tv Face the Nation CBS March 8, 2015 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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>> schieffer: i'm bob schieffer today on "face the nation," president obama tells our bill plant iran must make more concessiono on inspections if it wants nuclear. we'll get the reaction of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. we'll hear from mitch mcconnell in first sunday interview as taking over. congressman craig gowdy tracking down the hillary clinton e-mails and selma 50 years after historic bloody sunday march. because this is "face the nation." captioning sponsored by cbs good morning, in his interview with senior white correspondent bill plantee yesterday in selma the president talked about how difficult it is going to be to get a nuclear deal with iran.
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and in his clearest language yet said flatly that unlessee ran 'degrees to more stringent inspections he will walk away from the deal. here is the key part of what he said. >> there is enormous suspicion between iranian regime and the world, not just the united states. iranian had negotiated seriously through some of the toughest sanctions ever put in place. we've made progress in narrowing the gaps but the gaps still exist. and i would say that over the next month or so we're going to be able to determine whether or not their system is able to accept what would be extraordinarily reasonable deal if in fact as they say they are only interested in peaceful nuclear programs. and if we had unprecedented transparency in that system if we are able to verify that in
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fact they are not then there's deal to be had but that's going to require them toe accept the kind of verification and constraints on their program that so far have not been willing to say yes to. >> the activity of the secretary of state and his counterparts suggests a lot of people, particularly i guess israelis, that deal is imminent. >> i think it is fair to say that there is an urgency because we now have been negotiating for well over a year and the good news is, that during this period iran has abided by the terms of the agreement we know what is happening on the ground in iraq. they have not advanced their nuclear program. we've been able to go back their uranium during this time, unprecedented access into what they are doing. so we're not losing anything through these talks. >> you've said if there is no deal you're willing to walk
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away. >> absolutely. no deal, then we walk away. if we cannot verify that they are not going to obtain nuclear weapon that there's a breakout period even if they cheated we would be able to have enough time to take action. if we don't have that kind of deal then we're not going to play. >> schieffer: benjamin netanyahu is back in israel after his unprecedented speech to the joint section of congress, he joins us from jerusalem. prime minister thank you for being here, the president told bill plante we will walk away from any deal if it does not include more stringent inspections than the iranians have already agreed to. is that good enough? >> i respect president obama i expressed in me speech for many things that he's done for israel. we share the same goal of preventing iran from getting a nuclear weapon but disagree how to do it.
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i do not trust with the regime, it didn't work with north korea, violated it and played good game of hide-and-seek. didn't work with iran they cheated and bamboozled inspectors, under the nose of inspectors they built underground bunkers that they didn't know about the inspectors and we, intelligence agencies, the u.s. israel, britain didn't know about for years i be lot more circumspect. that you contract iran's nuclear programs there's less to inspect. >> schieffer: do you trust the president to make the right decision on this? >> i think this is not an issue, a personal issue not one of trust. matter of survival, really. deepest security issues for the state of israel for the security of the middle east, for the security of the world also for united states we can have obviously different perspectives but i chose to bring out what i thought would be a better deal.
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i think the current proposals as i understand it enabled iran to have vast nuclear infrastructure which means very short break out time secondly lift restrictions after a decade, lifts all the restrictions on iran could have an arsenal of many, many nuclear bombs plus continue to develop the intercontinental ballistic missiles, any police on earth including united states of america. i think there's a better deal. better deal is to increase the break out time and limit iran's infrastructure. secondly, to condition the lifting of restrictions on iran's nuclear program in the future to change in iran's behavior to have it stopped worldwide terrorism. i think that is a better deal. >> schieffer: let me read you a tweet that the white house called -- sent out last week
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calling attention to an article on why he said your predictions have been wrong for 25 years. were you offended by that? >> well, the reason i've been warning for 25 years because iran has been trying to get to the bomb if we hadn't acted i and president obama and congress and others, if we hadn't acted in these intervening years iran would have had the nuclear weapon a long time ago. and if we don't let our guard downf we had let our guard down iran would have had the weapon if we let our guard down now it will have the weapon. as far as tweets, if i had to choose i'd retweet something that we link to iran that is the supreme leader ayatollah who he cites nine ways and reasons that israel should be destroyed that gives you much better perspective on this regime.
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even in these times of, sometimes disagreement, i think it's useful to remember who your ally is and who your enemy is. >> schieffer: a saudi newspapers reported that the united states plans to offer some arab states, so-called nuclear umbrella as protection against iran. any reaction to that, can you tell us you have information that that is even accurate? >> i don't know, but if it's true it raises two troubling questions. first is that iran has a nuclear weapon program otherwise why offer presumably gulf states, why offer them protection, nuclear protection. the second is, if it's true a shift of u.s. policy from preventing a nuclear iran to containing one. that is not good. >> schieffer: if there is a deal, do you believe that iran's
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ties to terrorism need to be dealt with in the agreement? >> i think what you have to make sure is that restrictions on iran are not lifted and do not expire before iran stops its worldwide campaign of terrorism which is included many of attacking america and its allies around the world. i think that is important. if world power don't want to continue before the deal is signed they should certain ly condition it before the deal expires, before the restrictions on iran is lifted. i think should demand from iran clearly before you lift restrictions on its nuclear program that they stop terrorism, that they stop the aggression against the many countries in the middle east that they're gobbling up now. and equally that they stop threatening to annihilate my country one and only jewish state of islam. >> schieffer: mr. prime minister, you knew it was going to be controversial when you
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decided to come to the united states and make the speech to the joint session. do you feel that it was successful? >> well, look, i knew it would be difficult. i didn't have any attempt of having part of the imposition. certainly didn't mean any disrespect to the president or anyone else. but i came because as prime minister of israel i felt obligation to speak before congress, may have important role in this deal before the deal is signed. to alert them to what i think are enormous dangers to israel and the region and to the world with the impending deal. >> schieffer: you said in the past that iran must have zero capability to enrich uranium, you did not mention that in your speech. is that still your position? >> that would have been our preference from the beginning, it always is our preference. but i said at the very least have to make sure they don't have the capability to break out to a bomb within a year or less
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which is current proposal because in a year anything can happen you can have internationallal wise get away with it. i said that kind of agreement i was talking about, that is increase the break out time, limit their facilities and not lift the restrictions on their nuclear program. something that would be much better deal, something that israel and many of our arab neighbors could live with literally with. >> schieffer: that is, that basically what is a change of what you said before, am i right in saying that? >> it's not our preference. but it's our hope that this would be minimal positions that adopted by the world powers, that is not that iran would have break out capability of no more than one year but break out capability that would require at least several years which was what we had said to be starting positions of those negotiations
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in the first place. >> schieffer: prime minister, thank you so much for taking time to join us this morning. >> thank you bob. appreciate it. >> schieffer: and we turn now to the new senate majority leader mitch mcconnell he joins us from louisville. mr. leader, thank you so much for being with us on this first sunday interview since you became the majority leader. you heard prime minister netanyahu you heard president obama, what is your take on how all of this is shaping up? >> first a little history. president was against the sanction, is that we passed that brought iranians to the table. the last state of the union messages he threatened to veto additional sanctions clearly the president does not want congress involved in this issue. we have couple of bills before the senate now one that would require any agreement reached to come to the senate, number of
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democrats who are sponsoring that. they seem not to want to vote on it but number of democrats are sponsoring it. i think we need -- prime minister pointed out eye rainians are trouble in syria yemen, all over the middle east they're on the. they have enhanced influence in iraq. can't ignore all of their other behavior in looking at the nuclear -- potential nuclear deal. what we do know about the deal is it looks like we will leave the infrastructure in place with one of the worst regimes in the world. the fact that the president doesn't want congress to participate in this underscores what a bad deal it is. he's afraid that we might not approve it. so i'm very worried about it. and i hope that the president will not make the bad deal that we anticipate he's going to make.
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>> schieffer: well if a deal is reached, will you insist that the senate approve it as it would, were it a treaty? >> yes. the chairman of the foreign relations committee has proposal that has at least ten democratic cosponsors for the deal to come before congress for approval. the president has threatened to veto. he doesn't want us to have any role to play in this i'm hoping we get 67 senators to assert the historic role of the senate and the congress in looking at matters of this magnitude. obviously president doesn't want us involved in this. but he's going to need us if he's going to lift any of the existing sanctions and so he cannot work around congress forever. i'm glad the prime minister came. we needed to hear from somebody to point out the problems with the deal that we anticipate will be made and also point out
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shouldn't ignore all iran's other behavior unrelated to the nuclear program fomenting revolution all over the middle east they have built ieds killed and injured a number of our personnel. this is a very, very dangerous regime. >> schieffer: the justice department senator is preparing to file charges as you know against new jersey, democratic senator bob menendez saying he accepted gifts and trips in exchange for political favors for long time friend. do you think he should step aside now as the top democrat on the senate foreign relations committee? >> apparently no charges have been brought yet. typically when these kind of charges are brought people step aside from their leadership positions for a period of time. that would be up to the democratic leader, senator reed to make that call.
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>> schieffer: do you believe hillary clinton, speaking of former democratic senators, do you believe that secretary clinton, former secretary clinton violated any law by opening this private e-mail account on her own server? >> honestly, i'm not sure but i am a little bit worried about the security of those e-mails. they would have been prime targets for cyberattacks. but i don't know what the law is. i think administration is taking a look at that hopefully we'll find out in the coming weeks just what the legal situation is. >> schieffer: yesterday down in selma the president made an impassed ly to congress to restore voting rights act will you support that? >> the voting rights act is still intact, it prevents discrimination in the voting behavior all across america based on race. the supreme court took out a portion of it.
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we are taking a look at that certainly it's an important occasion. bob, disinterestingly enough, i was a young man in 1965 visiting one of my senators from kentucky, he took me over to the rotunda i actually saw lyndon johnson sign the voting rights act. that was of course four or five months after bloody sunday. it has been an extraordinarily important piece of legislation, it prevents discrimination in voting on the base of race all over america. and we all revere the changes that have been brought in our country as a result of this important legislation. >> schieffer: let me just ask you one final question here, that is, now that you are the majority leader in the senate, do you feel you are obligated to work with the president and with the white house to get things done? >> of course. and i think there's some areas that i'm pretty optimistic
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about. i think we'll be able to make progress on trade, make progress on cyber-security. when the american people are not saying they don't want anything done they are saying we want you guys on each side to look for things that you can agree on to make progress in the country. that's always my first choice. >> schieffer: quick question treasury secretary sent letter to congress saying that debt limit will reach the ceiling monday republicans going to vote to lift the debt ceiling? >> well the debt ceiling will be handled over a period of month, we have number of tools in the toolbox. i made it very clear after the november election that we're certainly not going to shut down the government or default on the national get. we'll figure some way to handle that hopefully might carry some her important legislation that we can agree on in connection with it. >> schieffer: all right. mr. majority leader, thank you so much for giving us your first interview as majority leader. >> schieffer: thank you bob. >> schieffer: we'll be back with more on the clinton e-mails in just a minute.
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clinton's e-mails. >> i'm glad that hilary is instructed that those e-mails that had to do with official business had to be disclosed. >> you say you have the most transparent how does this square with that? >> i think the fact that she's going to put them forward will allow us to make sure that people have the information they need. >> schieffer: you heard that congressman, are you going to release the e-mails that she has sent to your commit fee? >> no, sir. not yet. we don't have all of them. there's a reason that serious investigations don't leak and make selective releases. we had eight e-mails last august, we didn't release those. we got 300 more e-mails totaling 800 pages in february. we haven't released those. it's frankly not fair to the
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secretary not fair to your viewers, my fellow citizens to selectively release information. now if she wants to release all of them with the emphasis being on the word "all" she's welcome to do that. i can't stop her from doing that. serious investigation don't make selective releases. >> schieffer: let me make sure i understand why this is significant. that is by using this private account on private server she cannot only keep those e-mails from the reach of the government, as i understand it but she could delete the e-mails without anybody knowing it so she has sent you some e-mails but are there any gaps in the e-mails you have received so far from her? >> yes sir. there are gaps of months and months and months. if you think to that iconic picture of her on a c17 flying to libya sunglasses on, she has her hand held device in her hand we have no e-mails from that day. in fact we have no e-mails from
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that trip. it's strange credibility to believe that if you're on your way to libya to discuss libyan policy that there's not a single document has been turned over to congress. there are huge gaps, with respect to the president it's note up to secretary clinton to decide what is a public record and what's not. we need someone -- frankly i've lost confidence in the state department toe make that determination, they're the ones who allowed this arrangement did nothing abut this arrangement until they got request from our committee frankly i think your viewers are entitled to a neutral detached auditor to determine what's a public record first of all. that never should have left the custody of the government. secondarily, what is our committee entitled to, we're not entitled to everything. i don't want everything. i just want everything related to libya and benghazi. >> what else is there to know about libya?
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>> there are three -- why did we have facility that didn't need any security specification whatsoever. they had a separate classification for our facility and why? why in spite of the escalating violence did we lower our security profile instead of raise it so that's the before. the during our military response, where were our assets located. after all this is the anniversary of 9/11. if you are better prepared to defend the embassy in paris than embassy in ripley i think me fellow citizens want to know that. the aftermath. i continue to naively believe that people have right to expect their government to tell them the truth in the aftermath of tragedy. we know that the video was not connected. we know it was not a spontaneous protest, what we don't know is how early the administration knew those two narratives were false. >> schieffer: congressman i'm going to have to stop you there
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we've just run out of time. thank you. we're going to hear more from kelp crate can senator chuck schumer later in the broadcast on this. we'll be back in a moment. ers. 96% of them are doing rain-fed agriculture. they're all competing with each other; they're all making very low margins making enough to survive but not enough to get out of poverty. so kickstart designs low cost irrigation pumps enabling them to grow high value crops throughout the year so you can make a lot of money. it's all very well to have a whole lot of small innovations but unless we can scale it up enough to where we are talking about millions of farmers, we're not going to solve their biggest challenge. this is precisely where the kind of finance that citi is giving us is enabling us to scale up on a much more rapid pace. when we talk to the farmers and ask them what's the most important thing. first of all they say we can feed our families. secondly, we can send our children to school. it's really that first step that allows them to get out of poverty and most importantly have money left over to plan for the future they want.
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>> schieffer: stay with us for lot more "face the nation" including yesterday's anniversary of the selma march for voting rights. >> we honor those who walk so we could learn. we must run so our children soar and we will not grow weary. this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move.
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several investigations by the committees and others they have come up with zeros they just keep at it. i think at the end of the day this will just be regarded as a slight hiccup small bump in the road six months from now. >> schieffer: all right. we're going to talk more about this in part two of the broadcast. we'll take a break. some of you are leaving us. most of you we'll be right back.
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