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tv   Sunday Morning  CBS  March 19, 2017 6:00am-7:31am PDT

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> pauley: good morning, i'm jane pauley this is "sunday morning." as you can see, we're getting an early start on spring, which begins tomorrow. we'll begin this morning paying homage to a legend. chuck berry, truly one of the greats of rock and roll passed away yesterday at home near st. louis. ♪ he was 90.
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our anthony mason will look back on a generation. tomorrow is also the u.n.'s international day of happiness, the day a panel of experts releases its ranking of the world's happiest countries. for the record, the nation that currently hold top honors for happiness is -- we'll leave that to faith salie who reports our cover story. >> did you guessed america, you're wrong. so, what is the happiest country and what do they have that we don't? >> hygge. >> hygge. >> hygge. >> hygge. >> we learn that answer and some new vocabulary later on "sunday morning." >> the name betsey johnson has always promised fashion, is that are anything but ordinary.
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not surprising considering that the real life betsey johnson is a bit out of the ordinary, too. with serena altschul we'll pay her a visit. >> since the 1960s, this maniacally free spirited new york designer's clothes have been the uniform for folks that don't want to look like everyone else. >> everything that i do is basically a little costume, a little dress up and pretend. >> later on "sunday morning," betsey johnson counts her lucky stars. >> pauley: the after glow of a by gone era is dazzling visitors as an attraction in the nevada desert. lee cowan will be our guide. >> it's not the city of lights, that distinction goes to paris. but las vegas certainly has a glow of its own that makes
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history in it's own way. >> we're the only city in the world who implode its buildings and saves its signs. it's a funny little town. >> preserving las vegas' legacy in lights later on "sunday morning." >> pauley: mario andretti is a legend in the world of auto racing, still as comfortable behind the wheel as ever. mo rocca hitched a ride with him for our "sunday morning" profile. >> foo f you know nothing else about race car driving you know the name mario andretti. he survived half a century of racing with barry a scratch. and he's barely slowed down. >> you got to make that car purr. >> that's the appeal. of course it is. >> ahead on "sunday morning," who do you think you are, mario andretti? >> pauley: martha teichner serves up a taste of irish
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cuisine that goes well beyond corned beef and cabbage. lucy craft sent us a very tidy postcard from tokyo. give. began explains why winter sports leave him cold. and more. first, here are the headlines for this sunday morning the 19th of march, 2017. fbi director james comey makes a much anticipated appearance on capitol hill tomorrow. for the first time, he'll publicly testify about the bureau investigation into russian meddling in the 2016 election. comey is expected to be questioned about president trump's accusation unsubstantiated that he was wiretapped. paris was rattled early saturday when a man attacked a female soldier at orly airport. he was shot and killed. the man born in france said he wanted to quote, die for allah.
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in peru dozens have parished in mudslides. thousands of others have been dispoliced. per are you's rainy season has seen ten times more rainfall than usual. it didn't take long for the first major upset in the ncaa tournament, top seed and bounced by 8th seeded wisconsin. on wisconsin. to the sweet 16. cbs sports march madness coverage begins later today. now the weather. cold canadian air will send temperatures plunging from the northeast to florida today. but in the west, expect record heat from texas through nebraska. in the week ahead, winter finally ends tomorrow. and plenty of spring showers are on the way.
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♪ >> next -- ♪ long distance information from -- >> chuck berry, pioneer. ,,,,,,,,
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>> pauley: chuck berry was amuck i can legend if ever there
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was one. his passing at age the 0 at his home near st. louis is truly the end of an era. our music man, anthony mason, has an appreciation of charles edward anderson berry. a man whose music defined a genre that helped shape our time. ♪ >> chuck berry's indelible guitar licks helped form the bedrock of rock and roll. ♪ roll over, beethoven. >> if beethoven haven't rolled over there wouldn't have been any room for us. all of us are footnotes to the word of chuck berry. ♪ roll over, beethoven they're rockin' in two by two. >> st. louis born, he blended blues riffs with country twang and on stage swagger by his
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signature strut. the duck walk. you still do the duck walk? >> oh, yeah, i can't get off without it. >> in 172, berry, then 45, told charles osgood how that started. >> i never forget i slipped. and fell. but i rolled over and put it in the act and got back up. ever since then i got such a big ovation i kept doing it. >> charles edward anderson berry grew up in a segregated middle class neighborhood. his father was a contractor, his mother a school principal. as a teenager, berry did time in a reform school for armed robbery, the first of several brushes with the law. but in 1955, he got his break in music when he traveled to chess records in chicago to meet leonard chess. >> he told me to bring four
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records. i brought six. maybelline was one. ♪ o, maybelline >> a number one r&b hit "maybelline" would change his life. >> i was making $94 a week at an assembly plant. >> suddenly he was playing 40 weeks a year. >> at $50 a night! and the lord had answered my blessings. ♪ go, go, go johnny, go >> in the late '50s he laid down one classic after another. ♪ up in the morning and out to school, the teacher teaching -- >> everybody drives cars. everybody has to have money. everybody has a love affair, inspiration. these are the things i write about. >> and rock's next generation all paid homage to him. the beach boys' 1963 hit
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"surfin' usa" ♪ then everybody be surfing like -- >> borrowed its melody from berry's "sweet little sixteen." everybody is rocking and rolling ♪ >> the beatle covered "roll over beethoven i'm and young keith richard wrote about it. >> april 1962, you sent this from home. in this letter to his aunt. >> i'm playing guitar chuck style. >> that would be chuck berry, yeah. >> he is the poet of rock and roll. >> as richards told me this past november. >> it's american rock and roll that turned us all on. >> richard tweeted, one of my big lights has gone out. ♪ everybody repeat after me >> chuck berry's final album
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will be released in june. he played on into his 90th year. and his influence never aged. ♪ rock and roll. the feeling is there body and soul ♪
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>> pauley: with this year's u.n. report on global happiness due out tomorrow, the country
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defending its title as happennest nation on earth is quite possibly not your first guest. our cover story is reported by faith salie. >> when you picture the happiest police in the world, you might imagine white sand beaches and swaying palm trees. but it turns out, the happiest place is a bit different. welcome to denmark. a small country of nearly six million people. no tropical beaches here, just rain for about 50% of the year. but despite the weather, this country still row maintains a sunny disposition. so sunny, in fact, it's been named the happiest country in the world. >> what bee find when we study happiness around the world is that the definition is quite similar. >> jeffrey sachs is an author of the united nations world happiness report, which ranks
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the happiness of 156 coin trees and consistently place denmark at or near the top of the list. >> people want to live well. they want to have money in their pocket and in the bank. they want to trust their government. they want to be healthy. >> last year, america came in 13th place, behind israel and just a few notches ahead of mexico and brazil. >> usa! >> it's a ranking that might leave us scratching our heads. americans love to chant, we're number one. but we aren't always. what does denmark have that we don't? >> free health care. >> uh-huh. >> free education? >> yes. >> what about maternity leave. >> i think it's 12 months. >> paid? >> five weeks of paid vacation per year. >> it's not bad. >> meik wiking is the ceo of the
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happiness institute located in copenhagen. how can we be as happy as you guys? >> one reason the welfare state. it is focusing on reducing extreme unhappiness. investing in public goods that create quality of life for all. >> but this comes at a steep cost. danes pay more income tax than any other nationality as much as 60%. >> if you ask danes, are you happily paying your tax? >> yes, i'm happy to pay my tax. that's because people are aware of the huge benefits they get in terms of quality of life. >> jeffrey sachs says think or benefits, too. like the fact that denmark has one of the highest income equality and lowest poverty rates of any western nation. >> basically, social mobility is high because the obstacles are very, very low. you're really given the basics for a good healthy productive
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life. >> what do you say to someone who like, but, built that's socialisms. >> with they call social democracy. the idea is we're a market economy. we're privately owned. we better compete so they have to be at the top of the game in technology, in research and development and science and quality of education. >> while denmark excels in these areas, not every be one would call it a utopia. >> danish people don't strikely as cheerful as just like content, everything is fine. >> we are the happiest country in the world. i'd like to say we're the least unhappy. >> danes still face the same struggles a as everyone else. they have the highest cancer rate in the world. in part few to its smoking and drinking habits. large portions of the population also suffer from alcoholism and depression. still, that hasn't kept americans like dina honour from
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moving here. >> what surprised you the most about living in denmark? >> how much we liked it. >> originally from boston, she moved to copenhagen in 2011 with her british husband richard and their two sons. >> you have to find just the right piece. >> they liked it so much they decided to stay. >> family life has been better than it would be in the u.s. the danes, they leave work at rack they're home for dinner by 5:30. richard is home for dinner every single night. >> we both agree that it's probably the best decision we have made as a family. >> the family has adopted two uniquely danish philosophies, that they say keep danes smiling a bit more than the rest of us. >> hygge. >> hygge. >> hygge. >> lying encourages people to enjoy life's simple pleasures.
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>> there's no l real translation into english. it is a danish phenomenon. for quite a large part of the year it gets quite grey here. hygge, the sense of bringing light and warmth and friendship into a house is trying to make things cozy and happy. >> the second uniquely danish term is something called the law of jante. for danes, that means, living simply. showing off wealth just isn't their style. >> it seems like in order for america to borrow from this danish notion of happiness, americans have to give up things that are so prized like exceptionalism and competition. >> i struggle with that myself. maybe we need to focus more on helping others and taking others into consideration. i don't think that means abledding the idea of the
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individual. just means finding more of a balance. >> it's a philosophy that's even mentioned on the government's website. which says money is not as important as social life here. so maybe the elusive secret to happiness isn't that much of a secret after all. >> philosophers have been telling us for millennia, don't just chase the money, they're right. america's gotten richer, a lot richer, over the last 50 years. but we've not gotten happenner. >> it's worth pondering how we americans can get our hygge on. >> we love learned to take each day as it comes a little bit more. and to not always be thinking about what's next, what's next. i think career-wise, family-wise, school-wise. >> or maybe we're more danish than we think. >> maybe. >> pauley: coming up, the war for the falklands.
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[burke] and we covered it, february fourteenth, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> pauley: and now a page from our "sunday morning" almanac, march 1, 18, 35 years ago today. opening day for a war in the remote south atlantic. for that of the day a small group of arch enteen civilians
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planted their country's flag on south georgia island which along with the falkland island to the west had been british territory since 1833. on april 2nd, arch enteen that's military invaded the falklands, to be known as the malvinas. ham radio operators helped get the word out. >> at approximately 9:30gmt a group came ashore in landing craft and stormed port stanley. >> pauley: britain responded with two aircraft carriers and ocean liner queen elizabeth 12 refitted as a troop ship. at stake was a group of wind swept island with some 2,000 people and many thousands of sheep. >> british troops went ashore. >> on april 25, british forces retook south georgia island
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prompting this famous declaration by prime minister margaret thatcher. >> just rejoice at that news and congratulate our force. >> pauley: british spirits rose again when a royal navy s submarine sank the cruiser. then struck counter below by sinking the british destroyer sheffield with an air-launched missiles. >> british force are tonight firmly established back on the falkland island. >> pauley: on may 1st the british force landed and engaged in battle. ross combat video made it back to london our martha teichner reported. >> here in argentine jet is blown up in mid air by a british missile. >> pauley: on june 14th, the last argentine force suffer
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rended. they lost more than 650 dead and britain more than 250. and a third of a century later the falklands remain a british overseas territory, even as argentina continues to press a claim it failed to win by combat. a three-month interlude of sound and fury signifying the status quo. up next -- >> this is las vegas. >> pauley: a life in lights. ,,,
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>> pauley: neon signs are fading from our landscape. fortunately lee cowan found a place where we can basketball in neon's after glow. >> there are few cities as infinitely bright as las vegas and glaringly temporary. despite its youth, vegas always seems to be getting a facelift. out of the dust, always rises something new. but lost perhaps is what made us look in the first place. >> you really can't remember the
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buildings, but you remember the signs. isn't that crazy? >> the signs. >> this is las vegas. >> since the 190s they have lit up the desert like a giant welcome mat. the sands, the mint, the pione pioneer. just a few of the stars of the city's golden age of neon gone dark. >> what do you have here? >> this was the silver slipper. >> back in 1993 "sunday morning's" jerry bowen found a few famous survivors. >> of the 1950s. >> gathering dust in the back lot of the young electric sign company, the firm best known for giving vegas its neon vibe. >> we just didn't have the heart tootle a lot of these signs away, because the workers want the signs. >> jeff young is the third generation of youngs to lead this family business. his grandfather founded it back in 1920. to this day young still tries to save?
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signature piece from being devoured by developers. >> look at that. restoring it as we speak. >> there we go. >> it's hard to find a sign in las vegas we haven't been involved with in some way. >> young, however, is a businessman. not a museum curator, and storing signs that were often bigger than the building was becoming a real estate challenge. >> running out of space. so, the city got together said we need to save these signs. let's think about a museum. >> in 2012, this dusty two-acre lot became just that. rob mccoy is president and ceo of the neon museum. this is the bone yard. great bones. >> great bones. it now has more than 200 artifacts, including the skull from the old treasure island casino. that one's so big you can see it from space. >> it's a status symbol. >> absolutely.
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>> coolest biggest sign you must have the coolest best canoe know. >> size matters. >> atop the rivera sign lights up. >> the museum enjoyed record attendance around 100,000 people took one of the several daily tours. >> each sign tells a story and a history. america in the 20th century. big, bold, brash. and in las vegas we were big, bold and brash on steroids and we still are. >> bold and brash, yes. but also elegant. like the graceful visit for the moulin rouge. it was the first interracial hotel casino. for a time the only place sammy davis junior was allowed to sleep. >> until frank sinatra said, you know what, if sammy can't walk through the front doors of these hotels like i do and perform then i'm not going to perform. >> then there's the stardust.
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with its huge atomic age lettering. it was historic, too. at 188 feet, it was one of the largest free standing signs in the world at the time. salvaging that was no easy task. >> it had to be cut up into multiple piece and transported here. it was a quarter of a million dollars just to deliver the sign to us. >> just to get it here. >> correct. >> now, at night, these ghosts of a by gone era sparkle back to life. even those whose bulbs can flush no more. >> that was the greatest sign. >> and biggest, right? >> the biggest. >> frank defrancesco is a nati native. now lead some of the night tours. >> this is the history we have. let's keep it. that's important to me. >> no vacancy. >> resurrecting the past isn't always easy.
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bending the fragile glass tubes in many ways a dying art. but the results are almost always worth the work. remember those signs rusting away in the young electric sign company's back lot in the '90s, that not so silver slipper next to it? well, this is what they look like today. sparkling again on las vegas boulevard. sign posts to the museum that helped fund their restoration for generation to come. >> as a population, and maybe as a culture, we don't appreciate history as much as we should. >> but maybe las vegas is beginning to start. yesco's most famous sign, is now listed on the national register of historic places. giving it and by extension other twinkling treasures a revenued place in las vegas lore. >> i ran into a guy at the airport who had a tattoo on the
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welcome to the las vegas sign on his shoulder, that sign, it's not going anywhere. >> a forever welcome, indeed. don. >> pauley: still to come the oh, so packal betsey johnson. >> one thing i really knew how to do. >> pauley: and later, racing legend, mario andretti. >> when you heard on the radio your son is having problems were you thinking, yes! yes! so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do release its own insulin.
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♪ >> it's "sunday morning" on cbs. here again is jane pauley. >> pauley: fashion designer betsey johnson cut quite a figure on television's "dancing with the stars." then again, betsey johnson is a larger than life figure almost everywhere she goes. as our serena altschul discovered. >> a betsey johnson fashion show can seem a bit like a three-ring circus with as much action behind the scenes as there is on the runway.
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>> wow! look how big it is! >> there are djs, celebrities like blondeie singer debra harry. hand drawn art by the designer herself. and lots and lots of hugs. every show concludes with johnson's signature move. cartwheel on the runway. it's no small feat for the 74-year-old designer who has hinted that this show may be her last. really, your last show? >> well, yes. i'm a little over the formula, up and down the runway. it's not my last something. >> and betsey johnson has done something in the fashion world for more than 50 years. since the 1960s, the
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maniacally free spirited new york designer's clothes have been the uniform for folks that don't want to look like everyone else. back then, the velvet underground rocked her clothes. these days, she dresses the likes of reality tv star kelly osbourne. >> i wouldn't be able to be me without betsey johnson. >> since 2015 the council of fashion designers of america recognized johnson with a lifetime achievement award. >> today, i consider myself the luckiest girl on the face of the earth. >> but accolades have never meant much to johnson she just wanted to see her clothes worn. >> i never wanted to be on a pedestal. i wanted my clothes affordable, fun, gorgeous. i only knew about what i wanted. so i was just hoping there were
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more girls on earth that were kind of like me. so that they would relate. because the best thing as you look across the street and you see girls in your dress with your doing go, oh, my, god. you don't know her. girls like elizabeth dilullo. >> she's my inspiration with fashion and life, no matter how old you could get you can still be youthful. >> she was among the hundreds who turned out to meet the designer, promoting her children's line of clothing at lord & taylor at the king of prussia mall in pennsylvania. as a child herself, johnson didn't know she wanted to be a designer. she studied ballet and dance before graduating with honors from syracuse university. >> i never studied fashion design. it was the one thing i really
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knew how to do. >> she might not have studied fashion but she was drawn to it. at 21 she won a contest to become guest editor for mod mow sell magazine in new york city following the likes of sylvia pla,th. >> they picked 20 girls out of america either ten art talented, ten literary. i got into the art side. i got to new york. after that i just loved fashion. >> and she fell in love with new york city. where she was creating looks for models like twiggy by day and hanging out with the in crowd at legendary nightclub, max's kansas city at night. within ten years she had her own label. do you think of yourself as a business woman? >> uh-huh. i learned right away which kids
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graduate from design school and they never learn. you're only as good as your last sale. >> briefly married three times, she raised her daughter, lulu as a single working mother. >> when i was a little and i would have friend come over for a play date before i opened the door, okay, don't be scared. but it's a little different than your average house. it was either a loft that we could roller skate in or it was chartreuse green or the betsey pink. i was embarrassed of my surroundings and environment. >> lulu was there as her mother made a name for herself. and she was there when the unthinkable happened. >> one day i wake up, my left boob is gone, literally. it deflated. >> and leaked. >> leaked into my body. i was like, wait a minute. >> one of the breast implants johnson had gotten a decade
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earlier had malfunctioned. >> i went right away, did this check, that check. you know something's up when you have your mammogram they don't let you go home. >> her doctors detected breast cancer, scared, johnson told no one except lulu. >> i didn't want to deal with it every day. i was having my raid occasion 8:00 a.m. every morning at cornell. i didn't tell anyone. i didn't tell anyone but lulu. and i made her -- >> right. sworn to secrecy. >> i thought my business would be ruined. >> breast cancer didn't ruin her business. it took the economic downturn of 2008 to do that. devastated, johnson declared bankruptcy. >> if i hadn't had lulu i wouldn't be alive. >> her friend and legendary shoe designer steve mad den stepped in to save the company. and johnson stayed on as
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creative director. >> it's so fun to look back on something that you thought was so horrible and that thing of, it will all work out in the end. isn't worked out it ain't the end. >> after a lifetime in fashion, johnson has broadened her horizons. today she's just as likely to be known for her dance moves on "dancing with the stars" as she is for her turns on the runway. >> i love her so much. she's my idol. >> i think she's a great person. >> recently this consummate new yorker -- >> really good, baby tangerine. >> left the big apple to live with her daughter and grand kid in california. >> that's a round off. >> whatever coast she's on she knows people across the country are wearing her creations. and for that, she counts her
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lucky stars. >> i've been lucky. i really -- i think it takes killer hard work, talent. but for me, everything i think, oh, that was lucky. luck won the contest. that was luck. the cancer with the implant and bob that was luck. >> i only had lu lurksu that was luck, she has two kids, that was luck. to me it's just a lot of good luck and the talent and work, but the luck, for me is the most important. >> pauley: next dasher. i've already lost. i don't think i can do this. >> meet the really neat marie kondo.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> pauley: just in time for spring cleaning, lucy craft has sent us tidying up tips from an expertish this postcard from tokyo. >> folding shirts, not everyone's idea of fun. >> i'm already lost. >> but in the hand of decluttering diva maria kondo, drudgery becomes almost an art. with fluid precision she renters t-shirts into clothing origami. her closet arranging lessons have become the bible of home organizing to millions of reformed hoarders, around the world. >> we've all tried to fold our clothes up right so that they fit in the drawers. and it's kinda cool. >> a tiny, self described wall
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flower who barely speaks english, kondo has channeled her fixation with order into fame, fortune and home organizing empire. >> i read a book called the life changing magic of tidying up. >> passionate fans have paid her the ultimate tribute, methodical purging of excess junk is now known as kondo-ing your stuff. what do you think of your name becoming a verb. >> it feels strange, she said, but since my brain is full to the brim with thoughts of cleaning, i guess it's appropriate. with the single mindedness of a scientist in search of a cure, kondo has devoted most of her 32 years on earth to waging war on disarray. to kondo, the humble act of house cleaning is transformed into sacred ritual, performed in
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a pure white outfit and starting with prayer. she no longer makes house calls leaving that to her apprentices. but she gave us a demonstration. dump all your clothes in a heap, keep only what makes you happy and, say thanks to each possession before throwing it out. exon dough's mother told us her daughter's mania for order began when she was in grade school. when he came back from vacation, two-thirds of my clothes were gone. when it came to family belongings my husband told though knock it off. while other students ran out for recess, kondo stayed in the classroom to straighten the bookshelves. but her early 20s she was able to quit working and declutter for clients full time. as her talent for tidying became legendary, kondo came up with her trademark, tokimeki or spark
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joy. a customer was struggling with what to keep, does owning this spark joy? from then on cleaning went really fast. weeding out what doesn't spark joy, she said, applies to just about anything. after cleaning her house, one of my clients changed jobs, she told us. another one dumped her boyfriend. you're just just a decluttering counselor you're really a life coach. >> i'm just helping people find what they really want, she said. needless to say in the publishing business, kondo is cleaning up. her books have been translated into 40 languages and sold over seven million copies. she had been named one of "time" magazine's 100 most influential people. california native laura evans said kondo's mantra is perfect for an era of downsizing. >> this is like a worldwide first world problem that we have so much stuff.
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if someone can get to the heart of it, it's really not about the stuff. it's about our emotional attachment to the past or whatever it is. >> in addition to to kondo's daughter, the decluttering diva's latest baby is a smartphone app to keep her fans motivated and a venture to train scores of clean up consultants. the condo-izing of america has just begun. >> pauley: ahead -- make sure that you rebuild that restaurant. >> pauley: alone, no more. ,,,,,
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>> pauley: a restaurant owner who suffered a devastating loss is found to ha great relief that he is alone no more. steve hartman has his story. >> last month bruno serato
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walked into the nightmare that was his dream. this is what is left of the white house restaurant. the picture of mom pretty much everything he loved of in this restaurant. this is what it looked like before the electrical fire. during our first visit in 2010. that story was about this italian immigrant who catered to the rich and famous just so he could feed the down and out. every day here at the local boys and girls club some of the poorest kids had been eating. he was giving away more meals than he was selling, he was going broke. >> you refinanced your home how can you keep feeding these kids? >> how can i stop? >> and that devotion is what made this so devastating.
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>> this fire destroyed everything i've worked for 30 years. and it's like we need to find a kitchen somewhere because we need to do the pasta for the children. >> unfortunately, that mission was clearly over, or so he thought. until he got home, turned on his computer and learned what happens sometimes when really bad things happen to really good people. he got thousands of messages online and hundred more in person, all of them offers to pitch in. >> whatever i can do. >> a fund raiser. ny way we can help. >> with that, the man who started serving all those kids on his own was alone no more. >> you want to make sure that you rebuild that restaurant so you can continue to serve all these children. more than a dozen caterers and competitors offered their kitchen for free. he didn't miss a single day feeding his favorite customers.
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people have also donated money to help rebuild the restaurant. >> is everything good? >> do you think you'll look back say i'm actually glad that happened? >> you say you give a lot and get it back. i get one million times back. >> now that's a lot of karma. >> pauley: still to come. full speed ahead with mario andretti. and later -- >> i was invited to go cross country skiing. >> pauley: jim gaffigan, good sport. as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl.
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both made eliquis the right treatment for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. >> pauley: behold a replica of 1966 ford gt-40 exactly the type of car mario andretti drove that year. more than half a century, mario andretti is still driving. and even giving our mo lock could a lift for this sunday profile. >> you would have thought i'd be nervous climbing into the buck
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seat of a race car at sonoma raceway, but when the driver is a 77-year-old grandfather, why worry? suddenly i'm going 180 miles an hour. who does gramps think he is, march? >> i'm an adrenaline junk key. without it i'd die. >> even though he's long retired from racing every few weeks, mario andretti takes the wheel at race tracks around the country as part of the mario andretti racing experience. he and his fellow drivers give thrilling and i can attest, some what terrifying rides to everyone from racing fans like greg of san jose. >> if you take a roller coaster and multiply by about five that might be close. but there's no rails. >> to nba superstar stephon curry. >> that was unbelievable.
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>> andretti is arguably the greatest race car driver of all time. during his half century long career it seems there was no car he couldn't tame. >> i would say like animal trainer if you can make a tiger something that detroy you purr, you're good animal trainer. this is the same thing, you got to make that car that can destroy, make it purr, do the things you want it to do. >> we're back at daytona the lead is he still mario andretti. >> what always made andretti stand out was his versatility. he one on ovals. on road courses and on dirt. >> you don't have them separated. >> that's exactly right. i would go from the grand prix of italy to indianapolis to the dirt track race. >> no wonder the associated press named him driver of the
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century. you have a trophy from hot wheels, come on, who wouldn't want that? >> how do you like that? >> that to me would be the pinnacle. >> would think so, anyway. >> mario andretti's road began in italy where the end of world war 2 left his family in a refugee camp in lucca. the family didn't own a car. but he and his twin brother, aldo, parked cars in a local garage. >> we were just testing some standing starts, you know, a little bit of burn outs. that's how i learn my standing starts in formula one with some of these poor customer's cars. whenever i valet a car today i'm thinking, i wonder if they're doing the same thing. >> note to self, always self park. >> when he wasn't abusing other people's cars he was at the movies, watching racing, like in this film caring clark gable and barbara stan wick. and then when mario was a 15 the
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andrettis came to america. they settled in nazareth, pennsylvania. this is one of your first house in america. >> yeah. >> right after moving in, mario and aldo noticed a potion nearby. >> big lights maybe a mile away. it was at the fairgrounds. all of a sudden a big explosion of engines. oh, you know, aldo and i looked at each other, we booked. we followed the roar of the engines. here was local half a mile dirt track. >> this is where the noise came from? >> came from, exactly. >> that made you and your brother run? >> yes. >> you found? >> we found our future. >> the brothers cobbled toga race car. and mario began building toward a family of his own. >> i met him when i was about 16. at a holy family dance, the church dance. >> that was the start of 56-year and counting marriage to dee ann
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andretti. >> he was already all about motorsports. >> oh, yes. i don't think he had anything else on his mind. >> he must have had something else on his mind because he started dating. >> well, that's true. >> i said, well, if i'm ever given anything in my life i hope i have the opportunity to become a race driver. from there on quite honestly i never really had a plan b in my head. >> mario's sons michael and jeff 'and nephew john followed him into racing. if you want to understand just how competitive mario andretti is, consider the portland grand prix in 1986. >> michael, tried to pass his father. look at him sneak to the inside and make a nice move. >> i got screams from my engineer, michael's starting to have some fuel problems. >> see if that car has enough fuel to go the distance. >> also lap came down to father and son. >> i just stood up on the seat. we're coming down for a drag race to the checkered flag.
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>> coming off the corner he's out of fuel and here comes the finish line. >> i beat him by two inches. >> the closest indy car finish in history. >> we much on the podium he was not happy. somebody told him, michael, michael, it's father's day. >> happy father's day dad. >> when you heard on the radio your son is having problems were you thinking, yes! >> don't tell him that. >> that's my husband and that's my son? >> oh, yeah. i used to hate when they were together on the track because neither one would give an inch. it's scary. >> scary doesn't begin to define auto racing. i'm going to read you a list of names here. red riegel, jud larson, dick atkins, don branson, billy foster, ronnie petersen. >> that's the dark side of the
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sport, obviously. these are some of my closest friends that i lost. in the sport. >> this 178 crash took the life of of teammate ronnie petersen. >> when most of these men died, you already had kids. did your wife say, you got to stop doing this? >> no, i know what she was going through obviously because we were going through it together. but dee ann was such a rock for me. she in so many ways she suffered in silence. >> i guess that's really what i did, yes. >> was there ever a moment where you thought, i got to tell him to stop this? >> no, because i knew what i was getting in for. you don't stop somebody if they have a real goal in life. >> did you ever think, i might have to end up raising these kids alone? >> i often thought of that, yeah. but it's just the risk you take. >> andretti competed in almost 900 races, missing only two
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because of injury. he walked away from this triple somersault at indianapolis in 2003. you knew how competitive he was. >> oh, yes, for sure. >> and still is? >> uh-huh, yes. >> you'd think that just maybe in his eighth decade mario andretti would be ready to put it in park. and indeed you can sometimes find a more mellow mario at his winery in california's napa valley. hoisting a glass of sangiovese with the wine tourists. >> when i'm here, when i bring the family here, just replenishes my spirit. something that's soothing not just you enjoy couple of glasses but this is really a labor of love. >> but then sunday comes and mario is back at the track. his grandson, marcos driving these days for the andretti team led by mario's son, michael.
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look in the pit and there's grandpa. does marco want your advice? >> he takes it. i mean, i volunteer, you know, some advice. >> when he comes to see you race does he come as your grandfather or as a racing legend that might have advice. >> he comes as my grandfather, you know, that really -- pulls for me. it kills me as much as it kills me when it doesn't go right. it feels good. >> i would never use the word retired to describe you. so let's just say at this stage in your career is there something special about race day? >> race day is always a new day. when i was younger i said some day when i become more mature i'm going to lose those butterflies. and i never did. from the first race to the last race i had those same butterflies, you know why? because it meant something to me. >> perhaps the best word to describe march?
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driven. >> does it feel like you're back in it when you get in the car? >> always. it's my element. when they put me in a box it's going to have wheels on it. >> pauley: jim gaff gone's. >> like death, taxes and kale it may never go away. roller derby. ♪ now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges. before we hit the beach, i'we can't stay here!o.
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why? terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you, big daddy. aww charmin ultra strong. it's washcloth-like texture helps clean better. it's four times stronger... ...and you can use less. beautiful view. (wiggles butt) thanks to charmin. and you, honeybear! awwwww we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin?
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>> pauley: winter officially ends tomorrow. not soon enough for our contributor jim gaffigan. >> winter is still here. can you believe it? like death, taxes and kale, it may never go away. this week the northeast was hit with a nor'easter, which is like easter but instead of eggs and candy, you get snow and your screaming children kept home from school. it's harder to deal with a snowstorm in march.
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snow and cold are interesting for about a week in december then winter turns into the dead poinsettia that sits around your house making you depressed. oh, on wednesday i was invited to go cross-country skiing. i live in new york city. i can't believe cross-country skiing is even a sport. hey you know how in downhill skiing there is that awkward part of getting over to the lift? well, what if we just did that?" cross-country skiing seems like a sport that someone came up with after they bought skis and discovered they lived nowhere near a mountain. "we don't need a mountain. we can ski.ùcross country." most winter sports seem like some last ditch effort you'd employ to escape the 'become nibble snowman. "look the only way we are going to get out of here is if we cross-country ski." "really?" "that or snowshoe?" "what will we eat?"
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uneffortalityly we're going to have to ice fish. "we're going to have to sled or luge." "couldn't we just get a group of dogs to pull us?" people that enjoy winter in general seem mentally unstable. i just enjoy going outside when it's freezing and doing things nobody would want to do. if you were caught doing some of these winter activities you'd be sent to an insane asylum. look you need help. i saw you walking through the woods with tennis rackets tied to your feet. and yesterday i saw you sweeping a frozen lake. just bet some ship. there's nothing wrong with it. winter is the worst. no wonder we drink so much on st. patrick's day. we deserve it. >> pauley: a taste of ireland is next. >> a lot of people still think
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>> pauley: soda bread is a traditional taste of ireland one that graced many a table this past st. patrick's day. with martha teichner now we'll sample a few of the nontraditional entree, is that are transforming irishmen use. >> here's a loaded question. if i say irish cuisine, do you automatically, you're kidding, right? well, live and learn. >> i think a lot of people still think we live on corned beef and cabbage here in ireland. but gradually the word is getting out. >> the word that ireland is producing food so good that it's become a food destination whose evangelist in chief is without question, darina allen, founder of the world class ballymaloe
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cook reschool in county cork along ireland's southern coast. for foodie pilgrims from around the world, professional and amateur alike, this is the epicenter of ireland's food revolution. >> people were surprised we were coming to ireland for a cooking class. and we got a little ribbing for it. but it's been fantastic. the food is phenomenal. >> joan and jennifer shumway a mother and daughter from connecticut came because of what they had read about darina allen. >> what excited you about coming here? >> her farm is all organic. most of the products that we're using are from the farm. and you can wander the farm all hours on day and night and develop a fondness for her thousand pound cake. >> the pig and cows on the way to milking.
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farm manager lead us along a rutted path to the green houses and vegetable gardens. each morning he picks fresh what will be cooked and eat within hours. >> we get a list from the school every morning. sometimes if the students want to come down with us and we show them how we grow it. >> darina allen may be the face of ireland's food revolution, but it was actually her mother-in-law, myrtle allen who started it. just down the road from the ballymaloe cook reschool here in 1964, myrtle opened a small hotel and restaurant in the family home. she cooked what she and her husband grew. she wrote out the menu by hand every day. >> the chef, the proper chefs with the high hats said who the heck is this woman who writes the menu every day and unheard of to do something like this.
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within two years she had top ratings in the british isles. >> the brand is famous in ireland. that's myrtle in red, she tushed 93 this past week. the allens, all of them are a food dynasty. >> i run the hotel. >> i help my parents run the school. >> i help out evenings. >> i'm the farmer. >> i help out in the hotel. >> i work in the house and in the shop. >> about 15 ancillary business, some very small, some larger, all connected under the the name. >> as the allens built they edible empire chefs across ireland saw opportunity. among them, paul flynn. after years at the top london restaurant in 1997 he dared to go home and open this award winning restaurant in the old cannery where his grandfather worked in the seaside village,
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not far up the coast from ballymalou house and school. do you feel that the success you've had in part was enabled by the allen family? >> without a doubt. happened in the rest of the country as well. because their reach has been throughout the country. people find them opened. >> opened to the idea that irish food doesn't have to mean bad food. >> make us a little soda. >> morning. >> that is the whole point of the ballymalou cook reschool. >> looking great. they are lovely and brown. irish cuisine does indeed still exist. it just tend to be a lot better than it used to be. >> like the ripples of waves going out, one person starts, give somebody else the confidence now you can half all
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the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at >> pauley: here is a look at the wreak ahead on suffer sunday morning calendar. on monday the house intelligence committee hold its first public meeting into the alleged russian meddling in the 2016 elect.
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fbi director james comey is among the witness. tuesday is world puppetry day, a celebration of a timeless art form. wednesday, nominations for the 44th juanal daytime emmy award will be announced right here on cbs's "the talk." thursday is the release of the u.s. census bureau latest population estimates for counties and metropolitan areas. friday is world tuberculosis day, dedicated to fighting a preventable and curable disease that nonetheless killed an estimated 1.8 million people worldwide as recently as 2015. saturday evening brings a sort of earth hour, when landmarks, sky lines, businesses and private homes around the world turn their lights off for one hour to focus attention on climate change. time for us to check in with john dickerson in washington for
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look what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning, john. >> dickerson: good morning. we'll talk about health care budgets and wiretapping with senator ted cruz, democratic leader in the house nancy pelosi and mic mull vein knee. >> pauley: we'll be watching. next week here on "sunday morning." martha type mesh catches up with danny da veto. so for once i've got plenty of time. what's going on? so those financial regulations being talked about? they could affect your accounts, so let's get together and talk, and make sure everything's clear. thanks. yeah. that would be great. we've grown to over $900 billion in assets under care... by being proactive, not reactive. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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>> pauley: we leave you this "sunday morning" at the organ pipe cactus national monument in southwestern arizona. captioning made possible
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by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh i'm jane pauley please join us when our trumpet sound again next "sunday morning."
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veryone, i'm brooke burke-charvet, and this is "chicken soup for the soul's hidden heroes." on this episode, a deaf choreographer who dances to the sound of success. tanisha: i wanted to prove to them that they can dance, and i don't want them to think that they can't because the world tells them so. brooke: and then, a tiny pup with a big heart. judy: you could say we're both healers, and that's amazing what she's done for me. brooke: plus, a high-schooler who grows gardens that fill hearts as well as bellies. katie: whether you're nine or 99, you can make an incredible difference in the world. brooke: it's time to turn the cameras on the everyday people who show compassion and kindness


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