tv KPIX 5 News CBS June 12, 2016 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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"today marks the most deadly shooting in american histor" what should have been a nigf fun at the clu this is an especially heartbreaking day for all our friends, fellow americans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. today marks the most deadly shooting in american history. >> what should have been a night of fun at the club all changed in a matter of minutes. one gunman killed 50 people and wounded dozens more at a gay nightclub in orlando. good evening, i'm brian hackney. >> i'm maria medina. juliette goodrich is on assignment. the website for the city of orlando is posting the names of the people killed whose next of kin has been notified. 53 people are hurt. many critically. among the wounded, an orlando
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police officer whose helmet likely saved his life. the gunman is among the dead. he's identified as 29-year-old omar mateen. we'll now go to craig boswell in orlando. >> people are searching for information about their loved ones. a handful has learned the difficult reality, their loved one did not make it out. most are still waiting. we're also learning more about the gunman. >> reporter: shots rang out after police arrived at a gay nightclub in orlando. investigators say omar mateen entered the crowded pulse club around 2 a.m. sunday with an ar 15 assault rifle. >> just hearing bang, bang. you turn around, the person next to you is like screaming. there's blood spattering. i didn't know if it was mine or somebody else's. >> reporter: people ran for the exits. some of the injured had to be taken to the hospital in pickup trucks because there weren't enough ambulances. friends and family came to the
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scene looking for the loved ones. >> i don't know where my son is. no one can tell me where my son is. if he's been shot, if he's dead, no one knows. >> reporter: most people got out, but the gunman managed to take hostages. mina talked to her son trapped in a bathroom. >> he's afraid he's going to die. >> reporter: three hours after the shooting started the s.w.a.t. team decided to enter the club. a vehicle rammed the back of the club then a long round of gunfire. david ward was able to capture the shooting on his cell phone. the s.w.a.t. team killed mateen, a 29-year-old u.s. citizen from florida who worked as a security guard. he purchased the weapons legally and had been on the radar. sources tell cbs news mateen called 911 and pledged
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allegiance to isis. the shooting is being investigated as an act of terrorism. >> we must spare no effort to determine what, if any, inspiration or association this killer may have had with terrorist groups. >> reporter: isis is claiming responsibility for the brutal attack, calling mateen an islamic state fighter. >> a number of candlelight vigils are planned, some for tonight, many for tomorrow night, and successive nights for several days to come. live in orlando, craig boswell. >> what's going on right now at the scene? >> right now investigators still working this crime scene. you can see the crime scene tape closer to the club. they're removing the crime scene tape and adding metal fences so they can better secure this crime scene. as for bystanders, many standing off to my left, on the other side of the club, just trying to get a sense of what happened here, taking it in, trying to just decompress on what's taken
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place in their city. >> craig boswell in orlando. thank you. there are memorials in some 90 cities across the country tonight. one just got underway at the billy defrank center in san jose. there will be a prayer service at 8:00 at a mosque in milpitas and there was a big event planned for tonight in the castro. that's where kpix 5's mark kelly is right now. >> all day today people here have been paying their respects to the people in orlando. also reassurance from police that they're doing all they can to prevent a similar tragedy from happening here at home. >> reporter: at 18th and castro, a crazed gunman targeting a gay nightclub thousands of miles away hits very close to home. >> when is this going to stop? when are we going to wake up and realize we need to address the gun violence, address the access to the guns to do this? >> reporter: when word of the orlando shooting got out, people
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in decastro started dropping off candles, flowers, even writing hopeful messages. >> hence my sign over there. it says love all, don't hate. >> reporter: but hate could happen anywhere, says supervisor david campos who has his own concerns. >> it's a fear. i think in the minds of everyone that i've spoken to. >> we need extra security during the pride parade. >> reporter: san francisco police say starting today they had increased police patrols in decastro and other crowded areas. >> we hope our presence down here reminds them this is a very safe and wonderful neighborhood and they should enjoy the day. >> reporter: police say they're already working with federal law enforcement to ensure that pride 2016 is both safe and fun, which is exactly what some in decastro
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say it should be. >> we need to take the action of going out and demonstrating that this doesn't stop us. we unite because of it. >> the supervisor scott wiener's office is organizing a vigil happening behind me, harvey melk plaza. he says it will be a time to mourn but also to recommit to the fight for lgbt equality. mark kelly, kpix 5. >> today is the big pride party in west hollywood. hours before the parade started, police arrested a heavily armed man who told them he wanted to do harm to the pride parade. police were called this morning about a prowler in santa monica and the man they arrested, 20-year-old james howell had multiple weapons including one assault rifle and chemicals used to make explosives. the parade went ahead as planned. >> i want to thank santa monica
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police department for their good work and the tip that led to that arrestment i want everyone here to know that we are safe, we are protected, our law enforcement officials are here. >> the man arrested is from indiana. right now police say there's no connection between the suspect and the man behind the orlando massacre. >> we should mention this is also the first week of ramadan. some jihadist groups like isis use ramadan to stage brutal attacks. >> retired fbi agent and kpix security analyst jeff harp joins us. there have been questions about why the police didn't enter the club sooner to try to stop him from doing what he did. >> there's a lot of armchair quarterbacking and hindsight 20/20 things that will happen. when they show up on scene, they have to address the situation. officer safety, to the public, so they also, not knowing whether orlando has a full-time s.w.a.t. team or not, there's people showing up on scene.
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you've got sheriff's deputies, city police, various agencies showing up. they have to come together and have a plan. you don't just automatically rin in and do something. you don't want a blue on blue situation either where you have officers shooting at each other. they have to assess it. it takes time. it also takes time to get all the equipment there. if they had an armored vehicle they wanted to ram the wall with, if that truck is not on scene, it takes time to get that truck from where the staging location is to the scene. these things evolve. they don't always evolve as quickly as people would like to see them evolve but there's a set plan to put in to place. >> they probably need to know also what the layout of the club is like and where the gunman could be. >> in a best case scenario they're going to get blue prints to whoever has access to the club. they'll interview people as they're coming out. they'll ask them where do you think the shooter is? these are quick questions that are asked, very specifically. so they can put their plan
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together. their emergency assault plan together very quickly. >> the fbi investigated the shooter before. he'd come under surveillance, some kind of an investigation several times in the past four years. and i think the question tonight is first, how many people like this do the fbi investigate and say, gee, this guy is raising some red flags? and how could somebody like this who's come under suspicion before secure guns legally? >> the process that the fbi goes through to clear somebody or to say they don't pose a threat, just because you're under investigation by the fbi, we certainly don't want the fbi to keep a list of everybody they talk to then use that list at some point, i think we got away from that long ago in the jay edgar hoover era. so what they're trying to do, they're looking at this person, they'll make a determination based off of an interview. they don't have a search warrant. they don't have an arrest
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warrant. this is basically a threat assessment that's done. they go out and talk to the guy. if the guy decides to cooperate, that's great. but the guy is only going to volunteer what he feels he needs to volunteer. he's not going to say yeah, i'm a terrorist, it's time to arrest me. they'll use whatever tools they have by law to do the threat assessment. they're simply going out there and talking to this guy. if it's based on a tip, if it's based on i believe the coworker had said he had spouted some hate and discontent toward either some groups or other things he'd said, but the fbi is going to talk to him and they're going to do what they have to do to get the investigation moved down the road. if they find there's nothing there to say he's involved in terrorist activities, they'll close that. >> just by virtue of the fact the fbi has talked to him, it doesn't mean the name is bounced off a list for being able to get a gun. >> if he came under the fbi's
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radar, before they'll go out and talk to the guy. they'll do all their checks. does he have any registered weapons? who is he associated with? if he's not associated with anybody and if he's just exercising his first amendment right, freedom of speech -- >> can't do anything. >> right. we live in america. you're allowed to say what you want to say. certainly we want the fbi to operate within the parameters they're legally allowed to do so. >> we'll be learning a lot more. >> the days and weeks to come there's going to be a lot more that we learn. >> kpix 5 security analyst. hillary clinton and donald trump both took to social media to express their condolences but donald trump repeated his call to ban muslims from the u.s. trump tweeted if we do not get tough and smart real fast, we're not going to have a country anymore. because our leaders are weak, i said this was going to happen and it is only going to get worse. i'm trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist
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attack. we can't afford to be politically correct anymore. he didn't mention the gunman was born in the u.s. hillary clinton also released a statement. part of it reads this was an act of terrorism. for now we can say for sure we have to redouble our efforts to defend our country of these threats here and abroad. >> we're learning more about the nightclub itself. one of the owners says pulse was open to promote lgbt awareness. it also serves as a tribute to her brother who died from a.i.d.s. barbara says the name of the club signifies her brother's heartbeat and where he can be kept alive. coming up, we'll have up to the minute coverage at and the cbs evening news will air an hour-long edition. it starts at 5:30 right after this newscast. still ahead, the day's other news including more fallout from a sex scandal in the oakland police department. another officer taken off the street. >> anger in the sentencing of
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5th unnamed there's more fallout from the oakland police department sex scandal. a fifth unnamed officer has been put on administrative leave. at the center of the scandal, an 18-year-old prostitute who goes by the name celest guap. she claims to have had sex with four of them. in exchange she says they protected her and tipped her off in advance about undercover operations. a day of celebration taking on a political tone at stanford today. protesters used the school's commencement ceremony to express
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their anger over brock turner's six-month sentence for sexual assaults. devin fehely with the protesters' bold tactics. >> students brought signs in to the stadium today and there was also a big banner carried by a plane that was circling almost continuously overhead. while overall there was just a relatively few number of students who actively took part in the protest, their anger and frustration with the case, the campus, the judge, and judicial system were at large. >> reporter: the message was unmistakable. standing in stark contrast to the celebratory and often downright silly mood of a graduation ceremony. >> they don't think rape happens at stanford but it does. it happens more than we think it does. >> reporter: stanford has landed in the center of a nationwide debate over campus sexual assault. after one time olympic hopeful brock turner's six-month jail sentence for assaulting a woman who passed out drunk at a
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fraternity party last year ignited a social media firestorm. >> we need to be doing more as a society to teach young men not to rape people. >> reporter: he said much more needs to be done to reduce sexual violence on campus. >> there's an element of you got accepted to a school like stanford and you shouldn't be doing this to people. this should be something incongruent to your character if you're a stanford student. >> reporter: protesters hired a plane to fly over the stadium that said protect survivors, not rapists, a message aimed directly at judge persky, who presided over the case. >> this is not the venue to make a statement. >> reporter: not everyone agreed. >> rape is a criminal matter and stanford appropriately turned the whole thing over to the police for investigation. >> reporter: like it or not, the disappointment with the turner case was on display today for all to see. >> keynote speaker ken burns also made brief mention of the
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brock turner case today. he said he has four daughters himself and if someone says they have been sexually assaulted, that's something you have to listen to and take seriously. devin fehely, kpix 5. we want to go back to our top story. the nightclub massacre in orlando overnight. >> as we've been reporting, 50 people were dead including the gunman. he's identified as a u.s. citizen born to afghan parents. he's 29-year-old omar mateen. >> we're joined by dianne gallagher in orlando. can you talk about how that city is coping tonight? >> you might be able to see behind me this is still a very active scene. you can see people standing up where those cars are. a lot of people are just kind of coming out. they want to be here and stand in solidarity with one another. ever since that attack happened, the lines outside the blood
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banks here in orlando, florida are incredibly long. wrapping around buildings. so much that the blood banks have said try a different one, we have too many people. a lot coming out saying they want to help. they feel like they want to stand as one orlando. they need to stand together not just for their city but for the lgbt community. a lot of people having a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that 50 people were killed in a nightclub, that people were just having a good time for the evening. 53 people injured. the names are still trickling out. so there are a lot of people here waiting on pins and needles, hoping their friend or family member isn't the next name released. >> we understand the city of orlando is trying to help victims' loved ones get information and that the city is beginning to post the names of the people killed on its website? >> that's right. they initially told people if you think you know somebody, or you can't get in touch with your loved one, come to the hospital and we can figure something out. now they're asking people please
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log on to the city's website. you can give us information there. only seven names have been released out of the 50 killed so far. this information is coming out very slowly. but this is the deadliest terror attack since 9/11, the deadliest mass shooting in our nation's history. 53 people were killed. it's going to be difficult to get all the people identified. it's going to be difficult to find their family members and you can't release the names till you do that. >> dianne gallagher in orlando, thank you. nypd says there will be increased security at tonight's tony awards airing on cbs. this comes as the cast of the hit show "hamilton" announced it will not use muskets as props in its performance of the tony awards. instead the cast will pantomime. the awards sent this message from the twitter account, quote, our hearts are heavy for the unimaginable tragedy that happened last night in orlando. our thoughts are with the family and friends of those affected.
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oracle arena, but they'll he to do it n.. the warriors have a chance to win the nba title tomorrow night at oracle arena but they'll have to do it without draymond green. the nba assessed green a flagrant foul for this incident on lebron james friday night in cleveland. the ruling put green over the flagrant limit for the postseason which means he'll be suspended for game 5. >> i'm disappointed for him that he can't play in a big game, but the ruling has been made, and we've got to move on. >> not going to let it get us down. we have the next man approach up all year. draymond, we know it's going to kill him not being there, but we're going to go out there and
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do it as a team and win for him, go out there and try to make a statement on our home play. >> we hope they win tomorrow, but grown will be available for a possible game 6 in cleveland. let's get you caught up in what's happening in weather. statewide, thunderstorms out in the sierra. they've also got some snow. right along the spine of the sierra, that's rain mixed with snow. it will continue to come down right through night fall. that's why there are of all things in the middle of june a winter weather advisory posted. winter in summer. for yosemite, the kings canyon snow level, 10,000 feet. they could get up to 8 inches of snow at those high elevations. that's where the hikers are walking around up there. 81 degrees at concord. livermore at 81. in the city with fog coming in over the golden gate, 63 degrees. high atop the west coast, low pressure moving inland over california. that's going to cool things down between now and wednesday. so we took a few notches off high temperatures today. we'll do that as well on monday, tuesday, wednesday.
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low clouds come back. breezy and cool tonight. more clouds. drizzle along the shoreline. it will warm up by next weekend. overnight lows tonight, mid 50s. daytime highs tomorrow. very close to where we should be. 78 at concord. in the south bay tomorrow, mid 70s. and the east bay will still nudge 80 here and there. mid70s to upper 70s will do it for the corridor. nice day tomorrow after the low clouds burn off. still warm for ukiah and lakeport. sunshine inland. partly cloudy skies along the bay and shoreline. numbers cool. we'll bottom out wednesday with a high of 69 degrees inland. look at thursday, friday, and saturday. high pressure bounces back in toward the end of the week. we'll have first a cooling trend then a warming trend. in short, something for everybody. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,
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orlando. a quick recap on our top story. 50 dead and 53 wounded in the nightclub shooting in orlando. >> the gunman is among the dead, he's identified as 29-year-old omar mateen, born in the u.s. to afghan parents. his father says he was angry overseeing two men kissing in public. police say he called 911 in the midst of the massacre to pledge allegiance to isis. stay tuned now for a special hour-long edition of the cbs weekend news with the latest on the tragedy in orlando. >> we'll see you again with a special edition of kpix 5 news at 6:30.
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>> news updates always on along with maria medina, i'm brian hackney. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> good evening from orlando, florida this is our western edition. orlando became today the scene of the worst mass shooting in american history. it happened at a gay night club about a half a block behind me, a club called pulse. 50 people were killed. we are told that tonight, many of the bodies have been moved to the coroner's office, the player says the work of removing the 50 bodies should be completed this evening. the only sound at the crime scene now is the ringing of cell phones. desperate relatives calling to find out if their loved ones are still alive.
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