tv 60 Minutes CBS July 10, 2016 7:00pm-8:02pm PDT
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captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. >> steve kroft: that's the apartment? >> that corner on the third floor. >> kroft: the apartment belonged to boston mobster and longtime fugitive "whitey" bulger, then the most wanted man in america. bulger eluded the fbi for 14 years by hiding in plain site in santa monica, california. tonight, you'll hear from the agents who finally caught him, with some help from an alley cat and his girlfriend's breast implants. >> we just rushed him. >> kroft: you mean guns out? "fbi, don't move!" >> i asked him to identify himself and that didn't go over well. he asked me to "f"-ing identify myself. and i asked him, i said, "are you whitey bulger?" he said, "yes." >> bill whitaker: six years ago, when arizona needed drugs to execute an inmate named jeffrey landrigan, it purchased them
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illegally from a supplier operating out of this driving school in london. >> it's my understanding that there was a paperwork issue. the proper forms weren't filled out. >> whitaker: was it used in the execution of mr. landrigan? >> yes. >> whitaker: this office, the state of arizona, knew or should have known that it was illegal to import these drugs? >> bill, i was not the attorney general when that happened. >> whitaker: yeah, but this... >> and i don't want to use that as an excuse, because i think there's a broader... >> whitaker: but if this office is... this is the top legal office. >> right. >> anderson cooper: danny clinch has photographed just about every heavyweight in the music world: rappers, rockers, country stars, jazz and pop artists. ♪ ♪ he's developed friendships with many of his subjects, bruce springsteen included. which gets him up close and personal access. >> how you doing? >> how are you? >> good. >> cooper: clinch has documented the history of american music. and he's always looking for the next shot.
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>> i always want to be prepared, because you never know who is going to come to your studio. >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm leslie stahl. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories tonight on "60 minutes." ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto.
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couple who moved to santa monica, california sometime in early 1997 to begin a new phase of their life. for the next 14 years, they did almost nothing that was memorable. and they would be of absolutely no interest if it weren't for the fact that "charlie gasko" turned out to be james "whitey" bulger, the notorious boston gangster and longtime fugitive who is now in prison serving two lifetime sentences. "carol gasko" was actually catherine greig, whitey's longtime girlfriend and caregiver. as steve kroft first reported in 2013, the story of how they managed to elude an international manhunt for so long while hiding in plain sight is interesting. and tonight, you will hear about it from the gaskos' neighbors and from the federal agents who finally unraveled the case, with the help of a boob job and an alley cat. >> steve kroft: if you're forced
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into retirement, with a comfortable nest egg and a desire to be left completely alone, there is no better place than santa monica, california. this low-key seaside suburb of l.a. is shared by transients and tourists, hippies and hedonists, celebrities and lots of senior citizens attracted to the climate and an abundance of inexpensive, rent-controlled apartments just a few blocks from the ocean. places like the princess eugenia on third street, which is where charlie and carol gasko, a childless couple from chicago, lived for 14 years without attracting much attention from longtime neighbors or landlords. josh bond is the building manager. what were they like? >> josh bond: they were, like, the nice retired old couple that lived in the apartment next to me. >> kroft: good tenants? >> bond: excellent tenants. never complained, always paid rent on time. >> kroft: in cash? >> bond: in cash. >> kroft: janus goodwin lived down the hall. >> janus goodwin: they had nothing. and they never went out. they never had food delivered. she never dressed nicely.
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>> kroft: you thought they were poor? >> goodwin: yes, without a doubt. >> kroft: the one thing everyone remembers about the gaskos is that they loved animals and always made a fuss over the ones in the neighborhood. barbara gluck remembers that carol gasko always fed a stray cat after its owner had died. >> barbara gluck: she would, you know, pet it and be sweet to it, and then she would put a plate of food, like, out here. >> kroft: and what about charlie gasko? >> gluck: you know, he always had a hat on and dark glasses. i have to say it was mysterious to me, why a lovely woman like that was hanging out with that guy, that old, grumpy man. i never could figure that one out. until i heard they had 800,000- something dollars in the wall. ( laughter ) and then i went, "oh, okay," you know? >> kroft: money wasn't the only thing found in the gaskos' apartment on june 22, 2011, when
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the fbi stopped by and ended what it called the most extensive manhunt in the bureau's history. >> scott garriola: weapons all over the apartment. i mean, weapons by his nightstand, weapons under the windowsill-- shotguns, mini- rugers, rifles. >> kroft: what had started out as a routine day for special agent scott garriola, who was in charge of hunting fugitives in l.a., would turn into one of the most interesting days of his career. after getting a call to stake out a building in santa monica, he notified his backup team with the l.a.p.d. >> garriola: i had four guys working that day, and i said, "we got a tip on whitey bulger, and i'll see you there in about an hour." and invariably the texts would return, "who's whitey bulger?" >> kroft: really? >> garriola: yeah, a few of them. so i had to remind them... gently remind them who whitey bulger was. >> kroft: that he was number one of the fbi's most wanted list. >> garriola: number... number one. number one, yeah. big east coast figure, but... so, on the west coast, not so much. imagine any cartel leader... >> kroft: the cops in l.a. were focused on gangbangers and cartel members, not some retired irish mobster who hadn't been
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spotted in 16 years. but then, few mobsters have ever been as infamous in a city as whitey bulger was in boston, and his reputation was for more than just being grumpy. besides extortion and flooding the city with cocaine, bulger routinely performed or ordered executions-- some at close range, some with a hail of bullets, and at least one by strangulation, after which, it's said, he took a nap. special agent rich teahan, who ran the fbi's whitey bulger fugitive task force, had heard it all. >> rich teahan: bulger was charged with 19 counts of murder. he was charged with other crimes. he was a scourge to the society in south boston, his own community. >> kroft: he was also a scourge to the fbi, and a great source of embarrassment to teahan, special agent phil torsney, and others on the fbi task force. years earlier, whitey bulger had infiltrated the boston office of the fbi and bought off agents, who protected him and plied him
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with information, including the tip that allowed bulger to flee just days before he was to be indicted. >> phil torsney: we really had to catch this guy to establish credibility after all the other issues. and it was just a matter of bringing this guy back to boston. >> kroft: torsney, who's now retired, and agent tommy macdonald joined the task force in 2009. the joke was bulger was on the fbi's "least wanted list." there hadn't been a credible lead in more than a decade. and their efforts in bulger's old neighborhood of south boston were met with mistrust and ridicule. >> torsney: some people, they told us right out front, "you guys aren't looking for that guy." people just made the assumption we had him stashed somewhere. i mean, people really thought that kind of thing. >> tommy macdonald: despite that mindset that "we're not going to help you," the fbi still got it done. >> kroft: took 16 years. >> macdonald: took 16 years. yeah, this was not a typical fugitive. >> kroft: the fbi says bulger had planned his getaway years in advance, with money set aside and a fake identity for a "thomas baxter."
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during his first two years on the lam, bulger was in touch with friends and family, shuttling between new york, chicago, and the resort town of grand isle, louisiana, where he rented a home until his identity was compromised. after that, it seemed as if bulger had disappeared from the face of the earth, except for the alleged sightings all over the world. how many of these tips do you think might have been true? >> torsney: boy, there was thousands and thousands of tips, and i think... i don't think any of them were true. >> kroft: one of the obstacles was, there were really no good photographs of bulger or his longtime live-in girlfriend catherine greig, a former dental hygienist. the fbi often noted that the couple shared a love of animals, especially dogs and cats, and asked veterinarians to be on the lookout. there were reports that greig once had breast implants and other plastic surgery in boston, so the task force reached out to physicians. eventually, they got a call from
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a dr. matthias donelan, who had located her files in storage. >> macdonald: i was trying to leave the office a little early to catch one of my kids' ballgames. and i said, "well, listen, i'm going to swing by in the morning and pick those up." and they said to me, "do you want the photos, too?" and i said, "you have photos?" and they said, "yeah, we have photos." i said, "we'll be there in 15 minutes." >> kroft: the breast implant lead produced a treasure trove of high-resolution catherine greig photographs that would help crack the case. the fbi decided to switch strategies, going after the girlfriend in order to catch the gangster. >> this is an announcement by the fbi... >> kroft: the fbi created this public service announcement. >> ...60-year-old greig is the girlfriend of 81-year-old bulger. >> kroft: it ran it in 14 markets on daytime talk shows aimed at women. >> call the tip line at 1-800- call-fbi. >> kroft: and it didn't take long. the very next morning, the bulger task force got three messages from someone that used to live in santa monica, and was 100% certain that charlie and
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carol gasko, apartment 303 at the princess eugenia apartments, were the people they were looking for. the descriptions and the age difference matched, and deputy u.s. marshall neil sullivan, who handled the lead, said there was another piece of tantalizing information. >> neil sullivan: the tipster specifically described that they were caring for this cat and their love for this cat. so that was just one piece of the puzzle on the tip that just added up to saying, "if this isn't them, it's something we better check out immediately because it sure sounds like them." >> kroft: a search of the fbi's computer database for the gaskos raised another red flag-- not for what it found, but for what it didn't. >> sullivan: basically, like, they were ghosts... >> kroft: no driver's license... >> sullivan: exactly. no driver's license, no california i.d., like they didn't exist. >> kroft: that's the apartment. >> garriola: that corner on the third floor. >> kroft: on the right-hand side? >> garriola: yep. >> kroft: by early afternoon, fbi agent scott garriola had set up a number of surveillance posts, and had already met with apartment manager josh bond to talk about his tenants.
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>> bond: he closed the door, threw down a folder and opened it up and said, "are these the people that live in apartment 303?" >> kroft: did you say anything when you saw the pictures? >> bond: my initial reaction was, "holy ( bleep )." >> kroft: you're living next door to a gangster. >> bond: well, i still didn't really know who he was. >> kroft: but it didn't take him long to figure it out. while the fbi was mulling its options, bond logged on to bulger's wikipedia page. >> bond: and i'm just kind of scrolling down. it's like, "oh, wow, this guy's serious." it's, like, murders and extortion. and then, i get to the bottom and there's this... this thing. it's like, from one of his old, you know, people saying, "well, the last time i saw him, he... he said, you know, when he goes out, he's... he's going to have guns and he's going to be ready to take people with him. i was like, "ooh, maybe i shouldn't be involved in this." ( laughs ) >> kroft: bond told the fbi he wasn't going to knock on the gaskos' door, because there was a note posted expressly asking people not to bother them. carol had told the neighbors that charlie was showing signs of dementia. >> garriola: so we were back there...
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>> kroft: so, garriola devised a ruse involving the gaskos' storage locker in the garage. >> garriola: it had the name "gasko" across it and "apartment 303." >> kroft: he had the manager call to tell them that their locker had been broken into, and that he needed someone to come down to see if anything was missing. carol gasko said her husband would be right down. >> garriola: we just rushed him. >> kroft: you mean guns out? "fbi, don't move!" >> garriola: gave the words, "hey, fbi." "get your hands up." hands went up right away. and then, at that moment, we told him get down on his knees and he gave us... ( laughs ) yeah, he gave us a "i ain't getting down on my "f"-ing knees." >> kroft: didn't want to get his pants dirty. >> garriola: didn't want to get his pants dirty. you know, wearing white and seeing the oil on the ground, i guess he didn't want to get down in oil. >> kroft: even at 81, this was a man used to being in control. >> garriola: i asked him to identify himself and that didn't go over well. he asked me to "f"-ing identify myself, which i did. and i asked him, i said, "are you whitey bulger?" he said, "yes." just about that moment, someone catches my attention from a few
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feet away by the elevator shaft. >> kroft: it was janus goodwin from the third floor, coming to do her laundry. >> goodwin: and i said, "excuse me. i think i can help you. this man has dementia, so if he's acting oddly, you know, that could be why." >> garriola: immediately, what flashed through my mind is, "oh, my god, i just arrested an 81- year-old man with alzheimer's who thinks he's whitey bulger. what is he going to tell me next, he's elvis?" so i said, "do me a favor. this woman over here says you have a touch of alzheimer's," and he said, "don't listen to her, she's "f"-ing nuts." he says, "i'm james bulger." >> kroft: a few minutes later, he confirmed it, signing a consent form allowing the fbi to search his apartment. >> garriola: i did ask him, i said, "hey, whitey," i said, "aren't you relieved that you don't have to look over your shoulder anymore and, you know, it's come to an end?" and he said, "are you ( bleep ) nuts?" >> kroft: but, in some ways, whitey bulger and catherine greig had already been prisoners in apartment 303, which appeared to be a mixture of the murderous and the mundane.
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alongside the weapons and all the money, they had stockpiled a lifetime supply of cleansers, creams, and detergents. the fbi took special interest in a collection of 64-ounce bottles with white socks stretched over the top. >> garriola: i said, "hey whitey, what are these? are these some kind of molotov cocktail you're making?" he goes, "no," he said, "i buy tube socks from the 99 cent store, and they're too tight on my calves and that's the way i stretch them out." i said, "why you shopping at the 99 cent store? you have half a million dollars under your bed." he goes, "i had to make the money last." >> kroft: its been said that one of the reasons it took so long to catch whitey bulger is that people were looking for a gangster, and bulger, whether he liked it or not, had ceased to be one. >> torsney: he said it was hard to keep up that mindset of a criminal. and that's part of the reason he came down to that garage. it was hard to stay on that edge, that criminal edge, after being on the lam as a regular citizen for 15 years. >> kroft: the master manipulator gave credit to catherine greig
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for keeping him crime-free, hoping it would mitigate her sentence. she is now serving eight years for harboring a fugitive. on the long plane ride back to boston, bulger told his captors that he became obsessed with not getting caught, and would do anything to avoid it, even if it meant obeying the law. whitey bulger's biggest fear, they said, was being discovered dead in his apartment and he had a plan to avoid it. >> torsney: if he became ill and knew he was on his deathbed, he'd go down to arizona, crawl down in the bottom of one of these mines, and die and decompose. and hope.. hope that we would never find him and still be looking... looking for him forever. >> stahl: as for all that money that was seized from whitey bulger's santa monica apartment, federal prosecutors are distributing nearly $822,000 to the families of his murder victims and three men who were extorted by the gangster.
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a universal expression of disgust, often caused by inadequate cat litter. if you or your a loved one suffers from stank face, the cure is tidy cats. it's new and improved with guaranteed tidylock protection that locks away odors. so you don't have to face one more stank face. tidy cats. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that.
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okay! fun's over. aw. aw. ♪ thirsty? my friend said i had to earn my way to the cool table. oh, sweet jamie. you got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. so i was at the cool table all along. ♪ ♪ >> bill whitaker: in july of 2014, joseph wood was strapped to a gurney in arizona's death chamber. his execution, by lethal injection with a new cocktail of drugs was supposed to take about ten minutes.
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it took almost two hours--the longest execution in u.s. history. as we first reported last november, when lethal injections were introduced in 1977, they were supposed to be a more humane form of capital punishment. instead, the process has become a messy testing ground for unproven, toxic drugs. at the heart of the problem: pharmaceutical companies have banned the use of their drugs for capital punishment--partly under pressure from death- penalty opponents. without access to the lethal agents they've used for decades, the states are turning to new, untried drugs. and that's creating an execution crisis in america, making it harder and harder to ensure that when a state decides to end a life, things don't go horribly awry, as they did in the execution of joseph wood. arizona is one of 31 states to employ capital punishment.
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cameras aren't allowed here, but this department of corrections video takes us inside death row, where more than 100 inmates are awaiting execution by lethal injection. on july 23, 2014, it was joseph wood's turn. wood had been convicted of murdering his former girlfriend and her father. at 1:52 p.m., arizona executioners began pumping an experimental combination of drugs into wood's veins. they had never before used these drugs for execution, but they expected wood to die within minutes. among the witnesses that day were deacon ed schaeffer, wood's attorney, dale baich, and reporter michael kiefer. >> michael kiefer: it seemed to go as normal. they put in the... the catheters. they announced that they would... were administering the drug. and he closed his eyes and went to sleep. >> dale baich: and about 11 minutes in, i noticed his lip quiver. and a minute later, he gasped.
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a few seconds later, he did it again, and then again and again and again. >> ed schaeffer: it was loud. it wasn't just, you know, some nice, peaceful sleeping sound. >> whitaker: were you thinking at this point, "something's gone wrong"? >> kiefer: everybody was thinking something went wrong. you could see the looks on the faces of the people from the department of corrections, who were... who were standing along the side. you know, they were looking at each other nervously. >> whitaker: you tried to have the execution stopped? >> baich: while joe wood was on the table gasping and gulping, we were arguing to a federal judge that he should stop the execution. >> whitaker: on what grounds? >> baich: that it wasn't working. >> schaeffer: i actually said about four rosaries, four complete rosaries, and there's five decades to each rosary. and each one can take anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes. >> whitaker: and that told you
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that this was going on for a very long time? >> schaeffer: hour and 58 minutes. >> kiefer: that's a long time to be sitting there, watching somebody die. >> whitaker: before the federal judge could rule, joseph wood was dead. it was supposed to take just one dose of the drugs to kill him. prison logs show, before it was over, executioners had injected wood 15 times with the new cocktail of drugs. >> baich: someone made the decision to inject 14 additional doses of that drug into mr. wood. that's not something that has ever been done before. so, they were making it up as they went along. >> whitaker: in several rulings, the supreme court has reaffirmed the eighth amendment-- punishment must not be cruel and unusual. joseph wood's lingering death set off alarms across the country and prompted an independent investigation in arizona.
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was joseph wood's execution botched? >> mark brnovich: well, bill, i think "botched" is a very inflammatory word. >> whitaker: arizona attorney general mark brnovich told us he sees nothing wrong in the way wood's execution was carried out. it took almost two hours. that's the longest execution in u.s. history. >> brnovich: at the end of the day, though, the independent report, the medical examiner, all concluded that mr. wood was sedated the entire time, was unresponsive to stimuli, and he was feeling no pain whatsoever. >> whitaker: but how do you know that? >> brnovich: well, obviously, at... at the end of the day... >> whitaker: were there sensors? was anybody taking brain... you know, how do you know he wasn't feeling pain? >> brnovich: well, ultimately, you can't know, because the person's dead. >> whitaker: so if two hours isn't too long, what is? three hours? would that cause alarm? four hours? >> brnovich: i think two hours, three hours, four hours-- when someone's on the death gurney and they're unconscious, i don't think they're worried about the time. in this instance, it happened to take longer, but that does not mean that it was botched. >> whitaker: what would you call it?
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>> brnovich: i would call it that you had somebody who is a heinous killer that murdered people in cold blood, and eventually received justice. >> whitaker: there's no dispute of joseph wood's guilt. in august of 1989, wood, a 31- year-old vet addicted to methamphetamines, walked into this auto body shop in tucson, arizona, shot and killed his former girlfriend, debra dietz, and her father, eugene dietz, in cold blood in broad daylight. richard and jeannie brown remember that day well. you actually saw joe wood kill your... >> richard brown: ...sister-in- law. she's saying "no, joe, don't do it, don't do it," and he shot her anyways. it was one of the worst days of my life. in 40 seconds, eugene dietz and deborah dietz were dead. >> jeannie brown: and my mom looked at me and she walked up and gave me a hug, and she said "your dad and sister were just killed." >> whitaker: you witnessed his execution? >> richard brown: yes. >> whitaker: what was that day like for you? >> richard brown: that day was
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one of the best days of my life, because he finally got it. >> jeannie brown: everybody can say he went inhumanely, it was a horrible death. i wonder if we were all sitting in the same room and if we all saw the same thing, because he went peacefully. and my... i'm sure my dad and my sister did not go peacefully. >> whitaker: this is a murderer. he committed a heinous crime. why worry about his last two hours on earth? >> baich: we're not medical doctors. we don't know whether joe wood experienced pain. but what we do know is that, under the constitution, there cannot be cruel and unusual punishment, and there cannot be a lingering death. i witnessed other executions by lethal injection and i had never seen anything like that. >> whitaker: lethal injections were supposed to be a civilized
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step up from the brutality of electrocutions and the spectacle of public hangings. former president ronald reagan described execution by lethal injection as "just like falling asleep." >> alex kozinski: i just think that the whole idea of using drugs is foolish. >> whitaker: alex kozinski is a judge on the united states court of appeals for the ninth circuit, which covers the west, including arizona, where joseph wood was executed. kozinski was appointed to the bench by president reagan and is one of the most prominent conservative judges in the country. he is in favor of the death penalty, but is opposed to lethal injection. >> kozinski: the state of arizona and other states want to make this look like it's benign, want to make it look like "oh, it's just a medical procedure." they ought to just face the idea that this is cruel and this is violent, and they ought to use some method that reflects that.
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>> whitaker: well, we used to do all kinds of things to kill people. we used to have the electric chair. we used to have the gas chamber. we used to hang people, even publicly. >> kozinski: many people were executed by electric chair, but then it was switched away from that because it was thought to be something that caused pain. >> whitaker: so, that's why most states moved to lethal injection. >> kozinski: and as a result, those people who strongly opposed the death penalty moved to stop the flow of drugs that are available for execution, so now, states have to scramble for ever-more-exotic drugs to try to carry out the death penalty. >> whitaker: pharmaceutical companies also grew alarmed that drugs developed to heal were being used to kill, and they refused to sell them for use in executions. the u.s. government now prohibits the import of the drugs. we found 15 states have begun to improvise their own lethal concoctions. the result-- a number of bungled executions.
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in 2014, in ohio, convicted murderer dennis mcguire gasped and convulsed on the gurney for 25 minutes before dying. in oklahoma, clayton lockett, convicted of rape and murder, was administered an untested combination of drugs. he struggled violently, groaned and writhed. a witness later said it was like watching a person being tortured to death. prison officials moved to stop the execution, but lockett would die of a heart attack 43 minutes after the drugs first entered his veins. lockett's execution prompted president barack obama to call for a wide-ranging federal review of executions. >> barack obama: what happened in oklahoma is deeply troubling. in the application of the death penalty in this country, we have seen significant problems. >> whitaker: most states have laws making lethal injection the only option for executions. with the drugs now unavailable, we have found six states have skirted federal law and turned
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to black market dealers to get their hands on them. six years ago, when arizona needed drugs to execute an inmate named jeffrey landrigan, it purchased them illegally from a supplier operating out of this driving school in london. on customs forms obtained by "60 minutes," the state claimed the imported drugs were for animal use. we asked the current attorney general, mark brnovich, if those drugs were used for the landrigan execution. >> the importing of the drug that you were trying to use for his execution was illegal. it's against u.s. law for that drug to be imported. >> brnovich: it's my understanding that there was a paperwork issue. the proper forms weren't filled out. >> whitaker: was it used in the execution of mr. landrigan? >> brnovich: yes. >> whitaker: this office, the state of arizona, knew or should have known that it was illegal to import these drugs? >> brnovich: bill, i was not the attorney general when that happened. >> whitaker: yeah, but this... >> brnovich: and i don't want to
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use that as an excuse, because i think there's a broader... >> whitaker: but if this office is... this is the top legal office. >> brnovich: right. and all i can assure you is that, as long as i'm attorney general, we will follow all state and federal regulations and all state and federal laws when it comes to obtaining and using the drugs in the executions here in arizona. >> whitaker: after our >> whitaker: after our interview, newly released documents revealed the arizona department of corrections once again purchased banned execution drugs abroad. federal authorities seized the illegal imports. arizona now is trying to get them back. >> brnovich: we execute individuals not because we want to or we get some sort a bloodlust out if it. we do it because we feel like we have to, and we will do everything we can to make sure that they're killed in the most efficient manner possible. >> whitaker: the death penalty in arizona has been blocked by a lawsuit since the problems with joseph wood's execution. the state is fighting in court to resume capital punishment by lethal injection. >> kozinski: i would eliminate the entire controversy. i would use a bullet or a series of bullets.
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they're fast, they're effective. nobody ever survives. >> whitaker: go back to the firing squad? >> kozinski: make it look like an execution. mutilate the body. and this would express the sense of that's what you're doing, that we're actually committing violence on another human being. >> whitaker: i read that you have even thought the guillotine might be a good way to execute. >> kozinski: oh, yes. >> whitaker: really? >> kozinski: the guillotine works. never fails. it's quick. it's effective. >> whitaker: you do know what that sounds like, hearing a judge sort of be an advocate for the guillotine? >> kozinski: tell me. >> whitaker: barbaric. >> kozinski: the death penalty is barbaric. and i think we, as a society, need to come face to face with that. if we're not willing to face up to the cruelty, we ought not to be doing it.
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>> anderson cooper: in march of 1999, an up-and-coming photographer named danny clinch got two phone calls that would change his life. the first came from bob dylan's manager, asking him to take some pictures of the legendary singer. and a few hours later, bruce springsteen's people also called to book him for a shoot. in the 17 years since, danny clinch has photographed just about every heavyweight in the music world: rappers, rockers,
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country stars, jazz and pop artists. as we first reported in february, he has a knack for being in the right place at the right time for the right shot. and he has developed friendships with many of his subjects, which gets him up close and personal access on stage and off. for example... bruce springsteen, hitting the road on tour once more, his wife patti by his side. and danny clinch is there to talk a bit about old times, and >> danny clinch: in '99 was the first time i photographed you guys and it was then. >> cooper: and shoot the band rehearsing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> cooper: over the years, clinch has taken thousands of pictures of springsteen, and
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many have become classics. >> clinch: this is in a farmhouse that's on bruce's property. and it's just a really sweet little spot. ♪ ♪ >> cooper: there are portraits of the artist offstage that mirror the tone and the message of his music. and there's the famous shot of springsteen falling back into the crowd, where from the stage, clinch had a perfect view. >> clinch: i was like, right in there. and he fell back and i got my shot. >> cooper: and did you know you got it? >> clinch: i felt like i did. yeah. >> cooper: clinch wears many hats, pun intended. as the official portrait photographer at the grammys, he covers the musical spectrum. tony bennett and lady gaga. >> clinch: i'm not like a strong-arm guy. i want to collaborate. >> cooper: country star miranda lambert. >> clinch: you want to make people relaxed. >> cooper: singer-songwriter sam smith. >> clinch: you want to find a common ground as quickly as you can.
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>> cooper: foo fighter dave grohl and paul mccartney. >> clinch: you're in a sense part of the history of that moment. and i never really get tired of that, and i never take it for granted. >> trey anastasio: you want to go up on stage? >> clinch: yeah. >> cooper: he goes way back with many musicians. that's trey anastasio of the band phish, one of several that let him shoot on stage, trusting him to stay out of the way. ♪ ♪ it's new year's eve: phish is playing madison square garden and to the crowd, clinch is the invisible man. what is it about shooting a concert? what are you trying to get? >> clinch: i'm trying to capture a moment. it's not about the singer at the microphone. i'm trying to look for, like, a moment in between. >> cooper: he works from the back of the stage, hiding behind the drums or the amplifiers, waiting for that in-between moment. popping up like a whack-a-mole to get his shot.
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and sometimes over the years, it's paid off big, as in this classic photograph. the view from the stage of foo fighter's dave grohl and a cast of thousands. >> clinch: it still gives me goose bumps. >> cooper: or this one, at a pearl jam concert. eddie vedder and jeff ament, airborne. >> clinch: i popped up from behind jeff's amplifiers. the whole stadium was lit. they're up in the air in that perfect moment. >> cooper: you were hiding behind an amplifier. >> clinch: yeah. >> cooper: do you wear earplugs? >> clinch: i should. ( laughs ) >> cooper: but you don't. >> clinch: i often don't, yeah. >> cooper: i'm surprised you can even hear me. >> clinch: yeah. >> cooper: or are you just reading my lips? >> clinch: yeah. it is- i get out there and i'm like, "jeez, i should probably have some earplugs." and then i'm like, i forgot them. >> cooper: learning the ropes, clinch was an assistant to photographer annie leibovitz. he prefers shooting in natural light, and agrees with what the famous war photographer robert capa said: if your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough. and even when he's not working, he's still looking for that perfect shot.
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>> clinch: i'm photographing all the time. i'm such a visual person and i don't want to miss that moment. >> cooper: you're never without your camera? >> clinch: rarely. >> cooper: even right now sitting here? >> clinch: yeah. see? i always want to be prepared, because you never know who's going to come to your studio. i really like this a lot. >> cooper: his studio is a place where any music fan would love to be locked up for a few days. it's like a history of rock and roll. >> clinch: there's a couple things here i want to show you so we'll show these over here. >> cooper: a couple years back, he photographed one of the men who started it all: chuck berry, who's now 89. and another founding father: jerry lee lewis, who's 80. and here are some pictures from that first session with bob dylan. >> clinch: we were trying to figure out you know give him a little something to do. somebody came back with a whole bunch of different language newspapers. and he picked that one up and i started to shoot. just, you know, keeping it real simple.
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>> cooper: more of his greatest hits: southern gothic, gregg allman on a rainy day in savannah. johnny cash, waiting to go onstage, a shot capturing the loneliness of life on the road. country stars faith hill and tim mcgraw. tom waits. nora jones. tupac shakur. >> clinch: he was really professional and he was into it. we chose a shirt that he was gonna change into. he took his shirt off and i saw all the tattoos. and i said, "would you mind doing one like that? and he said "yeah." >> cooper: when you took this did you know how strong it was? >> clinch: i mean, i felt like this was really a powerful image. i felt like the simplicity of it was really powerful. ♪ ♪ >> cooper: clinch has branched out into making commercials and music videos. this one shot in willie nelson's bedroom on his tour bus. ♪ ♪ >> clinch: willie doesn't mind me taking his photograph, but he's not really crazy about
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sitting and being directed and all that sort of stuff. so i've found ways to work with that. >> cooper: he also got some very candid stills. nelson braiding his hair. and indulging in his favorite recreational pastime, smoking a huge stick of weed. i don't even know what it would be called, it's so big. >> clinch: i know, it's something. >> cooper: it's like a cigar. >> clinch: somehow i can't remember what happened after that. >> cooper: and then, there are the occasional shoots he wishes he could forget. >> clinch: i was at a madonna show many, many years ago and i was like in the sweet spot and she came out and i mean it was the best part of the show. and i was shooting, shooting, shooting, shooting. and i'm like, "god, i must have shot a hundred pictures have i not run out of film?" and i opened the back of my camera and there was no film in there. ( laughs ) so that happened to me only once. >> cooper: ouch. ♪ ♪ no doubt one reason he gets
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along so well with musicians: he knows the language, wearing yet another hat to play with the tangiers blues band, and sometimes jamming with the likes of willie and bruce. his harmonica, like his camera, goes everywhere he goes. ♪ ♪ he grew up on the jersey shore, living in toms river, a few miles down the garden state parkway from springsteen country. he got the photography bug from his mother. >> clinch: she always had a camera, always still has a camera. and at times i find myself taking pictures of her taking pictures of the family. >> cooper: and from his father, he got a taste for classic rock and roll from the '50s, and classic cars. his prize possession: a 1948 pontiac silver streak. the sort of car his father always noticed when clinch was a kid. >> clinch: everywhere we went he
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would go, "oh, there's a '55 chevy." and, "oh," you know, "look at that 1959 cadillac." and i started to love cars myself. >> cooper: and he's always found a way to work them into the shot. springsteen with the pontiac, and in his wife's 1950 hudson with clinch's father at the wheel. an old cadillac with neil young's hat. and young inside, tooling around nashville. >> clinch: this was a great moment for me. i'm a big fan of neil's, to be driving around in this cadillac was... >> cooper: yeah. was he driving? >> clinch: he was driving yeah, yeah. and we stopped at a little intersection and i grabbed it. ♪ ♪ but nothing could prepare him for the trip he made in december to the old car capital of the universe: havana. cuba, havana, it's got to be a photographer's dream. >> clinch: i'll tell ya, there's so much interesting culture and there's so much great color everywhere you look is a photograph. >> cooper: you seem to have a smile on your face kind of all the time. >> clinch: yeah. yeah. >> cooper: the preservation hall jazz band was invited to a cuban
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music festival, and clinch tagged along with a documentary film crew. ♪ ♪ they play the traditional music of new orleans. a distinctive sound, and some distinctive instruments. you know, you do a lot rock and roll bands, don't see a lot of rock and roll bands with a sousaphone. >> clinch: yeah. that's true. >> cooper: the rhythms of new orleans and havana are much alike. and the americans were soon jamming with cuban musicians: on stage, at their homes. >> clinch: you don't need to speak spanish, you know? you just need to speak music. >> cooper: between concerts, clinch wandered the city, snapping away. and checking out the cars. >> clinch: i'm not just a fan of the really restored ones, the shiny ones. but i like the working man's cars. how they've fixed it, how it had been repaired time after time. ♪ ♪
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>> cooper: but his biggest thrill came backstage, with the band warming up. >> clinch: they were preparing for the show. and it just turned into this impromptu, like jam, this percussion type thing. and i live for those moments. ♪ ♪ >> cooper: he's seen a lot of moments, heard a lot of music. and has come to one conclusion. >> clinch: it doesn't matter if it's hip-hop. it doesn't matter if it's jazz, or anything in between. if it hits you right here, it's good music. >> cooper: and you can get a photo out of it. you can capture it. >> clinch: so far, yeah. ( laughs ) >> cooper: writing in clinch's notebook, tupac shakur said: if a picture is worth a thousand words, photographers are worth a million. ♪ ♪ that's a thought shared by clinch's fellow native of the jersey shore, who says... >> springsteen: this is the man here. >> cooper: this is the man.
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>> springsteen: if you want the picture. >> clinch: come and get it. >> springsteen: there he is. ♪ ♪ >>announcer: anderson cooper on the rock and roll art of danny clinch, plus more photos from the stage. go to the steady stream of entertainment. your favorite shows. streaming on. you can just keep streaming... ...and streaming. hello jim. so much streaming, but i'd really like to go home now. my arms are very tired. seize the data! get our best unlimited plan ever so you can stream and surf all you want with unlimited data from at&t.
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