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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  September 30, 2017 5:00am-7:00am PDT

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captioning funded by cbs good moing. good morning. it's september 30, 2017. welcome to cbs this morning, saturday. dropping price over the cost, the white house announces the departure of tom price after the secretary of health and human services spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars on private jets. why more resignations could follow. plus ten days after the storm, puerto rico struggles to fulfill basic human needs. we have the latest on the humanitarian crisis. after nearly a decade behind
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bars, o.j. simpson may be just hours away from release. we'll take a look at life once he gets out. plus gorgeous vineyards and delicious wines, but this new hot bed for vino is nowhere you would expect. we're going to take you to japan to explain the surge in sales. we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. it appears that the president just could no longer handle this controversy. >> pricey flights cost the health secretary his job. >> he racked up $1 million tabitha taxpayers are on the for. tab that taxpayers are on the for. >> i asked if they have milk by the baby. they do not. this is the first help they're seeing. >> everyone was given a bag with four bottles of water and snacks that the mayor says may have to last them two days.
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>> as far as puerto rico is going, that's been going really well. >> it's not a good job. it's a disgraceful job. united states warning americans to stay away from cuba. ordering half the diplomatic there to come home. geneva switzerland. took three years to kind of creep pi. >> check out this baby panda parade in china. >> a lot of cute right there. >> look at that. >> all that and odell beckham fined by the nfl. you had to imagine he knew it was coming. >> all that matters. >> deep right field. >> two on fire. and new record for rbis by lead-off man on cbs this morning, saturday. >> i genuinely think tom price is thinking what did i do wrong here? what about mnuchin, taking his bride.
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>> they're all using these jobs as sort of a luxury vacation. >> these guys should be sentenced to fly on spirit airlines forever in the middle seat in the last row by the toilets the one that doesn't recline in between an obese guy and a baby with an ear infection. welcome to the weekend. i'm anthony mason along with alex wagner. >> i've been next to the baby with the ear infection. >> we've all been there. we begin this morning with the latest shakeup in the trump administration. health and human services secretary tom price resigned after criticism of hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money on private charter flight sgls the president said he was disappointed by price and now those costly trips are heightening scrutiny of other
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administration officials. traveling with the president spending weekend at new jersey golf course. >> good morning. in a letter released last night, president trump's budget director sent a warning to all agency heads. be cautious of how you spend hard earned taxpayer dollars and seek approval for any aircraft. last thing president trump wants to be associated with is wasteful spending. >> i was disappointed because i didn't like it cosmetically or otherwise. >> president trump had harsh words to tom price friday afternoon, commentary that was followed by this letter in which the health and human services secretary stood down. in order for do you move forward without further disruption, he wrote, i'm officially tendering my resignation. >> i've heard the concerns. i've heard the criticisms. >> price the former georgia congressman had tried in vain to end the growing controversy around chartered travel offering to reimburse the government nearly $52,000.
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a fraction of more than $400,000 he spent on at least a dozen private flights since may. unwelcomed fact as the president tries to promote a new tax plan. >> that's unacceptable to me. >> price was already on shaky grounds with president trump. he was the administration official responsible for overseeing the gop's repeal and replace attempts which failed repeatedly. otherwise i'll say tom, you're fired. >> price isn't the only cabinet member under scrutiny for wasteful travel. according to information obtained, scott pruitt spent nearly $670,000 on commercial when cheaper alternatives were available. also under fire secretary steve mnuchin and ryan zinke who tried to defend himself. >> every time i travel, i submit the travel plan to the ethics
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department that evaluated line by line. becomes acting secretary to hhs until a replacement is chosen. >> traveling with the president. for more on this we turn to gji. as he suggested. it may have been more than just the travel problems. this may go back to actually the failure to repeal obamacare. >> i think tom price was on a very short lease with president trump already because he hadn't been able to get this through. this may have been an excuse to sort of push him over the line. >> we heard you mention, there are other members of the cabinet now in question. steve mnuchin, ryan zin ky. having the same issues, it was almost like you can't just
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eliminate tom price to get rid of the problem. so maybe he wouldn't get rid of anyone. now we're going to see how long this goes. we did see yesterday afternoon, the head of office and management budget issued a memo saying this was no longer allowed. everyone must fly commercial, no matter how senior you are. >> jim, you wrote speaking of obamacare, the obamacare repeal will never die. what did you mean? >> a seven year promise doesn't just go way. it's foundational to the party right now. we've done five or six times process has gone through. they're going to try this again after tax reform. >> you mentioned tax reform. that's where the focus sort of shifted. we saw so much insiding when it came to obamacare and the republican party. do we expect this to pass easily or in for more of the same. >> we're in for more of the same. the question is i think that they recognize they have to get something done here.
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the failure with obamacare has hurt them with their base. they have to will this thing over the finish line. every tax break you eliminate has an army of lobbyist behind it. >> can they do it without democratic support. >> they can do it mathematically. it will make it a lot harder along party lines. if you try to get democrats, that's a risky opportunity. you would probably have to change legislation ways a lot of people in the caucus would have problems with. >> president talked about trying to do this with bipartisan support and reaching out. what's the possibility of that there. >> he has done a couple of rallies. gone to indiana where he did a rally with democratic senator, he did one in north dakota with heidi, i think he would like it. he gets headlines when he works on a bipartisan basis.
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i think congressional republicans are a little less sure. >> we saw some of this bipartisan love when steve scalice came back this week. can we expect working together, keeping in mind all that he has gone through and they have gone through. >> i think that may just be a nice moment. you know, when he was shot, it's sad to say, what you will learn from this and it didn't seem to be. >> same structural factors. same particularization that produces gridlock is there. just reminds members it doesn't need to be quite so personal. >> we appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> tomorrow morning on face the nation, john goes one-on-one with house speaker paul ryan. also speak with chuck schumer. cbs news contributor. humanitarian crisis in puerto rico. food, water, and relief supplies are trickling in to puerto rico ten days after hurricane maria crashed ashore as a category
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four storm crippling the island. nearly 1700 defense department personnel are on the island working to restore power and distribute aide. another 3,000 are expected in the next new days. >> fema says it has distributed more than two million meals around puerto rico. and telecommunications are now restored to about 30% of the island. on friday president trump touted the federal government relief effort. >> as far as puerto rico is concerned, that's been going really well. it's been total devastation. over 10,000 people in puerto rico right now. getting truck drivers because the people from puerto rico, the drivers just aren't there. looking for their homes. have a lot of other problems. likewise with the police force. i think it's going really well considering. ri rick. >> david begnaud in the capital where some are telling a different story.
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>> good morning. the puerto rican governor and federal officials have said the same thing since the beginning. >> we're doing the best we can given the situation and the resources we have. the acting head of the homeland security took it a step further this week and she said the aide response here on the island was a good news story and that sent the mayor of san juan over the edge. >> may day, we are in trouble. >> san juan mayor blasted the federal government's response in the aftermath of hurricane maria. >> we are dying here. and i cannot fathom the thought that the greatest nation in the world cannot figure out logistics for a small island of 100 miles by 35 miles long. >> nearly everyone on the island of 3.4 million people is still without power.
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and almost half have no running water. we saw it firsthand when we traveled to the western tip of puerto rico. >> we need help. onmoney. we need help. locals brought gallon jugs to fill with water from a truck. other people waited in line for hours to get four bottles of water and a few snacks and for some it may have to last a few days. people are using color ox containers to fill up for water. what happened to your house. this is jim. >> my roof blew off. i lost everything. >> do you have food. >> no. just a little bit. >> you're running out. >> i'm running out yeah. >> with many roads still impa e impassab impassable. the military is delivering aide by helicopter. on fridaying the acting homeland security director visited puerto rico and promised more help, but back in san juan, the mayor was pressuring the white house to speed it up. >> so i am asking the president
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of the united states to make sure somebody is in charge that is up to the task of saving lives. >> the official death count given by the government is 16. that number has been staying around 16 for the last five days. the governor is having a press conference this morning and plan to press him on that. we have heard from local officials in other places around the island the number is far higher. dana, we will get more information about that. let me also say this. ten days after the hurricane, people are still using social media to beg for help on behalf of their relatives who are here on this island. >> we just hope people are listening to it too. >> david begnaud, thank you. more help is on the way. friday the navy ship set sate. the ship is carrying a crew of 800 and can provide any medical procedure offered by a hospital. that should provide some relief from the medical crisis that is
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unfielding on the island. >> my insulin ends today and i need it to stay away. >> they don't take my insurance. >> they put so many obstacles to care. a group of local doctors set up very special house calls. first they take medical assessments at clinics and shelters. get needed prescriptions all filled at once. then pharmacists set up makeshift dispensaries. this one in a shelter outside san juan. robert is a volunteer helping walgreens pharmacist. >> antibiotics, insulin, you name it. >> two days a medical team was here. >> they saw the people. they wrote the prescriptions. they took the prescription back to the pharmacy.
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>> the prescriptions and then we get to the patient. >> so it's a full service house call like i've never heard of before. >> five-year-old martinez needed antibiotics for an infected mosquito bite. her mom. >> being a doctor coming here to take care of the little things. it's better that way. >> chris got insulin for his grandmother and immediately tested her blood sugar. >> it's high. 174. and that is really high for her% >> that's what can happen after days of no medicine. a story becoming increasingly common across the island. >> unlike the physical devastation, obvious all over the island, the medical devastation is often hidden. what's going on inside those apartments. so a major challenge remains figuring out who is suffering and what they need. for cbs this morning, saturday
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doctor john, san juan. following the devastation of hurricane katrina in 2005, our next guest authored a report on the federal government response. george w. bush's homeland adviser. >> what principally did you learn from looking at that? >> look, what you understand is the federal government is not equipped to be the first responder. it's never going to be. the first responder is the person in your local community. the problem in a devastating natural disaster is those people are also victims. they're not really in a position. they may be the most competent first responders that you've got, but they're not in a position. they've got families and homes to worry about. >> no bus drivers, no police, all at home trying to take care of family. >> we found in katrina, the quicker you surge forces that can actually act and put in place expedition nare logistics,
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the quicker you see a recovery. what does that mean? the people who are the best in the world are the u.s. military. right now 7200 troops there. they need thousands more. got the army corps of engineers. they will help in terms the of getting electricity, transmission and distribution. they need a lot more help now until they get on their feet. >> we heard praise from the administration after harvey and irma the way they handled things. we're hearing two different stories from puerto rico and the administration. what changed? >> he gets this. oftentimes you're getting the site of a natural disaster is reports are wrong. a. the people on the ground have the best information so the mayor and the governor know the best what their own constituents
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are dealing with. you have to defer to them. you have to listen to them and respond to their needs. the best example is the jones act. the foreign flag ships. they got all the commodities into puerto rico. they didn't need to waive the jones act. governor calls and said, look, you do and they did it right % away. that's a good example of you've have to listen to the people on the ground. >> you mentioned getting goods in. we've seen a lot of stuff stacked up at ports, but not able to get it out anywhere. we know there's a shortage of drivers. could that not have been anticipated. >> it's the right question. i don't think we have a good answer yet. we had a three star general at northern command in the united
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states overseeing the response and one star general on the ground sort of executing against the plan. i think what they see now the three star general on his way if he's not already arrived in puerto rico to evaluate the response and requirements. i would be surprised if he didn't say i need more troops in order to manage this distribution until puerto rico itself can get back on its feet. >> why did it take so long to get three star general in place. you mentioned before the army knows how to deal with this and they should be the ones. >> to be fair, my understanding from the white house is that three star general has been in place from the beginning, but he was managing sort of his role from the mainland u.s. and i think that the sort of adjustment has been they're going to send him down to understand better on the ground what they're requiring. >> as you were saying, you need to be there. >> thank you great perspective. coming up the next hour, more on the federal response to the humanitarian crisis in puerto rico. talk with "the washington post"
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whose article in this morning's paper is lost weekend. how trump's time at the golf course hurt the response to maria. wildfires on california central coast forced hundreds from their homes for hours friday. three brush fires threatened homes. nine hundred people were told to leave. cold wet weather helpedfire fieght put out the fire. for more on the nation's weather, joined by ed of our chicago station. wbdm tv. ed, good morning. good morning. we'll start in florida where we have low pressure system over the state. and an upper level low that's sitting out here over the gulf. it's disorganized and there's a very low chance this becomes more organized, but still with a warm waters we have to keep a close eye and we do know that over the next several days, this will cause some downpours across florida so thunderstorms today in florida and thunderstorms throughout the heart of the
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nation here as you can see, and within those, the chance just a marginal chance we could see severe weather here in colorado and up in nebraska, mortgaargin chance. also flash flood watch in new mexico through the day until 6:00 p.m. tonight. temperatures across the nation pretty typical. warm on the west coast. looks like fall in most other areas. as we head to new week, expect the midwest and northeast to both see rising temperatures well above the norm. >> meteorologist ed of chicago station, thank you. the trump administration is now calling those mysterious health ailments at the u.s. embassy new mexico havana attacks rather than incidents. 21 diplomats and family members have been afifected by hearing loss and other problems. half of the diplomatic core has been ordered home. state department is warning americans to stay out of cuba. stop processing visas for
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prospected cuban travelers to the u.s. three pedestrians recovering from injuries after they were struck by a van outside penn station here in new york. driver told police last night the gas pedal became stuck on the floor matt. one witness said he saw one victim being dragged by the van. they were taken to the hospital with injuries described as minor. it's about 22 after the hour. now here's a look at the weather for your weekend. president trump a president trump and congressional leaders are proposing a 5.8 federal tax cut.
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many questions remain, including how to pay for it. that's ahead. and a criminal investigation opens at a houston chemical plant that exploded during hurricane harvey. you're watching cbs this morning, saturday. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous.
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a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing.
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morning: saturday." nfl games take a turn from sporting events to political venues for political statements. we'll look at how the business could be hit by the backlash. plus, air force plus air force cadets get schooled after a racial incident at an affiliated school. the speech putting millions at attention. we'll be right back. this is cbs this morning, saturday.
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what's your technique? >> it's just my job. a plumber can't say, oh today i can't do pipes. i'm too important. i treat it like a job. i get down right and i try to write. if i don't write i hate myself. a lot of self loathing in the creative process. >> you and dan brown are friends. i thought was interesting. this is what he says about you. >> modern masters of the hook and twist. luring you on the first page to shock you with the last. certainly true with this. i'm wondering when two writers get together, are you secretive about what you're working on. >> what are you doing, nothing, what are you doing, nothing. >> dan and i talk about
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everything, but writing. we never really talk about the process or what we're working on. politics, religion, everything else. normally we don't talk about what we're working on. also, i think it's bad karma to tell you about my book. i'm dying to tell you the story. >> a blank page doesn't scare you. >> blank page. >> terrifies me. that's what you have to face each day and fight it each day. the idea is you can't just find an excuse to not face it. i don't like the blank page today. i'm going to watch tv or go to the mall. >> tv show on netflix called dangerously bingable. >> five kids also in the woods. and one disappears and 20 years later five years old and comes back and it's been one of those shows that catch on netflix. we love it. filmed it in britain.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning" welcome back to cbs this morning. saturday coming up this hour inside the president's tax plan. what are his chances of passing and just how could it affect you. we'll take a closer look. >> plus, it's not a nation known for wine production or consumpti consumption, but we're going to see why more japanese are cho e choosing wine over saki. first, this morning's headlines. houston chronicle reports the operator of the texas chemical plant that exploded in the aftermath of hurricane harvey is now under investigation. tanksers in texas went up in flames after six feet of water
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flooded the plant after last month's storm. also facing multiple lawsuits over the fires. company says the explosions did not cause a safety concern for anyone who stayed out of a one and a half mile evacuation zone. st. louis post dispatch reports a protest against police violence that started last night at busch stadium. spilled out on to nearby streets. michigan when demonstrators unrolled a banner at the game. later tased one protester and pepper sprayed others during a confrontation. two people were arrested. protests come two weeks after the acquittal of white st. louis police officer in the shooting death of black man. according to las vegas review journal, city sheriff saying officers abouted appropriately when they detained seattle sea hawks star michael bennett last month. shows bennett getting handcuffed on the las vegas strip. responding to what turned out to be falls reports of a shooting.
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bennett was not arrested or charged with any crime. he's been critical of the police department saying he was targets because he is black. before the incident announced he would remain seated during the national anthem this season. take a closer look at the recent rise of protest in sports later in our show. >> the fresno reports on another climbing accident at yosemite national park. rock climber was hospitalized friday after falling 30 feet from cathedral. comes two days after a british climber was killed and his wife injured during a massive rock fall on el captain. even larger rock another person thursday. man who helped end the hunt for the marathon bomber has died. david was hailed as a hero for telling police he was hiding in his boat. authorities surrounded the boat and took him into custody ending a five day man hunt. his boat was taken as evidence,
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but a campaign raised enough money to buy him a new one. he was 70 years old. >> also this morning, a move that could affect a fight against isis in iraq. in a controversial and some say illegal vote, 90% of iraqi kurds who have been america's closest partners in the fight have voted for independence from the iraqi government. that has set off a series of backlash and retaliation. the kurdish capital, good morning. >> reporter: iraqi kurds from this region have been some of america's closest partners in the fight against isis. now feeling the consequences of their vote for independence. including the cancellation of international flights, military drills on their border, and threats from the iraqi national government toll deploy troops. >> the last international flight out of iraqi kurd stan left
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yesterday as they raput the pressure to cancel the results of referendum. voters in iraqi kurd most of them members of the kurdish ethnic minority overwhelmingly chose full independence monday. they already rule over their own region. iraq's national government said the vote was illegal and referendum angered neighboring turkey and iran. both countryies kurdish independence. the u.s. also opposed the referendum warning it could disrupt the cooperation between the kurds and iraqi government in fight against isis. the kurds of iraq have battled bravely against the extremists, placed american allies who have laid down blood to defeat the fanatics. captain lost both his legs to an
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isis bomb. >> every morning when i used to wake up, it was like hell, he told us. before i was supporting my people and my nation. then i couldn't even support myself. >> many people here believe that sacrifice makes iraqi kurd more deserving of independence, but not even its friends seem to agree. turkey has threatened to cut off iraqi kurd oil exports in retaliation for the referendum. that could be crippling. this region is almost entirely dependent on oil revenue. for cbs this morning, saturday. holly williams. ahead, he spent decades as american celebrity and last nine years as a prison inmate. coming up this morning, why today could be the last day behind bars for o.j. simpson. but first, here's a look at the weather for your weekend.
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it's the controversy pitting pro football players against the president trump and even their fans. what we can expect tomorrow, how it's affecting the league, and whether the message is being lost in all the static. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler
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just like you start their own businesses. legalzoom. legal help is here. as he sings our "national anthem." >> at lambeau field thursday night players from both the green bay packers and the chicago bears linked arms as a sign of unity during the playing of the national anthem, and some fans from the stands heeded the request of aaron rodgers to do
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the same. >> the display follows other demonstrations. more are expected at tomorrow's games. for the latest on the controversy, we're joined by andrew brandt, formerly with the green bay packers and now in sports law. good morning, andrew. >> good morning, dana. >> so back from when colin kaepernick started this to now, what do you see at the nfl? >> you have two sides that are very contentious. they can't agree on anything. they're fighting in court with ezekiel elliott. they agreed on this. they agree on the backlash of the president. he embarrassed our game, called our players s.o.b.s. last week it was a real show of unity, playersing league, union, owners, all together, a message to the president, we're
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together. >> it's interesting the attitude you see in polls. on one hand you see the them say they want the players to stand for the "national anthem," but on the other hand, people do not like what the president is saying. so where does that leave things? >> yeah. it's tough right now. i think owners, maybe even networks, fans probably want this to move on, but i think players know. i think players want too keep the message going. what's happened this whole thing started with colin kaepernick a year ago and it's a little mixed right now because players and owners want unity. everyone wants unity. the crafted statements, we're all together, no divisiveness. but players we protesting with kaepernick in racial inequality and police action against african-americans. it's changed but players still want to get the message out. >> you mentioned mixed message and some wanting to move on.
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we saw some sponsors come out and put these crafted statements together. the nfl owners have to be concerned with the business side of things. you've been in the front offices. what do they do at this point. now where do they go? >> you showed green bay where we were for many years. you have to support your primary stakehold stakeholders, your product, your players. you have to support them. but you have to talk about the sponsors and fans. there's a base of support for what trump said. there's a base of support who want players to stick to sports. you have to balance all of those concerns. you have to balance support for your player and look at what's dwoig on outside. >> is it a ratings thing? i think you wrote about this. ratings are going to go up and down. what do owners look at if they're trying to get a sense of whether they're trying to get a fan base? >> ratings is a big factor.
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sponsor, interfacing. all the things you're talking about. are the metries going north? do they keep going north? are people behind this? i think what happened is we had this week of emotion in week three of the nfl. now what's going to happen. if owners are not as supportive of players, do players support even more? is it discipline and league and team. we have to watch both sides. >> is there evidence that the nfl is paying for this in some way at this point? >> you see the polls saying move on. i think what happened a year ago the nfl look a what kaepernick did and said right away, we encourage but dot not require players to standle you're going to see sitting and kneeling. kaepernick is a movement. he's a much bigger story unsigned than signed. if he was signed, it would be a one-day story and they'd move on.
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there was a rally. thousands of people with what's going on in the country with charlottesville right before that. kaepernick is bigger than an nfl player right now. >> we know the nba is getting under way. we have the olympics coming. there will be a hot. >> there will be a lot. >> andrew brand. thanks is that thanks, guys. the trump administration is taking on taxes. the white house is planning to release its biggest overhaul in taxes in decades. coming up, what it might mean for your paycheck. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." discover card. hey. what can you tell me about your new social security alerts? oh! we'll alert you if we find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so you'll be in the know. ooh. sushi. ugh. being in the know is a good thing. sign up online for free. discover social security alerts. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown
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(fighting unintelligible) this week president trump unveiled his plan to overhaul and simplify the nation's tax code. if put into place, the release by the treasury didn't wednesday would slash taxes on corporations and many individuals. the president touted the proposal on friday as a boon to the middle class. >> we have a
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once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass tax reform that is pro growth, pro jobs, pro worker, pro family, and pro-american. >> what are the details o of the plan? lauren liles coal is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> what are the big changes we're looking at? >> there are a few big changes. president trump proposes to consolidate the tax brackets we have from seven to three, reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to what it is right now to 20%. eliminate the alternative minimum tax and the estate tax which affect as very small percentage of people, an over the course of ten years, estimates say this could cost the fast as much as $5 trillion more or less depending on who you ask. >> looking at it as it stands, who are the big winners? >> the big winners are clearly corporations. when you break down the numbers
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on the individual level, this is a shuvling of the decks. some will pay more, some will pay less. it's not huge. the corporate tax, that really changes the game. and then wealthy heirs are the other winners. doing away with the estate tax. >> it's a small group. >> it's a small group that affects huge amounts o dollars. >> the white house is billing this as a big win for the middle class. you had fwar co-ensaying families would say about a thousand dollars, enough to buy a cared on build a kitchen. >> i have clients working on renovations. u i can guarantee you it costs many than a thousand dollars even on a budget, a dyi. no, no, definitely not. the reality is 70 p of the americans claim their deductions. their taxes are already pretty
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simple and they might save an extra thousand dollars, but for 30% who itemize their deductions, some of those people, especially homeowners, parjts of children could end up paying more. >> we're seeing the proposed standard deduction could be double. what's double? >> it's double but you do away with over deductions. at the end of the day, it doesn't move the needle that much. $1,000 over 24 paychecks not very much. >> no. what about two of the most popular deductions, the mortgage interest deduction and the state and local tax deduction. >> we still don't have a lot of information. the mortgage interest rate as far as we understand will still be in place. people who live in new york and other states that have very high income -- state income tax rates could definitely ebltd up paying more, even people earn at the highest end. that's a pretty big deduction.
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that's something that a lot of people are going to push back again, at least on the coast. >> at least raise eyebrows stoo yes. >> lauren lyon coles with some of the information. you're going to hearing what was told to cadets after some ugly racial at a schoollet you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by toyota. let's go places. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ hi ted, glad you could join us! ♪ ♪ give it a try. mmm. give that to me. ♪ ♪ (laughing) ted? ♪ ♪ of the information. you may have heard that some people down at the prep school wrote some racial slurs on the message boards. >> reporter: this week he had fighting words for thousands of
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cad cadets, faculty, and senior officers in colorado. >> if you're outraged by those words, you're in the right place. >> reporter: those words had been discovered by five black stunts outside their rooms. >> you should be outraged not only as the air force but as a human being. >> reporter: they've been posted on youtube. >> we would be tone deaf not to think about what's going on as a backdrop in the country. things like charlottesville, ferguson, what's going on in the nfl. that's why we have an idea. >> reporter: the idea is diversity. >> the pow their we come from all walks of this life, all parts of country, all races, gendering all makeup, all upbringing, and makes us that much more powerful. >> reporter: the air force
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superintendent asked the cadets to record part of the message to make sure it's not forgotten. >> if you can't teach someone from another gender that's a man or a women with dignity and respect, you need to get out. if you can't treat someone with another race or different color race with dignity and respelkt, then you need to get out. >> this has resonated far and wide, this speech. >> very powerful. and i saw a lot of comments, we need more like the lieutenant general in our world. >> i receive a lot of those too. after nine years, this could be o.j. simpson's last year in prison. we'll look ahead and see what may lie ahead for him. >> for some of you, your local news is next. for the rest of you, stiks around. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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it's your voice that captivates people. it's been said it makes grown men cry. you call it your private joy, secret gift. you knew at an early age you had something special in your throat. >> i would play in synagogues. at 5 i would sing in the alleyways and i heard a lovely thing. i thought, this is god's gift to me. it gave me a spiritual connection to singing right from an early age. you would share it with others. as a ju usual boy, i would sing in the temple. it had high ceilings and wood and it was a great reverb. the echo which poulds tails on
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your nodes and and tends them. i was entranced on it. >> did you have confidence you could go solo after you and paul split? >> yeah. i didn't have confidence that the world would accept me, but i knew i could sing. >> what is the relationship? in the book it sowns contentious yet loving. how would you characterize it sth. >> it would say it's intense, it's like a marriage. it has summers and winters. it waxes and wanes. it's best not talked about. you leave it alone. sometimes you get a call from paul and out of nowhere something goes on and you laugh and say i, i miss it. we go out and have dinner. >> is it pressure to do something? >> i don't call it pressure. it's standard to be asked will you work together. who knows. life is a surprise.
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♪ welcome to cbs this morning saturday, i'm anthony mason. >> and i'm dayna jacobson. in for ablgs wagner. this our, president trump is back at his golf resort in new jersey this weekend. but was it his trip there ten days ago that led to the slow response in puerto rico? we'll dive into the report this morning on the president's initial response. and then we'll travel to the vineyards of japan. that's right. wine is climbing the popularity charts of the country. why women are driving the demand and why it's happening now. >> and kids have enough touch screen distractions, so how about toys you can actually touch and play with?
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>> we're going to visit an innovative company producing unique wooden cars and capturing the imaginations of the young and old alike. the mayor of puerto rico's capital city is blasting the federal response to the aftermath of hurricane mar r.a. maria crippled the island when it made land fall 10 days ago. most of the 3.4 million residents are without power. half are without running water. on friday san juan mayor cruz accused the trump administration of inefficiency in delivering aid to the island. >> this morning the president hit back on twitter writing the mayor of san juan who was very complementary only a few days ago has now been told by the democrats that you must be nasty to trump. he continued such poor leadership ability by the mayor of san juan and others in puerto rico who are not able to get their workers to help. they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 federal workers now on
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island doing a fantastic job. the president heads to puerto rico on tuesday. he's spending the weekend at his new jersey gorveg and as the washington post reports this morning. that is also where the president spent last weekend as well. just days after the damage from hurricane maria was becoming apparent. >> ann o'keefe joins us from the washington bureau. -- ed. good morning. >> good to see you guys. >> the post writes that initially the white house seemed to be on top of of things but then four days after the storm made land fall as you write, trump and hfz top aids effectively went dark themselves. what happens exactly. >> remember it was last weekend when the president on friday went down to alabama to do a campaign rally for senator luther strange, who ended up losing a primary on tuesday. and then he spent most of the weekend at least on twitter concerned about north korea and
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whether nfl players are taking a knee during the national anthem. looked like the president was getting very little information on what was happening in puerto rico. there were not high level conversations between him and officials representing the island. and it wasn't until monday when the fema administer and the homeland security advisor went down to the island to inspect for themselves and returned to washington on tuesday. that the administration really seemed to kick in a high gear and realized that much more needed to be done. >> so ed, was it really during the time you are talk about over the weekend and into now monday, tuesday before anyone realized how dire things were? >> in washington to some extent, yes. but that was also partly because island officials were still trying to sort out how bad it was. remember they had been cutoff from most of the island. they hadn't heard from local mayors. but by sunday it was aapparent that the situation was dire. think what we've got is a combination of an administration
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that was talking pretty closely and frequently with officials on the island but who collectively here in washington and san juan weren't able to fully assess the situation for a few days. and then once it became apparent that there was a bigger problem on the island it took the white house until tuesday really to start kicking into high gear. >> and almost from the beginning the mayor of san juan has literally been begging for help. we heard her again yesterday and we heard the president's response this morning. how effective do you think that is going to be? >> well frankly i'm not surprised because you know that the president lashes out at people who criticize him. one point of clarification with her. she's member of the popular democratic party. puerto rico does their elections a little differently. mostly around the issue of the status. whether it should be a country, a state or continue in its current status. that part is loosely associated with the democratic party on the mainland. she herself is not a full blown
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the criticism he's been expressing is similar to across the island. frustration that the central government there led by the governor isn't necessarily being responsive. when i talked to him yesterday i asked him act this. i said we're hearing from a lot of the mayors who are frustrated about this. he says look i understand. it is their job to be worried about their constituents. we're doing what we can do get supplies into their hands and make sure the situation in the towns is being addressed and in the coming days as he said boots on the ground arrive to provide assistance the situation should improve dramatically. we'll see. >> ed o'keefe, thank you. >> take care. o.j. simpleson's time in prison could come to o close tomorrow. he's been locked up in nevada since 2008 following an armed robbery conviction. he's said he'd like to return to florida but now that state's
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attorney general is trying to block the move. and his already controversial release is getting more complicated. >> i'd just like to get back to my family, friends and believe it or not i do have some real friends. >> after nearly a decade behind bars former football star and celebrity defendant o.j. simpson will soon be a free man. >> mr. simpson i do vote to grant parole when eligible. and that will conclude this hearing. >> thank you. >> back in july the parole board after hearing testimony from simpson himself, his daughter and one of the victims from the 2007 botched robbery that landed him in prison. al know he apologized for the crime he didn't hesitate to defend his actions. >> it was my property. i wouldn't never steal from anybody. and i would never ever pull a weapon on anybody. i basically have spent a conflict free life. >> but simpson has been in the spotlight for decades. it was 23 years ago that he
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became the prime suspect in the double murder of his ex-wife nickel brown simpson. and her friend ronald goldman in los angeles. >> cause of death has been established as multiple sharp force injuries and stab wounds. >> today my office filed murder charges against o.j. simpson. >> and following the infamous car trace a courtroom drama seen by more than a 150 million americans. >> if it doesn't fit you must acquit. >> in the end he was found not guilty. >> not guilty of the crime of murder -- [cheers and applause]. >> no. >> oh my god, is she dead? >> recent lay string of tv films have reunited america's fascination with simpson's life. his early trial highlighted america's fascination with civil justices and race. >> people were cheering o.j.
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simpson per se. they were cheering that for once it seemed that the criminal justice system balanced in feavr of a black person. >> as for his future he says he'd like to go back to florida where he's lived before. but even the slightest parole violation could land him right back in prison. >> i expect it will only be a short period of time before he will be in the public eye again, shooting off his mouth. and at some point i assume getting in trouble again. >> for cbs this morning saturday. jamie yukis, los angeles. >> a saga that just keeps going on it seems. >> you don't know what to say anymore. we want to take a moment to acknowledge a big moment in the music world. this past saturday, musician charles bradley passed away. ♪ this world ♪ going up in flames ♪ and nobody want to take the blame ♪
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>> nick named "the screaming eagle of soul." bradley and his band the extraordinaries performed on this show in 2016. a performance earned him an emmy nomination for outstanding musical performance in a daytime program. charles had the unique distinction of being discovered in his 60s and releasing his debut album at 262. we spoke with him before what would be his final tour. >> -- on the road now. >> oh, i know this time i've got 147 shows. >> on your next tour? >> but i love it. but i learned how to pace myself. >> you are 67 now. >> yeah. oh yeah. >> i'm about to 60. >> really? >> yeah. >> you're still a baby. >> yeah, thanks charles. >> do you think you're working
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extra hard because this came so late. >> yes. >> charles bradley died last saturday at 68 of liver cancer. he was a lovely man. just a lovely man. that's brian applegate said he's the nicest musician i've ever met. >> i love that it's lived on. >> he was so enjoying the late success. every second of it. now here's a look at the weather for your weekend. ♪ saying sigh nara to sake.
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why many japanese are developing a taste for another fine beverage with woman leading the way. cbs this morning saturday. because at best foods, we're on the side of food. ladies, we don't need all this to talk about lbl. i mean, who leaks a little when they laugh?
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sake may be the alcoholic beverage we most associate with japan. and beer is even more popular there. but lately the country has developed a taste for wine. not just drinking it but making it too. and turns out japanese women are leading the way. >> with its high-tech robots, bustling cities and fast train, japan often seems ahead of the curve. but when it comes to wine, it is simply trying to catch up. >> my friends love wine. if my friends don't drink wine they are not my friends.
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>> belinda joe a writer covering the food and beverage scene in tokyo. >> but this is for work. >> of course it is always for work. >> women in japan is the reason they set a new wine consumption record since 2012. >> we see a lot more women in the workforce with a lot more disposable income. and this idea of just getting together with friends and drinking disposable income. getting together with friends and drinking wine has become very common. >> reporter: per capita wine consumption in japan has jumped 50% since 2006. the average japanese drinker now sips a little more than three bottles of wine per year. that's still a fraction of the 12 bottles downed by americans or the whopping 66 bottles the french consume. >> why do you think wine was not a big culture? >> because sake was so strong. it's more old-fashioned and wine
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is more common culture. >> reporter: with all the vineyards popping up, it's being called the napa valley of japan even though japanese wine has been considered bottom of the barrel. >> no one thinks we'll make a great, great wine. >> reporter: she's a winemaker with her farmly since 1993. this gets three times the rain. it gets so wet and humid, they have to put grape umbrellas so they don't grow mold. >> how hard is it? >> it's difficult in this climate condition. >> you could make a lot of what people call bad wine. but making good wine is hard. >> yeah, good wine is hard. >> reporter: so it's a good thing these grapes literally
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have a thick skin. grace vineyard's wine is now being exported to to 20 didn't country an winning awards. tourists are showing up to sample what still a novelty, quality japan nice wine. >> why are you thinking that people like this particular wine? >> it's mysterious. >> it's mysterious. >> yeah. >> what's mysterious about it? >> the taste is so very disturbance from other wines. >> that's because it's meant to pair with equally delicate japan nice such as sushi and shah shemy. for stores like this, the story of japanese fine wine is no long ir a joke. >> it's been changing a lot, and the rb behind that is mostly the quality has gotten better in the last 20 years. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning: saturday"ing ben tracy, tokyo. >> we'll have to find some
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sample. >> mysterious wine. and scotch too. >> we'll get those. retro cars, let's get those. they're so cool kids are going to have to fight to get them back from parents. up next, unique products driving young and old distraction. you do're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." jooirngs just like you start their own businesses. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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. kids today have all kinds of things to occupy their minds, tablets to remote control toys. but one company gives them things to awaken their imagination. candy lab toys now makes one simple thing. wooden cars. they're fun and hip, modern and retroing appealing to both kids and adults. i met up with the talented toy makers in their brooklyn wood space. >> reporter: what does it mean to be a toy maker in 2017? >> so we're designers, we're engineers, we are retailers.
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we have these ideas almost like little mooevs that we play in our heads that represent the seed inspiration o our stories. >> reporter: for anyone used to the toys of today, often prefab and plastic, these little cars feel like something new, yet old at the same time. they're wooden, hand crafted, made with exceptional attention to tee tail, and designed not to occupy the minding but inspire it. >> reporter: where did the idea o of this incredible toy company? >> my wife and i felt the toys we had access to were not quite engaging in the sense that adults could take part and play. with feel there's something to license and guide it in a pre-existing story line. we figured out a way to combine real cultural cues. >> so the dwrd of playing with cars as a kid, is that something you would do?
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>> absolutely. >> reporter: vlad dragusi anyhad a passion for it. but the right look and feel was a hard and winding road. >> the hard part was coming up with a design. hey, what would a kid like and what would make it compelling for them to play for a while and what would be the adult's sort of interest to take part in it? >> reporter: kaeo helder was a designer for the company. >> light off the bat, there's the beautiful colors. when you dig in, there are a lot of details that are consider. you have small iconic moments pulled from actual cars. >> reporter: from the very first model, each car has been designed and crafted not to duplicate an actual car but to
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magically capture its essence. >> we designed this kind of sports car, orange car that we started out with. and that has a stance where the nose is sort of diving down a little bit and the rear is sort of lifted up. that's because at that era and that particular model i was inspired by, which was a 1967, they had spring leaves on the back and heavy engine on the front which after a few years the car starts to dive down. >> you're talking about such specific details that a car the a child would play with. it's important to attract the adult as well. >> right. his father or grandfather will tell him. they will notice that. that's exact lu the point of our toys. we want to have that connection to real world experiences. this is actually caved out of a solid block. >> reporter: thaw hope these elements actually create a context that even riches a
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child's experience beyond just playtime. >> we want to give them a backstory that's interesting. not too much of a backstory because we want them to use their imagination. when we start designing, we do put pen to paper. >> reporter: the new design starts with a sketch, then a prototype using 3-d print. from there a wooden model is constructed. it could take up to 30 tries before it's complete. and the design team is always hooking for inspiration. >> i think thought then tire process, we're keeping an yeah on research, going to events if we can and finding bits of information if there that cultural era that we're inspired by. >> from the numbers with that are painted on the side to fabrics they choose, even the real rubber tires, everything is important to the stories the
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toymakers want to tell. >> reporter: when a family buys a car, what do you hope they get out of that moment? >> we hope they get hours of fun and we hope they get really interesting conversations about what these cars represent as an idea,able we hope that they remember some road trips and make re-enact that on their play mat. and we think that is the is sense of play. establishing that connection, that moment that allows you to re-create some moments that you cherish. >> and we've got the new collectioning the outlaws with us. there are five in the series. they're great. by the way, pick them up. they're heavy cars. prices rairj, $24.99 all the way to $100 for a collectors item. i'm telling you every adults who picks them up, they we've tot play with them. >> i like that they recognize adults play with them. adults like toys on tv. >> maybe you'll get lucky.
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from teenage food enthusiast to a world lee nouped journey, that's the journey this chef made. he's up next on "the dish." what's so cool, for ian's character, you're not just putting sheldon's words in his mouth. >> no. what we've been talking about is it really is its own character. what you're seeing is sheldon how he became what we see in the adult show. and so this is kind of it own creature that he's portraying here. there are overlaps, but there's also -- we watch him discover things like comic books, things like his clothes are going to change style as he goes through this. i don't know. it is like all the things that you associate with sheldon now, you see how they got there through him. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and what's it like, jim? because we're used to sooing you
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in front of the camera to now have this additional parole as a producer. >> i'm very mediocre at it. very mediocre. >> that's not true. not true. >> it isn't true, is it? >> not true. >> it's very strange, to eve get talking to another actor, even iain. >> giving directions? >> sort of. i've never been comfortable giving another actor direction. i noejt what makes an actor tick. i don't want to break her -- or him. >> i'm not fragile. i'm not that -- i'm fragile but not that fragile. >> pliable, goodian. but iain, one thing, this thanks place in 1985, and you were not alive. >> i was not alive.
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this morning on "the dish" chef rudo shs lechev worked with some of france's greatest chefs. >> in the '90s he brought his skills to los angeles taming the helm at the famed restaurant and he pioneered the pop-up with his lieu dough bites. he's thrilled fans of the french bistro and even won the hearts of fried chicken lovers with lieu dough bird. welcome to "the dish." >> thank you. >> thank you so much for being here. let's talk about this remarkable
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table. >> it's like you're at a french bistro, almost like in paris that you wish? >> i wish. >> new york is great too. this is a very, very classic dish. put it together with a wine and cheese and bread crumbs and put it back in the shell. that's it. this is white wine, salt and lemon. here we have rat a tui, a little dish from france. we have this with no butter, surprising for french food. here one of my favorite thing, grey goose -- >> i'm surprised you didn't start here, anthony. >> it's a mousse if you don't
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like in dessert. >> i like that. >> you can have a little bit and it's less calorie. >> a little bit lighter. you're somebody who grew up around food. you grew up in kitchens. even n garbage disposal. >> when i was a kid, i eat a lot. that's why i became a chef. i loved to spend time with my grandma in the kitchen. loved the eat, get dirty in the kitchen. i love it. my son is like me too. 's years old, eats a lot, garbage disposal. >> for your first job, your father took you to maxime's. >> yes. i was 13 years old and a very bad student. french revolution and my father was tire of me to get kicked out of school.
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he said what do you want to be? you can -- you can be a cook. i love to eat. he took me there. >> he thought you would hate it. >> yes. i just love it. i love the smell, the song of the kitchen. i love everything in the kitchen. i love it. >> you go from washing dishes to working with some of the best chefs incalifornia? >> yeah. >> very classic french food and i decide to go to california. >> did you know anything about california? >> i didn't know nothing. i wasn't speaking any english. >> you describe yourself as a culinary gypsy. >> yeah, i think so, yeah. i just travel around. i was like a gypsy before.
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now i'm in l.a. u watched a lot of tv shows. i watched "dallas." i know everything about "dallas." it was pretty amazing. i grew up around food my whole life. two years ago i was a younger chef. i focused on food from where i'm from. i try to tell a story and try to give that because i really love this country and this country changed so much. people love food now, you know. >> it's changed a lot for you too. >> i went to italy. it was a revolution to me because it's so different. >> still. >> still. >> everywhere. i'm goc to have you sign our
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dish and scale you if you could have a meal with anyone past or present, who would it be? >> my hero, i love napoleon. >> napoleon. >> would you serve napoleon? >> i just love it. i don't know why. i love it. >> chef ludo lefeve. for more on "the dish," you can head to our website, >> now here's a look at the weather for your weekend. from peace train to wild world and moon shadow, his songs made him a musical icon of the
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'70s and a 2014 inductee into the rock and roll hall of fame. up next in our "saturday session," yousef also known as cat stevens. he'll perform from a brand-new album next. you're saturday." the bottom line is, for your goals,
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don't hold back... ...ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. it's just been over 50 years that a british writer took the name cat stevens. "peace train," "wild world," and "oh very long" became big hits and his influence led him into the hall of rock and roll. it
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>> now from his new album "the laughing apple," here is yusuf with "blackness of the night." ♪ ♪ in the blackness of the night i seem to wander endlessly with hope burning out deep inside ♪ ♪ i'm a fugitive, community has driven me out for this bad, bad world i'm beginning to doubt ♪ ♪ i'm alone and there is no one by my side ♪ ♪ in the blackness of the night i see your shadow passing by ♪ ♪ from the heels of an old so
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soldier boy there's no compromising and his eyes are black as the sky ♪ ♪ for this bad, bad world 2348 he is going to tie he's alone and there's no one by his side ♪ ♪ in the blackness of the night i see a sparkle of a star ♪ ♪ from the sweet silver tear of a child ♪ ♪ and she's clutching at a photograph of long, long ago when her parents were happy she was too young to know ♪ ♪ she's alone and there is no one by her side ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ in the blackness of the night i seem to wander endlessly ♪ ♪ with a hope burning out deep inside ♪ ♪ i'm a fugitive, community has driven me out ♪ ♪ for this bad, bad world i'm beginning to doubt ♪ ♪ i'm alone, and there is no one by my side ♪ ♪ don't go away. we'll be right back with more
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♪ ♪ ♪ next week on "cbs this morning: saturday," alex wagner returns to the show. as many of you know, she's been on maternity leave. next saturday she'll be at the anchor desk and she'll have a profile of legendary
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restauranteur steven star who oversees restaurants in 35 states. that's next week. but this week i want to thank dana jacobson for being with us these past few months. she's done an extraordinary job. it's really hard to do this and we really appreciate it. >> no thanks needed. any time. i el stand with you any time. have a great weekend. we'll leave you with more music from yusuf. >> this is "see what love did to me ♪ . ♪ ♪ my trail is blazing smoke overhead my trail is blazing
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smoke everywhere ♪ ♪ i feel amazing love, it be rare ♪ ♪ i was a strong man strong as can be ♪ ♪ i was a strong man strong as a tree ♪ ♪ come back and see what love did to me ♪ ♪ ♪ just like the wind my heart's rushing fast ♪ ♪ a piece of dust too hard to catch ♪ ♪ a raging flood a w rolling to sea ♪ ♪ a raging flood rolling madly ♪ ♪ come back and see what love did to me ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ i was a child lost in the dark i was a child missing in the dark ♪ ♪ a broken arrow missing the mark ♪ ♪ ♪ i tread the night world stalking a dream ♪ ♪ i pace the night world
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stalking a dream ♪ ♪ wake up and see what love did to me ♪ ♪ i was a blindfolded bumble bee i was a blindfolded bumble bee ♪ ♪ and now i see what god did for me he made me see life flowery ♪ ♪ ♪ ohhhh, ohhhh ohhhh ♪ ♪
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>> thank you, thank you very much. >> and we're back for an encore in the green room. toyota green room with chef lieu dough lefebvre. we got out of the seg millionaire anned you said your son was as enthusiastic as you were. >> he's 6 years old. he's obsessed with eating and also with cooking. he know hows to to a good omelet. >> how does he know how to do that? >> i teach him. most of the time, papa, papa, i know how to do it in my head, i know, i know. we cook a lot for my wife and my daughter. >> he's been watching you, he must have, right? >> yeah. it's so -- i'm so fascinated by
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that. >> it's in his blood. >> i don't want him to be a chef. >> why not? >> there's so much pressure, so much stress. >> what's the hardest part of being a chef? >> finding good people to work for you. making sure people are happy and the guests have a good experience, they're going to remember the meal, the food, the hospitality, of course. that's the pressure, you know. >> what's the easiest part then? >> creativity, i would say. yeah, creativity. it's haunting, haunting. i'm obsessed with that. >> chef lefebvre, thanks. thanks also to cat stevens. have a great weekend, evening. we'll see you next weekend on "cbs this morning: saturday." bye-bye. -- captions by vitac --
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narrator: today on "lucky dog", a young doberman pinscher is bursting with excitement to find a home. brandon: whoa, okay, slow it down there. narrator: and a family is hoping to find a dog for their special needs son. traci: he communicates more with animals than he does with us sometimes. narrator: it could be a match made in heaven, but there's no room for error. brandon: i always have in the back of my mind, did i do everything possible to make sure this dog is right for this child? brian: hey! brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing animals find


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