tv CBS This Morning CBS January 21, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PST
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. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday january 21 2015. welcome to cbs "this morning." a defight president obama push as progressive agenda for the middle class. we'll have reaction to his state of the union address from vice president biden and republican majority leader kevin mccarthy here in washington. plus new details about how the new england patriots reportedly used under inflated footballs and why the mayor of paris will sue fox news. and today's "eye-opener" your world in 90 seconds. >> we've seen our deficits cut
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poo two-thirds and health care inflation at its lowest rates in 50 years. >> the president outlines his path forward for the nation. >> focusing on the middle class with new tax proposals. >> just doubled down on the same failed policies of the last six years. >> the president said things but did it in a good humor. >> i have no more campaigns to run. i know because i won both of them. >> a terror attack in israel. a palestinian man stabbed and injured nine passengers on a bus in tel aviv. >> yemen. >> took over the presidential palace. >> the u.s. military taking action to be ready to evacuate. >> espn reporting the nfl found 11 ofballs under inflated. and it's the stupid stuff that will drag them down. >> disneyland confirmed a recent outbreak of measles includes five park employees. >> my nana told me to bring a lot of pure renchts and new york city wondering what drove their
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husband to bulldoze the home. >> everything in the house. >> and a group of tourists ran up the steps got a knockout photo at the top. a selfie with rocky himself. how cool is that? >> and all that matters. >> the state of the union address, i'm not going over ter in detail. all predictable. >> if you missed it at home the state of the union is fat. very fat. >> on cbs "this morning." this is big news. today kim kardashian revealed the cover photo for her new bic "selfish." if you love kim kardashian and you love books -- no you don't! >> this morning's "eye-opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs >>lcome welcome to cbs "this morning." i'm charlie rose with gayle king in new york. norah o'donnell in washington.
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president obama is laying out an ambitious plan of action for his final days in office. the president asked republicans-controlled congress to back what he called middle class economics. >> he also threatened to veto legislation blocking his agenda. we have highlights of the president's address. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president obama takes off from the white house in about 20 minutes for a two-day trip to idaho and kansas. trying to take the better economic climate on the road for a push to create more middle class wealth through government action. that's an agenda the new republican congress is likely to resist. >> the president of the united states. >> reporter: the theatrics were the same but the audience republicans in charge of the house and senate, was completely different. with economic confidence and his poll numbers rising the president told republicans his
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policies turned the country around. >> we believed we could reverse the tide of outsourcing and draw new jobs to our shores. and over the past five years our businesses have created more than 11 million new jobs. >> so the verdict is clear. middle class economics works. expanding opportunity works. and these policies will continue to work as long as politics don't get in the way. >> reporter: but republicans are unlikely to forget the midterm election they won handedly and the power it gives them to push their oh agenda one that does not include the president's pitch for higher taxes on the wealthy and more federal spending. >> that means helping folks afford child care college, health care a home retirement. and my budget will address each of these issues. >> reporter: the white house is already issued seven veto threats to block republicans, and last night the president went through key items on that list. >> we can't put the security of families at risk by taking away
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their health insurance or unraveling the new rules on wall street, or refighting past battles on immigration when we've got to fix a broken system. and if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things i will veto it. >> reporter: last year there was no talk of isis or a two-front air war to defeat it in iraq and syria. >> instead of getting dragged into another ground war in the middle east we are leading a broad coalition including arab nations to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group. this effort will take time. it will require focus, but we will succeed. >> reporter: republicans sat silently through most the president's address but welcomed calls for more trade deals and a new battle against isis and the continuing threat of post-9/11 terrorism. >> major, thank you siege. in the republican response newly elected iowa senator joni
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earnsette ernst is ready to give republicans what they really need. >> i'd like to have a conversation about the new republican congress you just elected and how we plan to make washington focus on your concerns again. americans have been hurting, but when we demanded solutions too often, washington responded with the same stale mind-set that led to failed policies like obamacare. >> the senate's first female combat veteran also called for closing tax loopholes, creating jobs and defeating terrorism. with us now from washington, the vice president of the united states joe biden. mr. vice president good morning. >> hey, charlie. how ya doing? >> let me begin with this. everybody's talking this morning about how defind the president was. "new york times" says a bold call to action even if no action is likely. did the president say to you, mr. vice president, we've won two elections, we didn't do so well in the midterms.
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the republicans control the congress, but let's go on the offensive. let's pull it out and go right for the goals that we want? is there, and in his conversations with you, a sense we'll be on the offensive the next two years? >> no. what the sense is charlie, we work together closely, is it's time to talk about the middle class. congressman ernst just said the people have concerns. they have concerns about child care. concerns about good jobs. concerns about the fact the roads don't work in their area. concerned about attracting businesses to come and stay. they're common concerns. charlie, did you notice that when all of the talk about the recovery finally having been solid, all the things the president said in the beginning of his speech including reducing the deficit significantly, have you noticed an awful lot of republicans, the last three weeks or four weeks are claiming credit for this recovery? what caused the recovery were the programs that, in fact, we put in place. all the president is saying is don't stop the momentum now. you're acknowledging these real momentum.
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keep it going. get the middle class a better del and the prelude to this charlie, talking about taxing the rich. there is one tax that affects -- trust fund people. if you buy $10 million worth of stock if you're wealthy enough and you die, by the time you leave it to your heirs it's worth $50 million, you pay capital gains on it except if you have that kind of money and you leave it in that circumstance. they pay no tax. so we're just saying hey, look. what's more appropriate? to spend $220 billion and give middle class tax people a tax break? or continue something that has no productive value and not a single republican can give you a good argument why there should be an exception to them paying tax on that. so they're the kind of -- >> they control the congress. don't you need to reach out to them inial a way that says, we're not just going to present our proposal but want to cooperate and find a common ground? >> sure we do. i have met with the leadership
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having private meetings of my own. 17 leading republican senators have already talked to me. i've invited them to my home we have private conversations. they know what has to happen what we have to do keep the focus on the middle class. i believe the majority of the republican party still believes in the notion that we have to have the best trained people in the world to attract business and the best infrastructure in the world. they've got a lot of outside pressure from from particular interest groups just like the democrats do but if we keep talking about this. look have you ever heard the republican say, use the phrase middle class as much as you've heard in the last year? they get it. they get it. so is the idea we're going to stay silent and not talk about the value system i'm convinced they, in fact, agree on? and everybody -- i looked down as that chamber and i like major a lot but i saw the republican stand an awful lot. i didn't -- i looked down and saw a whole lot of friends in both political parties.
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i like those guys. >> let me get my colleagues in mr. vice president. >> mr. vice president, let me ask you about foreign policy. one of the big headlines last night is the president is asking congress for an authorization of military force against isil. the president said last flight to the american people that our military is stopping isil's advance, but if you look at the map, over the past three moss, in fact, isil has gained more territory in syria. do we need to rethink our strategy? >> scukanecno. what we need to do double down on our strategy. if you notice weeb we're making progress against isil in iraq. in iraq a more eununifyied government. they're losing ground. >> not in syria, mr. vice president. >> let me answer. you asked me, we're losing ground. we're gaining ground in iraq. syria, there are no boots on the ground. syria is a dysfunctional country
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with nobody in charge. the fact of the matter is, we're working with our arab allies and european allies to begin to build coalitions to be able to take on both assad and isil and it is a difficult process. it's going to take time. and there is no existential threat no the united states because of what's going on there but there is a threat to the reach rch and we are making progress. the president and i come from a school of thought that says the congress has an equal say on war and peace. they should step up and say, okay, mr. president. we agree with you. this is the authority you have to go after isil in this geographic area within this time frame. it's the best way to do business to get everybody in on the deal. that's why the president's asking for a new what they call you know -- an aumf, the authorization for the use of force. >> can i ask about security at your home? shots fired at your home in
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delaware. luckily you and your family weren't home. are you concerned "the washington post" is raising security issues there's an issue with your system. are you worried? >> no. i'm not. my house is way off the road. no evidence it was shot at the house. they found shell casings over 100 yard length of time. four shells. a car must have been going by at a fairly high rate of speed. appears someone on the passenger's side fired a gun and my house is on the -- on the driver's side. it's about 100 yards away. >> okay. >> there's no evidence of anything hitting the house. i'm not at all worried. >> okay. you don't think anybody's trying to get you? >> no i don't. >> okay. >> at least not physically. >> before we say good-bye what do you make of deflate gate? 11 of 129 balls legitimate degrees pat trits used were under inflated? what do you think of that? soft balls? >> well, tell you what having been a receiver i like a softer ball. nats all i can tell you.
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>> vice president joe biden, always good to see you, sir. >> must have ban wide receiver. >> good to see you guys. >> i wasn't bad at it. >> good-bye, vice president joe biden. thank you. >> soft hands. soft hands. >> yes, i know. >> thanks a lot. as republican leader kevin mckarnlg will tell us what he thinks of the president's agenda and how the new republican congress will respond to that. that's ahead on cbs "this morning." last night the president vowed to fight violent extremism in the middle east. this morning u.s. navy ships are on standby to evacuate american embassy workers from yemen. rebel fighters are holding the president captive in his home in the capital of sana'a and control the presidential palace. a top army commander calls it an unfolding coup. the fighting caused extensive damage in the capital. yemen is a major base for al qaeda. cbs news senior contributing is near washington a former deputy director of the cia. michael, good morning. >> good morning. >> this was disturbing as yemen
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is one of our closest allies in the fight against terrorism. who is this group of rebels? >> this group is a shia group in what is a largely sunni country, fighting an insurgency against the government for years. there's been on again, off again cease-fires. they rolled into sana'a last fall. there's been negotiations underway. those negotiations broke down in the last few days. >> so the yemeni government accuses iran of backing this rebel group and i know the saudis are worried about that. is that a concern? >> one of the interesting things is that everybody is focused on the iranian nuclear problem, but iran poses many many challenges to us and our allies. they want to be "the" most influential power in the region. that's not in our interests. they conduct terrorism as a toofl state craft. they support terrorist groups. they support sunni insurgent groups in the region. this is an example of that. >> what can the united states do?
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>> you know this happened once before. there was a political breakdown in sana'a in 2011-2012. during that period of time charlie, al qaeda in yemen grew significantly. it ended up controlling almost one-third of the country. we put this back together politically at that time. state department did a very very good job, and once it was put back together the yemeni government working with the u.s. government was able to go after al qaeda. that's going to have to be done again here i think. what's really dangerous, charlie is that al qaeda is now going to have space. right? because nobody's focusing on it as these two groups fight, al qaeda will have the space to grow and pose threats. >> thanks mike. this morning police in israel call a violent stabbing spree a terror attack. police say a palestinian man stabbed nine people on a bus in tell vooeb. aviv. some in serious conditions.
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officers shot and arrested the suspect as he tried to escape. and the aircraft data recording the jet was climbs 100 feet a second. three times faster than normal. it apparently caused the plane to stall and begin diving towards the java sea. just before losing contact, denied a request from the pilots to climb to 38,000 feet because of the bad weather. flight 8501 had 162 people onboard. cruise recovered 53 bodies so far. as we mentioned with the vice president, there are new details this morning about how the new england patriots reportedly used footballs that were too soft. the nfl says it's still investigating whether balls were illegally underinflated for sunday's playoff game that patriots won 45-7. jan crawford justice and sports correspondent here with new information -- i like it. i know. we know you're a big football fans anyways. this fits right in. tell us about the new
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allegations? >> the nfl saying the investigation will take another two to three days. the espn confirming those positions describing an nfl official as disappointed, angry and distraught. >> he's going to be going after a fourth lombardi trophy. >> reporter: according to reports, 11 of the 12 footballs used by new england in sunday's game were each underinflated by two pounds per square inch or about 16%, which could have given the patriots an unfair advantage. >> what's the situation here? >> reporter: the nfl requires each team to provide 12 of its own footballs for the game. an official then examines the footballs and clears them for use two hours before kickoff. each of the 12 balls was weighed again by league officials at halftime and the nfl is investigating just how almost all of the patriots footballs became underinflated. >> look out it's intercepted. >> reporter: but the bottom line, while the indianapolis
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colts were playing with fully inflated regulation football the patriots reportedly were using the deflated footballs. experts say those balls would be easier to grip and catch especially in rainy conditions of this past sunday. cbs news reached out last night to the nfl, which told us we are not commenting on the matter at this time. and overnight, cbs news reported that some in the baltimore ravens organization believes there was irregularities used for kickoffs and punts in their playoff gaem against the pate fritz in new england one week earlier in that hard-fought division's playoff game patriots trailed at the half and beat the ravens by only four points. even if the patriots have an unfair advantage, not much of a penalty. a $25,000 fine potentially a loss of a draft pick or two. a small price to pay if it helps you get to the super bowl.
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inaccurate news reports of the targets of comedians and politicians. >> there are actual cities like birmingham that are totally muslim. where non-muslims just don't go in. >> wow. that must be so inconvenient for the 78% of birmingham residents who are not muslim. >> jon stewart. wow. ahead, the sharp response to what fox news is saying about england as the mayor of paris threatens legal action. >> the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this
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morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by jcpenney. when it fits, you feel it. just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda®... calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience... ...the joy of sugar... ...without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda®
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good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening around the bay area right now. the measles outbreak that started at disney theme parks in an high continues to spread. cases have now been reported in five states and mexico and disney confirms five of its employees were infected. at least 23 unvaccinated students at a huntington beach high school were told to stay home. a mysterious goo killed more than 100 birds in the bay area. volunteer rescuers are trying to figure out what the is unsubstance is. state labs have ruled out oil. wildlife officials say it feels like rubber cement and prevents the birds from keeping warm. wildlife officials say the goo is limited to east bay shores right now.
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7 is a mess after an -- 237 is a mess after an earlier crash. use 84 as an alternate. it's looking good. here's a live look at the 880/237 interchange. slow that corridor through hayward on southbound 880 an earlier accident on the approach to highway 92 is now gone but traffic is stacked up through the castro valley y. and on northbound 238. bay bridge, still backed up well east of the maze. and westbound 580 slow on the approach from at least 24 merge. with the forecast, here's roberta. we have pockets of dense fog in santa rosa visibility to a quarter mile at 37 degrees. quarter mile visibility in concord at 43. bright sunshine today 50s and 60s across the board seasonal winter day. partly cloudy on thursday and
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so how do you propose to your beloved if you're a police officer? of course, you have her pulled over. galveston police officer gregory parris did that. he had one of his buddies pull his girlfriend over. she started to cry when she was told she had outstanding warrants. then gregory dropped to oneappeared dropped to one knee and popped the question. she said yes, yes, yes. that's a good way to start a marriage. don't you think sense of humor is most important? >> most important. >> not most important but high. >> it says something. >> i already like these two together. welcome back to "cbs this morning."
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norah o'donnell will join us later from washington but guess what. vinita nair is joining us here in studio 57. coming up this half hour the mayor of paris is threatening to sue fox news. why an apology from fox news failed to ease the tension there. >> plus, the push in california to allow physician-assisted aid in dying. it's inspired by brittany maynard, the terminally ill woman who moved out of the state to end her life. we sit down with her mom. that's ahead. "the new york times" says an internal review by the cia found the agency repeatedly overstated the value of intelligence it gains from its brutal interrogation tactics of terrorist suspects. the so-called panetta review was back in 2009. >> the "los angeles times" says the measle outbreak that started at disneyland last month
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continues to spread. the california theme park says five employees contracted the virus. three of them are better now. several dozen cases of the measles have popped up in five states and mexico since december. health officials are urging people to get vaccinations if they have not already done so. >> time"time" says your morning cup of coffee could be more important than you think. those who drink at least four cups of coffee a morning have a 20% less risk of melanoma a skin cancer. you also have a 20% less risk of getting ingting bay socarras know ma. >> the company says users have complained about mistake ily using false ones.
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satirical content should not be affected. and britain's "guardian" seas the mayor of paris threatens to sue fox news. she's angry with commentators who claim some muslims can't visit some neighborhoods. cable news said even police were afraid. fox news admits those reports were incorrect but as michelle miller says the mayor of paris is not satisfied. >> she feels she must seek legal recourse on fox news because they said her city was rife with claims. she said the reports were not only insulting but deeply damaging to paris. many found it upsetting because they were made in the aftermath of one of the worst terrorist attacks ever committed on frens soil. the mayor of paris said the city had been insulted. >> i think we'll have to sue.
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i think they'll have to go to court in order to have these words removed. the image of paris have been prejudice and the honor of paris has been prejudiced. >> they allowed no-go zones, it was said. >> it's been scary. i've been to afghanistan, iraq kashmir, and at times it's felt like that. you see young men wearing osama bin laden t-shirts in a shop. >> it was added these zones were common throughout europe. >> it's not just no-go zones there. it's like birmingham where non-muslims don't go in. >> prime minister david cameron was aghast. >> i thought it must be april
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fools' day. this guy is clearly an idiot. and a satirical tv show mocked fox news. >> they're afraid. >> author gabriel sherman who wrote a biography says they've gone after them before. >> we know about freedom fright. there was the famous acts of wee stills so this is another example of fox promoting hostile pictures of our allies. >> to be clear there was no formal designation of the zones prior to the country. >> a guest made a serious ro that we left unchanged. >> we deeply regret the errors
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and apologize to any and all who may have taken offense including people of france and england. >> on tuesday michael clemente, fox news executive president said, we empathize with the citizens of france as they go through a healing process and return to everyday light. however, we find the mayor's comments regarding a lawsuit misplaced. >> how much of a chance do they think the mayor has of filing a successful lawsuit against them? >> i think the filing would be largely symbolic because, you know the u.s. has a wide swath of protections for their publishers and also their media outlet outlets. there's this thing called the speech act which was enacted in 2010 which does just that. it protects publishers and the media outlets from being sued by courts overseas. >> interesting development. a fra ternlts at duke university is suspended this morning. it stems from rape allegations.
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anna werner is here with court documents that gives insight into what may have happened. good morning. >> good morning. the alleged sexual assault took place at a campus. the fraternity involved has been suspended until further noticest the alleged incident occurred here as a party held by members of the fraternity. in an affidavit the woman told police she was served hot chocolate. after drinking it the next thing she remembered was waking up the next day in a t-shirt she didn't recognize wearing no understood wear and no bra, her leggings torn and on the ground. >> we're hoping more folks will come forward. >> the search warrant also details two text messages sent to the victim from an unknown number. one of them said haha you went back with a kid i know.
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you're screwed. investigators later recovered several items from a scene including a mattress condom cup, and liquid samples along with a video and photograph. in a statement there was a statement made, pursuant to duke's policy, the fraternity has been placed on suspension. >> as a female i will not be attending events at that fraternity. >> reporter: in 2006 duke was the center of a highly publicize ed assault. on monday two fraternityies at brown university were sanctioned for an incident that occurred in october. the same day a student at north carolina state alleged she was sexually assaulted over the weekend. charges of this nature can have a damaging feelkts on a school's reputation. >> if you remove my lawyer hat and put my father hat on i'm not sending my daughter to a
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school with a reputation as being a rape university. >> well, since the alleged victim claims she was drugged and has no memory of the alleged assault, police have appealed to other students who may have seen what happened. until then the interim suspension means no recruiting or parties for the fraternity. ahead, interview with [ female announcer ] take skincare to the next level with roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. ♪ i found a happy place ♪ ♪ it's written on my face ♪ ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ ♪ i found
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this morning lawmakers in california are planning to roll out legislation that would allow terminally ill patients to control their own death. they'll be joined by the family of brittneyany maynard. she's the woman who died from brain cancer in november. she moved to oregon to legally end her own life. john blackstone talked with her mother in her first interview about her daughter's end of life
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choices. >> she was at her daughter's bedside when brittany maynard took the medication that would end her life. >> i was either going to be there and be strong or i was not going to be there and regret it the rest of my life. >> it was a day that had been fast approaching ever since the 29-year-old was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. >> we were all terrified. >> terrified of what the end would be. >> very terrified. my daughter would wake up in the hospital and she was gasping for breath. >> just weeks before her death brittney spoke to jan crawford about how she wished to die before her symptoms worsened. >> i wouldn't have want to suffer for weeks or be unconscious or lose the ability to speak and all of these terrible things that can happen. >> she did not want people telling her that she must suffer and that she must lose every
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single skill, her ability to swallow, her ability to stand. >> brittney wanted to choose when she died so she was forced to leave california and move to oregon where a doctor could then legally prescribe medication that would end her life. >> and so we went from sheer agonizing terror to having a plan. >> brittany maynard's story reignited the debate over right-to-die legislation. later zeigler will join as they tack steps toward right-to-die legislation. >> i think brittany maynard galvanized public opinion. it's a conversation that needs to happen across the country and in california, and that's what this is about. >> what we're really looking at doing is creating a compassionate option for end of
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life-choice. >> but opponents say this freedom to choose death is not an option at all. >> financial and emotional pressures can also make people choose death when it's not really their choice. it's, in a sense, a phony sense of freedom. >> still for brittany maynard, the choice was clear. when she decided it was time to take her prescribed medication, she was surrounded by the people she loved. >> i sat by her bedside and i read her poetry until i was sure she couldn't hear anymore. >> you still wish you could have had more time. >> yeah. you're grasping but objectively. you look back and say, thank heavens she went so quickly and so sweet. >> for "cbs this morning," john blackstone sacramento.
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>> so young and i thought so brave. she was 29. >> she and her husband had been married only two years but he knew it was time for her to go after watching her illness. coming up jill schlesinger on the three financial goals squlould set for 2015. plus the state of our union is beige. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places.
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tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. call your doctor right away. don't lose another moment to the flu. when there's flu, tamiflu. down to the business with the state of the union, the white house had a little fun. sweeted a photo of his tan suit and tweeted getting ready for the big speech. michelle obama made her own fashion statement. you might recognize this famous outfit.
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julianna margulies wore it on "good wife." word is it's michael kors. she's the cincinnati first vee fail combat vet. if you're interested i take a size 12 in mic ahead. house republican leader kevin mccarthy will join us right here in washington. you're watching "cbs this morning." maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand.
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at chili's, fresh is now. now chicken smoked in-house, and no more waiting for the check. new smoked chicken quesadillas on chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. what's in a can of del monte green beans? ( ♪ )
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grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. with no artificial ingredients. del monte. bursting with life. nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual bleeding breast or uterine cancer blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache
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pelvic pain, breast pain vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens ma crease your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream.
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good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. today two state lawmakers will introduce a bill to allow doctors to prescribe life ending medication to the terminally ill. the bill was inspired by a san francisco woman who moved to oregon since the practice is illegal in california. bart will hold a ceremony today to mark one year since the death of one of its police officers. officer tommy smith was shot by another officer who thought he was an armed suspect. officer smith's badge will be retired today. the giants world series trophy is headed to new york. this morning, giants ceo larry baer took the trophy on the flight to the team's original home. it goes on display this weekend. stay with us.
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good morning. checking the drive on 880, kind of a mess right now. we have had a series of different accidents including a new one approaching hesperian. the backup is jammed in both directions from almost nearly san leandro to fremont so avoid it. northbound into oakland it's slow again near the oakland coliseum. the drive southbound looks good, brake lights down to fremont. that's "kcbs traffic." here's roberta. not as foggy today as yesterday at this time but where we do have the fog is dense in those locations. good morning. out the door, we currently have temperatures into the 30s, wow. 34 degrees in napa at this time, 43 in san jose. later today bright sunshine, north wind at 15. temperatures into the 50s and into the low and mid-60s. we'll have partly cloudy skies
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, january 21st, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including the state of the union, house republican leader kevin mccarthy tells us how the gop will respond to president obama. all the president is saying don't stop the momentum now. now let's keep it going, let's get the middle class a better deal. >> republicans sat silently through most of the president's address. >> i thought it was a repeat of the greatest hits of the obama administration. >> what's change rouse is these two groups fight al qaeda will have the space to grow and post threats. >> the investigation will take another two to three days.
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espn reporting that the findings appear to confirm. >> the mayor of paris feels she must now seek legal recourse because of repeated suggestions on fox news that her city was rife with terrorists. >> suits going nowhere. >> the alleged sexual assault took place in a frat house located off campus. the fraternity involved has been suspended until further notice. >> michelle obama made her own fashion statement, she got rave reviews. word is it's michael kors. i want one. if you're interested i take a size 12. 11 of the 12 balls were allegedly underinflated. >> having been a receiver i like a softer ball. >> i wasn't bad at it. soft hands, soft hands. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and vinita nair. norah o'donnell is in washington. president obama is telling congress and the country that it is time to turn the page from
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the financial crisis and the recession and unemployment that followed. he used last night's state of the union address to push republicans to support the middle class instead of the rich. the president said his economic policy had made the state of the union of the strong. >> he also called for more cooperation from the republican-led congress. >> better politics is one where we debate without demonizing each other, we talk issues and values and principles and facts. rather than gotcha moments or trivial gaffes or fake controversies that have nothing to do with people's daily lives. if we're going to have arguments, let's have arguments. but let's make them debates worthy of this body and worthy of this country. i have no more campaigns to run. my only agenda -- [ applause ] >> i know because i won both of them. >> that is a line of the day for
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a lot of people. it's getting a lot of pickups. the president also told republicans he would veto any bill reversing his policies on obamacare, immigration and financial regulation. >> yes, even republicans say that was a good line. with us here in washington house majority leader kevin mccarthy of california. congressman, good morning. you thought that was a good line. >> well played. >> i noticed last night when they announced that the president is entering the chamber, you were right there behind the president of the united states. since you were so close before did you find areas of cooperation? >> we go and greet prior, being majority leader that's the position i had there. we had dinner and able to meet her, john lewis. i told the president about it. she was able to greet her and say hello to her beforehand. that's really what we talked about. i went and did the march with john lewis in selma a couple years back. that was our conversation
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mainly. >> let's talk about what the president said last night, he said we've seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade, the deficit has been cut by two-thirds the stock market has doubled, health care inflation is at its lowest rate in 50 years. does the president deserve any credit for that? >> look i think the president's worked hard. there are some challenges we could be much stronger. you can always pick different facts but if you look at the participation rate that zars me. it's 62.7%. this is the lowest it's been since jimmy carter, '78. that means people have given up looking. it lowers the unemployment. if you're giving up looking, you're giving up on your hopes and dreams. there is so many areas to look at our deficit is at $18 trillion that's larger than other whole economy. >> it's interesting. if you look at the polls, many people said they liked divided government. now, they say we don't want divided government anymore, we
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want compromise. it's still not clear to me on what level the republicans, you're in the leadership in congress, are going to get any compromise and come together on anything with the president of the united states. >> i believe in divided government. historically we've done big things. reagan had tip o'neill and reformed the tax code. clinton it newt gingrich and bob dole and reformed welfare and balanced the budget. we're at the right place to be able to conquer a lot of the big challenges. i think the tune is the we should get down if someone's willing to work, we work with them. we're going to have different philosophical approaches. our government is divided that no one gets 100% of what they want. the president, if he wants to work with us we've only been here 2 1/2 weeks and he's put seven veto threats. that's probably not the best start. let us work the legislation. >> charlie? >> congressman, the question is about the vetoes. if in fact the president does
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vote toe veto the keystone pipeline what will the republicans do. >> i think we'll try to override it or send it back to him. bill clinton vetoed welfare reform twice. he signed it the third time. we studied keystone for five years. every challenge the president's had about this and the court challenge, nebraska's taken that away. i think this is an easy place that we could find common ground, put people to work and actually make us more energy independent for the entire north america america. >> a lot of people are saying what happened last night and what the president laid out is setting the debate for the presidential campaign of 2016. if that is the question what do you think the debate is? >> i think the debate is what the future looks like. i mean we still have great challenges in foreign policy. i mean our friends don't trust us and our enemies don't fear us. i see economically, we've talked about the middle class but their income has dropped since the president's been in office.
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it's really what's the future not just for you but for your children. those people will not give up hope looking for a job but have an opportunity for a job. there's so much fear that people coming out of college can't get a job and have such large debt. where is the growth and opportunity we have? i still believe america is the best country in the world and has the best opportunities. >> a lot of people feel that congressman, that america is the best place in the world. >> yes. >> when you were listening last night to the proposals, did you hear anything at all that you said, you know what that is a great idea. >> i think trade, perfect opportunity. when he talks about veterans, we've also passed hire more vets. last congress it got stuck in the senate. that's already gone through the house. when we look at authorization, cyber security, there's a lot of places we can start with common ground now. i think if that becomes law, it will show that one, we're competent, second, that the country can move forward and we can start tackling. >> the income inequality.
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>> i think tax reform would be the best opportunity. the president want tos raise more taxes. we do not agree with that. simplification, closing the loopholes, i think that's a common ground place we can find and work towards. >> we will be watching and hope you will join us again. >> thanks for having me. >> ed looer mccarthy, thank you so much. gale? >> thank you, both. >> what you can do right this minute to make your new years resolutions a reality. jill
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[vet] two yearly physicals down. martha and mildred are good to go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer but...i wouldn't have it any other way. look at that, i had my best month ever. and earned a shiny new office upgrade. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain
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our "eye on money" series takes on the finance matters you care most about. this morning we're focusing on new years financial resolutions for 2015. cbs news poll shows americans are feeling the most positive about the economy since before the great recession. more than half say it's in good shape, up from 40% just a few months ago. cbs news business analyst jillingerjill schlesinger is with us now. good morning. you read a thing in the paper. >> most of the resolutions fall off around week three. >> three things everybody needs to do. >> everybody needs to think about having zero consumer debt meaning car loans and consumer debt. accumulate 6 to 12 months of emergency reserve funds.
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that requires you to understand how much you actually spend. a lot of people don't do that. 6 to 12 months is the big number. eventually start to max out those retirement plan contributions. this year $18,000 for a 401(k) or 403(b). if you're over 50 you can pop in an extra 6,000. >> how do you do that living paycheck to paycheck? >> well, a lot of them don't. just try to do the best you can. >> insurance choices. >> i think it's important that people understand, there are tons of tools on the internet to go find insurance, whether it's life, health whether it's disability, long-term care. i want to make a special note here. for those people who have one parent working outside of the home, one person in the home we usually say insure the person who's working. don't do that. make sure you insure both people. because if you're stay-at-home spouse, something happens to him or her you are going to require more help. you should have insurance on
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that stay-at-home parent as well. >> how do you decide when the right time is to renegotiate your mortgage? >> if you know you have a mortgage where you were unable to refinance because rates were higher or because you didn't have a lot of equity now is a fabulous time. rates are down below 4%, again, for a 30-year fixed. for those who have bad credit the parameters have started to change a little bit. so now would be a fabulous time to check it out. >> you say people should start thinking about estate planning. people hear the word estate and they think wealthy, not for me. >> estate means rich. >> or big debt. >> right, right. everybody needs very core documents prepared. a will that tells everyone where you want to go. where you watch the -- want to go? where you want your money to go a health care proxy, if you need a trust or do not resuscitate
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order. go see a lawyer get the documents done. >> push past the three weeks. >> thank you so much. jill answered financial questions on twitter earlier this morning. search for the #beready. mark phillips is in london where this morning the sun is showing less skin. mark? >> sometimes what a newspaper doesn't print makes more news than when it does. the infamous page three girl is a gone girl. will the world ever be the same? that's ahead on "cbs this morning." "eye on money" sponsored by voya financial. changing the way you think of retirement.
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female announcer: it's time to make room for the new mattress models! but sleep train's huge year end clearance sale ends sunday. get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up and removal of your old set. don't wait! sleep train's year end clearance sale ends sunday. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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every day many people in britain buy "the sun" newspaper and go right to page 3. that's where you could always find a photo of a topless model or two but suddenly this morning those page 3 girls are gone from the tabloid. mark phillips is in london looking at what may be the end of a notorious edition. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. newspapers are usually about the great events of our time war and peerks politics and peace,
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but not this paper. it's making news because of what it's not printing. on page 3, parent alal supervision is advised. it has its mix of sports celebrity gossip, maybe a little news and what has come to be known as the page 3 girl. a daily eyeful of lacey 22 or indy 24 from reading. just a bit of circulating enhancing fun, a harmless tradition the paper has argued misplaced, mashs, misogynistic sexism. >> page 3 image is often the biggest image of a woman in the newspaper. there's usually page after page of men fully clothed doing things and running the country achieving in sports. you know it's all about what they're doing. with women it's about what they
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look like. >> but flip open the paper to page 3 now and and you get chicken breasts instead of the other kind a supermarket ad. flip once more and you've got nostalgia for the good old days and bad puns. in this london working man's cafe, it's the end of the world as we know it. >> i think it's a woman's right if she wants to get her -- >> rupert murdoch seen with the pape when he bought it in 1969 has been asking too. he's hedging his bets. topless women still adorn the paper's website and, anyway, the internet is full of that and more says columnist lentz. >> "the sun" paper was old-fashioned sexism and i don't
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think many were that offended by it. >> reporter: not even apparently for the women who pose. >> it's not objectifying it. it's making them look more appeal. >> i think girls should be proud. >> reporter: "the sun" hasn't officially announced it's canceling its page 3 girls forever. maybe it's waiting to see what its circulation figures look like. >> this is a thing that goes to charlie. >> thank you, mr. phillips. >> i think looking at a great set of breasts are good but unless men are showing their penis, fine, let it go it's launched the careers of a lot of women. >> i know when not to get involved. >> good-bye to chelsea, lacy krclacey
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good morning. it's 8:25. the measles outbreak that started at disney in anaheim continues to spread. cases have now been reported in five states and mexico. disney confirms five employees were infected. at least 23 unvaccinated students at a high school in huntington beach were told to stay home after a fellow student was infected there. a mysterious goo has killed more than 100 birds in the bay area. they are trying to figure out what the substance is. labs have ruled out oil. wildlife officials say it feels like rubber cement and prevents the birds from keeping warm. wildlife officials say the goo is limited to the east bay shores. and the giants world series
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a series of earlier crashes. and if you are heading north we are seeing the usual backups. this is a bit worse than usual near the oakland coliseum. northbound 36 minutes between 238 and the macarthur maze so solid to downtown oakland. silicon valley commuters, westbound 237 we had an earlier crash much earlier at zanker. but it backed up the commute early. this is a slight improvement. big delays from milpitas. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." with the forecast, here's roberta. 24 hours ago we were socked in with dense fog. take a look at the visibility now, just a little haze. good morning, it is a chilly start to your day. 39 degrees in livermore. 37 in santa rosa with visibilities down to a quarter mile due to some pockets of dense fog. otherwise fog is not widespread. bright sunshine today, 50s and 60s. extended forecast:
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median incomes have stagnated for over a decade. let me start over. tonight america saw a powerful demonstration that it is time to move on beyond president barack obama. just two months ago -- >> republican senator ted cruz needed a do-over. the video including the gaffe was posted by his own staff and then quickly removed. i find nothing wrong with that. >> it happens to everybody. >> he said let's start over. >> it happens to the best of us. it's just that you don't want anybody to see it. >> even if you do see it it doesn't bother me at all. >> it's not a big deal.
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i bet the staffers are in trouble. coming up this half hour julianne moore is getting a lot of buzz ahead of the oscars. the five-time nominee talks about how she fell in love with acting and what she considers her greatest achievement so far. also, a different kind of school. see how it's redefining the inner city kids. that's ahead. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. it's from a brady interview with a boston radio interview in 2011. he said he prefers the deflating effect of rob gronkowski spiking the ball. >> when gronk scores a touchdown he spikes the ball and deflates the ball. i love that. i like a deflated ball but i feel bad for that football because he puts everything he can into those spikes. >> the nfl is expected to complete its investigation by
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the end of the week as to whether the patriots underinflated the footballs in the championship. the union leader said they've released their first scratch lottery tick. reaction to the bacon scented ticket has been mixed. julianne moore is up for her sixth nomination. she portray as woman battling alzheimer's disease in the movie "still alice." >> i've always been so defined by my intellect, my language my articulation, and now sometimes i can see the words hanging in front of me and i can't reach them and i don't know who i am and i don't know what i'm going to lose next. >> critics are calling this moore's best shot yet for an akajmy award. we talked about her role and long career, one that continues
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to flourish. >> when you look at your life, why did you become an actress? >> because i like to read. because i love to read. i love to read. >> was it instant love once you had a chance to go on stage and hear your voice and react to another character and hear applause? >> right. it was pretty much -- you know, i couldn't do sports. i wasn't athletic. i didn't play an instrument. like i said all i did was red pretty much so you end up trying out if the school play and suddenly i'm like oh i think i want to be an actor. >> what's the best advice you ever got about acting? >> just working. work, work work. i noticed the actors i admired were always working. nothing seemed to bother them. they worked. >> i assume meryl streep. who else would be in that category? >> oh, gosh yes. meryl, number one. she was on the cover of "time" magazine when i was a teenager. i held it up and showed my
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father. i said do you see this? i said, i want to be like her. she's an actress and she's on the cover of "time magazine." >> have you ever slept with a director? >> i can't believe you asked that. it's so embarrassing. >> is is rude? >> it's terribly rude. yes, i have. i had an affair with a direct just one time. >> and i hope you married him. >> i married him. you know him, yeah. >> a great knicks fan. >> exactly. >> most people will say as one director said about you, you know, she brings intelligence gravitas, and an inner self. all of a sudden now you seem to have a wider range, a bigger canvas. >> mm-hmm. i think my career has always been really incremental. i didn't get my first role in a movie until i was 29 years old. so there was never any big surge, you know. >> in some ways it's better
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isn't it? >> it's great. i always say i'm like a mouse chewing through a wall. one tiny bite at a time. you know but eventually you've eaten the whole wall right? >> this is the best time of your life, isn't it? >> you know what? it's pretty fantastic. >> there are no walls remaining in julianne moore's path to success. now nominated for her fifth oscar, she's already taken home a golden globe and hollywood film award. >> by observing these baby steps -- >> for "still alice" it is the portrail of a woman finding early onset alzheimer's. >> you know what it's like to live with alzheimer's. >> right. someone who's defined by her intellect. she's questioning who she is. >> and what what do i do when i can no longer do the things i do. >> yeah. how does she cope? how does she present herself? how does she fight her decline?
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how does she preserve her relationship? >> everything i've worked for in my entire life is going. it's all going. >> reporter: moore's performance in kwl stillal lis" may be the most recognized in her career but her biggest box office today came with the release of ""the hunger games": "mockingjay, part 1." tell me the story. it's because of your children. >> absolutely. my son read "the hunger games" when it came out. i started reading through it. i tore through it. i finished it. there was only one part i couldn't read. >> these revolutions about everyone -- >> my kids were so happy. >> they can brag now. >> oh yeah yeah. >> julianne moore plays opposite philip seymour hoffman.
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he died before the movie was complete. you filmed with philip seymour hoffman three times. >> yeah. "movie nights" and "magnolia." it's extremely heartbreaking. i think we all felt like there was something we could have done. >> or you reached out and said something. >> made a difference at that moment, yeah. >> what's been the biggest achievement for you? i assume family. >> my family. beyond family, i think my career. my family -- i can't believe i'm so lucky that i have this wonderful group of people around me. >> but career because it's something you made and created yourself. >> yeah. i'd gone from a kid who liked to read and tried nout the school play and someone who's still doing this at my age, getting to work with really frankly amazing and creative people. i have a lot of gratitude and
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amazement. >> boy. >> such an interesting woman. >> i was going to say i don't know her but you like her so much looking at that interview. after she won the golden globe, it was reported they jumped on a plane and flew back because their son had basketball game, talk about family, and they didn't want to miss that. >> you have such a great way of getting them to open up. >> i thought that too. i want her to be my friend. >> e-mail her. can i beb your friend? >> she can't be beat with the oscars. we'll see. ahead, hidden under pressure. find a place to break free. vladimir duthiers is in the bronx. vlad? >> reporter: while the eagle academy is home to some
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olivia. super hungry? get my chipotle chicken club combo with fries and a drink. that's a ton of food for $4.99. let's do this. re-enacting that famous popular scene from "rocky" is popular. guess who was there? the "rocky" actor himself. look at this guy on the left side. he looks so happy. he snapped the selfie.
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he joked with them about running too fast and making them look bad. they called that incredible. he was shooting "creed," the latest "rocky" spin off. >> i run those steps every time i'm there. >> you do? >> i do. >> i've never done that. >> next time after your foot heals. the eagle academy for young men is a system of six schools opened to greats 6 through 12. the group, 100 black men created it back in 2004. >> the school is strategically placed in five high-crime areas from the boroughs to new jersey. vladimir duthiers is there in the bronx with how the eagle can save lives. >> reporter: good morning. every day begins with a breakfast and a town hall meeting. you can see it happening behind me. this is chance to hear school announcements and for the administrator to go over any
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issues they may be having. that's one of the ways they're set apart from the public schools. >> it's a chance to make a difference in our black and latino communities especially for young men like me. >> reporter: he's a 17-year-old senior at the eagle academy for young men in the bronx. at this senior convocation, he was chosen to speak not as class president, not as valedictorian, but as a young man who's conquered many of the struggles facing the boys in the school. >> i was heading down the same vicious psych thal so many of today's urban youth gets caught up in a path that has two potential outcomes prison or death. >> before i came to eagle academy, it was constant fights, getting arrested. >> arrested? ? . >> yes. >> how many times were you arrested? >> maybe four to five times. he lives in a high crime neighborhood. he has grown up in a
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single-parent home. adding to his problems is the fact that both of his parents were incarcerated on drug charges when he was 9. >> he took it the hardest because he was the oldest. i had many nights i cried because i was blaming myself. >> his mother mercedes smith -- >> we live not far from the projects. a lot of gangs. they want him to join gangs. >> reporter: when his mother heard about the school for boys of color she urged him to apply. >> that was the best choice me and my son could have ever made. >> reporter: of the thousands that applied he was one of the lucky 100. but it didn't stop local gangs trying to recruit him. >> the trouble in the streets didn't stop. he was always in a fight every day. even outside the school. they would go to the school. >> reporter: he said the biggest turning point is when the teacher here went the extra mile to help him. i thought what is going on with
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this student where at one end he wants to do well and he wants to learn but on the other end he has such a short fuse. she was his ninth grade teacher. >> one day in my class he said to me he wants to commit suicide, and -- i'm sorry -- and i talked to him about why he wanted to commit suicide and he just said that he was going to die anyway he was going to get killed on the street. >> from that day on she has been his advocate, providing counseling and support. >> that was the first time a teacher ever went above and beyond to help me. ms. maclin, i have thanks you in the past but i don't think i remember telling you this. you changed my life. >> and that, according to david banks, the president and ceo of the school's foundation is the point of the eagle academy. >> we help young men understand what it takes to get the light
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to go on for them to believe in themselves. >> reporter: they do that by providing the structure and discipline many of these boys never had. students must wear uniforms. each boy gets paired with a mentor from the community. school days are longer to avoid idle time on the streets. and the kicker -- >> there are no girls here, right? >> that's right. and it makes a huge difference. >> i'm sure it does. i mean that's a huge distraction when you're a teenager i think. >> to be able to come to a place where they don't have to worry about competing for girls or getting dressed up for girls. they can be very focused their schoolwork. we have a lot of young men that schools would shy awa from. we meet these young men and say we'll put them all together and get to the finish line. >> reporter: the average number of black and latino boys to graduate high school in new york city is about 50%. it's 78% at eagle academy with 100% getting accepted into college. >> people don't see the greatness that lies within boys of color.
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they're boys they're kids just like any other kid in america, and with the right direction, they can soar. >> i remember watching convocations from the sidelines as a freshman sophomore, and junior. now i am here. i made it. >> that school will be forever in my memory, my heart, and grateful to them as well because they didn't give up on him. >> reporter: instead they gave him and his family an alternative to life on the street. japaris will be the first in his family to attend college. today eagle academy has about 2,000 students in their classrooms. they hope to have 4,000 by 2021. the goal after that to replicate this progress across the nation. gayle? >> i know. that's such a great story, vlad. david banks and his team do amazing work there. someone once said a long time ago if kids can tell you don't care, they don't care what you
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a middletown, new york man is being charged for bulldozing his house. the problem? he didn't tell her. he did it when his wife was away. it's not clear why he knocked down the home. >> i heard they were doing some renovation and he was very frustrated. he just took matters in his own hands. >> that does it for us.
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good morning. checking the ride right now along the peninsula, the crashes keep coming in. we have brutal commutes out there. southbound 101 at whipple there is a new crash involving a few cars and a bus it sounds like blocking at least a lane. slow from san mateo into redwood city. here's a live look out the door. 880 in oakland, by the oakland coliseum. looks like that in the northbound lanes all the way up through downtown oakland exits. we are finally seeing improvement now in the northbound and southbound lanes between san leandro and fremont all red sensors about a half- hour ago. silicon valley commute still rough out of milpi
8:59 am
9:00 am
wayne: oh hey, it's tv! jonathan: it's a new jet ski! - what? wayne: oops! you don't know me, you're not my mama. you're not my mama! tiffany: oh my god! jonathan: it's a trip to jamaica. wayne: lord have mercy. you got the big deal of the day! - give me door number one! jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, here we are once again welcome back to “let's make a deal.” every single day i say “who wants to make a deal?” three people, let's go. you right there, yes, ma'am. stand right there for me. you, right there. last but not least you, right there. come on over here. everybody else, have a seat.
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