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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  December 14, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PST

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[laughter] >> i'm staying in here. >> okay. happy monday. see you at noon, folks. captioning funded by cbs good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday, december 14, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump attacks ted cruz after the iowa surge. but a new poll shows which candidate has the best chance to defeat hillary clinton. we are on the front lines in the fight against isis. e terror group is using car bombs to defend their territory. cbs news learns about the robert durst legal battle that could lead to a showdown in his murder case. >> but we begin with "today's eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. this morning two new iowa polls show ted cruz surging into
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the lead. >> ted cruz gaining in the presidential race. >> i think he's a little bit of a maniac. president obama makes a rare visit to the pentagon monday morning reportedly to sell his strategy for fighting islamic state army. >> they have more concerns about gun control and climate change than they do about the threat to our way of life. storms that triggered flooding and landslides on the west coast are moving east. winter watches are in effect. >> every western state is picking up snow with this storm. >> tornadoes are ripping through north texas. >> we have a tornado on the ground. >> a southwest airlines plane made an emergency landing in san antonio. the pilot reported problems controlling the wind flaps. the use of excessive force after deputies shoot and killed an armed man in california. >> he did not reply with their repeated requests to drop the weapon. in northern california more than 350 newborns may have come in contact with a nurse who
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tested positive for t.b. a truck driver in the czech republic is lucky to be alive. and making the catch for the touchdown. >> all that -- >> and the new england patriots go to 11-2. >> and all that matters. >> there's $20,000 on the line. oh, my gosh! >> on "cbs this morning" -- >> according to new reports, jeb bush's campaign and the super pac supporting him have spent $30 million on ads for him. and from the looks of those ads, it seems like things aren't going great for jeb. ♪ in the arms of the angel far away from here ♪ this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota, let's go places. welcome to "cbs this
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morning." donald trump is on the offensive against ted cruz with his strongest criticism yet of the texas senator. this follows new poll numbers to show cruz is becoming the main republican challenger to trump. one survey finds cruz now leads him in iowa by ten points. another poll finds hillary clinton would defeat either of them in november. she holds the ten-point margin over trump and a three-point lead over cruz. but that poll also shows clinton narrowly losing to ben carson and marco rubio by three points. nancy cordes is in washington and looking at the changing numbers in this republican race. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the second poll in less than a week to show cruz leading the gop field in iowa. trump's campaign instantly trashed the poll while trump himself chose to trash krcruz saying he's unfit for the job. >> i don't think he's qualified to be president. >> reporter: donald trump has this message for those who think
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his support is waning. >> i don't go down, i go up. my whole life is about winning. i'm going to win. >> reporter: and his allie, ted cruz, going after trump after promising he wouldn't. >> he goes in there like a man yak. >> reporter: on twitter he brushed off the comments posting a movie to the song "maniac." cruz refrained from attacking trump whose supporters he would like to win over. >> i think donald trump. a lot of our friends here have encouraged me to criticize and attack donald trump. i'm not interested in doing so. >> reporter: nationwide the real estate mogul still has a big lead beating cruz by 20 points in the latest cbs/new york times poll. still, the texas senator's outspoken opposition to obamacare and his willingness to take on both sides of the washington establishment resonates with iowa conservatives. >> the way republican leadership
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punishes anyone who stands up to the cartel is they engage in publ public flatulation. >> reporter: brian walsh worked to elect republicans to the senate in 2010 and 2012. >> he would be equally problematic. >> reporter: why? >> because again going back to the need that if we're going to win in 2016, we need to expand the electorate and need more female voters, more hispanics. and instead of learning those lessons, you have candidates like cruz and trump who are doing the exact opposite. >> reporter: top stage is now set for tomorrow's gop debate in las vegas. trump is front and center with ben carson on his right and ted cruz on his left with a total of nine participants on the stage. mike huckabee, rick santorum and senator lindsey graham didn't make it to the main debate and will appear earlier in the evening. thank you, nancy.
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"face the nation" moderator john dickerson is in johnston, iowa. john, good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> explain the ted cruz surge and whether it will make him the front-runner. >> well, the surge is that he has been patient and restrained in his campaign so far. and he appeals to the conservatives who participate in the caucus and the primaries because he's ideologically pure on the issues. and he also is behaviorally in sync with the grass roots, which is to say he's not a part of the washington establishment and staked his career in fighting that establishment. so when they look at him, they say this is something to fight for the principles we believe in. >> but it's also a candidate who has done a lot of hard work on the ground and has been well financed, right? >> well, that's right. that's what i'm saying, he's been disciplined and restrained which means he has not -- he spent a lot of time building a fund-raising network and spending times in states not just the three or four contests.
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but all of the later states in the primary process to build a network and also to build a ground game so he can be in for the long haul. and that's starting to pay off for him in iowa. we'll see if it pays off in other states. >> the only republican raising more money than ted cruz is jeb bush. not only is he doing well in iowa, you have new hampshire, south carolina and nevada. but march 1st is the big primary, the southern primary states, which he's positioned to do very well in, right? he's got lasting power. >> he does. i mean, raising money of course isn't really the whole bundle. if it were, we would still have scott walker in the race and jeb bush would be doing better. what cruz has for this moment is that he's grabbing those voter who is are excited about ben carson. he has the fire that the grassroots want. then the money allows him to turn that into sort of a big boost. so he has been -- this is -- he's had a strategy he's been following and now that he's
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getting the love or the look from the voters, he does have a system in place. >> john dickerson, i was watching "face the nation" yesterday morning, my favorite sunday morning program, and you had on ray lutz asking former trump supporters what they would do if he left the party. we'll run the tape and get you on the other side. >> it's a $64,000 question. with marco rubio as the republican nominee and trump running as an independent, will you vote for trump, raise your hands. right now the establishment republicans just died. >> it's real change. >> that's more than half of you that just raised your hands that you're going to leave the republican party. >> no, we're going to -- i'm voting for a man or woman that wants to change this country.
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>> the republican party has failed us the last two times with weak candidates. first with mccain who was weak and romney who was weak. we are tired of weak candidates. there is no number two to trump. who is number two in the republican field than trump to really win the election, who? >> trump is an independent. you're voting for trump. >> yes. >> yes, i would vote for marco rubio because maybe the party does need to be fractured. maybe it is time to blow it up. blow it up. >> a lot of interesting things to say. what do you make of that exchange, in particular? >> obviously, it was not good for republicans who want party unity and -- part of it might be a little overdone, which is to say if those same voters, if donald trump didn't get the nomination and saw the independent bid by him as a guarantee that would help hillary clinton, they might change their views and not bolt. but the problem is, even if a
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small number of them don't bolt, the republicans want them all turning out, especially if it's a candidate like ted cruz who believes the goal in the general election is to turn out as many conservatives as possible. so it is a problem that the republican party is going to have to deal with. >> certainly more to come on this. thank you, john dickerson. president obama is starting the week focusing on isis and terrorism. he's holding a meeting with the national security council and is expected to speak about the isis threat. he's also scheduled a conference call with religious leaders. the president's strategy is playing out on the front lines in northern iraq. a cbs news team traveled there some 20 miles northwest of mosul. isis has controlled iraq's second largest city for a year and a half. charlie got to see the deadly threat from the weaponry in dohuk, iraq. charlie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. in many ways it was routine assignment, head out to the front lines and see how kurdish forces are holding up against
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isis. but we got to within a half mile of isis territory and man did we witness how deadly and determined this enemy can be. colonel badal and his forces have been fighting to hold this front line outside of mosul for more than a year. how often does isis attack you? they attack whenever they can, he said. in fact, three suicide bombers charged toward their outpost. his soldiers were able to kill the drivers before they detonated their explosives. but two car bombs remained there not 50 yards away posing a deadly threat to the troops. here on the front lines, the bomb squad is a .50-caliber gunman who fired rounds into one vehicle until it went up into a plume of smoke. he then opened up on the car much closer to us.
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we watched from a sniper hole in the bunker until finally a direct hit. that noise you can hear is debris raining down on top of us. shrapnel from the bomb and twisted remains of the vehicle went sky high after the explosion. everybody's ears were ringing. but the next sound was laughter. it's a happier ending when car bombs blow up on the other side of the front lines. when you're up close to one of those huge car bombs, you realize how destructive they can be in civilian areas. and why they are the most feared isis weapon on the battlefield. and attacks like these are happening every day. norah? >> charlie reporting from iraq, thank you. this morning egypt says its investigation has found no evidence to terrorism to bring
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down a russian jetliner in october. that contradicts russian and western governments that say a bomb likely exploded inside the plane. isis claims to have smuggled an explosive on board. investigators are still trying to learn who syed farook talked to before they went on their shooting massacre. carter is there with more details, good morning. >> reporter: investigators are focusing on what caused the two to open fire at the regional center behind me. new comments malik made before she entered the u.s. is raising questions about how thoroughly she was vetted before she came here. dive teams from the fbi and local police finished searching the bottom of this muddy lake
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over the weekend. they pulled multiple objects from the water but it is still unknown if they recovered a computer hard drive. and syed farook and tashfeed malik may have discarded that before they were killed in the shoot-out with police. they hope to search the hard drive on possible connections between the couple and foreign terror groups. law enforcement sources confirm to cbs that malik made radical postings on social media as far back as 2012. two years before she moved to the united states and married farook. according to a report in "the new york times," malik spoke openly on social media about her support for violent jihad and said she wanted to be a part of it. but none of the postings were discovered when malik applied for a fiance visa. >> if you are doing a deeper dive into somebody, you really want to focus on the high-risk traveler. the person you're really worried
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about being a threat to the united states. the question is, how do you identify that? >> reporter: malik was not identified as a threat. despite being interviewed at the u.s. embassy in pakistan and vetted by five different government agencies who checked her name and picture against a terror watch list and ran her fingerprints against two databases. >> this is a case in retrospect we know this is a person who had a lot of red lights and red flags. how come they didn't standout as a high-risk traveler, that's a really, really good question. >> reporter: informativestigato continue to question farook's friend enrique marquez. it is very likely he will eventually be arrested. but he has waived his rights and communicating with investigators. >> why wasn't that known? carter, thank you so much. there are new demands for justice this morning after another deadly police shooting of a black man. two sheriff's deputies fired 33
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times at a man holding a gun on saturday in lynnwood outside of los angeles. 28-year-old nicholas robertson died. the investigation is underway whether the officers used appropriate force. we have controversial video of the shooting. we want to warn you, it may be very disturbing to watch. >> reporter: this cell phone video captured the moment nicholas robertson was gunned down by two deputies. they paused before firing again. [ bleep ] as robertson tried to crawl away. on sunday the sheriff's department released this photo of robertson still holding his .45-caliber semiautomatic handgun after he was shot. minutes before the deadly encounter a surveillance camera captured him walking along a busy street armed. >> he's handling the gun in an odd sort of way and seems to be agitated. >> reporter: the department received multiple 911 calls about an african-american man with a gun.
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>> i saw a guy holding a gun and pointing at people. >> we thought it was fireworks and then my mom looked out the window and he has a gun, shooting straight into the air. >> how many times did he shoot into the air? >> like at least six times in the air. >> reporter: one of the deputies who responded had been in the field for a year. the other for 18 months. investigators said robertson's gun was not loaded but found two live rounds within his grasp. >> he did not reply with their repeated requests to drop the weapon. >> reporter: activists and civil rights leaders called for an independent investigation. >> this means he's on edge. what they saw was a young black man shot in the back by police officers, shot again as he crawled to his death. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, los angeles. this morning extreme weather is sweeping across much of the country. flash flooding triggered mudslides overnight north of los angeles. a section of interstate 5 was
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closed for more than three hours. heavy snow forced drivers off the road sunday in the texas panhandle. parts of kansas received more than half a foot of snow. and crews in east texas are cleaning up today after three tornadoes touched down in that state on saturday. high winds derailed a freight train. at least two cars crashed onto a highway. this morning china says its president spoke with president obama late sunday to discuss implementing the landmark climate change deal. in paris saturday nearly 200 nations committed to keeping global temperatures from rising another 1.8 degrees fahrenheit. china was a player. that's a chase from 2009 when beijing was blamed for the failure of climate talks. we asked president obama about holding china accountable in an earlier interview this month. how can we trust china, the world's number one polluter? how can we trust them, take their word they will make the cuts necessary? >> well, keep in mind what we're trying to set up here. ale though the targets are
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self-generated, the united states says here's what we're going to do. china puts forward its own plan. germany puts forward its own plan. so that aspect of it is not legally binding. but what we are saying is is that every country should be subject to some sort of reporting requirement, some sort of accountable. that it should be reviewed every five years so that we can see what has happened in various countries. and what more we can do based on new science and new technology. >> and that accountability is keep as the paris agreement also calls for the countries to send billions to help poor countries deal with climate change. the nation watched accused killer robert durst make a chilling statement on an open microphone. but ahead, see how heading out the door, you do need a jacket. it's chilly outside. currently, we have temperatures in the 30s and 40s but it's freezing in livermore. it is now 30 in vallejo.
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freezing in fairfield. winds are slight but will increase today out of the north and northwest 10 to 20. stronger gusts, higher elevation. we're under 60 degrees. partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies only the slight chant of of -- slight chance of an afternoon shower. r: this port cbs this morning" d by jcpenney. where giving begins. the peace corps is accused
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of turning its back on volunteers when they are sick or injured. ahead our new investigation. volunteers who spe
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jane fonda is the happiest she has been at 78 weather was a factor... in a illed a couple near 7:26. investigators are trying to determine if weather was a factor in a crash that killed a couple near ail tu month -- altamont pass. their car flipped over yesterday. their two young children were hurt but survived. the latest storm dumped about two feet of snow in the tahoe area. right now chains are required on i-80. and in the next half-hour of cbs this morning, murder and mystery involving one of new york city's richest heirs. and we've got traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,, ,,,,
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good morning. let's go straight to the south bay northbound 280 right at laurnts expressway. that five-car pileup cleared u you are slow from ray. expect delays, 101, not doing too much better. we have another accident. that will slow you down as well. taking a look at the bay bridge. metering lights remain. you come off the eastshore freeway. at least the portion between the carquinez bridge and the maze. here's roberta. good morning. as you are stepping out the door, grab a jacket. our temperatures have dipped to the freezing point in the livermore area. that is the scene looking out toward the embarcadero. isn't that pretty? we do have that flag. can you see that? wind will blow up to 20 miles an hour. we're in the 30s and 40s. later today, everyone is under 60 degrees. turning partly cloudy. ,, ,,,,,,
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the winner of this year's heisman trophy is derrick henry. >> there you go. one proud grandma. there she is! reacting after her grandson derrick henry was awarded the heisman trophy. gladys wasn't able to travel to new york city because the family brought the celebration to her. the alabama running back was raised by his grandmother. she is 81 and clearly she is very proud. >> she gave him a shocka nim nak when he was born. >> they are clearly very tight. >> great grandma. coming up in this half hour, can wealthy accused killer robert durst outsmart the authorities charging him with
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murder? "48 hours" correspondent erin moriarty is in the green room with more on that. some peace corps volunteers say the agency helped to design help around the world is losing sight of tragedies in its own backyard. kris van cleave with our new creation is ahead. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "usa today" reports on the federal reserve likely to raise interest rates gradually. the fed is expected to increase rates for the first time in nearly a decade when it meets this week. fed policymakers have emphasized they would likely lift the rate gently because of economic weakness and overseas and tight credit. "the washington post" reports on journalists swept up in the chinese cyberattack that targeted federal employees. the government is notifying journalists accredited by federal agencies to sign up for identity theft protection. social security numbers and other important information may have been stolen and the breach could involve thousands of reporters.
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vandalism in two mosques in southern california is investigated as hate crimes. hawthorne mosque was vandaled with graffiti and a hand grenade was found in another mosque. they want to know if these are relate to the san bernardino shooting rampage. a suspect carrying an ax early sunday inside a parking garage. the university of north texas campus police responded to reports of someone smashing car windows. the school said the suspect advanced toward the officer with the ax and the officer shot him. business insider reports on amazon now pulling some hoverboards from its website over safety concerns. there have been several instances of those boards catching fire and then exploding. amazon is now demanding proof from the hoverboard makers that the products meet the safety standards. some major airlines, as you know, have now banned the
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self-balancing boards on the pla planes. erin more artie is learning that robert durst it expected to plead guilty to a federal gun charge. that to comean a decade in prison but there is another twist. erin is here with how the deal would force a showdown in the murder case. erin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i'll get to that twist, but for more than 30 years, durst and his posse of highly skilled lawyers have outmaneuvered lawyers but in the end a .38 pistol and his own mouth that did him in. >> did you have anything to do with the death of your wife? >> i don't know that she is dead. >> reporter: robert durst appeared in the hbo documentary "the jinx." he made several incriminating statements concerning not only his first wife's 1982 disappearance in disturban, new york but also the unsolved 2000
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murder of his once close friend susan berman in her los angeles home. in the case durst admitted that handwriting looked nearly to his own on that piece of evidence. >> the writing looks similar. the spelling is the same. i can see the conclusion the cops would draw. can i have this? >> reporter: durst still wearing a microphone in the bathroom is heard mumbling what sounded like a confession to murder. authorities in los angeles tipped off before the final episode aired in march, issued an arrest warrant for durst in berman's murder and then tracked him down to new orleans, where they found cash, pot, and a handgun in his hotel room. >> not guilty. >> reporter: it's the possession of that .38 revolver that finally tripped up durst.
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this thursday as part of an agreement hammered out between his lawyers and federal prosecutors, he is expected to return to federal court in new orleans and plead guilty to possession of a firearm by a felon. a conviction ka that could mean a sentence of ten years in federal prison. here is that twist in the plea agreement. durst is asking to spend his sentence in the state of california and the reason? he actually wants to go on trial there for the murder of susan berman and if he is in that federal prison in california, he no longer has to be extradited. the los angeles county prosecutors just have to rid him out. he is actually making it easy for everybody to put him on trial. >> the question is why? >> well, i think -- to be honest, i think this is a high stakes game of chicken. i think his attorneys say he wants to clear his name. and they want him to go on trial sooner, rather than later. they don't believe that the prosecutors have enough evidence, despite what we have seen in the documentary to actually convict him beyond a
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reasonable doubt. and so the los angeles prosecutors don't have to say, we have to extradite him, he is right there and they can just get him. >> number one, you've been covering this trial forever! >> my entire life it feels like! >> how soon could he go on trial? >> they would like to see him in california by spring/summer. that leaves it up to the prosecutors, of course. but he has to be arraigned and they are going to push for it and they could actually wave his right to a speedy trial which means he could go on before the end of the year. but i think that is unrealistic but i think they are pushing it. >> he's in poor health? >> well, he is. but he has cancer. that seems to be in remission. he has balance problems and he has a stent in his head. he could get as much as ten years. >> how old he is? >> 72 and he'll be 73 in april. it's not quite clear exactly how many years he has agreed to.
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this actually resolves a lot of cases their pending against him. there were some banking charges that could have been charged against him so this will resolve it so he'll spend the long end, so somewhere around ten years. >> thank you for staying on this case, erin. >> i will. some peace corps volunteers say their lives are falling to . we will be right back. to do great things,
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a new internal peace corps report exposes deep problems at the agency when it comes to health care. for volunteers returning from service, up to 30 th% of volunts come back sick or they are injured. kris van cleave is in washington with the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the peace corps says 91% of its
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volunteers are satisfied with the medical care they receive. but government reports, as far back as 1991, found problems with that care. some volunteers tell us they have fallen through the cracks. in some cases, for decade. 73-year-old nancy minodao flanagan is struggling. in 1965 as a young peace corps volunteer in melelealaysia she raped and impregnated about a daughter who died. >> i had nightmares and flash backs. >> reporter: in 2002 she got word she would be rehe intuimbu with medically expenses but needed receipts. >> it was 50 years ago. i don't have receipts. >> the mission of the piece
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kae peace corps is to help other people in other countries but what about me? i'm here and i need handled and admits some of the issues cannot be quickly resolved or would requi need legislative change. we spoke with some of the volunteers. >> it's a heavy bureaucratic mess. >> reporter: victoria smith broke her leg in 2008 and a peace corps doctor operated. >> it was done incorrectly. >> reporter: you're still dealing with a fallout from a surgery that wasn't done right? >> yes. when they did the surgery they
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inserted the rod at a 45-degree rotation so my ankle and knee went that way. >> reporter: was the peace corps helpful in this process? >> no. they never contacted me and never returned phone calls or e-mails. they sent investigators out to make sure i wasn't lying about my injuries. and, basically, i don't want to to you dramatic but i'm pretty much dead to them. >> reporter: in 2012 the government accountable office found fault with both the peace corps and department of labor with not tracking the accessibility and quality of care for return volunteers. >> i was in and out of the hospital in bangkok a month. >> reporter: while volunteering in thailand in 2010 william hardless got an infection and says the pain is excruciating and he struggles to get care. you came back sick and why didn't you go to a doctor? >> turned out no reputable clinic i could find on the east coast or west coast would take this compensation. >> reporter: how has the
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department of labor responded to you? how have they treated you? >> the claims from the department of labor and house treated me like i'm a parasite who is trying to live off the government. >> reporter: what has kept you fighting for so long? >> my mom. because i know if i ended it all, it would tear her apart. but if she wasn't here, i can't tell you what i would do. >> reporter: smith asked for an investigation how the peace corps handled her injure and told the for medical offices were upgraded in 2012 but, months later, sue calve's son nick died from a stomach virus while volunteers in china. do you think your son would be alive today if he hadn't joined the peace corps? >> definitely. it took me two years fighting getting an inspector's general report fighting with them. >> reporter: found cascading failures and delayed treatment led to nick's death. >> when you're advocating for
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yourself they are not advocating for you either. so there needs to be better measures in place. >> reporter: the peace corps says it's been implementing significant reforms like hiring staff to help with the claims process but to do more, the law would have to change. the department of labor told us the average volunteer gets a decision on their claim within 29 to 46 days. >> thank you. >> these are troubling. >> something is wrong. bureaucracy complacency. >> you believe what they are saying so somebody is listening, saying, okay, houston, we have a big, big problem. see what they do. >> a wake-up call. finding the next generation of pilots. ahead, we go along for a ride to see how aerobattics try to encourage young people to reach for the sky. unmanned devices find
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we're under 60 degrees today, partly to mostly cloudy skies. only a slight chance of an afternoon shower. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota p let's go places. toyotathon is back with a season full of holiday treats. let's go places. let's go places. .let's go places. let's go places. are still on the road today? but hurry, our biggest event of the year won't last long. right now at toyotathon, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2016 camry. offer ends january 4th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit make the holidays happier at toyotathon.
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toyota. let's go places. optimus prime: price match? explain. doll: if a customer finds you for a lower price at another store, they'll match the price. optimus prime: there's more than one optimus prime? doll: look to your left. optimus prime: (gasp) ah! ah! ah! ah! anncr: we'll match any price on even the hottest toys in our whole store of...awesome.
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♪ ♪ it's now a drony drone world tokyo. they will help fight security risks flown by illegal flown devices. the drones are banned in the capital. they will use nets to capture the flying objects and bring them to the ground. officers will be trained in drone operations and they should be ready by next year. >> they yank them out of the sky. kind of genius. i like it. amy cutie is the star of the ted talks but nearly lost everything after an accident. ahead she will show us how she beat the odds. when heartburn hits
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hundreds of babies may have
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been exposed to tuberculosis. our david agus is standing by in southern california, after a mudslide clo 7:56. a 40-mile stretch of i-5 is back open in southern california after a mudslide closed. it backed up traffic for three hours. one of the smallest homes in san francisco is on the market, this microunit measures 264 square feet. it comes with a small kitchen and bath with a price tag of $425,000. and coming up on cbs this mowning, tuberculosis scare and more than 300 babies are at risk. a nurse working in the newborn nursery may have exposed the infants to the deadly virus. and we have traffic and weather in just a moment. stay tuned. ,, ,,
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a lot of company working your way westbound 580. we have an accident in the clearing stages. the bad news, you can see a lot of slow and go traffic as you work your way through oakland. once you hit the bay bridge, you are packed up to the maze. all approaches seeing delays. northbound 880 near the col low sue yum, camera is a little shaky but a lot of delays as you work your way northbound. it's a bit on the breezy side as you are heading out the door, anticipate the winds lighter out of the northwest, 10, 20. gale warning off coast. that's the scene at ocean beach. baker beach remains closed. 30s and 40s out the door. 33 in livermore, later today, under 60 degrees everywhere, plus the breezy conditions. only a slight chance of an afternoon shower. another chance on thursday. ,,,,
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(vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday, december 14, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there's more real news ahead including jane fonda's note to self. the oscar winner remembers the mistakes and pain that helped her grow. first, today's "eye opener at 8." >> the second poll in a week to show cruz leading in iowa. trump campaign instantly trashed the poll. >> what cruz has is he's grabbing the voters excited about ben car sochblt he has the fire that the grassroots wants. >> got to within a half mile of isis territory and we witnessed how deadly this enemy can be. investigators now focus on who or what influenced the couple to open fire on the
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inland regional center behind me. he's actually making it easy for everybody to put him on trial. >> the we is why. >> to be honest, i think it's a high stakes game of chicken. >> the peace corps says 91% of volunteers are satisfied with the medical care they receive. government reports report as many as -- >> pro golf er jordan spieth wet full-on happy gilmore with the wind-up drive. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is presented by progressive. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. the lineup is set this morning pour the last republican debate of the year. donald trump will be front and center again tomorrow night in las vegas. ted cruz will be on his left with ben carson on his right. >> the latest poll shows ted
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cruz is a biggest threat to donald trump. a new poll in iowa shows cruz leads trump with just seven weeks to go. the second poll to show cruz ahead in iowa. for the first time donald trump is hitting the texas senator hard. >> i don't think he's qualified to be president. i don't think he has the right temperament. look at the way he's dealt with the senate where he goes in there like a -- frankly, like a little bit of a maniac. you're never going to get things done that way. i have good judgment. i have great judgment. i would say i have far better judgment than ted. i actually get along with people much better than he does. >> cruz is taking the comments in very good stride. he takes a video link for the "maniac" from the movie "flash dash." he tweeted in honor of my good friend donald trump and good hearted maniacs everywhere. will ferrell returned to
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"saturday night live" and revived his imitation of george w. bush. >> now an announcement from the 43rd president of the united states. >> i've made a big decision. i'm entering the race for president of the united states of america. the field of republicans out there is so messed up, i figured it makes you miss me, doesn't it? cruz and rubio, rubio and cruz. sounds like a miami law firm. if you've been injured on the job, call rubio and cruz. then you've got this knucklehead. i tell you something, whenever i get in a bad mood, i picture his big fat orange oopa loopa face and i wet my pants. i wish you would ask me about the exclamation on the end of jeb's name. i don't like the taste of
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broccoli, but it doesn't get any tastier if you call it broccoli! running the government is like driving a school bus. you don't want a crazy person driving that bus, you want a simple, underachieving, not very educated but reliable guy behind that wheel, someone with a steady hand who will be on time and get into one or two but no more than four accidents a year. you already know that someone, and that someone is me. >> laugh-out-loud funny. >> i love him. he is hilarious. >> i think we'll see will ferrell again before this session is over. >> on corencore, encore. >> a new poll shows trm and cruz would lose to hillary clinton. the survey gives clinton a ten-point advantage over trump, beating cruz by three points. the news is not all good for the
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democratic front-runner. the same poll found ben carson would beat clinton by one point. they're still banned from simple freedoms like driving, but this morning women are making history in saudi election. the first election to allow female voters and candidates saw more than deenz women elected to local government. more than 1,000 women ran for office. many campaigned online using social media since men and women are banned from mixing in public. even with these historic victories, women still make up less than 1% of the 2100 positions that were contested. >> this is history. southwest airlines is inspecting one of its planes this morning after an emergency landing. flight 987 left austin for harlggen, texas. it left san diego 32 minutes into the flight. the wing was photographed and inspected once the flight touched down. 109 passengers and five crew
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members were on board and no one was hurt. you have seen legend ronda rousey is moving forward and proving she is a woman of her word. she kept her promise to attend the marine corps ball. this is her first public appearance since her first career knockout to holly holm a month ago. on instagram she thanked her dated, lance corporal jared haschert. he invited her in august and it became an online sensation. >> you are a my celebrity crush. i think you're a phenomenal person which is why it would be my honor to take you to the marine corps ball on december 11th. >> the ufc will likely hold a rusie-holm rematch in july. >> she could have said i can't make it, not feeling it. but she kept her word.
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>> bravo to him for asking her. you're my celebrity crush. i love everything you do. >> will you go to the prom with me? >> yes, i would! >> you make me feel, you make me feel. hundreds of newborns could have been exposed to a potentially deadly disease. very serious story ahead. we'll look at the,, take a look at this. it's beautiful. their is san francisco from the estuary in oakland. the sky is blue. the air is clean after yesterday's cold front that whipped through the area. but it left cold air. it's freezing in napa. it's freezing in fairfield. 33 in livermore. later today, everybody with partly cloudy skies reach highs under 60 degrees. a bit breezy northwest winds, 10, 20 miles an hour. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by this morning's "eye opener"
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at 8:00 i >> announcer: this word's "eye opener at 8" is sponsored by progressive. making it easy to bundle your home and car insurance. oscar winning actress jane fonda looks at her life on screen in a note to her older self. >> z i read this, i'm about to turn 78. though i know you'll find this hard to believe, this is the happiest i've ever been. >> can't wait to hear why. ahead, the troubled road she faced while growing up as a
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member of hollywood royalty. love that story. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. ♪ it's a highly thercontagious it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants.
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unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. i'm gellin' and zinfandellin'. and so is my new bride, helen mcmellin' i'm so happy my eyes are wellin' dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles are so soft they make your feet feel outrageously comfortable. i'm gellin you're so not gellin' dr. scholl's
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advil pain relievers are used by more households than any other leading brand. to treat their aches and pains more people reach for advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil.
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,,,,,, who helped make slea difference last yearose for thousands of local foster kids. thank you for helping foster kids. thank you for the school supplies. thank you for the new shoes. thank you, secret santa. and thank you for donating money. announcer: your generosity proves that while not everyone can be a foster parent, anyone can help a foster child. thank you. thank you. gracias por su ayuda. [baby coos] thank you.
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♪ ♪ this morning a cifor this morning a california hospital is tracking down hundreds of people who may have been exposed to tuberculosis. the possible exposure affects more than a thousand people. it includes 350 newborns. a nurseali at santa collar rah hospital tested positive. dr. david agus is in los angeles with more on what makes this infection so dangerous. good morning to you. how serious a threat is it? >> it's serious. at the turn of the last century, tuberculosis was the number one killer in the united states. it's gone down dramatically to about 9,000 cases a year in united states. in newborns it can be fatal. newborns need to be treated. they'll be treated with a
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six-month course of isoniazid. adults have to wait until they either show a positive test or are symptomatic and then they'll be treated. >> are there special concerns for the babies this. >> no question about it. when tuberculosis hits a child, it can spread throughout the body. they'll go on the medicine. the medicine has clear side effects that could affect the liver and the nerves. it was felt the benefit was greater than the risk in this case. >> the hospital knew about this in mid november, that the nurse had tested positive for tb. >> that's the really sad part, at least to me. she tested negative in september. then went to her doctor, the nurse, did a chest x-ray and found it. in november they knew the hospital. it took them a month to put together a game plan of identifying the kids and the parents who were affected as well as other hospital workers and also how to notify them in
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figuring out what to do. to me a month is too long. when you know, you've got to talk. >> how can it be prevented, david? >> we can prevent it by isolating the individuals. turn of the century they built specific tuberculosis hospitals and put patients in them. but we have to get better as a country, as a world, at identifying this. right now we can culture it, but it takes several months. there are skin tests and other things. but we need immediate tests for this disorder so as soon as somebody has it, we can make sure they don't spread it and we can treat it. the science hasn't caught up yet with what we're doing. >> david, turning to something less serious, steve jobs influenced you greatly as your friend and got you to wear a black sweater all the time. why are you wearing red and what would steve think? >> he would approve, david. >> steve would roll over. this is gayle king's influence on me, is celebrate the holidays, do something positive
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here. >> you look nice. you knew we wouldn't let this moment go. i was waiting until the end to get there. you look good in red, david agus. >> thank you, guys. >> i like the black, david. >> thank you, char lee. >> you look good. >> there's a purple one coming in the mail. thanks, dr. david agus. a pilot shortage threatens to affect the airline industry. we'll take you where they're trying to inspire new careers in the cockpit. we've got that next on "cbs this morning." the challenges facing so neither does the u.s. army.
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we train. adapt. and get smarter. every soldier. every unit. every day. not to keep up with change; but to drive it. nobody knows what problems tomorrow will bring. but we do know who will solve them. wfrom your cold & flu. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold & flu symptoms... you can give them everything you've got. tylenol® with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa,
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there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy.
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♪ no rain and heat could not stop mail carriers from completing their appointed rounds. this mailman is harassed by the birds every day and carries a long pole with him. i think they like his legs and they think i want a chunk of those, it's good meat! >> a little bite here and there won't hurt. >> he is very calm about it. >> he is happy to get in that vehicle. >> very calm about it. >> i'm surprised they didn't make a disappearance around november, the end of november. >> yeah. >> happy thanksgiving. >> a little whack with the pole? just kidding.
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>> don't want any e-mails. all right. >> yes. >> okay. all right. this morning, this regional airlines are struggling to find pilots due to the high cost of flight school. jetblue has a unique plan to address that issue. they are recruiting students with little or no experience and then them how to fly. air shows are another way to encourage aviation careers. the jetblue team is on its first american tour and john blackstone went on board to learn how to become a young pilot. >> reporter: i'll come with you. lifting off in formation, my life was in the hands of pilot gaston march and. >> i had my coffee this morning and i'm perfect. >> flying up to speeds of 565 miles per hour and at times, just ten feet apart.
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the seven powerful l-29 albatross jets are a blend of aesthetics and performance and precision. marchand is a former air force pilot who has flown for the team for 12 years. >> i began flying gliders when i was is15 years old. >> reporter: air shows inspired you? to fly? >> yeah. >> reporter: with their brand prominently displayed, the company is spreading the word about its watches but the president of usa says another mission here. you also want them to discover aviation? >> that's actually probably our number one goal. and when you see these pilots flying those planes at air shows all around the country, you inspire people. >> reporter: that inspiration could prove critical. some in the aviation industry are predicting a pilot shortage in america within the next ten years. so recruiting young people to the profession has become paramount. >> we like the aviation to
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flourish and like it to be a little more popular. >> reporter: it's estimated 21,000 pilots will be turning 65 and face mandatory retirement from the four major airlines. those jobs are often filled by military flyers or younger regional pilots moving up. but these days, fewer people are pursuing careers in the cockpit. in part, because of the increasing cost of education and flight time. an investment of up to 200,000 dollars to qualify to become a commercial pilot. cbs news aviation and safety expert captain sully sullenberger says what is really needed is raising pilot wages at regional airlines. >> it really doesn't make sense for entry-level jobs in aviation to pay sometimes less than $20,000 a year or just over $20,000 a year. . when it requires a lot of training, the major airlines must bear some responsibility for this current situation. >> reporter: but at air shows, the challenges of the aviation industry get lost in the clouds.
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what is on display here is the joy of flight. thomas yonky, 17 and his 14-year-old sister, have their heart set on becoming pilots. is this any part of what made you want to fly? >> yes. >> yes. seeing them maybe one day, that could be me up there. >> reporter: and for one show at least, i am part of the breiling jet team and surviving tight loops and discovering that pulling 4 for 5 gs causes a flood in your head to rush south! >> we are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things. >> reporter: hoping those extraordinary things make someone else want to reach for the sky. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, above ventura, california. >> very cool, indeed. we need more great pilots. >> always ready to go. i like to watch it. >> amy cuddy is of
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good monday morning, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening at this hour -- the latest storm dumping about two feet of snow up in the sierra, tahoe, truckee area. chains are required on interstate 80 from sisco grove into truckee. if you are on 50 between twin bridges and myers in the southshore. today is expected to be the u.s. postal services's busiest day of the year. millions of people are shipping out packages. and in the next half-hour on cbs this morning, oscar and golden globe winner jane fonda reflects on her story career and life. that's after weather and
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traffic after the break. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back. let's jump to the peninsula. show you a map as you work your way northbound 101. a lot of brake lights. slow and go speeds. under 25 miles per hour on that north and southbound side. keep that in mind if you are traveling out of the south bay along the peninsula if you are have an early flight to catch at sfo, you might see delays. bay bridge, metering lights remain on. there's some relief. we're seeing your drive times getting better. 43 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. that will save you about 15
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minutes this morning. northbound 880 heads up, stop- and-go conditions 238 to the maze. a 43-minute ride there along the nimitz. southbound at winton, the accident cleared. but almost half an hour to work your way across the 92 bridge, the san mateo bridge between 880 and 101. take a good look at this. this is coit tower. this is where you and i are gonna run the stairs today. nothing but blue skies. it's a cold start. the temperature dipped down to the freezing point in livermore. it's now 33. low 40s san jose and santa rosa. later today, you will notice a few increasing cloud and increasing winds out of the northwest, 10, 20. temperatures right now, 30s and 40s climbing to highs under 60 degrees. if looks like we have a slight outside chance of a shower. sunny and bright tuesday, wednesday, another chance of rain thursday. rain is more likely on saturday. ,,,,
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(vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ drum roll! yea! >> oh, my gosh! he made it! winner! >> and it went in! that is a quick way to make a buck or $20,000. shane mckenzie from stillwater, oklahoma. he made this half-court shot during halftime. first time someone has made that 20,000 dollar shot. >> you wonder how many times he practiced that shot. >> he did the power pose. that is the power pose of victory. amy will be out here later. this half hour, ever wonder what drives top athletes to thrust their arms overhead in victory like that guy just did? harvard researcher amy cuddy
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says it's all about the body leading the mind. she's in our toyota green room and saying your iphone is ruining your posture and mood on your iphone! busted! >> oh. >> jane fonda writes a note to her younger self. find out what she learned ahead. "wall street journal" says more businesses are changing prices by the minute to respond to changing demands. this happens with airline prices so-called dynamic pricing is being used on everything from zoo tickets to tolls to ski resort tickets. economists say on average consumers pay more as a result. "the washington post" reports on what could be the largest hollywood movie ever. some say bigger than the oscars. three theaters are rolling out red carpets tonight for the world premiere of "star wars" "the force awakens." one of the theaters hosted the original premiere of "star wars"
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in 1977. "the force awakens" opens on friday. >> "usa today" reports on adele this morning announcing her tour dates for north america. y yea! it kicks off in st. paul, minnesota. six shows at madison square garden. adele's last tour was back in 2011. she was forced to cancel or postpone many of those dates because of illness. >> i think we have got a date lined up, guys! new york's daily news reports all i want for christmas is you is no longer the most played holiday song in stores. it's been replaced by this. ♪ ♪ i'm happy a wonderful christmastime ♪ >> shoppers are more likely to hear a cover of paul mccartney's "wonderful christmas times." mariah carey's holiday song is
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not the most played song. i don't know what it is but i love that song. >> i love it. >> i do too. do you have a favorite christmas carol? >> "all i want for christmas is you." >> an article in "the new york times" -- charlie, what is your favorite? you didn't tell us. >> i didn't. >> okay! >> an article in "the new york times" explores how smartphones are bad for our posture and our mood. amy cuddy argues that hunching over devices leads to physical and psychological problems. right now, "the times" most e-mailed story and her "ted talk" the most watched with nearly 30 million views. cuddy explains how posture can affect some of the basic and the biggest moments of our lives. >> the social scientists spent a lot of time looking at our body language on judgments. we make sweeping judgments and inferences from body language and those judgments can predicted really meaningful life outcomes who we fire or promote
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or ask out on a date. >> the harvard professor and researcher coined the term "power pose." and standing like wonderwoman two minutes before a big challenge can provide a surge of confidence. her new book is called "presence." bringing your boldest self to your biggest chagllenges. welcome. >> thank you. >> the body is like the mind's easy button. what we do with our body shapes what we do with our mind but we forget about that because we are stuck in our heads all the time. >> how does posture influence our behavior? >> posture makes us more assertive if we open up and expand and take up space because that is what we do when we feel paumpl and dominant. if we tell ourselves we feel that way it opens us to challenges and we approach instead of avoid. we perform our best. >> many people always say, amy,
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fake it until you make it. you say fake it until you become it. what is the difference between the two for you? >> i think fake it until you make is tricking other people into believing you're something you're not. fake until you become it means you fool yourself into being your best self. so you trick yourself into feeling confident enough to bring forward your best self. >> you give examples. before a big presentation, they go in the mirror and do and say what? >> a couple of things you can do. i would say expand. stand like wonderwoman and stands like a starfish and make yourself as big as you can in private! before you walk into these situations and that will basically optimize your brain to deal well in a really challenging situation. another thing that you can do, my colleague allison woodbrook has research showing this. instead of saying i'm anxious, you say i'm excited. you can't say i'm calm when you're already on a higher mode but you can tell yourself that you're excited. >> there is science and research behind this? >> yes, absolutely.
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>> you talk about, too, being imposters that many people will say i'm very successful and you say being accomplished doesn't take away the imposter story. you told a story you felt like an imposter. how? >> i felt like an imposter many times. i had a really serious head injury and i never wanted to be found out. and, you know, i was sure if i was, people would say, you know, we are taking these credentials away. my son said to me one day, you're the luckiest person in the world. i said why? because you get paid to do what you love doing. you study people and you try to make the world better. i thought when he said that, oh, no, i'm going to be found out, somebody will take this job away. this is too good to be true. >> you spend a lot of time in this book talking about the imposter syndrome. sheryl sandberg and others have written about it. the idea they are not supposed to be where they are. what is the basis of that? is it a lack of confidence? what sf? >> i think the basis is that we
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are in our heads with these doubts and we don't realize that other people are also in their heads with these doubts. so we look around at everybody else and we think they are fine and i'm not fine. so there is, obviously, something wrong here. i'm an imposter but they actually belong here. >> someday they will discover me? >> exactly right. >> let's talk about how you're sitting right now at this moment and what you thought about before you came out here. >> um. i thought about wanting to sort of open myself up. >> but you're sitting back and you're sitting back in the chair and your knees are here. >> i think -- i think legs crossed are fine. women cross their legs. i think that is fine. when women do this thing i call twisty legs where they also wrap their ankles, that is no good. i'm trying to keep my elbows on the arms of the chair because that keeps mimi instead of doing this, which is super powerless. this is super powerless. any time we wrap ourselves up and touching our face or necks.
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>> they are nervous. >> you see that happening you know somebody is feeling powerless or nervous. >> you talk about the gender differences. little kids and little boys and little girls just see men as more powerful. >> we did a series of studies with 4-year-olds and 6-year-olds and showed them pictures of dolls that were gender nurt aeu and in postured like this and like this. even by age 4, the kids thought these dolls were boys and these dolls were girls. by age 6, the effects was even stronger. so kids are learning those cultural stereotypes very, very early. >> i like your picture of the power pose. why is that a power pose? this is norah at her desk. why is that the power pose? >> it's so expansive. it's not a position you would normally adopt. if you look at pictures of president, they are often in that position in the oval office. they have got their feet on their desk and hands behind their heads. >> have you noticed the way donald trump speaks?
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it's always like this and gesturing like that. >> there is a lot of gesturing from donald trump and seems not super controlled so that takes away from the sort of -- >> you analyze the gestures of presidential candidates? >> oh, well. that's always a slippery slope. no one is ever happy when i do that. >> but talk about when you said something we were talking earlier, you said something, sometimes your presence is more important than what you say in a presentation. that is really interesting to think about. so if someone is giving a presentation or going for an interview, what are the things they should do? >> what you need to do is believe your story before you go in. the funny thing is that we might believe our story but we get to the door and filled with self-doubt and all of a sudden we no longer believe it and that comes through. no one else will believe your story if you don't believe your story. that is really the key. that is the manifestation of presence is going in and showing people who you actually are. even if it's awkward and kind of
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strange, who you are is better than something that seems scripted and choreographed that you don't believe. >> the name of your book is was? >> it's called "presence." >> so much good stuff in this book. >> thank you for having me. >> we appreciate it and "presence" goes on sale next tuesday, december 22nd. that is the power pose, charlie. jane fonda shares what it took to good monday morning. take a look at this. it's beautiful. we're looking out towards the sky line in san francisco from the estuary in oakland. the sky is blue, the air is clean after yesterday's cold front that whipped through the area. but it has left cold air. freezing in napa and fairfield. 33 in livermore. everybody with partly cloudy skies reach highs under 65 degrees. north-northwest wind at 10, 25 miles an hour.
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come on in pop pop. happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin more than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems.
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tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don't miss a day of brilinta.
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♪ how many years have we known each other, mick? >> jesus. for me, you're putting me on the spot. let me counseled. >> 53 years. how many films have we done together? >> nine. ten! >> eleven! so after 53 years of friendship and 11 films together, you don't think i'm going to start to [ bleep ] you now, do you? you of all people? >> no, i don't! >> this morning, jane fonda is up for her first golden globe in nearly 30 years thanks to her new role in the new movie. at age 77 she already owns seven gomed globes and two oscars honoring a career stretching from the silver screen to the stage and opens up about her life behind the scenes. here is jane fonda in our emmy
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nominated series "note to self." >> dear jane. what you don't realize now is that your life will be like a big circle, passing through many dark periods when you will see no future for yourself. when you won't know who you are and you won't feel that anyone will ever be able to love you. bright eright now, you want to be a boy. preferably a native american boy. living in the willerness and passing through it silently, invisibly, with stealth. ♪ >> you will be sexually molested at 7. just as your mother was as a child. when you're 12, your mother will commit suicide and the bravery and spunk of your earlier years will seem to fall by the way
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side. you'll come to feel you have to be perfect if you want to be loved, meaning sin and pretty and appealing and certainly not angry. you'll have to be a, quote/unquote, good girl to be loved. >> jane fonda, daughter of a famous actor. >> living in like this will lead you to various addictions that will dominate much of your life and energy. your parents are both self-involved. so you'll grow up not really knowing what love feels like. what will come to pass is that with a lot of work, you will realize that your parents did the best they could. you will learn to remember them with compassion and love and forgiveness, and become your own person. i think that maybe you and should have the kind of
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relationship that we are supposed to have. >> what kind of relationship is that? >> well, you know, like a -- like a father and a daughter. i wish i could explain to you that the painful things that will make your life challenging and get you in trouble are the very things that will ultimately make you strong and compassionate. ♪ >> your biggest strength will be that you won't shut down and become cynical. you'll become an activist. >> 1-2-3! we don't want you any more. >> i didn't go to north vietnam to talk over -- over the radio hanoi. i went there to see with my own eyes. if it was true the civilian targets were gone. you will discover that doing this will give your life a meaning you don't think is possible right now. we all need to participate! it will be the rap you pay for
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life. >> jane in your short career you've done theater and motion pictures. what do you find the most rewarding? >> well, i like the theater, the stage of my development. you're a late-bloomer, jane, so it won't happen quickly, but your ability to be honest with yourself and your desire to make sense of it all and to learn from your mistakes will permit you to blossom into life. close that door or i'll shoot! a woman with courage. i'm not asking him to lie. i'm not asking him to cover anything up, but he is going to tone it down or i'm going to fire him. imagination. you spineless chicken! >> and resilience. >> you look fabulous. a perfect -- >> getting mixed up with the last millennium, mick! as i read this, i'm about to
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turn 78 and though i know you'll find this hard to believe, this is the happiest i have ever been. it was all worth it. the good and the bad, so don't give up. i'm proud of you because you will never settle for less than you think you can attain. love, jane. >> love, jane. thank you, jane! what a great message to say that as you get older, life gets better and that you feel happier in her case. she talks about growing up not knowing what love feels and to finally feel she loves that. >> she learned the lessons well. >> she did. she did. very candid and very nice. >> beautifully done and beautifully produced. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." we will be right back. ,,,,
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we need to be ready for whatever weather may come our way. ,,,, my name's scott strenfel and i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california.
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who helped make slea difference last yearose for thousands of local foster kids. thank you for helping foster kids. thank you for the school supplies. thank you for the new shoes. thank you, secret santa. and thank you for donating money. announcer: your generosity proves that while not everyone can be a foster parent, anyone can help a foster child. thank you. thank you. gracias por su ayuda. [baby coos] thank you. ♪ our pose.
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>> yeah. that's right. >> you're right, norah. i like it. >> oh, my ,,,,,,,,,,
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[barks] are those... you there... stormtroopers! halt! turn here. go go! follow them! bb-8! beep, beep! this way! where'd they go? they went that way! that way, they went that way! i can't believe that worked! of course it worked!
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beep, beep, beep! ors are trying to good monday morning. here are some of the headlines -- i'm frank mallicoat. investigators are trying to determine if weather was a factor in a crash that killed a couple near the altamont pass. their two young children survived the crash. latest storm dumping 2 feet of snow in the tahoe truckee area. chains required from sisco grove to truckee and 50 between twin bridges and into myers. one of the smallest houses in san francisco is on the market. it's a microunit in north beach. 264 square feet. comes with a small kitchen and yes, it does have a bathroom with a price tag of 425,000. buy one, get one free. check it out. >> do they have walk-in closets? >> the whole thing is a closet [laughter]
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look at this. it's a pristine view looking out towards angel island, alcatraz. not a cloud in the sky but we'll become partly cloudy. it's so chilly out the door. livermore dropped down to 32. now rebounding to 33 degrees. it's 37 degrees in concord. it's freezing in napa and later today, numbers under 60 degrees everywhere. partly cloudy skies. winds pick up out of the northwest 10 to 20 miles per hour. gusty winds along the seashore and in local mountains there is an outside slight chance of a raindrop today all with the passage of yesterday's cold front. sunny and bright tuesday, wednesday, slight chance of showers in the north bay, thursday, otherwise. rain is likely on saturday. we do have gianna in the house with traffic up next. ok, we're here. here's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership?
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don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first payment on a new jetta and other select models.
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westbound 24 right at the caldecott tunnel. the number three lane is blocked. the left lane of the bore is blocked for a multi-vehicle accident with injuries. a lot of activity there on scene. again, a traffic alert is in effect. so expect that to be there for quite sometime. your delays are substantial. once you get past there, you get a bit of a break and it slows down as you head into the maze towards the bay bridge. metering lights remain on. nimitz freeway, a lot of brake lights between 238 and the maze.
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have a great day. ,, ,, ♪ (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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wayne: yes! whoo! - money! wayne: hey! jonathan: it's a trip to iceland. wayne: you've got the big deal of the day! - let's make a deal! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal". now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody. welcome to "let's make a deal," and to our first ever take your daughter to a game show day. yes. first ever, on this show or any other show. who brought their daughter? yay! let's make a deal right now. who wants to make a deal? let's see. in the front row with the glasses with the... yes, ma'am, you. yes.


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