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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 6, 2017 7:00am-9:01am PST

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>> all right thanks for joining us. cbs this morning next. ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday, march 6, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." fbi director james comey rejects president trump's unsubstantiated claims that president obama wiretapped trump tower. the white house wants congress to investigate. house oversight committee chairman jason chaffetz is here. north korea firing a test missile overnight. we look at a popular new anti-aging skin treatment you can do at home. why some doctors are warning micro needling could make your skin problems worse. we begin with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds.
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>> he tweeted he just found out obama had my wires tapped. >> to make that claim without any evidence is very reckless. >> the fbi pushes back against president trump's claims of wiretapping. >> if the fbi advised information of a court order, would that be information you know? >> yes. >> at this point you can't confirm or deny whether that exists. >> i can deny it. north korea fired four ballistic missiles. >> severe weather pounded the san francisco area. heavy hail caused harvard douse conditions. the storm system in the west in a movement to the middle of the country. >> people could see lightning, gusty winds. >> civilians are fleeing mosul, u.s.-backed iraqi forces hammer isis targets. you have an indian american man in washington state is being investigated. >> to think this could happen in
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our community was extremely disappointing. interstate 95 along the florida coast is open once again now that a raging brush fire is under control. >> all that -- >> in houston the 18-wheeler jackknives against four lanes of traffic, barely missing every car about it. >> a chance to win. unbelievable! >> and all that matters. >> we're constantly going back to where i sat, the presumptive negativity of what i wore. >> still have the jacket? >> yes, the jacket is there. it may go into my own private museum. >> everyone loves to run around the president had this wonderful speech on tuesday night and yet everybody says, look, we can't talk about it anymore. really? why not. >> look at paul ryan's face immediately after trump made his call for the end of triv ality. >> the time for trivial fights is behind us. we need the courage to share the
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dreams that fill our hearts. >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is off, still recovering nicely. anthony mason is with us. >> john oliver's team has very good eyesight. i totally missed that until they zoomed in. pretty funny. >> good eyesight. lots of news this morning. president trump faces a showdown with his fbi director for making an unsubstantiated claim of election wiretapping. former obama administration officials deny that anyone bugged trump campaign headquarters. they will investigate the accusation that president obama himself ordered phone surveillance. >> president trump tweeted on saturday, how low has president obama gone, to tap my phones
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during the very sacred election process. this is nixon-watergate, bad or sick guy. fbi director james comey wants the justice department to officially deny this claim. major garrett is at the white house where the president returned last night from florida. major, lots to discuss. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president trump spent the weekend stirring up controversy and lashing out at top white house advisers over a stalled legislative agenda and short lived boost from his speech to a joint session of congress. the president provided no direct evidence that during the campaign the obama administration had him wiretapped. he appeared to pick up the idea from breitbart news, a conservative website formerly running by top white house adviser steve bannon. >> i can deny it. >> reporter: the director of national intelligence denied president trump's charge that the obama white house spied on mr. trump during the 2016 campaign. >> there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the
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president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign. >> reporter: in a series of tweets is it morning, trump said obama had my wires tapped in trump tower just before the victory, calling it a new low. fbi director james comey asked the justice department to publicly reject the president's claim. department leadership has remained silent. in a statement the white house asked the republican-controlled congress to look into whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016. white house officials could not cite a source for the president's wiretapping charge. >> he's going off information he is saying that has led him to believe that this is a very real potential. >> it was all news to florida republican senator marco rubio. >> i've never heard that before, and i have no evidence or no one has ever presented anything to me that indicates anything like that. >> reporter: democratic snapt tore mark warner of virginia said mr. trump's charges were
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strategic. >> this seems like an attempt where the president is trying to distract us. >> reporter: house minority leader nancy pelosi. >> it's called a wrap-up smear. you make up something, then you have the press write about it and then you say everybody is writing about this charge. it's a tool of an authoritarian. >> reporter: separating fact from fiction has proven a bit i can on this story, and partisan orientations are already taking over. conservative supporters of mr. trump like to point out that before congress testifying under oath, director clapper was less than truthful about the bulk collection of data in surveillance investigations. >> major thanks. president trump made his unsupported claim of wiretapping as the fbi investigates possible cooperation between his campaign and russia. under the foreign intelligence surveillance act or fisa, hundreds of warrants are issued each year to allow eavesdropping on a foreign power or agent of a
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foreign power. jeff pegues takes a closer look at that law. good morning. >> good morning. fbi director james comey is disputing the president's claim and senior fbi officials made that clear to the justice department over the weekend. law enforcement sources say the fbi pushed back because the president's claim falsely suggests the fbi broke the law. at the heart of mr. trump's former president obama ordered wiretapping on the trump campaign, but according to doj, the president cannot order a wiretap if the surveillance involves communication to which a u.s. person is a party. typically the fbi gets the warrant from a special federal court with the approval of the attorney general. former president obama spokesperson denied president trump's claim writing that neither president obama nor any white house official ever ordered surveillance on any u.s. citizen. any suggestion otherwise is
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simply false. the fbi's investigation into russia's campaign cyberattacks has expanded to include whether trump campaign representatives were coordinating with the russians. part of the probe includes examining electronic intercepts. if the fbi was intercepting communications at trump tower, as mr. trump claims, it means investigators were able to convince a judge that there is reason to believe the subject of the warrant is working for a foreign power and against the united states. gayle? >> jeff, thank you. president trump plans to sign a new temporary travel and refugee ban today. the new restrictions starting march 16th will not apply to anyone with a valid u.s. visa. iraq will no longer be on the list of muslim majority countries. the ban will apply to syria, sudan, somalia, yemen and libya. jason chaffetz is with us
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this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is extraordinary. you have the fbi director issuing a stinging rebuke of a sitting president and asks the justice department to refute a claim that the president of the united states made. are we in crisis mode here? >> i have not yet heard that from director comey. i did try to contact him over the weekend so i could hear precisely what he has to say or not say about this. i think it's interesting the department of justice has not weighed in. >> your colleague marco rubio said he had not heard of any evidence of this. have cue heard of any evidence? >> i learned a long time ago, i'll keep-mile-per-hour eyes openi wide open. thus far i haven't seen any directly that would support the president has said. >> as you know, a president of the united states cannot unilateral order wiretapping. >> there is a process and you do have to go to the court and you
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go to the fees zoo court. you essentially need to go to a court to get that. the paper trail should be there. it's going to take a while for the house intel committee, devin nunez, they will lead out on that. we will play a supporting role as the oversight committee. we can weigh in at any time. we can do things in our committee that the house intel cannot do and vice versa. we'll play a supporting role. >> i heard you answer anthony's question where you say no, you haven't heard of it. when you heard the president tweeted this out. i'm curious about your initial reaction. he was on such a high from that speech on tuesday, even his critics had to say he did a good job. now no one seems to be talking about this. is this a delph-inflicted wound? >> we haven't even been a week since the president's address. look at all the real estate we've covered at this point. it's a very serious allegation. the president has at his fingertips tens of billions of dollars in intelligence apparatus. i've got to believe -- i think
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he might have something there. if not, we'll find out. >> congressman, we're hearing he might of got his information from breitbart news or a conservative radio talk show. does that concern you at all? you said he had access to top intelligence information. >> yes, he does. he's called upon congress to look at that, review that. i'm going to go wherever the facts take us. i don't know what we'll find or not find. we or at the beginning end of this. >> do you think that's responsible, to continue the speculation? the former dni director james clapper has said it's falls, doesn't happen. >> mr. clapper doesn't come with the best reputation for facts as well. his testimony before senator widen is highly questionable. we'll look at the facts and we'll get there. it's not going to happen by wednesday. it's going to take us some time to unravel this. >> congressman, how do you feel about the president of the united states making this accusation on twitter on a
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saturday morning without any backing evidence? >> i think it's premature to say there's no backing evidence. >> but if you're going to make that accusation, don't you present the evidence? >> i think if he goes out there and is challenging congress and suggesting we should help lead out in that investigation, we're going to go through that process. it's still yet to be determined. >> the new poll shows that the majority of americans want a special prosecutor. this all started from, is there a tie between the trump administration and the russians involved in this election. 65% of americans now want a special prosecutor. are you one of those? >> no, i'm not. i think congress has a role to play. devon nunez has been talking for more than a year how russia is engaged in espionage, not only of the government, the political system, but also corporate espionage. >> you don't think we need a special prosecutor? >> no, i don't at this point. i think the evidence is flimsy at best. i see almost no evidence of
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direct ties between russia and collusion with the trump campaign in any way, shape or form. were there incidental contacts and communications? yes. does that mean there was collusion? i don't see any evidence of that. >> let me ask you this, the "wall street journal" has this nice piece for anybody who is out there of how wiretaps gain court approval. there's a nice section that says how do we know if president trump's allegations are true. in fact, the president himself can declassify a fisa order. he does have that. would you call on president trump to declassify this order that alleges that obama wiretapped trump tower? >> you have to go into that process. the house intelligence committee will do that. you have to identify it. you're right. he can declassify information. when we get to that point, we'll see what we have. >> as major garrett reported, the president is set to sign the revised version of the travel ban. iraq not on the list this time. if you're a current cease is a
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holder, you'll be exempt. how do you feel about the changes in the travel ban? >> i think the rollout is going to be, i hope, much better than it was last time. i do believe we have to have a much higher degree of vetting from certain parts of the country. i do not buy into the whole idea that anyone should ever be targeted based on their religion. and i don't want to see that in any way, shape or form. but there are parts of the world like libya, for instance, where there is no host nation government for us to lean on in order to try to figure out if somebody should be let into this country. >> congressman chaffetz, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. international outrage is growing about a new north korean missile test. pentagon officials say north korea fired at least one banned ballistic missile overnight. it flew about 600 miles and splashed down in the sea of japan. adrianna diaz is monitoring developments from beijing. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we still don't know exactly how many missiles were fired or what kind they were. sources say they detected one
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missile and are investigating the possibility of three others. either way, this is yet another strategically timed provocation. south korea's military says the launch took place shortly after 7:30 monday morning local time. at least one missile traveled roughly 600 miles east across the korean peninsula before plunging into the sea of japan. the launch was timed for maximum exposure, coinciding with high-profile events in the region. the u.s. and south korea are holding annual joint military exercises which north korea considers a dress rehearsal for an invasion. china's biggest political event, the national people's congress, is also under way. the laung ch follows other provocations like last month's test of a missile that can evade detection and the shocking murder of kim jong-un's brother.
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>> it is timed to coincide with these things. it's the larger pattern of instability and provocation and of edginess that this regime wants to communicate. >> reporter: this weekend "the new york times" revealed the obama administration tried to sabotage north korea's missile program through cyberattacks. the trump administration is keeping all options on the table from military action to recognizing north korea as a nuclear state. they have yet to set a clear policy. the report's author, david sanger said on "face the nation" the president is running out of time. >> at some point president trump is going to sit down and focus on a few threats like this one. >> reporter: analysts say the launch was not of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the u.s. but with each passing test like today's, they move closer to that technology. >> adrianna diaz in beijing, thank you very much. syrian officials have
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reportedly cut a key road out of the city of raqqa. the only way out for isis fighters is across the used frates river. in iraq forces continue to battle isis in west even mosul over the weekend. more than 45,000 refugees are reported to have fled sings late last month. charlie d'agata las more. >> the past 24 hours has seen some of the heaviest fighting yet in the battle to retake mossal. civilians are paying the price. >> they've lost everything in the desperate race to get away including the shoes on their feet. this man says it was raining so hard and isis opened fire as they tried to escape. they ran away and lost their shoes in the mud. freezing, pouring rain is not only adding to the mistery of tens of thousands now made homeless. heavy cloud cover has
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complicated air support for u.s.-backed iraqi dporss. that makes it harder to detect and destroy isis car bombs like this over the weekend. as iraqi forces fight it out in congested neighborhoods of western mosul, isis militants are battling back with everything they've got, including suspected chemical weapons. the u.n. is calling for an investigation into a possible chemical weapons attack after 12 people, including women and children, were treated for possible exposure to what the red cross described as blistering agents. >> you can see on their body was extreme body reactions, for example, there are blisters, a lot of them came coughing, vomiting, redness in the eyes. >> reporter: it took months for iraqi forces to drive isis out of eastern mosul all the way to the tying res river.
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baghdadi declared himself as the leader of the caliphate in july 2014. isis has vowed to defend it to the death. it's never mattered how many civilians may stand in the way. a victory in mosul may deal a final blow to isis in iraq. it was the biggest city under isis control. losing it will mean the group no longer holds territory in that country in any meaningful way. >> charlie d'agata from london, thank you. a scanned ld over sharing nude photos rocks the marine corps. an allegatio good morning. welcome to the kpix studios in san francisco. we have cloud cover as we see from our dublin weather camera. you can see a little pink on your screen. a whole lot of pink in the
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mount hamilton area. it's been snowing at mount vaca as well. realize high temperatures into the 50s with scattered rain showers throughout the day. police are looking for a suspect who shot a zeek man after reportedly saying go back to your own country. >> new calls for a federal hate crime investigation in
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washington state and the increased fears across the indian community. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." increased fears across the community. >> you're watching "cbs this morning."
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shake up your routine with a completely new way to clean. new colgate total advanced health mouthwash. shake to activate a powerful cleaning action that removes twenty four times more bacteria. improve the health of your mouth with new colgate total advanced health mouthwash. shake to clean. we believe in food that's anaturally beautiful,, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell.
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we believe in real food. whole foods market. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber® works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. clear, taste-free, benefiber®.
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my swthis scarf all thatsara. left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings (sharon) suction out your (shane) don't use spray paint. cpr is not mouth to mouth. it's mouth to stoma. (shawn) be very careful shaving.
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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. picking your body with hundreds of tiny needles is a growing skin care. aheading why the fda warns that home devices could cause nerve
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damage that no this is a kpix 5 morning update. >> good morning. it is 7:26 i'm michelle griego. today san jose mayor sam liccardo joins business leaders to push for road repair funding. they are calling on governor brown to pass a transportation package that would of aerostable money source to fix potholes and more. the new tideline ferry service runs from the berkeley marie that to san francisco. the 40 person boat invades free wi-fi and a flat screen tv. the 20 minute ride costs $8 each way. stay with us traffic and weather this a few moments. ,, ♪
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hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo.
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good morning bay area. happy monday. all right 6:27. let's take a look in the south bay. northbound 280 at saratoga avenue. this three vehicle crash involving three different kind of trucks is causing delays at 40 miles an hour. give yourself plenty of time to get through the entire south bay. bart is on time. san francisco bay ferry will be using slower vessels through 9:00 a.m.. good morning, everybody. you need your umbrella as you head out the door this morning. we've been having hail and rain and more snow on top of mount hamilton. scattered light rain showers right now. mostly colloidy looking out toward coyote tower. san francisco at 44. 40s to the north of santa rosa. to the south of san jose it's 43. so those temperatures right now pretty much 30s and 40s. later today we are talking about highs in the 50s. scattered showers throughout the day. ,,,,,,,,
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without offering any evidence in tweets, president trump accused president obama of wiretapping. he even tweeted. this is a very serious allegation for a sitting president to make about his predecessor and you know that it's very serious because his next serious was arnold schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving "the apprentice." he was fired because of bad ratings. mr. president, forget about it. you're president of the free world. it's much more important and your ratings are dead last. >> it is interesting that both tweets would come at the same time. they seem to have not the same
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weight. very interesting. to be continued for sure. that was "saturday night live's" take on president trump's weekend tweet storm. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the president's unsubstantiated claims continue to dominate the front pages today. fbi director james comey has now asked the justice dpts the publicly refute the allegations. "the new york times" reports the chances of getting audited by the irs this tax season are the lowest in years. just over 1 million people were audited last year. that's the lowest level since 2003. last year the number of people audited by the irs
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shootings. bird flu has struck a poultry farm. a flock of about 73.5,000 birds was being destroyed to stop the spreading. they say that's no evidence that any form of bird flu can be transmitted to humans from properly cooked poultry and the company is responding aggressively to the outbreak. the "washington post" reports that hundreds of marines were online. she said even if i could i'd never reenlist. the marine corps says it's deeply concerned and is investigating. jan crawford is outside the pent gone. jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. so these marines are accused of
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using marines united which is a nearly 30,000-person private facebook group to share nude pictures of some of the female colleagues and post personal information about the women online. >> the photos to me were scary. >> reporter: in an online article he described how members of secret facebook group marines united were enlisted to post pictures of female colleagues, some promising free beer to troob kohn tributers. >> these frats had name, rank, and often their current military duty location and hometowns, it had contact information. >> reporter: the purple heart recipient said the photos drew in thousands of comments. he cites one lewd comment about a corporal in uniform said the servicemember who submitted the photo should take her out back
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and attack her. some talked about what they would do to her. some believe their former partners may have leaked the images. others say their accounts have been hacked or poached. accusations come as the military is trying to correct a longstanding problem with sexual harassment. in a statement the marine corps said the conduct ujds mines their core values. this behavior destroys morale, erodes trust, and degrades the individual. he's being criticized by some of the marines saying he's also fwlt of making comments on facebo facebook. he said he's never promised to be perfect. he goes back to the story. >> it goes back to me wanting my daughter to wear the uniform one day if she so chooses and i don't want her to have to deal with this. >> reporter: now brennan said his family is also being threatened. we reached out to facebook for comment. they said we do not allow
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harassment and remove content that appears to purposely target private individuals with purpose of degrading or shaming them and they've noted they've taken down the offending pages from the site. anthony? >> a really upsetting story. >> quite frankly, an opportunity for the department of tee fence to act very quickly on this and send a message. >> yeah. all right. police are searching for a suspect who opened firekent, wa, 25 miles from seattle. a sikh coalition wants a federal hate crime investigation. mireya villarreal looks at how the attack is similar to the attack on the two indian man last month. good morning. >> good morning. the recent violence is not only a cause for concern for indians living here in the u.s. but also
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for those traveling here from abroad. police say 39-year-old deep ri singh was working on his car in this suburban seattle driveway when he was approached by a man described as white, 6 feet tall, and wearing a mask covering the lower part of his face. he told police what the gunman said before he opened fire. >> he told him to go back home. >> singh who's now recovering was wearing the traditional headdress at the time of alread two indian men last month. police arrested this man, adam purinton after witnesses say he yelled "get out of my country" before opening fire, killing one of them. in a series of tweefts on sunday the american embassy says this
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has raised the united states. >> even though the killings may be isolated incidented, my parents are very, very worried. >> reporter: singh's family is standing together. >> no american can say those kinds of words. h is the time we hold each other's hand and we feel this is our home, our country. >> reporter: the governor released a statement on sunday. he called it hateful. he calls them attacks in the state of washington and across the country. gayle? >> thank you, mireya. glad that man is going to be all right. terrible story. thank you very much. ahead how president trump and president obama with a sharp break with tradition.
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and we'll talk about the director of homeland security. fran townsend is here. she's on deck. plus why people are snatching up these micro need li ling. and we invited you to go to the ipad and podcast. today margaret brennan talks with refugees a success has always been measured in zeros. but shouldn't it be about firsts? and seconds? how about adding a third? we think there's a bajillion ways to measure success. like making your toddler giggle like this.
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good song for this story. a popular new treatment is helping a growing number of people search for the fountain of youth.
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micro needling is what it's called. it uses tiny needles to improve your skin. it was only available at dermatologists' offices or other offices. now you can do it at home despite concerns by the fda. michelle miller looks at whether this is a breakthrough or marketing ploi. good morning. >> good morning. it's not just beauty places. they're devoting copy to these devices. doctors say consumers should be aware of a few risks. >> the biggest beauty craze right now, which is micro needling. >> it's the latest in do-it-yourself beauty. micro needling is coming home from the office and demand for the product is outpacing the supply. >> you sold out not twice, but three times.
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>> it's one of those markets for home use. they use tiny needles to pierce the skin stimulating the body's natural regeneration response. >> what does the skin do? it says i've been injured. i need to create -- >> it doesn't hurt. >> it doesn't hurt. >> it's leak a tingle. >> yeah, tingle. >> reporter: prices for this popular product ranged from $30 to the $200 vibrating glow pro. compare that to in-office treatments that start at $500. >> a lot of these procedures done in office, fact that people can bring them home very appealing. >> reporter:" allure" editor in chief is a self-proscribed guinea pig. >> doing the at-home version feels like a cat licking you. when you have a professional do
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it, it hurts. >> reporter: it reduces scarring, signs of aging, and even stretch marks, but she cautions against use of at-home tools. >> it can spread infection that can cause scarring and make whatever you try to treat worse. >> reporter: the fta has also offered several warning letters not including glow pro. >> the fda has safety concerns regardi regarding the potential for needles to damage nerves. what do you think of those warnings? >> i do hear that message and it has to do with copycat tools. trust your skin to the original. >> reporter: in addition to concerns about that, the tock tore has one more piece of advise. >> you're really wasting your time. >> reporter: they say protecting your skin from sun is the best way to combat skin damage.
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when it comes to choosing between these devices, your skin care no place to scrub. that doesn't necessarily mean the most expensive tool is the best per you and your skin. make sure you do your research. we have themwe'll see what happ >> it's not what i thought it would be. i might be borrowing this one. i've been pooh-poohing h all morning. that's why you should wait to hear whole story. airbnb looking into tourism. airbnb's co-founder and ceo explains how women play a huge role in the company's success story. and up next, the high-flying
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stunt over a california freeway, how authorities are taking action to from our kpix studios in san francisco let's take a look outside where we have cloudy skies. scattered rain showers and snow according to our hi-def doppler radar. temperatures right now in the 30s and the 40s. winds will blow 10-20 today with our highs only in the 50s. below arch. rain showers to the north tuesday, wednesday. full sunshine thursday. life is full for me because of i have weight watchers. i eat chips. i love chips! in the first 2 months members have lost 15% more weight
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what pain? advil. dangerous stunt p posted o inststagram is under investigatation. the video shows a d dirt b bike soararing over cars on a busy freeway in southern californrni. after flying into the a air the biker successfsfully lands on t other sidede. the highway patrol and sheriff's department arere investigate in. ththey've boulders and tree trunks to block this from happening again. >> not good. ahead, how the new rift over wiretapping claims is upending presidential norms. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. >> every time trump associates
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are asked about russia, they respond like they're trying to hide something. >> to be clear, mr. trudge p had no financial relationships with any russian ol' i fwarks. >> if that's what he said, that's what i'd say. >> it's so unconvincing, it probably set off a polygraph machine sitting in a car somewhere. i don't know what happened, sarge. needle was just going crazy. norris comics. huck i heard at night, the boogeyman checks under the bed for chuck. i heard cats say they have chuck-like reflexes. do you think he's still got it? i bet you a buck he catches this salt shaker. you're on! hey! chuck! you owe me a buck. you can't always see what's coming but when you choose unitedhealthcare, finding an in-network doctor that's close to home is easy. so what happened? i had lunch with chuck norris. ♪ unitedhealthcare. how do you become america's best-selling brand? you make it detect what they don't. stop, stop, stop!
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s.. are expected good morning. four minutes before 8:00 i'm anne makovec. several witnesses expected to take the stand in the sierra lamar murder trial today. the morgan hill teenager went missing on her way to school five years ago. her body was never discovered. if convicted, antonin garcia torres could face the death penalty. city's quiet zone. if passed trains would not be required to blow horn a -- blow a horn at a crossing unless it's an emergency. traffic and weather coming up next.
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imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 50,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. let's take a look at your bay bridge toll plaza traffic. you have a 30 minute drive between the maze and downtown so give yourself plenty of time
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to get into san francisco. if you are traveling across the span of the san mateo bridge, here's a live look at that commute. that is 880 to 101. look at that 43 minutes. if you are traveling into contra costa county slow at 20 miles per hour. down to 242. walnut creek you are moving at 6 miles per hour. very slow conditions at the bay. right through the south bay as well. if you are trying to take mass transit to avoid the parkways. good morning everybody. it's 7:58. we have been picking up snow all over the police. st. helena, mount v ax ca. we are starting to see a little bit of blue sky here. temperatures are currently in the 40s. highs today in the 250s. a couple degrees warmer than yesterday. so a lingering shower throughout the day. mostly cloudy tuesday. a shower in the far reaches of
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the north bay.
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it's monday, march 6th, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including president trump's extraordinary charge with no evidence that president obama ordered wiretaps on his campaign. the last former homeland security adviser, fran townsend tells us if that could happen. >> the president provided no direct evidence that during the campaign the obama administration had him wiretapped. >> director comey is disputing the president's claim and senior fbi officials made that clear to the justice department. >> this is extraordinary. are we in crisis mode here? >> i think it is interesting that the department of justice has not yet weighed in on this.
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>> have you heard any evidence of this? >> thus far i've not seen anything directly that would support what the president has said. >> still don't know exactly how many missiles were fired. either way, this is yet another strategically timed provocation. >> the heaviest fighting yet in the battle to retake mosul as they push deeper into heavily populated areas, civilians are paying the price. >> are you ready to party with us tonight? >> biggest stars attended the i heart radio awards last night. >> lead singer chris martin brought three young background dancers up on stage to help him accept the honor. >> now we're going to party hard. good morning to you. i'm gayle king with norah o'donnell, anthony mason. charlie is off. there is word from reliable sources he may be joining us at the table later this week. that's pretty good, right? we have a marching band?
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we'll see. urging the justice department to publicly reject president trump's charge that president obama ordered phone tapping of his campaign office. president trump tweeted saturday that president obama had my wires tapped in trump tower just before the victory. yet he offered no evidence of this. >> an obama spokesman said the former president never ordered surveillance against a u.s. citizen. former director of national intelligence james clapper also denied the wiretapping claims. >> there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, the president-elect at the time, or as a candidate or against his campaign. it is in everyone's interest, the current president's interest, in the democrats' interest, the republicans' interest and the country's interest to get to the bottom of all of this. it's such a distraction. >> the white house asked congress to investigate the president's claim. how intelligence committee
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chairman nunez agreed to look into it. >> cbs news analyst fran townsend is former homeland security adviser to george w. bush and joins us at the table to discuss. where to begin, fran townsend? >> oh, boy. >> you know this area very, very well. wiretaps, warrants. can you imagine any scenario where president barack obama would have ordered a wiretap at trump tower to see what donald trump was doing? >> all presidents have broad national security authority. with the passage of fisa in 1978 i know of no president, including president obama, that would have directly ordered the surveillance of an individual in the united states. by the way, washington is horrible at keeping secrets. so, if a president tried to do such a thing, you can be sure that the bureaucracy would have pushed back and would have leaked. >> sorry. >> what do you see here, fran? what scenario do you see? >> it seems to me if there is a wiretap -- there's been public reports there was a request for fisa in july. it was denied.
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there was then a fisa request in october. >> for what? >> well, it's not clear, right? i feel confident it's not at president trump. but could it have been at one of his associates? we've heard wide reports of contacts between paul manefort, mike flynn. could it have been one of the associates around him that was also working in trump tower? that's possible. >> what would that indicate, fran? if a court approved a warrant to conduct surveillance, what would the court have had to have seen? >> the executive branch doesn't do this on their own. they must present a full affidavit, establishing probable cause that an individual was an agent of a foreign power. in this case, it would have been russia. and the court would have had to authorize the surveillance. that would have only been good for 90 days. so let's look at the time line here. if that was granted in october, it would have expired some time in january, either before or after the inauguration. and if it was an ongoing
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counterintelligence investigation, that wire, if authorized, is still up right now. >> do you think it's possible there was a fisa against one of the president's advisers and, as a result, that ensnared either the president himself or someone close to him? >> that's entirely possible, norah. that they were able to establish contacts with russia, either here in the united states or the ambassador, that they could have made out a probable cause case. when you use the word ensnared it's not always a nefarious motive here. often times they're talking to somebody at the embassy, looking for a visa, innocent reason and there's contact that comes up on a wire. it's entirely possible. >> president trump didn't say, though, it was one of my associates or one of my team. he said that the president went after me. how low can he go? how sad, how bad. >> it's 140 characters. the language is not always very
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precise. i think it remains to be seen. as chairman chaffetz said, we haven't seen direct evidence that the claim is true but it remains to be seen yet -- >> fbi has asked the department of justice to publicly deny the wiretapping allegations, which doj has not done. what does it suggest to you? >> it will be interesting to see if they do it today. you're reluctant to do this. if you come out and say there was no wiretap against the president when he was president-elect, the next question is, was it on one of his associates? you don't want to get back and forth especially if it's an ongoing investigation. i would not read too much into it. i would not be surprised if the justice department does not want to get into this publicly, especially if it's ongoing. >> it sets up a confrontation between the president of the united states and his fbi director. >> it sure does, for a whole lot of reasons. the attorney general, jeff
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sessions, who is responsible for this entire fisa process, has recused himself in this russia investigation. his deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein, background in prosecuting, his nomination hearing is today. poor rod rosenstein will have a whole lot of questions to be asked. >> have you ever seen like this? >> never. when i was a specialist in fisa, nobody hardly knew what it was. hardly thought the expertise would be useful. >> we're all becoming experts now. >> good to have you here. >> fran townsend, thanks. president trump's accusations of wiretapping reignited the long-simmering feud with president obama. mr. trump claimed saturday that his predecessor engaged in mccarthyism and called mr. obama a bad or sick guy, as gayle said. uneasytruce between the two
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men. chip reid has more. >> president obama was a harsh critic against mr. trump and frequently campaigned against him. but their animosity goes back further when donald trump led a campaign that refused to accept president obama's citizenship. after the november vote, the then president-elect praised the man he once called the worst president in u.s. history. >> it was a great honor meeting with you. >> mr. trump and mr. obama spoke regularly, prior to the inauguration and appeared to have buried the hatchet. >> he is engaging and gregarious. >> do you like him? >> i've enjoyed the conversations we've had. >> do we get along? i don't know if he will admit this, but he likes me. >> but with his presidency now bogged down by protests and allegations of russian collusion, mr. trump has taken the gloves off. >> i think that president obama is behind it.
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his people are certainly behind it. and some of the leaks possibly come from that group. >> mr. trump now accuses mr. obama of directing a watergate-like conspiracy, something the former president denies. >> there's this tradition of moving on. >> susan page, usa today's washington bureau chief, says mr. trump has defied a presidential tradition, of not personally attacking your predecessor. >> even president obama, when he took over, was critical of george w. bush, but he never criticized him personally, in the way that president trump has now criticized president obama. >> the two most recent presidents have been at odds since mr. trump was the face of the birther movement. >> no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter, like did we fake the moon landing. >> whether president obama and president trump will ever really become friends, that is too far
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in the future to even speculate about. also even hard to imagine but we'll see. >> former presidents usually avoid politics in the early days of their successors' administration. but mr. obama has chosen not to be silent. for example, he praised opponents of mr. trump's travel ban and launched a democratic party initiative on redistricting. norah? >> chip, thank you so much. 1 million women around the world are airbnb hosts. first on "cbs this morning," co-founder and ceo explains how the extra income helps women ,,
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bridesmaids and anchor man. modern take on relationships through his netflix series, described as an anti-romantic comedy. figure that one out. he will be here in studio 57. and you are watching "cbs this morning."
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home sharing company airbnb is a growing industry. nearly 80 million booked guests in 2016. that's more than 00,000 a day. ben tracy spoke with air bnp's co-founder and the role of women in his business and how he found success in silicon valley. >> reporter: michelle lai is getting her guest bedroom ready for her next guest. she takes in about $15,000 a year. >> it's been difficult to get by in san francisco, and the additional income has definitely made it more comfortable. >> reporter: as a female airbnb hoeftd, she's not the exception. she's the rule. a study found 1 million female hosts worldwide. that's 55%. >> i've gained a lot of confidence through hosting. it's basically like running your
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own business and having a lot of control. >> reporter: brian chesky is airbnb's ceo. he co-founded the company in 2008 when he was 26 years old. he said airbnb is inherently more democratic than male-dominanted business. >> i think that spirit of anybody has just become a more equalizing notion than maybe other industries that requires connections, references, referrals, which has proven to provide greater barriers. >> reporter: airbnb study found since 2008 women have earned $10 billion by hosting. females in the u.s. earn on average $6,000 a year. >> what's surprising about this report? >> 50,000 women reported that they use this money to fund businesses or invest in on t
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entrepreneurial pursuit. become entrepreneurs. >> reporter: he wants to focus on how it's helping the hoeftd rather than dislodging lodges. rocked by allegations of turning a blind eye tokalanick. >> some people don't like to take responsibility for their [ bleep ]. he was recently caught on camera talking to an uber driver. they're friends. >> i think every company i admire has had their ups and downs. >> do you think you can still effectively lead uber? >> i would assume only he knows
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one thing i know is i needed mentors. i've been pretty shameless about constantly seeking leadership help from people that are smarter than me and more experienced than me. >> cesky has not shied away from taking on the leader of the world. airbnb responded in a super bowl ad. chesney chessky says he's standing up for his business snut's nearly 10% of global gdp. i hope if there's a book wren, this interview would be the ending of chapter one or beginning of chap tirr two. a female pilot's heroism in afghanistan made her only the second woman to be given the
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distinguished flying. but she faced backlash over women's equality when she left the military. she's in toyota green room to discuss both on and off. plus a mother pleads for help at a fast food drive-up window. how a teenager saves a toddler's life. stay with me. are your allergies holding you back or is it your allergy pills? break through your allergies. introducing flonase sensimist. more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies.
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surveillance video shows a teen racing to a toddler's rescue. the mother came to the drive-through window and said the boy was not breathing. she raced outside and gave cpr until he was faintly breathing. she saved the little boy's life. she learned it in school. >> that's terrific. new predictions for this year's allergy season. your local news is next.
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new option for getting across the bay to san good morning. it's 8:25 i'm michelle griego. commuters in marin have a new option for getting across the the bay to san francisco. golden gate transit kicked off a new ferry service from tiburon this morning. it will make educate trips to san francisco and eight return trips on weekdays. one way ticket is $11. anthony silva's lawyer says fbi agents brought him into custody at sfo yesterday. he faces a number of charges including embezzlement, grand theft, misappropriation of funds and money laundering. stay with us traffic and weather in just moments. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning bay area it is 8:27. happy monday. let's take a look at your monday morning commute. starting with mass transit. we have a bart delay of ten minutes on trips head into the east bay. ace train is on time. the jay church line has a service interruption. that is all due to a stalled train. shuttle buss are in service so expect delays as you head out that way. to marin county somewhere slow downs son southbound 101. that is between nevada and san rafael. traffic looking good if you are heading into san francisco. now traffic not looking so good here into san francisco across
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the span of the bay bridge toll plaza. that is a 26 minute drive. roberta i will send it to you for the rain. it's been very busy. not only do we have rain but we've had hail, sleet, and snow. you see a little pink on your screen. that is mt. hamilton area where it continues to snow. also some light rain showers now across the north bay. look at that beautiful sky. that view from the tower. look out in the direction of the golden gate bridge and sausalito. air temperatures are currently in the 40s after tumbling down to 39 degrees. winds have been picking up 10- 20 miles per hour. temperatures into the 50s. a lingering shower today. a shower on tuesday. and dry out and warm up especially by thursday. nobody told me to expect it.
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there's someone who still reads the newspaper. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. the pittsburgh "post-gazette" remembers pioneer transplant surgeon thomas starzl. he died in his sleep. he performed the first successful lever transplant on a human in 1967. he transformed the university of pittsburgh medical center into the busiest transplant center in the world. he was also the leading researchers into anti-rejection drugs. he died at 90 years old. "the wall street journal" says more officials are receiving million-dollar paydays. more than 2,700 got packages of more than $1 million. they have seen high scrutiny
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some lawmakers because the groups receive significant tax breaks. "usa today" is tracking the effects of an unseasonably warm february. the famed cherry trees might blossom earlier than f. pollen will botheralergy s al l suffers 10 to 20 days earlier. it's the warmest ever in over 2,000 cities. >> american midfielder megan repino knelt during the "national anthem" for two games last year. the penalty for breaking the rule is unclear. helicopter pilot major mary jennings haig gar and her crew were shot down in the taliban in 2009 after a rescue outside kandahar. despite her wounds she fought back and saved the lives of her crew and patients.
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major hagar received the purple heart. she received the flying purple selecting personnel to heroism. serve in combat rules. >> that rule has since been reversed. may jer hegar has discussed her battle in her book "shoot like a girl." i don't know if we should call you miss badass. >> m.j. >> your book is riveting. i look at girls like you i could never do that. you knew at a young age, you were watching "perfect storm" and said i want to do that.
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>> from watching hans solo to watching movies like "a perfect storm," it would always get my adren limb up and i knew it was something i wanted to to. >> you got resistance along the way. you get a recommendation from a teacher you think likes you only you find out he's saying that's not for a girl. >> right. it was the first experience of many that i realized the vast % majority of people i encountered along the way were very supportive and only cared whether or not i was come pe tell. every now and then you get that person. >> how do you push past that? >> to be honest with you even from a young age it motivated me. from a young age it was almost like a dare, i'm going to show you. >> yeah. >> describe what you were doing in afghanistan, the helicopter you were flying. >> i was flying the rescue version of the black hawk. it's called the pay hawk. we were pulling wounded soldiers off the battlefield. >> how many women are flying those continhelicopters?
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>> more than you might think but less than there should be. i had two or three in maya it in. >> you take us to a very scare yo portion of your book. at one point you were shot by the taliban, you landed in enemy territory and there you are. >> yeah. at the time it wasn't really scary. we were doing what we were trained to do. >> you say trained to do. you were wounded and bleeding. >> it happened so fast, you know. >> you say, no, we were trained to do that. you say battle readiness has nothing to to with gender and everything to do with capability. >> right. i've seen men and women that were fit for combat that i'd want to fight with and men and women that i wouldn't want to fight by. it has to do with a warrior's hearst. >> what is a warrior's heart? >> a drive to protect people and run toward the emergency when everybody else is running away. you know, i think that's not
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something you can choose to do. it's something you reflex do or don't. >> describe the backlash you experienced in trying to push women into combat roles. >> it was significant but a my jort. the vast majority is, please, keep doing what you're doing, you're inspiring my daughter or my son, you're fighting for us. but there are some really determined people out there who see it very threatening that a woman can to these jobs. >> and as you know, there were women in combat before they opened up the role. >> and for hundreds of years there have been women in combat and people have tried to stop that. >> does the military need to do more? >> absolutely. they should get credit for what they do. we have some amazing leaders but then we have leaders who turn a blind eye in a difficult cultural fur for women. >> i love the title of your book
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"shoot like a girl." >> yes, we're taking the phrase back. the reality, hate to talk in stereotypes. we're better predisposed to being marxmen and fighter pilots because of the way we handle gs and because of our respiration and circulation and other factors. >> an instructor said that to you. >> yeah. >> there's a great scene where after you all have crashed. you're the only one in the meeting, m.j., who basically says, where the hell were you guys. you're the only one who said that. >> yeah, i kind of looked around. u can't understand why nobody else is speak up. later when i received the backlash, i understood why nobody said anything. when they didn't respond, i thought, i guess i will and that's been my whole life. >> what's the latest on your book? >> tristar has it. angelina is slated to play me and jason hall from "american
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sniper" is attached to the project. >> it would be something to see on the screen. >> yeah. looking forward to it. >> "shoot like a girl" is on sale tomorrow. top grossing movies like "bridesmaids" is credited by wr
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judd apatow made a name for himself nearly two decades ago with a critically acclaimed series, freaks and geeks. the writer, director, producer is credited with many top producing moves like "bridesmaids," "knocked up," and "40-year-old virgin," kelly clarkson. >> do you think that's hair cut school? it's not. it looks like you put your justin bieber weg on backward sfwhoo what's up amanda? i have sex with everyone. >> i'm pregnant. >> with emotion? >> no, kelly clarkson. >> by the way, you might want to
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put on a bathing suit because you'll be channel surfing in no time. >> everything is happening. what's happening. it happened. >> i never asked you. do you like guacamole? >> i don't want to freak you out, but i think that i may be the voice of my generation. >> apatow now has a new series on apo called "crashing." his world unravls when he discovering his wife's affair. >> i've never done anything about her. she supports me. >> supports you. you mean emotionally. >> no, money. >> she supports you financially? >> yeah. >> it's the stupidest thing i ever heard. >> no. it's like supporting a man in medical school.
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>> how is that? at the end of medical school, you're making $900,000 a year. >> at the end,'ll be a comedian. >> we welcome judd apatow to studio 57. >> it's like, this is your life. >> is there a moment that stands out for you? >> i'm happy that i can work at all. it's fun to just get a chance to collaborate with all of those people. >> so your wife is not supporting you. >> she does support me. i'm about to shut it all down. my wife is home right ck so we should say hello to her. >> we hope you feel better. >> your new show "crashing" is about a man who's trying to pursue his dream as a comedian. you said that every comedian is seeking something. >> yes. >> what were you seeking? >> i don't know. i just wanted to get out of the house. i just have loved comedy since i
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was a kid. kids are obsessed with baseball, they track all the players. i would track michael keaton and jeff altman's career. was a real comedy nerd. and i guess i was angry. to me, quietly angry. even sweet ones. >> when i think of you, i think of producer, writer, director. i didn't know about your standup comedy past and now you're going back to standup comedy. >> that right. >> scary? humerus? >> i was looking for a way to lower my self-esteem and my salary at the same time. >> how is it going? >> it's working out. i do standup at this place largo in los angeles. we do benefits. i'm doing one on the 21st. >> why did you want to do it now when you've already achieved such level of success. it's hard. >> that's all i ever wanted to do was standup and i got
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sidetracked doing everything else. >> remember talking to jerry seinfeld when he went back to do standup. there was something validating for him. >> to think of an idea and say it that night -- you wait two years to see if it gets a laugh. it's a really long time and sometimes they don't laugh. you put up my grosses there, those are the good ones. you could have all bombs and it would be a whole different montage. >> and you've got the series, too, on netflix. i'm interested in your characters. they're weird but relatable. are you looking for a different character? >> it's hard to show people struggle. sometimes people say how did this guy get that girl and thaul and i think it's just fun to watch things melt down and i think everyone is trying to make things work. so sometimes a simple premise like just falling in love is
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fitter whole show. it can have joy and pain in it. >> your daughters iris and maude were in "knocked up" and they want to pursue a career in acting? >> yes. maude was in a movie and iris is on "love." she plays a child star on "love." >> i didn't know that was your dauter. yeah. i had to direct her because she doesn't talk to me in life. at 14, they don't talk to you for about 4 1/2 years. drive her to school every day. i go, what's going on at school. she goes, dad, you know when you try to talk to me when my music is on, that's my pet peeve. so we sit in silence every day. >> that's what you to. >> it's like a bad first date. it's like this is not doing well. >> i love my dad so much but i used to make him drop me off a block away.
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>> i love the relationship with you and lina. "girls" unfortunately for me is coming to an end. . put your tv on mute if you don't want to hear this part. norah hasn't seen it. >> something happens. >> something big happens. >> somebody is pregnant. >> yes. >> it's interesting to see her journey along the way. >> it is. you know, lina is so brilliant and she, you know, over six years has really, you know, created a lot of very complicated characters, so it's fun to watch her, you know, land the plane. it's like "the sopranos." you've got to figure out how does it happen. >> my mouth falls open, judd, with some of the things she does. again, it's like i can't believe she's done it on tv. but it's something we do but in the pricecy of our own home. >> so much of your stuff is nerdy guy stuff. >> right. >> how did you connect with her? >> i met with her after seeing
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"tiny furniture," this movie that she made. i love what she was doing. people think i'm responsible for all the debtory stuff and i'm the person going, do we have do that? i'm the uncomfortable guy. >> judd apatow, great to have you here. "crashing" is sunday night on hbo and "love" is on friday. what makes this adorable new addition to the zoo unique. you're watching "cbs this pmorning." ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california.
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a tiny new born is making history at the national zoo in tennessee. this rare clouded leopard was born last week. he's the first to be born of artificial procedure. this will help preserve the
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speciesees. >> very rare,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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business leaders to push for road repair funding. good morning. it's 8:55 i'm michelle griego. business leaders to push for road repair funding. they are calling on governor brown to pass a transportation package that would offer a stable money source to fix potholes and more. city council members in san rafael are meeting tonight to discuss the city's quiet zone. if passed, the strains would not be required to blow a horn in a crossing unless there is an emergency. they would stretch fromdowntown san rafael to novato. testimony continues in the sierra lamar murder trial. antonin garcia torres is charged in her murder. she went missing on her way to school nearly five years ago her body was never found. stay with us. weather and traffic in just a moment. ,,
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hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru.
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it is 8:57. let's take a drive through the area as you head on to your morning commute. starting with the bay bridge toll plaza. the maze downtown will take you 30 minutes or so. if you are heading into san bruno southbound 280, this is a two car crash.
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and here's a live look at san mateo bridge from hayward into foster city. you have a slow one of a 40 minute commute. bart is 20 minutes delayed. all train systems wide. ace train 7 on time. roberta i'll send it to you. still picking up plenty of time across the bay. we see sleet, hail, and a lot of snow. heaviest rain across the north bay where we have a flood warning in effect at clear lake at lake port. and flood watch for the carquinez strait and the delta as water continues to be released from the lower sacramento river. and we have our higher river waters. this is a same look at our camera. you can see some soft snow on the tower there. currently our temperatures are into the 40s. later today a lingering shower. highs in the mid 50s. winds pick up to 20 at times. far reach in north bay on tuesday and wednesday. ings.
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"wow" means you save 50% or more. : denial... - is this price right? - acceptance... and "boooyah." wait for it... "boooyah" has three os. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
9:00 am
wayne: hey, baby! - mama got some money! - oh! (laughing) jonathan: it's a trip to miami! tiffany: come on, guys! wayne: you won a car! (cheering) jonathan: oh-oh! wayne: whoo! - let's get that big deal, baby! whoo! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: what's up, america, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. i need three people, let's make a deal. (cheers and applause) let's see... in the green. the green plumber that i can't say the video game name. and over here... ursula? yes, ursula, and one more.


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