tv Sunday Morning CBS December 20, 2015 6:00am-7:31am PST
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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning, i'm charles osgood this is "sunday morning." 'tis the season for carols and mistletoe and gifts under the tree, also season for the annual christmas challenge of making small talk at festive get togethers, let's talk is orison cover story reported by barry peterson. >> i had so much fun today.
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>> holiday season means plenty of parties. for making small talk be lead to merriment or a mine field. >> ? times people at holiday parties will ask questions of the host or hostess, did you make this or this was store bought? >> ouch. >> ouch is right. >> ahead on "sunday morning" some tips if the fine art of small talk. >> andrea bocelli is a singer with prodigious talents and huge following. kristen johnson has been hearing him before in venues large and small. >> maybe you've seen andrea bocelli in concert. ♪ >> i bet you've never seen him in concert at home until now. ♪
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>> i sing almost all the day. >> andrea bocelli close up. later on "sunday morning." >> by contrast rock the halls could be the slogan one very popular band this time of year. with ben tracy this morning we'll give it a listen. ♪ >> looking for some christmas music with a little more edge? >> the trans siberian orchestra has you covered. later on "sunday morning" how a heavy metal band became the hottest ticket of the holiday season. >> osgood: techno-claus is the alter ego of our friend david pogue he has a bagful of suggestions for last-minute giving. >> just all through the land, a
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scrambling for last minute gifts in hand. right before coming round of applause for annual visit from techno--claus. shoppers so stressed, on this sundae morn. >> mo rocca tells the story behind charles dickens' "a christmas carol." martha teichner tours a holiday light show we'll tell you about ground breaking musical getting ready for broadway and more. but first, headlines for this "sunday morning" 209th of december, 2015. democrats hoping to be president held their third debate in manchester, new hampshire, last night. there was a lot of talk about the issues. plus an apology from bernie
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sanders over a computer breach of hillary rodham clinton's voter database. >> i apologize. >> i very much appreciate that comment, bernie. it really is important that we go forward on this. >> i'm glad we settled that. many americans are resting up this morning after a big day of shopping on the last saturday before christmas. the retail frenzy is expected to make yesterday the busiest shopping day of the year. the force is strong with the new star worse movie. "the force awakens" already riding a wave of hype, nostalgia and positive reviews, expect to break box office records this weekend. people in buffalo, new york, are finally shoveling after an unseasonably warm start to the season. last december, the city was buried under nearly seven feet of powder in a single storm.
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heavy rain drenching the pacific northwest. wet from minnesota into texas. cool and sunny in the east. winter officially rice tomorrow but the warm weather means it won't be a white christmas for half the country. storms could make for tough sledding for folks heading home. >> never real conversation. >> osgood: few words about small talk. >> i'm roasting a christmas goose. >> 'tis the season for bobby flay.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> osgood: at a loss for words at that holiday gathering? let's talk. our cover story is record by barry petersen. >> cheers. >> they can be a cause for merriment. or a mine field. i'm barry. >> i'm nervous now. >> one thing for sure, holiday parties mean you'll be making small talk, a lot of it. and as we all know there's a thin line between fun, few ma. what questions do you not ask? >> let's start with this, where's your wife? >> why is that a bad question? >> what if she left him.
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took all the money. >> small talk is a big deal to debra fine. >> where's your next trip? >> the once shy child wrote "the fine art of small talk" of. her book is full of dos, like check the guest roster. look for someone standing alone who might be glad to chat. and like a good boy scout, come prepared with questions. like what? >> well, for instance, because this is a holiday party i would be prepared to ask you, what are some of your favorite traditions this time of year? what was the best present you ever got? or what's the best one you've ever given? >> and don't,like don't do all the talking. don't criticize. don't get personal like asking about a promotion someone maybe didn't get. or worse. >> i mean, sometimes people at holiday parties will ask questions of the host or hostest. did you make this or was this store bought? >> ouch. >> ouch is right.
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if you're going to -- no, it's true. >> there are some places where small talk ought to come just naturally, like sitting at the bar. so darren, what do you like about being a bartender? >> chatting with people. some place where not making small talk might seem kindy weird. like sitting in a barber chair. ryan, what do you like to do to relax? >> i like to play basketball. >> it's questionable trying this in an elevator because if people don't want to talk they can't get away. there are other pces where most of us actively avoid making small talk. like on a city bus or subway. we almost always choose isolation rather than conversation. >> where did you get it? >> i like your hat. >> what do you do for a living? >> university of chicago professor nick epley, who studies social cognition, wanted to know why, so he started asking people about their
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commutes. >> any time to have fun later? >> they predicted being the happiest in the sol dude condition where they just kept to themselves. they predicted being least happy in the connection condition when they engage in conversation with this person. their expectations were precisely wrong, backwards. >> they were happier actually talking to a stranger? >> they were happier engaging in a conversation with a stranger. >> he found that our lonely morning commutes are missed feel-good opportunities based on a key misconception about the other guy. >> as far as we can tell, the actual percentage of people who would be willing to talk to you closer to 100%. >> 100%? >> it cab be 100% exactly, of course. we never had anybody in our connection condition send us back questionnaire say that they tried to engage in conversation but the person wouldn't talk. >> he was so moved by his findings, he gave up his smartphone.
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you don't read your text? >> i carry a stupid phone that just makes calls. keeps me connected to folks who are right next to me. encourages more conversation that i might not have otherwise. fact is i don't miss a whole lot. when i'm not on the phone. >> ladies and gentlemen, barry petersen! >> when it comes to talk, the women of "the talk" julie chen, sharon osbourne, iota tyler, sarah gilbert and cheryl underwood are television's experts. their talk show about talking to guest after guest who are millions of viewers. >> whether you're doing television show or hosting dinner party or meeting someone for drinks. you want to make the other person feel cared for. if they feel cared for they are more comfortable. >> the key to making people cared for, you guys talk about the art of conversation. i wonder how much of the art are
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talking with people is the art of listening? >> everything. >> all of it. >> 100,000%. especially as talk show hosts we all know at this table the shorter our questions are, the more we can make the guest sitting in that very chair shine, the better we are at our job. >> a job that seems particularly hard these days. the art of conversation is dead. you said that, why? >> because i truly think that it's dying. and i think that especially with the younger generation because everything is on their phones. everything. it's a text or an e-mail. >> people say that you're killing the art of conversation because everything is like that. are you? >> i would say as a whole, maybe. just because i have encount r countered people my age that don't like to talk. >> riley dunn and her generation of cadets at the u.s. air force academy are relearning what some
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fear is fast becoming a lost art. >> what we've grown up in is e-mails, text, not anyways to face conversations, i think it is going to be struggle for us and generations after us. >> this formal dinner is actually a class. and along with learning which fork goes with which course, they are given cue cards to help conversations start. >> what does it say? >> ask the person sitting to your right where they are from. continue the conversation with others at your table. >> these are absolutely necessary skills to be leaders. >> not just -- the academy's director of social decorum who finds the texting generation is surprisingly hungry to talk face to face. >> they are craving this knowledge because they don't get to practice it on regular basis. >> this time of year when day-to-day life can include a
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holiday party is not about the topic, it's all about the approach. >> go back and forth have a real conversation. but it has to be real. >> so does your exit. the best strategy, just be honest. say, i need to meet a friend. or, i need to get some food. or simply, it's been nice talking to you. >> get out of the corn are and talk to somebody new. >> let's go find jake. >> this is the dining room. hosted various guests. >> osgood: next. search of ebenezer scrooge.
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this holiday season, get ready for homecomings. i see you brought a friend? i wanna see, i wanna see. longing. serendipity. what are the... chances. and good tidings to all. hang onto your antlers. it's the event you don't want to miss. it's the season of audi sales event. get up to a $2,500 bonus for highly qualified lessees on select audi models.
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frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection. >> osgood: 3/4o rocca takes us to london. >> this is where we start, where we have scrooge. >> new want to see london through the eyes of charles dickens tour guide richard jones is your man. >> foggy christmas eve, the doors and they're wheezing and rubbing their hands together, stomping their feet, desperate to keep warm. this is where it all begins.
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>> you're transporting me right now. >> any talk of dickens in december conjurors only one thing "a christmas carol." >> reading it to the household. >> a christmas carol, published as a novella in 1842 tells the story of ebenezer scrooge, a miserly and midst rabble old businessman who on christmas eve is haunted by three ghosts. >> believe me i'm not the man i was. >> ultimately deciding to mend his ways and spread cheer all around him. in an ending sweeter than a figgy pudding. but you already knew that. what you may not know is dickens' personal connection to the story. >> had dickens himself been poor? >> dickens in his childhood had faced great hardship. his father was riddled with debt
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trouble. >> the head curator of the charles dickens museum. >> at one point his father was thrown into jail for debt. he had to work in a factory to make money and support his family. >> price says the early experiences influenced much of dickens work. with "a christmas carol" he wanted to address serious social ill, is that plagued the poor in victorian england. >> he decided he was going to write a political pamphlet. however he wrote said i'm not going to do the pamphlet i'm going to put out something at christmastime and it's going to have 20 times the force. this is the drawing room. >> the museum is in the london house where dickens already established once lived with his family. did the family celebrate christmas in this room? >> yes. over the christmas period dickens would invite his family to come celebrate the season
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here in this house. >> the dickens own you'll tide tradition show up in the story would influence the way readers celebrated christmas. >> there are records that after reading "a christmas carol" they were going to buy a turkey make sure that that was part of their christmas meal. >> in the 172 years a christmas carol has never been out of print. it's been adapted into stage productions and to at least radio movie and television versions. it may surprise you which one our experts think is the most faithful. >> i think that you probably can't go wrong with "a muppets christmas carol." >> i think the muppets one if not the best version, it's certainly up there. ♪ >> christmas is not about you it's about other people.
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i think the muppets get to that version. ♪ >> for many it seems that a story of a christmas carol has become the meaning of christmas. >> it has for many people, it's an integral part of christmas and has been since it was written in 184. the interesting thing i often refer to it as being second most famous christmas story ever told. >> the first being, well, you know. >> it's like a christmas present >> god bless us, everyone. >> osgood: ahead, 'tis the season for "the nutcracker."
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>> it's hands down the most popular ballet. >> why do you think that is? >> the element of escape and humanity. people see themselves in it and they are wonderfully entertained. i think actually in the world today it's more and more of a rare escape to have an experience like that. >> peter boal is artistic director at seattle's pacific northwest ballet. >> people don't want to lose that special moment in their lives and their family's lives. >> i'd been to countless nutcrackers in seattle over the years, but this year was different. this is obviously a hugely important part of the american ballet scene. is it something that someone can learn in an afternoon? >> only a very wise person. we're banking on that. >> i was given the role of a mouse for one night and one night only. a role normally played by this guy, real actually dancer, ezra thompson. >> there's not a specific name?
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>> he's number two. or we can call him cheddar. >> take me into cheddar's world like what is your motivation typically when you're dancing as mouse number two. >> to scare clara and to fight the little toy soldiers. >> six, two, three, four -- >> the ballet company does have something of tradition of allowing local celebrities, minor walk-on roles but i quickly realized i was out of my league. >> he's a natural. >> here we. my goal was simple. don't ruin this beloved holiday tradition. >> this is like rebirthing exercise is did in therapy once. in fact the nutcracker wasn't always so beloved. its its premiere in 1892 in st. peterburg, russia, got terrible reviews. >> i don't think people thought it had this huge future. people felt there wasn't enough dancing in it. but that wasn't milestone ballet
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which is ironic because it is the milestone ballet. >> it was almost show time, to calm my nerves of i turned to a group of dancers with much more experience than i had. >> give me your best mouse. it's like a lot of -- >> i wasn't paying attention. >> you're in trouble. >> finally, it was time for my big moment. >> you got this. ♪ then in the twinkle of a christmas tree light, it was all over and i was back stage again. >> that was the beginning and end of my ballet career i think. who knows if they will ask me back next year. some of my spins could have been a little better. anyway, isn't the beauty of the holidays the fact that whether you're trimming a tree, wrapping
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a present or dressing like a mouse in the nutcracker, it doesn't have to be perfect to be something special. >> osgood: still to come. ♪ music for the holidays from the transsiberian orchestra. ♪ then, andrea bocelli. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you.
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expecting a silent night. you've come to the wrong place. ♪ after all the motto of the trans-siberian orchestra is "fog it, light it, blow it up, just don't let it be boring." do you feel pressure every year to top yourself? to make this bigger and better than the year before? >> yes. >> songwriter and producer paul o'neill is the man behind this particular brand of christmas cheer. every holiday season the band performs one of his three christmas rock operas in a spectacle that aims for complete sensory over load. >> every special effect company,
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every lighting company, every pyro company knows if they come up with a great special effect that's insanely expensive, there's one band dumb enough to buy it, that's us. >> this year's show includes 6 full color laser, more than 1500 pyrotechnic effects, o'neal decks the halls with fireballs. >> i mean this in the nightest sense of the term, you are a bit of a pyromaniac. >> that's true. >> the trans-siberian orchestra or ts0 as it's known by fans was founded in 1996 when o'neal brought together members of the heavy metal band savatage. that band had released concept album about of all things, the bosnian war. it didn't sell. but it included a song called "christmas eve sarajevo."
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♪ it's an intense instrumental mash up of of "god rest ye merry gentleman" and "carol of the bells." rerecorded and released by the trans-siberian orchestra in 1996 it is now the second most downloaded christmas song of all time. >> this song made its way into mainstream and took over the world. it's the most incredible thing. to this day i hear it on the radio it still gives me chills. >> al pitrell six tso's musical director and lead guitar wrist. did you think you'd be the biggest band of christmas? >> oh, no, no. i was hoping years ago to have job for couple of years. >> they have lasted yearly two decades because tso has become a financial juggernaut. the band has sold more than 10 million albums and 10 million
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concert tickets, making them one of the top touring acts every year. there's so much demand, two road shows perform simultaneously during the holiday season to cover more ground. >> the christmas thing, it's also the hardest niche to break which is why most bands don't take on christmas until you have a lot of other success under your belt. you know, the entertainment industry, christmas is kind of like the holy grail. >> moving this massive show to 60 cities in six weeks is nothing short of a christmas miracle. it takes 40 semi trailers and 20 buses, plus an army of more than 500 people to assemble the lighting rigs and the stage. >> david, are you on radio? >> tour director elliott saltzman says working the holidays year after year has
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made this crew a family. >> i have spent more christmases and thanksgiving with my touring family than i have with my wife and my real family. and that's the case for most of these people. >> he says the show never gets old because it just keeps getting bigger. >> this year it's a pyramid that goes up into the air, rotates, spews flames. if you fog it, light it, blow it up, that's excitement. ♪ >> fans are intensely loyal and tso keeps ticket prices well below $15 0 to keep them coming back. when we met russ winters at the concert in san jose, california, he had seen the show the day before in sacramento. >> they had matinee and evening show. >> you saw both? >> saw both. >> you're here tonight. >> i'm here tonight. >> do you have a problem? >> i'm addicted tso. >> that kind of addiction can lead to this.
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fans use the band's songs as the sound track to some of the most elaborate synchronized christmas light displays across the country. from single homes to entire neighborhoods. but while the fans are fully on board with the over the top theatrics of the stage show, some critics think the trans-siberian orchestra is more of a train wreck. >> the show has been described as melodramatic, gratuitous showmanship and christmas ham. what do you think of that? >> you know, you take it with a grain of salt. let me put it this way. i'd much rather have, you know, the sold-out arenas and platinum albums than every critic saying this is a masterpiece. >> what's important to the trans-siberian orchestra is the audience.
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ceo 'tis the season for a visit from techno-claus. you may recall there's striking resemblance to our david pogue of yahoo! tech. >> 'tis i, jolly techno-claus. yes, i am here. just barely, those chimneys get tighter each year. this year once again i shall offer advice. on buying tech presents all modest in price. these days, music we love is on our phone. but man cannot dance to weak speakers alone. the audio plugged into your clocks or any old speaker and makes it a wireless hifi for your apps.
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only 5 bucks, get a couple perhaps. your schmancy new smart phones a magic machine at least until you drop it and shatter the screen. to wrap up your phone with a crash guard, a band that stays off disaster should your phone crash land. whenever i he do that, my heart skips a beat. but look, it's fine, even dropped from ten feet. now this time the present's not this in my lap, i threw you a curve, see, the gift is the wrap. there's five dozen bags in a package, and, hey, recruise them each year. you don't throw them away.
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saw recollect polaroid cameras, no doubt. you'd point and you'd shoot and the picture would couple out. well, look at who is back with a digital cam. you shoot, you wait 60 seconds and bam. the pictures are charming, they're stickers as well. and this card saves the pix for your mac or your dell. you've heard of a selfie stick? sort of a fad. it let's your phone capture yourself, see, not bad. but this one's got talent. it's long or it's short and the handle's a tripod for added support. ♪ ♪ it fixes your pitch and adds
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harmony, too ♪ feel free to change settings ♪ it has quite a few ♪ on youtube, you'll find every possible tune ♪ then cancel your meetings the whole afternoon ♪ so dat's what i got for suggestions this year. i wish you long battery life and good cheer. but now i must tend to some reindeer affairs. you know what, forget it. i'm takin' the stairs. >> osgood: coming up. we're just wild about harry.
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we'll be following its progress every step of the way. muir rees dubois will be our guide. ♪ >> curtain going up on something new that's something old. >> here weom heree come! >> a broadway show celebrating what it means to make it to the top. >> we are finally here. in a theater, on broadway! >> here we come. >> for months now the cast of "shuffle along" has been hard at work perfecting a show th was the talk of the town nearly 100 years ago. >> on stage revolution in song and dance. >> this new version, opening next year, is a re-imagining of one of the earliest hit musical comedies starring, written and directed by african americans. tony award winning director
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george c. wolfe. >> then history stepped in, thank you, maybe we'll remember you, maybe we won't. >> in fact, history did not remember "shuffle along." but the legendary josephine baker launched her career with the 1921 show which also featured a young baritone named paul robeson. and a score by the team of eubie blake and noble sissle including hits like "i'm just wild about harry." >> it was important for you to do this show, right? >> yes. this is a part of my history. and i didn't know it. >> that's just one of the reasons six-time tony winner audra mcdonald joined the cast well before wolfe had even finished the script. shuffle along will be his 18th broadway show. and he says, it doesn't get any easier. >> musicals are hateful.
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they're horrible, horrible to work on because they're just hard. >> particularly hard because wolfe is actually telling two stories. >> i got to fit all those words in that phrase. >> there's the original plot about a less than honest mayoral election in a place called jimtown, usa. and wolfe is also telling the behind the scenes story of the real life actors and writers whose lives changed because of the musical's success. >> ♪ swing along, children, swing along the lane ♪ >> in the months of workshops and rehearsalsring up, wolfe and company have learned what works and what doesn't. actor brian stokes mitchell. >> i actually threw some tap shoes on, my timing was very awful. but it came back after awhile. >> mitchell won a tony award in 2000 for "kiss me kate" and r as
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did cast mate billy porter in 2013 for "kinky boots." porter says choreography safe i don't know glover has haded hurdles they haven't faced before. >> i learned how to tap traditionally, you know, i can say, i learned how to tap from the white folk. i was at a ballet bar. it was very technical. now, it's like learning a whole other language. >> police officer, who is considered the world's greatest tap dancer makes it look easy. but audra mcdonald says it's not. >> i have not tap danced over a decade. >> watching the rehearsals, i'm seeing energy. i'm seeing intensity. i'm also seeing certain actors trying to keep up. with a certain dancer out front. >> absolutely. i'm sure one of the actors trying to keep up is me. because safe i don't know doesn't necessarily say, this is
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left flap ball change shuffle. he says, i do it. and then he goes -- and it's just calling and response with him. that's how he teaches. >> glover says he thinks the cast is up for the challenge. >> i'll say like, oh, i can simplify that for you. they say, no, give me the harder one. i want to learn that. that makes me feel great. >> glover and wolfe go back a long way. >> we got some new folks. >> hello. i'm safe i don't know glover. >> 23 years ago wolfe directed a teenaged glover in his musical "jelly's last jam." in 1996, police officer won tony for choreographing "bring in da noise, bring in da funk" another wolfe show. now 42 glover says he's not just older he's wiser. >> in our early years of working together, i was there, i was
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present. but the need to wanna learn more wasn't there. versus this time, i'm learning as we're working. >> yet again, i am right. record this moment. of so many moments where i am right. >> despite the long days, hard work and high stakes, wolfe often takes time out to be a mentor and friend. >> never rush through failure. walk. >> he wants his actors to connect with the characters they portray. >> anything? anything you noticed? >> they have secrets. everybody in the cast they have secrets. we all have secrets having lived on the planet. we know things about love and loss and our parents and our children and our dogs and what really matters and what doesn't matter. if you can create the correct environment, everybody brings all of that. >> so far it seems to be working.
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"shuffle along's" journey to broadway is well underway. official rehearsals begin next month. >> let's go. one more time. lovely. >> in 1921, "shuffle along" proved white audiences would line up for a black show. nearly a century later, billy porter says the people who created the musical have given him a role and then some. >> it is such an honor and such a gift to be able to actually exist inside of your dreams. this is actually the dream. i have living the dream. it's extraordinary. it really is. ♪ >> good, good, good. clearer, clearer. better. good. >> osgood: coming up.
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>> osgood: gift giving is an important part of the holidays it's hard to image in a more self goes gift than the one steve hartman has found. >> by any logical standard, last spring 28-year-old eugene yoon made the raisiest decision of his life. >> i remember just looking up at the sky and being like, god, are you sure about this? because i'm pretty happy. >> did it feel like that, like a calling? >> it felt like a calling. but i tried to reject it for about two months because it was just too outlandish. >> what eugene felt called to do was one really big random act of kindness. he didn't know who he was supposed to help or how all he knew was that he had to help someone and it had to be life
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altering. and that's when a video came across a facebook page. it was a video of guy he never met named arthur renowitzky, a paraplegic ever in a t-shirt, after being mugged, shot, paralyzed arthur vowed that he would walk again some day. when eugene heard about that, he called arthur immediately. >> he wasn't go to give up until i was you can walking again. >> to walk again? >> to walk again. >> you don't have medical degree? >> i'm a soldier. >> which makes you -- how were you going to make him walk again? >> this is the part i had no idea at the time. >> eventually, though, he learned about this exo skeleton device that can help some people walk again. unfortunately it costs about $80,000. so, to pay for it, eugene quit his job at a research company in northern california to hike from
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the california/mexico border to canada. along the way he posted videos of the adventure asked people to donate on social media until round about mid washington state. >> we did it! >> when eugene learned that he had reached his fundraising goal. >> you're going to walk! >> again, all this, to help a total stranger. >> yes! >> to quit his job, to go into debt from doing this. to help me get back on my feet. you don't meet people like that every day. >> eugene yoon felt called to make a difference in someone's life. but when he heeded that call, he had no idea what a difference he'd make. until proof rounded the corner. this is the first time eugene got to see arthur walk. >> oh, my, god. i'm so happy. >> thank you, brother. >> i call him my brother now. we are brothers. i'm just very thankful to have a
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among them. ♪ >> just take a moment and listen to that voice. ♪ bravo. my he gosh, do you know how many people would love to be standing right here? whether he is performing in his miami home or to a sold out arena anywhere in the world, andrea bocelli seems at home on stage. but don't let that fool you. do you really have stage fright? >> it's true.
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>> really? i suffer very, very much for a long time. >> hard to believe considering he's performed for presidents, popes and the british royal family. >> the heart that beats very quickly. the hands sweaty. >> really? >> yeah. >> is that -- and cold. >> some artists look for reassurance in the faces of their fans. but bocelli, who lost his sight at the age of 12, relies on something less tangible. >> when you hear the applause, the love from the people. you think, wow, i have to -- really they -- they are here for me. and i have to do my best. and this is a big
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responsibility. ♪ >> the italian tenor, now 57, has sold more than 85 million albums worldwide. his christmas album alone topped five million sold. ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas ♪ >> when you go to church on christmas day, do you feel as though people just get really quiet around you so that they can hear you swing? >> i sing with everybody in choir.
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hard to blend win a voice like that. add in his movie star looks and trademark charisma, he knows exactly what to say to make a reporter feel welcome. >> not all are so nice and beautiful like you are. >> oh, you are a charmer. everything they say about you is true. >> i say always the truth. >> are you comfortable after all these years being a sex symbol with all of these women in your audience? >> it has been a joke -- anyway, i think that every man would be very happy to be a sex symbol, of course. >> it's not a joke. >> this is not a joke. ♪ >> what's not a joke, bocelli's music.
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he's known not just for how he sings, but what he chooses to sing. he's done duets with artists from luciano pavarotti to 22-year-old pop star ariana grande, who is featured on his latest album. ♪ >> now, do you like to collaborate? you seem to collaborate quite a bit. >> absolutely, yes. i like to share the stage and also recording to share the microphone with great other singers. because there is always something to learn. something to improve. you finish richer than before. >> his new release, appropriately title neighborhood cinema" features music you may remember from the movies.
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♪ i'm in heaven >> many of memories of -- when i was a child. >> born in tuscany, bocelli fell in love with opera at an early age. he studied law at his father's urging, but sang whenever he could. a record executive discovered him when he was already in his 30s. ♪ did you ever dream of this success? >> no. the reality, was over my dreams. it's my life.
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i consider my life and very lucky life. >> a lucky life indeed. three children and a wife who is also his manager. do you think when you're at home? >> yes, of course i sing. almost all the day. >> and do your kids ever say, dad, enough with the singing. >> no, they are kind. some time they say, daddy, i think you -- you are tired. very kind way to say, stop, because it's enough for us. ♪ >> his fans, though, never seem to get enough. the sound of his voice leaves them smiling, even when it makes them cry.
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there have been many tears shed when people hear you sing. can you sense that when you're performing? >> there is always a very -- a very secret link between the artist and the audience. it's something magic, you know. it's beautiful. [ cheering and applause ] >> osgood: ahead, keeping it light. when your cold is this bad... need new theraflu expressmax.
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through what looked like glowing jello cubes. what if, each letting go were a wish. you pick a color to wish on and up it goes. >> now. >> ah. >> what if, this is the question designer david rockwell asks, whenever he undertakes a project. whether it's the jetblue terminal at new york's jfk airport. or a bunch of hit broadway shows. and now, a new holiday extravaganza intended to bring joy and light to a lower manhattan location not so long ago touched by darkness and sorrow. >> it's a kind of hopeful, wonderful, optimistic, you can r unexpected chance for people to be amazed. >> i like the color.
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it's like a happy color. >> i love when it turns blue. >> amazing, it's beautiful. i don't know, peaceful. elegant. >> rockwell's magic lights fill the winter garden, a huge vaulted space in the development called brookfield place, directly across the street from the new 104-story world trade center tower. its lights twinkling out at last from the place where the twin towers stood until 9/11. >> i was at the gym. working out on a treadmill and saw the first plane hit. and i took off running for home, made sure the family was okay. >> in the rebuilding of downtown new york, around the site of the world trade center, did you feel a need for light some the. >> i suppose i did. >> he recalled, the tribute in
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light, those two symbolic ghost beams. rockwell thought about other displays of light he had seen. this festival in thailand and the candles in paper bags called luminaire i can't, which gave the project its name. luminaries. >> how light would create a motion, really fascinated me. >> the intention is that luminaries will return to brookfield place annually and become an important, permanent addition to new york city's holiday dazzle. a destination where nobody ever says, look, but don't touch. >> one do you like it? >> yeah.
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>> osgood: next, a piano like none other. , and this has been denied to many south africans for generations. this is an opportunity to right that wrong. the idea was to bring capital into the affordable housing space in south africa, with a fund that offers families of modest income safe and good accommodation. citi got involved very early on and showed an enormous commitment. and that gave other investors confidence. citi's really unique, because they bring deep understanding of what's happening in africa. i really believe we only live once, and so you need to take an idea that you have and go for it. you have the opportunity to say, "i've been part of the creation of over 27,000 units of housing," and to replicate this across the entire african continent.
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campbell's. made for real, real life. ♪ >> >> osgood: from vladimir horowitz to harry connick, junior, most of the world's best known pianists wouldn't dream of playing anything but a steinway. this year's steinway and sons founded in 185 unveiled their 600,000 piano. it's for sale, if you're interested, and happen to have couple of million dollars on hand. the company isn't just playing the same old tune. they recently rolled out a player piano. steinway artist and concert pianist jenny lin gave us a demonstration. the piano is controlled by the touch of an app. it's a 21st century update of
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piano they have been making here at this new york city factory since 1871. the piano frames are still glued by hand and shaped by original 19th century molds. the instruments are hand carved and hand strung, much as they were when steinway and sons first opened its doors. a carpenter by trade and a self-taught piano maker heinrich engelhard steinweg moved to new york in 18 50 changing the family name is more english sounding steinway, he and his three sons started producing hundreds of pianos. the company hit a high note in 1866 when opened european style concert hall in manhattan, which quickly became the cultural center and place to showcase steinway pianos. after winning accolades all over the world for their
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craftsmanship and engineering, everyone, it seems, wanted to get his hands on a steinway. this american made product was among the first to make an impact on the old world elite and in 1808, steinway and sons opened a factorially in hamburg, germany, which still is operational today. steinway hall closed in 1891 only to reopen in a new location in 1925, which time as a show room and meeting place. it is here that sergei rachmaninoff gave vladimir horowitz some pointers on how to play his great third connoro. now, steinway is heading into the 21st century with a brand new show room opening this winter, the latest chapter for this store read american instrument.
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doers built this country. the dams and the railroads. ♪john henry was a steel drivin' man♪ hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. and all this doin' takes energy -no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do... to keep us all doin' what we do. toto the nation's capitalut to support an important cause that can change the way you live for years to come. how can you help? by giving a little more, to yourself. i am running for my future. people sometimes forget to help themselves. the cause is retirement, and today thousands of people came to race for retirement and pledge to save an additional one percent of their income. if we all do that we can all win. prudential bring your challenges®
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>> osgood: this christmas our friend chef bobby flay admits he may have bitten off a bit more than he can chew. >> what to cook for christmas dinner has always been a quantity for me. a handful of weeks after the most perfect culinary holiday we celebrate, thanksgiving. but that was weeks ago and now it's time to get your christmas dinner on. unlike thanksgiving, my christmas menu seems to change every year or so. there's my dad's favorite, rack of lamb. a perfectly good choice but my mom thinks lamb is too gamey,
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surry dad. one of my favorites is a prime rib of beef. season it with lots of salt and pepper, some fresh cloves of garlic, kick it into the oven and few hours later, dinner is served. but this year i had an epiphany. i'm going old school. i'm going to fire up a christmas tradition that i always passed over. i'm taking inspiration from charles dickens. >> get the goose. >> the goose! >> i'm roasting a christmas goose. when the idea hit me it sounded so festive, so retro-in the hippest way, so, well, christmasy. full disclosure somehow in my 34 years as professional cook i have never attempted it. how hard could it be? it was time for ades test drive. my first attempt was awful. i problemmed the skin with a fork, seasoned the goose well with salt and pepper rubbed with it lemon and garlic let it roast on medium high heat. the result was a glorious amount of rendered goose fat in the
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bottom of the pan. great foresaw taking. but my goose was as previously advertise, fatty and tough. it was epic fail. so, i turned to my mentor pioneering chef jonathan waxman for his secret. >> bobby, you just have to get a good goose, that's it. >> perfect roast goose became my obsession. i consulted with martha, gordon, wolfgang and emeril on the internet, of course. to see if their recipes could help. still my results were, let's just say, not great. not one for giving up i called for one last goose. i preheated the oven to perfect goose roasting temperature, 375. perforated the skin with with the utmost precision, seasoned the bird with a slew of flavorful herbs and rested it on the rack, ready for action. here is hoping. a couple of hours later, the bird was on the table. i began to carve it.
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the aroma was amazing. i felt a tom-brady eye like touchdown celebration was a moment away. i called over my most trusted person. each took forkful of the luscious meat and golden skin with the timing of olympic synchronized swimmers they simultaneously walked away with hire heads held low and their jaws working harder than the pistons in a car. game over. it was only one thing left to do. turkey anyone? merry christmas. >> osgood: chef bobby flay who offers some successful recipes for christmas dinner on our sunday morning website. and now to john dickerson in washington for a look at what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning, john. >> dickerson: good morning, charles. we spent some time on the campaign trail, we caught up
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with marco rubio in iowa then flew over to new hampshire talked to former florida governor jeb bush. we'll also have some brand new poll numbers from our battleground tracker. >> osgood: thank you, john, we'll be watching. next week here on "sunday morning." time to say hail and farewell. ooh! hey buddy, what's up? this is what it can be like to have shingles. oh, man. a painful, blistering rash. i keep thinking how did he get this, he's in such good shape. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. your immune system weakens as you get older and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check.
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after almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. you know, i'm not feeling it today. don't worry about it buddy. we'll do it another day. don't wait until you or someone you care about develops shingles. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in, and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try? i try this if you try... not this. okay. da! ( ♪ ) just head around the corner to walgreens
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when you're searching for that perfect little something. walgreens has great gifts like toys, beauty gift sets, and photo gifts, and it's all just a hop, skip, and a bark away. right now, save 50% on the gift of the week. >> osgood: we leave you this sunday morning at hocking hills state park in south central ohio.
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i'm charles osgood. merry christmas and much joy to you and yours. please join us here again next week. until then i'll see you on the radio. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh ,,,,,,,,
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i'm phil matier. i'm mark kelly. there s a lot to it is 7:30 on this sunday morning. last sunday before christmas. thank you for joining us. traffic around the bay area is getting worse. you are not imagining it. >> there are more proposals from ramping up mass transit to increasing tolls.>> we will sit down with scott haggerty, if he can make it here on time. it is football sunday and a lot of fans will be watching the game. it could mean
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