tv CBS This Morning CBS September 13, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> that's right. >> thanks for watching. have a great day, everyone. ♪ ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, september 13th, 2016. welcome to cbs this morning. former president bill clinton talks with charlie rose about the health of his wife, the presidential campaign and the clinton foundation. donald trump lashes out at hillary clinton for calling many of his supporters deplorables. >> plus, growing fears about the dangers of batteries that power everything from cell phones to children's toys. we'll demonstrate how the small lithium ion devices can spark dangerous explosions. only on "cbs this morning" the president of the ncaa is here in studio 7 to pull all championship events from north carolina because of a
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controversial law. we begin a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. so there's nothing more to know -- >> no. >> -- about what happened than pneumonia and dehydration? >> nothing more to know. >> reporter: hillary clinton responds to health concerns. >> why keep it a secret? >> i just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. >> donald trump wished clinton well but ripped into clinton over recent comments that categorized his supporters as deplorables. >> hillary clinton spoke with hatred in her heart for these working class americans. the cease-fire in syria is >> it may be the last chance to save a united syria. >> they flew two b-1 bombers over syria. >> they say it's a response to north korea's aggressive behavior. >> due to a state law that could cause discrimination against lgbt people. >> white house, some debate over funding for zika.
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>> we're in the midst of political season. everybody is thinking about elections, there's still business to be done. >> colin kaepernick took his national anthem protest into primetime. >> this time other players stood with their fists raised. >> the close call for the pilot of a cargo plane skidding down the runway as its landing gear fails to deploy. >> all that -- >> nothing, san francisco. >> smiles on the 49ers sideline. >> the rams were brutal. look, they've got a lot of issues. >> brown, touchdown, pittsburgh. >> how would you describe the touchdown celebration? >> a moment. >> all that matters. >> hillary clinton not feeling well. here's the interesting thing, donald trump is getting nice about it. >> he said i hope she's well and she gets back on the trail. forget hillary, is trump okay? i think he has a concussion. >> hillary was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday and her campaign didn't tell anyone about it. everyone, especially reporters, have a right to be angry, as does everybody else who hillary kissed and touched this weekend.
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look at her. look at her. handing out pneumonia like it's a free sample at costco. would you like some pneumonia? >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is on assignment. josh elliott is with us. good to have you here. >> good to be here. hillary clinton could return to the campaign trail as soon as tomorrow. she continues her recovery this morning from pneumonia. video captured sunday during a september 11th ceremony shows clinton stumble while she was being helped into her motorcade. she left the event feeling overheated. >> former president bill clinton will step in at some of his wife's events. charlie rose spoke with him yesterday to discuss her health, his health and transparency in the presidential campaign. >> everybody would like to know how is secretary clinton. >> she's doing fine. she -- she was even better last
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night before she went to sleep. she had a good night's sleep. she just got dehydrated yesterday. >> is that what happened, she got dehydrated? >> yeah. yeah. >> when you look at that collapse, that video that was taken, you wonder if it's not more serious than dehigh dre. >> no. she's been -- well, if it is, it's a mystery to me and all of her doctors. frequently -- not frequently, rarely but on more than one occasion over the last many, many years the same sort of thing has happened to her when she got severely dehydrated. she's worked like a demon, as you know, as secretary of state and as a senator and in the years since. >> but more importantly she's on a grueling campaign. >> yeah. >> if anybody is concerned, you should be the one. >> yeah. >> if anybody should tell us exactly what's going on, you're the one. >> i was glad -- today she made a decision, which i think was correct, to cancel her campaign
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day. >> right. >> to take one more day to rest, but she looked like a million bucks this morning. i can tell she's feeling a lot better. >> she has pneumonia. >> yeah. >> sometimes that can take a while, the recovery. >> it can. >> is it possible that she will be away for weeks from the campaign trail? >> no. not a shot. i'll be lucky to hold her back another day. >> but the question is also why not because of these questions release every possible medical record you can because there is a concern out there because people saw that video. >> well, they -- the campaign said they were going to release some more medical information. i don't know what it is. >> wouldn't you encourage her to release everything? >> we have. she encouraged them. she said, let's release more. >> why not and why not do it yesterday? >> i -- i don't know the answer to that. i'm not involved in it. >> you don't? >> no. >> you are encouraging her to release everything? >> yeah. but, you know, if a martian came
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down from outer space and watched america unfold over the last six to eight weeks, it would be hard to see all of these earnest pleas for disclosure which are entirely one sided. we also released 40 years of income tax information, almost 40 years. >> people are demanding that donald trump release his income tax returns all the time, you know, and he -- >> but nowhere near the same kind of story. you know, we'll see. i don't know if he's going to or not but -- >> he also said he's going to release his medical records. that would put more emphasis and pressure to release, would it not? >> first of all, it would be refreshing if there were one thing in life where he would disclose more than she has, but i don't think there is, not even one. >> there is also this, people say between a cough that she had and having to take medicine for that and now the discovery, that this has made her health a campaign issue. >> they think everything is a campaign issue. i think her lifestyle and her
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underlying indicators from blood pressure to amount of exercise to everything else means it's almost certain she's in better health than her opponent, but we don't know because he hasn't disclosed. >> but if he does, she would be forthcoming immediately? >> she hasn't been not forthcoming. she's already disclosed much more health information than he has. i saw the interview with his doctor, i'm sure you did, too. so let's get a little serious here. they'll do the right thing. she's going to be fine and they'll do the right thing. >> how is your health? people look at you and they worry about you. >> because i have lost weight. >> you've lost weight. he's a vegan. can you assure people that you feel good, that you're in good health, and any questions about your health? >> no, not to my knowledge, and i just had a physical not very long ago. and i passed with flying colors. i -- nothing i can do about the fact that i am now the oldest man in my family for three
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generations, but my great-grandfather lived to be 76 and i have lots of, you know, medical advantages over him. the state of health care, treatment so i feel great. every day i feel great. i just get up and hit it. >> get up and hit it. all right. we will have more of charlie's conversation with former president bill clinton throughout the broadcast. at 7:30 what he thinks about donald trump and why he believes this race is so close. and as charlie's interview suggests, hillary clinton's failure to reveal her diagnosis for two days is once again raising questions about transparency in her campaign. the candidate said she didn't think her pneumonia would be a big deal until she staggered into her car during sunday's 9/11 memorial service. nancy cordes is in chappaqua, new york, where hillary clinton is resting for a second day. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. clinton acknowledged in a phone interview with cnn last night that her dizzy spell on sunday
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is something that has happened to her a couple of times before when she has gotten dehydrated, but she shrugged off the notion that her decision to initially keep her pneumonia diagnosis to herself signals a lack of transparency. >> i just didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal. >> reporter: in the eight-minute interview from her chappaqua home, she described what led her legs to buckle underneath her as she was led into her van at ground zero. >> i could feel how hot and humid it was. i felt overheated and i did lose my balance for a minute, but once i got in, once i could sit down, once i could cool off, once i had some water i immediately started feeling better. >> reporter: she said she has talked to her staff about the time it took to inform the public. >> in retrospect, we probably could have released more information more quickly. >> reporter: clinton press secretary brian fallon. >> was there a discussion among your communications team on friday about whether or not to
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announce that secretary clinton had pneumonia? >> secretary clinton, you know, i think that she felt that this is a common thing that people have in terms of pneumonia. a lot of people will work through things like this. >> reporter: clinton rejected suggestions that she had been too secretive. >> you know, compare everything you know about me with my opponent. i think it's time he met the same level of disclosure that i have for years. >> reporter: her supporters rallied to her defense. new york senator chuck schumer who was with clinton at ground zero disclosed he, too, was recovering from pneumonia. and vice president joe biden, campaigning for clinton in charlotte, said there is nothing for voters to worry about. >> hillary's health is good. i've had pneumonia. i don't know about any of you. walking pneumonia. what you do is you take antibiotics and you rest a little bit. >> reporter: wise advice that clinton admits she ignored. she said she was told by her doctor to rest for five days but, gayle, it sounds like she's
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going to be cutting that a bit short and returning to the campaign trail tomorrow. >> thank you very much, nancy. donald trump is not using hillary clinton's health to attack her, he's using her words instead. trump hammered clinton last night for saying half of his supporters could be put in, quote, the basket of deplorables. major garrett is in asheville, north carolina, where some trump voters spoke up for themselves. major, good morning. >> good morning. donald trump knows hillary clinton's health is now an issue, and for his part it's going to release more information about his health thursday on the dr. oz television show. trump has also instructed his own supporters across the country not to attack clinton on this issue but he's more than willing to pound clinton for her generalization that at least half of trump's supporters are bigots. donald trump gave hillary clinton a pass on her health betting curious reporters and voters will not. >> i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail. >> reporter: trump spared
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clinton nothing on her friday comments that bigotry motivates half of his voters. >> how can you be president for so many people? she talks about people like they're objects, not human beings. >> reporter: but trump did not do all the talking in north carolina, he brought supporters on stage to testify and subtly assail clinton. >> my wife and i represent non-deplorabe people. >> do i look deplorable? >> no! >> reporter: clinton later said she was wrong to generalize about trump's supporters. >> she called these americans every name in the book. >> reporter: but stood by the suggestion trump has emboldened racist voices, among them louisiana republican, david duke, a former grand wizard of the kkk. trump's running mate pushed duca way but stopped short of describing him as deplorable. >> we don't want his support and we don't want the support of people who think like that. >> you would call him
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deplorable? >> no, not in the name-calling business, wolf. you know me better than that. what hillary clinton did friday night was shocking. >> reporter: trump has also used negative stereotypes against millions of americans. right after his campaign started trump observed that 50% of the country doesn't want to do any work at all and the other half of the country, he said, is tired of carrying them. >> major, thank you so much. mark leeb bow vish is chief national correspondent and a cbs news political contributor. he is with us at the table. good morning. >> hi, norah. >> you heard hillary say this was not going to be a big deal. she could power through it. is that the issue or is it an issue of transparency? >> i think it's an issue of transparency. i think this is a health issue many people could identify with. powering through could be seen as admirable. unfortunately as happens many times especially in this campaign more has been made of it because the clintons have done a drip, drip, drip, fight
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for control of information and ultimately it looks like they're hiding something which is never a good look. >> how much are voters supposed to know about a candidate's health issues? if she thought she could power through and it's no big deal, what's wrong with knowing about this? are we supposed to know everything that goes on in a candidate's life? >> what do the rules say, mark? >> i wish we could refer to one. it would be easier. we would have less to talk about. this is attenti tension that th clintons have been in. she used the phrase zone of privacy. this goes back about 20 years. it's a negotiation that's been constant, tenuous. has only gotten more complicated. >> don't you think it's noteworthy that president obama's white house secretary said yesterday, quote, there's a reason we have had a long tradition in this country of individual candidates disclosing information about their health. we are electing someone to the most powerful job in the world and there shouldn't be a double
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standard, not only hillary clinton but donald trump should both be open and transparent about their health. >> david axelrod, back to your point about an obama advisor said it's a matter of stealth, not health. >> this shouldn't be that complicated. it's not even a double standard. there should just be a standard. >> there is a standard because robert gibbs, another democrat as they all seem to be breaking ranks also said, look, there comes a time when a protective media pool needs to be a part of a candidate's daily life. there is a standard and it's letting the media be with you essentially 24/7 at this point in the campaign. >> right. this is an election which rule after rule, unwritten rule after unwritten rule has been broken. you know, in many, many cases by donald trump. in some ways this is emblematic of him being in the head maybe of the clinton world or also of many people watching this campaign. you see her having a coughing fit in cleveland last week. all of a sudden your mind jumps. even before it turned into -- one's mind jumps to this has become a big deal.
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they're going to react. it will be a big headline. >> donald trump hasn't said anything. do you find that surprising? he's attacked her before. he's saying to people, look, layoff. >> the second this thing happened someone went into his office and stole his phone, which, you know, seemed to work. he's been pretty restrained and who is it, james corden said what's wrong with donald trump. maybe that's the issue. >> mark leeb bow viwitch, appreciate the insights. a temporary cease-fire appears to be holding this morning. secretary of state john kerry tells our margaret brennan this is the assad regime's final chance. >> a violation. what would make you walk away? >> it depends when -- it depends when it were to occur. if the assad regime later on decides to break this, that's our last shot. there will be other alternatives available to other countries and ourselves and those have to be determined in the future, but we're not --
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>> a human rights organization estimates the syrian conflict has killed more than 300,000 people. elizabeth palmer is in damascus with today's unfamiliar scene in the war torn country. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. in the early hours of the cease-fire there were some minor violations reported, but by dawn calm seemed to be reining across the country. just before the deadline president bashar al assad made a rare appearance in the damascus suburb of moriah which was only retaken by the syrian army three weeks ago. while he was there he vowed he would retake the rest of syria that was still in the hands of the terrorists. but the fact is what they're looking for is a stalemate and all sides are exhausted and over stretched. the cease-fire if it holds will provide some respite from the terrible carnage, but it will allow a flood of aide to reach
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thousands of people many in besieged areas. indeed, we've just heard that the very first aide trucks have crossed the border from turkey into northern syria. gayle. >> thank you very much. elizabeth palmer in syria. u.s. air force sent a powerful message overnight to korea with planes capable of carrying out nuclear strikes. two b-1 lancers flew over north korea days after the second nuclear test this year. they came within 75 miles of the border between the two countries. the bombers were escorted by u.s. and south korean fighter jets. the ncaa is moving high profile games from north carolina because of the state's so-called bathroom law. seven events will be held in other states including early round games of the march madness basketball tournament. the state's hb 2 law limits protection for transgender people. it requires those in public buildings to use restrooms that match the sex on their birth certificate. and in our next hour, the president of the ncaa, emeritt will be in studio 7.
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it is an interview you'll see only on cbs this morning. colin kaepernick greeted the season with a familiar protest. ♪ ♪ >> kaepernick took a nooknee bee the national anthem. he's protesting social injustice and police brutality. teammate eric reid joined him. two other 49ers and two rams meanwhile raised their fists in the air during the anthem. across the league dozens of players joined their cause over the weekend. an out of control chemical reaction called a thermal run away could set a plane on fire. ahead, inside the lab researching the potential dangers of a fire, from batteries in smart phones and from the kpix studios in san francisco, good morning, everybody. this is the scene in san jose. keep in mind, would he have a trough that has been moving from the north, in a southerly direction. thus, it is still cloudy in san
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jose. right now, it is a cool start to the day. check out livermore. dipping to 48 degrees. sweater weather definitely as you head out out. later today, temperatures unseasonably mild in the 60s and 70s. that's as good as it it gets. a bit breezy later today. warmer wednesday. former president bill clinton has seen a shift in both the republican and democratic
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parties. >> ahead, he gives charlie his take on donald trump's appeal to voters. and an election with two unpopular candidates. >> the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." if you try to write, on a plain old mac the difference can be seen (it doesn't work) get the surface pro (the keyboard detaches from the screen) get the surface pro (i like the blue!) colleen and dale have theire differences. but they both agree on new tide purclean. it's the first bio-based detergent with the cleaning power of tide. it's got to be tide. i love ice cream
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this is the chevy malibu. it was awarded "most dependable midsize car" by j.d. power. it looks great. wow! what is happening? oh my gosh, it's going up! but the malibu's not the only vehicle that was awarded. this is mind blowing. the chevy camaro, equinox, and silverado hd were awarded most dependable as well. this is extremely impressive. there's so many! doing it once, yea, great job, four times, obviously, they're doing something right. absolutely
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music" concert good morning, it is 7:26. i'm michelle griego. three women who established an electronic dance music concert in berkeley say they were sexually assaulted that night. the saturday concert at the greek theater, one victim says she was dragged away from a rest room line, and then attacked. today, the city of oakland's finance committee will consider expanding a business tax to include drivers for ride hailing companies like lyft and uber. the proposal calls for the drivers to pay $72 a year. and the next half hour of cbs this morning, a new warning against using certain smartphones on airplanes. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. ,, ,,,,,,
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slowdowns and closures to update you on, starting southbound 280 to the southbound 17 connector, is closed right now, until 8:30 this morning, for road work, which will be causing major slowdowns. cars moving all the way down to 10 miles an hour. and throughout the south bay, we've got red conditions here, on 101, to 280, 680 split, the highway 237 northbound, take you up to 30 minutes. and red all the way through. let's take a look to the east bay. bay bridge toll plaza blocking up to the maze. downtown 30 minutes. and how is it looking outside? roberta? >> this is the live weather camera. we are looking at the golden gate bridge in the direction of the north bay. isn't that beautiful? a lot of clean air out there. cooler conditions. tiburon, sausalito, clear at there early hour, santa rosa dipped to 56. otherwise check out livermore. 48 degrees. and today, not quite as cool as yesterday. but still, unseasonably mild. 60s to the 70s, outside numbers 77 degrees toward brentwood.
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husband did 20 years ago. we'll have more of charlie's interview with bill clinton. why he should take on donald trump and why the race is so close. plus, why devices could cause midair fire on a plane. exploding samsung batteries led to the faa to issue a warning to passengers, ahead, hazards caused by chemicals inside of batteries can be especially dangerous. time to show you some $1.9 billion request to stop the zika virus has been tangled in politics for seven months. >> the "washington post" reports that president obama is expected to veto a bill that will allow the families of 9/11 victims to
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sue saudi arabia over the terrorist attacks. both the house and senate approved the measure. the president fear, though, that foreign governments might exploit that legislation to haul americans into court. "the new york times golden executive at the center of the wells fargo scandal. karen tollstead is reportedly paid $125 million after retiring this summer. she's the employee where employees opened unwanted accounts and charged them fees. wells fargo was fined $185 million. the orlando sentinel reports on chards of metal flying into a fuselage of the 747. because of metal fatigue broke off and it was a 5 by 16-inch hole in the plane.
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the jet lost cabin pressure after leaving new orleans. but thankfully, landed safely in florida. and "time" reports on how the sugar industry allegedly linked research between fats and cholesterol to heart disease. from the 1960s, the sponsored the studies downplayed the role of sugar as a risk factor in coronary heart disease. in response, the sugar association acknowledges that researchers should have exercised greater transparency. clinton is at 38%. that's compared to donald trump at 36%. last month, though, she led by double digits. charlie spoke to former president bill clinton in new york. he asked the former president why his wife struggles to resonate with voters in an election with two of the most unpopular candidates in american political history.
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>> when you go a long time without a payday, when you think your future is bleak. when you worry that you can't provide for your children, and at the same time, your borders seem more like walls in a negative way. you had had the paris incident. you had the biggest refugee crisis since world war ii. a massive cultural change. you have the period of disorientation where people are reacting serially -- >> but why are they attracted to donald trump? >> well, because -- >> he lives high above manhattan in a luxury penthouse. >> because he winning it by makes them dislike other people and saying i'm going to fix it all and make it where it needs to be. >> why when secretary clinton who has an agenda, an economic agenda, having less appeal to working class america than you
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did, your constituency, she has say program, and donald trump is getting more of their vote. why is that? >> well, studying the case, it started in the 1960s and it's just kind of going on. you got to understand, a lot of this is cultural. she's the first woman candidate for major office. trying at a time when the party is winning a third time in a row. sand i'll say again, the level with the economic and political social orders all over the world is very high. >> you know how to speak to these people. why doesn't she? >> she's done fine where she got a chance to. but nobody hears enough of this. >> the last time you ran for president was 1996. >> a long time ago. >> a long time ago. >> 20 years ago. 20 years ago. at that time, you made the democratic party a centrist
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party. there seems to be a consensus that it's moved to the left. people say in the primaries of this democratic process, with bernie sanders, seemed to move hillary clinton to the left. on trade. on health care. and on other issues. has the democratic party become a much more leftist party than you believed in as president? >> i think not much more. it's slightly to the right. the republican party has moved way more to the right than the democrats. >> we're talking about you. >> i know. i know you. i just want to point out, this is like physics. every action there say reaction. i think there are residence for the democratic party to be less popular than it is. i'd like to explain why. >> i'd like you to because that's is what has made donald
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trump popular. >> but there's all kinds of popular. there's positive popular and negative popular. the movement basically gave birth. but a popular passion. bit bernie sanders, i think is a much more popular. >> my question is why is this race so close? >> partly because of the timing. partly because it's hard for any party to win a third term. partly because of the designs clamored every day that doesn't allow to make a judgment -- if you look at what she's advocated and what he's advocated -- she's
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advocating positive terms. how do you build on the good things that have been done in the obama years ago to go well beyond that. he's advocating a return to trickle-down economics and steroids which got us in trouble in the first place. >> we'll have more on charlie's interview throughout the broadcast. the next half hour, the clintons' efforts to mix charity with politics. airlines are taking a stance with passeng back. ♪ start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that!
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eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. it's all about eyelove, my friends. (vonutritional needs... dog's all in one. purina one. healthy energy, and a taste he loves. purina one smartblend is expertly blended... with always real meat #1. all in one. purina one. 80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. there'sno one surface...there. no one speed... no one way of driving on each and every road. but there is one car that can conquer them all. the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points,
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elevator. and amtrak tweeted back, we are sorry to hear that, are you still in the elevator? [ laughter ] amtrak tweeted that at 7:48 a.m. on september 7th. well, the woman's original tweet was 6:07 a.m. on february 14. [ cheers and applause ] hey, at least their consistent, their social media runs just as late as all their trains. >> oh, ba-dum. >> amtrak does a good job. are you still in the elevator? no, i'm out now. samsung reportedly plans to update galaxy note 7 software to prevent it from overheating. the company reports lithium ion batteries are exploding and causing fires. the faa has warned flyers about using the phones on commercial flights. kris van cleave is at reagan
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national airport just outside of washington. the steps airlines are taking to reduce the risks. kris, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lithium ion batteries are virtually in everything. i went through my bag. the cell phones, phone charger, laptop. for passengers, there are 500 lithium ion batteries on board. an explosion like this inside an airliner has concerned the faa for years. as this demonstration shows even a small lithium ion battery can pack a powerful punch if it malfunctions. richard harddrove is a software engineer at a canadian company which tests batteries for samsung and other companies. >> they are but perfect good
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electronics, they're perfectly safe. >> reporter: in october, this alaska airlines flight made an emergency landing after a credit card reader caught fire. it's one of 11 incidents on passenger planes reported last year. five others on cargo flights. george crabtree from argonne laboratory says the most serious. >> that can go on for minutes or hours before it simply runs out of fuel. >> reporter: samsung blames the manufacturing flaw for faulty batteries. the faa said passengers should turn off that division and not charge is during flights. some foreign airlines have banned the smartphone altogether. as of april, lithium ion batteries are no longer aloud on checked bag or cargo in commercial flights. but the batteries are found in just about every rechargeable
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electronic device including laptops, tablets and children's toys. >> the incidents occur in batteries that are defective. and not normal for one reason or another. >> reporter: now, the airlines say issues with these batteries are exceedingly rare. but when they fail, it's a result of fires that burn extremely hot. knack, some airliners have started carrying special containers that you can carry a laptop down inside to contain the fire. >> hard to believe. >> it's very scary. you have to rely on people to do the right thing. ,,
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7:49 am
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to a degree. doing his best, kevin harlan was. >> i like how you billed it will be the greatest play of all time. bill clinton said he will resign from his charity if his wife is elections as president. he tells charlie there's nothing wrong being on the board during the election. we'll be right back. angel soft. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white.
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7:56 am
near u-c berkeley... a weekend concert sparks three reports of s at 7:56, i'm cheny choy, near uc berkeley, a week concert reports three reports of sexual assault in one night. the victims say they were attacked while attending the mad decent block party saturday at the greek theater. you may spot tarantulas crawling around bay area parks the next couple of months. wildlife experts say it is the breeding season right now and the spiders will be looking for date force roughly 30 days. >> coming up on cbs this morning, we are talking about the ncaa decision to relocate championship events from north carolina due to the state's controversial bathroom law. traffic and weather in just a moment. ,, ,,
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door, let's start with the south bay. san jose, in that commute direction, here northbound 280, at foothill expressway, there is an overturned car. causing some major delays. and you can see traffic moving all the way down to six miles an hour. but also, on the southbound side, 280, to the southbound 17 connector, there is some road work there. and it will be closed until 8:30 a.m. here is a look at the east bay travel times. very heavy carquinez bridge to the maze. up to an hour. and toll plaza downtown, 30 minutes. >> roberta? >> a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge. clear skies out to sausalito and tib rin. in the 60s. and livermore, you dropped to 48 degrees early this morning. rebounding today to 74. similar to yesterday. but still, about 10 degrees below average. and winds will be variable at 10 to 20 miles an hour. later today. and high pressure builds in with the passage of the trough. with warmer weather on
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♪ ♪ let's go good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, september 13th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including the ncaa joining others protesting a controversial north carolina law. ncaa's president tells us why seven sports events are going elsewhere. but first, here is today's eye opener at 8:00. >> she shrugged off the notion that her decision to initially keep her pneumonia to herself signals a lack of transparency. >> almost certain she's in better health than her opponent, but we don't know because he hasn't disclosed. >> you understand also how they're saying look, this is an example that the secretary of state, a nominee of the democratic party, is not forth coming.
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>> trump knows hillary clinton's health is now an issue and for his party, constructed his own supporters across the country not to attack clinton. >> trump hasn't said anything. you find that surprising. >> it is as if the second this thing happens, somebody went into his office and stole his phone, which seemed to work. he's been pretty restrained. >> in the early hours of the cease-fire, there were minor violations reported. but by dawn calm seemed to be reigning. >> colin kaepernick greeted the new nfl season with a familiar pregame protest. >> i could hear a few fans who were screaming kaepernick, why don't you stand up. >> researchers believe they recorded the first conversation between a pair of dolphins which consists of sentences of up to five words. the first sentence recorded was be cool, this dude's listening. i'm norah o'donnell. gayle king and josh elliott of our streaming network, charlie is on assignment. hillary clinton is off the
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campaign trail and resting for a second day as she recovers from pneumonia. in a telephone interview, clinton was asked why she waited two days until she got overheated at a 9/11 ceremony on sunday to reveal the diagnosis. >> well, i just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. it is just the kind of thing that if it happens to you, and you're a busy active person, you keep moving forward. >> former president bill clinton will step in for some of his wife's campaign events as she recovers. charlie spoke with the former president yesterday in new york ahead of his family foundation's final clinton global initiative conference. he asked the former president about the appearance of conflicts of interest between the clinton foundation and the state department while his wife was secretary of state. >> i bent over backward to make sure there was no conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest. we reached an agreement with the white house before hillary became secretary of state about how all donations would be
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handled and how the foundation would be run. and i've been working for almost a year now trying to determine what more we need to do. i said the other day, if she wins, i'll resign from the foundation board, won't raise any money, we won't take any foreign money, nor will we take any american corporate money. >> i know you said that, but some people when they hear you say that say, why not do it now? why not say from now on, not whether she's elected president, but from now on we will not accept any -- and i'll resign from the board and we'll see. >> because there is nothing wrong with what i'm doing. because i've got to wind it down. because it takes time to undo this. we got a lot of lives on the line. >> i think people recognize the clinton foundation has done a lot of good work. a lot of good work. and has spent millions of dollars. number two, they recognize that clinton -- >> mr. trump i think called it a criminal enterprise.
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>> that's mr. trump. i'm talking about the american public, the people that talk about these things. they also recognize the clinton global initiative has been a gathering of people here in new york and other places to talk about how to solve problems. that's a very different issue, those two things. you can recognize that and still say, well, there have been instances where people have called members of the foundation and said, we would like to be at a meeting, we would like to have a meeting with the secretary of state. has that happened? >> well, you know, from the e-mails what has and hasn't happened. i think you know what the state department said. there were two instances i read about, one of which the person didn't get what they wanted, and the other with the request had gone through ordinary state department channels anyway. now, that's what i read about. and that can't happen anymore. >> do you believe and understand that some people, the optics weren't good and it had the appearance of influence?
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>> i believe that people who know each other, call each other all the time, all i know is what i read in the paper. they saw -- the papers indicated there was a presumption and a suspicion if hillary gave a meeting to the -- without bothering to call to find out the facts. mohammad eunis won the nobel prize. >> but people who wanted to be associated with the clintons. >> and what happened. >> none of them get an opportunity to participate in a meeting or an opportunity to meet -- >> first of all, meetings are set up all the time. members of congress do that all the time. members of the white house do that all the time. but the state department has said conclusively and has offered documentary proof insofar as they exist that nothing was ever done for anybody because they were contributor to the foundation. nothing. >> you were saying with respect
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to the foundation, and whatever might have taken place, with the foundation, any access to the secretary of state? there is nothing to apologize for, nothing happened, no consequences, and we have been as transparent as we should and can. is that what you're saying? >> i believe, first of all, we have been as transparent as we can be, and we have been more transparent than any other foundation, more transparent than any other foundation has ever been asked to be. and thicertainly more transpare than anyone in this line of work is. i said to the best of my knowledge nobody ever got anything from the state department because they supported the clinton foundation. if they did, and it was inappropriate, i would say that was wrong too. i have proved that i'm not averse to apologizing for things i think were wrong. >> and in our next half hour, the former president talks to charlie about his future including a potential role in
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the white house. so many times it always seems to boil down to the optics, doesn't it, of the situation. >> it does. that's a great point, gayle. this was a strong interview between the two of them back and forth. i think it is interesting the former president says and has said previously that he would step down and charlie saying why not do it now, stop raising money, to prevent any, you know, appearance of conflict of interest, but they would like chelsea to continue in that role, to lead the foundation and the good work they do. >> donald trump, meanwhile, says hillary clinton needs to retract what she said about his voters. clinton said on friday and i quote, to just be grossly generalistic you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. >> the disdain that hillary clinton expressed toward millions of decent americans disqualifies her from public service. >> during the campaign, trump made his own controversial comments about certain groups.
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>> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists. >> what does the mexican heritage of the judge in the trump university case has to do with anything? >> a lot to do with it. i had terrible rulings forever. >> for him, how does his mexican parents have to do with him -- >> he's a member of a club or society, very strongly pro mexican, which is all fine, but i say he's got bias. i want to build a wall. i'm going to build a wall. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. >> how stupid are the people of iowa? how stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap? >> trump campaigns today in iowa and pennsylvania. one of the nation's sharpest political observers says that hillary clinton's health
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is it fair for the ncaa to pull big games out of north carolina? the group's president mark emmert is here in studio 57 to explain what is behind its stand in the controversy over the state's so-called bathroom law. you're watching "cbs this morning." state's so-called bathroom law. you're watching "cbs this mornin morning". watching "cbs this morning." "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. yo...don't let sinus symptomsnd bring you down now.. get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. sinex, the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head...
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take the activia probiotic challenge! we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
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♪ as we reported earlier, the national collegiate athletic association is pilling seven championship events from the state of north carolina over the state's so-called bathroom law. the ncaa joins dozens of high profile companies, ceos, entertainers, universities, and states and cities that have all spoken out against the law known as hb-2. the nba withdrew its all-star game from charlotte over the summer. >> hb-2 requires transgender people to use public restrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate, not gender identity. the justice department and the american civil liberties union are challenging this law, and ncaa president mark emmert is in
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studio 57 for an interview you'll only see on "cbs this morning." welcome to the table. >> thank you. good to be with you. >> this is a big decision. take us through the process to reach it. >> this san issue, of course, that emerged last winter when the state of north carolina passed hb-2. we have a board of governors made up of 16 university presidents, looking at and evaluating this throughout that time frame. there was hope this could be resolved during the summer, during the legislative session or this fall through the court system. none of those things came to pass. so in order to have time to relocate those events and move them to a place where our students were still going to get a very high quality experience, the board had had to make a decision right away and did it last night. >> that's a nuts and bolts of it. i want to know the thinking about why you decided that we have to actually pull the plug on it. >> sure. well this is an issue that is very fundamental, all higher ed. the college sports has conducted inside university and college context these are our students,
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fairness, and inclusion are right at the heart of what the ncaa does and what universities do. and so for our university presidents, this was the proverbial no brainer. >> did you speak with north carolina's governor about this? >> i spoke to him in the spring about it. and he expressed a lot of views about it throughout this process, but i hadn't spoken to him last evening. >> they didn't lobby to try to keep all the championships in north carolina? >> we had a process by which all the individual bidders were able to express their views of what they could do around this, but in the end, the board realized that with this law in place, they simply can't be successful. >> state gop spokesperson called this decision almost comical and said, and i want to read the quote, i wish the ncaa was this concerned about the women who were raped at baylor, end quote, referring to the scandal involving football players, coaches and administrators at the school. the ncaa has no definitive policy at this point as to how schools should handle sexual assault cases. do you think that that response has merit? >> no, i don't.
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first of all, the statement is false. the board of governors, a couple of years ago, in fact, put in place a policy around how universities should be and colleges should be handling sexual assault. the two issues are completely unrelated. there is no question that this is a decision that hb-2 decision is one that is going to engender opinions on both sides of the aisle, a political season, that's unfortunate, and people are going to say comments like that. >> but to be clear, the ncaa does have a definitive policy in place with how schools are supposed to handle sexual assault charges? >> yeah, it does. two years ago in august the board of governors passed a resolution -- >> a resolution. not a policy. >> it doesn't, but what they're doing now, that same board is in the midst of formulating whether or not that policy should become an enforceable rule, a rule that would allow the national association to go in and punish schools, specifically -- >> do you think they should?
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>> i do, yes. i do. >> did you have any kind of conversation with adam silver, the nba made a similar decision, they pulled the all-star game. did you seek other people's counsel? i'm trying to understand the process when you say this is right, this is wrong, this is what bothers us about this particular hb-2 law. >> yeah, of course i talked to adam a number of times on this. and many other issues, but the reason the university presidents reached this conclusion last evening is because, again, this is about sports that are conducted in the context of universities. and it is trying to reflect the values of higher education in america. inclusion, fairness, treating all of your student athletes, the coaches, the fans, in a way that reflects those values that our championships, that's what matters most. the championships are the celebration about everything about higher education. >> students weighing in too. >> students weighed in on this because we have students involved in all of our gove
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governance processes. >> katie ledecky will be attending stanford. in doing so she will be forgoing tens of millions of dollars in potential endorsements. it could be argued she's doing stanford and by extension the ncaa a favor by swimming collegiately. while not undoing the entire amateur as a model, why is she not allowed to keep the money paid to her for things she did before she ever stepped foot on that campus? >> well, she is. in the current ncaa policies if she, for example, is awarded, as she was, compensation, modest compensation from the usoc for having won a gold medal, don't quote me, i think $25,000 you can get through that policy, it has been more than, i think, 15 years since the ncaa members put in place a policy allowing you to retain those funds. >> why can't she be endorsed now and make the millions of dollars that the companies want to pay her? >> so what individuals have to
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do and whether they're olympicens or basketball players, they have to make a decision whether or not they want to maintain their amateur status, compete as a student athlete, or become a professional athlete. there is a number of olympians that decide, you know, i do want to go compete professionally, i want to go compete in europe, i want to accept endorsements. others say, no, i want to compete as an amateur, same tournament, augusta national, someone competing as an amateur and others as professionals. those decisions are individual decisions that people have to make. >> mark emmert, thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> come back when you come back with that sexual assault definitive policy. >> you got it. >> some of the country's most prestigious universities are considered to be great value. ahead, the much anticipated u.s. news and world report college rankings for 2017. you're watching "cbs this morning." you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ to escape their unrelenting nasal allergy symptoms...
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houston: news alert... new from the makers of claritin, clarispray. ♪ welcome back. clarispray is a nasal allergy spray that contains the #1 prescribed, clinically proven ingredient. nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world with new clarispray. heyyes, dear. you're washing that baked-on alfredo by hand, right? yes, dear. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. this turned out great. cascade.
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♪ well, a california man jumped off one of the tallest water falls in hawaii for some reason. >> yeah. >> the falls on the island of kauai, 200 feet high. he said he hit the water so hard it knocked him out. not what he expected. he says he didn't remember the jump and his only injuries were some torn muscles.
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>> i'm sure his mothe good morning, it is 8:25. i'm kenny choy. an officer-involved shooting in saratoga has turned deadly. the santa clara county sheriff's office says the victim is a man, deputies were first called to the scene on titus avenue for a welfare check. it is unclear right now what led up to the shooting. today a federal appeals court will hear arguments on whether to block berkeley's cell phone radiation warning label law. the law took effect in march. the cell phone industry wants to put it on hold until the legal battle is resolved. and coming up on cbs this morning, tracing the psychology and pathology of one of the nastiest and most significant presidential campaign battles ever. we will have traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning, happy tuesday. a look at the bay area roads, starting in the east bay. walnut creek northbound 680, right before highway 24, there is a three-car accident. and i say accident, because this is involving two cars and one motorcycle. and causing very slow delays here, and cars driving at almost 10 miles an hour. so very slow conditions. and the rest of your east bay travel times, 238 it to the maze, in san leandro, northbound, on 880, it will take you 040 minutes.
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carquinez bridge to the bridge, 53 minutes westbound. to the bay bridge toll plaza where traffic is blocking up to the maze. to downtown, westbound will take you 20 minutes into stran. and here is a look at -- san francisco. and here is a look at slow- moving traffic along the san mateo bridge. roberta, how is the weather? >> i was looking at some of the traffic cameras and i think i am trying to look at one right here, right now, because will is a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge -- there is a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge. good morning, everyone. look at that, with the blue skies. refreshing temperatures. afternoon, the temperatures will go up just ever so slightly, and the winds will increase. very autumn-like. 10 degrees below average in the concord area. and the temperatures today, with the sunshine, and the clouds plays tag with the beaches in the 60s. and 60s and 70s around the peninsula. and 70s around the santa clara valley and east bay, you will feel the difference today, shy of 80 in the brentwood area. and north bay numbers stacking up from the 60s to the 70s. 76 clear lake. slightly warmer and left wind on wednesday. ,,,,,,,,,,
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♪,,,,,,,,, we love this section of the news. here's a beautiful sunrise view of this morning's sunrise, over new york city. but clear skies turns golden. we invite to you share your sunrises with us on instagram. just post your photos look how pretty. with the vide video #sunrisethismorning. wake up, it's a new day. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour -- if hillary clinton is elected president, her husband said he's ready to serve. ahead, we'll have charlie's conversation with the former president. what he expects of his potential new role in the white house. and how the foundation has
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helped prepare him. plus, "the new york times" columnist maureen dowd, there she is in the green room. how she says the presidential campaign is an epic battle of the sexes. and why hillary clinton's campaign is having trouble reacting. right now, it's time to show you the headlines. "the new york times" reports that injuries are up sharply among young american soccer players. from 1990 to 2014, nearly 3 million kids went to emergency rooms with soccer-related injuries. head injuries rose by 1600%. researchers say it's the sport's growing popularity and awareness of concussions. abby wambach admits to having a history of alcohol and drug abuse. he said in her arrest in april that driving of the influence was her wake-up call. she soap opens up.
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>> some days you disappoint your coach an even yourself. you experience days of struggle, humiliation and loss. >> you can see abby revealing herself right here on "cbs this morning" this friday, september 16th. and "the wall street journal" rolled out a new tool to block offensive comments. users can make a list of words that they consider offensive. those words can be banned from comments. the tool had been available to some high-profile users since july. "time" reports on why students don't like sex education. the study examined the views of young people in ten countries. they acknowledge that sex is a special subjects. one student complained it's too clinical. schools also deny that students
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are sexually active. and research views it is toward heterosexual relationship. the food and drug administration has been taking a hands off approach to stem cell clinics and now it's signaling interest in regulating some treatments like drugs, that could cost millions of dollars and be a lengthy process. and cbs reports that wilderness areas are vanishing at rates that researchers call sobering. since the '90s, a loss of about 10%. scientists blame pollution before climate change. and of course, threatens the habitats of animals. u.s. news and world report out with annual rankings of american top colleges. for the fourth year in a row, princeton is the outright winner.
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the ivy league school in new jersey is followed by harvard. university of chicago and yale tied for third. and stanford. the university of california tops the list. public universities. ucla and universe of virginia, second and universe of michigan and university of north carolina chapel hill. >> harvard ranks first for best value in national schools fold by princeton, yale, stanford and m.i.t. the rankings are based on expert opinions, faculty resources and substitute outcomes. student outcomes and opinions and graduation rates. grab the u.s. news and world report that hits the news stand in late september. former president bill clinton is speculating on his
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potential future role in the white house. he told charlie yesterday, how his work with the clinton foundation has prepared him for new foundations. that conversation took place in new york, ahead of the foundation's final clinton global initiative conference. >> everybody wonders this question, if your wife is president, and you've answered it a thousand times but help me with a bigger and better answer, what might you do? >> well, first of all, let's start on what i read. there was a great article saying that i should really be a first lady. that is, that i needed to have a gender role. but i think first and foremost, i should do whatever i'm asked to do. that is, if hillary wants i'll be both the president, former president and a spouse. so, i think i should make those roles as consistent as possible
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by saying to the president and the team of advisers, whatever you want me to do, i will do that. i can do that. i can serve. i've had a wondeul life for the last 15 years. this is the longest i've ever had a job with the foundation. we've saved millions of lives and created lord only knows how many jobs and i've loved it. so, is this a new challenge for me. you know, a new role. it's very important that my wishes be one of the last things to be considered here. >> but your talent should be the first thing. >> and the needs, and the needs of the country. so, there are lots of things i can do. i'd like to be like all of these presidents -- i believe that this country is so close to being able to really grow again in a way that fits everybody.
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close. i think the things we need to do are affordable and achievable and fairly straightforward. i think they are threatened by political gridlock at home and trouble around the world. trouble in terms of slow growth. trouble in terms of turmoil. but i have been for 15 years, how do you actually be there. i'm not as good as i used to be in politics. but if you send me to puerto rico to figure out how they can work their way out of bankruptcy, i can do that. if you send me to indian countries and figure out how they can diversify their economy by solving energy and getting affordable energy to them, i can do that. if you sent me to figure a new tax credit for a whole different economy, i could be good at that. i think. >> suppose she wants to make sure she wins this election, can
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you do that? >> i don't know. because maybie i'm not mad enouh at anybody. i know, you know, i still think it works better than, you know, division. and i think that responsibility is better than resentment. that's just what i think. it's simple, straightforward. that's what i believe. >> okay. let's assume that you make it to heaven. less assume that god says when you get there, peter, or whoever it is, says, you spent 20 years at the clinton foundation between the election of 2000 and the election of 2016, 16 years. i don't have a lot of time, president clinton, so tell me what's the most important thing the clinton foundation achieved.
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>> we've got the world's cheapest aid for half the people alive in the world. including more than two-thirds of the kids. we built an organization that helped 480 million in countries just by getting people together including organizing the first 500 kinds of medical equipment to the ebola epidemic and it didn't cause the taxpayers a penny. and we made life better for all americans. created jobs and saved lives. we got caught trying. >> i love him saying he'll do whatever he's asked in the white house. that leaves it wide open for many, many things. >> essentially a troubleshooter. if you need me to be here -- somewhat like the role he played
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with president h.w. bush. it was an incredible interview. >> it really was. i loved his answers that it's better than anger. >> 80 minutes. that's good stuff right there. out of both of them. a marathon. speaking about good stuff. she's spent decades writing about donald trump and hillary clinton. maureen dowd is,,
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♪ "the new york times" columnist maureen dowd has covered hillary clinton and donald trump for decades. the pulitzer prize winner wrote about trump in 1999, as he contemplated a run for president. she said the businessman is fewer id. no trepid dags, no guilt, no pc restraints. dowd described her time to quote, to figure out a way to mend her image problems. she takes critical odds to the 2016 election. maureen dowd joins us again at the table. welcome. >> thank you. >> you call this election, you say we have the king of winging
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it versus the queen of hallmark. >> it's amake. her problem is she's too tightly controlled. his problem is he's out of control. his problem is he's too bold. and her problem is she's sometimes not bold enough. >> you call it the battle of the sexes. billie jean king and bobby riggs. >> well, gayle, it's interesting for centuries women were considered temperamentally and unbiologically unsuited for office. you get a candidate who is bitchy and sometimes hysterical and worries about hair care, but it's not the woman. >> yeah. >> and yeah, then you have one who is very controlled, a hawk. and wears tailored suits. and it's not the man. so -- >> you take both candidates to
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tank, maureen in your column. you say they both have a fluid relationship with the truth. that gaffes don't seem to matter, neither does is the truth. what does matter to voters. and what do you think it will take to sway undecided voters where the clock is ticking? >> i think voters are more fearful and depressed and anxious than they've ever been. they're trying to decide who to vote against. not to who to vote for. they have two candidates with historically high unpopularity ratings. it's a very sad saand anxious election that way. the republican party is being held hostage to his 70-year-old highchair king. and the democratic party is being held hostage to the whims of the bizarre clinton election for self-destructive and arrogant behavior just as things
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are going well. >> and what do you think about that? >> i agree with david axelrod that it's more an stealth than health. one of the things that politics male and female get less sensitive about is health issues. my brother was a page for jfk after he had his back operation. >> a senate page. >> yeah. he opened the door for him when he was on crutches. and jfk tried to get my brother fired because he was so humiliated to be on crutches. so the alt-right is trying to make it a gender issue with hillary that she's a woman who is weak. but it isn't about that. that is not the problem. the problem with the health issue for her, it's a microcosm since a very destructive policy since 1992 where she's just so secretive. she has her own wall. trump has his wall.
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and she has her wall. of, you know, don't tell the press anything. they're just out to get us. and then it takes a relatively mundane thing and it snowballs where her foes and -- >> with regards to transparency, now they're lobbing back and forth. i'm reminded from a great line from "princess bride" i keep using that word that you think it means where so much is baked in the cake. there are candidates for our time as well. celebrity-driven electorate. this transparency in a way does it matter for for an electorate that doesn't care. >> it's interesting because we're a selfie nation. and for some reason, running for president is the new selfie. that's why it's unhealthy for then trying to occlude and not
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release heir records. >> the book is called the year of voting dangerously." i'm worried about the next year of governing dangerously. you wright the awesome responsibility of the job of presidency intensifies insecurities on pathology. and campaigns matter. >> you're exactly right, norah. i asked trump this in an interview, when we were talking one day. and i said you are -- he got mad at me, but i said you are a clinical narcissist. and when you get in the white house, the problem is when some historical event hits you like 9/11, all of your insecurities and gremlins come out. all of these things are a perfect storm. >> maureen, you do have a lot of material. you'll never run out of something like that. something like that. >> it's going to be the,,,,,,,,,
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turned deadly. the santa cl 8:55. i'm kenny choi. an officer-involved shooting in saratoga has turned deadly. the sant clare county sheriff's office says the victim is a man. deputies were first called to the scene on titus avenue for a welfare check. it is unclear right now what led up to the shooting. three women who attended an electronic dance music concert in berkeley say they were sexually assaulted that night. the saturday concert was at the greek theater. one victim says that she was dragged away from a rest room line, and then attacked. you may spot some tarantulas crawling around some bay area park force the next couple of months. wildlife experts say it is breeding season right know and the spiders are looking for dates for roughly 30 days. now for a check of weather, here is roberta. >> i have seen them crawling
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around and nice and fuzzy and kind of cute. good morning, everybody. rise and shine. as you get ready to be gin your day. you might want to opt for a sweater or a light jacket. look at the stellar view. look out to the golden gate bridge. where currently we have temperatures in the 50s. it is now 61 in mountain view. and we dip down to 48 degrees, this morning, in livermore. climbing to a high temperature of 74 degrees, which is still 12 degrees off where it should be for this time of the year. 60s around the rim of the bay. check out the temperatures today, from 61 in daly city to 77 in discovery bay. and warmer, less windy, on wednesday, and seasonal weather by the weekend. rocky with traffic next.
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mmmm. shhh. the family favorite. yoplait. good morning, from the kpix traffic center, we have a traffic alert right now, the time is 8:58. let's head to daly city, northbound 280, at the boulevard here, and it is an overturned pick-up truck, blocking the three left lanes. some major, major slowdowns, and you can see four miles an hour and let's head to san francisco, and heading into the city, from san rafael and marin, that commute to the tall plaza, along the golden gate bridge, will take you about 15 to 20 minutes. but looking good otherwise. and now, let's head to the east bay, and looking pretty heavy, throughout here, 880, 238, to the maze. it will take you 46. and carquinez bridge to the maize on westbound 80 will take you 43. into the maze, toll plaza, backing up toward the maze, downtown, to downtown, it will take you 30 minutes, so a very heavy commute toward the east bay and also in south bay, and
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wayne: ah! you got the big deal of the day! jonathan: yeah, girl! it's a trip to bermuda! - bigger isn't always better. wayne: you won a car! - zonks are no fun! - big deal, baby! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal!" now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady. thanks for tuning in like you do every single day. three people are going to join me on stage to start the first deal, but before we get to the first deal, you've tuned in to super deal week here on "let's make a deal." someone comes on the show, they win something, they're in first place, they go to the big deal of the day. then if they win the big deal of the day, then they are eligible for the super deal
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