tv CBS Overnight News CBS April 19, 2016 3:12am-4:01am PDT
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major national security interest of the united states. and -- my understanding is that he is about to complete that process. >> but the point is, it has been a long time. a long time? >> that i will acknowledge. and hopefully that this process will come to a head fairly soon. >> what about this legislation in the congress that will allow families to sue the saudi government? and other government in different circumstances? >> exactly. i am opposed because of the second clause in your sentence. this is not just a bilateral, u.s./saudi issue. this is a matter of how generally the united states approaches our interactions with other countries. if we open up the possibility fee that -- that individuals in
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the united states can routinely start suing other governments, then we are also opening up the united states to being continually sued by individuals in other countries. >> you can see charlie's interview including the president's relationship with vladamir putin tomorrow morning on "cbs this morning." then later, on "the charlie rose show" tomorrow evening on pbs. now to the race to replace president obama on the eve of the new york primary, our latest cbs news battleground tracker shows, former new york senator hillary clinton with a 10-point lead over brooklyn-born bernie sanders. and new york businessman, donald trump, has more support than his competitors combined. nancy cordes is covering the democarts. major garrett covering the republicans. nancy, bernie sanders needs an upset. he has come back from behind before? >> sure has. 10 points down in michigan last month ended up beating hillary clinton there. but hillary clinton was not a
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former senator from michigan. she is definitely got the home field advantage here. out campaigning with both of the state senators today. she was with new york city's mayor over the weekend. governor cuomo is a vocal supporter. what bernie sanders is hoping is that new yorkers will see footage of the huge rallies he is doing. 25,000 just yesterday in brooklyn, say, "gosh those people must be on to something." >> clinton's campaign style has been very different. >> much more retail politician. hit a car wash today. went and drank tea, stopped for ice cream. much more in favor of one-on-one. make for great pictures too. we'll find out tomorrow if people like that personal approach. >> major, what would a mean win for trump in new york? >> reset the narrative. regain momentum. what's the narrative been, losing delegates here and to ted cruz, arguing with the rnc about rules and not winning. trump is going to win tomorrow night. the magnitude of the victory will say a lot of about the direction of his campaign. 95 delegates up for grabs.
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if he is over the 90 threshold. a big night. keeps alive his hope to win this nomination outright before the july convention. >> what's next for trump? >> a springboard to april 26th. primaries in pennsylvania, maryland, delaware, rhode island, all lay well for trump. 1 172. decided by the case of pennsylvania. all great for trump leading out of the month of april. may, much more difficult. indiana, nebraska, washington, oregon. they do not set up well for trump. belt better cruz territory. focused on june 7, final primaries. may could be crucial for trump whether he wins the nomination outright or falls just short. >> major garrett, nancy cordes, working the long hours on the campaign. we are grateful for you. >> ahead, the rebuilding of baltimore from the groundup after a tragic death. and a boston bombing survivor takes giant strides towards reclaiming her life.
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of opportunity. here's jeff pegues. >> it is just incredible to see this. >> reporter: to see what? >> large scale demolition. i've never seen it before. >> reporter: she has been fighting seven years for this. we first met her in 2013, taking pictures of baumt more's 16,000 abandoned buildings. and posting them online to publicly shame owners. these two blocks in the heart of west baltimore sandtown-winchester neighborhood are the first to go. ott worries about the people who live here. >> i want their voices to be the voices that are heard. >> reporter: you don't think that's happening? >> well, look around. it hasn't happened probably in 40 years. >> let's ask those people. >> reporter: 45-year-old ray kelly has lived here all his life. >> we keep saying this is
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progress. but nobody is asking where are we putting all these people that -- that lived in this community. >> reporter: 20% of the people here are unemployed and a third live in poverty. this neighborhood is also where freddie gray lived. after his death, while in police custody, rioting and looting further destroyed it. >> this wasn't a five-year crime spree that started this right here. this is -- 34 years of just saying to hell with that community. >> reporter: baltimore mayor stephanie rollings blake says the demolition will cost 94,000. the plan is to build town homes in green spaces. when you see numerous vacant homes in a row what that suggests is neglect and a city going in the wrong direction. kelly is more concerned about the people than the buildings. you think this drives them out. >> this moves them out. this is not solving the problem. this is moving the problem.
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but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu linked the attack to a wave of palestinian street violence. the pulitzer prizes were announced to day, bet you $10 you can bet which play won for best drama, the hip-hop musical hamilton about the first secretary of the treasury. alexander hamilton is having the time of his death. the subject of the hottest show on broadway and cbs news has learned that the current treasury secretary is expected to announce soon that he has decided to keep hamilton's picture on the $10 bill. in boston, it is marathon day. and there were thousand of winners. ethiopians lemi hayle. and atsede baysa took first in the men's and women's. patrick downs crossed under 6:00 and fell into the arms of his wife jessica. downs lost a leg in the marathon bombings three years ago.
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three years after the tragedy at the boston marathon, we end tonight with a story of triumph at today's race. a spectator who lost part of her leg in the bombing ran today. and norah o'donnell has her story. >> reporter: 35-year-old adrienne haslet started the race pumped up and full of determination. each stride is a victory. how important is that to prove that you can do the impossible? >> it's very important. my friends and family will fell you i am very stubborn. i will too. but it is important to me to
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prove i can for myself but also to inspire others. >> reporter: you can tell she is feeling strong and proud. >> reporter: that can-do attitude got her into the race today. three years ago, haslet was a spectator. she had been watching the runners moments before the bombs went off. where were you when the blast occurred? >> so i had taken a right on to boylston street and the finish line was behind me. and i heard a loud blast behind me. and, the next thing i knew i was on the ground. haslet a professional dancer was badly injured. her lower left leg had to be amputated. she faced a difficult recovery. learning to walk with a prosthetic. ♪ ring my bell >> reporter: defying predictions she would never dance again. she has tried to reclaim her life. are you still angry? >> yeah, i am.
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i will always hold that. and i try and use that anger and pound it out on the pavement or on the dance floor. i have learned that running really helps out with that. in a good way. >> reporter: i like that you said my life is not going to be defined by what has happened to me. >> yeah, yeah, i want my life to be defined by how i live it. i say, you know, i am a survivor defined by how i live my life. not a victim defined by what happened in my life. >> reporter: at mile 15. haslet stopped for a tune up and posted the instagram photo to thank the pit crew. ten hours and counting haslet is on the move aiming for the finish line that will mark a milestone on the long road to recovery. norah o'donnell, cbs news, new york. that's the overnight news for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley.
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welcome to the "cbs overnight news," i'm jericka duncan. primary day in new york state, and the biggest delegate haul so far this campaign season is at stake. for the democrats, hillary clinton, and bernie sanders, claim to be new yorkers. sanders was born in brooklyn. clinton represented the state in the u.s. senate. for the republicans, you don't get more new york than donald trump. and he has got a 33-point lead over ted cruz, who is in a tight battle for second with john kasich. major investigate is covering the gop race. >> reporter: donald trump needs to reset his campaign. after a string of delegate losses to ted cruz, trump is well positioned to win most of the state's 95 delegates.
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that will not end trump's feud with the republican national committee, but it will give his unsettled campaign something it has been craving of late. a victory. >> i hope it doesn't involve violence. and i don't think it will. but i will say this, it is a rigged system, it is a crooked system. over the weekend donald trump mixed veiled threats of violence with his long running rant against gop rules. >> the republican national committee, they better get going. because i will tell you what, you are going to have a rough july at that convention. >> reporter: rnc chairman trying to prevent an open revolt from trump and his forces defended his party's rules. >> i'm talking to many media outlets as much as i can to set the record straight. i am not going to allow any one to rewrite the rules of our party. >> reporter: ted cruz continues to outmaneuver trump for delegates. in wyoming, cruz swept all 14
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available. in georgia, primary trump won and cruz came in third, cruz grabbed 32 of 42 delegates at gatherings across the state. prompting trump supporters in one meeting to walk out. taking the american flag with them. in a significant shift, trump says he knows the rules. but chooses to ignore them. in the name of reform. >> it would be easy. i will go, fly to wyoming. meet the chairman. within ten minutes he is my best friend. he would drop cruz in two second. okay. but i just don't want to die-- it. it is not the right thing to do. we have a bad system. and the system has the to change. >> reporter: the rnc rules committee which the name suggests sets rules and procedures for the july convention meets later this week in florida. rnc chairman sent e-mails to key members urging them not to change anything. lest trump and his supporters
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become agitated and other campaigns more confused. >> for the democrats, our cbs news battleground tracker poll shows hillary clinton with a ten-point lead over bernie sanders. nancy cordes is following that race. >> pressing matters to both candidates out of new york for a spell this weekend. clinton raised money with george clooney in california. sanders met with the pope in rome. but now they are back. fighting for votes in the state where they both have deep roots. >> how am i going to lose? >> the brooklyn born senator made the round sunday. from the brooklyn bridge with a record breaking homecoming party according to the campaign, drew 28,000 people. >> our parents would take to us prospect park. they still have the seals and the elephants. it wasn't all nostalgia though. secretary clinton and i disagree. on social security.
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disagree on trade policy. disagree on minimum wage policy. clinton let loose a little in washington heights. in brooklyn, she got down to business too. we talked about the greed and recklessness of wall street. i take a back seat to no one. in taking that on. sanders disagreechltz in this new add he doesn't name clinton. it is clear she is the target. while washington politicians are paid over $200,000 an hour for speeches they oppose raising the living wage. >> on face the nation, sanders repeated the attack. >> maybe if you make $225 in an hour you don't know what it is look to live on $10 an hour. >> the people who are behind the fight for $15. support me, not him. ♪ >> reporter: money came up again in california. outside a $33,000 per plate fund raiser at the home of george clooney.
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♪ we're in the money demonstrators rained dollar bills on the clinton motorcade. even clooney said he gets it. >> it is an obscene all. money. the sanders campaign when they talk about it absolutely right. it is ridiculous we should have money like this in politics. clooney is raising money to get democrats elected to change finance laws and get money out of politics. in fact he says he likes bernie sanders too because he is passionate about issue and helps he stays in the race until the very end. >> president obama leaves for a trip to saudi arabia later today where he will take part in a summit of the gulf cooperation council. the saudis are upset with the united states over the new outreach to iran and now there is the issue of a possible saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks. 60 minutes reported on a still secret document that purportedly links some saudis to the 9/11 terrorists. there is a bill in congress that
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would shed light on the issue. chip reid reports. >> reporter: saudi arabia is a key u.s. ally and threat tuned retaliate financially if the bill becomes law. the obama administration opposes the bill. that made 9/11 families very angry. >> i'm completely outraged. >> reporter: she is convinced the 9/11 hijackers were helped by saudi agents. her husband kenneth worked on the 105th fluoor of the world trade center tower. they have tried to hold the saudi government accountable. because foreign government are immune from suits in the u.s. their efforts have so far failed. >> if someone you loved was murdered and the person was just able to go away scot-free would you be okay with that. don't think any body would. >> reporter: congress is considering a bill to permit lawsuits against countries that contribute material support for resource for acts of terrorism. the obama administration says
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the proposed legislation could lead to retaliation overseas. saudi arabia has already warned it will dump hundreds of billions of dollars in u.s. assets if the bill becomes law. >> it feels like blackblackmail. the government is siding with saudi arabia over the 9/11 families. unless sunday any 60 minutes, steve kroft reported on a classified portion of the 9/11 report locked in a secret vault. former government officials say the 28 pages contain details about possible saudi support network for hijackers while in the u.s. >> i think it is implausible to believe that 19 people, most of whom didn't speak english, most of whom had never been in the united states before, many of whom didn't have a high school education, could have carried out such a complicated task without some support from within the united states. >> you believe that the 28 pages are crucial to this? >> i think they are a key part.
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>> he wants the pages released to the public. >> it is the worst thing about toilet germs? they don't stay in the toilet. disinfect your bathroom with lysol bathroom trigger... ...lysol power foamer... ...and lysol toilet bowl cleaner. they kill 99.9% of germs including e. coli. to clean and disinfect in and out of the toilet... ...lysol that. tso when we had him, we bought one of those he washing machines but it took forever turns out it wasn't the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean and now we get way cleaner clothes way faster make a mess make a mess, make a mess that's a big mess your first words save time with tide he turbo clean. it's quick collapsing suds reduce rinse time and don't overwhelm your machine
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major issue in the race for the democratic nomination is money. bernie sanders insists hillary clinton is beholden to wall street. and he points out that she refuses to release the transcripts of speeches she gave to wall street banks. over the weekend, protesters gathered in california where clinton attended a $33,000 a plate fund raiser hosted by actor george clooney. demonstrators threw stack of fake money at clinton supporters as they arrived. clooney later explained why he supports clinton. >> i'm a democrat. if you are republican you are going to disagree. we need to take the senate back. because we need to confirm a supreme court justice. because that fifth vote on the supreme court can overturn
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citizens united and get this obscene ridiculous amount of money out. so i never have to do a fund raiser again. >> sanders discussed the race on cbs this morning. >> welcome. >> good to be with you. >> you saw what george clooney says he is trying to raise all this money to help hillary clinton he wants democrats elected because it will change campaign finance laws. >> well, i am a big fan of george. but i think there is a different way to do it. that's what our campaign is about. you can raise large sums of money from individual contributors. we get it. $27 apiece. 7 million individual campaign contributors you've don't have to be dependent upon big money to run a winning campaign. we want more democrats in the senate. regain control of the senate. do belttter in the house the do that without being dependent on the top 1% your campaign. >> you are independent running or the democratic party ticket. are you going to help other
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democrats raise money to win the united states senate? >> absolutely. of course i have. in fact if you look at the record. letters that i have sent out. in support of the united states senators, raised millions of dollars. let me tell you something else. i say this sincerely. the polls indicate this. for democrats to do well. not only at the highest level in the senate races and house races we need a large voter turnout. i think there is very little doubt that a bernie sanders -- winning the nomination and being democratic candidate will in fact create the excitement and large voter turnout. not only to win the white house, but to regain control of the senate. and governors chairs all over the country. >> tom is a big day in new york. right now the polls are showing, hillary clinton is leading you by 10 points. what do you see in the polls the rest of us don't that you feel confident about victory tomorrow? >> we have won eight of nine primaries and caucuses. i think we have a lot of energy indicated by 28,000 people coming out, rally in brooklyn.
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large rallies we held. if voter turnout is high. i think we will do very well. the story of the campaign. voter turnout low, we will probably not do well. also, polling underestimates our strength. in michigan, a poll out, had us 20 points behind the day before the election. ended up winning. >> independent voters cannot vote tomorrow? >> now on to a big issue. nothing much i can dieo it. what it says, hundreds of thousand or more, independent whose would like to vote tomorrow for me or anybody else they can't participate. we win independent voters. 2:1. >> she is way ahead in superdelegates. donald trump says the republican system is fixed. >> rigged. >> rigged. >> is he stealing my terminology here? nothing this guy won't do. >> well how bad is the democratic system? >> i have serious problems with it. it, this is the establishment folks. these are, elected officials. these are money people.
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who are super delegates. the truth is most of them are now supporting hillary. but let me just say this. as you may know in poll after poll including your own polls here at cbs, i run much stronger against donald trump than does hillary clinton. the reason for that by the way, we have a lot of independent voters. if we do well, superdelegates and others are going to say what we have got to beat trump. bernie is the stronger canned dade. >> what if in fact you winning these contests, last, six, seven. she is getting a significant number of the delegates. the delegates will nominate the candidate? >> right. we think there is a path towards victory. >> which is? >> which is winning delegates. california. >> huh are you going to do it? >> getting more delegates than she does. for example. >> you haven't been doing that is the point? >> well, i would say that we have cut her lead by a third in the last month. that's pretty good. that's what happens when you win eight out of nine caucuses and primaries. now we will see what happened
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tomorrow. i won't speculate. you have california, oregon, pennsylvania. >> what does it mean for you if you lose in new york? >> what does it mean if i lose, i lose. >> what implication does it have for your campaign? >> we are going all the way. california. into the convention. in philadelphia. we think we have a path towards victory. we are going to fight for every vet out there. >> senator, you made anner eisf transparency. today is tax day. hillary clinton released eight years, last eight years, in addition to ones before that. you only released one you. just did it friday. why haven't you done that? >> i will tell you the reason. it sound too simple. but true. in our family, we don't have 15 accountants. >> you have to pay your taxes on time like the rest of us. not that hard to release summary of your taxes. >> we have released our taxes. >> one year. one year. >> i said we will release more. we will release more. and what they will end up
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showing is that our total income is less than the amount of money that hillary clinton got for one speech. sorry, nothing going to be very exciting in it. >> i was surprised. >> what is the suspicion? >> people who don't release their taxes. >> we are going to release our taxes. we are occupied with the campaign now. we will. i said we will. we will. >> you are starting a political revolution. scares a lot of people. what does that word mean. and the other thing i heard about you, senator sanders, no disrespect, intended. he is an older candidate. how is he going to make this work? the only people i hear saying that, are older people. the young people on the road are not saying that about you. you know who else is saying that, the reporters following me around on the campaign trail. they're saying, stop it, you are going too far, too fast. >> your wife when joined you here last time. he has the constitution of a 16-year-old. how do you address these issues, political revolution? >> political revolution is
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important part of what the campaign is about. this is what it means. it means that given the nature of economics in politics in america today. where wall street and wealthy campaign contributors of the corporate media have so much power that the only way we transform america, bring health care to all. we deal with paid family and medical leave. we deal with income, wealth, inequality. no president, not bernie sanders or anybody else can do it alone. you need millions to stand up and demand a government that represents all of us not just the 1%. that's what high mean by that. >> an issue means a lot. new york tabloid, the daily news, about 9/11. the building congress, about, suing saudi arabia. do you the favorit it? >> no, not about suing saudi arabia. >> you can sue saudi arabia. >> it is about suing any government, not just saudi arabia. that may have been involved in
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terrorism that kills americans. >> you support it. president obama says don't do it. open us up to a lot of suits. the saudi government has threatened to, to, sell a lot of their teasuries that they're holding. >> two issues there. the president has a valid point. it does concern me. what is also involved in there. i believe 28 pages of classified information on 9/11. >> have you read them? >> no, i have not. >> what i think there is some speculation, and not into speculation, is that they indicate that parts of the saudi family may have funded some of the terrorists. look, let's be honest about saudi arabia. this is one of the wealthiest families in the world. this is a family that spread this very virulent extremist ideology which is extreme islam, they keep, they set up schools all over the world to teach this. i have real concerns about that. so i think getting the truth out
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so i think getting the truth out about the role that saudi arabia ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. hair color wants to to help you keep on being you.. nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that even in sunlight, doesn't look like hair color... it just looks like you. nice'n easy: color as real as you are.
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(sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. farmers around the world rely on bees to pollenate their crops. the latest plan to help bees, give them residents at some of the most expensive hotels in san
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francisco. danielle nottingham explains. >> reporter: this is san francisco at street level. but look a little higher and you will find the roofs of at least seven of the city's luxury hotels are homes to millions of bees. >> there its the beginnings of a queen cell. >> spencer marshal beekeeper at the first hotel in city to install a bee sanctuary. when they came to you with the idea to put hives on the roofto rooftops. >> might get a little honey. what's going on here? >> reporter: marshal says the hives on top of the fairmont produce 1,000 pound of honey every year. >> how many bees? >> when they're cooking over a couple hundred thousand bees. >> that's a lot of bees. and a welcome change for marshal who has seen the widely publicized decline of bees firsthand. >> when i started out almost 50 years ago if i lost 2% or 3% of my bees a year that's look what
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is going on now. you lose, 50%, 60%. >> reporter: when the fairmont asked marshal to install rooftop hives in 2010 the goal was to rebuild the bee population. $15 billion a year in u.s. crops are pollinated by bees. >> we do feel like fairmont is doing its part. >> reporter: in 2008, in tore ron toertore -- toronto. since then, 22 fairmont properties installing hives for honey bees and bee hotel for pollinators to rest their wings. here in san francisco, the fairmont isn't the only hotel rooftop hosting hives. you picked the highest point of hotel? >> we did. most bee friendly. michael pace is general manager at the clift where ten hives set up to mimic the skyline behind them were installed last year. >> one thing bees thrive on
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warmth to get them warmed up in the morning. when we chose the location with the beekeeper wanted exposed to the sun and setting sun. >> reporter: as chair of the committee, pace wants to get every hotel in the city buzzing. we have 800,000 bees on one hotel. we'll have 10 hotels, by the end of this year. that's 8 million. look at the multiplier effect. i've think we could have a big impact. >> reporter: where there are bees there is honey. chefs have found ways to bring the honey from roof to table. bartenders are making specialty cocktails infused with the syrupy sweetener. >> see it coming to life in cocktails just awesome. >> cheers. >> cheers to the honey bees. >> marshal welcomes the skyline hives do. you think this is a really good model to carry out throughout the world? >> absolutely because, just exposing people to bees. and more places they can exist, the more chances are we can evolve. >> reporter: and marshal hopes
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the treasury department is closer to announcing its final decision on overhauling the u.s. currency. there were plans to put a woman on the $10 bill, but now it looks like those plans are not set in stone. julianna goldman has the latest from the treasury department. >> reporter: treasury planned to announce which women would be on the $10 bill by the end of last year. but it turned out to be more controversial than they expected. millions of people weighed in. and now that redesign is getting a redesign of its own. >> time for women to be back on paper currency. >> reporter: last june when jack lew announced a woman would join alexander hamilton on the redesigned $10 bill. he couldn't predicted the broadway musical would complicate his plans. the smashing success of hamilton
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brought new found fans of the founding father rallying around the first treasury secretary turned pop icon. and now, people familiar with the process tell cbs news, that lew is expected to announce hamilton will remain on the front of the $10 note and women throughout history will be added to the back. >> alexander hamilton -- >> that's not all. he its expected to announce a woman who will be on the front of the $20 bill replacing andrew jackson. what some may consider a more prestigious placement he hinted at last month in an interview with charlie rose. >> we are going to put a woman on the face of the currency. not just the $10. a series of bills. >> it wasn't just the musical that derailed the plan. there was an outpouring of negative reaction on social media. input from groups like women on 20s. which wrote an open letter to lew last week saying, relegating women to the back of the bill is akin to sending them to the back of the bus.
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the rosa parks analogies are inevitable. civil rights activist is one of many candidates for the face of the new currency. other possibilities include african-american abolitionist harriet tubman and former first lady eleanor roosevelt. while any decision is now bound to be controversial. one person who says they will be pleased, hamilton creator, leah manuel mairanda. because of the currency redesign process, the new $10 bill won't go into circulation until 2020. the new $20 wouldn't be until after that. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm jericka duncan. ♪ ♪
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it's tuesday, april 19th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." at least five people are dead after severe storms and flash floods leave houston under water and texas wakes up today with more rain on the way. it's decision day in new york as the candidates race to prove who's the biggest new yorker, a flub for the front runner. >> i was down there, and i watch our police and firemen down at 7/11 down at the world trade center after it came down. chli
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