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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 18, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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it's a tuesday. >> and no earthquakes! >> not today. >> thanks for good morning to your viewers in the west. it's tuesday, august 18th, 2015. welcome to cbs this morning. firefighters struggle to keep up with dozens of devastating wildfires. now the pentagon is sending hundreds of troops to battle the flames. >> a second explosion rocks bangkok this morning. police in thailand examine security footage in their search for the suspect. >> the little pink pill is on a path for approval. the controversial decision that could boost women's sex drive. >> we begin with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> it was like the end of the
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world. it's like the dark ages. there wasn't a light on in this town. >> the military joins the wildfire fight. >> thousands of firefighters are battling fires in 8 states. >> nearly two dozen in washington state alone destroying dozens of homes. >> numerous funnel clouds and tornadoes in colorado. >> another explosion just rocked the city of bangkok thailand a day after a deadly bombing there. >> officials searching for a man with a yellow shirt and a backpack. >> they recovered the flight recorder. 54 bodies have been recovered. no survivors. >> bigger than sought. >> potential victims double to 334,000. >> the state department has now recommended that 305 of hillary clinton's e-mails be flagged from sending classified information. >> donald trump reported for jury duty and his civic duty turned into a circus.
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>> two female soldiers are set to graduate from the army's prestigious ranger school. >> look at that. it's a great white leaping out of the water trying to seat a seal. >> unbelievable. >> line drive. didn't get the glove up. >> it hits brian mitchell in the head as he goes to the ground in pain. >> stevie wonder put on three pop up concerts in washington, philly, and new york. >> seattle police officers wound up helping with the birth of a baby after a routine traffic stop. >> come on. there you go. [ baby crying ] >> there you go. >> on cbs this morning. >> at one event hilary met a few voters and then disappeared behind a black curtain. when you're hiding something from us, a black curtain is not the ideal visual. [ applause ] this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places.
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welcome to cbs this morning. welcome again. firefighters on the front lines of the western wildfires will soon get more help from the military. the pentagon is sending in active duty soldiers. nearly 80 fires are burning in 8 states. the flames forced thousand of people from their homes and some of the most severe fires are in washington state. many people are returning home to find rubble after the flames tore through. >> nasa released images of the fires from space. you can see the smoke still rising over the landscape. danielle nottingham is at the site of one of the largest fires. good morning. >> good morning, the fire has burned 88 square miles and dozens of homes. this one reduced to a pile of ash and debris. there's no relief in sight for fire crews here in the west
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facing more long, hot days ahead. firefighters released this video showing the ver rossty of the fire hours after it sparked from a lightning strike on friday. at least 40 homes have been destroyed and that number is expected to rise as officials survey additional areas still too dangerous to explore. >> this is the area along the lake that was hit the hardest. you can see what's left behind of these homes. the fire even reached the docks and boats. >> about a thousand firefighters are working to keep the flames from spreading but they're in themselves. the washington national guard joined local fire crews sunday night but for some homeowners it was too late. >> pretty tough, you know? you leave knowing it's probably not going to be there when you come home. >> what room was that? >> rod cool lost his home of 14 years. >> all the kids that i've had and all my friends that were firemen every one of them tried
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to come down here and put this out but they couldn't get here. the power lines came down and the smoke was too thick and they all tried. >> the conditions are so extreme across the west some fires are creating their own weather. including this fire whirl in idaho that sent flames shooting 100 feet in the air. there's so many wildfires, every available crew, engine and aircraft is committed to a fire and they're expected to fuel more fires for months to come. >> we're fighting on three fronts. the northwest, northern rockies, and northern california are all stretched thin enough to where we're calling for lots and lots of help. >> for the first time since 2006, the pentagon is sending active duty soldiers to assist with western wildfires. some 200 soldiers will be deployed this weekend. >> danielle, thank you. more than 38 million americans face a severe weather threat this morning. [ sirens ]
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>> warning sirens went off in collins, mississippi monday as a tornado touched down near a hospital. heavy winds in genoa colorado crushed silos and there were no injuries. heat could impact millions in the northeast today. temperatures will hit at least 90 degrees in cities from washington to boston as the heat wave continues. high humidity will make it feel much worse. >> thailand's capitol bangkok was shaken by a second explosion. it happened at a riverside pier where people were waiting for a ferry. there were no injuries. this was less than 24 hours after a larger blast killed at least 23 people. we're getting our first look at the man suspected of setting off that bomb. charlie is tracking developments from london. good morning. >> good morning, police released that footage of a suspect they say is a bomber and they're asking the public to join in the manhunt. he was seen dumping his backpack
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not long before the bomb went off and they're investigating links into the other blasts that rattled bangkok today. >> police say an unidentified man hurled the bomb at a busy pier but the explosive fell into the water injuring no one. here's the suspect police are looking for. a young man in a yellow t-shirt and backpack seen walking away from the scene of the blast after leaving his backpack behind. at the blast site this morning, they're cleaning up, collecting evidence and struggling to come to terms with exactly what happened. new cell phone footage from an overhead walkway captured the moment, what's believed to be a pipe bomb tore through packed crowds in an outdoor shrine popular with tourists and residents alike. striking the heart of the capitol at the height of rush hour. designed to kill as many people as possible. emergency teams were overwhelmed. so many victims.
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so many injuries it was hard to know who to treat first. thailand's prime minister said the city had seen minor explosions in the past but nothing on this scale. this time they aim to take the lives of innocent people, he said, to destroy our tourism and our economy. the thai government has its share of internal enemies but at this point, nobody is ruling out international terror groups either. >> adding to fears after that explosion at the canal this morning, police found two more explosive devices following the deadly blast last night which bomb disposal teams were able to diffuse. >> the trigana flight went down monday. the victims will be moved to the capitol city for identification. the search crews recovered the plane's black boxes in good
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condition. crews also found a portion of the nearly $500,000 in aid money that was on board the plane. >> immigration is topic number one this morning in the republican presidential race. candidates are reacting to donald trump's plan to deport millions of illegal immigrants and prevent their american born children from becoming u.s. citizens. major garrett is in south carolina where he spoke with one of trump's republican rivals. good morning. >> good morning. donald trump did not campaign monday. civic duty of a slightly different kind came first but at the iowa state fair and here in south carolina trump's republican rivals had plenty to say about the billionaire business man's new plan to deal with illegal immigration. >> donald trump was sidelined in new york for jury duty on monday but his immigration plan was the talk of the republican campaign trail. after going toe to toe with
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protests from his home state at the iowa state fair. >> i'm not intimidated by you sir or anyone else out there. >> scott walker dodged questions from reporters on whether he like trump would end the extension of citizenship to any child born in america. >> i talked about how going forward i believed we should change the rules and the law but in terms of deporting the best thing we can do is enforce the law. >> also former hewlitt packard ceo backed it. >> we keep talking about this and we never get it done. >> jeb bush was in south carolina where he took issue with trump's plan to build a wall along the southern u.s. border paid for by the mexican government. >> i appreciate the fact that mr. trump now has a plan. if that's what it's called but i think that the better approach is to deal with the 11 million people here illegally in a way that is realistic.
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>> ohio governor john kasich told cbs he supports a path to obtain legal status. >> i don't favor citizenship because you don't jump the line to go to a taylor swift concert. you just don't do it. >> but opposes any effort to deport undocumented imgranmigra living here now. >> the idea that we would go out and hunt people down, it's not doable and i don't think it's right. i don't think it's humane. >> kasich came to fill out the paperwork and write a check to qualify for the presidential ballot joining bush and rubio. today hillary clinton and bernie sanders will be in las vegas and ben carson will make campaign stops in arizona and colorado. >> thanks, major. more than 300 messages from hillary clinton's private e-mail server might contain classified information according to
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intelligence officials. they're reviewing 30,000 e-mails sent and received while secretary of state. so far they examined roughly 6,000 messages or about 20% of those 305 are flagged for further analysis. the fbi is now holding on to clinton's server. the democratic presidential front runner says none of her e-mails were marked classified at the time. >> capitol hill lawmakers this morning are blasting the irs. the agency is alerting hundreds of thousands of taxpayers that they are hacking victims. jan crawford is at the headquaters where the sight of a data breach is exploding. >> good morning. officials now say that breach announced back in may effected nearly three times as many people as they had originally thought. now hackers use social security numbers and other personal information to get the past tax returns of 334,000 taxpayers.
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that's up from the 114,000 that they first saw. the irs believes that the thieves targeted it's website to get detailed information on the victims to help them claim fraudulent tax returns last year. the irs said that it's going to be mailing letters in the next few days to about 220,000 taxpayers that were affected. it's going to be offering free credit monitoring along with the option for victims to enroll in a program where they're given a secure pen they must use to file their taxes the next year. when thi breach was originally announced back in may officials thought it was part of a sophisticated criminal operation that was coming out of russia. gail. >> thank you, jan. a little pink pill to help women's libidos could become a big reality today. a decision to improve the drug is expected in the next few hours. but controversy surrounds it.
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she joins us at the table this morning. so the decision we're expecting before noon today, what do you think it's going to be and why is it so controversial. >> this drug was turned down in 2010 and in 2013 but in june of this year an advisory panel recommended it be approved with caveats. 88% of the time the fda will follow the panel's recommendation. it is likely to be approved. it will be a drug labeled for premenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disease disease disorder. >> you take it every day. you don't take it before sex. it seems to be about addressing a mental state. >> it was studied as an antidepressant but they found an increase in sex drive. it works in the brain and changes the levels and you take
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it every day and it takes a couple of weeks to reach peak effect. that's very different than viagra. you take it at the time of intercourse and the effects are very rapidly. >> why is it controversial? >> it's a fascinating issue and there's arguments for both sides. so critics argue that it has modest ethicacy. that the side effect is risky. low blood pressure, sleepiness, dizziness, especially when used with alcohol and other drugs and maybe we're throwing a drug at a problem that doesn't need to be treated medically and there maybe a risk of off label use. women are suffering and we need to offer them something and there's a lot of drugs out on the market that have similar side effects but we leave that risk-benefit analysis to the discretion of the physician and the patient to make that decision. >> but did anything change between examination in 2010,
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2013, and what's expected today? >> the pharmaceutical company did provide more safety data and some other research to the fda. so there was more information this time around. >> well, we'll be watching it closely. doctor, thank you. and tomorrow only on cbs this morning, cindy whitehead the ceo of sprout pharmaceuticals, maker of the little pink pill will be here tomorrow. >> concert goers in missouri got a big scare when the dance floor suddenly collapsed during a show. ♪ >> we are getting our first look this morning at this video that showed what happened. dozens of people were jumping to the music saturday when it dropped. no major injuries were reported. >> hard to believe nobody was hurt. two female soldiers will make history this week when they become the first women to graduate from the army's ranger school. they made it through a two month
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training program. the armed services are under orders to open up all combat jobs to women by the end of this year. david martin is at the pentagon with this trail blazing achievement. good morning. >> good morning, these two women are part of a military elite which, until now, has consisted only of men. we don't know their names yet but they are expected to appear before the media on thursday ahead of their graduation on friday. 19 women started the army ranger course. 62 days of nearly constant physical and mental stress on little food and less sleep. the two women who became the first ever to complete it are both westpoint graduates but the army has not yet released their names in part to protect them from harassment by die hards that cannot stomach the idea of females wearing the coveted ranger tab. along with 94 men they made it
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through a week of physical testing at fort benning georgia and then mountain training in north georgia and swamp training in florida. men and women were all held to the same standards and it's hard to tell them apart in the scenes the army allowed cameras to record. >> one of the key things that the students learn is that that limit they believe exists probably doesn't and they're capable of doing much more under very difficult circumstances. >> at the graduation ceremony on friday the men and women will each be awarded the ranger tab to wear on their uniform but unlike the men, the women will not be allowed to serve in the elite ranger unit. accepting women into ranger school was part of the army's experiment to determine if they could with stand the grinding life of the infantry. carrying heavy packs and operating in harsh terrain day after day. >> for those women who are able to complete the course it will probably help them in some ways in their careers. >> the fact that two women have now completed the course does
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not guarentee women will be allowed to serve in the infantry but it is a major step in that direction. one of the commanders of the rangers school compared it to breaking the 4 minute mile. once a barrier is broken, others will soon follow. >> david, such an exciting achievement. thank you. two michigan lawmakers were apparently not shy about their affair. ahead their
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announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by plenti. lotspo >> this national weather report sponsored by plenty. lots of points, lots of places. one rewards program. america's most important farming region is losing water so fast, int's sinking. >> you tell this farmer you can't drill any more wells you're going to go into a store and buy a gallon of milk for $10 and a loaf of bread for 5, then
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the public is going to say, what happened? >> ahead how california's drought is putting farmers and farmland in a hole. >> the news is right back here on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by safelite autoglass. have auto glass damage? trust safelite autoglass. ...that you can trust. t a st. plus with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. really?! safelite repair, safelite replace. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. protein from yogurt? yeah, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? it has 0 added sugar, 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. dannon oikos triple zero. ♪ dannon i acidity was in my i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away.
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olympic blade runner oscar pistorious is getting out of this is a kpix 5 morning update. and good morning, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat, 7:26. here's what's happening right now. san jose police officers shot and killed a suspect last night. officers opened fire because they believed a woman in a car with the suspect was in danger. the suspect is believed to be connected to last week's homicide in lundy avenue office building. sunday night police shot another man believed to be involved in the same crime. people in sunnyvale are opposing a homeless shelter in their neighborhood. the city wants to add a hundred bed shelter. neighbors say the proposed site is just too close to a day care center and a senior facility. they want the shelter built somewhere else. traffic and the big cool ,,,
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good morning, everybody, with your kcbs traffic. this box truck traffic out there. over two hours, eastbound 37 at harbor. carrying packages from amazon, still out there scattered across lanes. no delays in the eastbound direction. westbound, the regular commute is going to be slow leaving vallejo. at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights on. a lot of clouds and overcast, this early tuesday morning. it's going to help us cool down. 61-watt concord in san francisco today, 60 degrees to start things out with. and low pressure building offshore, that means a cool coastline and mild inland. still warm. it will be 89 at livermore, 89
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hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too, sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ at the iowa state fair, donald trump showed newspaper a helicopter. of course, nobody could hear the helicopter over donald trump. >> i am not a -- i am not one of you. i am one of me. build it and i will come in a chopper. >> he wears the hat, so we don't get to see what his hair looked like when the blades of the helicopter spin around. probably looks like a cotton candy machine that exploded! >> donald trump's helicopter rides at the iowa state fair captured more of the attention than the kid, the late night hosts had a field day. you knew it was coming. a funny moment, a little boy said, mr. trump, are you batman? what do you think his answer
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was? >> yes, i am. >> that's right. yes, i am, i am batman too. coming up in this half hour, new details about an affair involving two michigan lawmakers. you'll hear a former aide's story that is putting more pressure on them to step down. california is losing ground in its drought. see how the earth is sinking deeper than some swimming pools. that's ahead. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "usa today" report on the fast growth of high-paying jobs. a report from georgetown university looked at jobs created from 2010 to 2014. positions with salaries of more than $53,000 made up 44% of the newly formed jobs. jobs paid between 32 and 53,000 made up 29% and low wage jobs were 27%. the "chicago tribune" reports on a federal labor board dismissing an attempt by northwestern football players to
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form a union. the players organized themselves to try to win new benefits and a bigger share of the money from the college sports. the national labor relations board has decided that having union and nonunion schools would disrupt the competitive balance between them. "wall street journal" reports on the post office ramping up same day delivery, part of a push to make the service more competitive with fedex and u.p.s. the new postmaster general is trying to extend grocery delivery and start shipping alcohol beverages and office more sunday delivery. the "los angeles times" said more than 600 shots fired by police was excessive during stockton bank robbery. 32 officers fired rounds at a speeding suv. the hostage was killed by police bullets. we are hearing this morning from a former aide of two
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michigan lawmakers caught up in a sex scandal. joshua cline resigned in april and said he was troubled by an inappropriate relationship between representatives todd courser and cindy gamrat. >> reporter: representatives courser and gamrat were launched together as staunch conservatives and so far they have bipartisanship widespread calls to step down but the latest revelations from a former trusted aide are adding more pressure on the two lawmakers. >> they frequently greeted each other what appeared to be long, romantic hugs and imprem braces. >> reporter: joshua cline said the extramarital affair was disrupting. >> they would disappear for hours at time. mr. courser would often nap on
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gamrat's floor. gamrat would toss him a pillow and a blanket. >> reporter: cline confronted courser and gamrat in january and was told to mind his own business. one month later, he said gamrat's husband joe found out about the adultery. >> he called to say he saw cindy leave todd's hotel room at approximately 2:00 a.m. this morning. when we arrived that morning at work and he was late and she smelled of alcohol. >> reporter: the two were forced to admit their fidelity last week after an expo say by the detroit news. in secret audio recordings courser is heard trying to enlist another staffer who was on the state payroll to help cover up the affair. courser wanted to create a political distraction. it falsely claimed he had been caught having sex with a male prostitute. gam did the rat insisted she had
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no knowledge of the scheme and broke no state laws. >> i want to apologize for the negative attention this has brought. for that, i am truly sorry. >> reporter: in a facebook page, courser said he had been exposed as, quote, a hypocrite in my life, a laughable joke. he also claims cline and two other former aides are blackmailing him and he released these text messages he said came from the plotters. one read i'm letting everybody off the hook on one condition only, you resign, todd. cline and a former aide flatly deny sending courser those anonymous text. courser and gamrat did not respond to "cbs this morning." courser says he plans to make a statement later today. >> i can't wait to hear that. #that whole thing "hot mess." this morning, olympic blade runner oscar was storious pisto
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getting ready to leave prison after was facing a five-year sentence. he is expected to begin house arrest on friday. but his troubles are not over. cbs news legal expert rikki klieman is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> why was he released after serving this amount of time? >> it's customary, charlie. people think it's exceptional. they think it's because he is a celebrity. absolutely wrong. in south africa, because of the overcrowding of prisons, the normal course of events for someone like him who is not a flight risk and who is not a danger to society, is, after serving one-sixth of your sentence or in this case, he had five years, 60 months, so he winds up going to house arrest after ten months. he will be under house arrest for the duration of his sentence. which means wearing a bracelet and he will probably wear it, obviously, because of his leg on
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a different part of his body. being monitored, perhaps anger management, alcohol drug treatment, the usual, but his troubles are not over. >> steinkamp's family has spoken and they are not happy. do you think he may go back to prison? >> i think he could go back to prison. i think the real headline here which seems to have gotten lost in everybody's fresy about the fact he is released to house arrest is this. in the system in south africa, as opposed to the u.s. system, you can go back and it's not double jeopardy there. the prosecution is going back to an appellate tribunal to say, look, we think the judge was wrong and you should reinstate the murder conviction. so that brief is going to be filed. there will be a hearing in november. i promise to report back to you, because that is where it gets
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interesting. prosecution says, look, it's a simple question of law. the judge was wrong on the law. there's a doctrine. it is called, in english, what it means is if you shoot and, here he shot four times through a door, isn't it reasonable that you intend that there will be injury or death to whoever is the other side of that door? so it is possible a tribunal could reinstate a murder conviction, in which case, 15 years or more in prison. >> i think everybody will be watching that very closely. a lot of people looking for justice. rikki klieman, thank you so much. this morning, california's farms are slipping through the cracks. >> i'm ben tracy in california's central valley where the ground is sinking. up to one foot each year. you used to be able to fit a kayak under that bridge and now the bridge is flush with the
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and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. a new test with pwe rented this resort, hid smelly objects all over each villa and plugged in febreze. then real people were asked to stay for a long weekend. would they smell anything? the room itself was like [sniff] ahhh. feels like someone has pumped fresh oxygen into the room. on the last day we revealed everything. oooooohwoww. we were sitting right on it. febreze is stunningly effective. continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days break out the febreze you plug in [inhale + exhale mnemonic] and breathe happy. soil is the foundation... for healthy plants. just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair toothpaste. it helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair.
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new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. protein from yogurt? yeah, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? it has 0 added sugar, 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. dannon oikos triple zero. ♪ dannon .
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,,,, ♪ ♪ oh, my gosh. that is an earthquake. oh, my goodness. oh, my goodness. this is a good one. all right. that was a good one. >> that was a big en. >> that was a big en. he is staying composed on the air. flat up against that wall. oh, my goodness. it's a big en. all right. the dogs are going, what is going on is in there what the heck is that? that is the reaction in the studios out in oakland to a 4.0 earthquake during yesterday's weather forecast. it jolted residents and you saw the pets across the bay area and glad to tell you no major injuries or damages there. this morning, california is facing a different kind of emergency. the state's water crisis is impacting one of the world's
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most important farming regions. the san joaquin valley. the ground is literally sinking by up to one foot a year. ben tracy shows us how the land is becoming as unstable as the water supply. >> reporter: every six weeks, michelle snead visits this white shed. she checks the pulley system and records a measurement. the numbers show that the ground beneath her feet is sinking. >> we are measuring the highest rate we have ever measured here, one of the highest rates ever measured in the entire world. >> reporter: these are the government hydraulic and says parts of california's central valley are dropping by one foot each year. some areas are ten feet lower than they used to be. we would have had many, many feet of dirt above our heads, right? >> that's right, that's right. we would be standing ten feet higher than we are standing right now. >> reporter: this is why the ground is collapsing. california's farmers are pumping ground water as fast as they can
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in order to keep their crops alive during a drought that has left them high and very dry. but when this much water is pumped out of the aquifer below the ground, the clay between the pockets of water collapses and the ground starts to deflate like a leaky air mattress. the sinking is buckling the walls of irrigation canals, damaging pipes, creating giant sinkholes and cracking homes. this bridge has dropped so much, the water will soon flow over it instead of under it. fixing the damage could cost more than $100 million tax dollars. >> have you to go deeper and deeper. >> reporter: steve arthur is well driller. some wells with 25 feet deep and that is two empire state buildings under ground. with water that deep is thousands of years old. but it is desperately needed because more than half of the country's fruits, vegetables and nuts, are grown here. you tell this farmer he can't
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drill any more wells, he can't farm as many acres, you're going to go into the store and buy a gallon of milk for $10 and a loaf of bred for $5. then the public is going to say, hey, what happened? >> we see this progression from green to yellow to red as the state is literally drying out. >> reporter: nasa senior water scientist jay famiglietti uses satellite data to show the depletion of california's water resources. the state has lost 16 trillion gallons in the past four years. that is enough to fill lake meade, the largest reservoir in the country, twice. so what happens when the water is simply gone? >> that's a question that all of us, first of all, have a difficult time really fathoming. if we still want to have agriculture we have to come up with the water from other place. >> reporter: for now, the drilling continues, even with the ground all around it caving in. for "cbs this morning," ben
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tracy, california central valley. >> 16 trillion gallons. >> i know. steve arthur, the guy from the drilling company, makes a good point. $10 for milk and $5 for bread, that will get your attention. >> there is so much water, the world is mostly water. >> right. must figure that out. one day, a big clue, one day that was hotter than july, get it? stevie wonder popped up in three cities for a concert and a message.
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announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places!
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♪ it had to be. ♪ the only one for me is you. ♪ and you for me. ♪ so happy together! now there's a rewards program that lets you earn points at one place and use them at another. introducing plenti. ♪ ♪ when it comes to rewards, there's plenti together. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mean the world >> great stevie wonder surprised fans in new york's central park last night playing a free pop-up concert earlier in the day to music legend performed in washington, d.c. and philadelphia, pennsylvania, to promote his current tour.
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wonder also talked about playing with bullet, his new campaign to end gun violence. he told fans in washington, the world is more in need of love than ever before. >> no one sounds like stevie wonder. he still sounds good after all these years. everybody has a stevie favorite song. model heighty klum has a fashion statement to donald trump. how she is firing over the billionaire's comments that she is no longer a 10. what? you're watching "cbs this morning." you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. so you think this chip is nothing to worry about?, well at safelite we know sooner or later,
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every chip will crack. these friends were on a trip when their windshield got chipped. so they scheduled at they didn't have to change their plans, or worry about a thing. and i fixed it right away... ...with a strong repair they can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. really?! being there whenever you need us... that's another safelite advantage. safelite repair, safelite replace. i do it.... take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. if your hair, skin and nails don't look more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it... and i feel beautiful. visit for details. my psoriatic arthritis i'm caused joint pain.o golfer.
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to the battle of the band-ers, and the behind the scenes crew, to the fashion bloggers, ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and the skaters true, be yourself. kohl's
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this is a kpix 5 morning update. and a good tuesday morning, everyone, i'm frank mallicoat. 7:after. here's what's happening. -- 7:56. here's what's happening. the pros and cons of drone will be debated. lawmakers are concerned drones pose a danger to firefighters fighting fires or emergency helicopters. police in san jose will have to wait another week for the final approval on pension reform. the police union ratified the agreements and the tentative frame work to replace measure b. honoring a real life cape crusader who's mission was to put smiles on the face of children. some called him batman, others called him a real hero. called him a real hero. a little
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foand millions moremericans lwho feel its effects.s, let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good.
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good morning, everybody, i'm liza batallones, we're looking at delays on the nimitz, an accident on 66th avenue, traffic backed up for a couple miles approaching the accident scene. highway 37, which has been a hot spot all morning long. we are hearing from the chp. they have reopened the eastbound direction and all of the debris has been cleared from the lanes. the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on. it's overcast for much of the bay area. sun later in the day, and we'll get cooler temperatures, readings mostly in the low to mid-60s around the bay, and the prospects for a cooler day and a cooler week ahead coming up for the bay area. just 70 degrees in ,,
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♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ good morning to our viewers in twechlt it is tuesday, august 18, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including a warning for ezpass owners. how to spot an online scam trying to cheat tens of millions of drivers. first, here is a look at today's "eye opener at 8." >> this is the area along the lake that was hit the hardest. you can see what's left behind of these homes. >> more than 38 million americans face a severe weather threat. >> police released the footage of a suspect they say is the bomber. and they're asking the public to join in the manhunt. >> republican rivals had plenty
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to say about the billionaire businessman's new plan to deal with illegal immigration. >> mr. trump now has a plan, if that's what it's called. >> that breach affected nearly three times as many people as they had originally thought. >> these two women are part of a military elite which until now has consisted only of men. >> we would have had many, many feet of dirt above our heads right now. >> that's right, that's right. we'd be standing ten feet higher than we're standing right now. >> you with sir ian mckellen, you went in for a kiss on the lips. >> do you want to try it out. >> you would kiss me on the lips? >> come here! [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm charlie rose with gayle
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king and carissa ward. the pentagon is planning to send 200 active duty soldiers to fight wildfires in the west. about 80 are burning in eight states. some are threatening hundreds of buildings in washington state. >> 4,000 people have been forced to leave their homes. danielle nottingham is in chelan with the progress. >> reporter: crews are still trying to get the upper hand on the chelan complex fire and other fires in the west. they're facing higher temperatures in the days ahead. you can see how the flames are just burning through these homes. one of the only things you can still recognize here is the front door. we're also seeing newly released video of the strength of the fires here in central washington. lightning strikes sparked the flames early friday. some areas are still too dangerous for officials to explore. we visited a stretch along the lake that was hit the hardest. at least 40 homes have been
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destroyed, but that number is expected to rise. about a thousand firefighters are working to keep the flames from spreading, but they are spread thin themselves. >> danielle, thank you. >> a firewall in idaho sent flames shooting a hundred feet in the air. this incredible sight as firefighters battled flames southwest of boise. better weather is helping crews in california tackle a number of wildfires in that state, but the extreme drought is expected to fuel more fires in the coming months. >> the republican presidential race is focusing this morning on immigration. donald trump reported monday for jury duty. other candidates responded to his newest proposal. trump wants to deport all illegal immigrants in united states. rival candidate john kasich told major garrett he would not go that far. >> finish the fence, secure the border, and then anybody who would come in and vie light the
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law goes back. no more debate. for those here now, if they're law abiding people here in this country, i think they ought to have a path to legalization. >> when you hear black lives matter, what does that mean to you? >> it means there are a lot of people in our inner cities who feels the system does not only just work neutral towards them, but works against them. >> are they right? >> in some cases they are. >> ben carson, carly fiorina, donald trump are all generating excitement. there's a sense it seems that there's an appetite for people who don't have the type of experience you're talking about in the political world. >> people want the experience, not anymore political talk like, oh, i'm going to do this or i'm going to do that. people had it with politicians because they don't think it's working. >> you're one through and through, aren't zblou. >> first of all, i spent a decade out. there's another part to this, and that is results. >> kasich and other republicans will campaign again today at the iowa state fair.
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>> donald trump says when talking about women, quote, sometimes i do go a little bit far. this morning another trump target is hitting back. the candidate told "the new york times" candidate maureen dowd that heidi klum, sadly, she's no longer a ten. the 42-year-old supermodel quickly tweeted her response. >> the 12-second video ends with the #heiditrumpstrump. i don't know too many people who don't think heidi klum is a 10. >> i was about to say, if shees not a 10. >> i'd say a 12. >> a ten plus. >> the detroit tigers usually play at comerica park, but this tiger got loose inside an old detroit car factory. the big cat was there for a photo shoot. somehow it got away from its handlers and started wandering. police were called and they helped the trainers hold the tiger. this morning a minnesota
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dental office closed after the death of cecil the lion is open again. dr. walter was not working at the office yesterday in bloomington. other dentists saw patients for the first time since cecil's death that led to a public outcry last month. the practice said in a statement today, employees and dentists are beginning to serve our loyal patients. dr. palmer is not here on the site. this morning a young family is thanking seattle police officers for helping deliver their baby. officers pulled over a speeding car running red lights early sunday. the driver jumped out and said my wife is in labor. police called the ambulance but the baby could not wait. an officer helped clear the baby's airway when she struggled to breathe. >> she's not breathing. please help me. >> come on, baby. [ baby crying ] >> there you go, there you go. >> i love that officer. the newborn and mother were
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taken to a hospital in stable condition. the officer going, come on, baby, come on. there you go. all is well. an alert for commuters this morning about dangers off the road. a consumer advocate will show us a scam that is so clever, even he nearly took the digital
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a real life a real life superhero devoted his life to giving back. >> i watched him drive up in his lamborghini batmobile and literally light up the faces of thousands of kids, and i could see the healing effects of his work, and it was magical. ahead, remembering the man credited with delivering hope to thousands of sick children. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." that's ahead on "cbs this morning". ♪ ♪
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i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines
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containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. you but since he can't yought rely on frontline plus. its deadly killing force kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new infestation. frontline plus. the vet's #1 choice. what if getting ready was this easy? now teeth-whitening is, with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen just brush, whiten, and go! no waiting. no rinsing. it deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. brush. whiten. go.
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♪ >> that must have been some half-time pep talk at this arena football game in arizona. a player jumped in as the cheerleaders performed on the field. this guy's got moves. he was right in sync with the women and got a very nice hand from the crowd. but the truth is, he's a professional dancer. he's not a real football player at all. i was thinking, boy, he learned the routine quick and he looks good. but he's a dancer. >> still quite a show. >> absolutely. >> online scammers this morning are targeting more than 28 million drufrs who use e-zpass, the automatic tags that pay your car's tolls. phony e-mails claim to be from e-zpass demanding money to pay a bill. >> this invoice is sent repeated limit please service your debt in the shortest possible time. the invoice can be downloaded
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here. our next guest nearly became a victim. good morning. >> good morning. >> how does this work? >> it's the old fishling scam. the perpetrators are getting sophisticated with the use of real logos, mimicking the actual website to make you file you're dealing with a legitimate entity. real businesses almost never send you invoices, attachments that you are required to open. that's not the way they work. >> we all fall for it. >> if you almost fell for it, tod, how can anyone tell what's the real deal and what's not? >> you have to put on your thinking cap and be analytical. the first thing is look at the url, the address. one of the things the scammers do is incorporate elements of a legitimate tool bar, url,
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e-zpassnewnew but they'll add a hash tag or something, that's a give away. hover your curser over the web address. it will pop up what it actually s. think about what a company normally contacts you. e-zpass doesn't send warnings by threat via e-mail. they send bills through the u.s. postal service. so what you do, if you're being threatened or pressured like that, you go in, type in the actual url and contact their customer support and say is this legitimate. secondly, you also make sure that you just don't respond or ever open anything -- again, if a company like e-zpass does contact you, what they'll do is never -- what they won't do is never ask you, here is your attachment, here is this, pay it, go on. what they'll do is say we want you to logon to your secure account using your user name and
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password. >> given how sophisticated -- these scams started out, were pretty basic, people claiming to be nigerian princesses, but they seem to be getting more sophisticated. is there a point where you say you should not deal with any of these types of e-mails without making a phone call first? >> i think that's always your safest bet. again, you can't go wrong by practicing due diligence. again, like you said, the nigerians, that's still around, still going. it's not like in the days you had to make an envelope, write a check, lick a stamp. these scammers know zip codes, areas you live. if you're in new york -- >> why don't they go to junk mail? >> because not all spam filters are good enough. that's the problem. you need to update your operating system whether you're mac or windows, when you get these security alerts, very important to do so. you also add free anti virus
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software like avira anti virus, it's great. works for most things. you can add a tool back, mcafee which will show the icon of the legitimate site so you're getting legitimate protections. >> we'll have tod over to my house. >> we'll have a party. >> i can tell you're a party guy. >> tod marks, thank you so much. only on "cbs this morning," bon appetit reveals its list of the top ten restaurants of 2015, plus the nation's best food city. can you guess what it is? that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> north carolina. >> new york, new york. th th that's ahead on "cbs this morning morning.". >> new york, new york. enamel i, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot
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and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. with roots touch-up gefrom nice'n easy.our roots seamlessly blends with leading shades, even salon shades in just 10 minutes. for natural looking color as real as you are. show the world your roots with root touch-up. i thought activia was for big digestive issues. until i realized our body handles a lot. 1,100 meals a year... 730 rushed snacks... add 300 stressful decisions... no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. so try the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. it works or it's free!
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,,,, you're a parent. we're both busy people. so pick up my new hand prepared $20 family fill up meal. eight pieces of original recipe chicken, two large mashed potatoes and gravy, a large coleslaw, and 4 biscuits. i'll get back to ya. (door squeaking) it's finger lickin' good. (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ this morning, a man who brought joy and inspiration to thousands of sick children is being remembered as a real life caped crusader. 51-year-old lenny robinson spent 14 years as a batman impersonator visiting children in the hospital. he was killed over the weekend when his bat mobile broke down on the highway. don dahler is here to show us the huge impact robinson had on so many children. >> reporter: described of having a heart of gold. the message he gave to kids
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battling disease, they were the real heroes. >> very nice to meet you. >> reporter: he was a real-life superhero. >> weston. you guys rock. >> reporter: instead of crime fighting, this batman fought to bring smiles to sick children's face. arriving in his bat mobile, lenny robinson visited thousands of sick kids, bringing toys, t-shirts, and inspiration. >> i want you to do me a favor and get better. that will make me very happy. >> reporter: lori strongin started a foundation after losing her son to a disease. she said she lost a dear friend and personal hero in robinson. he was a fixture at their annual superhero party. >> i watched him drive up in his lap verteb lamborghini bat mobile and light up the faces of thousands of parents and kids and people who worked at the hospital. i could see the healing effect
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of his work. and it was magical. >> he is dressed like batman. >> reporter: roibinson gained national attention in 2012 when he was pulled over on his way to a charity event and had forgotten to take off his batman costume. instead of giving him a ticket, the police officers took pictures with him. >> kid, do me a favor. do well in school. >> reporter: after selling his successful leaning business, 51-year-old robinson decided to devote his life to giving back. he spent thousands of dollars to transform himself into batman, buying a replica of the bat mobile, all for the kids. >> they are constantly fighting for their lives. this helps them. that is what it's all about. >> they forget that they are sick. you know, when batman is in the room with these kids, they totally forget that they have cancer that they are there to get blood transfusions and they are there to get chemotherapy or
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radiation. all they are at the moment they are with lenny, that man, they are just happy. >> at the end of the day, you must ask yourself, did i make a difference? and the answer had better be yes. >> thousands and thousands of kids have lost a hero. that is a tragedy. but he made a difference in so many lives and he will be remembered always. >> reporter: the publisher of batman comics tweeted last night the following. >> he did make a difference. he really did. >> he really did. >> a sad story when we all heard it. do you know why he started doing this, don? >> he and his son were dressed up as batman around halloween time and they decided to visit a hospital. he saw the reaction of the kids and he said, "that changed my life." >> he sold his business and got
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a bat mobile. >> and financed it all on his own. the obama's are this is a kpix 5 morning upkate. >> good morning, it's 8:25. time for news headlines. san jose police officers fatally shot a suspect last night. officers opened fire because they believed a woman in a car with the suspect was in danger. the suspect is believed to be connected to last week's homicide, sunday night police shot and killed another man believed to be involved in the same crime. some people in sunnyvale are posing a homeless shelter plan in their neighborhood. the city wants to add a 100 bed temporary shelter at north fair oaks and east california avenues. neighbors say the proposed site is too close today care centers and a senior facility. and in the next half hour of cbs this morning, bon appetit magazine's pick for the nation's best new restaurant, it's breakfast time. traffic and weather in just a
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traffic and weather in just a moment. a new sea chance to tryew look. something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ the 2015 cadillac srx. lease this from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing.
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good morning, everybody. i'm liza batallones with your kcbs traffic. very heavy traffic on the nimitz. we had an earlier accident. all lanes open northbound 880 approaching 66th avenue. traffic has been backed up from 238 in san leandro. those delays continue. you may want to take 580 as one alternate to those back ups. great news for highway 87, an
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accident involving the overturned box truck, finally cleared from lanes. eastbound flowing well. expect usual delays for westbound 37 leaving vallejo. south 101 is slow, to and through central san rafael yell. the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights are on. still backed up into the maze. we're starting out with a lot of low overcast but that will change to sunshine later in the day. as we look at the france america pyramid, and the numbers out the door with readings in the low to mid-60s in the city. in livermore, 64, and that low pressure is going to deepen over the west coast. as a result we have plenty of clouds to start out the day. we get sunshine back to the shore later in the day. forecast temperatures, 70 in san francisco. 89 for fairfield. 89 for livermore, still warm in the east bay, and in the south bay. rest of the week, no distinct warming or cooling trend. warming or cooling trend. we'll keep it in,,
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i'm a customer relationship i'm roy gmanager.ith pg&e. anderson valley brewing company is definitely a leader in the adoption of energy efficiency. pg&e is a strong supporter of solar energy. we focus on helping our customers understand it and be able to apply it in the best way possible. not only is it good for the environment, it's good for the businesses' bottom line. these are our neighbors. these are the people that we work with. that matters to me. i have three children that are going to grow up here and i want them to be able to enjoy all the things that i was able to enjoy.
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♪ ♪ you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream the way you turn me on ♪ >> coming up in this half hour, new effort to discourage young athletes from playing just one sport. a lot of parents think their kids need it to earn scholarships or even go professional. this morning, one leading writer on the issue is in our toyota green room and jennifer wallace will show us why specialization can do more harm than good. >> every athlete i've ever met is good at that. only on "cbs this morning," a new list of the nation's best new restaurants. one comes from the smallest town ever to make the bon appetit lineup. that is ahead.
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"the new york times" says more smaller airports are changing names to help travelers find them and boost business. gallentine field was renamed. and lone star executive airport is becoming conroe north houston airport. "the new york times" reporting on tracy morgan returning to host "saturday night live." this will be his first major appearance since he was badly hurt last year in a car accident. morgan was a cast member for seven seasons. it will be his second time hosting "snl." yesterday, morgan tweeted, stoked to be going home. >> we are stoked to see him in october. that is great news. "the washington post" reports on jon stewart's first major gig since leaving "the daily show." he will host wwe's summer slam on sunday at brooklyn's barclays center. he appeared in another wwe event earlier this summer.
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he is a long time wrestling fan. earlier this year had a ongoing feud. they are kidding. that was scary. this morning, the u.s. tennis association, and the nfl are part of a new campaign trying to prevent kid from focusing on playing just one sport. in "the huffington post" jennifer wallace writes, quote. jennifer, good morning. so you're telling us now that kids don't need to specialize early to become great athletes? >> right. when we were growing up, the ideal athlete was the one who played three varsity sports. i grew up playing multiple sports. but today's child, children as young as 7 are now specializing in one sport year-round. parents have convinced themselves, as have the coaches,
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that the surest path to success is one sport, playing it for multiple months out of the year, at the exclusion of other sports. >> which makes sense. >> i was going to say, i'm not an athlete at all, i'm the kid where they said, we had gayle last time, now it's your turn! i know nothing really at all about athletics. i thought if i was good at a certain sport, what is wrong with focusing on that one sport? >> a few reasons. one is under age 12, most sports psychologists will say a child doesn't have the capacity tond what that commitment is so it did lead to burnout and serious overuse injuries. children should be playing multiple sports, using multiple muscles, not just one sport for 10, 11, 12 month out of the year. also a lot of pressure. when a child is specializing in one sport it becomes work. it's not play. childhood is about play. >> and a lot of good tennis players will tell you playing soccer helped them with footwork and helped them become better tennis players. >> skills are transferable.
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>> are people putting too much pressure on their children at these young ages to become star athletes in the future? >> absolutely. i think a few things that are driving the trend. i think parents want the best for their children. i think insist coming out of love for your child but it's misguided. the idea that childhood should be spent working and not experimenting in multiple sports is not in the best interest of the child. parents are looking to get scholarships or a leg up on the competitive admissions process in college. but sports is not the way. if you look at the ncaa website, only about 5% of high school athletes will play college sports. and only about 2% will get a scholarship. so are you willing to gamble your childhood with those slim numbers? >> but there is this question, though. you look at whoever is best in sports, whether it's soccer or tennis or golf, if they start very early and find out they were very good and then
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concentrated on that sport, at the very top? >> very few. i would say tiger woods, yes, the williams sisters, yes. >> jordan spieth, is it true about him or not true? >> when you look at the recent studies of olympic athletes and college division i athletes and minor leaguers, the majority of those players played multiple sports and did not specialize before age 12. that is why this ad is so important. that parents and coaches need to be educated. >> you're saying parents -- >> correct. >> your kids -- >> below 12? >> yes, below 12. >> got it. thank you, jennifer. >> thanks. president obama continues his summer vacation this morning on martha's vineyard. nearby, we found another powerful group. they change people's lives with a magical summer camp. wyatt andrews met inspirational volunteers and guests. >> reporter: good morning. a few miles down the road where the president is staying on martha's vineyard, it is unof the most unusual summer camps anywhere in the world and called
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champ jabberw on ocky and a camp for the disabled. even the severely disabled. if you come to this camp as a counselor, you better be ready to do everything. the first thing you notice about the campers from camp jabberwocky is that they are noisy and all of it is the sound of celebration. on saturday, the camp hosted its main fund-raiser a 5 k race on martha's vineyard and drew almost 500 runners including 34 of the disabled campers who, no matter their disability. >> come on, dad! stick it up! >> from mild down syndrome to severe cerebral palsy, either crossed or were pushed over the finish line, even from those campers who cannot communicate, there is no mistaking the look of trying. peter bradin is one of the campers who finished the race. what does the camp give you that you don't have in the rest of your life?
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>> all of the fun i can get. >> all of the fu? >> yes. >> reporter: the camp is nestled in the woods of the vineyard was started in 1953 when its founder helen lamb insisted the disabled involved not in institutions but they belonged outside. she died in 2011 but her vision of telling campers what they can do is alive. almost every day the campers go horseback riding and paddle boarding and minigolfing and are taken for a swim in the ocean. lee who was volunteered here for 17 years, says everyone believes that everything is possible. >> and then you bring them to a horseback riding stable and say, no, you can get on this horse. they say, i don't think i can get on that horse. absolutely. if you want to, we can get you on that horse. there is a can-do attitude i have never found anywhere else. >> reporter: one of the things that makes this camp so special is the way so many of the people here from the campers to the counselors and the cooks wind up returning here every summer for the rest of their lives.
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peter bradine, the camper who finished the 5k is 33 years old and been a camper for 22 years. jeremy long, every summer for 30 years. there is no age limit because once are here, you are family. when we ask what the volunteerses are paid to give up their summers year after year, here is the answer. your actual monetary compensation? >> zero. >> reporter: patty kennedy has been a cook and kitchen manager for 11 years. >> i'm paid with seeing the campers enjoy their summers. >> reporter: one of the highlights of every summer is the talent show which included peterson's rendition of "grease" lightning. ♪ >> then the dancing started with the wheelchair-bound campers. to the counselors, this is the moment the big personalities for the campers emerge from their physical shell. haley love is the counselor dancing with emily.
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>> what did you see in her expression when she was up there dancing? >> pure joy and expressing herself in different ways. i think it's so important. >> reporter: the camp operates on 450,000 dollars a year but with almost all of that coming from donors and fund-raisers. the cost of parents is governed by a simple rule. the parents are asked to pay whatever they can afford. gayle? >> what a great place. thank you, wyatt. great place, great piece. you get paid in hugs, big fun, and pure joy. sounds good to me. thank you, wyatt, again. one state is dominating dieting and may not what you're thinking about. the team from bon appetit are in the green room to reveal the top ten restaurants,,
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♪ now to a story i'll bet will make your mouth water. get ready to drool. "bon appetit" magazine is out with the hot ten best restaurants in america. we are revealing the picks first on "cbs this morning." california's home to the best of the best. number three is petite twa in los angeles. number two is in venice, california, drum roll, the winner is in san francisco.
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adam rapoport is here and along with his deputy editor andrew knowlton. i think you got the best job because you get to travel around the country and eat. i'm trying to figure out how come you don't have a weight problem. >> a lot of half-marathons and cycling. >> it sounds like a diner. >> it sounds like a diner. no owls. everyone goes in looking for an owl. erin london is the chef there. it's vegetarian forward restaurant. a little bit of fish on the menu and what meat there is are the sides at the bottom. and i think this is really ushers in a new wave of fine dining because it's basically a neighborhood restaurant but you're getting this super creative level of food you can see there that you would expect in fine dining and it's basically a neighbor restaurant. >> how did you select those that you were considering and what were the standards when you making a decision as to rating them? >> so we start with probably a list of about 500 restaurants
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and window that down. >> all new restaurants? >> all new restaurants. may 2014 to may 2015 is kind of our time frame. we go and visit. i spend about four months out of the year. hard-core just eating around america. and then kind of whittle that list down to the top fifty. what are you looking for? >> restaurants that have something behind it that are passionate and not kind of concepty. i like corky restaurants and i like small, independent ones. >> does -- matter? >> of course, it did. >> quirky, what about taste? >> taste is number one. >> it's nice to see all of them weren't big cities and you did find some sort of hittdden gems? >> home of steph curry's college, he came back town to open up a restaurant and it's become a community gathering place in a small town of about 11,000 people and you're getting
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chefs have done a lot of that. gone off to san francisco or chicago or new york and worked with the best chefs in the world and come home to their small towns and open restaurant at a great level and so interesting now, you're seeing a leveling of the playing field and as many restaurants in this secondary or tertiary markets as in san francisco and l.a. >> you chose one restaurant in brooklyn. good for them. there were no new restaurants in manhattan. >> charlie not happy about that. >> let's not feel too bad for manhattan because it's still one of the most exciting places to dine. i think it's tough to open a restaurant in manhattan now with a lot of the rules and regulations. as we all, rents are really high in new york. so when you open a restaurant, it needs to be all, like, perfect and concepty and everything has to be planned out. you don't kind of get these very personal one chef going out and doing their own thing.
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>> manhattan, you could be paying 60,000 a month for rent at least. unless you're in a partnership. the restaurant andrew is talking about is a little more personal and passionate and a little bit more do it yourself. >> difficult. >> manhattan is challenging playground. >> people in brooklyn are going, where is the restaurant in brooklyn? what is the name? >> a nia. >> what did you like about it? >> it's a husband and a wife. mostly vegetarian cooking. >> it's more vegetable bowls and beautiful dishes. it's like being invited into their dining room and cooking for you. king course is $75. >> what about the service? >> that is the number one complaint that people have because it's something that everybody can relate to. i think service today is better than it's ever been in the united states. i think it's not the fine dining service with the white gloves but it's very casual.
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people know so much about food and expect their servers to know that. >> you could be friendly and professional at the same time. why not? >> four of the top ten are in california. two from san francisco. why california? >> california has always had a wealth of riches when it comes to ingredients but i don't think they always did a lot with them. the big joke they would put a plum on a plate and call it a day, right? now they are taking techniques and hard work and what new york always had and the best of both worlds now. >> california has always done well is casual. now the casual restaurants are becoming the fine dining. >> any standout meals like one meal you just can't stop thinking about that you had? >> for me the first time i walked into a place and i had a gut reaction. this is the most amazing creative food i've had in a long time. >> i had lunch at my desk that
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day. busy working. >> thank you, guys. >> that's important. >> it is important. >> thank you, guys. >> thank you. you're watching "cbs this morning." stay tuned. ♪ ,, ,, foand millions moremericans lwho feel its effects.s, let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at
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i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use...ns which means managing water too, sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at
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♪ this girl is on fire it seemed like a big deal but this is huge. 5-year-old haley dawson had a 3d robotic hand to throw out the first pitch at the baltimore orioles game. she got to meet her favorite player manny machado before the game. it was a great day for haley. >> congratulations, haley.
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tune into "cbs evening news." i will be filling in for sco,,,,
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now that there's foster farms simply raised, it's tougher than ever to be a foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken is 100 percent natural with no antibiotics. well you're an herbalist. help us to be natural. will those herbs do it? those? one grows hair, the other increases energy. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. call me natural. you look like a steve. can i call you steve? hi steve. i'm natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? introducing new simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms.
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good morning, it is now 8:55 a.m. san jose police involved in another deadly shooting. investigators belee that the man they shot was about to kill a woman. he was wanted for a homicide last week. today a hearing is going to look at the pluses and minuses of using drones. and for the first time in nearly a decade, u.s. soldiers will been at fire lines. 200 military personnel are going to fight fires burning up and down the west coast. well, you know, we will start out with a few bright spot this is morning down in the south bay, the sunshine is coming out and so it is in the east bay as well. but this is san jose, some blue an increasing sunshine as the day continues. but first, overcast at the shoreline and around the bay,
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and inland. more sun later in the day. the low pressure is sinking out of the gulf. high pressure is easing up. so a cool coastline and milder temperatures inland. we are looking at 89 in fair field. here in the city, 70-degrees. in oakland, 76. and in mountain view, 83- degrees. fog and low clouds in the early going for the rest of the week and tells back to near seasonal norms, low 70s around the bay. and traffic after the break.
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(vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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here is the this nbc charlotte traffic report is brought to you by toyota of north charlotte. it has been a long morning for the pass commute. now a new motorcycle accident is backing the westbound lanes. traffic has been slow from the 205 interchange. still slow awl the way to the dublin interchange. and there was an early accident, north 880 at 666. that long gone but the traffic is still slow from beyond 238. you can see right here, from the live pictures, southbound 880 is still moving well. and over at the bay bridge, the metering lights are on. traffic is still backed up with slow traffic now going across the bay bridge into san francisco. the san mateo bridge is stopped
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now. expect the de-hays now going foster city. --delays now going to foster city.
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you've got a car! (screams) jonathan: it's a zonk pirate ship. - no! jonathan: it's like blah blah blah. it's a trip to hawaii! - whoo! wayne: jumpin' jehoshaphat! - i am out of my mind thrilled. - i'm going for the curtain, baby! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal". now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. let's get this done. who wants to make a deal? (cheers and applause) there are so many people. you. how are you doing, sweetheart? you are nikisha-- everybody sit down. you are nikisha. - nikisha. wayne: nice to meet you. and are you an old school controller?


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