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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  July 25, 2017 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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captioning sponsored by cbs captioning sponsored by cbs >> mason: more complaints about the attorney general. >> i want the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies. >> mason: is jeff sessions' job in jeopardy? >> time will tell. time will tell. >> and the motion is agreed to. >> mason: also tonight, a narrow victory for senate republicans. they win a key health care vote with the help of the vice president and a defiant john mccain. >> we are getting nothing done. >> mason: why dozens of workers are having microchips implanted in their hands. and a wrestler turns the squared circle into a political arena.
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>> stan, you were just hit with the liberal agenda. are you going to recover? this is the "cbs evening news." >> mason: and this is our western edition. good evening. i'm anthony mason. president trump gave his attorney general a very public, very humiliating thrashing today and left open the possibility of firing him. speaking in the rose garden, the president made clear that jeff sessions is a thorn in his side, most notably for recusing himself from the russia investigation, which led to the appointment of a special counsel. here's chief white house correspondent major garrett. >> but i am disappointed in the attorney general. he should not have recused himself almost immediately after he took office, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me prior to taking office, and i would have quite simply picked somebody else. >> reporter: president trump denied attorney general jeff daysions is twisting in the
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wind, but after days of steady criticism the president declined to offer a vote of confidence or say definitively he would not fire sessions. >> we will see what happens. time will tell. time will tell. >> reporter: if sessions is wondering how to win back oval office favor, the president laid down this marker: >> i want the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies. >> reporter: on twitter this morning, mr. trump branded sessions as weak for failing to investigate hillary clinton. though shortly after the election, mr. trump himself told "60 minutes" it was unlikely he would support prosecuting the clintons. >> i don't want to hurt them. >> i am pleased to endorse donald trump. >> reporter: sessions was the first senator to endorse candidate trump, and at his swearing in this february, the president offered a glowing appraisal. >> he's a man of integrity, a man of principle, and a man of total, utter resolve.
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>> reporter: less than a month later... >> i have recused myself in the matters that deal with the trump campaign. >> reporter: that decision has kept sessions in the dog house, prd the president's anger has grown while the russia investigation has expanded. today, senate republicans defended their former colleague. majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> i think he made the right decision to recuse himself from the russia matter. >> reporter: utah's orrin hatch. >> jeff has been very loyal to the president and i think he deserves loyalty back. >> reporter: richard shelby of alabama. >> he's a man of integrity, a man of substance and purpose and he's been loyal to the president. >> mason: major garrett is with us now. major, is there any indication sessions is considering resignation? >> reporter: no, there isn't. in fact, conservative groups rushed to sessions' defense today publicly after learning he wanted to stay in the job. their message to president trump-- you're playing with fire, and continued roughing up of sessions could provoke a backlash from the president's
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conservative activist base, which views sessions as someone who has labored long and hard on the very issues they care about most, labored on those issues, longer, in fact, than president trump. and they also value sessions' work to advance the president's agenda, and are deeply, deeply disappointed in the president's act of disloyalty. >> mason: so, major, what's the president's end game here then? >> reporter: well senior advisers here are hoping he's just blowing off steam and this will all eventually pass away. but the president's anger remain a distraction, one white house advisers know is undercutting the president's efforts on health care and could complicate them on tax reform and other legislative items. and they mentioned privately if the president really cares about some of these prosecutions, he can't talk about them publicly. doing so might undermine them in the future. that's also something they're worried about as well. >> mason: major garrett at the white house. thank you, major. the president congratulated senate republicans for sending a health care bill to the floor for debate.
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it took a tie-breaking vote from the vice president, and the return of john mccain to do it. here's chief congressional correspondent nancy cordes. >> senator mccain, how are you feeling? >> reporter: mccain went straight from the airport to the benate floor, where he cast a crucial vote to begin debate on lte g.o.p. health care bill. >> mr. mccain, aye. s reporter: before unleashing straight talk about its long- term prospects. >> i will not vote for this bill as it is today. it's a shell of a bill right now. we all know that. h 've tried to do this by coming up with a proposal behind closed doors in consultation with the administration, then springing it on skeptical members, trying to convince them that it's better than nothing. that it's better than nothing? i don't think that's going to work in the end, and probably shouldn't.
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>> reporter: mccain was diagnosed last week with an aggressive form of brain cancer. as protests popped up across the u.s. capitol today, the 80-year- old senator said it's not too late to chart a different course. >> we've been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle. hold hearings. try to report a bill out of committee with contributions from both sides. ( applause ) the senate is capable of that. we know that. we've seen it before. i've seen it happen many times, and the times when i was involved, even in a modest way with working on a bipartisan response to a national problem or threat, are the proudest moments of my career, and by far, the most satisfying. >> reporter: he left an increasingly polarized congress with this advice: >> stop listening to the bombastic loud mouths on the radio and television and the internet.
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to hell with them. ( applause ) they don't want anything done for the public good. our incapacity is their livelihood. >> reporter: mccain's speech drew plenty of praise. some of his colleagues called him a hero. but there was some fallout, too, from critics who said he's the one playing partisan politics by voting to proceed to a bill that he clearly holds in very low regard, anthony. >> mason: nancy cordes at the capitol. thank you, nancy. despite objections from the president, the house voted overwhelmingly today to slap sanctions on russia for meddling in the u.s. election and annexing crimea. the bill, which would also impose new sanctions on iran and north korea, was approved 419 to 3. it now goes to the senate. the house and senate intelligence committees are investigating whether anyone in
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the trump campaign was involved with russia's election interference. the president's son-in-law, jared kushner, was interviewed behind closed doors today by the staff of the house panel, yesterday by the senate panel. kushner, a key adviser to the trump campaign and the trump white house, denies he's colluded with the russians. the investigation into the deaths of 10 undocumented immigrants in a sweltering tractor trailer in texas now extends to an iowa trucking company and mexican drug gangs. and tonight, mark strassman has new information about the driver. >> reporter: james bradley, jr. should never have been driving the tractor trailer that carried roughly 100 illegal immigrants into san antonio. florida had suspended his commercial driving license back in april. 10 people died, including 19- year-old frank fuentes. he graduated from high school in virginia but had been deported.
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the 60-year-old bradley's criminal history dates back 20 years with felony arrests in colorado for menacing and assault, and in florida for an escape warrant. he spent a year in a colorado prison. more than a dozen survivors remain hospitalized, some in critical condition. >> it's never just the driver by himself or herself. >> reporter: shane fulton, the special agent in charge of san antonio's homeland security office, is leading the criminal investigation. >> these organizations consider these people simply a commodity. they don't think of them as-- as people. they look at them from a profit perspective. er reporter: as a commercial driver, bradley repeatedly has been cited for federal safety violations. anthony, he has yet to enter a plea in connection with these truck deaths, but he will appear again in court on thursday. >> mason: mark strassmann in san antonio. thanks, mark. a u.s. navy patrol boat fired warning shots today when an iranian ship came dangerously close in the persian gulf.
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have a look. ( gunfire ) the iranians came within 150 yards of the u.s.s. "thunderbolt" but backed off after the shots were fired. the "thunderbolt" was taking part in exercises in the gulf. congress got an s.o.s. today from the commandant of the coast guard. he said the guard is busier than ever chasing drug runners, but it can't do the job without more money. carter evans now on what's at stake. >> reporter: this is what $800 million worth of cocaine looks like. we were aboard the coast guard cutter "berthoff" in 2013, after it seized tons of drugs from fast boats and makeshift submarines. >> there is so much flow right now. >> reporter: but commandant paul zukunft says the drugs keep coming and last year the coast guard couldn't even chase hundreds of shipments they knew about. how much is still getting through? >> there were over 500 events
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that literally eluded us. we knew they were out there. this really comes down to we didn't have enough planes. we didn't have enough ships. >> reporter: zukunft says much of his fleet is decades past retirement age, and the coast guard needs $1.5 billion just to catch up on maintenance. >> good copy, thank you very much. >> reporter: chief warrant officer bill hantzmon is captain of the 55-year-old "sledge." this ship is 11 years older than you. >> it is. >> reporter: hantzmon his crew spend days maintaining buoys and navigational aids. but sometimes they're forced to jerry rig parts for their own ships because they aren't made anymore. puts you out of commission. >> absolutely, it can keep us from where we're unable to do our mission. >> reporter: when the "sledge" was in port for repair this winter, its age really showed. it was only supposed to last about six weeks. the ship ended up being dry docked for almost six months with parts of the hull having to be cut away and replaced. yesterday we were on a ship that was 55 years old, but it's not
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the oldest. >> no. our oldest is 72 years old. >> reporter: the commandant says the last thing he'll cut back on are security patrols and rescues. so for now, old ships are being rebuilt as the political fight over dollars and cents plays out. carter evans, cbs news, on maryland's chesapeake bay. >> mason: can you keep your mind sharp as you age by playing so- called brain games? a report today by the a.a.r.p. focused on what's become a $1.3 billion business. dr. tara narula takes a look. >> ready to challenge your brain? >> reporter: ads for online brain training games tout their cognitive benefits saying they improve memory, brain speed, and attention. but today's report called the evidence behind these claims of cognitive benefits weak to nonexistent. sarah lock is executive director of the a.a.r.p.'s global council on brain health.
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>> they might get better at the game, but what we don't know is how that's going to affect your everyday function. >> training to improve one type t cognitive ability doesn't end up improving another skill, such as how fast you process information. and the report says there's often exaggerating when these products are marketed. last year, the f.t.c. fined the makers of lumosity $2 million for claiming their games could help users reduce or delay age- related cognitive impairment. the good news is cognitively stimulating activities are easy to find. for example, learning a new skill. at the greenwich house senior center, betty thiago is taking up art. >> i think anything creative helps to stimulate your brain. >> mason: and dr. tara narula is with us now. tara, the a.a.r.p. recommends we do things to stimulate our brain. but what exactly are those things? >> so these are things that are novel, that require attention and focus and a level of depth of engagement. some of the things they recommend are educational
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opportunities, that can be formal or informal, doing things that you used to love to do. even volunteering, learning a new skill, like music or language. leisure activities like playing cards, playing with your grandkids, and things that are mentally and physically challenging like tennis and dancing. >> mason: a form of exercise, if you will, but for the mind. >> reporter: exactly. >> mason: tara narula, thank you very much. and coming up next on the cbs evening news, the tiny implant that could replace the company i.d., and later, the wrestler who gets under the skin of conservatives. wrestler who gets under the skin of conservatives. have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
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with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this... how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn't know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there's good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction.
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symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. >> mason: innovation is a >> mason: the latest office innovation is a microchip implanted in the skin. designed to replace the key pad for opening doors, using the copier, even buying food in the cafeteria. for some it's right out of 1984, but jamie yuccas found willing workers in 2017. >> so you can keep an eye on me? >> yes. >> reporter: to some, it may sound like a plot of a james bond movie.
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but in river falls, wisconsin, employees at a vending company are going from the assembly line to front of the pack to get microchipped. do you think this is the future? >> it is the future. and we look at this as being responsible. >> reporter: todd westby is the owner of three square market. by next week, at least 50 of his oy employees have signed up to become bionic. using what's called an r.f.i.d. transponder in a microchip meant to make the workplace experience faster and more efficient. so when you have the chip, you're just going to hold it up here and all those same options will come up? >> yes. >> reporter: the implant, which has been f.d.a. approved, is the size of a grain of rice and is injected under the skin between the thumb and index finger by a licensed piercer. this company is offering the chips, which cost about $300 apiece, to its employees for free. westby says they are not g.p.s. enabled yet. you're not going to be tracking your employees around town to see what they're up to and what they're doing. >> no, we will not.
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it's for entrance to the building, logging into computers, making purchases in our break room market. >> reporter: westby says even if g.p.s. became available, he would not use it on employees. at the concerns are what information am i storing on this? what information am i giving away? c-net editor dan ackerman says this technology raised red flags over privacy. >> anything could potentially be hacked especially because most of the actual information it's not encoded on the tiny device under the skin of your hand by itself. you can never leave it behind you can't really turn it off. >> reporter: however assembly line worker eric white plans to be the first in line. he thinks some day the chip could save lives. >> somebody who is allergic to something or has a condition, they could scan your hand and all the information is there. elf-eporter: a promising self- service for some. a dystopian nightmare for others. either way, the future is here. jamie yuccas, cbs news, river falls, wisconsin. >> mason: and when we come back, the rock star who struck gold in a storage locker.
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serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. once-weekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity.
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>> mason: you'd expect t >> mason: you'd expect to find a lot of things in alice cooper's storage unit, but a rare work of art? seems the rock star unearthed this andy warhol silkscreen of an electric chair hidden in piles of old equipment. a similar work sold recently for more than $10 million. cooper hadn't seen it since the '70s. his manager said "only in rock 'n' roll can you not remember you have a warhol." barbara sinatra, widow of the legendary singer died today at her home in rancho mirage, california. barbara and frank sinatra were married for 22 years. they founded the barbara sinatra center for abused children. frank sinatra was previously married to nancy barbado, ava gardener, and mia farrow. and barbara, to zeppo marx. barbara sinatra was 90. coming up next, the pro wrestler whose repertoire includes a liberal agenda. o wrestler whose repertoire includes a
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liberal agenda. nick was born to move. not necessarily after 3 toddlers with boundless energy. but lower back pain won't stop him from keeping up. because at a dr. scholl's kiosk he got a recommendation for our best custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. by reducing shock and stress on his body with every step. so look out world, dad's taking charge. dr. scholl's. born to move. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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to f...nerve pain shoots and burns its way into your day... ...i hear you. when that pain makes simple errands simply unbearable... ...i hear you. i hear you because my dad struggled with this pain. make sure your doctor hears you too. so folks, don't wait. step on up. and talk to your doctor. because you have places to go... ...and people who can't wait for you to get there. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands... step on up and talk to your doctor today. ray's always been different. last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. at&t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. remote moisture sensors use a reliable network to tell them when and where to water. so that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. china. oh ... he got there. that's the power of and.
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i hafor my belly painking overand constipation.ucts i've had it up to here! it's been month after month of fiber. weeks taking probiotics! days and nights of laxatives, only to have my symptoms return. (vo) if you've had enough, tell your doctor what you've tried and how long you've been at it. linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children less than six, and it should not be given to children six to less than 18. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain, and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess.
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>> mason: we end tonight with a man who has turned politics into a contact sport, including liberal helpings of trash talk. here's jim axelrod. >> the stupidest people in east kentucky are right here in boyd county. >> reporter: if the name of the game for an aspiring professional wrestling villain is to generate the fan anger that fills the seats, like those enemies from the middle east or cold war soviets provoked years ago, than dan richards has it all figured out for this day and age in the wrestling hot beds of appalachia. >> the progressive liberal. >> reporter: richards is the progressive liberal. you feel this character. >> i mean, i am this character. >> thank god you can't vote, little girl.
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when i go drive through the hills of west virginia, or kentucky or tennessee, i wasn't seeing a bunch of hillary clinton campaign banners. i was seeing, "trump make america great again" which. >> reporter: which is why richards designed to don some "dump trump" trunks, a hillary collage t-shirt and call out the fans. >> i know you use government assistance and talk bad about the government that provides it for you. >> reporter: you have a signature move. >> yes. >> reporter: what's it called? >> the liberal agenda. >> reporter: what makes up the liberal agenda. >> it's a variation of a neck breaker but. >> reporter: stan, you were just hit with the liberal agenda. are you going to recover? >> dan and i are complete opposites. >> i'm a bible believing, gun owner, tobacco chewin hillbilly. >> beau james is richard's manager. he's been around the pro wrestling game for nearly three decades.
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long enough to know he's got a winner on his hands. >> yeah, buddy! >> i got at least four years out of him. >> reporter: you think progressive liberal has some staying power? >> for at least four years. after that, who knows, maybe four more. >> shut up, lady. i'll talk at my own pace, not yours. >> i'm saying my piece. >> reporter: who knows if dan richards' approach would be good for his party. have a clear message and speak it boldly and be unapologetic about it. >> reporter: who knows if >> reporter: who knows if dan richards' approach would be good for his party. from the looks of things, it's certainly good for his bank account. jim axelrod, cbs news, boyd county, kentucky. >> this is what a winner looks like. >> mason: to paraphrase ross perot, wrestling has rules. politics has none. that's the cbs evening news. i'm anthony mason, thanks for watching. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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feeding the homeless, at a popular bay area park. the city, putting volunteers on notice -- the giveaways have to stop. we begin with a crackdown on feeding the homeless at a popular bay area park. the city putting volunteers on notice that giveaways have to stop. good evening, i'm veronica de la cruz. >> i'm allen martin. new at 6:00 san jose is it gearing up to hand out citations to people who hand out free meals at st. james park. it's part of the city's push to revitalize the downtown park. but as kpix 5's devin fehely reports, homeless advocates are planning to fight to keep feeding. >> it's more than just a meal that's going to help these people. >> we think that's wrong. we think it's an injustice. >> the homelessness is not part of the plan. >> reporter: bill mohr has been homeless for more than a decade and often enjoys a free meal at st. james park in downtown san jose. but that could soon change. >> they keep pushing the homeless away from different areas. yeah, them you to disappear. >> reporter: the city of san
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jose is preparing to crack down, potentially issuing citations to people who provide free food to the homeless at the park a practice they describe as well intentioned but misguided. >> if you really want to help the homeless, the goal is for them not to be homeless to find housing. handing somebody a meal in a park is not really going to help them no longer be homeless. >> reporter: the city says it wants to encourage the holes to visit soup kitchens and shelters, where they can receive much-needed services and help. but homeless advocates fear the city's true goal is to sweep the problem under the rug. >> they need to be treated with dignity and respect and that the answer is never to push people out of sight. >> reporter: homeless advocates have no illusion that a single meal will solve this complex problem. but contrary to the city's stance, they believe that every little bit helps. >> it can easily be me or anybody. you know? and it's only by the grace of god that we are fortunat


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