tv Mosaic CBS September 4, 2016 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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have a very special show for you today on a very special day for . good morning. welcome to the arch die archdiocese "mosaic ." we have a special edition. today pope francis has already celebrated the canonization of blessed mother theressa. pope francis declared 2016 year of mercy and saint hood now the most provider of the 21st
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century. we're going to learn about theressa today, about the charity and how they work throughout the world and especially here in san francisco to bring god's mercy into the world. when we come back, we'll begin with a short video that the archbishop made several months ago while this rome. ,, ,,,, ,,
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action. we see mercy in work of charity. pope francis declare this is year of jubilee mercy in the face of mercy. jesus christ is the face of god's mercy. mother teresa understood this and always spoke about recognizing jesus in the many disguises used. she saw him in the poor and became his face, the face of mercy to them. it's especially a great joy for us and the archdiocese of san francisco as the missionaries of charity are a prominent presence for us and tremendous blessing for life of our local church in the ministries they carry out, hospice, caring for needy women, feeding the poor. we have the great blessing of hosting for all americas of san francisco die diocese. i wish to offer you
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congratulations, assure you of love for you and appreciation show to everyone. they are great inspiration to us all. i appeal to young people to look to them for inspiration, to see the real joy that comes from following god's call to one's life. to be open that god may be calling you to serve in the particular way of dedicating your life completely to him and service of his people. be open to god and god's call. he'll work great things through you if you do. . so archbishop shared those thoughts when in rome in july. it's certainly clear he has a intentional -- has a special attachment to
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mother teresa. he appointed one of his deacons to be chaplain of charity in the arch die archdiocese. we're lucky to have that man, deacon resmong born in ireland, worked in san francisco for many years and then a deacon several years ago. he brings his own previous devotion to st. teresa's work to his new assignment. welcome deacon. >> thank you. >> please would you tell us how you first experienced the missionaries of charity and mother teresa during your time in india. >> thank you for having me mike. i first met the sisters in india. as you said, permanent deacon for archdiocese of san francisco. i also work in india every year, go there each year working in a missionary diocese. one of the newest parts in the church. the bishop of that area, bishop
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george, was personal friends with mother. she made him chaplain to her order. when he was doing his missionary work building up the church and this remote part of india, she collaborated with him from day one and sent him some of her sisters who were among the first to work with him. to this day, they're working with him in the part of the george and him himalayans. i met him through them when goy there every year working with him. they work with him. i witnessed their work as i work with him. i've seen them work. something i notice about the sisters, no matter where they are, they're always at -- this is one of the most remote churches. they're in the most remote region. >> as an echo of pope francis there? >> absolutely. they're completely there. with the poor, they're with the
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poorest of poor. in that area unfortunately we are currently having a famine. the sisters are ones we turn to help us with that. they're in a little shack, bamboo hut out of which they feed between 200-500 children a week a bowl of rice each per day. that's the kind of work they're doing. >> and you go there every year. then this year, archbishop asked you to be deacon chaplain to sisters here. tell us what that work entails. >> yes. sisters are heavily involved. they have three locations in our arch diocese. they work in the city in two locations. one is a convent called queen of peace. it's a convent and upstairs is a shelter or home for poor women either pregnant or have a child. these are women who have been living in the shelters or on the
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streets. sisters take them out of the streets and give them a home and safe place to live with their children. also, there's a soup kitchen which every morning is open to feed the local elderly poor. out of that same kitchen every afternoon, the sisters travel to st. anthony church and there they feed the homeless in the kitchen everyday. except on sundays when they go to underpass. >> how are you able yourself as deacon chaplain to assist them or be a part of that? >> as their deacon and chaplain, i work along side the sisters serving the people they serve. i also serve the sisters themselves. so i serve along side them both feeding the homeless, working in the shelter with the women and children, and at pacificca where
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they have gift of love hospice. again for homeless people mostly that are dying of aids because of context in which they live. sisters give them dignity. i work along side them on that. >> so when we come back from this next break, we would love to hear more about those activities of mercy that the sisters and you are engaged in in san francisco. >> thank you.
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rory who recently was named deacon chaplain to local nation theirs of charity. could you tell us in some detail or what detail you choose about the work of sisters in the san francisco and work as their chaplain. >> absolutely happy to. in san francisco, the sisters have the shelter for the women and children. in the mornings they feed the elderly poor at the same site in san francisco. every afternoon they travel out to the church where there's a kitchen and dining room there. >> this is a silly question. how do those in need find them? >> sisters go out and advertise where the kitchen is going to be. they travel to the underpasses. they go into the allies and the gutters. they talk and share time, they spend time talking to people and letting them know.
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between 80 and 120 people come everyday. they're all regulars. it's a community that forms. that's the important thing. the sisters are there with friends. they're there with people they know and love. >> are you able to minister to these folks? >> yes. i go with them. we're treating the whole person, body and soul. when i was there first, i was concentrating on just handing out food and giving sandwiches. i was happy with that. the sister gently asked me to expand my role and go out and actually offer prayer blessings to the homeless. this is the underpass. at first i was shy. i didn't think they would be very interested. i sat over in the corner and said, if anybody wants a blessing after you've eaten, come over here and do a prayer blessing fully expecting not to have anybody take me up on it.
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what actually happened is one man came forward. we prayed together. when i looked up, the whole line had formed. they were standing there prayerfully. one by one they came forward, and we prayed together. the lord turn had the underpass into a church. now when i arrive, they cluster around me as soon as i come out of the van asking for prayers and blessings before the food. these are hungry people who may not have eaten a day or two. what is most important, what they want first is prayer. the sisters taught me that. man does not live by bread alone but every word from god's mouth. even a hungry man. >> you mentioned aids hospice for homeless. >> it's a wonderful place called gift of love. it is a gift of love. there's room for about 13
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residents. we are frequently full. most our guests are homeless people that have hiv and dying of aids. being homeless, they don't have full adherence to the medicine, living in context that doesn't allow them to be healthy. tragically they end up with full blown aids. these days, what happens is most of them get the care and love they receive from the sisters. they recover enough that they're able to transition back into the social welfare system and get help and housing. some significant portions still die because they're so hill when they come to us. what they find in the hospice is the place where they are loved. people find their full human dignity again and peace. it's counterintuitive. it's a very joyful place. i love going every week. these people are my friends. >> we'll talk later about how
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our viewers perhaps can become involved in any of this work or all of the work. i think you told me previously that they also have a summer camp. >> every year. now the sisters have started running a summer camp for children and teenagers. we held church at the visitation valley it's a week long. it is focusing on prayer and on the lord and faith. giving the children that experience and fun. this year we took children to the beach on the final day of the camp. for some kids there, it's their first time ever being at the beach. also, what we started doing this year being the year of mercy, we started series of pilgrimages. we take abe bus load of people we feed on the street from the street to the cathedral. they go on pilgrimage. this has become a popular thing
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with the homeless community. they love going, love praying there. for us, it's become a very important ministry. >> in addition, the sisters go out to some of the parishes. >> and teach faith formation for children of ccd. they're at the parish in san francisco doing that and some others. we do house visits. we go to people's homes and pray with them in their homes and do home blessings which is one of the original works of sisters sisters in calcutta. it's hugely popular. they love to have the sisters visit with them in their home which is simply a one room little single room occupancy. we pray there, bless the room. it becomes a place that's holy for the person. >> and i believe you said at some point that the sisters pray themselves.
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thursdays apparently. >> thursdays are the one day they spend the day in their respective convent fully in prayer all day long. that's all over the world. every evening after we finished feeding the homeless, they return to the convent and have evening prayer, rosemary and holy hour. on some evenings there's benediction as well. i join them when ever possible. that's something people looking, who want to join for service or prayer, should be app ware of. they can join for this. >> this wonderful community must be excited about the canonization of their found her. >> they're excited and happy. one of the reasons they've been sharing this information today is they want to make people aware of what they're doing here locally. we celebrate the canonization of mother teresa. they can invite people interested to celebrate by
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joining in some of the work here. >> and when we come back, we'll talk more about that. there's an exhibit at the cathedral for the next small period of time. >> i encourage people to go. it's a wonderfully produced exhibit. it gives insight to mother teresa and her work. >> excellent. when we come back m we'll reflect a bit more on canonization. we'll also learn how anyone so inspired can do the work of saint teresa here in san francisco.
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. welcome back. today september 4th, we celebrate with pope francis the canonization of st. teresa of calcutta. can you help us understand what it means to be a saint in the catholic church? >> a saint really is an ordinary person just like you and me. someone with human flaws, frailties, have been great sinners. a saint is a normal person who does extra ordinary things because they're fueled by the love of god. that's what a saint is. we all know saints. there are public and private saints. today mother teresa becomes a public saint. all of us know people that have gone to heaven that we know are saints. ordinary people doing extra ordinary things because they do them with love. >> we shouldn't be intimidated by the st. hood business when it comes to mission stairs --
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missionaries of charity. with that in mind, what are suggestions you have during this year of mercy, closing months of year of mercy for catholics and non catholics alike in our audience to participate in the work here for missionaries of charity. >> i think the most important thing to know is not be intimidated. you don't have to be expert or have experience. you don't have to be particularly holy to do this. it's the doing very simple things but doing them with love. the sisters are working. they've got channel set up nor you to do it. all you have to do is join them and workle long side them. make sandwiches, talk to someone, visit with someone. preparing a meal. that's what we do. we do hit -- do it with love. sisters invite you to join them. the experience is one of pure joy you get a lot more out than you put in >> we'll put information on the
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screen in a minute. the same information on the archdiocese website on how to make contact with the sisters. what are more examples of what people can do making sandwiches, feeding the poor? >> in san francisco there are a number of things. we have the kitchen feeding the elderly poor in the morning. in the afternoons, there's feeding homeless. you can do that either by helping serve the food or helping prepare it. in pacificc where the hospital is, people need to help us prepare meal and foods for up to 13 people. if you, your family, parish want to get involved in a group to do something, that could be a great help. coming there with the guests, spending time with them, is important to do. if you want to volunteer,
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contact the,maria. to volunteer in san francisco, contact sister sharon. the other thing, every year we have the camp for children and teens. if you like working with young people or want to be involved helping, we always need volunteers for that. coming to pray with us. coming and experiencing prayer with the sisters is a wonderful experience. >> how often is that? >> they pray everyday. they invite you to enjoy them everyday except thursdays which is when they stay inside. just the community. i encourage you to join them for evening prayer if possible for you. it's a beautiful experience. >> what sort of work would be available in the hospice? >> in the hospice, work that's available is coming to be and visit with people and prepare meals. we have a lot of people to feed.
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we have volunteers that help run the hospice. we have sometimes up to 13 guests. providing meals everyday is something we need help with. >> just simple presence. >> that's the most important thing. giving yourself, giving your time. sitting and listening to someone's stories. you might be listening to someone and spending time with someone that hasn't had that for years. it's an experience of pure joy. >> so you're obviously inspired by women and work they do here. it's clear. can you offer closing thoughts on new saint teresa who use to visit regularly in san francisco, and i'm sure some of these women knew her. also on the works of mercy available to all of us available everyday. >> i think the message of
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st. teresa and indeed of sisters is that we can all do this. mother teresa, saint teresa did simple things with great love. that's what the sisters do today. you don't have to be a trained social worker. you don't have to have experience. you can come and do simple things. do them with great love. i would say you can get involved in many ways doing simple things. seek out what's going on in your parish. doesn't have to be with the sisters. many have soup kitchens or clothe drives. it starts at home with your own parish with people you know already doing this. do come and check out what the sisters are doing. we'd love to have you join them. the other thing sisters have here that we're happy and proud of is we're home for all americas. st. paul's church in san francisco.
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church street. we have today 20 novices preparing for final vows. they serve all americas. we're happy to how has -- happy to house them. >> thank you for being with us on your new assignment. you inspired us on this glorious day. thanks again. >> thank you. the family favorite. yoplait. well at least he's wearing shoes. well done champ. get gooey, flaky, happy.
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