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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  May 18, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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derailed during storms there sunday morning. and a lot of heavy rain continues from texas to minnesota. if you ar good morning to our viewers in the west. it's monday may 18 2015. welcome to cbs "this morning." amtrak restores full service to the busy northeast corridor after last week's deadly derailment. this morning, we are aboard the first train through philadelphia. a military aircraft packed with marines explodes into flames after a crash landing in hawaii. a daring base jump in yosemite claims the lives of two extreme athletes. what went wrong? we begin with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> i saw everything from fives to brass knuckles to chains to clubs to firearms.
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a deadly gang shootout in waco texas. >> 192 people arrested after a biker gang shootout. nine killed 18 taken to the hospital. >> oh! oh! >> holy [ bleep ]! one marine has died after an osprey aircraft made a hard landing in iowa. >> 21 others are in a hospital. witnesses say they could see the smoke and fire for miles. in iraq, isis has taken control of ramadi. >> iraqi forces abandoned their weapons and fled. amtrak train service in the northeast corridor resuming after last week's deadly derailment. >> they have been working for 24 hours a day trying to get the automatic train control systems in place. an eventful night at the billboard music awards. kanye west left some fans wondering if their tv was broken. >> taylor swift a big winner. >> oh, this is such a good night. dozens of tornados hounded parts of the u.s. >> in texas, people had to be rescued after heavy rain caused flash flooding.
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>> no major spoilers for "mad men" fans. the series says good-bye after seven dramatic seasons. all that and the indianapolis 500 practice ed carpenter appears to lose control. he was not hurt. >> and all that matters. >> think about what you would like to be remembered for. not honor, not prestige it's character, it's integrity, it's truth, it's doing the right thing. >> on cbs "this morning." >> china has banned its soldiers from wearing the new apple watch over concerns of cyber security. said one chinese soldier "but my daughter made it for me." [ laughter ] made it for welcome to cbs "this morning." the nation's busiest rail passenger route is up and
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running again after last week's deadly derailment. amtrak trains are rolling through philadelphia this morning, going around the curve where the accident happened. >> service between new york and philadelphia was interrupted for five days after train 188 went off the tracks and crashed. chris van cleave is traveling up the northeast corridor. chris, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the train left philadelphia about 6:00 this morning. when we got to the section of newly-repaired track and the curve where the derailment happened, the train slowed noticeably. commuters stepped on to amtrak train 110 in philadelphia heading north for the first time since tuesday's derailment killed eight people. about 200 were injured, three remain in critical condition. investigators continue to search for the cause of the accident and the source of the damage to the engine's windshield. on sunday, the ntsb's robert sumwalt backed away from speculation someone shot at a train. >> i've seen the fracture pattern.
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it looks like something about the size of a grapefruit if you will, and it did not even penetrate the entire windshield. >> reporter: over the weekend, ntsb investigators met with the engineer of a regionalejgional septa train hit by something. and this picture shows damage to a third train hit around the same time. passenger madison calvert took this picture. >> i didn't see what hit it. you heard a quick crash, i turned to my left and saw the window was, in fact shattered. ♪ amazing grace ♪ >> reporter: at a memorial service sunday night, state and federal leaders gathered to remember the lives lost and those injured in the accident. >> we could not in good conscience have a restoration of service without a service to recognize and respect what happened at this place. >> reporter: lenny knob survived
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the crash but has a fractured back and knee. he says that night haunts him. >> i'm angry at the whole situation especially since after watching the news, which i try not to do there is some technology that would have prevented this. sure i'm angry. but i'm grateful as well. >> reporter: before amtrak could start running this train, they had to make some upgrades required by the federal government. that includes activate ago piece of technology that would allow a speeding train to be stopped before it approached the curve where the derailment happened. they are also now assessing the speeds for all sharp curves in the entire amtrak system and will post speed limit signs along the northeast corridor. for now, we are heading towards the newark station on train 110. gayle? >> you can see the train up and running. thank you, chris, so much. one marine is dead and nearly two dozen more hurt after their aircraft crashed in iowa. 22 marines were on board the osprey when it went down and exploded into flames.
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it happened during a training exercise at bellow's air force station on the island of oahu. carter evans shows us what led to the tragedy. >> oh! oh! >> reporter: stunned witnesses looked on in shock as this video obtained by our hawaii affiliate kgnb shows the military aircraft plunging toward the ground and bursting into flames. the 22 marines were on board. they were conducting a training exercise when their plane crashed at the bellows air force station on the island of oahu sunday afternoon. at least one marine is dead and all 21 others were taken to the hospital, some with critical injuries. the military is calling it a hard landing mishap. >> it's tragic and our condolences go to the families and the loved ones of the victim but we need to investigate further and see what happened. >> reporter: witnesses say at least three aircraft were participating in the exercise. they were doing several maneuvers while kicking up huge clouds of dust. >> we saw three aircraft kind of
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circling and then when it cleared up a bit, we saw two came up and they continued to circle but there was just two that came back up. >> reporter: the marines involved in the crash are from camp pendleton in southern california. they've been sent to hawaii for training. a spokesman for the marines said the mv-22 osprey they were flying has a history of being reliable and that the cause of the deadly accident is still under investigation. for cbs "this morning," carter evans, los angeles. the iraqi city of ramadi is controlled by isis this morning after a dramatic offensive by the extremists. militants killed at least 500 people and forced 8,000 to flee over the past few days. holly williams is in istanbul turkey, with how the iraqi government plans to reclaim the city. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. both isis and iraqi officials say ramadi has fallen to the militant group though a pentagon official said yesterday that isis merely has the
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advantage in the capital of anbar province. what is clear is that despite nine months of u.s.-led air strikes in iraq isis is still capable of seizing territory. . the battle for ramadi killed more than 500 civilians and iraqi soldiers over just a few days according to iraqi officials. more than 100,000 have fled the war-torn city, a center of the anti-u.s. insurgency after the american invasion of iraq in ii0003. as the u.s. and its coalition partners have pounded isis from the skies, iraq's shiite muslim militias have made progress in recent months reclaiming territory from the extremists in other provinces close to baghdad. but this video released by isis appears to show iraqi soldiers retreating from ramadi in
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defeat. >> and to watch that force collapse in the face of a few suicide bombings essentially fleeing and leaving many of its weapons and tanks behind after months of training and months of air support, is a real warning. >> reporter: iraq's government has vowed to regain control of anbar province and with the country's army still in disagray disarray, the shiite militias say they've been given orders to mobilize for an offensive. but in a predominantly sunni muslim province deploying shiite muslim exacerbate the deadly tensions. the shiite militias are already accused of murdering sunni civilians and torching their homes. and there are reports this morning, still unverified that a shiite militia convoy has already arrived at a base near ramadi. gayle? >> holly williams reporting from
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istanbul, thank you, holly. u.s. special operations forces reportedly seized a treasure trove of intelligence during last week's big raid in syria. the army delta force team acquired laptops, phones documents, and other materials after killing the isis finance chief on friday. the raid happened in the eastern part of syria. this new information could help disrupt financial contributions to the isis organization. florida senator marco rubio is the latest republican presidential candidate to run into trouble defending the 2003 invasion of iraq. it happened during a sunday television interview. >> was it a mistake? >> it was not a mistake for the president to decide to go into iraq because at the time -- >> i'm not asking you. i'm asking -- >> in hindsight? the world is a better place with saddam hussein not there. but i don't understand the question you're asking me -- >> as we sit here in 2015. >> a president can't make a decision -- >> was it a mistake?
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>> it was not a mistake for the president to go into iraq based on the information he was provided by as president. >> cbs news political director john dickerson, the future host of "face the nation," is with us from washington. john, good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> you've been watching politics for a while. why is this so difficult? >> well that was quite a trip around the mulberry bush. it's difficult because republicans and marco rubio in that interview does not want to say that the signature event of the last republican president was pa mistake. that's politically a problem and it also leads then to the next question about the sacrifice and service of the people who were engaged in that effort. so they want to get past that, but the problem is that they're having difficulty because while they don't want to say it's a mistake, they have to deal with the reality of the fact that a vast majority of the country thinks that war was not worth it. so they're trying to work that out and they're having difficulties with that. >> it keeps tripping up everybody, john. what's the best way to answer the question? >> i think the best way to
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answer it is what marco rubio tried to do which is to go back to the moment and say that president bush was faced with a very difficult decision and he had to choose between two bad options. one was do nothing and perhaps have saddam hussein coordinate with terrorists or do something to try to stop him. this, again, i don't usually give advice to political candidates but in this case it's to try to take people back in time and that's what marco rubio tried to do but his problem is that his answers are intention when he looks back at the lessons learned from this war. >> what's interesting about this, john as you know, is dick cheney has no problem saying even if we knew they did not have weapons of mass destruction we should have gone ahead. the president says look i regret very much we had bad intelligence but on balance it's good that saddam is gone. i don't understand why they have a hard time saying if we didn't know there are weapons of mass destruction there we would haven't gone in. that's hillary clinton's
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position. >> they have difficulty because the country's not with them on that question. the country thinks it was a -- that means basically they would be arguing a position that most of the country does not believe in, which is that all of this carnage was worth it just to get rid of saddam hussein. >> so you're suggesting that in fact, by saying what they're saying that they are in tune with where the country is? >> that's right. and then they're trying to just move on to the next question which they'd like to be about this current president. >> thank you, john. we'll talk to senator lindsey graham about iraq and the president's response to isis. he will also update us on his 2016 plans. that's ahead here on cbs "this morning." police in waco texas, say clashes among rival motorcycle gangs may not be over after a deadly shootout. the violence killed nine people and wounded 18 more. families and shoppers ran for safety when the firing began. vicente arenas is at the shooting scene along i-35 in waco. vicente, good morning. >> reporter: good morning.
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more than 200 bikers from at least five different gangs were at this restaurant. it was part recruit canning -- recruiting event, part turf war. officers say they were ready. investigators have been coming to the parking lot of this twin peaks restaurant in waco texas, where dozens of motorcycles and multiple dead riders marked the scene of sunday's violent shootout. >> this scene is probably one of the most horrific scenes i've seen in my 34 years of law enforcement. >> i just got a call from a passer-by. they were going by twin peaks, thought they heard a gunshot, looked over and saw a lot of people running. >> reporter: police say the rumble erupted over a parking issue, starting with fists and feet inside and quickly escalating into the parking lot with chains clubs, knives and firearms. swat teams fired back ending the brawl within seconds. >> i called back towards the freezers with a lot of the waitresses and other people there. it was really really scary. we didn't know if somebody was
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going to come back. >> reporter: as many as 175 people were charged with engaging in organized crime. they're now being held at the mclennon county jail. sergeant patrick swanton says police have been aware of biker gangs gathering at twin peaks for months. >> we have attempted to work with the local management of twin peaks to get that cut back to no avail. apparently the management wanted them here so we didn't have any say-so on whether they could be here or not. >> reporter: on facebook an operated partner for with the twin peaks waco franchise wrote "our management team has had ongoing and positive communications with the police." sergeant swanton rejected the comment. >> i'll tell you, that statement is absolute fabfabrication. that is not true. >> reporter: no law enforcement officers or bystanders were hurt. some of the gangs involved are the most notoriously dangerous ones in the world. overnight, we learned police have been threatened by motorcycle gang members. officers here say they are well prepared. >> frightening story, thank you,
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vicente. fans of the series "mad men" are talking about the final episode. did you see it? critics say it was dramatic and packed with surprises. if you were waiting to see last night's finale we'll give you the opportunity to turn down your tv. jimmy is here with a look at what we saw and what the series meant to the fans. good morning, jamie. >> reporter: good morning, gayle. one way to look at "mad men" as s as a seven season character study set against the advertising world from the '06s to the early '70s. the shows most intriguing character is its main man, don draper, the man always running from his past finally decided to stop and confront it. >> ohm. >> reporter: with the word "ohm" don draper finally appeared to come home to a state of inner peace '70s style. we see him smiling on a mountain top before cutting to a classic
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coca-cola commercial. ♪ i'd like to teach the world to sing -- ♪ >> reporter: the "hollywood reporter's" rebecca sun watched it at a los angeles viewing party. >> i love the fact that they insinuated or implied that don eventually went back to new york and creating one of the most iconic advertisements ever. >> i love you. >> reporter: it was an episode full of self-realizations. peggy finally balanced her ambitions with romance, finding her true love in the same office. joan got out from under the thumb of the controlling men in her life by starting her own business. >> this is joan. >> reporter: and despite her fight with lung cancer betty found peace with daughter sally and hit don with the hard truth about why he shouldn't raise their kids when she's gone. >> i want to keep things as normal as possible. and you not being here is part of that. >> reporter: this ending had been clear for a long time for "mad men" creator matthew weiner. >> oh, no i know how the show
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ends. i just don't know what people will think of it. >> it was just beautiful. we got every emotional thing that we needed and then we got the resolution plot wise. >> reporter: in the finale, the always-guarded draper broke down and cried, emotionally transformed by another man's confession about his invisible, mean egginglessingless life. over seven seasons, "mad men" itself had its own transformative effect on how we saw the' '60s and ourself. >> i think they're the most turbulent decade in our country's history and to see how some of them were able to ride that cultural wave is fascinating for us now. >> reporter: there's only one real cliffhanger left -- will john hamm finally win an emmy for his performance as don draper. now that brian cranston and "breaking bad" are no longer eligible draper would know how to campaign for television's top honor. norah? >> we wish him lucking in that
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regard. >> we really do want him to win. but i love a finale where it ties up anything. you're not left with any other questions. >> any nagging fieldings. jamie, thank you so much. a prominent washington, d.c., their son, and a housekeeper are murdered for no apparent reason. ahead, the evidence that seems to show the >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places.
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afterp afterafter jumping from a rock more thanr than a mile r >> p >> ahead>> ahead, what went wrong for trhe news is back in the morningpmorning right here on "cbs this morning." p morning"morng" sponsored by morning" sponsored by fast signs. morer more thanp more than more than fast,p morning"morning" sponsored by morning" sponsored by fast
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♪ ♪ ♪ told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ahead, the great white shark is becoming a great white shark on twitter. and tomorrow what could be a groundbreaking moment. >> reporter: these men and women who are living here in the middle of the desert are part of an important skparnlt. i'm jan crawford. coming up tomorrow on "cbs this morning," we'll show you how the marines are deciding whether or
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good monday morning. here is what's happening. camel police released a sketch of the man suspected of trying to kidnap a girl as she walked her dog. the girl says she screamed and managed to break loose from the man. there is a growing reword to find the person who tortured a puppy. animal control says a puppy was stolen from a homeless person. the puppy's injuries were so severe it had to be put down. traffic
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good morning.
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even though this accident is clear our hot spot still remains remains. there was a wreck south bound 880 at wynton but everything is on the shoulder. there still is a visual distraction. look at the back ups. it was holding up traffic for a while but it is moving better than normal because of the cars stuck on 880. now it is stilling to fill in a little bit -- starting to fill in a little bit. >> good morning. we are typically in the mid 70s inland but instead today we are ten degrees below average. this is looking towards sfo. because of the clouds we have delays up to 43 minutes on some arriving flights. it's foggy in santa rosa. we are in the 50s across the board,
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this is such a good night. what even. god. thank you. >> very good night. taylor swift ending her day on a very high note at the billboard music awards. the pop spar took home eight awards including top honors. she's now the most decorated in the show's history with 20 wins. gotay lore. ed sheeran played his hit blood extreme but kanye west did not win over the crowd despite his fairworks scene. many booed. it was muted so much i thought something was wrong with my tv. i thought what's wrong with the tv. what's wrong, what's wrong.
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>> big congratulations to taylor smith. >> very much. coming up this half hour a popular athlete dies amid a wing jump. ahead we'll show you the dangers of a sport where athletes know any jump could be their very last. plus the murder of a couple and their housekeeper in a d.c.
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security. the "washington post" says obama is banning some military style equipment to the local police departments. remember some were used in last summer summer's protests in missouri. >> "the new york times" reports on a company in pakistan.
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the business name claims to be their largest softway reporter but they show its main business is selling fake disemployee the memorial plaza was evacuated yesterday because of a strong chlorine smell that was coming from a fountain. an excess of chemicals used to kill algae in the water sent the chemicals. this morning they're looking at what went wrong with two extreme jumpers. he and his partner died saturday. they attempted a daring wing chute jump from more than a mile high. vladimir duthiers shows us the dangers of the sport. vlad, good morning. >> reporter: good morning.
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dean potter lost his life on saturday morning along with his partner graham hunt. >> reporter: 42-year-old potter was the best at what he did. what he did was extreme. potter was a ground-breaking base jumper climber, and high liner, a form of tightrope walking between cliffs but something went wrong after they leapt off taft point. a massive rock jutting into the valley. the two men who attempted the wing suit flight were never heard from again. their bodies were recovered 50 feet apart on sunday. >> at this time we don't have any evidence that the parachutes were deployed but clearly something didn't go right and both of them had impacted the rock. >> base jumping is illegal in yosemite and it's dangerous business.
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in 2013 "60 minutes" correspondent steve kroft spoke to wing suit enthusiasts about the sport. >> do you think about it when you're at the top of the mountain and shake hands? do you think about it? >> yeah but we don't think, i might not see you again, say good-bye give me a kiss. >> that never enters your mind. >> come on. when you do crash when you're in your wing suit. you're going to die. nobody lives through that. you're just going too fast. >> reporter: potter was pushed the limits of an already extreme lifestyle navigating rocks and suspensions. >> they're known as experts. these two men were luminaires in this community. >> last year potter's friend and climbing partner was killed in a similar accident in the national park in utah.
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>> i don't understand this. you crash into the mountain as you're coming down? >> if your parachute does not deploy, yes. >> they don't know what happened there. they were doing it at night. you're not supposed to do it at all. >> your parachute is supposed to open if something goes wrong. >> or to land. >> terrible story. there was this multiple murder in washington that is puzzling investigators this morning and alarming many neighbors. the suspects killed everyone inside the home
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who would want them killed is where the police are focused. police released this surveillance video showing a man they call a person of interest. he was carrying a bag and sometimes running quickly. police think he may have taken on the family's porescheesche 911, drove it to a churk parking lot 13 miles away and set it on fire. it started with a house fire but investigators found four bodies. the couple and their 10-year-old son and the family housekeeper. police describe the scene around the bodies as brutal. three of the four victims suffered blunt force or sharp object wounds meaning they had been beating before the fire began. >> we do know at this point the fire appears to have been
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intentionally set. >> reporter: adding to the mystery, there were no signs of forced entry and this a second housekeeper who asked to be anonymous was said to work and received an unusual text from amy insisting she wasn't needed. >> she wanted to make sure i didn't come, i don't know why. but she saved my life. >> reporter: they have two teen age daughters but they're away at school. abigail wrote this. it says thank you for the past 19 years and i look forward to the many m there's a $25,000 reward for any
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information. >> t c can watctch h "c"cbsbs t thihis s momornrnining"g" a anyny titimeme y youou f feell l likee lindsey graham is in the green room. i know you don't want to miss him. we'll be right back. when i'm out in the hot sun, i know how to hydrate on the inside. but what about my skin? coppertone sport sunscreen puts a breathable layer on your skin to help keep it hydrated by holding in natural moisture while providing protection from harmful uv rays. game on.
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following her whereabouts just in case she gets too close. >> coming right at you, jodie. >> reporter: up and down the eastern seaboard the shark world's newest celebrity is on the move. mary lee a great white, weighs more than 3,500 pounds and in the last three years has traveled more than 20,000 miles. her movements or pings can be tracked online and thanks to the twitter account @ma account @maryleetheshark, they're following. people do seem to worry when i swim faster. she does more than chat with
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locals. researchers say she's raising awareness about great whites and new research many know little about. >> somebody started tweeting and we're about including everyone in trying to solve this puzzle and so we started amplifying that and it's really taken on a life of its own. >> reporter: mary lee was among a group of sharks tagged by chris fischer and a group of researchers in 2012. our cameras captured the moment when a white shark named jeanne became the first of her species tag in north atlantic waters. a few days later mary lee was caught and a satellite-enabled tag was affixed to her dorsal. researchers receive a pin even time her fin reaches the surface. public interest in sharks has wavered between fear and
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fascination but as mary lee the shark keeps tweeting they hope to learn more about one of the most powerful and she's going to be on "cbs this morning." so far norah, no response. >> she's businessy. >> she's busy. straight ahead how we'll be taking news to new height this week. any guesses? plus a controversial woman's worlds. how she's answering critics
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new york's first responders went above and beyond leading the first world climb. 1,000 members including members of the armed services tackled the
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ek. our entire broadcast h comecome from the 102nd floor. >> you've seen it. >> i have. >> looking forward to that. republican senator lindsey graham is in studio 57 this morning along with former defense secretary robert gates. we're going to talk with them about isis and the presidential campaign. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." the news is right back. in the nation, we know how you feel about your car. so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. ♪ love ♪ because what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ just another way we put members first. join the nation. ♪ baby... ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. but sir froggy can never forget. "what's worse", he thinks... "that my arms can never relax or my eyes can never look away?" ♪
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good morning. it's 7:56. an estimated 50,000 people took to the streets of san francisco yesterday for the annual beta breakers run and street party. there were fewer arrests this year than in the past. >> in berkeley today, city leaders are expected to announce first month results of measure d, a tax on sugary drinks. measure d placed $.01 tax per ounce on the snacks. ahead on cbs this morning, graduation time. a look at the top commencement speeches including wise words from cbs this morn
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good morning. let's go back to the east bay and hayward. it's still a super slow corridor because of an earlier crash approaching winston. now we hear of an accident in the back up. you will see it is jammed solid if both directions as well as north bound 238. if you are heading out trying to get on to the freeway, it will be rough this morning. here is a live look at the bay bridge. roberta. >> good morning. heading out the door it's like a winter time weather pattern with the gray skies and temperatures averaging a good ten degrees below normal. that's the scene in san jose. it's 48 in santa rosa with areas of fog. today, no sunshine, cloud cove
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west this monday may 18th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including senator lindsey graham here in studio 57 his views on the newest isis victory in iraq and an update on a possible presidential run. first, today's "eye opener" right at 8:00. >> the train left philadelphia. when we got to the curve he where the derailment happened the train slowed noticeably. >> ehewe have plenty of officers ready to come in with those who want to mess with waco. >> a hard landing here. we had one death. >> isis and iraqi officials say
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ramadi has fallen. isis is still possible of seizing territory. >> the majority think that war was not worth it they're trying to work that out and having some difficulty. >> dean potter lost his life saturday along with fellow bais jumper graham hunt. >> more and more people tracking her whereabouts, just in case she gets too close. >> patriots' owner robert kraft convinced tom brady played no parts in deet plate gate scandal. >> do you feel any responsibility? >> another great question. i admire your passion. i know my wife does too. >> tom, i don't -- wait giselle talks about me? >> this morning. "eye opener" at 8:00 presented by walgreens. i'm charlie roes with gayle king and nora o'donnell. amtrak is running trains between new york and philadelphia for the first time in nearly a week. the important link on amtrak's busiest route was broken by tuesday night's crash that
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killed eight passengers. funerals scheduled today for three of the victims. service at crash site resumed with an automatic control system now in place. that system is designed to slow down trains going too fast. >> iraq's government is working this morning to reclaim the key city of ramadi from isis. the extremist group seized the capital over the weekend. mill tants killed at least 500 people and forced another 8,000 to leave. video released appears to show iraqi soldiers look at this retreating from ramadi in defeat. plans for a counteroffensive are reportedly in the works. senator lindsey graham is critical of president obama's handling of iraq. the south carolina republican sits on the armed services committee. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is really significant. and i think for people who followed the iraq war closely, anbar anbar province more than 1,300 troops lost their lives there, what is going on.
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>> anbar province is where the sunnis live and this is a blow to political reconciliation. you can't believe this government can defend you. we withdraw our forces too soon the iraqi security forces melted down, and isis has a big foothold throughout the mideast. >> what do we need to do now, senator? you were told 10,000 troops are needed on the ground. did you say war? >> more. more. general keen describes this as not enough, more trainers advisers, iraqi security force units that can degrade and destroy isil inside of iraq. we don't have enough military presence on the american side to change the tide of badle. >> your definition of more? >> somewhere around 10,000 is the number i keep coming back to. i think bob gates has a different number. but jack keen the architect,
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says you need trainers at the battalion level, aviation assets that we have the iraqis don't. somewhere around 10,000 troops what the general says we need to build capacity to allow the iraqi security forces not only to take back anbar but eventually go to mosul. most effective fighting force in iraq is shia militias controlled by iran and that is sad. >> we don't want them in the battle? >> i hope not. they can go into sunni anbar province, i'm afraid a blood letting. worse than having isis at these continued pictures. >> at end of the day you're in a pickle here. the longer we delay training iraqi security forces to be a national army the more influence iran has. and to drive them out of iraq you've got to deal with syria because if you don't deal with syria, they'll keep coming back across the border. this is a complete mess. does it matter to us? yes. the most likely place for america to get attacked from i think, is syria. >> two of your fellow
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republicans, jeb bush marco rubio, have been asked about whether we should have gone into iraq in the first place. >> yes. >> and some discussion whether they stumbled that question why is this become such now, do you think, a big issue? because iraq's back in the news? is this a problem? we heard secretary gates say with bob schieffer he's not impressed with foreign policy answers by some republicans. >> the question is did we make a blunder here to create problems that we now see? if we left iraq alone would we be okay. >> a lot of things have happened since then. >> i agree. 9/11 was two years before iraq. radical islam attacked us september 11th from afghanistan. the day before september 11th we didn't have one soldier in afghanistan, not an embassy, not one dime of aid went to afghanistan, so they attacked us anyway. going into iraq if i know now then what i know now would have have launched a ground invasion? probably not. probably another approach to
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saddam, but that's yesterday's thinking what happen do we do today, tomorrow the day after? you have to reset iraq. >> it's interesting what you said marco rubio or jeb bush jeb bush i think has come around to that point, but marco rubio couldn't reach that point to say, even if we knew what we know now then we wouldn't have gone into iraq is what you just said. tried to find another solution. >> well saddam hussein was shooting at our planes denying u.n. inspectors to sites, gassing his own people. he needed to go. if i knew the intelligence was faulty i would have reconfigured at the end of the day he's gone and i'm worried about an attack on our homeland. should one more american soldier die in the service of iraq or maybe going into syria? my answer is i'm afraid more american soldiers will die in iraq eventually in syria to protect our homeland. >> on friday you said there's a 99.9% chance that you're going to make an announcement to run for president. you know when you're a kid your mom says there's no time like
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the present. we offer you this beautiful platform. >> well, it is a beautiful platform. but it's not as beautiful as central south carolina where i will make an announcement on june 1st. you're all invited to come spend money when you do. and i will tell you, what i'm going to do about running for president. >> may i ask you one question? >> yes you may. >> are you running in part because you look at field and don't think they're sophisticated on foreign policy and that's one thing you bring to the race? >> that's a good question. i've got the best job in the world, senator from south carolina. a very comfortable life. i'm running because of what you see on television. i'm running because i think the world is falling apart. i've been more right than wrong on foreign policy. it's not the fault of others or their lack of this or that that makes me want to run. it's my ability and my own mind to be a good commander in chief and to make -- the reason i've had six primary opponents in my last election, i've been accused of working with democrats to much. in my view democrats and republicans work together too
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little and i will try to change that if i got to be president. when it came to radical islam, i'd go after them before they come back here again. >> sounds like we got a jump on south carolina. thank you very much. >> we'll be watching. senator graham, thank you for being here. >> 21 million students to go american college but only 2 shared this moment. >> it's such a crazy thing to think about, this person in your same classroom could be your long lost sister. >> sitting right across. >> seated directly across from one another. >> can you believe that? how a simple question
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by walgreens, at corner of happy and healthy. s by walgreens at the corner of happy and healthy. a makeover see how the sexy magazine is spreading its wings by changing its spread. i like that. plus only on "cbs this morning," we reveal who is number one on the new hot 100 list.
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notoriously a it's the season of graduations and new beginnings at colleges nation wind this morning one student is leaving columbia university with much more than a diploma. mark albert at university where two women accidentally learned an incredible secret. this is amazing, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. both women decided to pursue majors in writing at columbia in their early 30s, hoping to realize a dream deferred. but the story they discovered in a nonfiction writing class is so surreal, you would think it had to be fiction. so this where it happened? >> yeah, this is where we met. >> reporter: lizzie and katie walked into this columbia classroom as strangers two years ago. lizzie enrolled in the class
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just 45 minutes before it began. it's the first day of class. >> professor asked us what in our life was stranger than fiction or what drew us to writing nonfiction and so lizzie mentioned she's adopted. katie could hardly believe lizzie's answer. she said a couple of details that i knew matched up with things i knew about my biological sister. she said she was from new jersey, she said that she had a child. >> reporter: after class katie decided she couldn't wait another day to solve a life long mystery. >> when she followed up with a rapid-fire of more detailed personal questions, were you given up for adoption in tampa, florida, to a woman named leslie. i was like whoa whoa whoa. i paused and the room froze and i said is this real life? >> reporter: lizzie, now 35 and katie, now 34 are sisters. born in florida, and adopted at birth. >> i had no idea that she was out there. >> reporter: it's a crazy thing to think, though this person, in your same classroom could be your long lost sister.
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>> sitting right across. >> directly across from one another. >> reporter: the two sisters have different fathers but share the same mother leslie parker. faced with a troubled childhood, parker decided to give her daughters what she never had. we spoke to parker on the phone. >> i wanted to give them the best possible future they could have and it wouldn't have been with me as sad as it is to give up your own children. but i felt that's the best i could give them to let them know so they had a chance. >> reporter: lizzie a mother herself, plans to write poetry. >> sounds good in my job. >> reporter: katie does stand upcomedy in new york as she works toward a master's degree in writing. your mom sacrificed for you. >> yeah. what she did was amazing, to give us up to try to give us the best life possible. >> a lot of sacrifices were made for me to be sitting where i am right now. i really, i never forget that. >> reporter: and they won't forget today either. lizzie's graduating here this
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morning, and helped make arrangements so her mom could be here for the ceremony. they both met several years ago but her sister katie never met her mother until just last night. as she described that meeting to us as simply amazing. nora? >> oh, mark. >> sounds like a movie. >> it does. >> you can see the recommend resemblance resemblance, too, in the eyes. >> the emotion from all of them to be reunited 35 years later. >> what a difficult decision she made but look how it turned out. >> in a nonfiction writing clasp they meet. >> beautiful story. all right, ahead, commencement speakers like apple's tim cook maya rudolph and our own dr. charlie rose. >> oh. >> offer heartfelt advice mixed with humor to the class of 2015. >> as every graduate leaves here certainly with memories, but also with a paper in your
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hand with knowledge in your head, and passion in your heart, you know that you have our confidence that you will write your own story, that you'll make the world better and that you will have fun. why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want it ♪ ♪ go out and get it ♪ hi. hi, we're here to look at a camry. we just came from a birthday party. ohh, let me get you a new one. camrys are so reliable. yeah... and you gotta love that bold new styling. here you go. whoa! wow. those balloon towers
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don't make themselves. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit thanks jan. thanks jan. now you both have camrys. yeah! toyota. let's go places. advanced design makes it easy to protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. discover seresto. with the performance you expect from topicals in a non-greasy collar seresto provides protection against fleas and ticks for 8 months. seresto. get the complete balanced nutrition of ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. and now with... ...twice as much vitamin d ...which up to 90% of people don't get enough of. the sunshine vitamin! ensure. take life in.
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let's take a look at some charlie was one of several high here we are. >> hello, yale! >> that's right, coach k. on this day i'm a proud hoya. >> look at all these beautiful faces and iphones. >> if you don't have an iphone please pass it to the center aisle. apple has a world-class recycling program. >> one touchdown away from beating harvard this year for the first time since 2006. so close to something you won it for eight years. i can only imagine how you feel. >> those who are graduate yating this afternoon with high honors,
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awards, and distinctions, i say well done. and as i like to tell the "c" students, you, too, can be president. >> you're park of a remarkable generation. >> this is your world to change. >> you're on course to be the most educated generation in american history. >> don't beat yourself up if you don't know what you're going to do tomorrow but work hard and don't be lazy. >> know something larger than yourself. lose youfrt in greater good. >> there are problems that need to be solved and justices that need to be ended. >> failure will happen to you. make it your teacher and your motivator. >> make an effort to step outside of your circle do. more than accept your diversity. seek out your diversity. >> never let others define you. define yourself. i know the uva community has it
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defined. it has been said a rolling stone gathers no moss. i would add that sometimes a rolling stone also gathers no verifyiable facts or even the tiniest morsel of journalist tick integrity. >> know yourself know who you are, know your value, know your strengths and weaknesses, know what you love you really love. >> go make your parents proud and end global warning. i love you class of 2015. >> i'm writing down all the little lines that everybody said. >> you were there. failure will happen. questions matter. people matter. friends matter. works matter. how did it play in the room? >> you could hear a pin drop. everyone loved the speech. another thing that charlie said he said one day is like a well that you can drink so deeply from. so live deeply in the moment. >> live in the moment.
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i introduced one of the graduates from georgetown good monday morning everyone. it's 825:67:89 get you updated on headlines around the bay area. a suspect leads police on a chase through the east bay. finally ends before crashing. police are still looking for the suspect. had got away at one point. and the suspect called 911 and told officers he didn't want to go back to jail. today president barack obama will block some military- types equipment from being sent to local law enforcement. it will include armored vehicles, high corral cbered firearms and
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good morning. checking the ride on 880 in oakland. it's a bottleneck. it looks like this past oakland airport. slow out to downtown oak l.a.p.d. with the dry time of about a half hour from 2238 to the maze. the commute is improving. a big improvement after a couple early morning accidents in the southbound direction before the san mateo bridge.
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and through pass, still slow but an improvement from a half hour ago. and remains heavy down southbound 680. good morning everyone. from the weather center. we have been noting nothing but a great. right now, a mostly cloudy downtown san jose where the air temperature has been standing at 55 degrees. and the winds are out of the west at 5 miles per hour. and the pressure has them rising even though we have a disturbance rolling through. that will produce a slight chance of an afternoon shower north. otherwise, 50s and 60s. and these numbers are averaging 10 degrees below normal. and west wind, 10 to 20 miles per hour. and check this out, we have the slim chance of a shower today. and we have greater chances of rain returning to the bay area on thursday. and by the holiday weekend, we will see temperatures
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♪ ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. (announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour robert gates with secretary and george w. bush and president obama. he's in our toyota green room on,000on how to defeat isis. the top-selling men's magazine now has a woman in charge. editor in chief kate land is here and reveals the number one name on "maxim's" list. that's ahead. the "los angeles times" says
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california congresswoman loretta sanchez is apologizing for what some call racist marks. >> i'm going to his office thinking that i'm going to meet with -- >> she intour yated fellow democrats this weekend at a native american. she ran away from reporters. >> she apologized yesterday. she called hers a champion of civil rights with native american blood in her mother's family. the telegraph says an ice shark will disappear. it will soon be gone.
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scientists say it's bad news for our planet. "the new york times" says american pharoah is making a run for the triple crown. that's after running the preakness on saturday in driving pouring rain. >> american pharoah has won the preakness. >> wow. >> it was amazing that they could run that fast in that terrible weather. american pharoah has a shot of becoming the 12th triple crown station.kes. the last one was affirmed 50 years ago. the mooufgss smusicians play the instruments. i play the orchestra. artists lead. a show of hands. >> michael fastftssbender plays the part part.
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"steve jobs" opened in september. >> there are people in my family who are big fans of michael fassbender. and "usa today" says under armour is pulls its band of ballers. it's similar to those raising the flag. they say we deeply regret and apologize the release of a shart that is not reflective of our commitment to honor the country's country's. they suffered a setback in eastern syria when u.s. special forces kill add leader described as the chief financial officer. his wife was captured. former secretary of defense robert gates wrote about his four years in his book "duty." secretary gates, good morning. >> good morning. >> it's good to see you again. >> and you as well. >> what should we do today in
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iraq first and then syria when it looks like isis is gaining control of such an important city in the anbar province. >> i think first of all we need to change the rules of engagement for our troops. i think we don't need a significance increase in troops in my view but how they're used needs to be changed. i think that we need to be able to use them as forward air controllers or spotters for our aircraft. we need to have trainers embedded probably down to the battalion level in the iraqi security forces. but i would say also with the anbar tribes and with the kurds and we need to provide more opportunities for our special forces. >> what does that mean? >> to be able to operate behind the lines in iraq and in support of what the iraqi security forces are doing. i think the idea of the battle
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is going to have be be carried out by themselves it's fundamental, i agree with that but ily are things we can do that would make our help more effective. >> can i ask you, secretary gates. i was struck that over the past months more than 165 air strikes were conducted on ramadi troops. that's a lot of air strikes. >> i think what it shows is air strikes can certainly help but they don't really change the situation on the ground in a fundamental way. they are an important aspect of a military campaign, but you can't do it all just by air power. and so does that say something about the failure of u.s. strategy against isis. it's driven by the air. that's mostly what we're doing is air strikes. >> i think it goes back to what
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i was saying. how we use the limited number of ground forces that we have in iraq needs to be changed. >> what do you think we can learn from this weekend? >> i think that it's a reminder that we have a long way to go with the iraqi security forces and that you know even though we can have some tactical successes like killing this isis leader, that doesn't change the overall situation on the ground. and fundamentally we're going to have to figure out a better way or a faster and bigger way to help the iraqi security forces. >> let's talk about iran. negotiations are going on about nuclear weapons but first lindsey graham was just here and he said what they ought to do in syria is get 100,000 troops from arab countries on the ground in syria and get assad out of power, transitioned out perhaps. but what's essential is 100,000
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troops from arab countries. is that feasible? >> not in my view. i think that -- i was going to say that getting 100,000 arab troops in syria is a lot easier said than done and, you know the arabs have no experience fighting together. if we've learned one thing it's the importance of integrated training and working together in these things. you know, the truth is in 1991 during the gulf war, most of the fighting was done by the u.s. and the british. the others playing a contributing role but the fact is that get 1g 00,000 100,000 arabs to come in is a tall order. >> just because we have this deadline coming on and we saw last week these leaders in duffel countries meet with the leaders at camp david. they're deeply concerned about any sort of deal with iran. i heard and i know charlie heard
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they felt like they never spent six hours alone. they fell re'sured on a number of fronts. what do you think happens with the iran deal? >> first of all it's a sad commentary they thought to themselves in the seventh year of presidency, gee, we should have done this a long time ago. this is pretty late in coming. i think that it probably was successful, but we'll see what happens subsequently. i don't think -- my guess is that there are concerns about an iranian nuclear capability were not much alleviated. >> i saw you on "face the nation." you said you frankly weren't impressed on the foreign policy candidates. does that include hillary clinton who you worked with? >> i was asked about the republican candidates. i'm disappoint thad secretary clinton has not spoken out in favor of the trade agreements, for example. i think that the trade authority that the president is seeking is
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very important to us not just economically but politically in terms of our skurpt.ecurity. on the republican side they have jobs that don't inform foreign policy and i told bob schieffer over time their positions will be fleshed out and become better. >> do you think it's possible to have a nuclear deal that will meet your conditions? >> i think that based on the deal that we're having that the deal as it appears now has some serious shortcomings. my hope is those can be addressed this month and next month in any kboeshnegotiations. it has to do with the posting, the verifications, big issues. >> secretary gates, always nice to have you with us. "duty" is now available in
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papeback. as we reported, the whitney museum moved to a gleaming new building along the hudson riverfront and we got a tour of the inaugural exhibit for sunday morning. if you didn't see it what it took to create this new home. what did it cost to build this museum? >> altogether around $400 million. it's a lot of money but they're complicated to build. unlike apartment buildings and office buildings you make one shape and add another. err floor has to be different out of necessity. the lighting systems have to be custom designed. we're building and building. if you think about this it's amortized over 100 years. we're building for history, we're building for duration. this is something that should be here for generations to come.
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so you want something that's well built and something that will stand the test of time. >> how has american art changed? >> well it keeps surprising us. you know at the turn of the century or as we're doing pajts on the walls and sculptures that sat on pedestals and now art can be almost anywhere of any material. it used to be oil, or bronze. today it could be chocolate, sand, online, or a performance. the idea is that anything today can be the material of artists. >> i can tell you guys it is just a gorgeous gorgeous museum. >> i can't wait to see it. he's an extraordinary architect and all the people around him, especially of your gender are smitten. >> i want to go. i can't wait to go. i can't wait to go. "maxim" is trying to be more
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than skin deep. she'll show us how she's writing a
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there's going to be problems and i don't think we can solve them says taylor swift. she takes a turn as a femme fatale in her song "bad blood." she debuted it last night and only on "cbs this morning," another debut for the pop star. we're giving you a first look as she appears on the cover. >> i know. i didn't recognize her. it's for "maxim's" magazine. >> is this what you call a do over. >> they're doing away with the sexy covers to a new era. why is that? because kate is the new editor. you must have been doing a hula. >> she stole the show and i had bad blood on. it's a powerhouse video with so many inspiring women. >> to charlie's point, i didn't
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recognize her either. it's a very different look? >> i think sexy is really hard to define, you know. it's a bit tricky unpredictable. challenging. and we want the magazine to reflect that. you know it's been 20 years since "maxim" launched and it was time to reflect the times we're living in. >> it's the number one men's magazine. >> absolutely. >> why does it need to evolve? >> i think we're experimenting with the evolution but i think we live in a really different world than we lived in 20 years ago and celebrating sexiness is at the essence of the brand. we're not going to change that. but i think we can experiment with how we show sexiness. i think it's best evidenced in
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the covers. it close tight crop. it was really about her eyes. it can be someone's laugh the look in their eyes. we're exploring that. >> when i'm looking at the page i can't tell how she laughs and i think for a lot of people people will still like seeing hot peoplewomen on the covers. are you worried about losing some of your core or are you bringing them along? >> we're bringing them along. since the reband, we invited readers to participate in an online surface, 70%. just shy of, 69%, say they prefer the redesign. >> i think it's sexy. >> absolutely, slum it's smart sexy alluring in the sense of -- it's almost like she's listening to what you're saying. >> like you say, that is sexy. also our audience is driven smart, confident, and so they're attracted to women who are just a driven smart, confident.
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>> but let's talk about you coming from a women's magazine background to be the head of the most popular man's magazine. what was it like when you walked into the newsroom. how did it come about you were there? >> such an unlikely choice. >> very unlikely choice indeed. i think they were starting in a new direction. the evolution started. they were compile gragt team. the players were sort of already there. when i was approached for the job. and i think, you know it was pretty visionary approaching me for the position. and it really showed their commitment to change. >> a good attitude is a good attitude regardless. >> for sure. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> it hits newsstands may 27th
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that does it for us.
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>> no. listen. i wasn't to talk about charlie. >> can we hear more of the
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[♪♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪
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good morning. this is what it looks like at the bay bridge, the toll plaza, it's careered out early. yeah, the metering lights are on but minimal back-up right now approaching the pay gate. and different story trying to get into san francisco from the peninsula. northbound 101, there's a wreck blocking one lane. and you can see how slow it is jammed up solid beyond
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[beeping] ooo come on everybody, i think this is my grandson. [lip syncing] ♪little girl you look so lonesome oh my goodness. ♪i see you are feeling blue ♪come on over to my place ♪hey girl ♪we're having a party happy birthday, grandma! ♪we'll be swinging ♪dancing and singing ♪baby come on over tonight
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wayne: old school, new school. jonathan: wayne? wayne: huh? - i'm taking the money! wayne: jonathan, come here girl. i mean... go get your car! - you made my dreams come true! - i'm going for the big deal! jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody. what's up, america? welcome back. once again, here we are, another day of “let's make a deal,” unlike any other day on “let's make a deal,” because why? this is our zonk redemption show. on this show, those people who have stepped forward and have answered the call of the deal to just be stricken down in their prime by a zonk


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