tv CBS Overnight News CBS July 12, 2016 3:12am-4:01am PDT
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the justice department is investigating. since the shooting there have been nightly protests the baton rouge, mostly peaceful, but nearly 200 have been arrested for blocking roads. today law enforcement officials criticized president obama in a private meeting at the white house. they complain that he is not expressing enough support for police. mr. obama said the lawmen were f forgetting his past statements. the vice president was also in the meeting and later today we asked joe biden about the
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availability of the armor-piercing bullets. dallas police have blamed them for penetrating their vests, why has your administration not re stricted the sale of armor piercing rounds? >> we have been trying to do that for a long time. >> it has not happened, sir. >> i know it has not. the first bill to stop the armor-piercing bullets was introduced by pat moynahan and me years ago, and so what we get is resistance from the republican congress. >> what is the support of armor-piercing rounds? >> there is none, zero, zero, zero. >> what is the administration willing to do to restrict the sale of armor-piercing rounds
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now after dallas? >> before dallas and after dallas we're prepared to do everything we can to be able to do that and have it stick. >> and sir, can you be more specific? are you going to do something through the atf or will it be an executive action? >> well, there is a debate as to whether or not there is an authority and executive action. i think we have the authority. and there is a concern that if in fact we go ahead and do it what the response will be from the united states congress in a way that may be able to override a veto. but i'm not prepared to give you more detail at this moment except to say you are right about the total non-utility from a sporting perspective of armor-piercing bullets and we are focusing on it. >> is it worth a try even if you face a veto?
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>> i've learned that i have a v in front of my name. v, vice president. but speaking for myself i think it is worth a try. >> vice president biden, we're grateful for your time, thank you. >> thanks an awful lot. >> the republican convention opens next monday and today the party got to work on its platform. julianna goldman has more. >> reporter: as donald trump campaigned in virginia and railed against hillary clinton, republicans gathered in cleveland when trump is set to accept his party's nomination next week. >> lord, we know it is truly only you who can make america great again. >> reporter: but the first platform at hand? setting out the platform for the party activists. >> i am going to insert the language. >> reporter: earlier today delegates took up issues like
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same-sex marriage, trade and abortion, issues where trump has at times gone against the ground of republican orthodoxy. one of the points was bathroom use, trump has said such individuals can use any bathroom at his properties. a federal judge today ruled in favor of delegates who want the right to vote for someone other than trump. but scott, the movement to deny trump the nomination here is still very much a long shot. >> julianna goldman covering cleveland for us tonight, julianna, thank you. and britain will have a new prime minister on wednesday, with theresa may the choice. may is considered a moderate conservative who is the cabinet secretary in charge of homeland security. she supported remaining in the eu, but now she will negotiate britain's exit. still ahead, controversy over using a robot to kill the
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dallas gunman. and later in the broadcast, the hottest video game app of the summer. because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! hey spray 'n wash is back...ews? and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better.
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gunman who had shot 14 of his officers. here is kris van cleave. >> reporter: it took the dallas police bomb squad 15 to 20 minutes to rig the $20,000 robot like this one the police used last summer to deatonate insidea suspect's vehicle. police brown was unapologetic about using the robot. >> i am not ashamed to say we used it for save lives. >> reporter: but it is a concern for peter asaro from the national committee for robot arms control. >> now the idea is out there, and just like with the case of shooters will they get inspired by seeing other shooters? i assume that other police departments will adopt these types of tactics. >> i don't believe that it's a killer robot. >> reporter: the montgomery county maryland fire and rescue
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department operates several bombs in the area. it can operate a water canon or high-powered air to disrupt suspicious devices. montgomery county scott goldstein shou goldstein. >> do you think they can save lives? >> they can be repaired. >> reporter: by all accounts, the dallas police jerry-rigged it to carry the explosives and it was damaged in the blast. they are remotely controlled, driven by a person who sits inside that truck. >> kris van cleave for us tonight. thank you. when we come back, hillary clinton answers the fbi's criticism of the way she handled the e-mails as secretary of state.
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coverage of dallas on friday obscured one of the most important points of the campaign in weeks. hillary clinton handling her e-mail on government private security e-mails. friday from dallas, we asked clinton for reaction. >> madam secretary, james comey, the fbi director, concluded that you were quote, extremely careless in handling classified information. how do you plead? >> well, i think he clarified that remark during his testimony yesterday and i appreciate it as i appreciate the very professional work that they and the department of justice did with respect to that specific question. >> secretary clinton's use of
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the word, clarified, in our interview suggested that director comey had walked back his criticism, but this is what he told congress. >> what is your definition of careless, if you could go through that? >> i intended it as a common sense term kind of you know it when you see it terms. somebody who should know better. someone who has demonstrated using a lack of care that strikes me as, there are ordinary accidents and then there is just real sloppiness, so i think of that as real sloppiness. >> comey added that if a federal employee was that sloppy with documents they would likely be punished or fired. >> and you say what? >> i say that i have proven that over the course of my eight years in the senate, my four years as secretary of state. i take classified materials
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searching for mythical creatures. >> i have been playing pokemon since i was six so this has been big for me since i was a little kid. >> reporter: the pokemon character has been one of the most popular. pokemon go is one of the most downloaded apps ever, in its release, the game earned up to $4.9 million. not bad for a free app. the revenues come in purchases that help them capture the characters. pokemon go has brought the classics into the real world by tapping into your smartphones, gps clock or camera. and they can appear in your office, on city streets, or even here in new york's central park. >> reporter: dan ackerman is the
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senior editor. >> so it's giving you the benefit from moving around from walking. >> this is the most walking i have done in the summer in the last three days. >> reporter: in missouri, three teens were arrested for luring somebody to a game called the beacon and robbing them. the game warns that players must be aware of their surrounding and when going to unfamiliar places to take a friend. you never know who or what may be lurking in the shadows. don dahler, cbs overnight news. >> and that is the news for us tonight, for some of you the news continues, and check with us in the morning on the broadcast news. from our broadcast center, i'm
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scott pelley. this is the cbs overnight news. welcome to the overnight news, i'm michelle miller. president obama travels to the scene of the crime today, dallas texas, where five police officers were killed and nine others were wounded at a military-style ambush last thursday. the president will meet with the victims' families and law enforcement officials and speak with families of those killed. >> now, the president will try to alleviate tensions here in the u.s. >> reporter: president obama touched down at the white house late sunday night cutting short a foreign trip to address
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america's latest violent tragedy. >> i would like all sides to listen to each other. >> reporter: after meeting with spain's acting prime minister, mr. obama called on "black lives matter" activists to reject violence calling it counterproductive to their cause. >> i want all of them to maintain a respectful, thoughtful tone. because as a practical matter that is what is going to get change done. >> reporter: but the president also said law enforcement could help alleviate tensions by acknowledging protesters' frustrations. >> there are legitimate issues that have been raised. and there is data and evidence to back up the concerns that are being expressed by these protesters. >> reporter: the president said the nation has come a long way since the civil rights movement and gave much of the credit to basic american values enshrined in the constitution. >> because of that ability to
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protest and engage in free speech america, over time, has gotten better. >> reporter: the president also once again brought up the issue of gun control. he said if americans care about the safety of their police officers they can't pretend that that issue is irrelevant. >> funerals will be held this week for three of the five police officers gunned down in the dallas ambush, brent thompson and lorne ahrens will be buried tomorrow. michael smith's funeral is thursday. the families of zamarippa has not been announced. >> one thing coming up after the attack is family, wives and daughters remembering loved ones to police officers ralliy around their own. >> reporter: heidi and mike smith were living the american dream, she is a teacher, he was a police officer. on thursday, heidi's worst nightmare came through.
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>> the hospital chaplain put his hand out to me and i knew. >> reporter: sergeant mike smith was dead. before he went to work, without fail, mike always said good-bye to see daughters, victoria and caroline. >> i would always at least give him a hug before he left. >> reporter: but on thursday, something was different. >> and he said to me, what if this is the last time you ever kissed me or hugged me. >> did he always say that? >> no. it just felt different to me. i felt something bad was going to happen. >> reporter: 32-year-old patrick zamarippa, 48-year-old lorne ahrens, 40-year-old michael krol, and 43-year-old brent thompson were also killed in the attack. the dallas police officer jorge barrientes saw some shot down. >> i had people close to me in
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my unit, friends, brothers, within feet of me. >> reporter: the officers died doing what they had had sworn to do, to protect and serve. >> they had no regard for their own life, they stayed there with us, surrounding my son and i. >> reporter: shetamia taylor is one of two civilians shot by the assassins during the protest. they rushed to her aid. >> i am so sorry that they lost their lives. but i am thankful. i'm -- so thankful. >> reporter: el centro college confirmed two of their officers were injured in that deadly attack. corporal brian shaw and abbott were injured from the flying glass, and despite their injuries both officers went back to the scene to try to help civilians and fellow officers.
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dallas police officials continue to face questions over how they ended the standoff with the gunman. they sent a robot carrying a bomb and blew him up. critics say such military hardware has no role on the streets of america. kris van cleave reports from the streets of maryland. >> reporter: the bombs can do pretty much any person can do. they have cameras so that they can communicate, ands have arms to investigate suspicious packages, but some police departments have used them to deliver tear gas to stop a suspect. but for a police department to use a robot to kill, that was unprecedented. hours after micah johnson opened fire in downtown dallas he was cornered by police and told negotiators there were bombs around the city and he threatened to kill more officers. the dallas mayor says there were no other options than to send in
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a robot strap weekeped with the, c-4. >> we asked if he wanted to come out safely, or we're going to take you down and he choose the latter. >> last december, they used the same implement to stop a suspect. they can use a canon or air to stop suspicious devices. the montgomery county police department operates one of several in the region. do you feel like these things save lives. >> they clearly save lives, they can be repaired or replaced. you can't replace a highly trained member of the squad. >> reporter: but critics say these were designed for military combat. >> raises concerns about the increased weaponization of the robots police use. >> reporter: peter asaro is with the committee for arms control. >> once i think police departments have these types of
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weapons in their arsenal it provides the opportunities in a lot of different types of scenarios. >> i thought it was genius. >> reporter: the 50-year veteran police chief dan montgomery compares the use of the robot to a high-tech version of sniper fire. >> if you have a robot that has c-4 explosives somebody has to detonate so it is the same as a killer robot. >> reporter: he doesn't see a problem with it because they're operating in the back of the truck. they can cost $60,000 apiece. in other news, great britain will have a new prime minister tomorrow. the conservative party avoided a long campaign and selected homeland security secretary theresa may. >> we're going to give people more control over their lives and that is how together we will build a better britain.
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there is a gnarly tree in morocco that is the source of some of the finest oil in all the world. argan oil is used in salad and as a dipping sauce but also is a moisturizer for your hair and skin, and some insist even cures disease. argan oil is liquid gold for the people who make it, selling $300 a liter. but how it gets from the tree to your kitchen table is another story. here is jonathan vigliotti. >> reporter: the sounds of morocco come in many forms, from the music at the bustling markets to the cars that congest
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the streets. but 80 miles west of marrakesh for the countryside, there is tranquillity and the enchanting argan forest. these sun-kissed trees were once at risk of being wiped out for lumber, and today they are a lifeline. and the pioneers have hooves. the goats of morocco have an extraordinary skill. with the finesse of a tight-rope walker, they scale up the branches. it's a darwinian tenant that goats developed to reach what was hanging on the other end of the stick, the argan fruit, which contains the oil known for its anti-aging properties, popping up in food to oil to a
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variety of products. but nowhere will you find the story of how this oil was born. >> so goats and trees, like a moroccan mirage. >> yeah, the first time i saw these goats climbing the tree i thought i was hallucinating. >> reporter: along the streets it's normal to see hundreds of goats in the trees. as we are shown, there is where this new york-based argan oil brand takes root. >> they're basically eating the fruit and digesting it. and they either spit it out or poop it out. >> you heard that right, centuries ago locals discovered the goats' digestive tract helped with the process. but the only thing, the nuts needed to be collected by hand.
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>> that is a little goat poop. and then you know, just getting ready to do it. >> reporter: and we did, collecting dozens of nuts that went in one end and came out the other. >> so this is how it starts. >> that is how it starts in the tree. >> and comes out like this? >> comes out like this. so guys, welcome. >> reporter: the cooperative is one in a number of argan oil production site s run by berber women, you wouldn't find fancy machines here. every ounce of oil is pressed by hand. it's an old recipe, the nut is cracked, the seeds extracted. they are then ground into a thick paste using the traditional stone wheel. water is added and tediously mixed and finally filtered into
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this golden liquid. >> just how much time goes into it? >> well, i mean, it takes about 40 hours of labor work, to make one liter of argan oil. >> for one liter. >> after the goats have done their work. >> reporter: one argan tree can only produce one liter of oil a year, that is why it earned the name liquid gold. so what does it taste like? >> it's made with the help of goats. >> we dip the bread, it tastes like nuts. >> it tastes like peanut. >> don't taste any trace of goat. >> today, because of demand fuelled by celebrity users like angelina jolie and giselle bundchen, one liter is up to $300, some of the most expensive oil in the world.
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practically overnight berber women went from housewives to wealthier women with a steady income. that makes ahmed a hero for the ideas he brings. kadisha has been making the oil since he was a child. >> she said before life was very hard, almost no income. >> reporter: but thanks to argan oil, she bought a house and traveled and even paid for a brand-new set of teeth. and there is plenty of wealth being spread around, all across town you will see sees advertising businesses, along with bus-loads of tourists who pour in to buy the oil. but that means the goats are now struggling to keep up with the
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demand. after all they can only process so much fruit. as a result, most local companies have started to phase out the goats and even replaced some berber women's traditional roles with machines which can produce four liters a day compared to two when they're done by hand. some people seem to start with business for money, some for passion. >> i appreciate the culture, and what it is doing. >> what point do you sell out? >> i don't think i would sell out at any point. when you see a bottle of oil, you see a lot of work of women, good quality oil. it has a story behind it. >> reporter: a story that begins in these moroccan tree tops. and ends in shops like ahmed and gabriel's in new york city. they could be the last few drops of an ancient hey there, heard the good news? spray 'n wash is back... and even better.
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it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better. they should express eyes shouhow you feel. your age, there's no holding back with new olay eyes. a collection for the look of every eye concern: lift depuff brighten smooth or ultimaltely all of it. for a measurable transformation. olay eyes express every emotion, not your age. new from olay ageless your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body...
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♪ i don't think that's how they're made. klondike hooks up with tasty flavors... the best ice cream bars ever conceived. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. there are housing developments all across the country built around golf courses or parks or marinas. but how about farms? those are called agra hoods and sprouting up coast to coast. >> reporter: all you foodies
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take a closer look. this tree line suburban street may lead to heaven on earth. >> i would say that probably 80% of the food that we eat comes from within a five-mile radius of this house. >> these peppers? >> these peppers come from 50 feet away. >> they moved their family here from washington, d.c. two years ago. their five bedroom, five bathroom home sits 40 minutes south of downtown atlanta. they bought here for the close knit neighborhood and this organic farm right beyond their back yard. >> we had a friend from new york city come down here and ask if it was decorative. he would say like did they put those hay bales out there for an art installation. >> reporter: johnson and his wife are technicians living in the suburb with 250 homes and
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growing. the big draw here is not swim, tennis or golf, but a real working farm. >> to be clear, we're not roughing it. the farm is cared for by professionals. we buy the food, we're lucky to be so close to it to have the benefit, but we're not having to go out there and hoe the farm. >> people love sitting on their back porch and watch the people grow the food. >> he is the developer. >> how did you put the working farm in the center? >> well, i grew up on a farm. my family is generational farmers from colorado. >> he had opened more than 30 restaurants when he bought 60 acres of farm land in 1994, and gradually, that farm grew. he was nervous about the urban sprawl, and decided to open a
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community. today, the cluster of homes are surrounded by walking trails and horse stables. but at the center of it all, 25 acres set aside for agriculture. >> the first ones were sold in 48 hours. and the next group sold in six weeks. so i realized there was actually the market demand for what we were talking about. >> as an approach, it grew from the same farm from table movement that changed the restaurant movement and brought more and more farms to neighborhoods. this community planted itself at the center of the forefront, the argri hood. the cannery has a seven-acre farm, just outside washington, d.c. you will fd a 300 acre
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farm set aside for fruits, vegetables, chicken and goats. but agri hoods were luxury living, the average home is $700,000, five times more than other homes in the area. they broke ground on 50 new homes, and when complete they will have 1200 residents. >> people that are moving here they want to be near the farm. they want to overlook it. >> 29-year-old ashley rogers is serenby's farm manager. >> i know most of the folks in the community and they can come up to me today and say oh, man, i made that sweet potato. that warms my heart more than anything. >> rogers grew up in suburban detroit and feels a connection here, her hands in the soil and her heart in the community into i love what i do.
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i think about charles that lives right there all the time. and just hear him say hey, ashley, do you know, like knowing that he cares about what i'm doing and i can affect him and he can come after school and pick radishes with us. and his parents say thank you, you make such an impact on him. like where else can i do that? >> how important is the farm to this community? >> oh, i think it's vital. the centerpiece of the community. we'll spend two to three hours at the farmer's market on saturday. not just buying vegetables, that takes 15 minutes, but checking in with neighbors, seeing how everybody is doing. if you replace it with a golf course we wouldn't live here. >> can this model be duplicated in other areas? >> gosh, i really hope so. because this, the subdivisions that i grew up in, i hope that is an end of an era. and we can have this community.
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have you downloaded the pokemon go app yet? well, millions of people have. it's a game where you go out in your neighborhood trying to catch virtual polk eman characters. well, the app has been out a week. >> pokemon go was released last week and quickly shot to the download charts. it is designed to get people to tour interesting places near their homes. but now it seems robbers have targeted players by using one of the game's built-in features. pokemon go has been advertised as a carefree way to use your smartphone as part of a modern-day scavenger hunt.
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in this game, you battle characters in the real world. it's not unusual to find people gathered to find pikachu and his friends. but police say criminals are also taking advantage of the game and its players by using a feature of the game called a beacon to attract multiple people to one location. in a st. louis suburb, police say these teens along with another juvenile were arrested after they lured players and stole a phone and wallet sunday morning. a handgun was recovered. >> some clever criminals figured out people may come to a deserted spot later at night or early in the morning when there was not a lot of people and pounce on them when they showed up. >> the game players are comfortable searching out of their comfort zone for characters. >> i went to the park in the morning looking for pokemon with like three or four or five of my
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other friends. >> distracted, they have reported problems should they trip over the sidewalks, on their skateboards, walking into traffic. >> but most players say they're grateful for a game that gets them on their feet and out the door. >> it's a great way to be social and a great way to have fun and get exercise. just so much fun. >> the company behind the game released a statement sunday saying quote, we encourage all people playing pokemon go to be aware of their surroundings and to play with friends when going to new or unfamiliar places. please remember to be safe and alert at all times. and that is the overnight news for this tuesday, for some of you the news continues and for others we hope you will check back a bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here in new york city, i'm michelle miller.
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♪ it's tuesday, july 12th, 2016, this is the "cbs morning news." ♪ thousands turned out in dallas to honor five fallen heroes. today, president obama once again becomes consoler in chief addressing a grieving community and a nation in a time of turmoil. and while protesters demand e for two black men killedck men
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