tv 60 Minutes CBS August 6, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. >> for those who know only the name, the history of newtown, connecticut begins 14, 2012, when a mentally ill man murdered 20 first-graders and six educators at sandy hook elementary school. ana grace was the daughter of nelba and jimmy greene. >> one of the most compelling sermons i've ever heard was given at my daughter's funeral. it talks about jesus being with us in every season of our lives, and that ana's death would signify the beginning of a long and hard winter season. >> is it springtime yet? >> i can't imagine a day that it will be spring.
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>> accusations that a major american manufacturer had knowingly provided defective surgical gowns to u.s. healthcare workers were first shared with "60 minutes" at a time when the ebola crisis was spiking. did you sell protective equipment for ebola that you knew was defective? >> no, and frankly, i think the allegations are not based on the facts. >> you're saying they are completely false? >> yes. >> is that what he told you? >> yeah. >> evidently, he forgot the 11th commandment. >> which is? >> do not lie to "60 minutes." >> at first glance, you might mistake him for the bouncer at a leather bar, a professional wrestler, or the front man for a village people tribute band. but here in paris at a reception for the biennale, one of the oldest art and antique fairs in the world... >> hi! how are you, madame reza? >> ...peter marino is instantly recognized...
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>> i'm a big fan of yours. >> oh, thank you. thank you, madam. >> ...and actively courted by people you might think would run the other way. >> master! >> would you think you're talking to a bright architect looking at a guy like me? >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories, tonight on "60 minutes." i wish you were here. i miss home. ♪ ♪
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meet new relatives and see how a place and its people are all a part of you. ancestrydna. save 30% through august 15th at her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me... it's aleve. ♪ >> pelley: there is no word in the english language for a parent who has lost a child.
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maybe it's an abyss that we can't bear to make real by giving it a name. bereed parents feel that life itselfacks definition. what could be next for them? what could be worthwhile? a little over four years ago, we met mothers and fathers who sent their first graders to school one bright morning and have endured the twilight ever since. when we returned to newtown, connecticut, this past spring, we found those families will never move on, but they are finding ways to move forward. newtown looks as it did the day before that day. the name is long-outdated; it was founded before the revolution, its flag pole raised after the civil war, and its town hall erected in the great depression. but, for those who know only the name, the history of newtown, connecticut begins on december 14, 2012, when a mentally ill man murdered 20 first-graders
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and six educators at sandy hook elementary school. ana grace was the daughter of nelba and jimmy greene. have you found people who don't know you, after all these years, expecting you to get over what happened? >> nelba greene: you just took my breath away, because that happens a lot and it is so incredibly painful. it's like losing her all over again. >> jimmy greene: there have been those that have said things like, "you know, so you guys are good now?" or "i hope you've had some closure to your daughter's murder." in the back of my heart, and i know in nelba's as well, it's like our family will never be intact again. our daughter, ana, was six years old. >> pelley: it was in that town hall, four months after the killing, that we first met the greenes and six other newtown families. >> jimmy greene: every day i cry because i miss her so much. >> nicole hockley: this is dylan.
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>> pelley: there was nicole hockley. >> hockley: i think the picture kind of sums him up perfectly. >> mark barden: we lost our sweet little daniel barden. >> pelley: mark and jackie barden. >> mark barden: daniel was a light of positive energy in our home. >> francine wheeler: ben was six years old. >> pelley: david and francine wheeler. >> francine wheeler: ben was smart and funny. >> david wheeler: and our house is very quiet. >> pley: david wheeler fille that "quiet" with a shout to every parent. >> david wheeler: i would like them to look in the mirror. and that's not a figure of speech, scott. i mean, literally, find a mirror in your house and look in it, and look in your eyes and say, "this will never happen to me." it's going to happen again. it is going to happen again. and every time, you know, it's somebody else's school, it's somebody else's town, it's somebody else's community. until one day, you wake up and it's not.
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>> pelley: that week, several of the families convinced the connecticut legislature to pass universal background checks and to limit the size of ammunition magazines. then, they marched on washington to support a more modest proposal: just closing the loopholes so that all purchases require a background check. >> nicole hockley: i stand before you now and ask you to stand with me. >> pelley: polls showed most americans stood with them, and so did the president. >> neil heslin: jesse was brutally murdered. >> pelley: they needed 60 votes in the senate. >> joe biden: the yeas are 54 and the nays are 46. >> pelley: but not even they could win a gun fight on capitol hill. >> hockley: when it was clear that they had lost, it was like all the air went out of your body in one quick swoosh. because that gut-wrenching defeat, how could-- how could this have just happened?
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>> pelley: wasn't there a sense after that vote of, "okay, we tried. i'm going home."? >> hockley: no-- >> mark barden: not for me. >> hockley: never. why would we do that? that that's not honoring our children. there is a saying, you know, "fall nine times, get up ten." we'll just keep getting up. >> pelley: so nicole hockley and mark barden founded sandy hook promise, to train teachers and students how to prevent violence. it was a revelation for hockley after the f.b.i. told the families that the gunman had been on a predictable path. >> hockley: and i remember asking the question, "well, if you know these things about shooters, if you know that these signs and signals are given off, how come we don't know?" and the director said, "we just don't have the resources to train everyone in the country. we train law enforcement. we train-- other people. but we can't do it out to the mass public." and for me, that was the moment that i said, "well, if you can't, we can."
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well, good morning everyone. >> pelley: hockley spends half the year on the road, visiting schools, telling teachers and students how to spot the signs of social isolation. >> hockley: it's these tiny actions that we can each take, that you all have the power to do, that are going to change someone else's life. >> pelley: one program, called "start with hello," trains students to connect with their peers who are ignored or bullied. >> mark barden: it means so much to us that you're here and you're doing this. >> pelley: another is "say something," which encourages kids to speak up. >> hockley: listen to the program. >> pelley: students are taught to watch for sudden changes in their classmates, a fascination with suicide or death or guns; changes in dress; or threats on social media. in 2015, mark barden trained students in cincinnati, and shortly thereafter, a middle school student made a bomb threat. >> hockley: and it was overheard by another student who had been
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trained in our "say something" program. >> mark barden: this eighth- grade student said, "i wouldn't have thought twice about what i saw on social media until had your training, and i said, 'this is exactly what they're talking about.'" it gives me goose bumps just to think about it. >> hockley: i know. >> pelley: sandy hook promise says it has trained more than a million students and teachers, but it has had more reach on the internet. this video, called "evan," shows two students making a connection, but harder to spot in the background is what's happening to a troubled young man. if this program had been in place at sandy hook elementary if this program had been in place at sandy hook elementary school the day before, do you think it-- >> hockley: you read my mind. sandy hook was preventable. and had someone been able to see those signs and signals that our
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shooter gave off throughout his life, and connect those dots, and make an intervention, i wouldn't be sitting here talking to you today. >> pelley: a parent who has lost a child has one fear left: the end of remembering. and so many of the families have created projects that introduce their child to new people. ben wheeler now lives in the work of ben's lighthouse. his mother, francine, creates service projects for newtown kids. >> francine wheeler: what a wonderful way to honor him and continue to be his parents. >> pelley: continue to be his parents? >> francine wheeler: yeah. i can't live the rest of my life not talking about him. i mean, imagine you having a six-year-old, and then you don't anymore. are you going to stop talking about them? the worst thing you can do to a grieving parent is not to mention the child. then you're not acknowledging his existence. and so when people do
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acknowledge it, i'm so appreciative. i say, "oh, thank you for--" and even if i'm crying, they're like, "i'm sorry i made you cry." i'm ke, "no, you didn't make me cry. you brought him back." >> david wheeler: it's like having him back for a minute. >> francine wheeler: yeah. >> pelley: the wheelers wanted another child, a sibling for their oldest, and almost two years after ben was killed, matthew bennett wheeler was born. >> david wheeler: you try to make the world into the place you want it to be, and many times the only area you have any control over is the square footage of your own house. and so, you do what you can. >> pelley: david wheeler is a songwriter and recently, at a vigil against gun violence, francine sang, "leave a light on." ♪ you know i'm going to leave >> francine wheeler: "you know i will leave a light on." because you always look for your home after this kind of
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craziness that happens to you. where is your home? and he leaves that light on so that i can have a home in my heart for him. >> pelley: at that vigil, we met hannah d'avino. her sister rachel was a therapist in ben wheeler's class. >> hannah d'avino: she died standing her ground between evil and innocence. >> pelley: growing up, her big sister had been the strong one in a troubled home, and so d'avino says she lives today in purgatory-- not quite the prest. >> d'avino: a lot of it is because i feel guilty for being alive and happy when my sister's dead. >> pelley: rachel was your stability. >> d'avino: yes, she was. she really was. >> pelley: you know, i wonder, when you hear of the next shooting, how does that affect you? >> d'avino: i go back to my day one.
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i go back to 12/14, not knowing where my sister was, looking for her. and you see people getting that reuniting hug, and that breaks my heart, because i wish i got that hug. and then you see the people that are really distraught, because they're in this club now. >> pelley: nicole, how would you describe the change in yourself? >> hockley: you couldn't be any more different from the confident, optimistic, happy-go- lucky type person i was beforehand. >> pelley: you have poured yourself into this so completely. >> hockley: yes. >> pelley: have you given yourself time to grieve? >> hockley: no. no. i'm working on that right now. this is kind of my year, that
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i'm feeling is, it's time, you know, to start finding myself again. but also to accept that no matter what i do, i can't get dylan back. ♪ ♪ >> pelley: jimmy greene summons his daughter's memory through his music. his album about ana grace was nominated for two grammys. >> nelba greene: i do think this is how we reach kids. >> pelley: nelba marquez greene is a therapist, and she has started the ana grace project to educate teachers about mental health. you mentioned your faith and i wonder how your faith may have changed in all of this? >> nelba greene: one of the most compelling sermons i've ever heard was given at my daughter's funeral. it was just a beautiful sermon.
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it talks about jesus being with us in every season of our lives, including the winter, and that ana's death would signify the beginning of a long and hard winter season. and that winter would be made better with faith and family and friends. and i still feel that way. i really do. >> pelley: is it springtime yet? >> nelba greene: i can't imagine a day that it will be spring. the moment i'm reunited with her, i want to hear two things, i want to hear, "well done, my good and faithful servant." and i want to hear, "hi, mom." ( wind chimes ) >> pelley: sandy hook elementary school was demolished and rebuilt, much like the families themselves-- changed, yet in the same place.
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with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. readto let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni.
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>> cooper: during the last major outbreak of the ebola virus in 2014, more than 500 health care workers died of the disease, and something called personal protective equipment became essential to preventing the deaths of even more. we're talking about gowns, gloves, masks and other gear designed to block the transmission of deadly bacteria and viruses. they're used every day in hospitals to protect doctors, nurses, and patients. but ebola was so lethal, it raised the stakes enormously. if the protective equipment fails, infectious bodily fluids can get through-- a problem known as "strike-through." at the height of the ebola outbreak, we received a tip that a major american manufacturer had knowingly provided defective
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protective equipment to health care workers in the u.s. and abroad. it's a serious accusation that had never been publicly examined until we first broadcast this story last year. ( ambulance siren ) if there's one thing that became evident during the ebola outbreak of 2014, it's that personal protective equipment, properly used, could mean the difference between life and death. you probably remember the tragic images from west africa, and the workers in biohazard suits trying to help without getting infected themselves. >> may you help us to be a blessing to our patients. >> cooper: certain types of gowns were also used during the outbreak. the nurses at this hospital in liberia used gowns and full-body suits to protect themselves after two of their top doctors died of the disease. every day in the u.s., docto and nurses rely on some of the same gowns the centers for disease control recommended for ebola.
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one of them is the microcool surgical gown, made by halyard health, which sells about 13 million gowns a year worldwide, including a quarter of the u.s. market. the microcool gown is supposed to provide the highest level of protection available against blood-borne bacteria and viruses. its label says it meets a rigorous industry standard known as "aami level four"-- >> dr. sherry wren: alright, let's go >> cooper: -- which means it's impermeable, so that blood containing viruses like hepatitis and h.i.v. won't get on surgeon's skin during an operation. there's just one problem. what was wrong with the level four gowns? >> bernard vezeau: they would leak. they would leak. when we pressure tested them, especially in the seams. >> cooper: bernard vezeau was the global strategic marketing director for microcool and other products from 2012 to early 2015. he worked for halyard health, which was part of the kimberly clark corporation until november 2014. when two nurses at a dallas hospital became infected after
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caring for a patient with ebola, vezeau says he was relieved the nurses hadn't been using microcool gowns, but he was concerned by the way the company went into high gear to sell the product. these gowns were being recommended for use with ebola. >> vezeau: aggressively being recommended. >> cooper: in what way aggressively? >> vezeau: we put a full court press to drive microcool sales. we told hospitals to stock up on our microcool products. we told them to have at least eight to 12 weeks of product on hand. and that's when things became very difficult for me. >> cooper: difficult because vezeau says he knew the gowns were not consistently meeting industry standards. there's a test for this, right? >> vezeau: there is a test. and it's conducted in outside facilities. >> cooper: so did your gowns consistently pass this test? >> vezeau: no, they did not. >> cooper: was the f.d.a. aware of this? were they notified? >> vezeau: no, not that i'm aware of. >> cooper: were customers warned? >> vezeau: no. customers were not warned either. >> cooper: why not? >> vezeau: well, because kimberly-clark knew that if they-- they told customers, it would cost us a lot of business. >> michael avenatti: they didn't tell the public.
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they didn't tell the f.d.a. they didn't tell physicians. they told no one. they kept selling the gown to the tune of millions of dollars every month. >> cooper: michael avenatti is a california attorney who represents hospitals that are suing halyard health and kimberly clark for fraud. he showed us this report by an independent, certified laboratory that tested the sleeves of microcool gowns in december 2012 at the request of one of kimberly clark's competitors, cardinal health. >> avenatti: at the time cardinal and kimberly-clark were in litigation against one another. and cardinal had these gowns tested and, in fact the results were disastrous for kimberly- clark. >> cooper: what do you mean, "disastrous?" >> avenatti: well, if you look through the report, you'll see that 77% of the gowns that were tested failed. >> cooper: 77%? >> avenatti: 77%. >> cooper: at hospitals like u.f. health in jacksonville, florida, we found surgeons who told us they repeatedly experienced strike-through, with blood getting through their gowns and onto their skin.
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some surgeons were so upset about it they took pictures of their bloody arms and gowns and sent them to the company. did you receive complaints from nurses, from surgeons at all? >> vezeau: on these gowns? >> cooper: yeah. >> vezeau: oh, frequently. on a very frequent basis. >> cooper: what kind of complaints? >> vezeau: oh, complaints of strike-through, sleeves falling off, ties falling off. >> cooper: sleeves falling off. >> vezeau: sleeves falling off. sleeves falling off during a procedure. >> cooper: were you at meetings where these problems were discussed? >> vezeau: every time. we were the ones who were telling senior management the problems that we were having. >> cooper: and what was their response? >> vezeau: well, it's-- i remember the response one time from the c.o.o was, "nobody really cares about this. nobody really cares about surgical gowns." >> chris lowery: yeah, that-- that's-- that's just not true. >> cooper: chris lowery is the "c.o.o." vezeau was talking about, the chief operating officer of halyard health. did you sell protective equipment for ebola that you knew was defective? >> lowery: no. and frankly, i-- i-- i think the allegations aren't based in the facts. >> cooper: you're saying they're completely false?
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>> lowery: yes. we get less than one complaint for every million gowns sold. and even more so is we've never received even one report of a health care professional contracting an infection as a result of a flaw in our product. >> cooper: lowery says bernard vezeau didn't raise his concerns until after he left the company; vezeau says he was fired because he was vocal about the problems. the company also questions the motives of this man, keith edgett, the former head of research and engineering for the gowns. in this video deposition, edgett expresses the same concerns as vezeau about what was going on at the company. >> keith edgett: i believe that they were putting customers in harm's way, and i was struggling with that. >> cooper: i want to show you the-- the results of a test performed by intertek labs. it shows that 77% of your microcool gowns failed one or both of the sleeves. >> lowery: yeah. >> cooper: 77% is a lot. >> lowery: anderson, it's-- it's-- it's very important to put this-- this cardinal test data into context.
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first-- extreme outlier test results. we had never seen test data that reflected anything like this before, or for that matter since. >> cooper: halyard showed us its own test results from independent laboratories. the reports show the sleeves passed some of the time, and failed at others, but chris lowry says they passed far more than they failed, and when they failed it was at much lower rates than the cardinal test suggests. for the test in february 13, 18 out of 85 samples fail. that's 21%. >> lowery: we have to look at a test failure in the context of all the tests that are passing. >> cooper: but you-- you have failures in the product. you're still selling the product. and you don't inform the f.d.a. and you're not informing customers? >> lowery: it-- it-- it's-- it's important to understand that the no manufacturing process is perfect. you take that into-- >> cooper: but these failures were above the industry standard. you're allowed a certain amount of failures. when you actually fail a test, though, that's above the failure rate that's already built in. >> lowery: and-- and in the
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testing that we completed after the cardinal testing, we-- we believe that we were fully compliant with our requirements for the product as it had been cleared. >> avenatti: is that what he told you? >> cooper: yeah. >> avenatti: evidently he forgot the 11th commandment. >> cooper: which is? >> avenatti: do not lie to "60 minutes." >> cooper: the company had shown us this march 2013 lab report as part of its proof the gowns passed the test. but attorney michael avenatti says that's not what really happened. >> avenatti: they claim to have submitted 79 samples and 75 passed. >> cooper: they said they passed, yeah. >> avenatti: well, they didn't pass; they failed because they didn't submit 79 samples. they submitted 85 samples and, in fact, six of the samples weren't even tested because the sleeves were so bad. the lab took them out of the package and they were so bad that they didn't even test them. because it was obvious what was going to happen. >> cooper: and they didn't include that in as failures? >> avenatti: no, they didn't. and, in fact-- i mean, i brought
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the document that shows it. it's a spread sheet prepared internally at kimberly-clark. >> cooper: "six failed, not tested due to unsealed seams." lot fails. you're saying this is an example of fuzzy math? >> avenatti: no, this isn't fuzzy math; this is fraud. >> cooper: when we asked halyard about this, the company acknowledged it had not told us about those untested samples but denied it was trying to deceive us. the company says even if a sleeve seam fails, the risk of a doctor or nurse getting infected is extremely low. >> lowery: they would have to have some type of cut that would allow transmission. the defect would have to be in that exact place. the surgeon would have not covered the cut or abrasion as they should have per their procedure. there's so many factors that have to align for that to occur. >> dr. sherry wren: i think it's really easy for him to say that. but he's not the guy doing it.
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>> cooper: dr. sherry wren is a vice chair of surgery at stanford university school of medicine. >> wren: the bottom line is, is he going to stand there and volunteer to let me paint some hepatitis c blood on his arms and on his stomach? probably not is going to be my guess. >> cooper: and you've had hepatitis c blood on your arms and on your stomach? >> wren: of course. >> cooper: dr. wren specializes in gastro-intestinal surgery, and is co-author of guidelines for surgeons operating on patients with ebola. she has no connection to the lawsuit against halyard, but she does wear microcool gowns for procedures like this one, in which she knew the person she was operating on had hepatitis c. shortly after we recorded this surgery, dr. wren told us she got blood on her arms and hands three times, while wearing three different microcool gowns and operating on another patient who also had hepatitis c. we've been told that as long as your skin is intact, you're okay. >> wren: actually with that case i finished operating at 5:00 in the morning and i looked down at my hand.
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and i realized i had eroded off a callus. so i had ripped my own skin in the o.r. >> cooper: it does matter then to you that these gowns are impervious? >> wren: yes. of course it matters. do i really want to have somebody else's infected bodily fluids on my body? no, i do not. >> cooper: internal documents we obtained suggest the company knew for a long time that it had a problem. which is why we wanted to ask the c.o.o. chris lowery about this november 2014 powerpoint presentation that identifies a year-and-a-half "gap in sleeve seams passing" the industry test. we've been told that in november of 2014, a timeline was presented. and your own people acknowledged that there was a year and a half period in which the sleeve seams didn't pass the test, which demonstrates the gown is impervious. is that true? >> lowery: it's not. >> cooper: this is the presentation and on the second page it says-- >> lowery: yeah. >> cooper: --gap in sleeve seams passing astm 1671.
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and it shows a year and a half gap. >> lowery: yeah, anderson, if-- if-- if it's okay, i've not seen this presentation, to my recollection. and-- and so i don't think that it's appropriate, particularly out of any context, to-- to react to it. >> cooper: do you think stuff like this happens- >> lowery: i-- i think-- and anderson, probably from a time perspective, if you don't mind-- >> cooper: you want to stop? >> lowery: yeah, i mean, i think that we probably-- i think we've spent the time that we agreed to. and team? >> cooper: after our interview, halyard told us it was not required to meet new, more- stringent testing criteria during that gashown on the timeline. by january 2015, the company says it had new sealing machines in place to improve the quality of its sleeves. but before the new machines were up and running, the company sold thousands of microcool gowns to the c.d.c.'s strategic national stockpile of medical supplies, for use in future outbreaks and emergencies.
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are federal or state authorities looking into this at all? >> avenatti: i can't comment on that. they certainly should be because forget about the civil liability-- this is criminal conduct. >> cooper: in its most recent annual report, halyard health said it had been "served with a subpoena" that is related to "a united states department of justice investigation." the justice department and the food and drug administration, which regulates medical devices, declined to comment further. the company's said to us basically, there's no evidence that anybody got sick or-- or died directly related to a failure of any gowns. if it was so egregious wouldn't there be many cases or even one clear case that you could point to that says, "look, there was this failure of a gown and this doctor became infected with ebola or hiv or any other disease?" >> avenatti: until now why would any doctor or nurse have any reason to question kimberly- clark's representations regarding the effectiveness of
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this gown. this story may, in fact, be the first time that physicians and nurses who have contracted disease take a step back and say, "you know, maybe that's how i got it." >> cooper: since our story first aired, one of the people we interviewed-- former marketing director bernard vezeau-- has passed away. in april, after a nine-day trial, a los angeles jury found kimberly-clark and halyard health liable for fraud and awarded $454 million in damages. both companies say they'll challenge the decision in court. >> this cbs sports update is brought to you by ford division. world golf championship bridgestone invitational. a 25-year-old from japan tied the course record with 61, winning by five shots. nfl news, jay cutler reportedly has come out of retirement and
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whom would agree that marino's appearance is actually one of the least interesting things about him. at first glance, you might mistake him for the bouncer at a leather bar, a professional wrestler or the front man for a village people tribute band. but here in paris, at a reception for the biennale, one of the oldest art and antique fairs in the world... >> peter marino: hi! how are you, madame reza? >> kroft: ...peter marino is instantly recognized... >> woman: i'm a big fan of yours. >> marino: oh, thank you. thank you, madam. >> kroft: ...and actively courted by people you might think would run the other way. >> man: master! >> kroft: but behind the threatening, "keep your distance" faccçade... >> marino: ( speaking in french ) >> reporter: an amusing, ironic, highly accomplished artist and businessman with a sensitive soul. his talents are demonstrated in the beauty and breadth of his design work and architecture, and contradict his carefully considered public image of a
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beast on a motorcycle. people make first judgments about people based on their appearance. there's an old saying, "the clothes make the man." >> marino: how about the older statement, "don't judge a book by its cover"? >> kroft: but you want people to judge you by this look. this is your look. >> marino: absolutely not. it's a decoy. >> kroft: a decoy. >> marino: sure. would you think you're talking to a bright architect looking at a guy like me? >> kroft: the arts and fashion worlds have always had a high tolerance for eccentricity. take tom wolfe and his white suits, karl lagerfeld's dark glasses and fingerless gloves, and lady gaga. >> on your left! >> kroft: there is no question that marino's signature look has made him one of a handful of living architects actually recognized by the media. one of your good friends said that you like the shock value. like, you like the fact that people say, "what's with him?" >> marino: i like more the fact that i like to think out of the box. thinking out of the box goes
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along with dressing out of the box and living out of the box. if you want to come up with a really originally design idea and you want to capture a whole nedegn direction, peaps the st way to rive at that is not by acting and thinking and doing like everybody else. that's all. >> kroft: if the getup was simply a publicity gimmick, marino would have disappeared decades ago. his work would not be regularly featured in "architectural digest" and other glossy magazines. and the firm that bears his name would not be occupying two floors and 16,000 square feet of some of the most expensive office space in new york which is furnished with museum quality artwork all from marino's private collection-- paintings and sculpture, modern art and antiquities, all juxtaposed in perfect harmony. this is quite a room. >> marino: yeah. ( laughs ) >> kroft: quite a reception area. what is this piece? >> marino: this is 2003, anselm
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kiefer. >> kroft: and this? >> marino: this is gandharan. third century, a.d. >> kroft: gandharan? >> marino: yeah. it's from gandhara, and it's the region just on the silk road where the chinese culture and the indian culture just met with the greek culture. >> kroft: art is at the center of marino's universe, and his knowledge of it is encyclopedic. he not only collects it, he curates it and commissions it for his projects. it covers nearly every inch of wall space and is here, he says, not to impress his clients but to inspire the staff of 150 designers and architects with whom he turns out between 50 and 100 projects a year. >> marino: design-wise, i look at everything. if i don't personally design it, i'll review it. i'm kind of creative director of the firm. >> kroft: you're a bit of a control freak. >> marino: you'd have to ask the staff for that. ( laughs ) >> kroft: bordering on the tyrannical. >> marino: you'd have to confirm that with the staff. ( laughs ) >> kroft: do you see yourself as a tyrannical boss? >> marino: no. i only care about the work.
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and i'm not tyrannical personally in any way, shape or form, but i am absolutely passionate about the quality of the work. >> kroft: and so are the clients that can afford him, who mostly come from the world's wealthiest 0.001%, encompassing the glitterati and the emirati. >> marino: this is a residential project we're building on the top of los angeles. it's a large site assembled from over seven homes. and this is in construction. >> kroft: and what is this structure?>>arino: this is for e subterranean parking. >> kroft: and this is a private home? >> marino: this is a private home. it's... >> kroft: and you can you tell us anything about the owner? >> marino: no. ( laughs ) >> kroft: it's marino's default answer. he won't comment about his clients, which have reportedly included the likes of multi- billionaires david geffen and david koch as well as gisele bundchen and tom brady. this home in milan, we're told, was done for giorgio armani.
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>> marino: i like my clients. all of my clients say, "peter, you're talented, but your best virtue is your discretion." they really don't want to be talked about. >> kroft: this hamptons' beach house was designed for a young hedge fund manager and his wife, and this ski chalet in lebanon with ocean views for a swiss banker. but for every private client marino won't speak about, somewhere in the world he is unveiling a project that is the talk of the town. >> wow! >> kroft: like boontheshop, a multi-brand luxury shopping center that takes up two downtown blocks in seoul, south korea. no expense was spared. >> marino: it's all white greek marble. these are trapezoids, like they fell to space. it's an interesting building because the entire inside is rough concrete. >> kroft: he says it was built for the family that controls samsung. i mean, it's fair to say you work with some of the richest people in the world, right? >> marino: yes. >> kroft: do they need to be treated a different way?
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>> marino: if they need to be treated a different way, no one's told me. ( laughs ) i... i remember... ( laughs ) ...when i was meeting certain royal families, if i had to behave a certain way. like, "you better tell me what i'm supposed to say and do." ( laughs ) they went, "the way you look, it doesn't really matter. just be yourself." and i went, "okay, okay." >> kroft: those partnerships can produce some unusual optics. we watched this meeting with sidney toledano, the c.e.o. of christian dior, who is one of marino's biggest clients and biggest fans. they have collaborated on dozens of dior boutiques all over the world. toledano is used to working with big egos and difficult people but says marino is not one of them. >> toledano: i never had the impression that he w complicated because he always finds the solution, and he's very professional. >> kroft: how important is he to your business?
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or how important has he been to your business? >> toledano: he has been key. don't tell him. ( laughs ) >> kroft: he understands dior. >> toledano: he understands dior. >> kroft: toledano sees marino's look as an artistic presentation of his personality. he doesn't even mind the fact that marino also works for most of his competitors. >> marino: this is a new building we'll be building for chanel. >> kroft: so you've got chanel up here. you've got... >> marino: louis vuitton. >> kroft: ...louis vuitton. who else? >> marino: dior, hublot, zegna. we do zegna world-wide. we do bulgari. we're opening a new one in london in december. fendi, if you just saw the fendi on 57th and madison. >> kroft: for decades, marino has been the architect of choice for nearly all of the top fashion designers and luxury brands and is widely credited with re-imagining the use of retail space, moving away from boxy department stores and into elegant boutiques. his work lines the most conspicuous avenues and boulevards of the world. it's a third of his business.
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every store is unique, and each one distills the essence and the look of the company it was built for-- a sense of travel and luxury for louis vuitton, the timeless classic look for chanel. how did you get them to all come to you? >> marino: it's the old question, "oh, why do they all go to you?" steve, would you go to a knee doctor who had done two knee operations if you need an operation or one who had done 300 successfully? who would you go to? that's why they come to me. >> kroft: marino's work ethic and personality are rooted in queens, the new york neighborhood where he was born 67 years ago, the only son in a middle-class italian family. in high school, he excelled in art and graduated from cornell university in 1971 with a degree in architecture. he learned the trade from the very best, serving apprenticeships with i.m. pei; and skidmore, owings & merrill. but he picked up the ways of the wealthy and the value of
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celebrity from another master, artist andy warhol, who always considered business one of the finer forms of art. he certainly knew how to get attention. >> marino: the blonde wig. dude, that was so good. the... the... ( laughs ) the blonde wig, that's pretty hard to beat. >> kroft: marino did some early work for warhol and hung out at his new york studio called "the factory," which was a magnet for music and movie stars, socialites and royalty. bob colacello was the editor of warhol's "interview" magazine when marino first walked through the door. what was he like? >> colacello: he had little bow ties, and he was very properly dressed, you know. and he was funny. he was talented. you could see that right away. >> kroft: colacello, now a contributing editor at "vanity fair" magazine, and isabel rattazzi, a former model and longtime friend of marino, think he has changed very little from those ironic factory days of campbell soup cans and pop art parodies of fame.
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>> colacello: peter fed right into that. i mean, we were all on the same sort of wavelength, you know. >> kroft: tongue-in-cheek. >> colacello: tongue-in-cheek. a lot of what we were doing was very tongue-in-cheek. peter, i think, is still very tongue-in-cheek. >> rattazzi: totally. he's enjoying it. it's a way to have fun at other people's expenses sometimes. ( laughs ) i think peter deep down, more than anything, is an artist. he has an incredible sense of aesthetics. he loves beauty and anything, and art and music. >> kroft: it's on display at rino's 12-re estate where every summer there is a lavish party for friends to introduce young and up-and-coming classical musicians. it's hosted by peter and jane trapnell, his waspy wife of 33 years, a charming and accomplished costume designer who friends say is an essential part of the equation. >> marino: she's too smart to be interviewed. ( laughs ) >> kroft: but you've been married a long time?
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>> marino: 33 years, yeah. yeah, it's great. >> kroft: you don't look like the perfect couple, if you know what i mean. >> marino: ( laughs ) it's a good marriage because each of us is what we are, allows the other one to be themselves and appreciates each other for the right reason. you know, it's rare that you'll find two people who don't try to change the other person and let everyone be what they are. >> kroft: what's this? the only other constant in marino's life, as you may have guessed, are motorcycles, his latest prominently displayed on the project board. >> marino: this is my super duke k.t.m. 1290. it's very fast. you're supposed to say, "does jane sit on the back?" ( laughs ) >> kroft: does jane sit on the back? ( laughs ) >> marino: absolutely not. she's in the back of a... of a car and driver with the two dogs. ( laughter ) >> kroft: marino finds cars claustrophobic. he has a half a dozen bikes, has ridden them all over the country
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and regularly uses them to commute between new york and his home on long island. it's his release and the core of his identity. alone on the road, where he can take in the air and the light and the space-- all part of living life outside the box. >> more on peter marino, also what do you say to a parent who has lost a child? scott pelley on what he learned in newtown at sponsored by lyrica. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain these feet... jumped into city life as a kid... ...raised two rough and tumble boys... ...and kept my town moving. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away
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>> kroft: i'm steve kroft. we'll be back next week with another edition of "60 minutes." captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. severe rheumatoid arthritis. just and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain
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