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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  May 27, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> thank you. i bet anne's practicing more now. >> let's take a look.
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started it all. look. you're laughing, but look. >> announcer:
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entrenched in human rights investigations. >> since there are no allegations that some fifa executives took bribes to put the fwhup qatar and i hope that's true because otherwise it makes literally no sense. >> this morning swiss federal authorities say they've opened up an investigation into the 2022 world cup. we're also learning that a search warrant has been issued to the equivalent of fifa in the united states. >> >>. >> and went upstairs to arrest them. >> we continue with more details about the evidence and suspects michael schmit joins us from zurich. michael good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> what are the implications of this for soccer and fifa?
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>> it's a devastating blow. these are the more senior executives at fifa and it brings together a lot of negative attention and confirms the worst fears of a lot of fans that there is rampant corruption. >> let's talk about sepp bladder, the president of fifa. he hasn't been charged here. is he in the clear, michael? >> no i don't think he's in the clear. i think there's some people in the justice department that want to see what comes of today's indictments. to any of these executives do they want to cooperate and what type of information can they give the government? at that point i think the government will look back and assess and see who else they can go after. >> michael, you were at the hotel as the arrests went down. describe the scene. >> well it wasn't like an american-style swat raid or anything. there weren't guys with big guns or bulletproof vests or helmets or anything, it was two dozen swiss officers in plainclothes.
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they paraded into the lobby of the hotel, they went straight to the concierge, they asked for the room numbers for the executives and quietly headed out into the hotel. when they took the executives out, gave them a chance to get dressed, let them pack their bags and didn't put them in handcuffs and got them out of there. so it was fairly time. >> michael, there have been suspicions about this for a while. why now? >> well, that's not really clear. the justice department has been very aggressive in foreign corrupt practice act cases and certainly gone after american companies for this. the other thing is people would say this has gone on for a long time and someone had to do something about it. the other issue is the united states missed out on the world cup in part of these bidding processes and some people believe that got the attention of people in the government. >> reporter: texas is under threat from a relentless and deadly cycle of rain and flooding. one huge concern is a dam at a
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lake southwest of dallas that's threatening to break. some parts of the state have seen more than a foot of rain in recent days. >> storms have killed at least 19 people in texas and oklahoma since the weekend. 11 others are still missing. as many as 4,000 homes are damaged after a deluge monday night and tuesday. vicente arenas is in downtown houston. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i am standing near downtown houston. this is an area that's usually high and dry, this set of stairs hikers and bikers and runners use to get down a bark where they get exercise. as you can see it's filled with floodwaters and downed trees. all brought by a storm that moved through houston yesterday. across the houston area people are recovering from a devastating flood that paralyzed much of the city. six hours of relentless rainfall flooded streets and highways causing thousands to abandon their cars and trucks. >> we've had ten days, two weeks
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of steady rain, the grounds were complete completely saturated and there's been no place for the water to go. >> 911 operators fielded nearly 2300 calls many from stranded drivers needing help from first responders. two people missing after their rescue boat capsized and a 66-year-old man died of a heart attack while helping a woman whose car was submerged. >> i remember him as my best friend and he was everything you could ask for. >> this image shows the inconsolable grief of a man who learned one of his relatives drowned inside a truck. >> she's safe. >> and four strangers risked their live to help a woman and her dog after the car was trapped by the rising waters. some 4,000 homes were damaged in the flooding. one of the hardest-hit areas was a community of mireland. these photos were taken after a woman woke up to her home
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underwater. >> we are safe. we are safe. >> reporter: with the threat of more severe weather on the way, texas's governor issued a disaster declaration in houston and is warning drivers not to take chances. >> do not drive into rising water. i know it may seem like something you can easily traverse but it's something that's incredibly powerful and can sweep you away just like it has so many others in the state of texas over the past week. >> reporter: crews from louisiana, oklahoma and arkansas have volunteered to help the city get back on its feet. i reported in this city for more than a decade. i can tell you, this is some of the worst flooding i've ever seen here. today there are storms passing through again. there is lightning and thunder and that makes people very worried that can put more water in the bayous cause them the rise again and cause even more flooding once again today. >> vicente, thanks. a frantic search resumed in
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central texas for around a dozen people missing since the devastating flood surge last weekend. they ranged from four to 81 years old. a phone call to a family member signalled trouble. don daaler is in wimberley, texas. don, good morning. >> we're learning more about the massive search operation under way to find them. this is the blanco river behind me. i'm 35 to 40 feet above the water. i want to show you something over here. this house that was destroyed by the flood. that just shows you how high up the raging waters came as well as how powerful they were. most of the missing people were last seen alive in this area. crews combed the shoreline of the blanco river by land and air on tuesday surrounded by mangled reminders of saturday's deadly storm. >> we have over 150 personnel
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continuing to scope the river looking for survivors. >> three families from corpus christi were staying in a wimberley vacation home that was washed away by the floodwaters. laura mccomb, her six-year-old son andrew and four-year-old daughter leighton are among those still missing. >> she told me around 11:00 water started coming in. >> reporter: mccomb was texting with her sister julie shields during the storm, then the phone rang. >> 1:00 in the morning she called me. she said i'm in a house floegt down the river, tell mom and dad i love you and pray. >> reporter: mccomb's husband jonathan survived with a broken rib, sternum and punctured lung. >> he did everything he possibly could to save them. >> 250 additional volunteers are aiding the search effort. some are using a nearby church as home base. >> this is a moment of crisis for these families and you do
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whatever you can to help. >> reporter: family members of the eight missing from corpus christi remain hopeful and grateful. in a joint statement they said the search remains an active serge. they continued "we have been overwhelmed and strengthened by the outpouring of support." in fact, two people were found still alive by rescuers. they had been cut off and had no way to contact authorities. there will be a vigil on thursday for leighton and andrew mccomb at the children's school. >> imagine losing everything you >> t love. >> i can't. that story is heartbreaking. you have to have hope because sometimes there is a silver lining. we thank you don. a tornado touched down last night in a field near oklahoma city. no homes were nearby. take a look at this impressive display of lightning. the storms moved through oklahoma. forecasters expect to see more through ok rain there today and tonight. this morning, iraq says isis launched suicide attacks
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targeting its troops in anbar atta province. the bombing comes hours after the start of a new offensive against isis. iraqi forces say they surrounded the city of ramadi on three sides. holly williams is monitoring the fighting from istanbul turkey. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. isis overran ramadi this month rning. with a wave of suicide car and there was truck bombs. soldiers from iraq's army fled allowing the extremists to capture some of their weapons. that draw sharp criticism from the u.s. secretary of defense, ash carter, who said on sunday that iraqi forces lacked the will to fight. after an angry reaction from iraq vice president joe biden called haider al-abadi to reassure him of u.s. support. but with the iraqi army in disarray in this new offensive, iraq has deployed the country's shiite muslim militias. that i've proven more effective proven against isis than the iraqi army than the but they're also implicated in
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the murders of sunni muslim civilians and they're accused of looting and torching their homes. the offensive in anbar province is named after a revered shiite muslim cleric which could serve to further fuel iraq's deadly religious tensions and it's been criticized by the pentagon. norah? pe >> interesting. holly williams in istanbul turkey. thank you. >> i sis has lured thousands of westerners to join the fight. we'll go inside the terror group's recruiting network. a journalist shows us how she w was approached and why she now their lives in fear. the obama administration faces growing tension this morning over china expanding its military footprint outside its borders, that includes the south china china sea which the white house hich considers critical to american national security.. seth doane is in beijing with china's new plans for more assertive military strategy. seth governor romney. >> it is the first time that china has so clearly stated its military plans and ambitions in
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the last two years. and it's focusing its tension far at sea far from its shores. china is preparing for a military struggle and is expanding the strength and scope of its navy. the document published by the state council, china's cabinet, illustrates the strategy including refocussing the chinese air force from defense to defense and offense. this comes as tensions rise in the south china sea where satellite images reveal china is reclaiming reeves to create islands, a territory claimed by taiwan, the philippines, malaysia brunei and vietnam. the u.s. says these islands will host airstrips and military installations. . so what suffer ayou have is a china growing in power and doesn't want to be dictated to by the u.s. or other power ins the
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region. it's going to grow militarily economically and politically and it will be a force to be reckoned with. >> the u.s. military flew a surveillance plane over areas last week with a tv crew on board and defied warnings by china to get out. the u.s. said it was flying in international airspace. china's government called the move dangerous. this is the ministry of foreign affairs spokeswoman. some countries view china's island-building as redrawing borders with its increased naval power. is that reinforcing the redrawn borders? >> translator: what china is doing is lawful reasonable construction. it's certain countries out of self-interest that are hyping this tension and smearing china's image. >> reporter: though america was not mentioned by name that was a swipe at the united states. china has said it's the growing
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u.s. military presence in the asia-pacific region that is part of the reasoning behind its m growing military force. >> gayle?ght. >> seth doane reporting from rep beijing. thank you.beijing. presidential candidate bernie you. sanders is asking democrats to join a political revolution this morning. the vermont senator officially launched his campaign tuesday in burlington vermont. the self-described democratic socialist is considered a long shot against hillary clinton. in 2012 republican candidate rick santorum is back for another try. f a former pennsylvania senator is expected to announce a second white house bid later today. cond w >> the government is alerting more than 100,000 taxpayers that their personal information is compromised.t thieves used social security personal i numbers, birth dates and other compromised. details to access irs data. social s they stole the information from nd the get transcript feature on the irs web site. they accessed more than 100,000 accounts out 20600,000 attempts. they that manage to collect nearly f
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$50 million in refunds. manage police are keeping tabs on in more potential suspects in the washington, d.c. mansion murders. mo ah >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by plenti. lots of points lots of place. one rewards program.
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floodwaters turned their home into a death trap. >> what i noticed from the bedroom is the water go from a few inches to our chests in a matter of about two minutes. ahead, that family's dramatic rescue after the devastation in texas. >> the news is right back here this morning on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by expedia expedia. the world is at your fingertips. download the expedia app today.
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ahead a reporter with an inside look at isis. only on "cbs this morning" how
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good morning. it's 7:26. a southwest flight delayed out of sfo this morning. baggage handlers apparently smelled an unusual odor on some luggage. nothing dangerous was found. that plane is en route to its destination. broken piece of oil pipeline near santa barbara will be removed for inspection today. experts hope this will help them figure out what caused that pipe to spill some 100,000 gallons of crude oil into the pacific. a vote expected on a major expansion in the bikeshare program. a number of available bikes will go up from 700 to 7,000. the bikes will be in berkeley, emeryville, oakland, san francisco and san jose. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment.
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female announcer: sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. but the mattress price wars ends sunday. now it's posturepedic vs. beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years interest-free financing. plus, free same day delivery set-up and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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good morning. southbound 680 is backed up if you are crossing the benicia bridge. you can see how slow it is coming into martinez. and it's not our only hot spot in the area. westbound 4 heading into concord. also jammed up because of an earlier crash at willow pass. and then we go down to the south bay where northbound 280 is heavy through downtown. there was an earlier wreck as well at winchester and still slow from highway 101. that's "kcbs traffic." here's julie. >> starting off with a live look from the pyramid looking towards treasure island which you cannot see because we are literally inside the cloud deck here. gray skies areawide and the good news is if you miss the sunshine we'll see a return of sunshine today. especially for the inland folks. temperatures topping out in the upper 70s near 80s for the warmer spots cool at the coast.
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a federal court ruled it's illegal. >> the phone data at the nsa exceeds what was authorized by congress and the patriots act. >> wow. you know your surveillance program has gone too far when you cannot get permission from the patriot act. that's like getting thrown out of the olive garden for eating too many bread sticks. listen buddy. we said unlimited. not infinity. >> he has a way of putting it in perspective. he's going to be missed. >> he sure is. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour the survival story of a family
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trapped inside its home trapped by the national flood. we'll show you how the rescue crew literally lifted the family to safety. plus one man is in custody after a quadruple murder inwall but they're keep inging them. we'll have more ahead. time to show you this morning's headlines. the "washington post" shows you some of the setbacks on one of obama's proposals. the federal court refused to allow the president to defer the depore tag of illegal immigrants and grant them work permits. they sued the government calling them
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going on maternity leave to
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river began filling their home with flood water. they said the ordeal left them shaken but grateful. carlos and candy cortez are in a state of mixed emotions after they lost everything. the couple was home with three of their fourn children when the floodwaters burst through their back doors. >> what i noticed from the bedroom was the water go from a few minutes to our chests in a matter of about two minutes. >> too dangers to go outside, they stayed in their home. >> the plan was hold on for dear life.
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>> that seemed like a good idea until they realized their flooded house might actually election trow cute them. >> i thought something had bit me, but when it happened again i realized that i was getting shocked. >> carlos spotted a ladder by the back door so they headed to the roof waiting for help from above. a helicopter from the national guard. >> they're terrified. ready to get out of there. >> reporter: they were part of the rescue team that arrived on scene. >> reassured them everything's going to be all right, we're going to get you out of here. immediately called for a basket. one by one they pulled the cortez family to safety. >> the one that rescued me, he was -- he was -- he was my hero. he calmed me down. >> on tuesday carlos and candy were reunited with the men who saved them. >> i appreciate it. >> the honor that
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to try to help them get their feet back under them. >> john thank you. thank goodness for the national guard and others who do -- >> the honor that comes with rescue. >> these stories given a new dimension to flooding. >> yeah. it appears there was no warning in many of the cases. >> the fierceness of mother nature. you're upset about losing everything and you see your life is saved and you say, well we can rebuild again. >> thinking about the people in texas. this morning we have new information from the investigation of a quadruple murder in a wealthy washington, d.c. neighborhood. it
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were converting money in order to hide the cash that was dropped here on the savopoulos doorstep. when daron wint was arrested others were helping him move or extort the cash from the savopouloses. they were using money visible inside the truck the police were following paid with $100 bills consistent with the denomination delivered to the residence prior to the homicide. according to documents one of the occupants in the car with wint admitted to it. another admitted he was using cash to buy the money orders but why would people possibly handling extortion funds and
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assist as fugitive not be arrested? >> i think it was a smart decision. >> roscoe howard who was the u.s. attorney for d.c. for three years says those five are under investigation. >> reporter: you're describing what might be called a tactical release. >> oh, absolutely. they can be watched the way you and i are watched. once they're on the street there eeg nothing to keep the police from listening to your cathedral here in washington where the family was active. >> that story will never make any sense. thank you, wyatt. prosecutors are spelling out
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their case against a woman who killed her husband on a kayaking trip on a river. she sabotaged her fiance's boat during an outing. >> the first is second degree. she move add plug so his kai yacht would fill with water. he was not wearing a life jacket and then as he struggled in the frigid water, prosecutor says she pushed a floating paddle away from him and waited 20 minutes to call for help. roswell's lawyers said investigators decided to quickly this was no accident. all right. an isis fighter asked a reporter to be his bride in syria. >> he really told me one time it's paradise here. >> paradise is the way he was selling it to you. >> yeah. it's a paradise. and i was thinking how many
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others trust this kind of you can watch it any time you'd like. we'll be right back. snooirks s or daily insulin your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. once-a-week tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes along with diet and exercise. once-a-week tanzeum works by helping your body release its own natural insulin when it's needed. tanzeum is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes or in people with severe stomach or intestinal problems. tanzeum is not insulin. it is not used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis
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. isis has recruited tens of thousands of men and women around the world to join the movement in syria and iraq. this morning a french reporter is telling of her story of meeting an isis member online. she's now afraid she'll be murdered. her book came out on tuesday. only on "cbs this morning" anna werner spoke with her. good morning. >> good morning. the french journalist calling herself anna ferrell was trying to understand why young women and teenagers would leave their homes to join isis in sear soo ya by pretending to be one of them. she said she never expected to
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be in contact with an isis terrorist or fearing for her life. she's asked to do this interview in shadow because she received death threats. >> reporter: this is the man she said contacted her, a french man who joined isis in syria. she set up a fake facebook account named melody posing as a 20-year-old girl who recently converted to islam. >> he asked me questions like do you want to come and stay here and what do you think of -- >> reporter: the journalist who goes by the name of anna areally to protect her identity reported about young men and women who left their homes to wage war with is is like the three girl caught on camera last february fleeing the uk for syria. days arell got her own
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recruiting pitch. she was told she should leave her home in france and join him in syria to become his wife. >> he told me one time it's paradise here. >> paradise is the way he was selling it to you. >> yeah. >> it's a paradise to you. >> i was thinking how many others trust this kind of men. you can enter but you cannot go out. >> how did he explain the killing? >> he said life is -- this life is not important and it's only for fun. all the murdererss was for allah. >> reporter: they communicated then she said she wasn't coming and he was furious. then she wrote a french article and that's when isis put out a video calling on group members to find her and kill her.
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>> they said they'll rape me and kill me. when you saw that and especially when you're a woman it's much easy so i start to be afraid. >> do you regret anything? >> not at all. not at all. i learned about the islamic states and my life changed. i think it changed for the best so i don't regret anything. >> now cbs news could not independently verify her story or reports that he was killed in battle last year but arell said even if that's true he cease still worried about the future after the attention to her book fades and she goes back to daily life. she said she understands the mentality of the people like isis terrorists and she knows they never let go. >> since we can't verify the
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story, how do we know she's telling the truth. >> i asked her about that too and she said they shot skype videos. they have video conversations taped for every day of the month. >> thank >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by blue buffalo. you love your pets lime family so feed them like family with blue.
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. this could be the night for the warriors in oakland. if they win this evening, they will eliminate the houston rockets and advance to the nba championship series. game time 6:00. regulators in san francisco have approved a mandatory 25% cut in water use for customers with irrigation only accounts. they include community gardens, parks, colleges and the golf courses. >> the u.s. supreme court upheld an alameda county law concerning drug disposal. it requires drugmakers to pick up
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good morning. getting a check of the bay bridge the toll plaza, it's not as bad as yesterday. but it's still brutal getting into san francisco. you can see all this backup right now. closer to the metering lights, which have been on since 5:39, the eastshore freeway approach is bad. 39 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze with the heaviest traffic out of richmond. and if you are traveling through saratoga northbound 85 approaching saratoga avenue there is a wreck blocking one lane. slow from highway 17. here's julie with the forecast. >> well, off to a gray start. you can see plenty of cloud cover from this shot from the pyramid camera but i will say we are going to see sunshine later on today so just hang in there. right now, current temperatures in the 50s pretty much areawide. later on warming up into the upper 70s near 80s inland cool at the coast. warming through the weekend.
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female announcer: through sunday it's posturepedic vs. beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years interest-free financing. mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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snlt ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, may 27 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there's more news ahea including evidence some women have a cheating gene. gayle and i have some thoughts. first here's a look at our eye opener at 8. >> they planned aspects of this long-running schemes during meetings held here in the united states. >> these charges allege widespread corruption within the international federation of football. >> i reported in this city for more than a decade. i can tell you this is some of the worst flooding i've ever seen. >> this house that was destroyed by the flood. that just shows you how high up
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raging waters came. >> the iraqi army is clearly in disarray. >> it is the first time that china has so clearly stated its military plans and ambitions in the last two years. >> several of the people traveling last week with daron wint were converting large amounts of cash into money orders. >> i do declare i have no choice but to take my pupils and rotate them from one side of my orbital socket, twist to the other. >> this morning's eye opener at 8 is presented by walgreens. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. a series of arrests are working the world of soccer. minutes ago, the justice
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department spelled out corruption charges filed against some of the sport's top executives. >> these individuals through these organizations engaged in bribery to decide who would televise games, where the games would be held and who would run the organization overseeing organized soccer worldwide. >> the fbi raided the offices of concacaf concacaf. 14 suspects are facing charges and extradition to the united states. >> dozens of texas counties are in a state of disaster this morning as deadly floodwaters threaten more communities. severe weather in texas and oklahoma has killed at least 19 people. the mayor of america's fourth largest city declared a state of emergency. right now water is flowing over a dam south of dallas threatening two dozen homes. people there have been told to
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evacuate in case a leak causes the dam to break. floodwaters have brought some unwanted visitors in oklahoma. snakes, worms and or animals seeking higher ground are winding up in people's yards. >> queen elizabeth opened a new session of britain's parliament this morning in a traditional ceremony. she was seen leaving buckingham palace this morning as she headed to parliament. charlie charlie charlie d' agata is on the mall. >> the genequeen just got home from a day at parliament. the three-pound, diamond studded imperial crown and cape,s kind of like a state of the union address but with enough dizzying bling to make a kardashian plush.
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>> it is a bit of showing off. it's a bit of the british pomp and pageantry but it show as very interesting relationship between the monarchy and state. >> reporter: that very interesting relationship means the government, on a symbolic level anyway answers to the queen. her majesty may not call the shots, but she is the head of state, which makes this ceremonial song and dance less like prom night and a reminder of who's the boss. she's seen off 12 prime ministers through the years from winston churchill to margaret thatcher and david cameron. she jumps into her horse-kraun diamond jubilee carriage flanked by her loyal household calfvalry, a bit of theater unfolds, a
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traditional nod to the past. where black rod, the queen's messenger, summons members of parliament. >> my lords and members of the house of commons -- >> then the queen delivers the queen's speech not written by the queen at all but by the government literally putting words in her mouth and spelling out all the promises they hope to keep but often don't in year ahead, duly delivered without a hint of motion good or bad. while her husband prince phillip sits by her side sometimes looking like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world. they'd probably rather be spending time with their new great granddaughter, princess charlotte, who is thought to be out in the country with her parents, far from the crowds. >> thank you, charlie. what were you going to say? >> interesting to see all that. the pomp and circumstance. what were you saying about the
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crown? >> how much does it weigh? she's been doing this for 62 years. >> i was looking at the queen's necklace. i think i should get one of those just to send chris lick into overdrive, to annoy him. hello, chris! >> a tell me lies ♪
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the surprising face of a the surprising face of a stroke victim. >> it was within 30 minutes that i walked into the emergency room that they had told me that i had a stroke and i was looking at chris and just the look on his face, it was a shock beyond all shocks. >> this survivor defied her
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doctors. ahead, dr. tara narula shows us how younger people can be at risk. ♪ ♪ at a camry. we just came from a birthday party. ohh, let me get you a new one. camrys are so reliable. yeah... and you gotta love that bold new styling. here you go. whoa! wow. those balloon towers don't make themselves. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit thanks jan. thanks jan. now you both have camrys. yeah! toyota. let's go places. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel
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in our "m in our "morning rounds," the powerful warning about the wide range threat of strokes. they're a leading cause of severe disability in the u.s. one out of six people will suffer a stroke in his or her lifetime. dr. tara narula shows us why everyone needs to be aware of the risk and how to respond. good morning. >> good morning. when most people think of strokes, they probably think of the elderly, but strokes happen to young people too. some have risk factors like smoking, obesity or high blood pressure, but others are perfectly healthy, as we found out when we traveled to edgewater, maryland and met tara o'keefe. is it fair to say this past year was the most challenging year of your life? >> that's very fair to say. the first four and five months especially were just devastating. >> devastating because despite competing in marathons and triathlons, not smoking and eating healthy, at the age of 40, tara o'keefe had a stroke. it happened one day last spring
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after a tennis match. what happened when you went home after the match? >> you know i got the headache. i remember just thinking it was lower than usual. it was really at the very base of my head. >> there really wasn't anything at that point that scared you so much to make you say something's really not right i need to go to the hospital? >> i thought that i was having a migraine. i never had a migraine in my life. >> she also was having trouble with her vision. >> i just remember thinking that it looked like i was looking through a thin layer of water. >> she tried to sleep it off but after two days her husband insisted she go to the emergency room. >> it was within ten minutes that i walked into the emergency room that they told me that i had a stroke. i was looking at chris and just the look on his face it was a shock beyond all shocks. >> approximately 800,000 people have a stroke every year.
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about 10% are under the age of 50. strokes happen when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, often caused by bleeding or a blocked blood vessel. o'keefe had something known as a dissection, a tear in the lining of the blood vessel wall and can disrupt the flow of blood. common, every day movements can cause a dissection. >> it can be as simple as turning your head coughing vomiting turning your head back, performing in other kinds of athletic activities. >> o'keefe lost 30% of her peripheral vision. her healing became more challenging when doctors told her to cut her athletic activities back. that's when her aunt stepped in. >> these the one that pushed you to get a second opinion? >> oh yeah. she would call send me messages and send me e-mails and a kls.
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articles? >> what happened when you got the second opinion? >> he said if you want to play tennis, play tennis. if you want to run a marathon run a marathon. you don't have any restrictions. >> did you go running? >> i put my running clothes on and i went running. i felt like my life was going to start again. >> you were back. >> i was back. >> a year later o'keefe is sharing her story as a reminder that strokes are not just for the old and to listen to people in your family. >> when there are people in your family who are pushing, even though you might just want them to leave you alone, i think let them push because you're not alone. >> and if you're that person pushing someone to seek treatment for a possible stroke it's critical to act fast and get to the hospital or a doctor. time is of the essence and immediate treatment can prevent long-term brain damage. >> one more time underline what
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you feel so you know it's serious. >> most common symptoms would be weakness on one side of your body or face, difficulty speaking or understanding language difficulty walking or problems with your vision. in dissection-type strokes, pain can be prominent, pain in the neck or headache. call 911, get to the hospital as quickly as possible. >> thank you cousin maureen. >> that's a great warning because you never think people that healthy will have a stroke. >> and she's a good tennis player too. thank you, dr. tara. >> up to 15% of women cheat. should they blame it on genetics? i'll go first. no! new research that could change that. still no. that's coming up next on "cbs this morning." fidelity. still, no. on "cbs this morning."
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>> announcer: cbs morning round sponsored by walgreens at the corner of happy and healthy. your purchase helps provide life-changing vitamins to 100 million children. here in the u.s. and around the world through our partnership with vitamin angels. just stop by walgreens for your vitamins. doing good for you, does good for others too. walgreens... at the corner of happy and healthy. how does it feel to lose the first 10 pounds on weight watchers? ♪ let's go! ♪ ♪ join for free at and lose ten pounds on us. hurry, offer ends june 1st.
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♪ caress presents the world's first body wash with fragrance release pearls. touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. new caress love forever.
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[♪♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ (music throughout) ♪ sfx: (smash) sfx: (roar) ♪♪ sfx: (roar) sfx: (engine roars) maybe i'll just tell you i slept with someone. david from work. you met him at the christmas party. >> please stop. >> the last person in the world i want to hurt is you. >> if you keep talking i'm going to get out of the car.
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>> it just shows how broke we are. >> okay. >> how much -- cal. oh, my god, cal. >> steve carell couldn't roll with the idea of the affair. that's from the movie "crazy love." now a study suggests certain gene variations may cause women to be unfaithful. we're joined at the table. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is not personal but i'm nashing my teeth. this is the most ridiculous thing i've heard. who's behind the ridiculous study. >> this study was done -- >> in the gene yeah. >> -- in australia but it ooh's very tentative study that showed 40% association with one particular gene and infidelity in women but it's a very early on kind of research.
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>> what is this gene? >> it's called the ar jeanines have oppressen gene. it's a hormone that has been studied in mammals and bonding. >> how do you know if you have it it? i'll say do i have the vasopressen gene? >> we all have the gene. i think it's too early to tell whether it's a major driver in behavior. >> but even though you have genes that predispose you to something like we may have genes that predispose us to diabetes that doesn't mean you get diabetes. we have free will. >> we make choices. >> we make choices. >> this nature versus nurture argument is always going on.
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>> do they cheat because of genes or something else? >> there are several things they report. the fear of being ignored, that they feel invisible. they want to feel cherished. >> with women outside the work-force are we seeing an increase of women who are unfaithful? >> i think the numbers show there's a very large amount of women who are cheating but i always say you know studies are confusing at times because if you're going to be lying about having an affair, you might not be so truthful on a study, but i do think that might be one of the contributors. i also think that there is another predisposition for cheating might be inequity. you know if a woman feels like their partner is making all of the decisions, has all the power in the relationship, an affair might be her way of getting back at her partner. >> or feel like somebody's listening to her. i mean how is cheating different
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from men than it is for women? >> i think there are overlapping reasons. from what i hear from my patients there are overlaps reasons. some women will say there's one point in our relationship in which you just -- you weren't there for me. i was giving birth to our child and maybe you were drinking at bar and i've never gotten over it. and men will say what? she was there? >> men might say i didn't think it was going to happen. i just happened to do it. or they might say i was drunk i didn't know what i was doing. >> there are many reasons for cheating. it just bothers me for anybody to say it's because of a gene. i think for men or women it's not a one size fits all. when it happens, it's a
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good morning. it's 8:25. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening around the bay area right now. a southwest flight bound for chicago delayed at sfo this morning. crews smelled an unusual odor coming out of some luggage. the bags were all checked. nothing dangerous was found and the plane was cleared for take- off. a broken piece of oil pipeline near santa barbara will be removed for inspection today. experts hope this will help them figure out what caused that pipe to spill some 100,000 gallons of crude into the ocean. and a vote is expected on a major expansion into the bay area bikeshare program. the number of available bikes would increase tenfold from 700 up to 7,000. the bikes will be in berkeley, emeryville, oakland, san francisco and san jose. stay with us
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female announcer: sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. but the mattress price wars ends sunday. now it's posturepedic vs. beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years interest-free financing. plus, free same day delivery set-up and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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. good morning. let's go to the south bay. 880, 101, it's causing a bunch of traffic jams in the san jose area. the latest just cleared northbound 880 and you can see how backed up it is from the 280 interchange.
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all the drive times are still in the red everywhere trying to get into and out of the downtown. here's a live look in oakland. 880 in oakland is also slow as you pass the oakland coliseum. it actually remains heavy from marina in san leandro past the fruitvale exit into downtown oakland. and a look at contra costa county commute southbound 680 heavy into walnut creek. let's go over to julie with your forecast. gray skies the story this morning. here's a live look over san jose. definitely may gray to stamp here's the good news though. this is going to burn off and we are going to see sunshine later today. current temperatures cool in the 50s pretty much areawide. later today, though, warming up to near 80 degrees for the warmest spots, inland 78 fairfield, 78 livermore, 58 in pacifica staying cool along the coast. that seven-day forecast showing a warm trend through friday, cooling off sunday.
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my name is peter tran. i'm a gas service representative. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california.
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these "love shack." but we're talking about shake shack today. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in in half hour shaking up the burg business. there they are. oh, god. i hope they brought extras. they're in the toyota green room. there you go. hey, thank you. danny meyer. we'll see how myer's legendary restaurant is growing with appetite and quality. we'll hear their take on controversies in the industry. also elisabeth moss somehow
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he feels about peggy's story line and how a role could earn her an award. that's next. a controversial pill that could increase the risk of a blood clot. the study found that women taking the pills have a four times greater risk of blood clots compared to women who don't take oral contraceptive. >> the kansas city star says more advertisers are pulling out of the duggar show. the duggars' older son josh has apologized after saying he molested young girls as a teenager.
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n her mouth. it took only one try to make that very sweet trick shot. >> i'm going to try that. >> please don't choke. that could go very wrong, norah. just be careful. we're going to expand your vocabulary in just a minute. the merriam-webster dikz has
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added 1,700 new words. emoji, whatever the small images used in texts which i like to use. and you can also look up jegging and photobomb. here's oprah winfrey and arianna huffington sneaking behind gayle on vacation. there you go. that's photobombing. there you go. there's photobombing. that was right before you broke your ankle. there's clarissa ward photobombing charlie here in studio 57. that is an interesting one. >> charlie's like how long is she staying, hello clarissa. we like clarissa very much. >> we like clarissa. >> we do very very much. the very popular chain shake shack is back in the headlines and it's sizzling with a capital "s" on wall street after going public.
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it's quadrupled -- that means four times "to more than $3 billion. >> let's eat. go! >> the chain's yorkoriginal location reopened in new york last week. they say they will widen its fast casual menu. danny mier is the founder and danny is the ceo. good morning. >> good morning. >> we'll talk about many things but what about the opening of this store? >> it feels great. this is where it all started ten years ago, ten and a half years ago. >> why did you do it? sfwhoo >> we needed to build a basement. when we built it we thought it wows be a hot dog stand cart. we never thought it would be what it is today. our employees had no place to
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change. >> there's something different about your burger or something we don't know. what is it? why are people willing to stand in line for a hamburger. >> remember 30 years of fine dining res straulkts is our pedigree. when shake shack was born it helped caught the wave. i don't eat fast food anymore and i want great burg every. i want to know where the ingredients come from. i want to share the ee thoughs of a great company. shake shack did that and it's resonated around the world. >> danny, one of your hall marks is hospitality, the important of hospitality. are the lines something? >> is there a code we can use like i know danny and randy, out of my way, people. >> you know one of the things about the line is unlike a restaurant that's taking
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reservations. you don't have to wait in that line. you're choosing to wait in that line. >> that's true. >> our job is that if they do make that choice treat them with a big smile and let them know we appreciate them investing the time. it's important to know while they have legendary lines especially while the weather is perfect. most of it we can move the lines really quickly because our kickenkick en kitsches are much bigger. >> here's thing. you've taken out an ad that says chicken shack. >> would you eat that. >> >> yes, i would. one would surmise you would do the same with chicken as you do with burgers. >> we're always the innering. nothing to announce today. each time we mang a change they have to get better.
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we're going to continue to work with our local producers. stunled. when don't have anything to announce today. >> you don't have anything to announce today. but you've taken out chicken shack. what's the sense of it? >> if you gnltwe didn't, you would have gayle. we feel so bad for like say the folks in austin. if you go to austin and don't fall in love with barbecue something's wrong with you, so we added the lock hard link burger and use that. >> you don't have to go to awe stib to fall in love with barbecue. >> that's true. you don't have to but you'd better if you do go. we have a lot of fun working with our local artesian producers and chefs. >> i know you talk about expanding into southern california. are you worrying about inand out
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burgs, when there's a crowded market out there or how do you gauge that. >> i think we've always had the feeling if we do our john and to what we do people are going to come. we feel that way with california and whatever else we do. shake shack is an experience. ice a community gathering place. people come together. >> is it about the beef or what you put in the beef. >> you mean that crack shack stuff? it's all natural. no hormones no antibiotics. >> stocks took a tumble yesterday. does that bother you a little bit? >> people understand we're cooking one burg at a time in one shack at a time in one community at a time and we ee here for decades at a time. >> that's what we say at cbs.
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one viewer at a time for decades to come. >> and one episode does not make your career. >> that's right. >> congratulations. >> thank you danny, thank you randy. elisabeth moss heads to broadway and i finds herself in lots of company. >> with both of you being nominated. >> yes. she won't get off my ass. get your own career. honest
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goosebumps is right. right? people get goosebumps. >> we were saying that's such a good day. >> hey, you know a big year could get even bigger for
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elisabet moss. she just said good-bye to her emmy nominated role on "mad men." now she could win a tony from the office far from madison. she's got a little saucy mouth on her too. good morning, jamie. >> she does indeed. from the first daut owner the "west wing" to peggy olson on "mad men." but it's her recent work on broadway that's getting her the latest buzz. >> there's something about the tonys. i've been lucky enough to be nominated about stuff before. there's ees's something about the tonys that i'm more proud of, to be honest. >> the problem isn't me it's him. i could make a better choice. >> she's nominated for best actress in a play "the heidi chronicles." the story of a woman's journal
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across several decades. >> is there something that drives you? >> yes. not so much choice bus only recently have i got on the place where i have to think more i have to do this or that. more things are offered for me. but for many many years for "mad men" it's what i got. >> it's really interesting. but the story to get there is certainly high dl holland's story in "the heidi chronicles." and also in "mad men." >> aren't you lucky to have decisions. >> is that a woman's issue? a human issue? >> i think it's a human issue. i think women have less choices. it's changing. it's getting better which is good. if you look at television "the good wife," "scandal," nashville." >> i met you about a year ago and new york magazine had just
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done a cory story on you and said peggy olson was the star of "mad men" all along. did you know from the outset peggy would be so prominent from the story line? >> no not at all. >> why are you doing this for me? >> because you're being very demanding for someone who doesn't have no other choice. dazzle me. >> i was happy to be on the cover. i am happy to be the female lead but i'm in no way the lead of that show. >> it gets be hard that that part of your life is actually over. >> what's actually bizarre is nobody care as what happens. there's no secrets. no one will ask me what happens on the show. >> it's a day-to-day change. no one bucking you to say. >> there's nothing to say. no more secrets. >> were you satisfied with the resolution of the peggy olson show? >> very much so.
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i really was tochl have her find romantic happiness, to give her that was actually the most unusual thing you could do because nobody expected that. >> reporter: before there was madmen there was the west wing. >> starting tomorrow -- >> i'm starting college in a month. >> you'll have plenty of friends to walk you to class. >> i don't want this damage. >> where a teenaged moss played zoey bartlett the president's daughter. h> >> please. >> don't, oh please me. >> when you looked at the path your career was going to take are you living sort of your dream now? >> i never really had a plan so i sort of would never have been able to really like think that, oh, this is where i'll be and if i did think that anybody was going to happen in a certain way, it certainly has not gone in that direction. >> is there someone who came before you that you look at and say that's great career someone whose choices i admire? >> helen mirren, judi dench.
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maggie. those are my idols. if i would in any way consider myself near them i would be very happy. >> i'm sure you've but at lots of places with helen mereirren. >> she won't get off my ass. she's like get your own career. >> that's got to be thrilling to have that from a colleague, someone you admire. >> yeah. it's crazy. it's so cool. i do not in no way consider myself on her level or a colleague but it's been nice to kind of have been able to get a chance to speak to her a couple of times, you know. >> if you want to catch moss in "the heidi chronicles," sadly it can't. it caught the eye of the critics but not so much todd jens
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unfortunately. >> i like her so much. >> she's got amazing charisma. as norah mentioned she really jumps off the screen and off the stage. she's got a lot of presence. >> great actress indeed. you can watch the 6 th tony 9th tony awards. i think they're shaking it up a bit this year. it's going to be something to see. >> it is. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back.
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we showed these kids some items from a nearby store, whoa! but they didn't know they were all tobacco products. ooh this is cool. it smells like gum. yummy. this smells like strawberry. ooh, are these mints? with colorful packaging and fruit and candy flavors that kids love, who do you think tobacco companies are targeting? do we get to keep any?
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interesting conversation today about danny meyer. >> and cheating. >> cheating. that does it for us. be sure to tune in to "cbs
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evening news with scott pelley" tonight. >> cheater cheater pumpkin ea
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[baseball crowd noise] ♪ ♪ [x1 chime] ♪ ♪ [crowd cheers] oh! i can't believe it! [cheering] hi, grandma! ♪
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good morning. we're going to stick to the south bay where we still have a lot of rough traffic conditions right now. there was a crash northbound 880 at brokaw. still there blocking one lane and you can see how heavy it is right now from highway 85. and if you are continuing your journey out to oakland here's a live look at the oakland coliseum. still hasn't loosened up downtown backed up from san leandro actually the delays begin around marina and out to the bay brid
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female announcer: through sunday it's posturepedic vs. beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years interest-free financing. mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
9:00 am
wayne: ♪ oh, na, na, na. ♪ you got a car! (screaming) jonathan: it's a zonk pirate ship! - no! jonathan: i was like "blah blah blah... " it's a trip to hawaii! wayne: jumpin' jehosophat! - i am out-of-my-mind thrilled. - i'm going for the curtain, baby! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady, thanks for tuning in. one person, let's make a deal, shall we? come here, patrick. right off the bat, everybody else have a seat. - how's it going? wayne: how are you doing, sir? are you ready, are you pumped? - i'm so pumped, ready to do this. wayne: are you really a chef what do you do in real life? - no, i'm a united states marine. wayne: give this man a big round of applause. (cheering) i knew you looked like you had too much muscle on you to just be a chef, unless yo


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