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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  January 16, 2017 7:00am-9:01am PST

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on that night. thank you for joining us, cbs this morning is coming up next. ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday, january 16, 2017. welcom "cbs this morning." a deadly ice storm crushes trees, cracks power lines and sends cars spinning out of control. overnight the massive system also spawned possible tornadoes in texas. president-elect trump hits back after criticism from the head of the cia and a civil rights legend. incoming white house press secretary sean spicer will join us. >> mr. trump says insurance for everybody will replace obamacare. what does that mean? we'll look at how your coverage might change after the affordable care act is repealed.
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>> but first your world in 90 seconds. >> reporter: the rain started falling yesterday and the ice continues to build up. we were standing a few feet away when this massive branch came crashing down. >> deadly winter weather freezes the midwest. >> ice storms are making travel misery. >> thousands of americans still remain without power. >> covered up my pickup, covered our car. been digging ever since. >> a turkish airline cargo plan has crashed killing at least 37 people. he no longer thinks this is a witch hunt, this investigation into russia meddling. >> sources within the intelligence committee attributed to sharing that information is a real disservice to our democracy. >> equating the trens community with nazi germany. >> donald trump, if you take away the particulars, was elected on the same program you were, change. >> that's a lot of particulars you're taking away.
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fehr enough. >> the iconic ringling bros. and barnum and bailey circus is closing. >> players and spectators running for the doors. >> the white van wound up overturning. the group of people came together to flip the vehicle. unclear what caused the crash. >> smith, batted away. the steelers come into kansas city, beat them on the road. all that matters. >> people talking as if when we went on vacation, that people would be like, oh, spending taxpayer money. no, no, actually i'm paying for all this. we buy our own toilet paper even here in the white house. it's not free. >> on "cbs this morning." >> with three seconds left. it is good. the packers are moving on. aaron hod jers has done it again. and mason crosby, a hero for green bay. >> this morning's eye opener is
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presented by toyota. let's go places. aaron rodgers is simply unbelievable. >> i know. >> he gives his receivers longer to get in position to take a pass than anybody i've ever seen. >> that is a football game. that's where you see the beauty of the game. >> let's not leave out the patriots, too. >> patriots indeed. indeed. the super bowl could possibly be aaron rodgers and tom brady. welcome to "cbs this morning." millions of americans face dangerous winter weather after a deadly ice storm slammed the country's midsection. >> whoa. tornado, right there. it's right there. >> storm chasers captured the violent weather last night near dallas-ft. worth. thousands without power.
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>> drone video shows a tunnel created by ice-coated trees in oklahoma. some branches crashed down. the ice storm is blamed for at least six deaths. it's creating havoc on roads and air pours. warnings in place from new mexico into iowa. winter weather advisories stretch into parts of the northeast. omar villafranca is in woodward, oklahoma, which is covered with ice. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the storm rolled across texas and into oklahoma and brought with it freezing rain that coated everything from power lines to trees in a thin layer of ice. this tree behind me looks like it's covered in glass, but really -- let me show you what we're dealing with. it's ice maybe a half inch to about an inch thick. the storm paralyzed the region and left millions of people at a standstill. overnight storms pounded texas, bringing heavy rain, flooding and tornadoes.
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two touched down south of dallas. heavy winds near one damaged a hangar at the grand prairie airport. further north, ice, more than an inch thick blanketed the midwest, crushing trees, cracking power lines and disabling cars. >> it covered up my pickup, covered up her car, covered up the neighbor's van. just been digging ever since. >> reporter: the region has been under assault since friday, battered by freezing rain and snow, leaving thousands of people without power. on the roads, crews worked over time clearing ice and snow. >> there goes another one, rite there. >> the ice storm devastated highways, leaving drivers spinning out of control. dash cam video shows a kansas state trooper making a narrow escape after a semi tractor-trailer loses control on an icy road. at least two injuries reported in a 20-car pileup near
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wichita. two semis crashed on interstate 80 causing one to erupt in a fiery blaze. deicing crews were called out to st. louis's lambert airport where flights were delayed or canceled due to the storm. >> it is good! >> following the dallas cowboys' loss to the packers, the storm in texas forced some fans to stay locked down in at&t stadium. in kansas city, the game between the chiefs and the pittsburgh steelers was pushed back seven hours because of the ice storm. >> reporter: more rain in the forecast for some of the affected areas. the good news is the temperatures should remain above freezing for a good part of the day and hopefully that will mean some of this ice will start melting off. >> a lot of people hope you're right. thank you very much, omar. meteorologist jeff jamieson of ktvt is tracking the rm to. good morning.
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>> good morning. we have 11 states in the middle of the country under winter weather alerts including an ice storm warning across kansas, nebraska and iowa. this is where the worst of it has already been and will continue to be throughout the day today, as we could see an additional quarter to a half inch of ice where some areas have already seen up to an inch of ice. that will cause more slick roads, power outages and many travel disruptions as well. a huge headache up here and officials are telling folks to stay inside and stay put if you can. in addition to the ice, snow will be the big story especially over parts of colorado and western kansas where we're expecting to see some areas pick up three to six inches of snow. some areas could see more than that. >> jeff jamieson, thank you. a boeing 747 plowed into a village near the capital of the central asian country kurg stan. at least 37 people were killed. the cargo plane was flying from hong kong to istanbul and about
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to make a planned stop when it crashed. large sections of the jet can be scattered among the homes. most of those killed were on the ground. the cause of the crash isn't known. the jet was trying to land in heavy fog. president-elect trump will meet today with martin luther king third after an angry dispute with a legend congressman john lewis. lewis and other house democrats plan to skip friday's inauguration. yesterday mr. trump hit back at cia director john brennan tweeting the agency couldn't do much worse and asking was this the leaker of fake news. major garrett is covering the trump transition with four days to go. major, good morning. >> good morning. mr. trump was responding to the cia assertion sunday that the president-elect doesn't fully understand the russian threat. the head of the spy agency also refused to confirm or deny if the cia had any evidence about
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contacts between the president-elect's campaign and the russians, pointing instead to the fbi. >> i very much hope our relationship with russia improves in the coming administration. >> reporter: on sunday outgoing cia director john brennan warned the president-elect about flights of temper and snap judgments. >> spontaneity is not something that protects national security interests. therefore, when he speaks or reacts, he has to make sure he understands the implications and impacts on the united states could be profound. >> reporter: mr. trump had for weeks doubted intelligence reports on russian tampering, cyber and otherwise in the 2016 election. >> as far as hacking, i think it was russia. >> before reversing course during his news conference last week. >> i don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. >> reporter: the russian hacks have led democrats like georgia democrat john lewis to question mr. trump's legitimacy.
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>> i think russia participated in helping get this man elected and helped destroy the candidacy of hillary clinton. >> reporter: lewis says he will boycott the inauguration. on saturday trump turned to twitter, congressman john lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district which is in horrible shape and falling apart, not to mention crime infested, rather than falsely complaining about the election results. all talk, talk, talk, no action or results. >> reporter: lewis represents a district with wealth and prestige including hartsfield-jackson airport, cdc and the georgia institute of technology. >> donald trump won this election fair and square. >> reporter: on face the nation, vice president elect mike pence tried to redirect the rhetoric. >> to say donald trump would not be a legitimate president was
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deeply disappointing to me and to hear he was not going to attend the inauguration this friday. i hope he reconsiders both statements. >> pence also said none of the conversations incoming national security adviser michael flynn had with russia's ambassador to the u.s. were related to obama administration sanctions tied to election hacking. s it's unclear if mr. trump will maintain those sanctions. in his final network tv interview in the white house, president obama says the president-elect will have to get the intelligence community to trust him. "60" minutes correspondent steven kroft asked about trump's criticism. >> you said you don't know how he's going to do when he governs. we're in that transition period. one of the first things he's done is to pick a fight with the intelligence agencies. do you think that that's a smart move? >> you're not going to be able to make good decisions without building some relationship of trust between yourself and that
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community. >> do you see that happening? >> not yet, but again, he hasn't gotten sworn into office yet. >> president obama also says he believes the affordable care act will be one of his lasting legacies. president-elect trump says he plans to present a better alternative to obamacare soon. in an interview with "the washington post" he said the republican plan was in the final strokes and promised, quote, we're going to have insurance for everybody. mr. trump also said there was a philosophy in some circles that if you can't pay for it, you don't get it. that's not going to happen with us. the president-elect warned pharmaceutical companies saying they're politically protected, but not anymore. obamacare supporters held several rallies across the country. senator bernie sanders said they would fight republican efforts to repeal the law that expanded coverage to about 22 million americans. sean spicer is press secretary for the incoming trump
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administration and out going communications direct for for the republican national convention. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. thanks for having me. how do we define exactly what the president-elect wants to do? is it universal health care? here is what heold scott pelley. i'm going to take care of everybody, i don't care if it costs me votes. everybody will be taken care of, much better than they're taken care of now. >> his goal is to make sure everybody has health care. one of the beauties of having a president like truck, he knows how to negotiation, he's looking at ways to drive costs down and give accessibility and options to people they don't have now. >> are more people going to have access to health care than had access under the obamacare plan? >> i think not only are they going to have greater access, but greater choice. more plans and more doctors available, something they're not having now. you see in market after market people who at one point had two,
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three plans to choose from, are being told the only plan available is this one and no other competition is available. he's going to reinstale a sense of competition and choice in the marketplace, allow greater competition to drive down costs, give consumers more options. >> why haven't we heard the details yet, sean? when will we hear it? >> because he's not president yet. >> he's still not president. i get it that you're eager to see it. a lot of people are excited about some of the things he's going to do in various areas. we've got four days to go. he's got plans on a lot of things that will make this country move in the right direction, whether it's how we're going to help our veterans or lower health care costs and create clearer options. >> that's a big promise, insurance for everybody. does that mean government pays for it or government mandates that bids pay for it? >> again, norah, i think the goal right now as the president stated in this "washington post" article is his goal is to make sure everybody is covered, but he wants to do so in a way that brings all the entities to a
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table and negotiates a way that costs to go down. there's a pharmaceutical component to this, a competition and a marketplace access issue, meaning right now the plans cannot compete across state lines. there's a way to to drive cost down and give greater choice. >> let me ask you first about john lewis. was that necessary on the part of the president, not withnd staing what john lewis had said? >> i think john lewis is an icon in civil and voting rights. this, on today martin luther king's anniversary, i think it's a day we can recognize the efforts that someone like john lewis has made. john lewis more than anybody understands the need to enfranchise people, to get them out to vote. when he makes a comment about the ill legitimacy of the election and ill legitimacy of
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the president, that undermines some of the work john lewis has done. he's been such a champion and hero of voting rights and working to get more people to vote in the legitimacy of our voting apparatus and systems, to see him make a comment like that i think was disappointing. >> the president doesn't have to respond to everybody that criticizes him. >> i understand that. but when someone of john lewisista tour goes out and at tacts the legitimacy of the election and his legitimacy as president, there's something when someone of that huge stature and iconic nature attacks him, the president-elect has a right, as he's done over and over again, of vieting back and making sure he shows he's not going to sit back and take dd tacks without responding. >> thank you very much so much for joining us. sue an page is "usa today's" washington bureau chief. good morning. >> good morning.
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>> insurance for everybody. who pays for it? >> sounds like a great idea. people who have worked on health care for decades don't understand how that's going to work. it's what we've struggled with as a nation for a long time. he may be talking about universal access to insurance. that's something speaker paul ryan has talked about. that's something different and more limited than universal coverage. i think we'll have to wait and see. >> access is a big deal for people. >> protecting the right of people with pre-existing conditions, that would be a big deal. threes are promises -- >> trump has said he's inclined to do that. >> that's right. but you do have to pay for it. >> a lot of russia news over the weekend. we heard the cia director saying donald trump does not have a full appreciation of russian capabilities and the president-elect suggesting he could do away with some of these russian sanctions. >> we heard him suggest that nato is obsolete. trump has been a disrupter in
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many ways, on health care, on russia as well. the idea that he may actually move to lift the sanctions just imposed by president obama for meddling in our election, these are things that have gotten everybody's attention. this would be a fundamental shift in the approach that american presidents in general, and particularly republican presidents have taken. >> therefore, the question is for the president and vladimir putin, what does vladimir putin have to do to get donald trump to eliminate the sanctions? >> that's right. maybe it's invite us back to the syria talks. that's something we're not part of at the moment. would that be enough, to say russia is now cooperating with us and we should lift the sanctions? >> what do you make of his jaubl with john lewis? there are strong feelings on both sides of the dispute. >> there's nothing that seems to get the president-elect's attention more than questioning his legitimacy. that comes to the russian
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meddling and director comey's actions during the campaign or the fact that he lost the popular vote to hillary clinton. these are things that get his attention. he seems insensitive perhaps to some of the racial aspects including the offense that john lewis and other african-americans took when he questioned the legitimacy of barack obama's presidency. >> four days to go. he says he's going to unite the country. >> let's hope that happens. >> we all hope that. cbs news will have all-day coverage of the inauguration. central protests by hundreds of thousands of people will likely complicate security on inauguration day. ahead we'll go inside the command center to see how law enforcement from around the country will help
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is preparing for its final act. ahead, what intersection in pacifica is closed down.. becuase of a massive sink good morning. it is 7:26. a busy intersection is closed down this morning because of a massive sinkhole. it's nearly 40 feet deep. crews say the ground gave way after the storms last week. city officials haven't yet released their plan on a time line for repairs. the oakland raiders could be filing a relocation request this week. that would be a big step toward moving to las vegas. reports the filing will happen well before a deadline coming on february 15th. and then team owners will vote this spring. traffic and weather coming up next. ,,,,,,,,
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apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo.
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good morning. happy monday. it is 7:27. it's holiday light out there but we have a traffic alert along the san mateo bridge, an injury crash. three-car crash after the high- rise. and now it's only blocking the left lane there but causing about a five to 10 minute delaying traveling along eastbound 92. 2 westbound side looking good. now over to tianna bartoletta, we have a -- over to bart, saturday schedule. good monday morning. we are looking at mostly clear skies to start out with. patch which i fog out there. and same thing for tomorrow. and then wednesday, things change. we've got a chance of rain coming in, more than a chance, a certainty for late wednesday. for today, okay. tomorrow is okay too. temperatures will be in the mid- 50s but in the extended forecast, rain moves back into the bay area by wednesday. ,,,,,,,, ow costs online filing
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services. nline filing security preparations and planning for friday's inauguration have been under way
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for months. members of the army band stood inned a a mock swearing-in ceremony. they marched to work out final details before the big event. jeff pegues is on the nat the national parks service is five time as what they typically see. pennsylvania avenue is being transformed for the inauguration as is security around the
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nation's capitol. the department of homeland security is expecting close to 1 million people in the streets of washington. so can you see all of washington from this room? >> we can see a lot of washington from this room. >> reporter: executive ace sis stand director of the fbi will be watching from this command center with representatives from different agencies. there are dozens of televisions with different angles of the city, streets and yarl view as well as traffic flow. they want everything covered. >> we're facing a more complex threat environment. >> in what way? >> just in terms the types of threats that have occurred, attacks we've seen here in the united states and around the world. >> reporter: the attacks in paris, belgium, and san bernardino haunt officials. it shows terrorist initiatives are capable of large-scale
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attacks or lone wolf attacks sponsored by isis or al qaeda. they say they can't rule everything out. >> we work hard every day, 24/7, not just during inauguration but on every day, even today, to stop things like that from happening. >> you can have unpredictable crowds. >> reporter: former homeland security director michael chertoff who led in 2009 when president obama was sworn
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inauguration begins here on "cbs this morning." you can watch it all day long this friday on cbs. a girl who was an ducted from a florida hospital back in 1998 was reunited with her parents after nearly two decades. investigators found 18-year-old kamiyah mobley living in a small town almost 200 miles from where she disappeared. the woman she thought was her mother has now been charged with kidnapping and interference with custody. tony dokoupil shows us what led investigators to the missing girl. good morning. >> good morning. she disappeared just hours after she was born. it generated national headlines but her family says they never gave up hope and now that faith has finally been rewarded. kamiyah mobley was just a
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newborn the last time she was held by her biological mother. now she's a young woman. on sadr mobley met the parents she never knew she had. for her biological father craig aiken, it was the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. >> the past 18 years, it's going to be hard to make that up. >> reporter: mobley was abducted from a jacksonville hospital more than 18 years ago. a woman posing as a nurse took the infant from her mother and panished. >> i could not sit and hold her. will you please, please bring me back my child. >> we're asking your assistance in locating this lady. >> reporter: police chased down more than 2,500 leads but they were dead ends. it all changed after the national center for missing and exploited children got an anonymous tip. >> we got information that this person had who he believed to be
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kamiyah and who he believed to be the abduct ter. >> reporter: that led police to the home of gloria williams of south carolina. tests confirmed friday the 18-year-old girl living there under a different name was, in fact, mobley. >> she had an inclination months ago that she may have been involved in this in some way. >> reporter: friends and neighbors described williams as a good parent and a pillar of the community. at the friday hearing where williams agreed to be extradited to florida, mobley openly wept. >> she's bonded with who she believed to be her family and birth mother, so she's going to deal with a lot of conflicted loyalties. >> reporter: she told the newspaper on her daughter's birthdays she would wrap a piece of cake and put it in the freezer. they say in the u.s. 133 babies have been abducted from hospitals in the u.s. the good news is only four of
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those cases remain unsolved. >> oh, wow. >> but this one is so heartbreaking. >> how do they solve most of them? >> tips come in over the years. this is what happened over the years. >> i remember having a baby. now they have all these security measures in place so that no one takes your baby. you have to have the matching wristband on the mother and the baby before they bring the baby out. >> it's so sad. it's so sad, norah. the fact that the girl didn't know and the guy who was her father all these years thought that was his child too because the woman mad lied to him as well. >> the sadness goes in both directions. you saw her weeping at the court hearing. >> what a terrible story. it's the end of an era for the circus. after nearly 150 years. ahead, why the big top is coming down forever on the greatest show on earth. and we invite you to subscribe to our "cbs this morning" podcasts. you'll get the news of the day, extended interviews, and what else, gayle? >> we always like our podcast
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the so-called greatest show on earth is folding up its tent forever. after nearly a century and a half of shows the parent company of ringling bros. barnum & bailey circus will go out of service in may. manuel bojorquez is at a circus training center in sarasota, florida. manuel, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the so-called greatest little show on earth. it's the training ground for some who had hoped to join ringling brothers. it has an uncertain future despite a spectacular fast.
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with high-flying stunts and exotic animals, the ringling bros. barnum & bailey circus was turned big top cap uring audiences for nearly 150 year bus attendance has been falling. ringling tried to remain relevant adding i skating and bmx effects. they added their first female ringmaster. but they say letting go some of their biggest performers was the final straw. >> removing elephants from the touring units we saw a very sharp drop in attendance, much greater than we anticipated and that's led us to this decision because the business motto was no longer sustainable. >> activists are claiming victory but are still concerned about the future of the animals. >> they still have the
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possibility of moving them to sanctuaries. >> reporter: at the conservatory in sarasota that trains the young of tomorrow, it's sad. she's an instructor here and her dad lou was one of ringling's most famous clowns. >> is this the end of an era? >> in my heart i don't want to believe it. it's part of american this morning here in sarasota. gayle? >> yep. it's brand-new day. remember when you went to the circus as a little kid. >> i still go. >> kids love the circus.
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>> it is a lot of fun. it is a lot less animals, more human tricks. >> i get that. the circus and the malls. oh, no. manny, we thank you again. the video from the ground is very impressive. coming up next, you'll see the view captured by three friends from more than a mile and a half up in the air. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by petsmart.
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barge in the pacific. three friends called it a unique view of the launch. they were flying in a small plane and captured it on camera from 8,500 feet in the air. >> who's happier, the three friends or elon musk? >> elon's very happy. >> i bet he's doing the hula somewhere. president-elect trump hates the way "saturday night live" targets him. ahead, political satire over the years. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ trintellix (vortioxetine) is a prescription medicine for depression. trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. for me, trintellix made a difference. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children,
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investig good morning. four minutes before 8:00. the california highway patrol investigating yet another east bay freeway shooting. this happened yesterday along southbound 242. someone shot at two men who were in a black mercedes. one man was hit but he is expected to recover. the oakland raiders expecting to file a relocation request. it's a big step toward moving the team to las vegas. the filing will reportedly happen before a february 15th deadline for team owners to vote on it this spring. the raider's owner would need approval from 24 nfl team owners. traffic and weather coming up next. ,,,,,,,,
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good morning. happen my monday. happy martin luther king day. it is 7:57. a look at the bay area roads.
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we just got rid of a traffic alert along eastbound 92, the san mateo bridge, a three-car injury crash after the high- rise and now all lanes are open and traffic is recovering and moving smoothly on both ends here. let's look in the peninsula, highway 84, between grand view drive and skyline boulevard. under one-way traffic control because of a downed power line from last week's storm. and another reason why the storm is affecting this week, westbound 37 is closed due to flooding. eastbound 37 is open. good monday morning. starting out with fog and low clouds and then sunshine later in the day. temperatures top out in the mid- 50s. and rain by midweek. and now through tuesday, okay. but later on wednesday, rain and winds develop. two more storms move in by the weekend. okay today. temperatures in the mid-50s. by the time we get to wednesday, increasing cloud, rain at times. won't last long but we will get wet starting on wednesday and staying right through the weekend. ,,,,,,,,
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good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday, january 16th, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including the president-elect promising insurance for everybody. see what he might do to replace obamacare and what that could do to your insurance. first here's today eye opener at 8:00. the storm rolled across texas and into oklahoma and brought with it freezing rain that coated everything. >> an ice storm warning across parts of kansas, nebraska and iowa. this is where the worst of it has already been. >> mr. trump was responding to the cia directer's assertion that the president-elect does not fully understand the russian
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threat. >> president-elect says he may do away with some of these russian sanctions. >> american presidents in general and particularly republican presidents in general. >> let me ask you about john lewis. was that necessary on behalf of the president? >> when he makes a comment about the illegitimate massy of an election, and the illegitimacy of a president that undermines the work that he does. >> dion lewis. he has taken off. peters trying to chase him. that is not a fair match. lewis is going to break it! 98 yards. there he, though, the special teams coach and former patriot linebacker. can't believe it. >> what was that, norah? was that norah screaming with
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your children and husband? was that you? >> unbelievable. >> yes, unbelievable. >> got to be there. very cool. very cool. >> so had you a good time? >> really good time. >> watching the patriots? >> really good time. >> and is tom brady as good up close and personal as he is -- >> well, i didn't get that close to him. i didn't get that close. but watching them all play and shout out to the houston texans who had a great game, toochlt just the patriots came out on top. >> well said. >> i'm not the guest here. >> you're smiling awful hard. >> very giggly. >> giggly and giddy today, miss o'donnell. >> maybe it's -- >> i'm just happy. >> what are we missing, charlie? >> i don't know. >> it says charlie on the prompter right now. >> okay. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and miss norah o'donnell. at least six people are dead after dangerous ice storms battled much of the central united states. the system pounded parts of
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texas overnight with heavy rain, flooding and tornadoes. two touch downed south of dallas. >> ice crippled parts of the great plains and midwest yesterday, crushing trees, cracking power lines and disabled cars there. the ice sent some drivers spinning out of control. the storm is continuing its slow advance. ice and winter storm warnings were in place from new mexico up to iowa. winter weather advisories are in effect to the north and the east. >> donald trump will be sworn in as the 45th president in four days. he still has a strange relationship with the intelligence community. he blasted cia director john brennan last night on twitter, writing was this the leaker of fake news? mr. trump was reacting to brennan's response when he was asked if the president-elect understands the threat from russia. >> i don't think he has a full appreciation of russian capabilities, russians' intentions and actions that they are undertaking in many parts of
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the world. that's what the responsibility of the intelligence community is. >> in two interviews over the weekend, the president-elect said he is open to take another look at sanctions against russia if that country helped the u.s. >> the president-elect also attacked john lewis for making these comments on friday. >> i don't see president-elect as a legitimate president. >> you do not consider him a legitimate president? why is that? >> i think the russians participated in helping this man get elected. and they help destroy the candidacy of hillary clinton. >> mr. trump tweeted, quote, congressman john lewis should spend more time on fixing and helps his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart, not to mention crime infeted, rather than falsely complaining about the election results. all talk, talk, talk. no action or results. sad! john lewis, as you know, is an
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icon of the civil rights era, beaten during the civil rights march with dr. martin luther king jr. >> sunday's atlanta journal constitution reads atlanta to trump, wrong. and on twitter, people posted pictures of that district with the #defendthefifth. >> this friday, inauguration coverage begins here at 11:00 am. the plan will provide insurance for everybody, donald trump said. formulated down to the final strokes. he said he would use executive power if necessary to replace the affordable care act. rallies to save president obama's health care law took place across the country yesterday. thousands led by one protest led by senator bernie sanders in michigan. >> what we are saying to the republicans, if you want to
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improve the affordable care act, let's work together. but if you think you're simply going to throw millions off of health insurance, you've got another guess coming. >> so, what could a plan to replace obamacare actually look like? shannon petipiece is a white house correspondent. good morning and congratulations. >> thank you. >> when sean spicer was here this last hour he said he couldn't talk about the specifics because the president-elect is not the president yet. you've been working the story. what are you hearing on capitol hill about what it's going to look like? >> from republicans in congress, i'm hearing a lot of the same republican ideas that they've been talking about for years now. health savings accounts, you know, getting rid of these essential core benefits that the obamacare plan has to include things like birth control, psychiatric care, well visits.
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those are driving up the cost of plans now and if we got rid of those, it would make it more affordable. they don't like mandates. they don't like the government telling people you have to buy health insurance or employers having to buy health insurance. pre-existing conditions, of course, we keep hearing over and over again, we don't want people with pre-existing conditions not to be able to get care. but getting rid of that is difficult if you get rid of a mandate. because if people have no incentive or no pressure to buy an insurance plan then they're just going o wait until they get sick. i have a pre-existing condition, you still have to cover me. they'll go buy health care then and that's a worst case scenario. >> does it reflect any of trump's values, the kinds of things he has talked about over the years? >> one trump value he would like to see included and was talking about in the washington post was lowering drug price. and that's something that if we think we're going to get a plan through quickly and easily, if trump goes after drug prices as he's proposing, which essentially would let medicare and medicaid set the price of
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drugs, that's going to create a very big battle with congress. republicans in congress feel like this price negotiation, this letting the government set drug prices goes against their free market value. it may be trump's values of lowering drug prices but goes against their free market values. >> the consumer, when you hear about low drug prices you think, yeah, great idea. >> and a lot of countries do set drug price, a very popular populist idea. >> using it as a bully pulpit against american businesses. >> what i don't know yet and what we'll obviously find out after january 20th is how much of this plan will be driven by congress and how much is it going to be driven by the trump administration? is it going to be the trump administration setting the plan, telling them this is what you need to do or is it congress saying here is the plan, here are the ideas, here is what we agree on. here is the bill. now sign it. that will determine a lot. what happens here. what ideas get included and what
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ideas will get left on the cutting room floor. >> lowering drug prices, no doubt, everybody agrees on. they'll faith face one of the biggest and toughest lobbyists in washington, pharma. other than the nra, they're the most powerful people in washington. that will be a sight worth watching. the second thing is the president-elect is promising insurance for everybody. and i think as reporters and others, the question has to be, who is going to pay for this? you can't have insurance. it doesn't come free. either the government is going to pay for it and taxpayers are going to pay for it or businesses are going to pay for it, which is what obamacare was. a mandate that businesses pay for. >> they're hoping that health care can be made affordable by getting rid of these required benefits, improving medical malpractice reform, letting free market buy across state lines. they believe if their principles are put in place they'll lower the cost and people will be able to afford it or it will be lower
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for the government. that's all theatrical. that experiment needs to be tested and played out. i think that's what they're hoping. >> everybody has access to insurance. let's be clear. it's whether you can afford it or not. or the type of insurance. >> or if you want to pay for it. >> you can get casualty insurance now. you just have an extremely high deductible. this is the debate. it's the debate worth having. >> if the government pays for it, it's either medical med care or single so-called payer system. >> when a plan comes out, we'll see. >> thank you so much, shannon. ah,,
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>>youn a young girl from georgia likes to read -- a lot. >> when you learn from stuff. >> what's one of the words that you are learning now? >> i already learned punctiliusness.
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>> means to be on time. the young book worm honored by the library of congress. you're watching "cbs this morning." bookworm honored by the library of congress. you're watching "cbs this morning." see you soon. bs this morning." bloomin' onion big! it's a bloomin' onion topped with our aussie cheese fries... but hurry in... just a few more days for this happy bloomin' new year... from outback. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop.
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theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets.
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god, i'm loving this press conference. i love the press. i respect the press. let's take another question from the press. >> hi. i'm from "buzzfeed."
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>> no, no, no, not you, "buzzfee "buzzfeed." you're a failing pile of garbage. i'll tell you why. i took your quiz. i'm joey, array chel. >> he fired back on seasonal words. not funny. the cast is terrible. always a hit job. for years the presidents have had to get used to being the butt of comedians' jokes. jan crawford is in washington with some of the best political satire. good morning. >> they're always poking fun of the politicians in washington and some presidents have actually tried to laugh along. in 1975 chevy chase ushered in a new era of political humor. >> hello. hello. >> impersonating president gerald ford during the first season of "saturday night live." since then both democrats. >> there's going to be a whole bunch of things we don't tell
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police clinton. >> reporter: and the clintons. >> one guy who scares me more than my dad. >> reporter: posing for truth behind political personas. >> and as i stand here in my borrowed work jacket in front of a sign that says the real deal. >> reporter: jon stewart honed his style of political humor over more than 15 years of comedy central's ""the daily show."" and explained it in a recent interview with charlie rose. >> i'm going with a scalpel at the crux of your identity as a politician to expose it for everybody to see and then i'm going have to make a joke about it and walk away and you're going to laugh and it's going to humanize you. >> reporter: many politicians have learned to laugh at themselves. >> the election is about who can take the heat.
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>> reporter: dana carvey's impersonation became almost as famous as the bushes themselves. >> the way is to start out with mister rogers. it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. then you add a little john wayne. here we go. go over the rich. you put them together. you've got george herbert walker bush. >> first up, i want to say how sclieted aim to be in front of both the liberal media as well as the regular liberal media. >> reporter: in 2008 tina fey's impersonation of sarah palin may have been the first to go viral. >> hillary and i don't agree on everything. >> anything. >> i believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy. >> and i can see russia from my house. >> reporter: 2015 president obama embraced key & peele's
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comedy. >> i received my fair share of criticism from the republican party. >> i can't even give malia an allowance. >> inviting him to deliver his white house correspondence speech. >> we need to stay focused on climate change? listen, y'all. in case you haven't noticed, california is bone dry. it looked like a trailer for the new mad max movie up in there. >> reporter: darrell hammond impersonated numerous politicians including vice president dick cheney. >> sorry i shot my friend in the face. >> reporter: perhaps most famously president bill clinton. >> saddam, are you still there? >> who is that? one of your jewish friends? >> no. well, yes, sort of. >> reporter: the times i have been around him, he's always been very gracious. cheney was very nice. i went to a couple of christmas parties at his house. >>'ve made a pretty good living on making fun of public figures.
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>> reporter: christopher buckley who's been making fun of washington for decades argues the goal of satire is to show politicians how silly they really are. >> i also have an underlying respect for them. if you have no respect for them, you know, what's the point of making fun of them. >> now, after that highly contested election, i mean voters could probably use a laugh, and as the president-elect is set sboolg the white house, he's probably going have to get used to the jokes or he can turn off his tv. gayle? >> i guess it's funny if it's not you. but wouldn't it be funny if donald trump had alec baldwin at the white house press correspondents' dinner and was in on the joke? >> i don't think that's going to happen. a big scare for dozens of people in a newly opened sports hall. the video shows a sudden roof
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collapse that sent them literally running for their lives. you're watching "cbs this morning." thank you. we'll be right back. most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure. actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love.
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talk about running for your light. 80 athletes and spectators at a floor hockey tournament had to run for safety when the whole roof started to collapse. inspectors believe heavy snow on the roof, this was a new roof, may have triggered the collapse.
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nobody got this is a kpix5 morning update. >> good morning. it is 8:25. i'm anne makovec. in concord, authorities trying to find a suspect behind another east bay freeway shooting. this one left one man injured last night. it happened on southbound 242 by solano way. the victim's injuries not considered life threatening. today in san francisco the owner of the name lefty o'doul's is planning to hold a news conference to launch a new bar restaurant in a different location. nick vovis is expected to announce legal issues with his landlord. traffic and weather coming up next. ,,
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good morning, everybody, 8:27. holiday light, mlk day. take a look in marin county, westbound 37 is closed at atherton avenue still after flooding from last week's storm. they are diverting traffic at atherton to get you onto 101. eastbound 37 is open. golden gate bridge, 580 to san rafael golden gate toll plaza, looking good. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights is not on. it is a holiday. concarquinez bridge to the
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maze, good. peninsula commute from hayward into foster city, a quick drive there. and b.a.r.t. on a modified holiday schedule. happy martin luther king, jr. day today. we are starting out with sunshine, high pressure over the pacific, will eventually give way to a series of storms that will target the bay area by midweek. today looks fine, some clouds, then sunshine but by midweek looking for rain coming in late wednesday. overnight lows tonight we will look at mostly into the mid-40s and tomorrow 7:24 -- sun up tomorrow 7:24 a.m. daytime highs today in the mid- 50s. in the extended forecast looking for rain returning to the bay area in time for the evening commute on wednesday. thursday showers, friday more rain and then by the weekend we've got another system coming in on sunday.
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the packers. it is good. the packers are moving on. >> moving on. quickly too. the green bay packers punched their tirkt to the nfc title game yesterday where the thrilling victory over dallas. people saw it and said it was thrilling. welcome back to "cbs this morning." cbssports tony , there he is, is in the toyota green room to break up the four matchups ahead of the super bowl. emmy nominated actor tyrus burgess of "tituss" will tell us if he's really similar to the
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character he plays. new york's daily news reports that d.d. cooper may have been a boeing worker. he was never found. now amateur scientists analyze particles from a clip-on that parker left behind. they feed rare elements like ones found at an arrow space plant. the "times of london" talks about the prince of william becoming a full-time royal. he's ending his era as a continue pilot. they will make kensington palace this fall and that's when prince george will start school. the rile will really miss the flying. he does love it. some big names are moving to the ritzy california neighborhood. jeff bezos just paid $23 million in cash for this.
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the obamas will rent a nine-bedroom home there as well. so it's a nice place to be. >> i heard it's a nice neighborhood. >> it is now. a trip to the super bowl will be on the line next sunday. aaron rodgers and the green bay packers will take home the atlanta falcons in the nfc. in the afc, the pittsburgh steelers will face tom brady and the patriots in game you can see on cbssports. tony gonzalez has been following these teams all season. the former pro bowler is making his feature return this week. tony joins us this morning. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> he's also an actor. >> i like that. show some respect to the actor at the table, y'all. >> let's talk about the movie in a moment. but, first, looking at aaron
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rodgers yesterday, it's amazing to me. i know you've seen him do this for a long time, is how he can pass on the run. >> that's his game. this is one of those things. when you blitz aaron rodgers, he has the number one efficiency against the blitz. if you blitz him, he's going to rip you apart. and if you drop people back, he's going to rip you apart because he's a hall of fame slicer and dicer quarterback. he's been on fire the last eight games. to me, i don't know, they were 4-6. he came out and said we're going to run the table. >> run the table. >> run the table. to me, i don't think people understand how big that statement was. because he's doing it. it's like right up there with hue hand ali with the greatest people of all time saying -- calling his shot. >> did you think, yeah, sure, or did you think, he's going to do it. >> no. i got on board. if you look at our show, i got on part with it. i said, i'm not going against mr. discount double-check. if he says he's going to win the rest of the season, i'm going
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with him. >> the team that they're playing this weekend? >> what team is that? the atlanta falcons. geez. tough. >> matt had a good game, didn't he? >> matt is the mvp of the nfl this year. not that i have a vote. but i think the way he's played from beginning to end, he is -- it's going to be a great football game. two elite quarterbacks in the nfl. >> he stepped his game right there. >> yes. yes. well, he -- i think after last year, he went through the worst season of his career statistically which is sometimes the worst thing that can ever happen to you as player. i know for me my regular season i dropped 17 balls and they were about to call me a bust. if that never happened to me, i probably would have never became the player that i was. you have go through that down time. the way he responded -- >> but, tony, 17 balls? >> 17. >> 17? >> 17. not five, not ten. 17. >> i led the nfl. >> let's talk about the patriots and steelers, tony. >> that's the game. once again, the quarterbacks,
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ben roethlisberger, tom brady. the new england patriots, i know you like them so much, but -- >> are you making fun of her? you know, she was at the game. >> you like them so much. >> she loves gronkowski. >> yes. >> i love him too. he's a good guy. >> so does that mean -- >> i like him because he's serious and he's smart. that's why i like gronk. >> because he loves beer bongs and partying? >> you love him in a bathing suit. >> that's what it is. >> are you picking the steelers or are you picking on norah? that was very grade school? who are you picking? >> the patriots at home. tom brady, bill belichick. they even got such a complete football team. ben roethlisberger is good too. it's going to be a good football game too. no matter what, i'm giving them the edge. >> brady? he made two interceptions. >> but he didn't play well. i think that's over. i think he'll play well. >> who's going to be favored?
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>> probably the patriots will be favored. but right now go against -- i hope that doesn't happen either. i want matt ryan to get a shot. but if aaron rodgers is in there playing the way he is right now, we've seen this before, back when they won the super bowl the last time. that ball is like on a rope and he's shredding the defense apart. >> can we talk about your acting career? your mom is a big action fan. did you do this for your mom or because you liked it for yourself. >> you should have seen my mom. she was like, oh, my god, i love vin diesel. i had a blast. >> this young man has some acting chops. >> i can do my mom really well, yeah. but it was fun. >> do you want do more of this, tony? >> i would love to do more. >> it's all going to his head. >> please. can i have green m&ms in my trailer from now on? >> i enjoyed it a lot more than i thought i was going to.
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it's very much like football. you get your script, your plays, you have do it over and over and when you rehearse it, you out and do it and then you nail it or don't nail it on. very good. >> listen. i cheer you on no matter what you do. i love you, tony gonzalez. >> thank you. i continue to watch you. i watch you on youtube, old interviews. the one you did on will smith was so good. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> he's smart too. hi acts, he does foonl and he's smart too. >> and he has great ear daliyah's words.
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>> reporter: for 4-year-old daliyah arana, it is not hard to find the appetite to read. >> i broke my trunk. >> reporter: the small town georgia girl feels most at home here at the local library where she's able to check out books as the owner of her own library card. the story of houda lie w daliya became a voracious reader began when she was 2 years old. her mother involved her in a program where they read 1,000 books before they're in kindergarten. she said she surpassed that goal before preschool. >> i got to learn new words and stuff. >> so what's one of the words that you are learning now? >> i've already lunged p ee eed learned punctiliousness.
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>> she learned from the library. >> what did you learn about the library of congress? did you get to touch some of the books? >> i didn't get to touch the books but they gave us some books. >> they gave you some books. >> yeah, we got to keep them. >> she's read five to seven books in a day. >> reporter: her mother believes she vdeveloped a love for readig while she was still in the womb. >> my main hope is that she will inspire other children to read. >> deeply rooted in that american dream, i have a dream. >> reporter: we were there as daliyah rehearsed drchltd martin luther king jr.'s famous "i have a dream" speech. at the hall county library ahead of her performance to mark the national holiday. >> and daliyah is stillable to be a little girl, because when
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you hear a 4-year-old girl reading a thousand books, you think, wait a minute, is she able to play outside? >> exactly. she's still a 4-year-old. >> what do you want to be when groix up? have you thought about it? >> yes. i want to be a paleontologist. >> what is that? >> well, a paleontologist, they study dinosaurs. >> whether it's a word or through a sentence, daliyah says her first 1,000 books are just the opening chapter of her story. >> the end. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning" demarco morgan, gainesville, georgia. >> how much do we love this little girl, at 4 years old she already knows she wants to be a paleontologist. >> i have to correct what i said earlier.
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punctiliousness is paying attention to particularness. >> i get it. congratulations to little daliyah and her mom. >> and her mom. one of the stars of the em nominated show will reveal what it's like to work with co-creator tina fey. tituss burgess is his name. he's in the toyota green room. hello, tituss. >> hello, gayle. >> he'll tell us what
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you very much, tituss burgess got his start on broadway. he started with "good vibration," "jersey boys," and "guys & dolls." now "unbreakable kimmy schmidt." she moves to new york and she meets tituss, guy roy na be actor. in season two his wife comes back and kimmy ain't happy he ditched his wife right after the wedding. >> divorced, dead. >> pizza party for one. what's wrong? >> i don't know, tituss. what is wrong and what's right
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and what's just eh. >> i find that life is mostly gray areas, especially the parts i can't reach with moisturizer. >> uh-huh. is that why you thought it was okay to be so mean to vonda? >> i don't know what you mean. >> you couldn't even apologize to her. >> there are three things we do not do, apologies, drag, and calcul calculus. >> tituss burgess joins us at the table. >> thank you for having me. >> we're so glad you're here. tina fey said she first met you at "30 rock" where you played the hairdresser. >> defong. >> she didn't know if you played a character or were a wonderful character. but it's wonderful to have you. >> maybe she still don't know the different. >> you were just acting. >> we were acting. i miss that show. >> she said yshe wrote this sho,
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this character just for you but you had to audition. >> it was my first tv regular on a television show and i suppose i had to prove to the network that i had the chops so i did and then there you go. i'm glad it worked out. >> what did you do in your audition because you're so good at accents. >> what did i do. my goodness. the script for the pilot is very different than what squebltly the pilot turned out to be. there was all sorts of things there, but i pulled out every trick i had to try to get that job, honey. yes, i did. >> now, some people say you're very similar to the character you play. but you say you're very different. >> i don't think -- look. i mean i certainly borrow from my personal catalog of failures, you know. >> you like calculus? >> no. but, you know, being an actor in the business, you know, you get told no a lot more than you get told yes.
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and, you know, there's a laundry list of things that it does to your self-esteem. and so it made it very easy to find an in to tituss's sort of struggle, trajectory, and plights. but in terms of his is senn tristys, i don't know that we share many. >> that's good to know. >> in between all of those rejections, i mean, do you keep the spirit up? how do you do that? >> how do you do that. well, i -- >> -- believe that the next one will be a winner? >> no. i don't so much look toward -- i don't look so much toward the future as the way to keep hope. i always have this ever-present you are enough, you are funny whether someone writes or you write it yourself, tituss. you are no less brilliant on screen than you are off, and so i just -- i've always had this
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sort of -- i've always under where i was in the world, who i was in the world, and what my lane was and i tried to stay in it. eventually, you know, someone's going to come and scoop me up. >> and they really did. you said being on the show is a political presence for you. what do you mean by that? >> well, tina and robert certainly don't shy away from all things political. whatever the social climate is, they seem to be actually ahead of it, and by the time it hits the air, whatever it is that they're talking about seems to be topical in the news or current at that moment. and i just feel like my presence is -- you know, i'm black, i'm gay, i'm christian, i'm all the things that get targeted. >> it's a great television show. >> it's a great television show. >> you're enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season.
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well, that does it for us. be sure to tune,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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papers... a step toward moving the football team to las vegas. the filing will reportedly happen ebruary 15th deadline. good morning. oakland raiders management expect today file relocation paperwork to move the team to las vegas. it'll reportedly happen before a february 15 deadline then team owners will vote on it this spring. raiders owner would need approval from 24nfl team owners. intersection at pacifica shut down because of a major sink hole. the ground gave way after a recent storm. no word on repairs. skiers and snow boarders are celebrating the holiday weekend with a lot of snow in the truckee area. no tire change restrictions but
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will likely chainsaws forecasts for more snow on wednesday. we have de-hails on traffic and weather up next. ,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. it's 8:57. take a look at the bay area. the toll plaza looking good and no meter lights on.
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if traveling into san francisco today. metering enforced today and if traveling on emma mitt freewayway looking good. the bridge is a quick 13 minutes. toss to you, brian. nice start to monday morning but by wednesday, here comes the rainy day feeling again. tell you about it in a second. temps today mid 50s for the most part. high pressures over the west coast and sunshine for today and tomorrow but by the time we get to wednesday, healthy soil visitor rain from time to time -- heavy rain from time to time. clouds and fog today and dry through late tuesday and turns wet on wednesday. forecast highs today, 57 in the city, 58 in san jose and 56 in fairfield. extend ed forecast after a couple sunny days, rain, wednesday, isolated showers thursday, more rain friday, little break on saturday and another system coming in on sunday. ,,,,,,,,
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9:00 am
wayne: hey, baby! - momma got some money! - oh! (laughing) jonathan: it's a trip to miami! tiffany: come on, guys! wayne: you won a car! (cheering) jonathan: oh-oh! wayne: whoo! - let's get that big deal, baby! whoo! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america. welcome to "let's make a deal," i'm wayne brady. let's make a deal. who wants to make one? let's go over here. looking at you folks. with the-- the jelly beans, the jelly beans, come on over here. everybody else, have a seat. hey, stephanie. - hi. wayne: how are you doing? - good, how are you?


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