary solution which would ultimately potentially be reversed by a republican president. it's the wrong way to go. it doesn't help the people that are hurt by the lack of policy in this area, and it's going to set back as opposed to bring forward the needed reforms that the american people want. >> schieffer: if it came to shutting down the government to prevent him from doing that, would you advise republicans to do that or would you want them to do something else? >> well, i think there are mother productive ways to impress on the president the need to work for a permanent solution as opposed to a
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temporary stopgap solution. this idea of poking republicans with a stick in the eye is not a good idea. he necessary that. i had circumstance where i fought very hard to get majority of my state of democrats whittled down a bit i ran republican state senators and state representatives we,ed very hard, i lost. didn't pick up a single seat. but instead of fighting the democrat majority we sat down said, we got to go about the people's business. the president has got to learn that he lost this last election round. the american people spoke loud and clear, let those people who were elected come together with a piece of legislation on this and other topics and then he has chance to veto if he doesn't like them. the idea of violating the principles of our constitution which is a balance of power, checks and balances, that is something which is wrong and i think would not be the president's benefit. >> schieffer: governor, thank you for being with us, we hope we'll see you again. we will hear next from democrat
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claire mccaskill when we come back in one minute. when change is in the air you see things in a whole new way. it's in this spirit that ing u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper.
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rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. >> schieffer: we're back with claire mccaskill. you heard governor romney he seems to be saying keep the option of american troops going back in to iraq on the table at least. what is your take on that? >> i think the president is trying not to repeat the mistakes of the past. we've got to have a unified iraq with a competent military unless we want to tell the american people, it is our job to -- as far as the eye can see to in fact do the military of iraq. we are slowing down. the strikes have been effective in terms of slowing their progress, we're working very hard with some of the moderate sunnis who aren't because of the
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ideology they're with them because of political failure in iraq. i think we need to give time to this strategy to work and make sure that for the first time we have the arab neighbors who have so much at stake in this war that they are participating fully instead of the united states carrying the entire lead. >> schieffer: we talk about what he said on immigration. he said what the republicans have been saying up on the hill, the president taking union rat hall action on immigration is a poke in the eye like waving a red flag in front of a bull. are you comfortable with the president taking unilateral action? >> i'm not crazy about it. but let me say this, i'll tell what you a poke in the eye is. a poke in the eye is for united states senate almost a year and a half ago passing by a two-thirds majority comprehensive immigration bill which republicans voting for it from places like tennessee and south carolina that got re-elected by double digits.
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speaker boehner has refused to debate one of the most complicated and difficult problems facing our country. all he has to do next week if he doesn't want the president to ask, take up the senate bill, amend it, change it, put up your own bill. let's get back to doing our work instead of just blaming the president for everything. >> schieffer: if you had your wish, would it be that the president not make the first move here, give the republicans the chance to do something first? >> my wish would be that on monday speaker bane we're say, we've realized this election was about change and being functional. here is what we're going to do. we're going to come up with a health care plan and vote on it to replace obamacare which they will not do. we're going to debate immigration, another serious problem in our country that deserves debate on the floor of the house. i am tired of the politics of, let's just blame the president, let's just say everything is wrong with the president, say
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everything is wrong with washington we need a policy partner here to compromise and find consensus. i think that is what this election is about. >> schieffer: let's talk about democratic leadership. you were one of i think at least six democrats who voted against harry reid to be -- to stay on as your leader in the senate. is leadership among democrats one of the problems here? >> well, i think this was a message from the american people. our party got wall lopped and i think they're saying need to change what we're doing. just common sense, it's not complicated. >> schieffer: so what do you think, what do do you from here on? >> i think we have to begin to find those things we can work on together. get a national security reform bill through, we've got to find our government. i'd like us to fund roads and bridges for longer than six
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months at a time. if we get out of this moan of trying to make the other guys look bad, get back to working on things we can agree on, the moderate middle in the senate i hope to be somebody who is driving people to the center instead of the politics of today which had a senn ten see to be on the edges. >> schieffer: elizabeth warren, the fiery opinion pew last from massachusetts has now been part of -- voted in as part of the leadership. how do you feel about that. another woman in leadership. but is this going to leave the impression that the party is moving to the left when lot of people think only way that you can get anything done is if both parties move toward the center? >> i think leadership team hopefully may expand even more with more moderates in it. by the way the same day that elizabeth warren was elected, a flat top farmer from montana who 'bout who is moderate through and through and so his voice is
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going to be in that room along with elizabeth warren. >> schieffer: thank you so much. we'll be right back. we'll talk to more republicans in a minute. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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>> schieffer: for third point ever view we turn to republican senator mike lee, conservative republican i should add. he's from utah but he joins us here in washington this morning, we're glad to have you. let me just ask you, mitch mcconnell the republican leader in the senate, said there's no way that he's going to let the government shut down again. he's done with that. do you support that? would you see circumstances where, for example, if the president takes line lateral action on immigration that might threaten to shut down this government? >> i think senator mcconnell is right. we're not heading in to a government shut down, there are a lot of reasons for that. one has to do with the fact that this president has a few options in front of him. now he can listen to the american people who have just
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spoken just weeks after he said that his policies will be on the ballot. one of those policies was in fact possible executive action on amnesty. he can listen to the american people, which i think would be good. or he can turn away from what the american people have said. ultimately this congress is congress that neither republican or democratic it's the american people's congress. congress is going to stand up to the president and the american people expect him to do that. 74% of those who voted in last week's election oppose the president taking this kind of unilateral executive action. and i think even if he doesn't respect elections, he at least needs to respect the rule of law. ours is not a government of one, he doesn't have the legislative power. >> schieffer: what if he does? how far would you be willing to stop it? >> exactly what we do may depend on what he does and when he does it. how he goes about it, what his proposed basis for doing that
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is. it's difficult for us to know how best we should respond when we don't know what he's going to do yet. but we're standing ready looking at the fact that it's important for us to defend the rule of law and to make sure that the institutional prerogative of congress, which again belongs to neither party it belongs to the american people. that the institutional prerogative of congress to be the law making body is respected. a lot of -- >> schieffer: people over on the conservative part of the republican party i should say, the very conservative part of the republican party, say that will be an effort to repeal obamacare. you know as well as i do that whatever you do on that you don't have the votes to override a presidential veto. >> that's right. >> schieffer: will that be a big priority for you or will you concede that there's no way you can defeat obamacare? >> a lot of important policies to tackle in the upcoming congress. a lot of things to go after. that is one of them. i do think that a vote on repeal
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measure is likely. possibly on budget reconciliation. and even though we don't have the votes to override the veto, if that is what the president wants to do, the president needs to stand ready to explain to the american people why it is that a health care law that is making health care more expensive and more difficult for many people to get is still a law that he wants to impose on them. >> schieffer: what will you try to change it? >> yes, i think also be a number of efforts to change it. among other things, very soon we will see a vote to repeal the medical device tax in obamacare. i think we may see a number of other votes on other provisions as well. such as the moving work week down to 30 hours which is hurting poor and middle class americans. possibly repealing individual mandate and some other provisions. >> schieffer: do you think -- your colleague, ted cruz, said that if you nominate for
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president next time out somebody like bob dole or john mccain that you're going to elect hillary clinton. does it have to be a conservative candidate next time out for you and who would that be? >> well, we're a long ways away from 2016. i don't know who our nominee is going to be, for me the important thing is the policies. i want somebody who will defend basic principles that are important to so many americans, ability to have more government decisions made closer toe home. ability to have more decisions affecting patients, made by patients themselves in consultation with their doctors not by government bureaucrats in washington. those are the things that i'm worried about. focused on the policies not the personalities. >> schieffer: senator, thank you so much for joining us. we'll be right back. t top model" i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. so i talked to my doctor about my condition and my treatment options he told me about stelara® in a medical study, 7 out of 10 stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin at 12 weeks.
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