tv 60 Minutes CBS January 11, 2015 8:01pm-9:01pm PST
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! anyone in there? (tv shuts off) ready? oh, yeah. geez. what's this? what's going on? officer freeman, metropolitan police. is this your house, sir? yes. you've been robbed. what are you doing holding this woman prisoner? i am a diplomat of the kingdom of bahrain. i demand immunity. really? they were on your dad's list of acceptable groceries. for his heart condition. what kind of heart condition is addressed by rye and haagen-dazs? a broken one. oh, come on, please. my mom died three years ago. he's dated half the widows in pittsburgh.
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(sighs) only my dad would announce a visit 48 hours in advance and then serve us with a list of demands. okay, let's just try and make him comfortable. oh, he'll get comfortable, and then he'll ask us for something. oh, he says he wants to see the kids and they love him, so... the guy's just not wired to think about anyone but himself. okay, i know that he was not the world's most attentive father. yeah. but can you just try and get along with him... for me? how can you be so understanding? he treats you worse than anyone. because i'm a professional peacemaker. ha. besides... he's the only thing luring stevie home. i want it to be like... before she hated me. she does not hate you. no. she thinks i'm evil. (phone buzzing) yeah. yeah, okay. professional peacemaker?
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yeah. bye. nadine: the police found his maid living in a locked boiler room. seriously? kemala shihab. she's a migrant worker from indonesia. (scoffs) the hassanis took her passport didn't let her out of the house for three years. how's she doing? well, at county hospital, being treated for malnutrition. i can't wait to hear hassani's defense. well, it's going to be hard to extract one since he and his wife took refuge in the bahraini embassy. an mpd clerk let them go once an embassy official arrived and corroborated their immunity claim. no, hassani's not ranked high enough to merit immunity. it's kind of gray, actually. not for a consular officer. and especially not for keeping a slave in your basement. well, immunity at the consular level is case by case. any diplomat is eligible, but it's an unwritten rule ma'am. well, then i am definitely... unwriting it. even if dod just sank a billion dollars into renovating our naval base in manama? (sighs) the base is crucial to our strategic positions around
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iraq and iran. iraq and iran, yes, i'm aware. (sighs heavily) we're rejecting bahrain's immunity claim. blake, serve the ambassador with a waiver. you want him to revoke their claim? that shouldn't be too hard. let's give bahrain a chance to get with the program. i'm familiar with their royal family. they're not all hard-liners. yes, ma'am. daisy, visit with ms. shihab. tell her that the united states is appalled by the way she was treated. make sure she's getting anything she needs. of course. and let's bring in doj. i want to give them our blessing to pursue a full no-holds-barred criminal investigation. how do we do that with the hassanis holed up at the not ok corral? dispatch ds agents to the embassy in case they move. nothing conspicuous. i do not want to escalate. they'll be discreet. all right, let's get to work. (dialing) (line ringing) man: how may i direct your call? agent vasquez, please. please hold.
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vasquez. uh, secretary would like a detail posted immediately to the bahraini embassy. yes, ma'am. thank you. people were so poor that they fed their kids boot leather. no. n-no way. no, that's not real. oh, yes, it is. why do you think they called it the depression, dork? uh... i ate a boot. you bread it, you fry it, and you put a little salt on it. not too bad. (laughter) course, then i only had one boot. (laughter) grandpa,
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i actually believed you for a second. see? it sounds like it's going well. he's been holding court for an hour. grandpa: what i'm getting at here... just... it's just a few more days. poor people were ripe for exploitation. instead, roosevelt passed the 40-hour, five-day work week. someone should tell mom. har, har. i heard that, ali. oh, elizabeth. hey, pat. good to see you. nice to see you. and not just because this probably means that the world is not burning. well, i try to keep it at smoldering. hi, sweetie. nice place you got. we like it. it's a little fancy for a civil servant, but then, you came from a horse farm. certainly does smell better here. it's true. well, with d.c. politics, you must get your share of crap. she dishes out plenty, too. elizabeth: welcome home, stevie. i'm here to see grandpa. yeah, of course. i'm starving. anybody else? let's eat. it's ready. god, let's do. henry: he had to bring up the horse farm. so, we owned horses. people
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own horses. i just don't think that he imagined you were gonna marry someone who grew up with them. but... so your parents did well. i don't understand what the big deal is about. shh. stop. well, he's great with the kids. i will give him that. yes. so, i guess this is everything. listen, you shouldn't be doing this. pat, the kids should be on cleanup. thanks very much. oh, no. i carry my own load, honey. so, big free-trade negotiations going on, huh? yeah, with brazil. well, maybe you can pull a few strings for your father-in-law and get me in the game. henry: really, dad? you're just gonna go there? foreign labor is a threat to my guys' jobs. now, what kind of union rep would i be if i didn't get them heard? we haven't even had dessert yet. i take it you'd like to present the steelworkers' interests? you know how these deals go. giveaways to rich guys who can afford to pay fancy lobbyists. i'm sure there's someone at the union who's looking out for that. yeah. me. you know how i got a meeting with
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reagan's secretary of labor? i figured out where he got his shoes polished and then i cozied up to the shine guy and i got his schedule. and then... i must have had my shoes shined 50 times before i finally got the big boss alone and he gave me five minutes for my boys. you don't think i'd ask my daughter-in-law? yeah, of course, you would. what is it with you, henry? a man can't fight for what he believes in? pat, it's fine. don't even worry about it. i'll see what i can do. thank you. so, what else can i do here? bring this ice cream to the table. thank you. yeah. it's the rum raisin that you like i got. i-i like the story about the shoeshine. i thought it was... okay, just breathe, henry. it's almost over. (sighs) man: metropolitan police turned those over to my team at doj. that's kemala, and that's
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the boiler room they locked her in at night. there's more than enough to prosecute. well, then, let's get a warrant. we have one. but it's useless as long as they're holed up in the embassy. blake, will you get matt and daisy in here? these are heated-towel-rack and turndown-service people. they're not gonna last a week inside government quarters. matt, write a memo demanding the bahrainis accept our immunity waiver and release the hassanis. on it. you want me to put out a story? i mean, the media will have a field day. do it. i'm tired of waiting for them to come out and see their shadow. a private flight out of the farnham airstrip was just chartered to qatar. it's an all-bahraini crew. leaves in an hour. blake, get the ds agents on the phone. tell them the hassanis are making a move. to qatar? nadine: they know we'll be looking at flights to bahrain. qatar is the closest direct flight from d.c. and they don't have an extradition agreement with us. a black escalade just pulled out of the bahraini embassy. okay, so tell the ds agents to get in touch with the mpd. i want them intercepted. ma'am, i must caution care when picking up the hassanis. jay: i agree. our gulf strategy relies on the base in manama. do we really want to risk this thing blowing up? i'll take my
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mpd strip-searched the hassanis? that's going to go over well. it's standard intake procedure. it doesn't matter. the gaggle is gonna pounce. i assume that you're talking about the strip search. it's standard intake procedure. bahrain's gonna take it as an affront, ma'am. i know and that's unfortunate. but the hassanis should have thought of that before they took ms. shihab as their slave. speaking of which, has bahrain accepted our immunity waiver yet? nadine: they haven't rejected it. they're communicating their displeasure in a different way. they're dispatching crown prince yousif obaid king naheen's eldest. he lands at dulles in an hour. great. maybe he'll negotiate. prince yousif may be bahrain's great liberal hope but i doubt he's coming to negotiate. yeah, don't worry about it. i can take him. madam secretary, he owns
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more than 100 homes, each built to his specifications. he has a fleet of special-edition yachts. when he feels like ordering a pizza it gets flown in from rome. the guy's used to getting his way. well, that may be, but... i happen to know he's extremely ticklish. wait, did the secretary just admit to intimate anatomical knowledge of the prince of bahrain? his cia briefs must be detailed. nadine: okay, turning to tomorrow-- the winners of the state department first grade essay contest are visiting so please watch your language. and, also, a pen has been stolen from my desk. by one of you, i presume. a pen? how do you know you just didn't lose it? because i know. but how can you be sure? i did not lose it. it was taken. can i ask what the significance of this pen is? as long as it's on my desk by 3:00 p.m. today i'll ask
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no questions. well, she definitely lost it and i'm not talking about the pen. admiral hill. somehow i'm not surprised to see you stopping by. good. then you know i need you to release the bahraini consular officer. that's a request for local authorities. please don't be coy, madam secretary. we all know you're driving this train. well, then you also know why i won't allow the hassanis' release. i'm sure you're aware of our base in manama. i am highly sensitive to our strategic post there. and also our billion-dollar renovation. it is the linchpin to our defensive positions around iraq and iran. and i'm here to make sure that you don't flush that down the drain. i believe you. i also believe that the linchpin of our democracy is human rights. can't really put a price on that. but i'm willing to defend it over a military installation. if bahrain retaliates, i'll have to notify the president. understood. he won't appreciate being made to pick between state and defense, but we both know which way he'll go. let's
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hope it doesn't come to that. but if it does, i'll see you in the oval office. i'm sorry i'm not being more helpful. oh. this program just really isn't my jam. it's okay. it's okay. meeting's not till tomorrow, anyway. and if this doesn't work out, i got it all up here. (sighs) that's annoying. i just... i can't get on to the faqs because of mom's uber-firewall. it... it's just something that i don't miss about living here. what is it between you and your mom? nothing. we have philosophical differences. and... i just can't get on board with her side. so you took a stand. good for you. you're my granddaughter. yeah, well, taking a stand is what got me into this whole mess in the
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first place. what mess? being a college dropout. i mean, i screwed any chance that i have of actually getting a meaningful job. i didn't go to college and i'm on the board of the biggest union on the east coast. does the union have a d.c. chapter? you bet. do you think i could work there organizing labor? yeah. yeah, i'll make a call. blake: ma'am, crown prince obaid. madam secretary, you've detained a consular officer and the kingdom of bahrain cannot abide such an action. oh, my god, you sound so official, joey. please, lizzie it is yousif. come here. no... (laughing) we went to boarding school together. houghton hall. we were cocaptains of the debate team. yes, although i think our most heated were on the roof of sukaly dorm. yes. oh. oh, we had big plans
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to change the world, didn't we? we did. okay, i will let you two catch up. yeah. how long has it been? god. well... well, it's dinner at that pub in kensington, i believe. oh, that's right. and little stevie was so little. i had her in one of those slingy things. mm-hmm. how are you? well, honestly, lizzie i'm in a bit of a tight spot. i need you to release the hassanis and reinstate full immunity immediately. well, i can't reinstate what they were never qualified for. they're bahraini diplomats. they cannot be treated like common criminals. do you see how they treated their maid? it was despicable, but this is an exceptional case. really? mm-hmm. royal decree 56? state officials in bahrain are immune from prosecution for human rights abuses. i don't need human rights pointers from a country that imprisons arabs on an island without legal recourse. okay, forget about royal decree 56. we're in the united states. the hassanis broke over half a dozen laws and they're going to pay for it. okay. fine. without immunity, your soldiers, your embassy employees may get dragged before bahraini judges just for annoying our government.
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now, i know that's not a real threat. i am just saying i cannot guarantee there won't be consequences. who's talking here, joey? you or your father? come on, you used to rail against his conservative rule. i still maintain my own views. then stand up to him. hmm? make him accept our immunity waiver. fine. i will talk to him. thank you. i know that's not easy. how is your father? he's old. he's sick. he's nearing the end of his life. i'm sorry to hear that. mmm. i hope it's not true but if it is i take solace in the fact that a progressive, bold new leader will take his place. hey. hmm? why don't you come over to our house for dinner tonight? come on, it'll be fun. we won't talk shop. i promise. i mean, the food's gonna suck, but... listen, i... you haven't even met... you haven't even met alison and jason.
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daisy: she's delicate and very confused. well, given what she's endured i'm not surprised. she's afraid she'll be punished and very worried about deportation. elizabeth: i'm very sorry about everything that happened to you. thank you. i want you to know that we're doing everything we can to see that the hassanis face justice. how is mr. hassani? and mrs... are they angry at me? i'm more concerned about you. how are you doing? good. when can i work? i don't know. but i came here today to tell you in person: i spoke with prince yousif about you. prince yousif? why? because he's very concerned about you, too. and he hopes that you feel better soon. i like prince yousif. he is good man.
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yes. yes, he is. where are we now? we got them on felony human trafficking, unlawful holding of wages and false imprisonment among other charges. so how long would they go to prison? ten to 20. of course, this is all pending bahrain's agreement to state's immunity waiver request. which i'm afraid did not come through, ma'am. what? prince yousif assured me that he would speak with his father. well, there's more. the bahrainis promoted hassani to first secretary. are you kidding me? i wish that i was. he's now at a level that automatically guarantees immunity. i have to let them go home.
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your friend's here. stevie, could you do me a favor and go help set the table, please? yeah. ah. thank you. i can't believe how much she looks like you did in high school. stevie and i share a lot. including our outrage that i was forced to let a human rights abuser dodge justice. okay, look, it's complicated. my father's illness has destabilized my family's grip on power. the opposition parties would like nothing more than an excuse to call for new rule. oh, please. if you're gonna screw me at least have the respect of owning it without making excuses. i argued for a trial in america. my father convinced me that promoting hassani would send a message to my people that i stand with bahrain. and slavery. my hands are tied. my rivals circle my father's deathbed, just waiting for me to falter. and all the times that you defended equality for women, and vowed to stop the exploitation of the underclass?
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we're not 17 anymore. exactly. now we are actually in a position to effect change. many people in my country loathe me for my western education my progressive beliefs. and many more depend on you for them. you were going to change things when you became king. and i will... change things when i become king. just give me a chance to get there. can i at least have your word that the hassanis will stand trial in bahrain? stevie: soup's on, everybody. henry, you remember yousif. yousif. henry. so good to see you. please, come in. this is my father, patrick. ah. yousif. (chuckles) a prince and a secretary of state. if mom could see us now, huh? henry: please, sit. you met stevie. this is alison and jason. hi. hi. oh, uh, my mom here says that you live in a palace with
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like, 200 bedrooms. ah. how many bathrooms do you have? well, not enough for my mother-in-law. do you have any exotic pets, like an albino lion or something? really, alison? uh... do my children count? your slaves might. dad. i'm sorry, yousif. it's fine. i'm not so insulated that i'm unfamiliar with this critique. ah, a man of the people. it's too bad your wealth is built on the backs of the poor and oppressed. no wonder that diplomat treats his maid like a slave. pat, yousif is our guest. no, mom, he's right. how can you be friends with someone who condones human trafficking? stevie, that's enough. henry: okay, stevie. thanks, dad. thank you. i guess your moral compass has always been broken. stop picking on mom. i'm not trying to pick a fight with mom. she's the one who... (overlapping arguing) (whistles) enough. not another word about this for the rest of dinner. am i clear? that goes for you, too, dad. yes, sir.
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potato? so i'm applying for a new job. wow, there's something. what is it? union organizing with grandpa. (chuckles) patrick: chip off the old block. i'm sorry that you're leaving tonight. well, i need to get back. i'm not sorry about what i said. i mean, i just... didn't really expect everything to get so out of control, you know? stevie and... the young need to push the boundaries. it's good for them. (quietly): yeah, well, that's no excuse for my father-in-law. (whispering): well, if he forgives me, i will forgive him. maybe it isn't just the young who should push the boundaries. a little dissent is good especially when it's standing up for the right thing. remember? you said that, joey.
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hi. uh, i was just passing by. are you a steelworker? no, but my grandfather is. he said there might be an entry-level organizing job. love your enthusiasm, but that job isn't open right now. oh. (chuckles) probably should have let him call first. what's your grandfather's name? patrick mccord. um, he's actually on the board of the national chapter. mccord. m-c-c-o-r-d? stevie: mm-hmm. i'm sorry, but he's not on our board. are you sure? you checked the national board in pittsburgh? here's the number to the pittsburgh office in case you want to check yourself. thank you. daisy: madam secretary, meet the winners of the state department first grade essay contest. hi, kids. and justifiably proud parents. now,
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listen, i read your essays on influential americans abroad, and it made me very proud to be among them. hmm. you ready for your certificates? okay. here we go. who's first up? justin lee. thank you. you're very welcome. promise to keep writing? you bet. there's your pen. all right. and... daisy: haven costello. haven... ooh. hold on one second. technical difficulties. hold on. blake? yes. do you have a pen? uh, you know what, i can run downstairs quickly. oh, wait. no. got it. ooh, look at this. this is a nasa pen. wow. maybe this pen will inspire you to write about space. what do you think? (chuckles) haven: thank you madam secretary. (applause) hey, dad.
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that meeting was a complete waste. your wife stuck me with some... kid. okay, hey. you're lucky that she stuck you with anybody. 11 hours on that bus to get here. oh, and here i thought you came to see the family. 40 years. i bring 40 years of experience to bear, and she sticks me with a nobody. she did you a favor. she says she cares about workers like me. she's buddy-buddy with some slave-owning prince! i'm surprised she didn't marry the prince and-and live in palaces with all those bathrooms! hey. hey! all right. stevie: at least mom's not a fake. stevie, this is between your grandfather and me. no, it's not. mom doesn't lie. she doesn't pretend to be better than she is. and she faces up to the things that she's done. what are you even talking about? you. you're not on your union's board. you haven't been for five years. i checked. they said that you're hardly even at the hall anymore. so, what exactly was your plan grandpa? were
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you gonna pretend to help me and hope that maybe i would... forget that i needed a job while you were getting my hopes up? you knew how much it meant to me and-and now you're s... you're sitting here criticizing my mom. i don't have to answer to you. i don't have to answer to anyone. elizabeth: i owe you an apology, kemala. i had to let the hassanis go. they're on a plane back to bahrain. they won't see justice as i had hoped. mr. hassani is important man. well, speaking of important men prince obaid has secured reparations on your behalf. you'll have enough money. you won't have to worry about that. daisy and i want to talk about your future. i can grant you asylum in the united states. if you'd like. we can help set you up here, find an apartment. would you like that? here? not necessarily in washington. daisy: i know it's a lot, but it's a chance for you to start over. elizabeth: if not i'd
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have to send you back to indonesia. no. no work there. maybe you'd like to think about it. mr. hassani brother. he talk to me. he give work with him in bahrain. can i go? yes, of course. it was her choice. i just wish her circumstances had allowed her to make a different one. you have to see this. they're live on prince yousif announcing he's prosecuting the hassanis in bahrain. what? translator: ...and are being processed as i speak. justice will be served. (yousif speaking arabic) now, to those countrymen who will reframe this course correction as dissent in my family, i say some dissent is good especially when standing up
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for the right reasons. i'm guessing your dinner had something to do with this? who knew my pot roast was that effective? (jay chuckles) (speaking arabic) (gunshots, shouting on tv) madam secretary! what the hell? (gunshots, shouting on tv) (knocking) madam secretary, the funeral has been scheduled for tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. local time. blake: you'll need to leave from andrews by midnight tonight. any news? have they i.d.'d the gunman? he was a member of al-jinna, a radical
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opposition party. apparently, the text of the speech was leaked a few hours before the press conference. daisy: ma'am your request to participate in the funeral has been denied. you'll have to stay in the back of the mosque with the women behind an opaque curtain. how does that work? daisy: only men are allowed to participate in the funeral procession. ma'am, the image of the american secretary of state cloistered behind a curtain because she's a woman... daisy: you'd be allowing the bahrainis to undermine your authority as a representative of the united states. and as a woman. maybe i shouldn't go. boycott the funeral? daisy: i'd advise against that. it could be interpreted as a critique of a whole culture, not the event. you just said going would undermine her position. now staying home is a critique? what are you advocating? daisy: i don't know yet. this is complicated. i'm not here to sit in judgment of the bahraini culture or change it. but it is my job to represent ours without devaluing my office. or gender. there's also the base to consider. according to
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dod, the bahrainis are already holding up supply shipments to manama. jay: they're doing a full about-face. whatever gains we thought we made are through. but, ma'am, would you really miss prince obaid's funeral? before fibromyalgia, i was on the go. i kept on top of things. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical
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it's got the chipotle sauce you love and spicy crispy chicken. you get it with fries and a drink for just $4.99. that's a ton of food. let's do this. so you're not on the board anymore. so what? did you really need to lie about it for all these years? dad, please talk to me. you don't know what it's like. okay. so tell me. what? that i'm irrelevant? that i got kicked off the board like an old piece of rust? eh. you don't want to know about me anyway. you've got your own fancy life. hey. everything i have i worked for. and you know why? because you taught me that. i saw you get up early in the morning to go to the shop. i saw you come home late from the union meetings. it made an impression. it still does.
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you better tell that stevie of yours to watch her attitude. she still looks up to you, you know. there's a lot to look up to. i want to go home. w... dad. what? don't go. just please stay. no, take me to the bus. the bus? please, let me at least buy you a plane ticket. no, i'm not gonna have you spring for an... airplane ticket for the poor old man. ♪ ♪ all right. i'll take you to the bus. hello? hi. hi, mom.
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i'm sorry about yousif. thank you. i can't believe it; he was just here. mmm. he was cool. he was cool. it's kind of weird that he's dead. seriously? it is weird. if i do go some people are gonna think that the united states is officially condoning patriarchy. if i don't go, then i'm skipping my friend's funeral. it's just, the whole thing, it's impossible. “say your prayers standing, but if you are unable, sitting; and if unable, on your sides.” okay, a little help interpreting that? i have no idea what that means. it means that you can honor yousif even if you decide not to go. says who? uh, the prophet mohammed. (frustrated sigh) the bahrainis are already holding up body armor shipments for thousands of american soldiers. i mean, who knows how far they'll go if they think that i'm humiliating them. hey, hey, hey. just relax. come on, close your eyes. (exhales) just forget all of these arguments. forget everything. what do you feel
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in your heart? (takes deep breath) he's my friend. i want to go. then go. but isn't it selfish of me to put my personal needs over the duties of my position? would you give yourself a pass? i'm the one who convinced joey to come out against the hassanis. i knew that his enemies were sharpening their knives. do i get a pass on that, too? yes. joey was murdered by a madman. well, they need provocation, too. look, you pushed him to do what was right-- that's what he loved about you. yes, and if i hadn't then he might still be alive! “friendship that insists upon agreement on all things isn't worth the name.” that's gandhi. okay, that one i get. thank you. (takes deep breath) but gandhi doesn't have to pick between his country and his friend within the next hour. she's cutting it kind of close, huh? oh, give her a break. her friend died.
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not to mention the security of the middle east hangs in the balance. well, if we leave here within the next 30 minutes we can still make it. the secretary is on her way to andrews. all right, let's rock and roll! no, no. she's going. we are not. elizabeth: thank you for arranging this last-minute. the funeral is starting shortly. you have just a few minutes. (whispers): thank you, frank. king naheen, your majesty i'm so very sorry for your loss. thank you for coming secretary mccord. please, i'm not here in any official capacity.
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i came to pay my respects to you. today i'm just lizzie. yes. yousif's friend from houghton. he spoke highly of you. (birds chirping) i cared very deeply for your son. how did it... come to this? he was always trying to convince you of something. (chuckles): always... an argument. i would give anything to argue with him again. me, too.
8:47 pm
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8:48 pm
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8:49 pm
8:50 pm
bulldog: you don't need superpowers to help someone. sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to train service dogs for people with disabilities. i would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. i relied on people a lot. he helps me live a more independent life. bulldog: we need your help to do more. give at, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people
8:51 pm
surprise. glenn. i wasn't expecting you until tonight. i know we're keeping things hush-hush but i had a meeting downstairs about the lease renewal over the international space station. i couldn't help myself. uh-huh. bad move, huh? uh, hey, if anyone asks, you could say i came about the nauru telescope. i lost the pen you gave me. i'm so sorry. it was such a thoughtful gift, and i... i'm so sorry. hey, hey, hey. don't beat yourself up about one pen. i've got 50 more at work. you do? you have no idea how much writing gets done in space. (laughs): people get very poetic up there. i'll bring you another pen tonight, i promise. (exhales) okay. (chuckles) well, thank you. um...
8:52 pm
i have to tell you something. tell me. for the last six years i was in a relationship... with a married man. i am very... very ashamed of myself. i appreciate you sharing. but... i don't care. really? we're both grown-ups. i've got my stuff, too. i know it's not obvious, since i'm... such a casanova, but... i'm not that used to relationships. you know? i'm so obsessed with stuff that's light-years away, i sometimes lose sight of the beauty and the wonder right here on earth. ♪ ♪
8:53 pm
i saw nothing. tell whoever you want. you'll never guess who nadine is dating. oh, oh, my god, who? madam secretary. hello, madam secretary. madam secretary. madam secretary. welcome back. thank you. how was your trip? well, it was a lot of flying. but i'm glad i went. (clears throat) uh, admiral hill asked to see you as soon as you got back. hey. madam secretary. admiral hill. if you're here to torment me over my decision you're too late-- i beat you to it. i understand prince yousif
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was your friend. please accept my condolences. thank you. my fellow chiefs thought it was a bad call that you chose not to attend the funeral. well, i'm sorry to hear that. then again i don't think any of them have ever sat in a staff meeting and had their ideas undermined by male subordinates to their face. well, i'm not military, but... i don't think that's how chains of command are supposed to work. (chuckles) well, i'm in charge now, and... i think you made the right call to not attend. what about the base at manama? the bahrainis have started allowing their shipments through again. i don't know what you did over there but it worked. i'm glad to hear it. (sighs): as... chairwoman of the joint chiefs i have to speak for all the chiefs. that can cause me to adopt a... a slightly different tone. (chuckles) this is what i sound like when i speak for myself. i like this one better.
8:55 pm
(whispers): i'll enjoy it while it lasts. (chuckles) mike, just right there would be great. thank you. hey. you're home early. hi. yeah. slow day at the office. i saw a little bit of the funeral on tv. (heavy sigh) me, too. how was the king? sad. i felt bad getting back on my plane you know, but... i'm glad i went. i... i think i did the right thing. hey, mom. hi. i watched the funeral. saw that you weren't there. really? my friend hannah was... impressed. (quietly): hannah was impressed. okay. i was pretty proud.
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also i realized something. i need to stop defining you by your worst moments. it's like you said when i left, you know-- life is complicated, and... i can hate some things you've done, but... i can still respect you for everything else. stevie, that means so much to me. i... also if it's cool with you guys, i was thinking about moving back home for a while. hannah's couch is... pretty lumpy. yeah, that's cool. captioning sponsored by cbs and toyota. captioned by media access group at wgbh if you have medicare part d, walgreens gets that you might be at the corner of "looking for a good deal" and "sheesh, i wish i'd looked some more."
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9:00 pm
man: that's all that happened. i was sitting over there minding my... sir, all i'm asking... all i'm asking... i did nothing wrong. and i didn't say you did anything wrong. there was no sign saying i couldn't sit in that area. i just need to know what the problem was back there. the problem was i'm black. hey, sir. no, seriously, all i was doing was i need you to calm down. sitting there until it was time to pick up my wife and kids. sir? man: what's happening, buddy? nothing, i've got to go pick up my wife and kids. man: no, you're under arrest. what? i-i didn't do anything wrong. put your hands behind your back. please take your hands off me. (all three talking over each other) put your hands behind your back. hey, i did nothing wrong all right? don't make me use this. oh, now you're gonna shoot me? i said... for what? for... (all three talking over each other) (taser buzzing) no, don't do it. woman: no! (screams) no! oh, my god! you're killing me. cole! newscaster: tonight, a jury continues to hear evidence about the death of cole willis. willis' death at the hands of two police of
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