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tv   Sunday Morning  CBS  September 13, 2015 6:00am-7:31am PDT

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning, i'm charles osgood this is "sunday morning." the nfl football season is underway. even as the regular major league baseball season enters its final weeks. we routinely cheer professional athletes who visibly go for broke in pursuit of a win. but there's another recognized
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side to the notion of athletes going for broke. as lee cowan will report in our cover story. >> it's an athletes dream. making it to the big leagues and making the big bucks. but hamming ball and handling finances are two very different things. >> my mistakes were not saying no and spending, spending. before you know it you're in debt. >> athletes winning games, losing money ahead on "sunday morning." >> osgood: sabado gigante is a spanish language tv phenomenon that has entertained audiences for decades both in lath in america and here in the united states. this morning mo rocca will show us. >> are you one of the millions who tune in saturday nights to the wacky, zany, outrageous
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spectacle that is sabado gigante? we'll take you behind the scenes for the world's longest running variety show to meet the maestro of the madness, don francisco. later on "sunday morning." >> osgood: the call in door says that there is still time for a summer sock. this morning we have one from duran duran, court see of anthony mason ♪ >> no one thought duran duran would survive the '80s except maybe them. ♪ >> we had a plan. >> what was the plan? >> world domination in five years. >> three decades on wild boys are back ahead on "sunday morning," duran duran. ♪
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>> osgood: yiddish 101 that's an immersion course in ken tree's old language that's experiencing quite a rebirth these days. richard schlesinger will take us to the head of the class. >> to paraphrase the old ad for rye bread, you don't have to be jewish to love and to learn yiddish. it's being taught in lots of new places to lots of new people. >> so when you told people you were taking yesterday wear sort of reaction did you get? >> what? what is yesterday their. >> later on "sunday morning" the come back of yiddish. your bubi will qvell. >> jan crawford has round of questions and answers with supreme court justice steven breyer. a listen to the singular voice of meredith monk.
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steve hartman visits a genuine sweet spot. but first headlines for this sunday morning 19th of september, 2015. has been a tough fire season in the west especially in california. yesterday a wildfire about 100 miles north of san francisco exploded in size forcing thousands to flee. four firefighters were injured. several firefighters are burning across the state. jimmy v davis the ken -- jailed for re-- kim davis the kentucky county clerk jails for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has filed a new appeal. she wants to delay a judge's ruling allowing her deputies to continue to issue licenses when she goes back to work. awaiting governor jerry brown, giving terminally ill patients the right to end their own lives with a doctor's assistance.
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at the women's finals of the u.s. open tennis tournament in new york yesterday, flavia pennetta of italy beat roberta vinci, she's also from italy to capture the women's championship. panetta is 33 accepted the trophy then announced her retirement. now to today's weather a. cold front will sweep across the east coast bringing showers across much of the northeast. heavy rain could drench the desert southwest. cool but nice in the northwest. in the week ahead, more scattered storms. the midwest will be heating up as the east cools. ahead -- >> that's called the rule of law. >> supreme court justice steven breyer. but first, winners on the field. >> i lost everything. >> osgood: losers at the bank.,,
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>> osgood: on this first sunday of the nfl season we can expect to see this year's rookies going for broke on the field. problem is many of these players run the risk of going broke for real once their playing days are over. our cover story is reported by lee cowan.
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>> with the first pick in the 2015 notify draft the tampa bay buccaneers pick jameis winston. >> jameis winston, the nfl overall draft pick is well-toned walking investment. the former florida state quarterback signed with the tampa bay bucs for a cool $25 million. making him a pretty wealthy man at the aiming of just 21. his skills are undeniable. yet even the greats in this game know that skills fade. but many young athletes don't think the money ever will. >> in reality when i had all that money, money destroyed everything around me that i loved. >> keith mccants once a fierce defensive player was a first round draft pick out of alabama back in 1909. his contract, $7.4 million plus one of the largest signing bonuses ever offered to a rookie
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defender. >> feels great. it's a dream come true. >> so how old were you when all of this was -- >> 20 years old. >> you're 20 years old became multi-millionaire literally overnight. >> what did you do with that money? >> i tell what you i did. i lost everything. >> where did it all go? >> gave it away. >> who did you end up giving money to. n was it friends, family. >> everybody. >> everybody? >> anybody who asked. >> anybody who asked. i was from mobile, alabama. i'm green, i'm gullible. i didn't know no better. >> made a string of bad investments. friends he never knew he had suddenly had a hand out. he says he never really knew how to say no. he's hardly an isolated case. long list of pro athletes once worth tens of millions of dollars who have filed for bankruptcy.
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>> if you take the top 10% of all wage earners in professional sports out, about 90% are in financial distress five years after this they retire. >> that's not an official number it's just what ed butowsky has seen managing there athletes' money for years. >> i had someone about three years ago he called me, he said i want to come in talk about my portfolio. i looked him up, i realized this manmade about $07 million in baseball career. he had nothing in his hands of the i said you told me you wanted to bring your portfolio to look at. i have, i have nothing. >> the factors contributing to their financial fumbles are numerous m. live fast, flashy, and foolishly. their egos inflated better than one of tom brady's footballs. headlines were full of those who have been taken advantage of unscrupulous agents and managers who prey on those. which is why butowsky started
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holding financial boot camps like this one. >> just won't go broke if you lis top this. >> in addition to basic money management he invites big name veterans to warn rookies of the dangers wealth can bring. >> it's scary when young kids get a lot of money. >> that's linebacker win fred tubbs who played with the new orleans saints and san francisco 49ers. >> if we all make the money at the age 306 instead of age of 21 we wouldn't probably be having this conversation. >> he has been major league baseball pitcher for years. he's now with the toronto blue jays. >> give a kid to understand that the money you're making that's to last you the rest of your life. kids don't think like that. >> taking it all in was the former defensive tackle just drafted this year by the houston texans. >> i want to be wise. i want to be wise when it comes to football.
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when it comes to my financial decisions i want to be wise when it comes to my off-field actions as well. >> according to league statistics the average career in the nfl is only a little more than three years. major league baseball about five. the nba, right in the middle. but planning for that kind of early, early retirement isn't on most rookie's minds? >> want to spend your money. >> former high school phenom kenny anderson was the youngest player in the league when he signed with the new jersey nets back in 1991. the next 14 seasons he earned around $60 million. but now nearly all of that is gone. when he made it, his family felt they made it, too. for kenny, the sense of obligation kicked in. >> used to laugh, you are not even spending your money, other people are spending your money. >> first thing he bought as a
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rookie a house for his mom. then, he started writing checks to his siblings. >> i'm giving my sisters and my brothers allowance. they are grown people. allowance, you know what i mean? you know, $3-5,000 a month. >> his talent and salary made him quite the catch. that cost him, too. >> i got eight kids. two divorces. my third wife. a lot of this stuff, i did to myself as far as my money. >> call it lottery effect. >> glenn middleton teaches at the ross school of business at the university of michigan. >> it's not hard to learn. >> the mid term exam will be on 259th. >> so, he started this business course tailored for future pro athletes. although any student can enroll. >> they have a choice right now. they're at the crossroads.
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going to be far better off. >> 1.3 million salary you factor in all these taxes this is almost $700,000 comes out of the top, right? >> subtract the hefty savings needed for retirement that could start in their late 20s the pot gets a lot smaller. >> this is what you have left. >> i almost walked outcrying. i was like, what is going on. >> where did it something. >> glenn robinson took his course headed into the nba with eyes wide open. >> some guys in the league that don't even know, they just expect people handling their money to be able to keep track that have and they trust them. >> why don't you think more colleges are doing classes like this? >> it's a great question. i have no idea. >> he is taking any chance. after being drafted by the edmonton oilers he, too,
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enrolled in the course. now, after working on his fancy footwork at the gym, he goes home to study good financial footing, too. >> how big a difference do you think this has made? >> we'll see in five years. >> cep knee anderson had the drive to fight back from his financial defeat. >> keep your head up. >> he now gives money pointers to young athletes as often as showing off his three pointers. >> my bills are paid. my house is paid off. i don't have a mortgage. i'm fine s. >> my name is keith, i came through this program as -- >> keith mccants had a tougher road. got addicted to pain killers, even homeless for awhile. his glory days in football a distant memory. he found way to get rich in other ways. he now counsels those struggling
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with addictions just like his. >> from mccants, that kind of wealth is the kind that lasts. >> the love of money is root of all evil and the world love money. it makes the world go round. it's what you do with it that defines who you are. >> osgood: coming up. ♪ how sweet it is.
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new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. >> osgood: now a trailing our sunday morning almanac. september 13, 1857. 158 years ago today. for chocolate lovers, one of the sweetest of dates on the calendar. for that was the day milton hershey was born in derry township, pennsylvania. apprenticed to a candy maker at a young age, hershey eventually went into business for himself. and after a few setbacks created a successful caramel company. following a visit to a chocolate exhibit at the chicago world's fair in 1893, hershey shifted gears and went into chocolate big time.
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he create the hershey bar. and the hershey kiss. chocolates that have soothed many a sweet tooth over the years. ♪ for the home much his namesake company, milton hershey built a namesake town, hershey, pennsylvania. featuring everything from low cost housing for his workers to street lamps in the shape of hershey kisses. and that's not all. >> which will be ready some day to carry on the good work and keep up the community spirit which makes this town so pleasant a place in which to live. >> childless themselves, hershey and his wife catherine created a school for orphan boys in 1909 with an initial class of ten.
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>> a little red fox lived -- following cot run's death in 1915, hershey donated his entire fortune to the school. milton hershey died in 1945 at the age of 88. but his chocolates and his town live on today as does the milton hershey school, currently enrolled about 2,000 boys and girls. thanks to the generosity of milton hershey not one of those students has to pay a penny for their schooling. i'm always there for my daughter. for the little things. and the big milestones.
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zoo. >> osgood: justice steven breyer. >> osgood: supreme court justices have lots of experience asking questions. we're asking justice steven breyer some questions as jan crawford. >> it's open. there's a transparency. the law should be transparent. >> it's been called the house that breyer built. and in many ways this federal courthouse on boston harbor reflects the philosophy and mission of supreme court justice steven breyer. >> what was basically important
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is to make the public understand that this is their building,. >> more than two decades ago before he became justice, breyer was the chief judge of the boston based federal appeals court and helped lead the design of the $200 million courthouse. down in the basement there's a wall engraved with names. not of the court's judges, but of the people who worked on the building. >> the break layers, carpenters, everybody. there i am there. >> you're just a worker. >> that's true. >> ladies and gentlemen, judge steven breyer. >> since bill clinton appointed him to the supreme court in 1994, breyer has made it his life's work give american people better understanding of the law and a court that can seem as impenetrable as the imposing stone edific that's correct houses it. >> sometimes they get decisions they don't like m. times decisions will affect them. sometimes the decisions will be wrong. they have to be willing to
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accept that. >> we spoke to breyer at his home in cambridge, massachusetts, just days after the supreme court refused to take up the case of kim davis. the cep ken county clerk who has defied the court's decision authorizing same sex marriage. >> are you not -- >> people have -- deep religious views. >> breyer recalls cases that drew controversy. >> i do try to tell people the story of little rock. president eisenhower had to send the -- the pair troopers in order to take those nine black children and get them in the white school. that's called the rule of law. >> will assume the honor of president elect. >> not long after joining the court, breyer strongly disagreed with bush versus gore, the decision that decided the 2000
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presidential election. >> i wrote a dissent. and the dissent in that case explained why i thought the majority was wrong on the main issue which was whether the voting would continue. despite that, people did follow it. i'll get that question at universities and i'll tell them just what i said to you. there's a little -- i know what you're thinking. i said about 20% of you are thinking, too bad. there should have been a few riots. if that's what you think. go turn on your television set see what happens in the countries that make their major disagreements settled in that way. see what happens in places where they settle their disagreements through bullets. >> breyer has just written a new book which argues that while our nation's judicial system remains an example to other democracies it must also evolve to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. that puts him at odds
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with conservative justice antonin scalia. it's a familiar police for breyer, a liberal he's the justice most willing to publicly debate scalia and other justices who adhere to originalisma philosophy focused on the original understanding of the constitution. breyer thinks the meaning of the constitution can change with the times. the contrast was clear earlier this summer when breyer said that the justices should rethink the constitutionality of the death penalty, a punishment accepted by the founding fathers. justice scalia called that a bunch of bobble degook. >> that's his opinion. >> despite the occasional harss language. by now the others take it in stride. >> he suffers from a disease which is called good writers disease, when a person is radio good writer, as he is, and when
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he finds a felicitous phrase he cannot give it up. it's like a good comedian. if you find a good joke and you're a comedian you just can't give it up. >> breyer says the traditions of the court helped maintain collegiality before taking their seats on the bench the justices always shake hands. after oral arguments they gather in a private conference to discuss the cases and cast in official votes. >> two rules of law, nobody speaks twice until everybody speaks once. >> at conference. >> correct. and the second is, tomorrow is another day. you and i might have absolutely at loggerheads in case a. the fact that we were at loggerheads has nothing to do with case b. unrelated legally. we could be absolute allies. >> to be sure the nine all have different styles, it may not surprise to you hear breyer, the former professor at harvard law
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school say he's a talker. you do your best thinking by kind of talking things out. where does that come from? is that ho you were -- >> probably teaching. >> what about your family? >> my family is -- this is my father's watch. says irving breyer, legal advisor, san francisco unified school district 1933 to 1973. so i grew up in a family focused on the public schools of san francisco. >> do you wear the watch every day? >> yeah. >> what would your parents think of you being on the supremer. >> they would be very pleased. >> why? >> why? because it suggests that they raised me in a way that i contributed and it worked. but my father used to say, which is true, the west day to succeed to do your job. you know he says, you do your job as best you can. pay attention to other people.
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do your job as best you can. that was his second most important advice. >> what was the first? >> stay on the payroll. >> after 21 years on the court, breyer, who is 77, shows few signs of slowing down. in the summers when the court is on recess he works from home, his office is full of old books and a few gently used toys. whose doll house is this? >> that is angela's, my granddaughter. >> why don't you just step down. president obama can nominate your replacement. justices don't think that way, do they? >> it's not really our job. job is to treat administration not as political entities that you favor some politics or disfavor other. you try that for 21 years. then you see that whatever instincts you might have had coming to the bench for one political or the other political side diminish. >> what happens to you?
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>> you get absorbed. you get absorbed. you take it very seriously. >> especially when he sees the stakes as nothing less than the future of our democracy. >> it requires education. it requires my generation and yours passing on to our children and grandchildren what it's like to live in such a country. and does it work perfectly? of course not. of course not. when the thing doesn't work perfectly you keep working at it. >> osgood: still to come. sabado gigante. gigantic saturday on "sunday morning." and later -- crash course in yiddish. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ speaking spanish ] >> osgood: that's our mo rocca, his subject is sabado gigante. a spanish language tv show that's enjoyed an audience of millions nor decades now.
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>> if you like acrobats, animal acts, beautiful dancing girls, zumba exhibitions, game show prizes, talk show tears and, well, pretty much anything else under the sun, sabado gigante is the show for you. it's a variety show on steroids. sabado gigante, spanish for gigantic saturday, airs every saturday night for three hours. and is watched by millions of people in the u.s. and in 40 countries around the world. is this your first time coming to a taping? fans wait for hours in the miami, florida, heat, to be in the audience of this legendary broadcast. how far did you drive to come to the show today? >> about four hours. >> so you're big fans of the
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show? >> we've been watching it since we were in diapers. >> and the main for it's gigante success? >> it's all about don francisco. the pitch man and ring leader of the sabado circus he's been hosting the show for 53 years. that's a world record. in all that time he's missed only one saturday when his mother died in 1974. there's never even been a rerun. who taught you to work so hard? >> maybe my father. >> yeah. don francisco's real name is mario luis kreutzberger he's the 74-year-old chilean-born son of refugees from germany. >> they second during the holocaust. to chilly. not because they choose chile
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that was the only option that they had. >> what was that like growing up? >> i was a kid in the middle of the war. even in my country in chile, half of the population they were with the germans. it was not messy to grow up in an environment like this. >> to make friends he'd have to be more like, well, a tv host. >> i found an opportunity making jokes, doing shows for the school, you know. i was soon accepted by the majority. >> but after high school he was sent by his father, a tailor to, new york city to learn the family trade. >> i came in 1959. i was 19 years old. and i had only maybe 20 words in english. >> it wasn't the new york fashion, is that turned his head, it was that new fangled
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contraption in his hotel room, the television. >> when i put it on, i was amazed. that was a radio that you was able to see and to listen at the same time. that was my first contact with television. i said to myself, my father's wrong. i'm learning something that is before yesterday. this will be the future. >> he returned to chile determined and in 1962 convinced a reluctant station manage tore give him one hour of air time on a saturday. >> they put on the station only for me, from 7:00 to 8:00. then he gravy from 6:00 to 8:00. then 5:00 to 8:00. then 4:00 to 8:00.
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3:00 to 8:00. 2:00 to 8:00, 1:00 to 9:00. >> when did you go to the bathroom? >> during the commercials. i was fast at that time then i went to the bathroom. >> in 1986, univision the network that cares sabado gigante moved the show's production to miami, the gateway to latin america. and the show itself became a gateway to a mass latin audience. for future superstars like shakira. enrique iglesias, enu.s. presidents all of them courting an audience that's mui importante. this son of german immigrants may be the most recognizable face in all of latin america.
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just take a walk with don francisco through miami's bay side market. and you'll get a sense of how very far his reach extends. >> she saidy i'm leaving the program and i said, i'm getting old. she said, you are not old. >> that's right, sabado gigante is ending its run next saturday. over the last few seasons the show's ratings with younger viewers have fallen precipitously. still, as this guest found out it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement of sabado gigante.
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others have been called the king of entertainment. but none has matched the reign of don francisco. >> thank you very much. >> osgood: next, head of the road. a single destination.
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it's about everything your corolla can reveal to you along the way. the surprises you find 200 feet in front of you and all the stories hidden up ahead. there are endless destinations waiting for you to find them. discover more in a corolla. toyota. let's go places.
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>> osgood: it happened this past week, the loss of three performers who were very much of their time. dickie moore was one of hollywood's earliest child stars. he was a regular in the "our gang" comedies of the early 1930s. at age six he starred in the first sound movie adaptation of "oliver twist." perhaps moore's most memorable movie exploit was planting a kiss on shirley temple in the 1942 film "miss annie rooney" when he was 16 and she was 14. a public relations executive in later years, moore was married three times. most recently to fellow child star jane powell. dick "dickie" moore was 89. we also learned of the death in north hampton england of judy
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carne. >> i'm judy carne you're girl on the go. >> first came that fame in 1967 on the tv show "laugh-in." an island of wacky humor during the divisive vietnam war era, put through a series of slap particular roles. she made the words "sock it to me" a popular catch phrase. popular enough for future president to appear on the show to utter them. >> sock it to me. >> judy carne left "laugh-in" in its third season and descended into a cycle of drug addition and legal woes, she was 76. actor martin milner died last sunday near carlsbad, california. a supporting actor achieved stardom in 1960 on the hit series "route 66" alongside costar george maharis a duo
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traveling the country in a chin knee corvette, finding adventure along the way. in 1968, milner was back on the road again, this time as a los angeles police officer with kent mccord as his sidekick on the series "adam 12" an occasional guest star in later years he revisited his early success in the 1998 documentary "route 66: return to the road" for which he served as narrate or. martin milner was 83. >> osgood: coming up -- the joys of yiddish. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> osgood: yiddish 101 is introduction to an old language attracting new interest. and not just among those who
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traditionally have spoken it. richard schlesinger we hear all about it ♪ >> deep in the heart of texas, there's a sound close to the heart of most bubbies and zadies. that's itzik gottesman, professor itzik gottesman of the university of texas teaching yiddish. some of his recent students like dan done mond come from jewish families, like you'd expect. do you speak yesterday tower any of your family? >> i sometimes i'll speak a little bit of yesterday wish my grandfather. >> get a lot of grandson points out of that? >> i have a lot of grandson points. >> i can tell. you can never have too many. >> that's true. >> but look at some of the other
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students. he's from a vietnamese family. when you told people you were taking yiddish, what sort of reaction did you get? >> what? why are you taking yesterday their i definitely remember telling my family they were like, what's yiddish? i can speak vietnamese. i can converse in mandarin chinese now yiddish. >> she enrolled in the yiddish class because she thought it was time for something new. >> my best friend is jewish so i thought it would be really fascinating to take take a germanic language because i've only been experienced in the asian languages. >> austin, texas, is a world away from williamsburg brooklyn, the center of yiddish life in the u.s. here the ultra orthodox hasidic jews speak the language daily
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and have kept it alive. but a lot of people speak a little yiddish, who hasn't schlepped to the store or kvetched about the traffic. almost met latin's fate, becoming language spoken sparingly which would have been a shunda. but it's being rescued. partly by people like huytenchau nguyen and partly by people like erin lansky. >> actually the number of yiddish speakers is on the rise. >> today he's the director of the yiddish book center in massachusetts. but 35 years ago as a student of yiddish he had to find his own books. so he went door to door, asking jewish families for their books that were among the most emotional remaining links to their past. >> it does get pretty emotional. >> still feel the emotion. >> all the time.
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right now i am. a little bit -- >> because -- it's a world. it was a universe. and it sort of came to an end at least in one form. and it was an accident of history that we were in the right place at the right time and became our responsibility to save it. >> about 11 million people spoke yiddish before the holocaust. the language almost died along with the millions who spoke it. and when israel was founded jewish settlers were encouraged to speak hebrew instead of yiddish. but yiddish dodged extinction. the modern world has been good to the ancient language, which has developed over about a thousand years as an off shoot of german. >> the world's changed. it's a smaller world, much more aware of its multi-cultural character, much more willing to embrace diversity. >> and lansky's library has grown right along with the interest in yiddish. at last count his organization has brought in about one million
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books. for no apparent reason my eye was drawn to the plaque that says you have "lady chatterley's lover" in -- >> yes. >> translated in yesterdayer. a little stretch on the vocabulary. >> books are still coming in from all over the world and the staff here, mostly students, most, but not all jewish, are translating as many as they can. of course there are aspects of yiddish culture that don't necessarily have to be translated to be appreciated. do you really need the subject titles to enjoy leo fuchs in the 1937 film "ich vil zeyn a border"? ♪
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before the war, there was a thriving yiddish film industry and those films are being restored and preserved by the national center for jewish film. the national yiddish theater is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. it's one of the few left but it's going strong. >> the language has a melody. the language has a flow to it. and i think people, whether or not they understood every word they understand the yiddish to get the feeling, the taste of the yiddishness in everything we do. >> frank london is a member of the klezmatics a group that takes its name from the yiddish word klezmer. a type of music popular with
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eastern european jews. ♪ and if you need any more evidence of the great yiddish renaissance, consider this, the klezmatics played a concert this year in china. >> i'm sorry, in china? >> for the first time. lorin the lead singer. >> you're going to sing yiddish in china? >> you bet. ♪ unlike lansky at the yiddish book center the crazy mat particulars didn't set out to help save the language. >> do you worry about the future of yiddish? >> i think that right now i don't worry about the future of yiddish. i think it's in good hands. >> but they don't mind plack role in its salvation. in a word it gives them such nacchuss.
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>> osgood: ahead -- steve hartman has a sweet story.
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crow rc this morning our steve hartman has found a sweet spot in every sense of the expression. >> you're about to witness a 76-year tradition. just about every day since 1939, ethel weiss has descended the stairs of her apartment building, walked 25 feet down the sidewalk, and opened up her store next door. et sell owner of "irving's" a candy and toy store in brookline, massachusetts, that she still runs, by herself, at the age of 101. you could have retired long ago, obviously. why do you want keep going there every day? >> i don't want to disappoint
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people. there's no one to take it over. and i don't want it to fall apart at the seams. >> ethel opened irving's with her husband irving near the end of the great depression. >> that's you there, isn't it? >> yeah. >> wow. her first customers were mostly kids from the grade school next door and today she is serving their great grandchildren who continue to income to irving's after the final bell. >> you know all their names. >> some of them. >> are you forgetting some? >> i always write them down. but then i forget where i wrote it. >> she is 101. and the kids are sensitive to that. for example, ethel used to use these transactions as way to help the kids with their math. but now they help her. >> what do i owe you? >> you don't owe me anything. >> sweet doesn't begin to describe this can key store. >> she's a friend to me.
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really welcoming and polite. >> nothing can compare to her and that candy shop. >> ethel says the feeling is mutual. >> it's a wonderful place to be. you can see people all the time and you can wave to them. say "hi." >> do you think that store has anything to do with you living to be 101 years old? >> yes. because i love the children. >> go figure. the secret to the fountain of youth. youth. >> osgood: still to come, duran duran. >> i think a lot of people want to be living that lifestyle, too. >> they wanted to believe it. me, too. >> absolutely. >> osgood: and later a singular voice. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts
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to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it can even be a game changer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. ♪ >> osgood: a big hilt for one of the biggest rock bands in the 1908s. now late summer song putting duran duran back in the spotlight. anthony mason caught up with them on the road.
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>> going to get you guys together that's the whole point. >> august night in vineyard in eastern long island four musicians claimed the stage and suddenly it was the '80s all over again. the wild boys were back. >> it's almost astonishing to all of us, i think, to accept that duran duran is three and a half decades old. >> duran duran released new album friday called "paper gods." if it were the debut from some up start band, rolling stone row, the buzz would be insane. but for hard core fans, duranies as they're called. >> happiest day.
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>> insanity never ends. >> he got the most fan mail. >> you were counting? >> of course i was counting. >> in the '80s the fab five as they were then, led the second british invasion. >> we had ambition and we had a plan. >> what was the plan? >> world domination within five years. and what did we get? world domination within five years. >> they had come together in birmingham, england, where bass player john taylor and keyboardist nick rhodes had been childhood friends. >> we were convinced it was going to work. >> i was like super nerd in school. i put on electric guitar i played in the school dance life was never the same again. my standing went from zero to
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hero. >> with afternoon detaylor on guitar, roger taylor on drums none of the taylors are related and simon lebon as front man, duran duran cross bred punk and glam charting 11 top ten hits. ♪ if girls ate them up critics spat them out. a mall version of roxxy music read one review. >> how did you react to that at the time? >> we drew a thick skin really quickly. the more girls we got kind of following the band the more they hated us. >> did you think the rock press didn't get you? >> i did i think that. all they saw was the audience. >> duran duran arrived at the
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dawn of mtv and no one rode the wave of the video revolution with more style or mascara. >> video to us has been so exciting because it was new to us as stereo was to pink floyd with dark side of the moon. >> your image became such a powerful thing. did it ever become too powerful in your view? >> yeah. i think we had no idea how potent they were at the time that they ended up becoming quite iconic. the image of rio video on the boat and things from "girls on film" video. and they left marks. for awhile i think people thought, those are the guys that wander around in colored silk suits and hang out on yachts all day. actually i'd probably spent two hours of my life at that point on a boat. and that was in the video. ♪ >> i think a lot of people
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wanted to be living that lifestyle, too. they wanted to believe it. >> me, too. absolutely. i tried as hard as i could. >> well, he succeeded. lebon married model yasmin, in 1985 was racing the yacht drum across the english channel when it capsized. he was nearly killed. >> it was the fact that somebody standing on the shore was looking through binoculars saw first three boats, nirvana, drum, condor. nirvana, condor. where's drum? it was only because that happened that they sent up a helicopter to look for us. 26 guys on the boat. me and another five stuck inside an air pocket inside. >> at least there was an air pocket. >> yeah. it was the first time and one and only time that duran duran made the cover of "people" magazine. >> but by then the band was
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starting to splinter. >> we split in two. three went one way two. the other. actually roger was in the middle. >> duran duran never officially broke up. but john and andy taylor went off to form power station. while rhodes, lebon and roger taylor formed arcadia before roger tired of the lifestyle. >> i had to step away from it. i wanted to live a normal life for awhile and maybe at the right time i'd go back to it. that turned into a long time. >> did you think it was over? >> i knew it would never be the same again. >> the end of the '80s felt like the media particularly was saying, you guys are ephemeral, you're out, next. >> duran duran looked to be dead
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and buried. but then in 1993 came they released this song. ♪ and suddenly, bam clam. >> you were back. >> ordinary world put the band in a place it had never been before. >> ordinary world took the band back to the top of the u.s. charts and won a major british award. >> did you feel they were finally taking you seriously? >> that meant turnover us. >> the come back in the '90s must have felt sweet. >> absolutely amazing. >> i think number 67 looks good. >> you like that one? >> lebon and his band mates are all in their 50s. they have their hobbies for lebon still boats. >> what is it you like about it? >> i'm fascinated by the wind and the water. >> but the tide keeps pulling
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them back to the band. do you want to be doing this for another 15, 20 years? >> i haven't got a bert idea right now? >> are you still aspiring to have hit records? >> i vaguely remember that. >> you know, my higher self is not in competition with anyone. but my lower self is very much at the wheel most of the time. so, yes, i'm very competitive. we want the attention. we see ourselves as a band who have got the attributes to be able to compete with everybody else for that attention. >> duran duran is getting it again. the wild boys are cover boys once more. >> look at that. >> nice to be on the cover again? >> cover "billboard" magazine.
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it's fabulous, isn't it? i mean, rhyme so proud of that. ♪ >> osgood: coming up -- salt of the earth.
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[ male announcer ] over time, you've come to realize... it's less of a race... and more of a journey. so carry on... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. >> osgood: do you see that on your tv screen? do you know what it might mean? a big salt shaker shaking its head, no, when you open up the menu. i think that could backfire, though. we tonight find salt tasty, the city is too hasty to put this to a halt might put down the menu city is too hasty to put this to a halt might put down the menu say, please pass the salt. the internet of things. what we're recommending as your consultants... the new consultants are here. it's not just big data, its bigger data. we're beta testing the new wearable interface... ♪
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i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. >> osgood: we celebrate in comparable musicians like meredith monk who has been making music with the instrument of her voice for 50 years.
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>> osgood: president obama has words of high praise for meredith as he awarded national medal of arts. no small accomplishment for woman with singular voice who doesn't use words at all. martha teichner made her a visit. >> the brains, they are as identifiably meredith monk as the voice. hearing her sing for the first time can be startling. can a human voice actually make those sounds? those aren't words she's singing. >> one day, i just had a revelation that the voice could be an instrument, that it could move like my hand moves, that it could be like the spine, that it could jump, that it could turn,
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that it could fall. that within it were all these feelings that we don't have words for. >> even people who think they don't know her work. if you saw the cult classic movie "the big lebowski" you've heard her music. it's found its way on to the tv show "so you think you can dance." pop singer songwriter bjork is inspired by her. since the 1960s, meredith monk has been on the edge, subtlely, permeating the mainstream. >> it's been a long term kind of ever-rep ling outward rippling kind of influence. >> alex ross is a music critic
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for "the new yorker." >> she's tremendously important, she's one of the giants of our era. i feel lucky to be living in her period in this sense. because there's just no one else out there doing what she does. >> what she does don't is fall into any one category. she sings. dances, choreographs. >> still keep your fingers together. >> and composes. she also makes films. >> newspapers and mag seeps have been mystified by who to send, you know, which critic from which department to evaluate this work. >> meredith mopping's background may in part explain her musical multi-tasking. singing is in her dna.
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her mother sang commercials on the radio. her grandfather was an opera singer her great grandfather, a cantor in a moss cosynagogue. she's was born with a condition called strabismus which meant that her eyes worked end enr pendantly of each other. to help with coordination at the age of three, she was sent to study something called dalcroze eurythmics, invented by a swiss composer. >> he developed series of exercises, all musical truth resides in the body. >> it sounds to me as if that statement is almost the cornerstone of everything you've done ever since. >> exactly. you know, it's that idea that there's no separation between the voice and the music and the body. >> in college, monk studied voice, dance and composition. when she began writing songs what ended up on the page looked
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more like an ekg than conventional musical notation. as she explored what the human voice of capable of. >> within it was male and female. within it was landscape. within it was character, within it was all kinds of ways of producing sound. and i felt that it was this profoundly april comment instrument. >> why not just write music with words that everybody understands? >> i think words limit everything. i want people to experience something and without writing words i can actually make, i think, more heart to hair experience. >> meredith monk recently celebrated her 72nd birthday. she's won guggenheih fellowships, a so-called mcarthur genius grant, now this past week the national medal of arts. she has just completed a year as composer in residence at
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carnegie hall, all >> people prer as a book singer, emerged from the midst of whatever civilization, whatever period, difficult to put your finger on it. >> what better test for such a person than species 20 million years old. >> this is about as timeless as you can get. >> meet -- a timeless art. more fill as time as cycle or circle. i've done a lot of performances in this room. >> the first impression of the downtown manhattan's face where
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she's lived and worked all these years. time doesn't exist. >> you've been in this loft how many years? >> since 1972. >> never mind what's popular or commercial here she does what she's always done. peer inside herself. >> did you ever care about getting famous, getting rich. >> my concern was really the work. i wanted to follow my own path in as honest a way as i could. i pretty much have done that. >> sheer here, she just plays and plays until the music finds her. when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country.
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and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. >> osgood: here is a look at the week ahead. monday, the national book foundation begins a week long series of daily announcements of consteppedders for this year's national book awards beginning with the young people's literature. tuesday sees the opening in new york of the u.n. general assembly's 70th session. wednesday's the day for the second republican presidential debate to be broadcast on cnn. thursday brings the annual
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ig-nobel prize award ceremony at harvard university. honoring scientific achievements that sponsors say make people first laugh and then think. friday is national pow mia recognition day. honoring all american service members who have been prisoners of war as well as those still listed as missing. and saturday, pope francis arrives in cuba for an official visit before flying on to the united states. and now to john dickerson in washington for look what's ahead on "face the nation," good morning. >> dickerson: we'll talk to the two men at the top of the g.o.p. race, donald trump and ben carson and fresh new poll numbers. >> osgood: thank you, john. we'll be watching. next week on sunday morning. airs his dirty laundry.
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kids, juicy fruit gum with starburst flavors? yeah. (mmm...) (mmm...) (zipper noise) (zipper noise) (baby rattle shaking) juicy fruit so sweet you can't help but chew.
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leave you this sunday with up close look at a dolphin and other inhabitants of a coral reef near roatan honduras. i'm charles osgood. please join us again next subpoena day morning until then i'll see you on the radio. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours.
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morning. good morning, i'm anne makovec. i'm phil matier. i'm mark kelly. there s a lot to talk about in our ne hour... good morning. it is 7:30. thanks for joining us. >> we have a lot to talk about in our next hour. >> there is a huge fire burning in lake and napa counties. it exploded overnight. hundreds of people are evacuated and several homes have burned. we will keep you posted on that throughout the broadcast. the governor has a big stack of papers on his


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