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tv   KPIX 5 Noon News  CBS  July 28, 2017 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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republican effort to repeal and replace obamacare. reaction today... as a slimmed-down version fails to get enough now at noon. a harsh blow to the long republican effort to repeal and replace obamacare. reaction today as a skinny version fails to get the votes to pass. good afternoon. i'm anne makovec. >> i'm michelle griego. three republicans sided with democrats to vote down what many consider to be the final attempt to overhaul president
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obama signature healthcare legislation. our team coverage starts with mola lenghi on capitol hill. >> good morning, senators. >> hi. >> reporter: republican senator john mccain was back at work friday morning after casting the deciding ballot overnight. his thumbs down vote doomed the gop's latest attempt to repeal obamacare. >> the ayes are 49, the nays are 51. the motion is not agreed to. >> reporter: fellow republicans susan collins and lisa murkowski along with every democrat voted against the "skinny bill" to repeat parts of the affordable care act. >> this is clearly a disappointing moment. i imagine many of our colleagues on the other side are celebrating. >> we are not celebrating. we are relieved. >> reporter: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell now says it's time to move on. but did not rule out working with democrats to fix obamacare's problems. >> so now i think it's appropriate to ask what are their ideas? >> at the very beginning we
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should stabilize the system. we should make permanent keeping premiums down. >> reporter: president trump was disappointed with the outcome writing, three republicans and 48 democrats let the american people down. the president now says he is ready to let obamacare implode. president trump was on twitter again this morning writing if republicans are going to pass great future legislation in the senate, they must immediately did to a 51- vote majority, not senseless 60s. political leaders from the bay area are weighing in on the healthcare debate. jackie ward joining us live with their reaction. >> reporter: the democratic leaders from california are recognizing this as a win for their party! but they are also encouraging their constituents and colleagues not to let up in the battle. democrat nancy pelosi spoke a little while ago and admitted that the affordable care act has flaws!! >> right now, we go forward, um, um, recognizing the value
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of the affordable care act which last night was once again protected and we take great pride in that but realso know that there are, um, updates and, um, improvements we can make. >> harris said: this has been a battle over the lues of our nation. and tonight de es again that we shou country .. where health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the few." democratic representative ro khanna released this statement this morning, in part saying: quote .. "a disastrous bill to take away health care from hard working peopl >> reporter: democratic representative ro khanna said: clark, chairman of the san francisco g- o-p told me over the ph at .. it's very clear that the macare has placed >> reporter: now, on the other side of the aisle, jason clark chairman of the san francisco gop told me over the phone that it's very clear that the challenges obamacare has placed upon our healthcare system has proven very difficult to unravel. he says the disagreement on how
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to replace or repeal obamacare shows just how complex the issues are and that the one size fits all approach of obamacare was inappropriate. >> thank you. new at noon, one of the men accused in the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire will not be released without bail. that's the ruling today from a judge in oakland. the judge set the bail for max harris at $750,000 reducing the initial $1.08 million bail. harris is one of two men facing 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter for the warehouse fire that killed 36 people during an illegal party. prosecutors say harris was the second in command at the oakland warehouse and accused him of helping create a death trap. harris' lawyers say he is innocent. >> even one dollar bail is too much. and mark my words, we will get max harris out before trial. max harris will not rot in jail while he fights his case. we'll get him out. the community will support him. we'll raise money if that's
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what we have to do. we'll take donations from the public. whatever it takes, we'll get max harris out. he is innocent. >> reporter: if harris makes bail, the judge said today he will have to wear an ankle monitor and cannot apply for a passport. oakland raiders fans are gearing up for what could be an uphill legal battle against the team. the group of fans known as forever oakland wants the body that runs the coliseum to support their efforts for a potential lawsuit to block the raiders' move to las vegas. this morning, of the oakland- alameda coliseum authority met with the group to discuss their legal options. the raiders are expected to move into their new $2 billion stadium in vegas in 2020. a live look now at the golden gate bridge. after 80 years of service the toll plaza could finally retire. the golden gate bridge authority just voted to hire an oakland-based engineering firm to design a new look. kpix 5's katie nielsen explains how this could affect drivers. >> reporter: for more than 100,000 cars make their way
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through the golden gate toll plaza and one thing is sure. the golden gate bridge authority will find a way to collect the toll money it's owed. >> the toll equipment is old. it was installed in 2005. it was before the first iphone. >> reporter: that's why the board of directors met this morning to approve hiring ae com an oakland-based engineering firm. >> we could put in the same thing we have now or we could look at what's new and what's going to pave the way for the future. >> reporter: the bridge authority will pay the firm about a million dollars to design the new toll gantry, which will hold the new updated toll collecting equipment above the roadway. much like what's currently used at the benicia bridge. so helping cars move through faster and improve safety for workers. >> the gantry will be accessible to our workers so they can replace equipment above the road without being exposed to traffic. >> reporter: one thing that won't change, the art-deco clock hanging above the 80-year- old toll plaza. >> so people care very much
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about the clock. they are passionate about it. it will be part of the landscape for a long time. >> reporter: the design firm should have preliminary plans ready by the end of the year. the bridge authority will then get public input before starting construction. it's scheduled to be ready to use at the end of the2018. at the golden gate bridge, katie nielsen, kpix 5. wells fargo will refund $80 million to customers who may have been forced to buy extra auto insurance they didn't need. the san francisco-based bank has been under fire since last year after employees opened more than 2 million fake accounts. new at noon, north korea has conducted a new intercontinental ballistic missile test. official from the u.s. say south korea and japan, this one flew longer than any of its previous missiles. it apparently landed in the ocean off the coast of japan. this is north korea's 14th missile test this year. a lot of trouble within president trump's west wing team this after a profanity laced interview with the new
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communications director was published in the "new yorker" magazine. seth lemon has details from the white house. >> reporter: tensions between the new white house communications director anthony scaramucci and chief of staff reince priebus spilled out into the public thursday. in a "new yorker" magazine article, scaramucci unloaded on priebus call him a paranoid schizophrenic, and said, he will be asked to resign very shortly. scaramucci also took aim at white house chief strategist steve bannon saying i'm not trying to ibmk my own brand off the [ censored ] strength of the president. white house senior adviser kellyanne conway defended scaramucci on fox news last night. >> i think he is passionate about the president sometimes getting the best of him. >> reporter: the infighting isn't confined to the west wing staff. it extends into the cabinet, as well. >> if he would like it make a change, he can certainly do so and i would be glad to yield in that circumstance. no doubt about it. >> reporter: attorney general jeff sessions has been under fire from the president because
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he recused himself from the russia investigation. president trump's public rebuke of his own attorney general has raised eyebrows. >> the way that jeff sessions has been treated, it did not go over well with republicans in the united states senate. >> reporter: sessions says he will not resign unless the president asks him to do so. seth lemon for cbs news, the white house. >> scaramucci blames preibus and bannon for blocking him from getting a white house position at the start of the administration. still ahead, tesla gets ready to hand over its first model 3s to eager customers in a bay area event. >> plus, the water's warm at lake tahoe. maybe too warm? concerns about the lake's rising temperatures. >> and it's just not the water that's too warm. the air temperature away from the bay is very warm! unseasonably hot! we'll tell you how long this heat wave will last as the news continues. we'll be right back.
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c-e-o elon musk tweeted about a "hand-over party" tonight. he didn't release any other details... but we do know it's tonight the first set of buyers will get the first model 3. elon musk tweeted about a handover part tonight with no other details but it's at the fremont location starting at 8:45 p.m. the model 3 is known as tesla's "affordable" electric car starting at $35,000. nearly400,000 people put down deposits last year. you may be seeing the reason pg&e's profits are
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soaring. it nearly doubled in the 2nd quarter from $206 million to $406 million compared to last year. pg&e says it's thanks to two rate hikes that were approved by state regulators. the city of austin, texas and its police department are now taking all 446 of its ford explorers and ford explorer- based police interceptors out of rotation. they are worried about carbon monoxide. kris van cleave reports this comes after an ongoing cbs news investigation and word that the number of injuries related to carbon monoxide leaks is much higher than previously thought. >> reporter: this 2016 henderson, louisiana, police explorer was badly damaged in a crash after officers say its driver passed out from carbon monoxide poisoning in april. >> she was treated at the hospital. we had requested testing for carbon monoxide and her levels came out near lethal. >> reporter: that officer sued
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ford. many more owners of explorers years 2011 through 2017 are reporting carbon monoxide appears to be seeping into their vehicle. the national highway traffic safety administration now says more than 2700 complaints have been lodged against the automaker and 41 people have reported injuries. like this police officer in california brian mcdowell who hit a tree in 2015 after passing out at the wheel just like that or zachary lahood whose dashcam was rolling as he called for help. lahood was the first of 18 austin police officers to be treated for carbon monoxide exposure. but it's not just police vehicles. the bulk of the complaints comes from regular ford owners like stacey jones. she traded her 2014 explorer in for a 2017. she said the problem didn't go away. >> frustrating because at this point i don't know what i'm going to do. >> reporter: nhtsa says it doesn't have any proof the
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injuries reported were caused by carbon monoxide although investigators say levels of that gas may be elevated during certain driving scenarios. ford says safety is its top priority and has a team working with police and regulators to investigate reported issues and solve them. kris van cleave, cbs news, washington. a count from 2016 shows nearly half of law enforcement vehicles were ford explorers. departments across the country have installed carbon monoxide detectors in their vehicles. and let's take a look at the big board right now. the dow is up after being down earlier today. it's up 22 points. an annual report suggests temperatures at lake tahoe are warming at 14 times the historic average. the study by uc-davis shows it's been going up by half a degree fahrenheit per year and that's now a four-year trend. the report suggests this monta is on track to average its highest surface temperature ever recorded. and the research behind the study says winter storms do
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little to stop the boost in temperatures. >> even with all that record rain, that represents less than 1% of the lake tahoe water. >> tree deaths are also a growing concern. 30,000 trees died in 2016, half that number was the year before presenting a risk for wildfires. roberta gonzales has a look at your weekend weather. speaking of heating up, that's what we got. >> it's heating up. so you want to go for a dip in the lake tahoe, the coolest time of the year the water is february at 41 degrees. the warmest is 67 in august. so right now it's kind of nice. not bad at all. our water temperature offshore, 55 degrees. looking at our bay waters, the flag on the fly. you can see all the way to mount diablo. check it out. the coast is clear. wow! take a look at ocean beach where today's high will be near 65 degrees. livermore is already at 58. it's 75 in livermore.
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today we are talking about numbers stacking up like this. anywhere from the 60s to 70 degrees in ocean beach. 70s will be common around the bay today. we are talking about 83 to 93 degrees in the north bay. numbers stacking up from the 80s around the peninsula, 858 in redwood city. that's down from 89 yesterday. and livermore you saw a temperature yesterday of 98. today 95. we are seeing a little bit cooler air mass due to that enhance marine layer and stronger westerly flow. here's your extended forecast. we do have temperatures, wow, each day either side of 99 degrees. we are talking about all the way to 100 by sunday then another 100-degree reading on wednesday and thursday. wow. so this is a prolonged heat wave. it's nothing like we're going to see temperatures up to 105, anything like that. but when you see the temperatures for seven full days like that, unseasonably warm to hot, it starts to take a toll on people, pets, children, elderly. so you have to -- plants. you have to be very mindful of
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that. >> it's taken a toll on you. >> blah, blah, blah. [ laughter ] >> it's the lazy days of summer. that's how i'm feeling right now. >> did you just say she's blah blah blah? >> you're sad. you're sad about it. [ laughter ] >> i'm sad. i'm getting beat down by the heat. >> we have been talking about it speaking of pets? >> what? >> new survey showing dogs are the king of the castle for millennials when it comes to decisions about homes. in a survey by suntrust mortgage, 40% of millennials in the market for a first home said that having a dog or wanting a dog influenced their decision more than marriage ar having children. still ahead the stoves are hot and people are streaming in for gilroy's annual garlic festival. what you can look forward to this weekend. >> and a reminder if you have a problem or question: lovers of the "stinking rose" are in garlic heaven now we'll be right back.
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apple is discontining sales of the two music players. the move reflects the of the the ipod nano and shuffle have played their final notes. apple is discontinuing sales of the two music players. the move reflects the slowing popularity of the devices in an era when most people store or stream music on their
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smartphones. apple plans to continue selling the ipod products online. lovers of the stinking rose are in heaven. the gilroy garlic festival starts today. celebrities chef says a master chef will be there cooking up a storm. the president of the festival says he looks forward to the annual event which feels like a family gathering. >> this is like a family reunion. our whole community comes together to host the world's largest garlic party and raise money for the community. it feels like christmas to me today. [ laughter ] >> a garlic-y christmas. [ laughter ] >> sounds good. chefs will use 2,000 pounds of garlic this weekend. the festival runs through sunday in gilroy. >> it's true. the garlic ice cream is good. i have not done the garlic wine but thus far i haven't tried a wine i haven't liked.
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we'll see. >> so i have heard. [ laughter ] after you're done eating all the garlic, you might want some fruit for dessert. today fresh grocer tony tantillo looks at a popular hybrid fruit. >> reporter: ell, today's tip of the day is going to be is with pluot plums. several varieties in the market. they are all sweet, juicy and when you cut them in half, they look like a picture. they look beautiful. come here, take a look at this. would you look at that? isn't that pretty? all those different shades of ping, read pink, red and white? when you buy them, make sure you have this beautiful color all the way around. very important. free from any shriveling or cracking heavy for their side. put them on the counter not the refrigerator. these plums out of hand, they are wonderful. they are also great in many different style desserts that call for plums. pluot plums. great this time of the year in the market. they are so sweet. 'm tony tantillo, y our fresh
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grocer. nd always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. that's real good. bye-bye. ♪[ music ]
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coverage on those stories and more at five. that's it for k-p- i-x 5 news at noon. the bold and the nasty infighting in washington and the "skinny bill" fail we'll have continuing coverage on that and lots more tonight here at 5:00.
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yes. that's it for kpix 5 news at noon. we made it. >> we did. but we still have this weekend and there's one thing i want to point out is we have tropical storms and a hurricane in the pacific. it will affect our local waters. the south-facing beaches, dangerous rip currents and sneaker waves. so a lot of people will be going to the ocean because look at the inland temperatures. triple digits through next thursday.
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>> bill: sun's rising. we'll be on the ground soon. >> brooke: in monte carlo! >> bill: oui, ma chérie. >> sasha: this was the most awesome plane ride ever. >> thomas: yeah? you think? >> sally: yes, mr. oh so casual about private jets. it is a whole different world up here. >> thomas: hmm. >> sally: but i guess it's your world, so i'm gonna have to grit my teeth and get used to it. >> katie: we have a 95% positive response to the press reception. >> wyatt: excellent. yeah, and the spencer summit site has actually gained more traffic this year, thanks to the whole forrester-spectra showdown. >> katie: this is gonna be so much fun. >> wyatt: it kind of already is. >> bill: well, i missed the summit last year, but i am back and i'm pumped. >> brooke: it's gonna be bigger and better than ever. >> bill: mm, me or the summit? >> brooke: mm, my money's on


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