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tv   Sunday Morning  CBS  October 9, 2016 6:00am-7:31am PDT

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> pauley: good morning. i'm jane pauley beginning today i'll have the privilege of starting the week with you here on "sunday morning." as you can see, we haven't changed much. but if you're thinking about your old friend charles osgood, well, i am, too. just like charlie was probably thinking of charles kuralt 22 years ago. neither charlie or charles will
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make a big deal, neither will i. i'm excited rand grateful. thank you for sharing this big day with me. we have much to tell you. hurricane matthew has been hammering the southeast coast this autumn weekend. mark strassmann will have the latest. and then there's the storm of controversy over that donald trump tape. but there's still room for a medical mystery, pills that seem to pure even though they contain no cure whatsoever. call it the placebo effect. susan spencer will report our cover story. linda would you nanohas had chronic pain for two decades only one pill ever has given her relief. a placebo. that's right, her go-to medication is no medication at all. >> i would rather take a placebo than the medication. because lot of these have side effects that are worse than the
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condition that you have. >> pauley: the power of nothing later on "sunday morning." all rise. it's the traditional instruction when a judge enters the courtroom. a tradition we observed when we visited a supreme court justice with a great deal to say. your image on the $10 bill, what a good idea. this morning, we rise for ruth bader ginsburg the supreme court justice as you have never seen her before. >> i'll pull it out. >> pauley: in the kitch ebb and in her chambers. >> he's singing. >> pauley: the nation's oldest sitting justice talks of life, loves and retiring, ahead. conor knighton is son the trail to yet another national park this morning. and on the case of an enigmatic log. >> crater lake national park in
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other gone there's a log that's implausibly floating up right for more than 120 years. say hello to the old man of the lake. >> the old man captures hearts and imagination of visitors young and old. >> a mystery that has everyone stumped later on "sunday morning." >> pauley: any lift of the legends of poplar music you'll see the name celine dion. though she's found great success in las vegas, she hasn't forgotten her roots in quebec as our mo rocco found out. >> hello. >> superstar celine dion seriously loves to sing. ♪ but she doesn't take herself too seriously. >> sorry. >> ahead on "sunday morning," superstar celine dion.
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>> french canadian junk food is really good. >> pauley: lee cowan has some questions for arc are war for nick noll toe. seth doane tells us all about bonsai, small wonders from japan. steve hartman will introduce us to a young afghan man who is tooting his own horn. and more. first, the headlines for this "sunday morning," the 9th of october, 2016. demands from establishment republicans for donald trump to end his president shall candidacy are getting louder and more urgent. major garrett has the latest. >> i said it. i was wrong. and i apologize. >> donald trump facebook video posted friday night only intensified the republican rush to the trump train exits. >> i pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down. >> the uproar arose from this 2005 video obtained by the
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"washington post." it showed trump recorded without his knowledge during a studio live bus ride with access hollywood personality billy bush. >> i moved on her and i failed. i'll admit it. i did try to [bleep] but failed. >> said this about how celebrity status empowered him to be physically aggressive with women. >> you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [bleep] do any of that. >> many republicans recoiled from the tape in in private faulted trump turning into an attack on hillary and bill clinton. >> he's abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed, intimidated his victims. >> key trump surrogates including rudy guiliani huddled with trump but would not answer reporters' questions. running made mike pence cancelled an appearance in wisconsin on trump's behalf, urged him to be more contrite.
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in a statement pence said, i was offended bit the words and actions described by donald trump. i do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them. the g.o.p. nominee appeared outside of trump towers saturday to wave to supporters and tweeted, "i will never drop out of the race, will never let my supporters down." but numerous republican senators have called on trim top quit among them john and arizona jeff flake. ben sass of nebraska said he should hand the nomination to pence. former rivals also condemned trump. carly fiorina withdrew her endorsement, marco rubio called him vulgar, ted cruz said disturbing and john mccain said disgusting. >> i have days where i come home dinner's not ready i'll go through the roof. >> hillary clinton's swiftly created this web commercial said in a statement, this is horrific, we cannot allow this man to become president. in a statement trump's wife
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melania said his words were unacceptable and offensive but she hopes the country will accept his apology, quote, as i have. all of this will be covered one way or another at the second presidential debate tonight at washington university. for "sunday morning," this is major garrett in st. louis. >> pauley: matthew wants a powerful hurricane is making a slow exit off the east coast this morning. it's left a lot of destruction in its wake, mainly catastrophic flooding. at least 11 people in three states have died. and power outages are widespread. we'll get very latest on matthew in just a few minutes. two police officers were killed responding to a family disturbance in palm springs, california, yesterday. a third officer was wounded. early this morning, police said a suspect was arrested, the slain officers are identified as father of eight and a mother just back from maternity leave.
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now the weather for the rest of us. a big chill blowing from the west will drop temperatures throughout the east. while showers could dampen the northwest and the great plains. tomorrow, columbia day, much the same story. but in montana, freezing temperatures could make it feel like early winter.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> pauley: as you know matthew's winds have been in the carolinas after a glancing blow to florida and georgia. mark strassmann with some help from our cbs news colleague has the story of a hurricane now history. morning, mark. >> good morning, jane. here in north charleston, south carolina, downed trees and power lines have made many roads impassable. north carolina has it even worse. up to 14 inches of rain has created record flooding and caused nearly three deaths. four other people are missing. but across much of the southeast, there's also a sense of relief. that this storm could have been much worse. >> evacuate. evacuate. evacuate. >> given matthew's devastation in the caribbean last week, florida governor rick to the scott assumed the worst. >> evacuate. this storm will kill you. >> by friday, the huge storm was
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brushing up against st. augustine, weakening but still powerful. >> the water on this street is several feet deep and still rising. >> before moving north to jacksonville. >> this is the storm surge everyone fears. >> friday night, matthew crosses from florida into into georgia. many communities like this one in southern georgia had storm damage but no where near the catastrophe forecasters had predicted. that's because the eye of the storm jogged east, stayed off shore. >> matthew is coming to town. >> death toll aside this has been a damaging storm. more than two million people have lost power. gas lines and shortages will continue into the week. rebuilding will be expensive. by one estimate, damage in the u.s. could reach $6 billion.
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still, matthew's most lethal landfall was in haiti. the storm flattened entire villages, at least 800 people were killed. matthew is now headed eastward back out into the atlantic where it's expected to dissipate. >> pauley: ahead. placebos. just what the doctor ordered? liberty mutual stood with me
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when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
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>> pauley: how real is the placebo effect? can a pill actually cure what ails you even if that pill contains no medicine at all? our cover story is reported by susan spencer. >> ready for the big meeting? >> cryo andable r abdominal pain. >> you may know from mildly embarrassing tv ads. >> when my ibs flares up. it's a punch the my stomach. >> linda buonanno knows it from daily life she's struggled with ibf, irritable bowel syndrome for two decades. >> it's horrible. sometimes i can be fast asleep and wake in out of a dead sleep just keel over in pain jane desperate for relief she immediately signed up for a study at boston asset israel deaconess medical v. she came home with fingers crossed three
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week supply of pills. the results seemed miraculous. >> as the days went on i kept feeling better. now i'm thinking what's in this? >> pauley: what was the special something in those pills? it was, drum roll, absolutely nothing. is linda was taking placebos like these with no real medication in them at all. is what makes her story even more astonishing linda was told she was taking placebos. >> i remember the first day i took ity am i taking this? it's like a waste of my time. when i saw that i felt better, i was thinking, maybe just told me it was a placebo and new medication they're trying out. >> pauley: kid kaptchuk a professor at harvard medical school ran the experiment. >> everyone thought i was crazy. >> pauley: but it worked. she says roughly 60% of the
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subjects in his study record getting better even though they knew they were taking a placebo. >> a placebo is an inert substance, usually something like cellulose, starch, sugar. placebo effect is everything that surrounds that pill, the interaction between patient, doctor and nurse. it's the rituals. these are powerful forces. >> doctors have understood the power of placebos at least since they were used in clinical trials in the '50s. but fake pills work only in certain cases. >> there are a lot of illness you don't give placebos for, cancer, lowering cholesterol. basically the scope where a placebo effect is relevant is any symptom that the brain can modulate by itself. >> in those cases, just making an appointment, going to a doctor and taking a pill suggests something may happen. >> about 35% of the time people
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will report some symptomatic relief from taking a substance that is not biologically active. >> dr. arthur barsky is saw psychiatrist at brigham and women's hospital in boston. he says people even report side effects from placebos. clearly we are highly suggestible creatures. >> there are some studies, for example, with asthma. success provoke an asthmatic attack by showing someone a pollen that they're allergic to. i had a patient who had allergic dermatitis to cats she saw cat on television set on the screen, started to itch. >> aware of the power of the mind, as many as half of all american doctors admit to having prescribed some form of placebo, according to a 2008 study. >> there's a lot of things we do that aren't directly curative, that make a difference.
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prescribing vitamin pills, iron pills, cold packs, heat packs, giving antibiotics for a viral infection because the patient wants it. >> it's not gist that the patient image ins feeling better. >> people who responded to treatment who were pain we see part of the pain matrix being activated that would change the sensation of. >> i just the act of taking a pill, even a fake one can coax the brain into producing its own levelful chemicals. >> in fact we know that giving the pill in the context of a health care encounter activates neurotransmitters. >> something chemically is happening. that's amazing to me. is. >> it's amazing to me i've been in this business a long time. >> the phenomenon of my patients changing by virtue of nothing else than their expectations is real. >> neurologist alberto espay at university of cincinnati specializes in parkinson's
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disease. drugs used in parkinson's help the brain make dopamine. turns out, placebos do, too. >> this can be measured objectively. measurable changes within the brain. >> very much so. >> depression comes with parkinson's you can really sink pretty fast. >> bob walton has lived with parkinson's for more than a decade. dr. espay enrolled him in a study supposedly comparing an expensive drug to a cheaper one. >> i actually felt a little better after i got the expensive one. >> guess what. >> he did an hour and half, it was both say leap solutions. >> both placebos. is. >> of course, no price difference at all. so we have twice as much improvement if i think it cost a lot. >> exactly. >> not only did the supposedly expensive drug do twice the job, it did just as well as a real
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parkinson's drug. >> they thought that because it was expensive it has to be good. >> correct. >> that alone can affect things physiologically. >> it does. >> the lesson here says dr. espay, when patients believe in their medications, those medications just may work better. now to do your experiment you had to mislead people. >> i did. >> how did you feel about that? >> terrible. >> in fact, outside of clinical trials like dr. espay's, the american medical association frowns on deception in treating patients. >> patients cannot be given a placebo without informed consent told, clearly transparently what it is. is. >> but given linda buonanno's success with placebos for ibs it may not matter if patients know, which raises an interesting question. >> i think the next step is how do we concretely use placebo effects in clinical practice. >> there some are ways in which
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we might be able to, not deceive the patient, but still get the benefit. you tell the patient, we're going to give you the active medicine but on some days you're going to get a placebo. if that were to work would you then lessen it is chance of addiction, tolerance, it's cheaper. >> meanwhile, linda's symptoms are back full force. but she has an appointment with professor kaptchuk. >> possibly going fog on placebos again see what happens. >> seems so strange to hear i'm going on placebos. i am about to start taking nothing again. >> exactly. >> pauley: coming up. small wonders. >> learn how to water for five years as an apprentice. then you keep learning how to water until you die.
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>> pauley: this is a bonsai tree. it's 66 years old. relative youngster by the standards of these small wonders. seth dope has september us a postcard from japan. >> they can grow for centuries. and are designed to evoke the majesty of nature. but it's all in miniature.
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and anything but natural. >> trying to make this thing look like a real treat. >> pittsburgh native adam jones came to japan to master the art of bonsai. how much design is there to this? >> with bonsai we're controlling everything. we have the tree in a pot so we're controlling the soil. how much water it gets. how much sun. how much fertilizer. how it grows, where it grows. the branches that we want to keep, the branches that we want to cut. every leave on every bran is considered. >> just learning to water them correctly sentences. jones is four years into his apprenticeship at the prestigious manseien nursery you. learn how to water as five years as apprentice then keep learning how to water until you die. >> the roots of this art form stretch back at least 1300 years to china. but it's japan doing this for a mere 700 that developed this
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style and set the bar for that is considered bonsai today. the trees can be so meticulously groomed they are best appreciated indoors or even in a museum. >> this can only stay inside the museum for about a week. is. >> yes. >> rumiko ishuda is the curator of the only bonsai art museum. >> need to get sunlight. >> you'll turn, depending where the sun is. >> yes. >> her exhibits cannot be indoors too long because they will die. can any tree be a bonsai? >> yes, of course. i heard in italy some of them enjoy olive bonsai. >> olive bonsai? >> what then makes a bonsai a bonsai? if it can be any type of tree? >> bonsai meaning tree in the pot. so any trees in a pot is bonsai.
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>> and those pots, iep by bonsai standards, can be quite small. >> one, two, three. >> to be mame or mini bonsai three have to fit into the palm of a hand. she showed us a tree she's been nursing for seven years. it's in the tiniest pot to keep it from growing. she's not kidding. later she potted one for us in something that would make a thimble look big. trimming the roots and repotting regularly is part of the science, adam jones explained. >> to some extent when we think about bonsai, these are tortured trees, they're wired and contorted and beat up. in fact a good analogy would be race horses. we want to pamper these things. we want them to be in the best condition they can possibly be in. >> when it's done just right, these trees can be considered luxury items. which jones likened to a ferrari
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or rolex. or, as we saw it, another nursery, seikouen they can cost as much as a house. hundreds of thousands of dollars. the ron buy for this class may never sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars. but student to sees greatness in her little tree. i'm trying to create something that evokes the image of being in the forest, this housewife told us. when the leaves sprout you'll have that sensation. while wiring some tiny branches, jones argued bonsai is worth the investment. considering they can take generations to design. >> the japanese aesthetics of bonsai are considered the most refined. the most subtle, the most sophisticated. >> he called it a dialogue with the tree. it's a conversation that has been going on here for centuries.
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>> pauley: still to come. justice ruth bader ginsburg. >> diversity is desirable but should not eclipse getting the best person for president to do the job. >> pauley: later -- that's true. most of my life. >> pauley: the good times and bad times of actor nick nolte. second we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen.
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when legalizing safe, responsible adult use of marijuana, the most important question is how? by voting yes on prop 64: adults 21 and over could only purchase marijuana at licensed marijuana businesses. and prop 64 bans advertising directed at kids... requires strict product labeling... child-proof packaging... and bans edibles that appeal to children. smart provisions to safeguard our families. learn more about the safeguards at
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>> why? >> it's black and grim. >> in fashion that's known as a statement piece. ruth bader ginsburg is diminutive but looms large as powerful, liberal voice on the united states supreme court. appointed by bill clinton in 1993. >> this nominee is a person of immense character. >> pauley: at 83, ginsburg is now the oldest sitting justice known among fans including the president as the notorious rbg. and along with elena kagan and
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sonya sotomayor one of three women on the bench which strikes her as not nearly enough. >> people ask me, when will you be satisfied with the number of women on the court? when there are nine. for most of the country's history they were all white men. >> >> pauley: in fact the supreme court was a men's club for 192 years. until sandra day o'connor was appointed by ronald reagan in 198. the pinnacle of a law career you've achieved it. but i don't think it was by dint of luck. >> what is the song from "my fair lady"? i had more than a little bit of luck. >> >> pauley: "my own words" is her first book as a justice. she takes us through a life of achievement and loss. two days before ginsburg graduated in 1950, valedictorian from james had son high school in brooklyn, her mother, celia, died. >> that was taken in 1946, she
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had cancer and it lingered for many years. >> her mother's influence has been enduring. >> she stead two things. be a lady and be independent. be a lady meant don't give way to emotions that sap your energy like anger. take a deep breath and speak psalmly. whether it's on camera or not i want you to see this portrait of marty. this is typical marty. >> pauley: why do you say typical marty? >> because he's relaxed. he's reading a good book. he is underdressed. >> pauley: she met martin ginsburg on a blind date at cornell. graduated and married in 1954. had her first child in '55. entered law school in '56. after two years at harvard, ginsburg transferred to columbia and graduated first in her class. >> tied for first. >> pauley: we'll call that first. >> pauley: but she didn't get a single offer from a new york
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law firm. >> i had three strikes against me. one i was jewish. two i was a woman. the killer was that i was the mother of a 4-year-old child. >> pauley: you graduated first in your class didn't that say something about your 'bill to be both mother and the best? >> it should have. >> pauley: later she have a son, james. >> pauley: what if you had that career. you and i wouldn't be talking today. >> you're exactly right. my dear colleague sandra day o'connor put that very well. she said if ruth and i came of age at a time when there was no discrimination against women we would be retired partners in a page already law firm. >> pauley: instead, ginsburg became a law professor at rutgers. ground breaking in the 1906s in ther a '70s she wrote the first supreme court brief on gender discrimination. >> i called 1972 the year of the woman. >> in a landmark ruling the supreme court today legalized abortion. >> pauley: but ask her today
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about that historic roe v. wade decision and you might be surprised. >> better to go step by step and have series of decisions rather than have one decision that made every law of every state, even the most liberal, unconstitutional. is too giant a stride, there are many people who disagree with me who say that the backlash would have occurred in any event. we will never know. >> pauley: lived here since -- >> since 1980. >> pauley: here's something you rarely see. supreme court justice at home. i'm not surprised to find in your apartment shelves and shelves of books. you expect that. maybe what you wouldn't expect are the shelves and shelves of cookbooks. a tax law expert and gourmet chef, martin gipsburg, who died in 2010, collected scores of cookbooks.
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she had only one. >> i had a book called "the 60-minute chef" if you started the minute you walked through the door it would be on the table within "60 minutes." i had seven things that i made. we went in rotation when i got to number seven you went back to number one. is. >> pauley: that is until her daughter, jane, suggested she retire from the kitchen. >> it came to her that daddy's cooking was ever so much better than mother's. why shouldn't daddy cook every day. >> pauley: your feelings weren't hurt? >> note in the least. she feels responsibility to make sure i'm properly fed. >> pauley: today her daughter jane does the cooking. >> if i pulled this out it's filled with individual dinners. >> once a month the columbia law professor fills her mother's freezer. is. >> each one is labeled. this is rock fish with lemon --
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>> pauley: and this one? >> shrimp and kid with saffron tomato sauce. >> pauley: you eat well. she has had health issues she battled colorectal cancer. then pancreatic cancer a decade later. she never missed a day on the bench. >> justice o'connor was on the bench nine days after her surgery. she says, have chemotherapy on friday that way you have weekend to get over it. >> pauley: get this, ginsburg does 20 push ups a day. you do marine push ups. >> harder than push ups as my trainer calls it the plank. you are own your stomach, i did it for 30 seconds, then breathe. then another 30 seconds. >> pauley: me might joy wine. why she was caught dozing during last year's state of the union address. >> pauley: how much sleep do
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you get? >> that depends the season. i get very little sleep when the court is sitting. i stay up as long as is necessary for me to feel comfortable that i have solid grasp on the case. so i can get by with two, not more than four hours. >> pauley: she's famously a workaholic and says she loves the court. >> most collegial place i've ever worked. i think we understand that for the court to work well, we have to not only respect, gut genuinely like each other. >> pauley: this summer she overstepped her sense of judicial propriety when she calmed donald trump, among other thing, a faker. when asked about a trump presidency, she said "for the court, it could be, i don't even want to contemplate that." trump tweeted a response "justice ginsburg of the u.s. supreme court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me,
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her mind is shot, resign." ginsburg subsequently issued a statement regretting her ill-advised remarks. and that's where she'd like to leave it. >> i said, judges should not talk about political candidates. and the pes is blowing this up out of all proportion so i would prefer not to add anything to what i have already said. >> pauley: earlier this year, brilliant bombastic antonin scalia. ginsburg lost one of her closest friends. >> we were on opposite sides. he may call me say, ruth, i'm not with you, but wouldn't this be a better word than the one that i had. >> pauley: help you strengthen your argument. the best of buddies, they traveled and celebrated new year's eve together. their usual passion for the opera inspired an opera written about them.
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last monday, first monday in october, court was back in session. though many of her most ardent admirers may argue it's time to step down. >> i don't think that a justice should have upper most in her mind. a democratic president appointed me. so i must leave to be sure that another democratic president can appoint my successor. i will do this job as long as i feel that i can do it full steam. at my age, you have to take it year by year. so this year i know i'm fine. that will be next year or the next year? i can't predict. >> pauley: ahead. >> i got a good dress for you. i'm volunteering for back-up dancer. >> pauley: mo rocco dropped dancer. >> pauley: mo rocco dropped in on celine dion. ♪
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>> pauley: it happens this come wean. >> there is a welcome new addition. >> pauley: tuesday, october 11th to, precise. the 40th anniversary of the day a young woman took her place as coanchor of the "today" show. >> i am 25 years old sewed some people say that is simply not old enough. well, i'm inclined to think that it makes precious little difference how old i am but at any rate there's nothing i can do about it but anticipate my 26th birthday upcoming in two to weeks. who that was young woman? oh, wait. that was me, a. a long, long way from my home in indiana. he was born on halloween. my father was a salesman. my mother of the organist at church. after high school and college i landed my first job on local tv, the very picture of a young reporter, emphasis on young.
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the surest way to cut the high cost of eating is to eat less. from there it was on to the "today" show. my home for 13 years. is then on to nbc's news magazine "dateline" among other ventures. along the way i married, as some of you might know he's the man behind "doonesbury," garry trudeau. we raised three children and now i'm a grandmother. as i've described in my two books there have been plenty of ups but i've had my share of downs as well. all of which i say by way of introduction. it's been almost 40 years to the day since i began my first morning tv venture. that i'm starting over again, a little bit older, a little bit wiser, i hope. and very proud to be following in charles osgood's footsteps. thank you so much for welcoming me into your home.
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it's good to be here. they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it.
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>> i want you to attack right now with every man at your disposal. that's a direct record. >> pauley: nick nolte played a tough talking lieutenant coverral in the 1998 policeman "the thin red line" these daisies playing a tough talking former president while also finding time for some questions and answers with our lee cowan. >> here we go. okay, this is all gas right now. then we add oxygen time. >> for all the things his fans have been curious about over the years, nick nolte says we were the first to ask about this. >> what you're working with is molten glass. >> his glass-working hobby.
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>> how long have with you doing this? >> well, i got hooked on it right away. i thought, geez, what a way to calm down, you know? >> he's been doing it for some 30 years, making beauty out of fire. >> all right, let's see it. >> which in a way is a lot like his own life. he's had colorful moments, he's had a few meltdowns. but despite his rough exterior, nick nolte can seem fragile, too. you don't really look at acting as a career. it's something that you need to do. >> yeah. >> even now. even now at 75 you still feel the need? >> yeah, it's a neat in the sense i can't find anything as complex and interesting to do. but i need it in a story. i don't want to do reality. because reality never runs smooth.
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>> so he says he keeps reality at a distance. all while keeping his craft close. >> well, look. i feel things, that's just the way i am. >> there's an emotional intensity to much of his work. >> i had done the same thing to your -- >> or oscar nominated turn with barbra streisand. >> what are you all hiding? >> i don't answer any more questions until you answer mine. >> and i find you guilty, counselor. gleek hold his own with robert deniro. or with eddie murphy. >> ain't got no class, jack. >> look at you you got a 500 suit on you're still a low life. >> yeah, but i look good. >> for someone who doesn't like reality his performances are often so real they can be hard to watch.
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>> that's what you have to decide. am i going to take the audience into life, into what really life is. or am i just going to stay on the fringes? >> so when epix tv began the search for an actor who could play a volatile, hard drinking, former u.s. president -- >> president graves? >> nothing but. i that's good. >> nolte won the role in a landslide. >> the concept is so beautiful. it's about a man that was president 25 years ago, he's been in retirement for 25 years. >> you're not firing your secret service detail. is. >> the hell i'm not. i just did! >> graves is story of political epiphany, right his administration's past wrongs in often unpredictable and very public ways. >> i will be your biggest
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advocate, your beacon of hope, your goddamn president! >> you seem like you're always at your best when you're playing somebody that has some wrongs to right or some road to recovery that you've got to find and that's what this role is, right? >> well, that is what this role is. but this is about the sin we all carry. >> which is -- what we were born with. being human. >> fallible. >> yeah, fallible. that's who the affliction is. >> nolte knows a little something about fallibility. his midwest childhood was restless. born in omaha, he never found school much to his liking. sports made the most sense, especially football. you played for a whole bunch of different colleges, right? >> uh-huh. >> how come you went to so
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manny. >> because i wanted to play football. my only objective to go to a college was to play football. >> he drifted around. selling fake draft cards for awhile. until he was arrested for it in 1961. it wasn't a political statement he says, it was just a way for underage kids to get into bars. >> i'd buy em for $4, $5 then sell 'em for $25. >> but it was a federal offense. although ended in a suspended sense, the experience so affected him nolte used it as the back story for his homeless character. >> what happened to you? >> in the film "down and out in beverly hillsism. >> sold some draft cards. they nailed me for counterfeit government documents. they gave me 45 years and a $75,000 fine. >> acting was nolte's way of dealing. he started small, doing regional theater in places like minnesota and arizona. he moved to hollywood was 35 before he got his first big
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break on the tv mini sear fleece rich man, poor man." >> where of a you been, anyway? >> i wouldn't want to destroy your illusions. >> oh, i don't have any. not about you. >> oh, you owe me, brother, because i've always hero-worshiped you. >> his blue eyes and blonde hair helped land him a clairol ad, by the '90s, nolte was named the sexiest man alive by "people" magazine. but all that fame he said was just another thing he had to cope with. and it turned out he didn't handle it all that well. >> you know, there's a moment of fame, of recognition and then it's over. now, if you carry that on, then you're trying to stay high. and in the old days, we would get things that would make us high toe try to duplicate that feeling. >> you'd said you struggled with
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drugs and alcohol pretty much most of your life, right? >> yeah. but i've struggled with everything most of my life. >> did you have to get help? >> once. >> it was after one now infamous night back in 2002. he'd been taking drug ghb, so-called date rape drug. nolte says he was using it to bulk up, but it's also a powerful tranquilizer. >> i'm just lucky eye to be here. >> you would have been killed or killed somebody else. >> i could have killed somebody else. that would be the tragedy. >> he pled no contest, entered rehab. >> how long have you lived here? >> about 40 years. >> eventually returned to his life in malibu. >> how old is he? >> he's ancient. >> he lives here in relative peace with his long time companion clytie lane and their 9-year-old daughter. he still goes out to that glass blowing studio almost every day.
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one escape from the demons that still haunt him. but the best way to keep them at bay has been to vanish into a role. >> if the story reaches up to where the great actor is, the great actor disappears. and the story becomes number one and the audience is -- >> that's what you look for? for nick nolte, that's as real as it gets. >> pauley: next -- tooting his own born. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> pauley: a young man from the other side of the world is tooting his own horn these days. with some help from an expert
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tooter. with steve hartman, let's listen in. >> the philadelphia orchestra boasts one of the best classical trumpet players in the country. and although david bilger has played on stage for thousands, his most impressive performance happens here, in his own basement, for an audience of one. for more than a year, david has been mentoring 17-year-old baset azizi. baset lives 7,000 miles away in kabul, afghanistan, the kid found david on facebook got his attention by tooting his own horn. >> it started off saying, i am the best trumpet player in afghanistan because there are only two. i was immediately taken by him. i said, i've got to read the rest of what he has to say. >> what did he want? >> to get better. it's another reason that i wanted immediately to work with this kid. >> they worked together over the internet until eventually baset got accepted into the
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prestigious interlochen center for the arts high school in travis city, michigan. now most unlikely up and come trumpet player in america. unlikely because in afghanistan some hardliners still think anyone playing an instrument especially a western one should be punished. >> they don't want music. >> did you feel like you were risking your safety? >> at some point, yes. >> but did you it anyway? >> yes. >> you must love that instrument? >> yes, i do. >> it does highlight the power of music in people's lives. >> today for the first time in his life baset says he can carry around his trumpet in public. it is a liberation that he owes almost entirely to a man he never met. david not only mentored baset but he helped raise more than $30,000 to pay for his schooling. >> where would your life be without snip. >> i don't know. he did a lot.
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>> last month david flew in to meet baset face to face. baset struggled for the words. but the two he finally did come up with were more than ample. >> thank you. >> lastly, as for the future, baset says he isn't sure where all this will lead. but regardless, he says no matter what he does, he will give back. and no matter where he lives, he will not be silenced. >> there was a woman sitting behind me she kept going, she's amazing. >> pauley: still to come. mo rocca -- ♪ with the diva in the desert. look, >> pauley: and conor knighton with the old man of the lake.
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you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? ♪ >> pauley: all by myself is just one of the songs that helped make her a legend.
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she's celine dion. child of quebec who with her 1,000th performance last night has reached the height of success in las vegas. which is where our mo rocca caught up with her back stage. ♪ >> it's only seconds before show time and yet superstar celine dion is in a playful mood. but make no mistake, when she steps on stage at las vegas as' caesar's palace colisium, she brings it. ♪
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yes, in the age of you a tune, celine dion is the real thing. ♪ there was a woman sitting behind me, she september going "she's amazing, she's amazing, she sounds bet everier than she does on the albums." no one sounds better than they do an albums. that's a tribute to you. >> she's amazing, whoa, whoa she's amazing ♪ sorry. thank you for sharing that with me. i felt the energy. that's why i love performing
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live so much. there's something about it, but because it's one take. it gives you something magic. like tinkerbell with the fairy dust. >> she's got talent, stamina, some of the biggest hits of the last 20 years including the theme song to "titanic." ♪ her show has drawn over four million fans since she began playing vegas in a theater built for her in 2003. back then there were doubts. but after her record breaking 1000th performance, she's
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firmly in the pantheon alongside vegas deities like elvis and sinatra. sin city is now home to this french-canadian widowed mother of three. >> work, work, work. go to work, work ♪ >> ride to work with this 48-year-old five-time grammy winner and you quickly discover she doesn't take herself too seriously. and she seriously loves singing. >> ♪ i'm unstoppable i'm unstoppable today. i drove all night ♪ to get to you ♪ now that the drive is short ♪ we got to get out of here ♪ because we're here in my dressing room ♪
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♪ >> sound check with salep is the concert before the concert. celine dion grew up in working class family in the canadian province of quebec. you grew up one of 14 siblings, where did everyone sleep? >> we were three, four in the same bed. i did not have a bedroom. before going in there was a little ramp and my bed was the there. everybody went up, i could wave good united. >> the youngest in family that loved to sing she was 12 whenner this mother took her to meet manager renee angelil.
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what do you remember when you were first meeting. >> i said he looked very beautiful. he looked great. i felt confident that this man was not treating me as a, oh, hi, little pumpkin, or, hi, little sweety. like a little baby. >> angelil, 26 years her senior managed dion's rise to the stop. ♪ eventually their relationship became more than professional and they wed in 1994 in a lavish ceremony broadcast live in canada. ♪ they were married nor 21 years before angelil lost his battle with throat cancer this past january. >> before he left, it was very,
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very difficult for all of us. for me, especially and my children, to see the man of my life die a little bit more every day. when he left, it was kind of a relief for me that the man that i love, the only man that i kissed, the only man -- >> is that right? >> that i loved. yeah. >> the only man you've kissed? >> i never kissed another man in my life. so the man of my life was my partner and we were one. so when he stopped suffering i said to myself, he's okay.
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and he deserves not to suffer. >> do you hope that you'll fall in love again? >> not now. huh-uh. >> but you're still so young. >> i love. i love him. i'm still in love with him. and i have the love of my children. i have the love of my fans. i love the people that i work with. so my life is not empty of love. >> right. >> but there's a song from sia. ♪ i to go sleep and imagine that you're there with me ♪ and i to go bed with him. and i come on stage with him. and so i'm still married to him. >> why is why each night before celine dion goes on stage, for
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how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. >> pauley: conor knighton ran into quite a mystery at his latest stop on the trail. >> crater lake is the deepest lake in the entire country. the pristine water in this collapsed volcano is so u unbelievably blue seems magical. it cast such a spell on visitors they named the cone in the center, wizard island. i love the name wizard island.
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>> kind of evokes a little bit of mystery. >> mystery is what brought to you this national park in southern oregon. physically a mr. tree, i come to pay my respects to the old man of the lake. n for to meet you sir. >> first discovere discovered iy joseph diller who was a geologist and explorer who extensively studied crater lake at that time. >> may not look like much but this part of the tree has been part of this park since its inception. a 30 foot long log i am plausibly bobbing up right for 120 years. never the young man, always the old man. >> he's always been the old man of the lake. >> like the larry king of stumps. >> that's right. >> he must have been young at
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some point. we just don't know. >> mark is an aquatic ecologist for the park. he less ends up monitoring the movements of the old man. that's right, this seemingly unsinkable tree gets around. you would think the flow would act as a sail. been sometimes he'll move all the way across the lake. >> it's as if he has a mind of his own. the old man can travel miles in a single day. today he's close to the shore, tomorrow he could be in the middle of the lake. in the 1930s, the government commissioned a study of his movements. in their log of the log, rangers observed the old man move over 60 miles in less than three months. >> in 1908s, mark was part of the submarine exploration of crater lake. to avoid running into the old
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man out in the water they tied him up on the shore. bad idea. >> well, it wasn't long after he was tied up that a storm blew in. and the surface of the lake got too rough for us to deploy and recover the submarine. >> when it started to snow in august, superstition got the best of the scientists. >> our senior scientists went out quietly one evening and released the old man from his bondage. >> and, you know it, the weather cleared up right afterwards. as jennifer evans explains, it's stories like that have helped old man take root in the imaginations of visitors. >> he kind of became a bit of a celebrity, i guess, of crater lake. >> and inquiring minds want to know. why hasn't the old man sunk? rocks may have once weighed down the roots, water logging the bottom while the sun dried out the top. but mark isn't as concerned with
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the why. >> i think maybe some questions should remain unanswered. that maybe it's part of the human condition to believe in a little bit of mystery and the interconnectedness of all things. >> you're okay with maybe not knowing? >> i'm okay with not knowing. >> as the old man bobs across the water, perhaps what he's trying to teach with us his travels m. times it's fun to be stumped.
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>> pauley: to the ranks of conservative republicans weighing in on the latest donald trump revelations, you can add our contributor, ben stein. >> this is a nightmare. but it's time for donald trump to go back to trump tower. time for mike pence to move to the top of the ticket. time for marco rubio or my favorite, lindsey graham, to move to the veep spot. i'm not fickle. i've been a conservative in hollywood for 40 years and it's
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cost me plenty. no matter, loyalty is sacred to me. but i'm republican and we're supposed to represent a high moral standard. we are the party of dwight eisenhower and ronald reagan, whose charisma was based on dignity. we're the party of george w. bush who made terrible mistakes, what was fundamental decency was never in doubt. now comes donald trump. he talked about a hot mike about most lewd acts imaginable, by grabbing women by the genitals getting away with it. >> you can do anything. >> he now says that bill clinton has said much the same and worse. so what. i wouldn't want bill clinton to be leading the republican party either. i want someone clean, after eight years of mess and lies and deceit. i don't want someone who talks like dirty-minded 8th grader leading the greatest political party on earth. i disagreed with trump on many things but i stood up for him on tv and in print because he was force for change, not afraid to be non-pc but this late zest too much.
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the hour did s desperately late. at this rate, mr. trump is leading the g.o.p. to could astro free. but if mr. trump can do the right thing, drop out, if the party can elevate pence, get a great veep candidate all can still be saved. donald trump, for once do the right thing. take your boasts and your swine dells and dirty jokes and jet and go back home and let our great party try to staff itself and the nation. might be time to talk about a financial strategy. (laughing) you mean pay him back? knowing your future is about more than just you. so let's start talking about your long-term goals... multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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>> pauley: here's a look at the week ahead on our "sunday morning" cam ender. monday is columbus day, celebrating the 524th anniversary of the italian explorer's arrival in the bahamas, on tuesday the u.n. marks the international gay of the girl child.
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a global effort to ensure a world free of discrimination against young women and girls. wednesday is national fossil day, organized by the national park service to promote public awareness and stewardship of fossils. on thursday, singer songwriter paul simon celebrates his 75th birthday. friday sees the 90th anniversary of the publication of the children's classic, "winnie the pooh" by a.a.milne. on saturday alicia keys and beyonce headline a concert in brooklyn with proceeds to benefit educational charities. now to john dickerson in st. louis the site of tonight's presidential debate for look what's ahead on "face the nation," good morning, john, what have you got for us? >> dickerson: good morning, in the wake of that bombshell video we'll talk to trump senior advisor former mayor rudy
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guiliani about the fall out. also talk to the clinton campaign manager lot of analysis with some special guest stars including bob schieffer and norah o'donnell. >> pauley: john dickerson in st. louis, thanks. by the way, you can see tonight's presidential debate right after "60 minutes" here on cbs. and reminder to join me for facebook chat starting just about half hour from now. next week here on "sunday morning." >> this is from first fall fashion gala. reminds me of the '80s. >> pauley: we talk with sarah jessica parker. >> all this beautiful. i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix.
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it begins from the the second we're because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen. >> pauley: we leave you this "sunday morning" in my home state of indiana. among the sandhill cranes at the jasper fish and wildlife area.
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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh >> pauley: i'm jane pauley. please join us when our trumpet sounds again numbers "sunday morning." ,,,,
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we can't go back to the years of devastating cuts to public education. exactly why i urge you to vote yes on prop 55. prop 55 prevents $4 billion in new education cuts without raising taxes on anyone. and there's strict accountability in prop 55. with local control over school funding decisions. and mandatory annual audits guaranteeing the money goes directly to our classrooms. not to bureaucracy, not to administration. so vote yes on 55. because it helps our children thrive.
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set. the second presidential debate gets underway tonight in st. louis, missouri. and the stakes could hardly be higher. on kpix 5 news, the stage is set as the second presidential debate gets underway in st. louis, missouri. it is 7:30 am on this sunday, it is 7:30 am on this sunday, october 9, and the republican party is in turmoil after the explosive video exposing donald trump making lewd comments about women, and we are live where the candidates are going to face- off, and will hillary clinton respond to the trump controversy on stage tonight?>> so far she is not.>> reporter: she will be on t


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