tv CBS Weekend News CBS August 19, 2017 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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michelle. kickoff 7:00, and at 6:00 we'll have more. >> and cbs evening news is coming up next. we'll see you back here at six. captioning sponsored by cbs >> ninan: dueling rallies in heart of boston. right-wing demonstrators and thousands marching against hate fill the streets. the protests are mostly peaceful but skirmishes break out. also tonight, police in the line bu fire. six officers are shot, two fatally in florida and pennsylvania. terror in spain-- the hunt for the suspected ringleader. things are looking up-- way up-- for business owners in this sclipse town. >> reporter: are you going to run out of beer? that would be, like, a major eerblem, probably, for people. >> we're concerned. >> ninan: and, time takes its toll on big ben. the famous clock tower is about to fall silent for repairs. ( bell tolling ) >> that is the reason safety officials say they had to shut big ben down.
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this is the "cbs weekend news." >> ninan: good evening. i'm reena ninan, and this is the western edition of our broadcast. one week after the deadly violence in charlottesville, it was a tense day of demonstrations in boston. 40,000 people in the streets. right-wing activists rally for free speech. counter-protesters marched against hate. police tried to keep the peace by separating the crowds, but several skirmishes broke out. the dueling demonstrations took place in and around boston common, the nation's oldest park, dating back to 1634. demarco morgan is there. >> reporter: police were forced to push crowds back after thousands marched more than two heles, condemning nazis and white nationalists with signs and chants. >> no fascists, no k.k.k., no oacist u.s.a. >> reporter: the march started r roxbury and ended in boston common where about 100 conservative activists gathered for the boston free speech rally. police designated separate areas
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for the two groups. >> u.s.a.! >> reporter: but there were some skirmishes... >> stop it! >> reporter: ...while a trump orpporter had to be escorted to bfety by police. emily daniels and kyle snyder- drummond marched against the rally. thy was it important to come tst? oughy parents didn't go through and were raised in a segregationist south for me to have to march against frickin' nazis today. ai if nobody opposes these people, it emboldens them, and they think it's somehow okay to ldenacist. >> reporter: organizers planned the boston free speech rally before neo-nais, white supremacists and others marched in charlottesville last weekend... >> blood and soil! >> reporter: ...for a unite the right rally that turned violent. stephen mcgrath attended the boston rally. hesays he fought for the right to free speech during three eours in afghanistan. >> when somebody is speaking their opinion, i believe everybody should listen to their opinion. and if you don't have the same views, then argue it with them. et doesn't mean it has to be
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itysical. you have a very calm debate. this is what this country was founded on. >> reporter: least 25 people were arrested. some through bottles of urine, eshers threw rocks and traffic cones at police officers. and reena, one protesters was arrested with a gun and bullet- proof vest. >> ninan: demarco morgan, thank you for that. in north carolina today, duke university removed a statue of a confederate general, robert e. lee. that was days after it was vandalized. the statue of lee was at the center of the violent clashes in charlottesville last weekend. president trump's response to the deadly chaos in charlottesville began a week of controversy. it ended with another white house shake-up. yesterday, mr. trump parted ways with his chief strategist, steve bannon. here's errol barnett. >> reporter: the day after the white house announced his departure, president trump thanked former chief strategist steve bannon, saying he would be a tough and smart new voice at brietbart news. e i like mr. bannon, he's a friend of mine. but mr. bannon came on very late. >> reporter: earlier in the week, the president downplayed their relationship, and bannon's
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role in the 2016 campaign. >> i went through 17 senators, governors, and i won all the primaries. he. bannon came on very much later than that. >> reporter: as one of mr. trump's first white house hires, bannon arrived with a nationalist agenda, helping to craft the travel ban and nce uence china trade policy. >> if you think they're going to give you your country back bacout a fight, you are sadly mistaken. every day-- ( applause ) every day, it is going to be a fight. >> reporter: in a statement friday the white house said only dhat bannon's ouster was "mutually agreed upon" between him and chief of staff john kelly, but recent statements to the press in which bannon enntradicted the president on north korea and openly disparaged those in the edministration did not help. toesident trump was also said to be irritated by joshua green's book, "devil's bargain," in which bannon is credited for the election win. >> he characterized it as amicable.
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>> reporter: bannon spoke to hisn about his plans, now that atis back at brietbart. >> bannon told me he is going to war for trump-- not against umump, for trump-- against his enemies on capitol hill. >> reporter: and in a further sign of difficulties for the president, today, the white house announced that he and the first lady will not attend the kennedy center honors. some honorees were planning to boycott the white house reception of the event because hatwhat they describe as ribesive rhetoric from the president. reena. >> ninan: errol, thank you for that. six police officers found themselves in the line of fire lvesay night. two officers were ambushed and killed in kissimmee, florida, four were shot in jacksonville, florida and western pennsylvania. roxana saberi has the latest. r: reporter: police in kissimmee, florida say when two of their officers responded to a poll friday night in an area ghown for drug activity, they known hot in what may have been ey ambush. kissimmee police chief jeff o'dell: >> it breaks my heart to have to ffeak to you tonight about another senseless tragedy.
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>> reporter: officer matthew baxter was killed. sergeant sam howard died saturday from his injuries. everett glenn miller was mirested and charged. enesident trump tweeted, "my thoughts and prayers are with ae kissimmee police and their kived ones. we are with you." later in jacksonville, florida, two police officers were shot and wounded. the suspect was killed. oso on friday night, two pennsylvania state police troopers were shot outside a grocery store south of y ttsburgh. state police say the troopers returned fire, killing the shooter. one trooper was treated and waseased. the other is in serious condition. the tragic night for police comes just after the f.b.i. reported that 26 law enforcement officers were killed so far this year as a result of criminal acts. g> it's getting tough to do the e'b that we've all sworn to protect and uphold and-- and maintain livable neighborhoods, keep people safe, and, you know, yoese senseless acts are going on. ss reporter: the kissimmee
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tficers are believed to be the 27th and 28th killed this year. the f.b.i. says last year, 66 officers were murdered, the highest in a decade. reena, most of those fatalities were caused by firearms. ms ninan: the highest in a hecade? roxana, thank you for that report. well, nearly three days after repon was hit by twin terror attacks, the suspected ringleader is still on the loose. ea people were killed, including e. american. more than 120 were injured. seth doane is following the investigation. >> reporter: spanish authorities say they're making progress investigating the terrorist cell of at least 12 people behind the twin vehicle attacks. today, spain's interior minister raid the cell had been dismantled. olicpolice work continues, both in the town of alcanar, where a destroyed home may have been a anmb factory; and in ripoll, which is about 60 miles north of barcelona. that's where a number of the suspects lived. police searched the apartment of
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an imam in ripoll who it said could have been a radicalizing force. regional police say they're still trying to find 22-year-old younes abouyaaqoub, who spanish media reports may have been the driver of that van in barcelona. security footage from a museum on las ramblas briefly shows the van careening by. ven slowed down, it gives a sense of the speed at which it was traveling. were you surprised an attack hke this could happen in spain? >> no. >> reporter: why not? >> because it's very easy to do these attacks. >> reporter: this international afairs professor at the university of barcelona was taken aback by something else. >> there is one, 17 years old. he is a baby. >> reporter: that 17-year-old is moussa oukabir, seen in a leaked police document, which reveals the other suspected baby faces of terror in spain. despite saying they were making progress on the investigation and determining not to raise the
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threat level, today, spain's riterior minister said that they would be stepping up security at sensitive sites and places tes anr with tourists. reena. >> ninan: seth doane in barcelona, thank you, seth. more than 50 people injured in the attacks are still in the hospital. tibora patta has more on the deboims. >> reporter: in barcelona, the makeshift memorial has become a elace where people from around the world gather to mourn those killed in thursday's attack. among the dead, american jared tucker, who was celebrating his tirst wedding anniversary in spain with his wife, heidi nunes. nunes was also seriously injured in the attack. back home in california, friends dnd family held their own prayer service. nunes' mother, linda, spoke to her daughter shortly after the attack. >> she was crying, of course. ehe was devastated. she lost the love of her life, ckerknow.
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and it shouldn't have happened. >> reporter: tucker's father, dan, is also struggling to cope with the fact that he will never see his son alive again. >> we had a fishing trip planned a the 30th, a wedding to go on the second of september, and-- and it is just hard to snderstand that that's never going to happen. >> reporter: a number of those killed here in barcelona have still not been accounted for. some of the families of missing people are making the agonizing trip here to the city in the hope of being reunited with their loved ones. debora patta, cbs news, barcelona. >> ninan: here in the u.s., millions are getting ready for the great american eclipse on monday. ramie yuccas is in madras, oregon, a small town gearing up for its big day in the sun-- and moon. er reporter: madras is the epicenter for eclipse watchers in oregon. families are coming to solar- fest to get glasses, and to fearn. are you excited to see the eclipse? why? >> because sun!
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and the moon. >> reporter: thousands are headed here. spectators, entertainers, and vendors are all packing the small agriculture town. madras has a better chance for fear skies than anywhere else erong the line of totality. mayor royce embank. you guys have never seen anything like this before. >> no, no. the most we've seen, probably was maybe 10,000 at the air show, and that was over a two- ay period. >> reporter: so you're multiplying it by 10. >> i know, i know. t n't that neat? >> reporter: it wasn't just neat t lysa vattimo, who the city hired to plan. the eclipse was an opportunity. >> there's a hustle and a bustle and kind of an excitement and an anticipation. nt reporter: in downtown madras there's a new clothing store. an arts and crafts store reopened as a wine and craft beer store. do you feel like you are prepared? are you going to run out of beer? that would be like, a major problem, probably, for people. aj we're concerned. pr reporter: are you, really? businesses hope tourists come esck after the eclipse.
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erey do have the attention of the world. show me again where you're from? 'retamborine mountain. >> reporter: hotels started relling out months ago. so did campgrounds. >> we will never know how many cme. there's no way of actually counting how many people will come. we know there will be a lot, and we have planned for 100,000. >> reporter: the madras airport is so busy, that at some points there are planes landing every three minutes. unfortunately, a little bit earlier a small plane did crash. we don't know how the pilot is we have confirmed two people on board that plane died. many witnesses say the prielt was trying to make an approach and land on the runway when the plane stalled. reena >> ninan: jamie, thank you very much. gll, if someone hits the powerball jackpot tonight it's likely they won't be going to work on monday. it's up to $535 million, with a cash payout option topping $340 million. it's the eighth largest prize in u.s. lottery history. coming up, a historic african american church still healing dlom a deadly hate attack two years ago.
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>> ninan: the congregation of charleston's emanuel a.m.e. church is still healing from a white supremacist attack two years ago that left nine people dead. chip reid spoke to the members of the church about last week's deadly violence in charlottesville. >> and i thank god for his-- who said it? grace. >> reporter: at mother emanuel church in charleston, the healing will never end. >> everything that went on is going to continue to go on. we have to break that cycle. >> reporter: parishioners here know how hate can impact a community, but they continue to preach forgiveness, despite the wounds that were ripped open here over two years ago when dylann roof opened fire on a bible study class, much like this one. >> each time we come back here, we come back to a crime scene. we have to get through that every day. >> reporter: willie glee and cynthia amos have attended mother emanuel for years.
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the white supremacy march in charlottesville, did it bring back what happened here for you? >> so you have a nation that does a lot of talk about race, does a lot of talk about social justice, but very few people are doing anything about it. >> some people just get crazy, and they don't realize that what they're doing to their brother or their sister. and it bothers me. >> reporter: it hurts. ,> yes, it does. >> the answer is always right in front of us. >> reporter: pastor eric manning has been leading the church since last june. >> blood and soil! >> reporter: he says that despite the painful rhetoric, ehose spreading hate can be redeemed. >> we think about the song ngmazing grace," right, and penned by a former slave trader. >> reporter: and sung by? y? and sung by everyone. ♪ amazing grace
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>> president obama, of course, sang it at the eulogy as well. ♪ how sweet the sound >> so, surely people can change. the question is, are we going to be an agent for that change? spere we going to further spew the negative hatred that we know does not do anyone any good. ter:eporter: a lesson learned from agonizing experience, both here and in charlottesville. chip reid, cbs news, charleston, south carolina. >> ninan: still ahead, cyber ranrts warn that ransom attacks on american hospitals could soon become much more serious. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can take on psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and
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from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. >> ninan: the medical industry has become the number one target for hackers. cber crooks can sell credit card numbers for about 15 cents each, but someone's medical records, that could be worth rendred of dollars. for our special series "cbsn: on assignment," i visited a hospital in buffalo, new york, where hackers, demanding ransom, took down the computer systems for six weeks. so i'm here at erie county medical center, it's a level-one trauma center. their entire system was hacked.
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the medical industry is the new number one target for hackers. almost all u.s. health care organizations have reported at least one cyberattack, and the ericest american hospital hacked this year was this facility in buffalo. >> all the screens were black. all the computer screens were nsrned off. >> ninan: that's pretty ominous, all black screen. >> everything we had normally wed was essentially unplugged from the system. >> ninan: dr. jennifer pugh runs the e.r. .he was on staff the morning hackers sent this ransomware message, demanding $44,000 in the cyber currency bitcoin to unlock hospital data being held hostage. they went back to pen and paper for six weeks, until the systems were back online. >> i think it's-- it's disgusting. they're attacking some of the most vulnerable members of society by coming after a hospital. >> this is a form of terrorism. urese are criminals.
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in our case, we decided not to-- to pay that ransom, but make no mistake about it-- this definitely affected our urganization, and it's going to oost us a-- you know, a lot of money in the long run. >> reporter: thomas quatroche is ahe hospital c.e.o. n's. government has a long- tanding policy when terrorists kidnap americans-- you don't pay a ransom. welld that be the same case when they steal medical records? >> well, i think everybody hospital has to make their own decision. so let me tell you why we didn't. it was a matter of integrity for the institution. >> ninan: reg harnish leads the cyber-security firm that got the system back online. he says attacks like these are just the beginning. >> i think it gets a little tarier from here, honestly. imagine that physicians, scarical staff, nurses, came in one day and instead of the data liing encrypted or unavailable, it was all wrong-- prescriptions, allergies, which leg to amputate. imagine that all of the data in ata e.m.r. was just wrong, and you didn't know which data was wrong.
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>> ninan: you can see my full wrport on the next "cbsn on on gnment" monday night, right are on cbs, and also on cbsn. up next, london's historic big storicock is about to fall silent. silent. that's cool. looking fabulous in my little black dress? that's cool. getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime? that's coolsculpting. coolsculpting is the only fda-cleared non-invasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. visit today and register for a chance to win a free treatment.
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xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a once-daily pill. ask about xeljanz xr. >> ninan: >> ninan: we end tonight at a ndndon landmark, the historic clock tower big ben. it's falling silent on monday to undergo repairs. instead of tolling every hour as it has since 1859-- with a few exceptions-- the bell will take
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illour-year break. here's charlie d'agata. ( bell tolling ) >> reporter: it's a battle that's come to be known as "the silence of the bongs." triggered after the government gnnounced big ben would stop ringing for four years. >> for four years? you're having a laugh. i mean, four years. imjust-- i simply don't it'rstand it. >> reporter: it's no joke. and that reaction from politician stephen pound is typical of those chiming in. salth and safety officials insist calling time-out on big ben is the only way to protect the hearing of those working on the restoration of the tower. ( bell tolling loudly ) that is the reason safety officials say they had to shut big ben down. there's no way work crews would aerate anywhere here with that going off.
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carried out far away from the but most of the work will be belfry. one politician suggested telling darl "poor little darlings" to put headphones on. critics say safety bureaucrats managed something even the german luftwaffe couldn't do-- stop the bells tolling. t but big ben refused to stop brk for a second, even if his d, es did shake a bit. >> it's a fact that, during the acrk days of the blitz, when death was raining down from the heavens, the house of commons itself got hit, the bells enrried on. the bells are the chimes of freedom. bureporter: but come monday oon, the bells will carry on no anre, and then, the silence really will be deafening. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. >> ninan: charlie tells us, until the year 2021, big ben will only toll on special pecisions like new year's eve, but it will continue to tell ear'. and that's the "cbs weekend news" for this saturday. i'm reena ninan in new york. thank you for joining us. good night.
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a deadly plane crash.. near the epicenter of monday's eclipse. we've just learned: the small aircraft . now at 6, breaking news out of oregon. a deadly plane crash near the epicenter of monday's eclipse. we learned the small aircraft is registered to a bay area man. plus, a bay area mayor, why he said the whole housing authority needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. >> and the 49ers take on the broncos one hour you from new here -- from new here on kpix 5. i'm brian hackney. >> i'm jewel it goodrich. we'll have more -- juliette goodrich. we'll have more on the countdown to football at 7:00. >> and we'll see you in a moment. first, new information on the breaking news we reported
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at 5 tonight. two people have been killed in a plane crash from oregon. plane went down about a mile from the airport in madras, organization oh, where hundreds of thousands -- oregon, where hundreds of thousands of people are expected to turn out to watch the total sole solar eclipse on monday. the plane took off this morning from the san carlos airport. katie neilsen is live with more. >> reporter: i talked to people here at the airport who are familiar with the plane. it was registered to mark rich of menlo park. the plane crashed before 2:00 this afternoon in willow creek canyon near the madras airport, about 100 miles southeast of portland. there are reports the pilot and passenger were trying to oregon to watch monday's, clips. according to faa records, the plane was a wheeler express, which is a home-built aircraft. the aviation experts we talked to say that does not
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