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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 6, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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love the yellow. >> say that lovingly. >> thanks for joining us. captions by: caption colorado captioning funded by cbs good morning to our viewers in the west. it is thursday august 6th 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." republican challengers are just hours away from taking on donald trump in the gop's first primetime debate. what sparked a new attack at an american movie theater. new details about how police stopped the attacker. and "daily show" host jon stewart signs off today. his journey from comedian to one of america's most trusted voices. today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. this individual has had
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significant psychological issues. >> another outbreak of violence strikes a movie theater. >> was armed with a hatchet, pepper spray. >> i came in early today trying to convince lebron james to come back to miami. >> among the first candidates to arrive in cleveland. >> all eyes will be on donald trump. >> i'm so excited. i cannot contain my excitement. i file like the leather pants at a lenny kravitz concert. he has managed to collect more debris. >> the debris found last week is from malaysian airlines flight 370. >> but french officials say they're still working on confirmation. bill cosby has been ordered to give a deposition in a lawsuit. president obama blasted critics of the nuclear deal. >> republican outrage the president compared him to iranian hard-liners. the powerful typhoon is
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headed for taiwan. >> the strongest in 2015. bounty hunters mistakenly raid the home of a phoenix police chief. >> open the door! >> all that -- >> andray roberts being interviewed live. and all that matters. >> president george w. bush reporting for jury duty in downtown dallas seemed to be in a good mood taking pictures with other jurors. >> their verdict? he was very friendly. you did the show for this long. it's one of the great comedy accomplishments of all time. >> when it's somebody that i love and respect who says that, it means the world. so thank you. >> people are throwing up right now. this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this
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morning." gayle king is off. vinita nair is with us. the republican presidential candidates will gather for campaign 2016's first major debate. they'll be in cleveland where the party will crown its nominee in less than a year. >> all the candidates are looking for a boost tonight. only ten of them have a chance, too peel to voters in prime time. how will they handle donald trump. major garrett is in cleveland where the debated will be held. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the republican political equivalent of the super bowl. that is until the next presidential debate comes along. but first is first. and if front-runner status counts for anything nearly six months before the iowa caucuses donald trump arrives here with it. and something more. the political apprentice is by far the biggest x-factor of the gop race. >> we need policies that's allow us to compete. >> marco rubio was the only
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republican candidate to campaign on fox debate eve. >> i'm excited to ed tod to talk to the american people about who i am. >> scott walker will open the wisconsin state fair this morning while jeb bush plans to attend mass with his wife. the rest of the field will be hunkered down, preparing for a big arena, a crowded stage and nerves. >> they are probably a little nervous. this is the first debate. >> ohio republican senator rob portman prepped bob dole john mccain and dick cheney for debates. none had to prepare for the likes of trump. >> you have to be prepared for donald trump to say or do just about anything i suppose. i bet he's likely to be successful in terms of focusing on policy issues. >> he's climbed over other republicans on the way to the top. >> jeb will be very poor as a president. no energy. >> lindsey graham, a total
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lightweight. >> marco rubio is extremely weak on immigration. >> rick perry put glasses on the other day so people will think he's smart. >> rick perry will not have a chance at the showdown. they were relegated to a 5:00 p.m. debate. >> i think there will be a person that emerges from that debate. >> bret o'donnell also worked with romney and is helping lindsey graham this tirm around. but what to do about trump? >> you wait to be attacked. you want to make donald trump a sideline show not the center of attention. >> reporter: before trump began his campaign he had a conversation with former president bill clinton. this confirmed by clinton's camp. no advice sought or given. at least by the former president. charlie, trump's camp has no comment. >> thanks major. john heilemann is here. welcome.
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>> welcome guys. >> happy debate day. >> you're on your way to cleveland. >> with that bill clinton/donald trump phone call ringing in my ears. the former president is irrepressible. anybody that calls and asks him for political advice he gives it. he told trump he thought he should be a bigger part of the republican conversation. he didn't say run because that's not the way bill clinton would do it. you should be a bigger part of the debate. you can speculate a lot about his motivations. maybe a little mischief on the republican side. >> if that was the intent it's successful. >> the president moves in mysterious ways. >> why should weect and that donald trump would be on his best behavior tonight. >> he's at 20%. his next step is to go beyond that. like build beyond his core
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support. you'd start to look presidential. you'd want to talk about substance, make yourself not just look like a bomb thrower. >> it feels like a lot of his success is driven on his style and not his position. tonight do you think we'll hear more specifics. >> it's not just his style. i did a focus group in new hampshire with voters who like donald trump a lot. a big part of ha peel is not just his style but back dltground, his success. he's an emblem of american capitalistic success. you all think i'm going to be best os plan. here's what's i would actually do and to make -- to be able to answer that question. one of the questions will be whether other republicans press him or the moderators press him to offer more specifics. >> jeb bush. what was the point of him coming up to this debate saying he was going to come with his big boy
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pants on. >> the way you react to a bully is to fight back. you don't want to empower a bully. >> i don't think he's going to attack, but he's going to counterpunch. does trump go after them? if trump goes after them they'll all be prepared through humor or strength to hit back. i think all of them think it's dangerous to pick a fight on this stage with donald trump. >> thank you john. >> thank you charlie. in our next hour rand paul will talk about his goals for tonight's debate and whether he believes trump's message is costing him support. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." police are trying to figure out the moetstive of a man who attacked moviegoers in tennessee. it was 41 minutes of utter chaos. a s.w.a.t. team killed the attacker after a confrontation with police. three people in the theater were hurt. >> vicente montano was armed
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with pepper spray, a hatchet and a pistol. david is live with more on how this unfolded. >> reporter: vicente montano was homeless and may have walked here to the cinema. he pnched a ticket to "mad max" and within less than an hour he was dead. the man who had been institutionalized four times was killed by police. >> he pulled out a hatchet and started attacking this family and then pulled out a gun. >> reporter: nashville metro police believe he entered the theater wednesday. he was wearing a surgical mask and toting this hatchet. he began swinging the blade at this man and his daughter. >> all the citizens who gathered around us helped my daughter when we were pepper sprayed. that gives me more fath in
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humanity again. >> reporter: when montano tried to leave through the back door high he was met by the s.w.a.t. team. >> there was a noise made by that gun. it was then that the officer fired. >> reporter: a witness captured the cloud gunshots heard during the s.w.a.t. team's takedown. a bomb squad then detonated his backpack. >> the things put in there were put in there to resemble a hoax explosive device. >> reporter: the 29-year-old attacker died at the scene, rolled away at the gurney. two days before the attack his mother filed a missing persons report. the report says montano was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in april 2006. she told police she hadn't seen her son since 2013. >> it sent chills. just chills through my whole
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body. >> reporter: doritha lived next to montano for six years. police were regularly called to the house. >> he was highly agitated pacing back and forth. this went on for several hours. >> reporter: two photos show a an with a changing appearance. he was charged with assault on a police officer in 2004. he was committed twice that year and two more times in 2007. the national association of theater owners said in a statement, quote, people have the right to go about their lives in peace and safety. the safety of our guests and employees is and always will be our industry's highest priority. >> thanks david. malaysia's transport minister says searchers found more plane wreckage including a window. they'll determine if it is from malaysia flight 370. it washed up on the french island reunion.
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part of a wing was found there. some officials say it came from the missing jetliner. others are not sure. it's upsetting relatives of the victims. seth doane spoke with one of those family members. seths, good morning. >> reporter: malaysia's prime minister was definitive. the french authorities less so. and nearly 17 months after misplane disappeared, they are wondering who to believe. relatives gathered in protest outside malaysia airlines office in beijing today. please tell us the truth, she demanded. some call it a conspiracy. others say it's incompetence. victims' families have been waiting confirmation this flaperon is part of mh-370 and they are confused. first this from malaysia's prime minister. >> i must tell you that an
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international team of experts has conclusively confirmed that the aircraft debris found on reunion island is indeed from mh-370. >> reporter: but then this. not exactly conclusive from a french prosecutor. there is a very strong probability at the flap fond on the beach does belong to mh-370. australia's deputy prime minister acknowledged the confusion. >> i noted the comment from the malaysian prime minister. the french have made a somewhat more qualified comment. >> reporter: all of that leaves families wondering. >> your mom was on that plane. jung hui was diagnosed with depression and is physically and mentally exhausted thinking about what might have happened to his mom on mh-370.
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he paused to collect himself several times during our interview. this is definitely not an ending or closure he said. it's just a lead. malaysia's transport minister said agoneain they believe that flaperon is from mh-370. a maintenance number matches and the color matches, too. >> seth doane, thank you. japan is purchasing the 70th an virsniverseary of the atomic bomb. a moment of silence marks the time when the bomb exploded killing 140,000 people. secretary of state john kerry said the anniversary makes a powerful case for the iran nuclear deal. more than a dozen asian countries and australia and new zealand endorsed the agreement. many critics are the same ones who backed the invasion of iraq.
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he said they want to put the country on a path to another war. >> let's not mince words. the choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war. maybe not tomorrow. maybe not three months from now. but soon. >> republicans are upset the president compared them to hard-liners in iran. mitch mcconnell says that is an insult to both republicans and democrats who oppose the deal. he said, quote, the president needs to retract his bizarre and preposterous comments. congress is going to vote on this in september. this morning, firefighters in the west are busy pushing back flames from dangerous wildfires. 68 are burning in eight western states. crews in california are making major progress against the massive rocky fire. ben trairscy is at the command post. >> reporter: the fire is 40% contained and the final
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reinforce mtds sments have arifd. they'll be out on the fire lines today helping firefighters put out the remanning hot spots. firefighters desperately want to prevent this. newly released videos taken of firefighters on the front lines show the rocky fire exploding over the weekend, consuming tens of thousands of acres in just hours. this map shows how quickly the fire spread over the past seven days, now covering 109 square miles. yesterday water-dropping helicopters doused hot spots on charred hillsides while fire engines were staged along highway 20 ready to attack any flare-ups in the hot afternoon sun. >> when the temperature goes up and humidity goes down how quickly does the behavior of the fire change? >> this fire is kind of specific. usually you get some warnings where it's almost like a dimmer switch. this one seems to have an on/off
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switch. >> reporter: with the rocky fire down but not out, it's still a waiting game for the thousands forced to evacuate and wondering when they can go home. the disaponting answer came late wednesday. >> at this point the evacuation situation stays in effect. >> they're trying to keep us safe, but i want to go home. >> reporter: we expect to find out later this morning whether they'll reopen highway 20. that's the main road through the fire zone. that's a pretty good undication that the folks who have been out of their homes for nearly a week will be going back. the circus spectators in new hampshire were told to stay put before a huge storm blew the tent down. the collapse killed two people and injured dozens. they told the crowd to stay in their seats. moments later just before the tent fell they told everyone to go to their cars for shelter. bill cosby is under orders
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to testify in a lawsuit claiming he sexually assaulted a teenager at the playboy mansion. he must answer questions under oath. judy huth said cosby assaulted her when she was just 15 years old. this is the first time cosby has been told to testify since the accusations began last year. they accused cosby of giving them alcohol or drugs and assaulting them. a self-propelled boat is on the bottom of the ocean after an historic drug bust. the coast guard just released this video from last month. they intercepted a special boat designed to run just below the surface. the guardsmen recovered a record six tons of cocaine. the boat then sunk with two more tons of coke still on board. the coast guard is not saying
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exactly where it sunk. >> that's a lot of blow. >> many of us can relate to being stuck at an airport. >> delay, delay and then change their mind and then delayed again. ahead, we go behind the scenes at one of the operation centers. why airlines choose to delay some flights to make others on
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>> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places. jon stewart's final "daily show" is just hours away. >> before i creed to the gentle yet firm gravitational pull of my home planet, new jersey i'd like to reflect on what we've built here. >> ahead, the lasting impact from his late-night comedy reign
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morning," the neighborhood showdown over smoke from a famous barbecue joint. your local news is next. good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. more pieces of that missing malaysia airlines jet may have turned up on reunion island off the coast of africa. a plane window and other debris discovered today one week after part of a wing was found. democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton will attend another bay area fundraiser today. tickets to the breakfast in san francisco cost $2,700 apiece. straight ahead on "cbs this morning," a legacy of laughter. jon stewart's 16 years of sar tire on the daily show influenced a gene
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hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at
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good morning. i'm gianna franco. we have reports of an accident northbound 85 on blossom hill ramp northbound 85. you can't access it because of an accident with a vehicle and bicycle. slow along 280 northbound as well as 101 we are seeing drive times in the red which means he speeds under 35 miles an hour in some spots. slow on the bay bridge toll plaza. good morning. as we look at our live weather camera, we have so many pretty clouds out there. they are in advance of subtropical moisture that's lurking offshore. the fetch is all the way back to the hawaiian islands. you can almost taste the pineapple this morning. we currently have our temperatures in the 50s and 60s and later today, with partly cloudy skies, numbers in the 70s along the beaches, 70s 80s
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when broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! he's ready. la quinta inns & suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. book your next stay at! la quinta!
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this thursday's gop primary debate hosted by fox news. >> fox news will make the decision tomorrow night as to which candidates make it into primetime. >> did i say fox influence is gone? what i meant was it's gone all the way to the white house. it will decide the next leader of the free world. what the [ bleep ] is going on here? [ bleep ] the world is demon demonstrably worse tan when i started. have i caused this?
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>> jon stewart will host his final episode of "the daily show" today. welcome back to "cbs this morning." so with that news we're going to take a look at stewart's legacy and how he changed the way many people receive their news. plus bounty hunters act on bad information. their search for a drug suspect mistakenly leads them to the home of the police chief in phoenix. that's ahead. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the new york times" reports on appropriate francis calling on the church to welcome catholics who remarried. in remarks to his general audience francis said such couples are not pariahs. he urged priests to foster these families with doors wide open. "the seattle times" reports on microsoft boosting pay for new parents. they'll get eight extra weeks of paid time off. that means moms will have a total of 20 weeks with pay. the announcement comes one day after netflix increased paid leave for workers to a year. >> that is great. i remember when google did something similar.
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they were paying so many more new moms. probation for nfl star adrian peterson ended 15 months early. the vikings' running back was sentenced to two years' probation. he admitted last year to hitting his 4-year-old son with a switch as a form of discipline. a judge says peterson fulfilled the provisions which included community service and a fine. and "the dallas morning news" reports on george w. bush performing his civic duty. he was called for jury service wednesday in dallas. he didn't get picked but stopped for pictures. president bush was also summoned while in office. he was cleared then because of what the white house called "other commitments." this time a full jury was seated before his number came up. >> it's a reminder everybody's got to do it. all right. a bittersweet morning for "daily show" fans. jon stewart steps down tonight after 16 years. his team earned 20 emmys. a generation of comedy stars got their big break as fake news
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correspondents. stephen colbert next month will succeed david letterman. vladimir duthiers is outside "the daily show" in new york. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, the anticipation has been building. fans have been gathered outside of jon stewart's studio since 2:00 this morning. now, he's always claimed he's just a comedian doing a comedy show. but when you examine the influence he's had on media and political watchers, it's clear that he's so much more. >> stop hurting america. >> reporter: when jon stewart sat down as a guest on cnn's "cross fire" in 2004 he was there to serve notice. >> the thing is we need your help. right now you're helping the politicians. >> reporter: notice that he was a man with clout. >> within months the president of cnn announced that he was canceling "cross fire," and he credited jon stewart. >> reporter: on his own show he used the anchor chair to lob bombs at the media and politicians alike. >> i think i know why you're
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here, and let me just deflate the tension right off the bat, apology accepted. >> reporter: his popularity grew along with his boldness. and so has his influence. especially among younger viewers and voters. he's appeared at or near the top of polls as the most trusted voice in america. >> these people are not here for fear. they're here for sanity, stephen. >> reporter: in 2010 stewart and colbert drew more than 200,000 people to washington for what they called the rally to restore sanity. >> the press is our immune system. if it overreacts to everything we actually get sicker and perhaps eczema. >> reporter: and he's often credited for getting congress to pass the 9/11 health and compensation act. what is it that makes him so special? >> jon stewart is not afraid to get in the arena and throw punches. >> my wicked tongue. i'm so bad. >> when he speaks and makes fun
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of people left or right, you have a sense that he's being authentic. >> senator, thanks for joining us. >> jon it was good to be here. >> reporter: and his guests are as big as they get. president obama has been on "the daily show" seven times including two weeks ago. >> i'm issuing a new executive order. that jon stewart cannot leave the show. >> reporter: last week it was revealed that stewart had two sit-down meetings in the white house with the president. leading critics to call him a prop prop prop propagandist. >> they didn't seem to support their assertions with, uh, evidence. >> his success and his brilliance, there ril be many imitators, there will be many people who vie, and that's a legacy that he leaves. >> i'll take it! we'll be right back.
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>> reporter: on wednesday, it was announced that jon stewart's entire set will be moved to the museum in washington d.c. to be put on display. quite an honor for a news program that was just a comedy show. charlie? >> a couple of things to say about jon stewart. a great reign, but he also was a great boss according to everybody who worked with him, he encouraged other careers and also had a very good staff in terms of those guys who found those tapes and wrote a lot of those words. >> absolutely. and he made fun not only of politicians but also people in the press who took themselves too seriously. >> exactly right. it's something we need. >> the next chapter, too, he's done writing, directing, maybe we'll see another movie from him. >> i'm curious to see the next chapter. >> thank you vlad. phoenix police this morning are investigating a very big mistake. a group of bounty hunters went to the wrong house. they confronted the city's police chief. don dahler is here with the video and a possible explanation. don, good morning. >> possible. good morning. reports say bounty hunters in the united states capture tens
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of thousands of bail jumpers each year. but in phoenix, well, they got it all wrong. >> i'm looking for roderick! open the door! >> reporter: nearly a dozen bounty hunters swarmed this house in phoenix, arizona, tuesday night. but instead of finding this man who is wanted in oklahoma they found joseph yonner, the police chief of the sixth largest city in america. >> when the chief goes to the front door he is confronted by an individual who was out there who has a gun drawn. >> uh we have some -- i don't know if they're bounty hunters or what they are, but they just banged on our door and they're looking for somebody. >> reporter: that somebody was roderick battle who is wanted on drug charges. >> open the door! >> reporter: but the team of armed bounty hunters who woke up the police chief and his wife were apparently acting on bad information. an erroneous tip posted on their facebook page. >> there were 11 people out here.
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one was an 11-year- >> reporter: police arrested 43-year-old brent farley the owner of one of the bounty hunter teams, for criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct. >> we don't know if the chief was the target specifically or if the bond companies were a target and sent there by someone. >> you can't make this stuff up. brent farley whom you heard screaming at the police chief in the video is a convicted felon, which means he's not legally permitted to own a handgun. police are investigating whether or not this was just an honest mistake or a prank. norah. >> and the 11-year-old was there with them? >> yeah, helping out with a gun belt on. don't know if he had a gun or not, but he had a gun belt on. >> you're right, you can't make it up. thank you. ahead we go behind the scenes to learn the truth about flight delays. >> reporter: good morning. we've all probably wondered why is my flight delayed? we're trying to get you answers. and as part of that we go
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behind the scenes with one of the major airlines in their network operations center to find out how they keep their airlines rolling on time. ♪ ♪ now at chili's, new smoked chicken burritos for lunch. make it a lunch combo. then tap, swipe, and go. ♪ ♪
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♪ a passenger on a flight leaving chicago monday filmed a dramatic thunderstorm through the plane window. look at that. that is not what you want to see when you are taking off. but there were no problems and the plane was able to land safely in houston. >> there's something beautiful when you're watching it from not inside the plane, right? >> right. >> the weather is often blamed for flight delays. so far this year more than 458,000 planes have been delayed. nearly 54,000 flights have been
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we think that may help save you time next time you fly. >> we were a little delayed, but we'll figure it out. we'll get it done. >> reporter: larson jay knows what should be a quick flight from chicago's o'hare airport to knoxville, tennessee, often pisn't. >> delayed, delayed, delayed, and then they change their mind and it's delayed again. >> reporter: 44% of flights on that route did not arrive on time last year, the worst nationally. here's why. the route flies from a hub airport for two major carriers prone to delays from weather and congestion. 15 of the 20 worst on the list all came to or from o'hare. typically, all flights to knoxville are small regional
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jets. that's the case for 17 of the 20 worst performing routes. they hold fewer passengers and make several stops during the day, increasing the likelihood of a delay especially late in the day. >> if you're making a tight connection over a hub to a regional jet in the afternoon, you need to be very careful in planning your itinerary because odds are you're going to be late. >> reporter: his firm estimates canceling an international flight with run up to $43,000 for an airline while impacting hundreds of passengers. a regional flight can cost $1,000 and affect 50 people. >> they're trying to prioritize how to complete the maximum number of flights that they can given the limited resources they have to work with. >> a potential disruption -- >> reporter: inside united networks operations center in chicago, teams from all aspects of the airline maintenance to meteorology work to keep 5,000 daily flights operating as on time as possible. >> are we -- >> reporter: jim deyoung is the man in charge. he says the airline tries to isolate delays whenever
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possible. >> the metric kind of comes down to how do we inconvenience the least amount of people? >> correct. >> reporter: and operate the maximum amount of flights? >> it's not only the people on that individual flight it's the people waiting for that airplane. that airplane may have six or seven segments throughout the day. we want to minimize the reroute you around it. that may save you time. vinita? >> some great tips there. >> and notwithstanding all of those problems that kris explains, they could do a better job of explaining to us what the issues are at the time. >> agreed. better communicating. i agree. >> at least you don't feel like it's so personal now that you know the reason behind it all,
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right? he earned some bad blood. find out what happened when a fan tried to grab taylor swift at a concert. take a l >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. i can barely keep up by myself. 0% apr financing. tons of amazing inventory. only happens once a year. hmm, hologram number 17 seems to have gone rogue. i'm the real jan now! 0%! 0%! at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015 rav
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7:51 am
i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. ♪ i knew you were trouble when you walked in ♪ a fan got a little too close to taylor swift at a concert in canada. you can see the man. he tried to grab the pop star tuesday night in edmonton while she was singing "bad blood." swift looked startled. she stopped performing long enough to give that guy a good glare. then she picked up and just continued the show. a witness says security ended up taking that man away. luckily she's 5'10", you mow what i mean? if that had been a tinier pop star, she would have fallen right over. >> she could have used that steel boot to do some damage on his hand. >> that's what you're recommending? >> no, i am for the. i am not recommending. i'm just saying.
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she's singing "bad blood." it resulted in him missing the rest of the concert. all right. coming up, we're going to talk with presidential candidate rand paul. he's in cleveland getting ready for tonight's republican debate. his strategy and his response to what he calls a loss of sanity in the race. that's ahead right here on "cbs this morning." my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing] my opioid pain medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioid-induced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. oic is a different type of constipation. opioids block pain signals but they can also block activity in the bowel. i'm really struggling to find relief... ready to paint a different picture? yes! talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. i can do that! if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy
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relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . listen up... i'm reworking the menu. mayo, corn dogs... you are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card usda choice ribeye steak is $7.99 a pound 32-ounce gatorade is 69 cents and select quaker cereal is $1.49 happy anniversary to me.
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safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. good morning. it's 7:56. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening at this hour. today governor jerry brown will meet with firefighters working on the "rocky fire" up in lake county. it's burned nearly 70,000 acres, 40% contained. they are making progress. dozens of homes have been destroyed and thousands more are threatened. a downtown san jose institution is in its final days. paolo's restaurant open since 1958 will serve up its last meal saturday. the family-run italian eatery lost its lease and will be replaced by a cafeteria and work and play space for tech empl female announcer: right now at sleep train get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest.
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or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at
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good morning. let's take you straight to the bay bridge right now where we have reports of a brand-new accident eastbound 80 on the lower deck involving an overturned vehicle near treasure island. two lanes are now blocked. chp just headed out to the scene on our sensors you can see a line of red so traffic is starting to back up for your commute out of san francisco into oakland. on the flip side bay bridge toll plaza slow-and-go anyway lightening up a bit. delays though coming off the eastshore freeway and out of the maze. possibly a stalled vehicle or an accident causing that. roberta? >> good morning, everybody. let's those san jose, where we do have partly cloudy skies at this hour. those clouds are all associated with subtropical moisture that's pushing into the bay area and will produce a chance of thunderstorms later today. temperatures are currently in the 50s and 60s. and later today, our numbers will stack up pretty much in the 70s at the coast to the
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♪ ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is thursday august 6, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including to noit's first republican debate. presidential candidate rand paul will be there. we'll ask him how he plans to approach it. first a look at today's "eye opener at 8". >> nearly six months before the iowa caucuses trm arrives. >> what i think all of them are waiting for is to see does trump go after them. they'll be prepared to hit back. >> the man who had been institutionalized four times was killed by police. >> malaysia's prime minister was definitive. the french authorities were less so and family members were left
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wondering who to believe. >> the fire is now 40% contained and the final reinforcements have arrived. about 360 members of the national guard -- >> historic drug bust. the coast guard recovered a record six tons of cocaine. >> that's a lot of blow. >> yes, it is. >> bounty hunters in united states capture tens of thousands of bail jumpers each year. but in phoenix, well they got it all wrong. >> somebody could have been killed last night. the republican presidential debate people have come up with drinking games for it. the most popular game is the one where you skip the debate and go out drinking. [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is presented by subway. >> i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and vinita nair. place are investigating why a homeless man attacked movie goers. vincente montano unleashed the
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spray during a show near nashville. he was also carrying a hatchet and air soft pellet gun. >> police say montano was killed by s.w.a.t. team members when he charged at them with an ax. he had a history of mental illness. one man was cut on the shoulder. others treated for testify affects of pepper spray. this morning there may be new clues in the hunt for malaysia airlines flight 360. investigators will determine if the window found is from the missing flight. part of a wing was found last month. some officials say it came from the missing jetliner. others are not sure. the confusion is upsetting relatives of the victims. republican presidential candidates are making final preparations for tonight's big debate in cleveland. kentucky senator rand paul is among those qualified for the prime time debate. his poll numbers and numbers suffered after donald trump entered the race. the senator rand paul is with us
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from cleveland. good morning. >> good morning charlie. thanks for having me. >> tell us what you hope to achieve and what might come out of this debate. >> well, you know i like to mix it up. so my staff is all saying oh, no, we need to be cautious and i'm like i like to mix it up. i plan on getting into it with the other candidates. >> all right. mix it up. i'm definitely watching tonight, senator paul, when you say you want to mix it up. anybody in particular you want to mix it up with? >> why not mix it up on the ideas and issues of the day. it doesn't mean it has to be impolite or rude. we need to mix it up because this campaign and who becomes president ought to be about ideas and who can best lead the country. i don't think we should succumb to, well you can say anything and all of a sudden we're in some reality tv show. there needs to be a substantive debate. >> it sounds like you're referring to donald trump when you say we're in some reality tv
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show. you've attributed his rise in the poll to a temporary loss of sanity. what do you think this debate could clarify? >> i think there are a lot of issues. i think we really have to determine what are the best ways to counteract our foes around the world. do we need to be involved in every civil war, and has it made us more safe? i think frankly hillary's excursion and obama's excursion into libya made us less safe and made isis strongerment i think arming the allies of ice sis made isis stronger. there needs to be a debate about that because so many -- in fact many on both sides think it's always a good idea to send arms to everyone. we're now talking about with the iran agreement, to pacify saudi arabia, we need to send them more arms, also. i think there needs to be a voice of reason and there needs to be somebody promoting a rational foreign policy and i think sometimes both sides are a
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little bit overcrazed about intervention. >> senator, we want your response to the indictment announced nephew saying your nephew-in-law is accused of paying off a state senator in iowa to curry favor for your father's presidential campaign. >> for about four years there have been these campaign finance regulatory rules that they've been going after. it's a little suspicious to me that it happens to take four years and they decide to do something -- president obama's administration decides to do something on the eve of the debate. i think that's at least suspiciously timed. campaign finance rules are very complicated. there will be lawyers and accountants involved in this and they'll get it sorted out over time i'm sure. >> let me go back to norah's question about donald trump. what is it -- what do you make of his rise in the polls? is it in your judgment more rhetoric than it is policy and specific public positions?
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>> yes. and i think what he's tapped into, though is that 490%90% of people are unhappy with washington. i never ran for office. i was a physician and never ran for politics. i was able to beat an establishment politician because i ran against the machine. i still intend to do so because 90% of people are unhappy. i think we need term limits. i'd wash the whole place out. the whole place needs to be clean swept and start all over again. i've met almost every leader on the stage in washington. there's no monopoly of knowledge up there. wu need new people. one of the things i'd propose is we need term limits send them all home. >> why is donald trump tapped into this rather than you according to the polls? >> he had a little bit of help. y'all covered him with about a billion dollars of news media. it's all your fault, charlie. >> oh i see.
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>> no. the thing is for example, i've been talking about a flat tax where we eliminate the entire tax code to try to get american jobs to come home and american companies to come home. but i have really had a little trouble getting traction with getting the message out, and i don't blame anyone. the news is what the news is. but you have to admit that there's been an extraordinary amount of attention paid to one person, and i think anybody's numbers would rise with that amount of attention. so our job is to break through. our job tonight is the step up defend and maybe demolish some other bad ideas that are out there or point out that maybe there are some empty suits without ideas. >> who would that be? >> there's 15 to choose from. so we'll see tonight who that is. but i think it is good to draw distinctions. i'm a big believer -- i don't believe in hurling insults, but i'm a big believer in mixing it up. we ought to know the differences
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between the candidates and let's see how much substance we have come forward. >> senator rand paul, good luck tonight. we'll be watching. nice to see you. >> thank you. ahead, your brain on junk food. it tastes good. what's it doing to you. dr. tara narula is >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is sponsored by subway restaurants. subway, eat fresh.
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is brought to you by subway. subway, eat fresh. as you munch on p as you munch on popcorn at the moveiesmovies, you may not realize what happens behind the scenes in hollywood. why the vast majority of roles are for white, male heterosexual actors. that's ahead on "cbs this morning."
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of folgers. ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ so, where do you want to start? i think this is a pretty good place. ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪ i thought activia was for big digestive issues. until i realized our body handles a lot. 1,100 meals a year... 730 rushed snacks... add 300 stressful decisions... no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. so try the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. it works or it's free! ♪ to you, they're more than just
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a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix® ii. it's broad-spectrum protection k ills fleas ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix® ii. for the love of dog™. the drought is affecting all of us. at pg&e we've definitely put a focus on helping our agricultural customers through the drought. when they do an energy efficiency project and save that money they feel it right in their pocket book. it's exciting to help a customer with an energy efficiency project
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because not only are they saving energy but they are saving water. we have a lot of projects at pg&e that can help them with that and that's extremely important while we're in a drought. it's a win for the customer and it's a win for california. together, we're building a better california. ♪ ♪ in our "morning rounds," the science behind stress eating. a new study explores how we
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reach for chocolate instead of an apple when we're under pressure. our dr. tara narula is with us. >> good morning. >> it's fascinating they looked at men. >> they did. they looked at 51 young healthy men, 29 of which were subjected to stress, placing their hand in a bucket of ice water for three minutes while being videotaped. they took both groups of men and showed them a series of images comparing two foods, one unhealthy but tasty like a cookie and one that was healthy and less tasty like broccoli. at the end they would be rewarded with one of the options they had chosen. during this time they scanned their brains with an mri. they checked their stress hormone levels and asked them about their levels of stress. that was the basis of the study. fascinatingly what they pound is the men who had been under stress chose the more unhealthy or tasty options, the short-term reward. >> you're saying there's a fees
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logical, something they could see from the mris. >> when they looked at the mris they found changes in the brain circuitry. what they saw was the areas that controlled motivation pleasure were amplified. the parts of the brain that control goals, your long-term goals and planning were sort of decreased or diminished. so there was an embrace there in the signaling in the brain. >> so what's the harm? >> what's the harm? well, the big thing is we talk about will power and self-control as if it's something very simple just stop eating. this tells us there's a lot more biologically there that may be playing into it and it's not just an on/off switch but multiple neural pathways at work. any change in the pathway can offset your ability to have self-control. >> how do you outsmart mother nature and this physiological trigger? >> there's a couple things you
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can do. remove the temptation. if you're in an office where you get stressed don't keep the doughnuts around. use other coping methods like exercise, social support, metation. the men who perceived they had higher levels of stress in that situation, had more changes in the brain circuitry. the idea would be if you could even change how you're perceiving the stress you may be able to change your ability to control it. those would be some of the techniques. >> my problem is not just stress it's fatigue -- a whole list of things i can blame on bad eating. they need more studies on it. >> the interesting thing, too, why does this happen? one of the theories it may be evolutionary added to adaptive to focus on the short-term benefit. if you're stressed in the wild, you're not going to think about what's happening a year from now, but how do i get myself back to feeling balanced. >> the interesting thing is how to figure out what's going on. >> exactly. it's not completely out of our control, but not completely in
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our control. >> here is to less stress. >> dr. karen narula thank you. someone not stressed. jon stewart. he transformed how a generation receives its news. even though it is a comedy show a lot of people, myself included, get their news because we're learning about the news stories from that show. >> ahead paul rudd and other friends of the retiring host reflect on "the daily show's" public service. you're watching "cbs this morning." of nondrowsy claritin. live claritin clear. mend taking claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful non-drowsy 24-hour relief for... ...fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do... ...every day. live claritin clear.
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♪ ers nationwide tomorrow. it features sue storm also known as the invisible woman. but a new study shows that may be a metaphor for actresses in hollywood. anna werner is here with new research on the diversity gap on and off the screen. anna, good morning. >> good morning, norah. the university of southern california examined the 700 top-grossing films between 2007 and 2014 and found that while women make up half of moviegoers, there's still an on-screen minority. in fact, the findings showed the vast majority of movie roles are
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white, male and heterosexual. ♪ ♪ who runs the world ♪ ♪ girls ♪ >> reporter: this year films by men still get most of the close-ups. >> i think what's surprising is perhaps the fact that all of this hype hasn't really significantly moved the needle. >> reporter: researchers at the university of southern california found that from 2007 to 2014 less than one-third of speaking parts in the most popular films were for women. and those numbers didn't improve over time. ♪ in fact in 2014 only 21 of the
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100 top movies featured a female lead or co-lead. that's about the same as in 2007. >> look i just drank my weight in sunny d, and i gotta go pronto. >> reporter: and not one film last year starred a woman over the age of 45. ♪ when i'm gone ♪ >> reporter: it doesn't get much better behind the lens either. only two of the biggest films in 2014 were directed by women. >> you really have to trace it back to, you know all the way to the top of the chain in terms of who's making these decisions. >> reporter: even when women are hired for high-profile roles they often get paid less than their male counterparts. earlier this year patricia arquette devoted much of her oscar's acceptance speech to equal pay. >> it's our time to have wage equality once and for all. >> reporter: and three-time oscar winner meryl streep spoke to "cbs this morning" about the issue this week. >> it's not an outrageous
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request, wage equality. it's just a no-brainer. it should happen. >> reporter: if the film industry doesn't eventually adjust its focus, it could pay the price. >> the general population is actually growing more diverse. and so hollywood runs the risk of falling behind and becoming more out of touch. that may contribute to people going to movies less. >> i have more talent and more intelligence in my little finger than you do in your entire body. >> well the study showed disparities for other groups as well of the speaking or named character roles in the top 100 films of 2014 12.5% were black and only 19 total characters were lesbian, gay or bisexual and none were transgendered. 19 characters. >> that's so depressing. >> but at least women are talking about it now, and that's i think, how things start to change. >> men have to do something. men are the ones who run these
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studios and decide. >> but at least we're not silent anymore. >> i know i'm s good morning, it's 8:25. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening right now. more pieces of that missing malaysia airlines jet may have turned up on reunion island. a plane window and other debris was discovered a week after a wing was found there. democratic front-runner hillary clinton will attend another bay area fundraiser today. tickets to the breakfast in san francisco cost $2,700. straight ahead on "cbs this morning" it's being called the fourth pyramid. egypt celebrates the expansion of the suez canal. will it meet expectations? detrails coming up
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it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms.
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technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. female announcer: right now at sleep train get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. good morning. let's get you updated on delays along 880 this morning. overturned vehicle on the lower deck of the bay bridge. things are clearing. still very slow-and-go conditions though as we commute out of san francisco into oakland. elsewhere slow off the eastshore freeway and into the maze. once you hit the bay bridge it's better westbound. metering lights are still on. san mateo bridge westbound we have delays almost to about 30 minutes between 880 and 101. golden gate bridge though looking good.
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no major snags to report out of marin county. if you want to skip the roads and take mass transit everything is right on time. 60-plus trains for bart. south bay slow north 101, 280/680 interchange to highway 237, 22 minutes. also about 25 minutes northbound 280, 101 to 85. good morning. our live weather camera features san jose and i just love this picture because it is the leading edge of subtropical moisture moving into the bay area. those clouds will produce at least a chance of thunderstorms later on tonight. meanwhile a bit muggy. 50s and 60s will greet you as you head out the door. later today we are going up to the upper 60s and even few low 70s at the seashore. partly cloudy around the peninsula into the mid- and high 80s. 90s morgan hill. 87 san jose. 80s and low 90s inland, 94 in brentwood. north bay numbers in the 60s through the 70s into the 80s. 959 cloverdale. partly cloudy today slight chance of thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow.
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hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at
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i'd really take a moment to acknowledge the man who made this show happen jon stewart. for you, tomorrow jon will host his final "daily show," and i want to salute him for a truly remarkable run. as a viewer i'm grateful for all the laughs and sanity he's provided over the years. and as a performer, i'm grateful that he had the confidence to entrust me with this show. and as a citizen, i am really grateful for all he's done helping get health care to our veterans and 9/11 first responders. and jon, hey man, if you ever want to come to a taping you know, and hang out, right? just visit
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and i guarantee they'll hook you up, jon! they'll hook you up! >> that's what you were talking about, though he's lifted up so many other people. >> absolutely, crawyeah. great talent. welcome back. coming up this half hour jon stewart's friends and colleagues tell us exactly at the potential economic impact of the project. that is ahead. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. eleanor roosevelt is the top choice for the $10 bill. that's according to a marist poll on which woman should be on the bill. second is harriet tubman. she's followed by sajcagawea, amelia earhart, susan b. anthony and andra day o'connor.
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miss sonoma county is giving up her crown. she'll report for duty to the united states marine corps boot camp in south carolina. the 17-year-old wanted to prove she could walk around with a crown on her head and, quote, be a normal person. be a patriot and be in the military. she says she wants to break all those stereotypes. >> good for her. >> terrific. a statute of confederate president jefferson davis remains this morning in the state capitol. a commission voted wednesday to keep it there. an educational display will be added to explain his role in the civil war. the decision comes at a time other states are removing confederate symbols. and "orlando sentinel" looks at a remarkable picture of the dark side of the moon. the images are combined in a time lapse that shows earth as the backdrop. that's a camera on a satellite a million miles away captured these high-quality images.
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egypt is making history this morning. the country is officially unveiling a major expansion of the suez canal. the massive public works project will have a big impact on international trade and global security. alex ortiz is on thee suez canal expansion is just as much about boosting the economy as it is a matter of national pride. egyptians had something to show off this morning. inviting presidents and kings to the banks of the suez canal to celebrate what they're calling egypt's gift to the world. the $8 billion expansion adds an extra lane and widens and deepens one of the busiest waterways on earth. we visited during the building. this is one of the main arteries of global trade. already nearly 10% of the world's traffic passes through
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here. and the government says that once construction is complete, its capacity will be even greater. construction was supposed to take three years. but workers labored day and night, dredging and digging and finished in 12 months. the president promises the project will bring much-needed jobs and revenue to an economy battered by years of political unrest. here's how. previously ships could only traverse the canal one direction at a time. the average trip took 18 hours. its expansion introduces two-way traffic and cuts journey times down by almost half. and in shipping, time is money. when it opened in 1869 suez was a revolutionary creation a shortcut between east and west. ships traveling between europe and asia no longer had to sail all the way around africa. ♪ >> the suez canal, life line of europe, in a dramatic sequence of events became a cause of war. >> reporter: over the years,
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countries have gone to war for control over the canal. >> israeli troops struck down the sinai peninsula. >> reporter: in what became known as the suez crisis in 1956, france england and israel invaded, hoping to win the waterway but were soon forced to withdraw under u.s. and soviet pressure. since then suez has grown into a potent symbol of egyptian pride and independence, and a strategic military channel. u.s. naval vessels enjoy priority access allowing for quicker deployment in a volatile region. >> just moments ago alex ortiz was able to get in front of the camera.
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alex. >> great reporting. thank you, alex. >> very good. alex ortiz in egypt. the last "daily show" with jon stewart airs tonight. newspapers across the country are saluting the host who laughed at newsmakers for 16 years. stewart had help from a long list of celebrities and contributors. we spoke with some of them about his unique brand of satire. >> this is "the daily show with jon stewart." >> i think "the daily show," to me it just seemed like it was the perfect fit of jon having a vehicle for his voice just to get out. >> i'm a new member of this
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family. your family. and i'll be here for you every night. >> he spent 17 years shaping into what some people became addicted to. >> by the way, you can have all these memorable screw-ups and more. just call now and order. now that's what i call being completely [ bleep ] wrong about iraq. >> he's allege said we're a comedy show. this isn't the news. >> a lot of these guys aren't even dads. >> you just have to be really lazy. >> i was kind of star struck when i first met him. >> assif mandvi joins us from beirut. >> i didn't have a platform to talk about before that. >> violence and the instability doesn't -- doesn't color that view? >> no, no not at all. as one gentleman told me while standing in the smoldering remains of what was once his village, you can't get hummus without mashing some chickpeas. >> what jon started doing with "the daily show" was a form of
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really insightful satire. >> i don't know where to start so let's start with iraq. >> speaking truth to power. like putting the lepzns in a place where the regular media was not willing or courageous enough sometimes to put the lens, you know. and calling out the media itself. >> here's just what i wanted to tell you guys. >> yeah. >> stop. >> i remember when he did that "cross fire" interview, and i feel like that was a turning point. >> stop hurting america. >> okay. >> and come work for us because we, as the people -- >> how do you pay? >> not well. >> better than cnn, i'm sure. >> but you can sleep at fight. >> where everyone kind of stood back and said oh this guy's not just a comedian, you know. he's somebody you don't want to -- you know you don't want to fight that guy. >> i can't reconcile the brilliance and knowledge that you have and the intricacies of the market with the crazy bull [ bleep ] i see you do every
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night. >> i think the oddest one was the jim cramer thing. that was just bizarre. >> i understand you want to make finance entertaining, but it's not a [ bleep ] game. >> i felt like his interviews did not have the tone of like i'm attacking you. it was often -- even with people that i wanted him to attack -- >> listen to me. here's all i want from you today. >> i kind of want him to go into the interview with bill o'reilly and, like, kick him in the [ bleep ]. >> i have one simple goal. >> yes. >> i want you to admit that there is such a thing as white privilege. that's all i want from you. >> i knew you were going to say that. >> that's all i want. that story. >> it was more about, like i'm trying to understand. >> this is our first show. since the tragedy in new york city. >> 9/11 was such a, you know world-changing event. >> they said to get back to work. and, uh there were no jobs available for a man in the fetal position under his desk crying.
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>> i think what september 11th did on an emotional level is what happens at any time when the comedian lets the wall down. >> i wanted to tell you why i grieve. but why i don't despair. >> it's these kinds of moments that we take a step back and we realize he's really done a public service. >> we're closing early. no! no! i'm done. i'm heading out. >> we're going to miss everything about jon. his humanity his hilarity his incisiveness. >> adios, mother [ bleep ]! whoo! boom! >> a lot of people out there oh huh, but i'm telling you, it's -- it's really -- it's good to leave at the top of your game. >> the world is demonstrably worse than when i started! have i caused this?
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>> the comfort in knowing that jon is behind the desk on "the daily show" is happening in the same way that carson or letterman or any of these guys and when they leave -- >> has my soul been for naught? >> it's kind of a reminder of change life goes on, and i'm closer to death. >> you know, he created something original. i think which is -- and he executed on it very well. and in some ways i look at him somewhat of an ombudsman which is a check on excesses and power and all of those things. and he did it with humor. >> and style of not attacking is so rare to be gentle and gracious in an interview. >> always with authenticity as well. an honest voice. often comedic but often poignant and powerful. >> he certainly will be missed. >> congratulations on a great run, jon stewart. coming up jen lancaster's
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witty looks put her on the "new york times" best-seller list. she's in ♪ we invented low fares. then everyone else pretty much tried to follow. we call it the southwest effect, but other airlines probably use more colorful language. low fares. we don't just have them. we invented them. and here we go again! book for as low as 73 dollars one-way
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♪ after a corporate layoff in 2001, jen lancaster started a blog. her honesty and quick wit earned her a massive following.
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now 14 years later, lancaster is a "new york times" best-selling author of -- count them -- eight memoirs and four novels. fans have bought more than 1 million books. her new novel, "the best of enemies," deals with female friendships and rivalries. jen lancaster, good morning. >> good morning. >> so tell us about this book. >> this is a fun book. it's about two women who absolutely despise each other but keep getting put together in each other's lives. >> and why are they the best of enemies? >> they had been friends 20 years ago. and a series of events happened. they started to despise each other. and because of a mutual best friend, they can't get away from each other. >> i love that you said some of the inspiration was social media. people who have these pinterest-perfect lives became the source for you to write about. what do you see happening in culture that you sort of mirror in the books? >> i see these women, especially women in their 30s, who are working so hard to cultivate these pinterest-perfect lives
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that i think they're actually not living their lives. this actually happened to me a few years ago. i was worked on this book. i was trying to live my life by martha stewart's -- by her dictates for a year. and i was working so hard to make my life look perfect that things were starting to fall through the cracks. and i think when you try to art direct your life you're not actually living. so i began to think about that. and i thought, what if i had a character who was trying to make her life seem to perfect that she was just using that to cover up what wasn't? and i took that character and i went with it. and i thought, who would be the polar opposite of that? who would be the polar opposite of a mommy blogger who was trying to display everything? and i thought, a foreign war correspondent, so that is her nemesis. >> who are you writing for? >> i write -- well i write for myself. i write to crack myself up. the fact that anybody else likes it is just a bonus. >> yeah.
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>> i think there's something in your story, just the notion that you went from being laid off to a whole new career that so many people can really connect with. what did you learn in that journey, and what's your advice for other people who think i would love to write a book. i just don't know how. >> draw from your own experience. when i started writing, i didn't set out to be a writer. i was just an angry person. i had gone from being -- that's what it was. i was an executive and i had been laid off right after the dotcom era. because i had come up in the dotcom era, i thought i was really special because people were handing out paychecks and vp titles. this was, like 2000, 2001. when i was laid out, i thought a great job was just around the corner. when i marched into the unemployment office with my prada bag, i thought a job was just around the corner and it turns out it wasn't. so when i started to write about my frustrations on the internet, it turned out i was just an angry person with a lot to say. but there were a lot of other angry people with a lot to say
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out there. that became my first book which was "bitter is the new black." so i was writing what i knew and it just so happened that a lot of people were going through that same exact thing. >> do you start with character or with story? >> when i write novels i start with characters because they're the ones who tell me what the stories are. when i write memoirs, i just go straight ♪ oh you're the best friend ♪
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great to have you, vinita. will you be back tomorrow? >> okay, i'll come back. >> that does it for us. be sure to tune in for "the cbs
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good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. here's the headlines. governor jerry brown is meeting today with firefighters battling that "rocky fire" in lake county. the wildfire has burned nearly 70,000 acres. now 40% contained. dozens of homes have been destroyed. thousands more still considered threatened. and in contra costa county, a pittsburg police officer recovering from a gunshot wound to the leg. investigators say a man wanted for attempted murder ambushed him yesterday morning on east 12th street. the officer returned fire, wounded the suspect, who was brought to the hospital and arrested. with the forecast, here's roberta. we have subtropical moisture that's moving into the bay area again today. so there you have it right now
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of the view looking out from dublin towards mount diablo, where we have partly cloudy skies. clouds will continue on the increase today and right now, it's mild. the relative humidity has been going up, as well. so a little bit muggy today. temperatures are in the 50s and 60s out the door and later today, up to the low 70s at the beaches and 68 degrees in half moon bay. 80s common across the peninsula. and up to the mid-80s in santa clara and san jose. east bay numbers the low 90s. 94 however in brentwood. we'll call it partly cloudy in the north bay, as well. upper 60s through the 70s to 85 degrees in napa. and low and mid-90s common around lakeport all the way into cloverdale. a chance of thunderstorms tonight and a light shower through early tomorrow morning. then partly cloudy friday afternoon through wednesday. gianna has traffic next.
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good morning. let's take a look at the conditions as you work your way at the bay bridge. 30 to 35 minutes busy as well working your way out of san francisco into oakland. an accident on the bay bridge earlier slowed it down. 280 extension sluggish. bay bridge quiet. no delays at the toll plaza. san mateo bridge clearing out this portion. delays towards the peninsula. 101 itself a little slow-and-go
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through burlingame.
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jonathan: it's a motorcycle! (screams) wayne: is it real? tiffany is a matadora. jonathan: it's a trip to switzerland! wayne: emmy-winner cat gray. jonathan: it's diamond earrings! wayne: she did it. - i'm going to take curtain number three! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal". now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. who wants to make a deal let's go. (cheers and applause) scarecrow. come here, scarecrow. everybody else, have a seat. hey, dawn, the scarecrow. hello, yes, yes, hey. what do you do? - i'm a mom and i move people to other countries. wayne: you move people to other countries. - i do. where do you want to go? wayne: what do you do?


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