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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 14, 2018 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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-- i have a this is a cbs news special report. it is 10:00 a.m. eastern time and we're seeing the first in a nationwide wave of student walkouts to protest gun violence. these are live pictures from parkland, florida, where exactly one month ago a gunman killed 17 people at marjory stoneman douglas high school. students who survived that shooting are a driving force behind today's national walkout. i'm john dickerson with gayle king and norah o'donnell in new york. >> we expect the scene to be repeated every hour at 10:00 a.m. local time. more than 3,000 school protests are taking place around the country this morning, and each walkout will last 17 minutes.
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it represents each of the people who died in the massacre. >> some school districts are going along with the walkouts. others have threaten to discipline students who leave their classrooms. we're in porkland, floriarkland where the idea first began. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. walkouts are starting here on the east coast and stretching from florida all the way to hawaii. now, they're going to take different forms at different schools. here at stoneman douglas high school many of the students will walk out to the football field. the school wants them to walk out, to exercise their first amendment rights but want it in a safe environment with adult supervision. in other schools students walking out of classes and sitting down to hold a sit-in and heard of students walking to local school districts. some students won't walk out completely. there's a group in pennsylvania, in philadelphia that doesn't feel included in the movement.
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they feel gun violence has long plagued their community and it's been ignored. also opposition to this walkout from the father of 14-year-old alaina petty, who was killed here at stoneman douglas high school. in a tweet ryan petty says he wants students not to walk out but walk up. walk up to a kid sitting alone at lunch. walk up to a kid who looks disgrunt theed. a way to end and prevent another school shooting. now, a lot of these students want legislative action. there are new gun laws here in florida that passed after the shooting just on friday. students want to see similar measures nationwide. a lot of them are 18. a lot of them are turning 18 very soon, and they have their eye on the midterm election. norah? >> adriana, thank you. and a walkout underway in silver spring, maryland. these protests are not just about school shootings or gun violence. some also fan to focus on issues
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like immigration and voting rights. demarco morgan is outside a high school in new york city. demarco, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. actually a couple blocks away from the high school. hundreds of students behind me who walked out this morning to make a statement in silence pup see many sitting here over to might right here. you can see the kids who are lying down taking part in a lie-in. basically that is said to last for 17 minutes to honor those students there in florida who were killed and also the adults killed in that situation, but i spoke to kate whitman, the organizer. she's a junior here at the high school. i spoke to her earlier today. what's your message? we've seen protests, seen and had the conversation over the years after columbine, you name it, one by one we have had this talk. what is your message here to the victims? the victims of the families those impacted by school violence, gun violence and also school shooters. her message was simple and it was clear. it ends here.
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it stops now. and those word were so powerful. not just for the people here but the people supporting them here and students here aas cross the country taking part in the protests can't vote. especially this year, but are having conversations with their parents now and are going to use their power with their parents, guardians who can vote and go to the polls, and they expect to make a change and make a difference this year in the mid-term elections. back to you. gayle? >> we understand. the world is watching right now. thank you very much, demarco. let's go to louisville and emily maha and our affiliate. good morning, emily. what's happening there? >> reporter: good morning, right now hundreds of students across the jefferson county public school district are walking out, including students here at dupont manuel high school. it's very quiet here as these students are standing in silence for 17 minutes to remember the
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17 lives of those lost in florida. now, they've been organizing this walkout at part of the national movement for more than a week, and this is a school of more than 1,800 stuntsdents who want they are voices heard. one student couldn't sit in her classroom after the shooting in florida and the shooting where two students were killed earlier in the year. student groups have sbn working together. the district sent a letter to principals encouraging them to discuss with students alternative options to a walkout. students will be allowed outside only 17 minutes before returning to class. any student who doesn't return could be disciplined. now, the jefferson county teachers association also encouraged principals and teachers to talk with students about alternative options, but they said if that was not something and students would participate in the walkout, student safety is the number one priority. john, back to you. >> emily, thanks. here's a look at protests in indianapolis.
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as you're seeing those pictures, as we mentioned earlier, these walkouts are scheduled to last 17 minutes. one for each of the people killed in the florida shooting a month ago. let's now go to maplewood, new jersey. just across the hudson river from new york city. our reporter at columbia high school. tony, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, john. one of the big questions here at columbia high school, how many students would participate? unlike other schools, hesitation and pushback from the administration, from teachers, here there is tremendous support. the police have shut down the road and one of the administrators told me earlier they expect near universal participation, and as you can see, there's 1,800 students in this school, and the front lawn is completely filled from here all the way back to the building. in fact, i've got anna here, a freshman, who's going to tell us a little why they've come out here today. what's the goal today? >> well, it's just a goal to, like, say we've had enough of, like, feeling like we're in danger.
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with, like, these gun. it's like 18-year-olds can have guns and it's just not okay, because 18-year-olds can go to this school and have guns and shoot up the school and it's not okay. >> reporter: are there students inside who opted not to participate in the walkout? >> i don't know for sure but probably. like -- they probably have, like -- like, their opinions on guns and how they need guns and, like, all of that, but, like, yeah. probably. >> reporter: thank you very much, anna. and, john, again, the street is shut off. the participation of this 1,800-person school is near universal, and the goal is, as you can see on the signs here, enough. orange is the color of gun violence awareness and whatever legislative victories may or may not come in the days ahead, there is already one success story here, which is, in the students' view, making sure that the country doesn't move on quickly. doesn't forget, and may reach some sort of progress on the issue, in their view, of gun control. john, back to you.
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>> tony, thanks. >> thank you very much, tony. the crowds have started to gather outside the white house in washington, d.c. as well. major garrett is there. major? >> reporter: well, good morning. the crowd has been here for the better part of an hour. they're silent now. in quiet protest, but i can tell you, gayle, norah and john, not more than 20 minutes ago, very loud, very boisterous chanting among other things, hey, hey, ho, ho, the nra -- means the national rifle association ash ash has got to go. president trump is not here. he's in california heading to st. louis for a campaign event, and to tour the boeing facility there in st. louis. he's not here to hear the protests, or see them, but outside the white house, pennsylvania avenue, chock full of student protesters spilling into lafayette square just north of the white house. >> all right. major garrett outside the white house. and, again, we're talking about
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thousands of students all across this country that at 10:00 a.m. eastern time in their time zones have planned this walkout. it is part of the "enough" campaign. what a display of student activism and democracy and in some ways, quite a different picture than what we've seen as they are urging action. congress has done nothing athnd the president has done nothing either as they pledged to enact something but failed to begin the issue on gun violence. our coverage continues on the cbs station and our 24-hour streaming network cbsn. watch at and a full wrap-up tonight on the cbs evening news with geoff glor. >> this has been a cbs "this morning" special report. i'm gayle king. cbs news, new york. >> announcer: for news, 24 hours
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a day, go to as we continue for all of you in the west, we've got a lot florida school massacre. >> democrats declare victory in pennsylvania's special election with despite the race being too close to call. >> it took a little longer than we thought but we did it. >> the president's choice to replace pompeo at the cia likely to be asked about her role in the cia's interrogation program. >> she is capable, she has integrity. she cares deeply about the
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mission of the agency. >> the third nor'easter in two weeks pummeled the northeast. >> this is nuts. >> united airlines is apologize aft ing after a puppy died on a flight. >> march madness officially under way. >> all that. >> and all that matters. >> donald trump fired his secretary of state rex tillerson. >> i think he's going to be very happy. i think rex will be much happier now. >> did he fire him or have him put to sleep? what is this? >> on "cbs this morning." >> president trump, get this, he fired secretary of state rex tillerson on twitter. >> what could be worse than learning you got fired from your boss's tweets. oh, maybe seeing that 86,000 people liked it. wow. wow. the number went up. i lost my job but i'm hashtag trending. >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places.
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and good morning. as we're following the news, certainly what many students are doing across the country, we're also processing the news about a death. a great man, because we're remembering stephen hawking this morning. britain's "guardian" calls him science's brightest star, the best known space scientist since albert einstein. he was 76. >> he dedicated his life to helping ordinary people understand the secrets of the universe. hawking lived most of his life in a wheelchair. he once said, "in my mind i am free." >> he sure was. nasa tweeted this morning his theories unlocked a universe of possibilities that we're still exploring. mark phillips is in london taking a look back at hawking's extraordinary life and work.
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mark, extraordinary is the word. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. well, stephen hawking hadn't been able to speak for decades. but everybody knew that voice. he was probably the best known scientific mind of modern times and the most famous disabled person in the world. stephen hawking, with his wheelchair and his computer synthesized voice, was an instantly recognizable figure. >> if you reverse time, the universe can -- >> reporter: becoming the subject of a popular movie only enhanced his popularity. hawking was born in oxford, england in 1942. he was a 21-year-old ph.d. student when he was diagnosed with als, lou gehrig's disease, and told he had just a year or two to live. he not only lived five decades longer, his 1988 book, "a brief history of time," explaining the mysteries of the universe in layman's language, became an
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international bestseller and made him an unlikely worldwide celebrity. when he turned 60, he did a star turn with ed bradley on cbs news' "60 minutes." >> for me it is quite an achievement. i never thought i would get so far. >> reporter: hawing was one of president obama's first recipients of the medal of freedom, awarded because he had overcome disability to push the boundaries of science. >> professor stephen hawking was a brilliant man and a mediocre student. >> reporter: a mediocre student with a list of scientific accomplishments going back to the beginning of time itself. his work on the origins of the universe and on black holes in space defined how we now understand them. yet he was somehow never awarded a nobel prize. always fascinated by space, he took a zero gravity flight in 2007, the first time in 40 years he could move without the chair.
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>> i could have gone on and on. space, here i come. >> reporter: popular culture, here i come. he had a role on "star trek." >> wrong again, albert. >> reporter: on "big bang theory." >> i don't make arithmetic mistakes. >> reporter: but he knew he had made it on "the simpsons." >> what are you doing here? >> i wanted to see your utopia. >> the episode was very funny. >> reporter: it was the science that will endure. stephen hawking was born on 300th anniversary of the death of galileo and has died on albert einstein's birthday. it's like he said, john. there may be order in the universe after all. >> that's right, mark, that's amazing. thanks. imagine this, being said about when you died, he changed human understanding about the biggest possible topic in mankind, in life, in the world. >> there's something fitting too, and poetic about the way
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that he died on this particular day, and his nickname was einstein. diane sawyer said he had three kids, he told them, don't look down at your feet, always focus on the stars. that is sort of how he lived his life, always looking up. >> i may use that. >> i like that too. rex tillerson's two top staff members and his state department deputy are following him out the door this morning. the fired secretary of state says president trump never spoke to him before revealing his decision on twitter. major garrett is at the white house where another high level shuffle may be coming. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the firing of rex tillerson has deepened the sense of anxiety about who will be next to go in the trump administration. inside the white house, speculation persists that national security adviser h.r. mcmaster's days are numbered with john bolton waiting in the rings.
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housing secretary ben carson and va secretary david shulkin are in jeopardy. president trump is said to be close to having the cabinet and other things that he wants. >> with mike, mike pompeo, we have a very similar thought process. i think it's going to go very well. >> reporter: president trump believes mike pompeo will be more in line with his foreign policy agenda than outgoing secretary of state rex tillerson, who clashed with the president over two big nuclear issues. the deal with iran and possible talks with north korea. >> when you look at the iran deal, i think it's terrible. i guess he thought it was okay. i wanted to either break it or do something, and he felt a little bit differently. >> reporter: as a former tea party congressman, pompeo advocated for rolling back the iran deal. >> i think the science needs to continue to develop. >> reporter: climate change skeptic pompeo previously criticized the paris climate accord. tillerson unsuccessfully lobbied
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mr. trump to honor the agreement. >> i received a call today from the president of the united states, a little after noontime, from air force one. >> reporter: yesterday a visually shaken tillerson did not mention the president by name, did not thank him, and took no questions. his deputy, steve goldstein, said, quote, tillerson was unaware of the reason for his dismissal and had every intention of staying. the white house fired goldstein after seeing the statement. in a fit of anger several months ago, tillerson called the president a moron. the relationship never recovered. the president froze out tillerson when deciding to meet with north korean leader kim jong-un. pompeo forged a solid working relationship with president trump by always providing his daily intelligence briefing. he's well-regarded on capitol hill by republicans, gayle, which should make his
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confirmation relatively smooth. >> major, thank you very much. british prime minister theresa may ordered the expulsion of 23 russian dip lo diplomats in retaliation for the poisoning of a russian double agent in britain. she demanded to know how a russian-made nerve toxin was used against the former spy and his daughter. they're still in critical condition today. russia called accusations of their involvement nonsense. a family is suing united airlines because of the death of its beloved puppy. they say the flight good morning. you may notice storm clouds and sunshine and that will be the story today. on and off showers and cooler temperatures, about 10 degrees
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cooler as the cool front passes through. mid-to upper 50s for the afternoon highs. on-and-off showers today, tomorrow, friday and saturday morning and that will be the story. the rain totals, we could get .75 inches to one inch by the weekend.
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could a series of snorkeling deaths in hawaii be linked to a mask? >> you're watching "cbs this morning." i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us which is kinda, a lot. and if that pain could mean something worse. joint pain could mean joint damage. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop further damage enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace
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shooting at a north bay veterans facility: ns plan to attend a candle this is a kpix5 morning update. good morning. i'm michelle griego. in the wake of a shooting at a veterans facility, dozens plan a candlelight vigil in brentwood to honor the women that lost their lives, and today, the police commission and san francisco considers a taser use policy for police officers. the commission is expected to decide whether to formerly oppose a ballot measure with when tasers can be used. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment.
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the time is 7:27 and we are
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tracking slow downs for drivers on highway 4, going eastbound past mcewan with only one lane getting by at this time in speeds dropping to about 10 miles-an-hour going eastbound. this involved seven cars in the accident. going to interstate 80, going through hercules, 830 do -- a 32 minute drive from westbound 80. be prepared for more slow downs on the east shore freeway. take a look at the cloud coverage. storm clouds with a bit of a break with the sun trying to make itself known. we are seeing rain on the bay bridge. here's a live look at hi-def doppler with showers stronger in the east bay and then through san francisco toward oakland and alameda, that is where the rain is going. on and off showers in the forecast through saturday.
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the calendar says in a spring is about a week away. if you're living on the east coast, i bet it can't get here fast enough. this is what the people in lewiston, maine woke up to this morning. let's the third nor'easter on the east coast in less than ten days. come on, spring. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> here are three things you should know this morning. a new cbs poll out this morning shows 62% of americans think students should get involved in gun policy issues and school safety. that includes most parents. 37% believe those issues should be left to adults. a powerful memorial to victims
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of gun violence was placed on the lawn of the u.s. capitol yesterday. take a look at this. a group laid out 7,000 pairs of little shoes to represent the estimated number of children shot to death in the u.s. since the 2012 sandy hook massacre. president trump is on his way to st. louis to tout his tax overhaul. he'll discuss its impact with missouri business leaders. the president will also tour a boeing plant. last month, the administration reached a nearly $4 billion deal with boeing to replace the air force one fleet. the president had previously criticized the high cost of the replacement aircraft. and the retail giant walmart is rolling out a new plan to take on amazon. the company will expand its same day grocery delivery service to more than 40% of homes in the u.s. walmart says that by the end of the year, shoppers living in more than 100 metro areas will be able to get their groceries delivered to their door. sounds good. a grieving family is speaking out about the death of their little dog aboard a united
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airlines flight. they say a flight attendant forced them to put the 10-month-old french bulldog in an overhead bin. they say he was kept there for the entire 3 1/2 hour flight from houston to on monday. united has apologized. kris van cleave is at reagan national airport with the story. kris, this is heartbreaking. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. heartbreaking indeed. the death of this little puppy is causing widespread outrage becoming united's latest p.r. disaster. the airline takes full responsibility and is investigating, but the question people are asking over and over again, it's burning up twitter this morning -- how could this happen? >> he was a really special dog. it's just sad the way he has to leave. >> reporter: for this 11-year-old and her mother, kokito, a french bulldog puppy was part of the family. >> we took him everywhere we went.
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>> reporter: on united airlines flight on monday, she put her dog in this carrier but struggled to get it under the seat in front of her. the family says the flight attendant insisted the bag and kokito inside must go in the overhead carrier. >> i said it's a dog. it's a dog. he can't breathe there. she said it doesn't matter. she felt the dog and put him up there. >> they say he was barking for two hours. they wanted to check on him. >> we tried but there was a lot of turbulence. we weren't allowed to stand up. >> reporter: when the flight was over they found kokito had died. this post saying, my heart was broken when i realized he was gone. >> my mom was crying. she was screaming. they were looking at him. >> reporter: in a statement united said this was a tragic accident that should never have occurred as pets should never be placed in the overhead bin. we express our deepest condolences. >> there is no circulation at all in there. >> retired airline captain
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denny kelly says the pitch-black overhead bin is dangerous for any live animal. >> they're scared. their heart rate goes up and they use more oxygen and there's not enough oxygen in the first place that just makes it worse. >> reporter: kokito's family hopes other families learn from this. >> we just don't want this to happen to other people. >> reporter: a flight attendant told the airlines she didn't realize there was a dog in the bag. she's described as distraught. the american kennel club says french bulldogs because they have a short nose can have difficulty breathing o'length efficient breathing, and, also, the animals are easily stressed, which can speed up their need to breathe. >> it's so hard to understand how something like that could happen when the family insists we told you there was a dog in there and to hear that the dog had been barking for two hours. it's just -- twitter's right. how does this happen? >> also, how do you not know a dog's in there if it's been barking for two hours. >> exactly right. a new kind of snorkeling mask could be linked with a
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growing number of deaths in the water in hawaii. vladier duthiers traveled to honolulu to learn why. >> reporter: here in the bay at this iconic and beautiful snorkeling spot, lifeguards say they're seeing an increasing number of people using snorkel masks just like these. full-faced snorkel masks. safety advocates we've spoken to say there may be rick associated with these devices people need to be aware of. we'll tell you what they are coming up on cbs "this morning." and we invite you to subscribe to our "cbs this morning" podcast available on ipod and apple's ipod apps. you're watching "cbs this morning." apple's ipod apps. you're watching "cbs this morning." first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? let me show you. let's go. so we climb. hike. see a bear. woah. reach the top. dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together?
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hawaii is grappling with an alarming increase in snorkel-related deaths. ten people died since january. on average, 17 people die each year in hawaii while snorkeling. a full-face snorkel mask is at the center of one theory about the rise in deadly incidents. so far this year, that type of gear has been linked to four
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deaths. slat mir dutiers of our streaming network cbsn went to honolulu to learn why the maskal design is raising sh >> reporter: good morning. here in hawaii's beaches, lifeguards say they are seeing more and more of these -- full-face snorkel masks. some tourists we've spoken to say they love them, easier to use than convention's snorkels but safety advocates warn people need to know about the risks for wearing these, and for one man's life, that warning came too late. >> she was a water bug. >> reporter: a water bug? >> yes. a good swimmer. >> reporter: guy cooper and his wife nancy peacock traveled the world together. on her last trip cooper stayed behind. he says it haunts him every day. >> i picture her in the water frightened, pennick iin panicki struggling with that mask. >> reporter: an avid snorkeler she was trying out a new piece
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of equipment. a full-face mask bought on amazon, but less than an hour after entering the water, her lifeless body pulled out of the water by a nearby surfer. >> trying to think what could have gone wrong. >> reporter: these masks have a new design that covers the entire face. allowing snorkelers to breathe out of their nose and mouth, unlike the traditional two-piece snorkel equipment, but some safety experts say it's this design that may make it less risk with carbon dioxide buildup making snorkelers become dizzy or disoriented and harder head straps making it harder to pull off in an emergency. something cooper suspects happened to his wife. >> i wrote to the coroner and said, wouldn't you want to know what she was using? the e.r. never asked those questions. you never asked those questions. apparently, no one is asking those questions, and couldn't that be a contributing factor? >> reporter: but until last
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year, the type of equipment used in snorkel-related deaths or near deaths was never recorded. >> no one will know if they're dangerous or not until you put it in a database, look for trends. >> reporter: this is ground zero for it? >> hawaii a ground zero for snorkeling-related incidents. >> reporter: this man recently retired from honolulu's guru's ocean safety and co-chairs a committee investigating the spike in snorkel-related deaths along with the hawaii department of health. >> a full-face mask, preexisting medical conditions, inexperience and all have credence and so we're asking first responders to gather the equipment involved in these cases. >> reporter: but as for the masks -- >> more and more people are using the full-face masked. >> reporter: experts like these are responsible for the safety of an average of 2,600 visitors each day at the bay. he says it's too early to know
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if they put snok asnorkelers in greater danger. >> we're looking into if there is a connection. >> reporter: have you tried one of these? >> yes. >> reporter: what did you think? >> no comment. >> reporter: one manufacturer of the full-face masks said in a statement, the safety of our customers and performance of our equipment has always been our first priorities. adding, the product was put through rigorous testing protocols including the measurement of potential co2 buildup. the statement went on to say, the success spawn add number of low-cost copycats, expertise design and manufacturing experience are unknown. it's something that troubles robert whitner. founder of snorkel bob's one of the top snorkel retailers. >> i get three or four inquiries a week from chinese manufacturers, you must carry these. please send your address. we'll sent samples. my response is always the same. no thank you. please put them in the dumpster. >> reporter: whitner decided
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against carrying any of the full-face masks after his researchers tested them. >> they said that the face area heats up and gave them a feeling of claustrophobia. could not reach their nose to clear. it's hazardous, and if you try to get the mask off in a hurry and you're not thinking clearly -- it can stick. >> there are snorkeling fatalities way before there were one-piece masks. we have to look at it in totality. is it it the snorkel, the mask? we don't know for certain. right now what's going on. but certainly trying to find out. >> reporter: cooper may never know exactly what caused his wife's death, but for now -- >> i just wouldn't want someone else to go through what i went through losing her. >> reporter: currently, there are no regulations for snorkel equipment in the united states. the consumer product safety administration responded to the complaint and are looking into
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full-face masks but no action taken. cooper says his wife nancy will not have died in vain if more people are aware of the possible risks associated with these devices. for cbs "this morning," vladimir dutiers, honolulu. >> have lavlad, thank you. and up ahead, inside the kingdom of saudi arabia and good morning. we are starting to see a break in the cloud coverage with rain returning and that will happen throughout the day. a chance of on and off showers and the satellite radar shows the cloud coverage. a lot of it is moving toward the tahoe area with heavy snowfall and we will see cold air settle in with rain drops throughout the day. isolated storms this afternoon with the with the highs in the mid-to upper 50s and cool through the weekend with a
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." here's look at some of this morning's headlines. the "chicago tribune" reports three illinois men including one
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who were involved with the border wall are charged with the bombing of a minnesota mosque last year. one of the men reportedly confessed to the attack and told investigators they wanted to scare muslims out of the country. no one was hurt in the bombing. another suspect, 47-year-old michael hary, is a former sheriff's deputy who submitted a detailed proposal to make the new border wall a recreational attraction. the three men are also suspected of attempting to bomb a women's health center that performs abortions. the "houston chronicle" reports that investigators are searching for links in a series of package bombs in austin. three package bombs killed two people in 11 days this month. relatives of those victims knew each other. they are well-known in the city's african-american community. authorities increased the award for information leading to the arrest of $65,000. "the new york times" reports after sunday's deadly helicopter crash in the city, investigators are urgently focusing on the use of harnesses. all five passengers died after their chopper crashed in the east river.
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they were secured with harnesses that allowed them to lean out of the aircraft to take photos, but the straps may have hindered their escape. the pilot was able to escape from the helicopter crash. a family has filed lawsuit accusing the company of gross negligence and ngt action. police say dennis alexander was teaching a public safety course when he fired a shot into the ceiling yesterday at seaside high school. while bullet fragments hit one student in the neck. the teacher has been placed on administrative leave. he is also a reserve officer with the city police department. president trump is proposing a military space force. he was speaking at base in california yesterday when he said he's considering a space force. he said his national security
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strategy recognizes that space is a war-fighting domain just like land, air and sea. air force already has a space command including one that flies in unmanned space. coach k says playing basketball was more than just a game for him. ahead with march madness on the way, mike krzyzewski reveals his lessons that led his duke team to greatness in his note to self. can't wait for that. you're watching cbs "this reveing." is path to greatness. can't wait to watch that. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ this is what our version of financial planning looks like. tomorrow is important, but she's only seven once. spend your life living. find an advisor at
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three high schoo this is a kpix5 morning update. i'm kenny choi ended 7:56. three high school students are recovering after a student was shot in a classroom accidentally by a teacher that was conducting a public safety course at seaside high school. forecasters said that several feet of snow could be coming to the truckee area. tire chains are required on interstate 80 and on u.s. highway 50 between pines and myers. traffic and weather in a moment.
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we are tracking slow downs
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for drivers. on the nimitz freeway, it is in the red, under a 40 minute ride north bound to the maze from 238. here's what your 580 ride looks like near grand avenue with a 43 minute ride from 238 toward 980 and highway 24. we are tracking in earlier crash causing slow downs for drivers coming into hayward but the crash has been cleared to the shoulder and we are seeing slowdowns in the southbound direction on 880, as well. outside the studio's, we have a break in the cloud coverage with sun trying to peek out but then rain wear dark clouds are right behind the bay bridge and looking at hi-def doppler, you can see the rain coming down near the bay bridge as it moves toward oakland, alameda with strong rain coming down across mount diablo and some slush at the
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top of the mountain. scattered showers throughout the day with isolated storm chances. ance the night away. from a weekend getaway to that special celebration. if you want to save big on dresses for every occasion, you've gotta get to the ross spring dress event. visit our newest stores in fruitvale and in the serramonte center. doespeninsula trail?he you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop. you hear that? (vo) our subaru outback lets us see the world. sometimes in ways we never imagined. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all-new 2018 subaru outback models. now through april 2nd.
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it's wednesday, march 14th, 2018. welcome back to "cbs this morning." ahead we'll remember stephen hawkings influence. one of his colleagues will join us to talk about him. and why the first woman named to the cia has a history that troubles some people. and a daring effort to rescue american scientists near the south pole. but first a look at today's "eye opener". >> seeing the first student walkouts to protest gun violence. >> the walkouts are starting here on the east coast and stretching from there to hawaii. >> hundreds evof students who
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walked out to make a statement in silence. >> the police have shut down the road and one of the administrators told me they expect near universal participation. >> stephen hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of the death of galileo and died on albert einstein's birthday. there might be something there after all. >> they insist that mcmaster's days are numbered with john bolten most definitely waiting in the wings. i think rex will be much happier now. trump is right. >> rex tillerson will be much happier now. everyone who leaves the white house ends up happier. just look at this guy. or this guy. and especially this guy. yeah. >> why are you so happy, obama? >> i'm gala king anorah o'donnell and john dickerson. tributes are pouring in for
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stephen hawking who died over night at 76. he said there are no limited to reaching our dreams. he answered time and space and black holes and with a best-selling author and then to become a pop culture celebrity. stephen hawking did all of that against the odds. living with liou gherig's geese f -- disease in more than 50 years. he explained how the illness affected his work. >> all of my life i have sought to understand the universe and find answers to these i have been very lucky that my disability has not been a serious handicap, indeed it has probably driven me than most to pursue the quest for knowledge. >> eddie redmayne who won an oscar for playing him in the theory of everything called him anstonnishing scientist and the
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munie someone -- the funniest man i've had to wheat. >> and cbs news science and futurist contribute mecho kaku called him the rock star of science. he is a physicians professor at city university of new york. good morning. >> morning. >> why was he so brilliant. what was the central thing about hawking. >> the public saw him as a messenger from the stars. the stars are in our dreams. we look up in the night sky and we see stars and wonder where d did-did it all mean and where we going and there is not a man sincine steen could communicate with the public about the meaning of cosmic questions we think about at night. >> did you spend time with him? did you know him. >> it was difficult to interaction with him professionally but i spoke at a conference that he organized and my he issis are in the book that
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he co-authored about that conference and then i visited his house. there were all of these gadgets allowing him to turn the page of a journal just by thl -- just by pushing a button. so determined to do research even as he was paralyzed that he had instruments in his house to continue his research. >> and help us understand because he was his generation as learner from gravity and black holes. >> we learned that einstein's theory was incomplete. ine tine himself was looking for a theory of everything that would unite these black holes and he showed that they are not really black. over decades of thinking, black holes are gray. they emit what is called hawking radiation and that is what happens when you apply quantum mechanics to black holes so he set the agenda. first to get meaningful results when you combine the two
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results. >> in terms of his ability to bridge complex ideas and make them understandable for people who might have difficulty with those kinds of ideas, was there a central talent to that that made him able to do it where sometimes people aren't able to do that. >> he had a tremendous sense of umor. even with his tremendous adversity, he would crack jokes at conferences and break up the entire conference because he wanted to interact with people. he loved to interact with people. >> and that is why he wrote his best-selling books, to educate people, warn humanity about the potential dangers and pave the way for a bright new era. >> as a person that spent time with him, what stood out to you about him. >> he was determined to be at the forefront of physics even when he was paralyzed. something that would have crushed an ordinary individual was a challenge for him to overcome.
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and also he saw himself as sort of like a harold warning us about the dangers of global warming and saying to explore outer space and things i tried to put in my boom "the future of humanity" to carry out the message he was trying to bring to the people of the word. >> you mentioned "the future of humanity", on the new york times best-seller list. congratulations. >> it is probably due in part to the support of "cbs this morning." thank you. >> we like to sell and read books so congratulations to you. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. in about two hours students across the west will walk out of classes to protest gun violence. students in the time zone where it is 10:00 a.m. are walking out right now. it is one month since 17 people were killed at marjorie stoneman douglas high school and this is what it looked like an hour ago to protest on the football
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field. >> the protests are happening at 10:00 a.m. in more than each time zones. 2% of all schools in the u.s. will participate. some schools are supporting the demonstrators but others say they will punish those who walk out. in washington hundreds of students gathered outside of the white house this morning. a march is planned in the capitol ten days from now calling for stronger gun laws and an end to school shootings. organizers hope to draw hundreds of thoughts of protests. mitch mcconnell expects president trump's nominee for secretary of state and cia director to have quick confirmation hearings. rex tillerson who was fired yesterday said an emotional thank you to the state department employees. >> the president chose mike pompeo to replace tillerson. he also wants pompeo's deputy director gina haspel to lead the cia. she would be the first woman in that job. but there are concerns about her role in the agency's aggressive
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interrogations. jeff pegues is on capitol hill where the issue is likely to come up during her confirmation hearings. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it is her links to waterboarding that have chateaued her rise to the top of the cia and already some members of congress are signaling they might try to block her >> i've already made it clear that i oppose the nominees. >> reporter: senator democrats like ron white are already preparing for a bruising fight over gina haspel and mike pompeo's nomination and the partisan rift is visible. mitch mcconnell. >> both of the nominations seem perfectly well qualified. >> reporter: but questions of torture continue to linger over her past. after september 11th she was one of the officials prosiding over a program that led to the use of waterboarding and other harsh activities on al qaeda captives and carried out the destruction of the video tape of those
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sessions. intelligence orders say she was following the orders of her boss. in the documentary the spy masters he explained what he was thinking. >> my primary motivation in destroying the tapes was to protect the people who work for me. >> reporter: she was ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing. >> she did exactly what her job was and she did not do anything wrong. >> reporter: former acting director of the cia michael morell worked with her at the agency for a decade. >> i do not believe this will be an issue in the confirmation. >> reporter: as a 33-year veteran of the agency, she supervised covert missions around the world and served as a deputy director of the cia over the past year. >> every job she had that i know of, she has performed in an outstanding way. >> reporter: on the campaign trail in 2016, then candidate trump seemed to endorse and enhance terrogation tactics.
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you no date has been set for the confirmation hearing but when it begins you can bet she will be personed wi person -- peppered with questions about whether she will comply with a order to restart the program. >> jeff pegues, thank you. on our recent trip to saudi arabia for 60 minutes we learned how women are assuming a larger role in society. for some, it begins in the driver's seat. >> driver is a quick win. it is not everything. it is progress. but the trajectory is going forward and not backwards. >> ahead, see how women are preparing for a long-standing ban on driving to be you may notice storm clouds and sunshine and there will be the story today with on and off sunshine and then clouds. it will feel about 10 degrees colder. mid-to upper 50s for the
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afternoon highs. on the day, on and off showers and then the rain totals, we could get three quarters to one inch of rain by the weekend.
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as students and faculty walk out of classrooms this morning, we're taking a closer look at school safety. two of the top teachers are in our toyota green room ahead in our series "issues that matter." the debate over arming teachers and addressing mental health. you're watching "cbs this morning." mental health. you're watching "cbs this morning." ways to lose stubborn belly fat. the roasted core wrap. 3, 2, 1... not cool.
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president trump will meet with saudi crown prince mohamed bin salman next week at the white house. he's making unprecedent changes within saudi arabia and a large focus is on the role of women in society. the kingdom is the last country that denies women the freedom to drive, but that won't be for long. we recently visited saudi arabia for sunday's "60 minutes" and spoke with the crown prince. it's the first television interview with the saudi leader since 2005, and we went to the world's largest all female university in riyadh where saudi women are test driving their freedom. >> you're responsible for saving people's lives. >> yes. >> and you can't drive. >> reporter: she's studying to become a surgeon, she's also
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studying for her driver's license. >> this will deter the cost of paying for a taxi. >> reporter: she's paving the way. saudi arabia's first driving school for women. >> this is a small change but significant impact on our society. >> reporter: what do the men think? >> they're very positive. back in 2011 through 2013, there's been negative reaction. >> what's changed? >> the whole society has challenged -- is changing. >> reporter: starting soon women age 18 and older will no longer have to rely on men driving them around. saudi women are learning to drive at facilities like this. >> you're going to give me a drive. >> yes. >> reporter: she has a driver's license from living abroad. hers is from the state of virginia. >> so you've never driven in
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saudi arabia except here at the school. >> yeah. >> reporter: crown prince mohammad bin salman lifted it as the economy diversifies a way from oil. >> what's been the hardest thing to learn. curves. >> yes. we have two obstacles, transportation and child care. we try from school to solve these two problems. >> reporter: those two include a nursery and traffic village for older children. you're establishing a new culture. >> yes, exactly. >> reporter: much has changed for sauldy women who are entering new professions and graduating from universities in numbers. this woman is championing women's rights. she says driving is part of the bigger vision.
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>> to envision challenge, you have to have a sense of where you'd like to go. we eads like women to the have the opportunity for it. today, mobility. every and any woman will tell you i want more and i want it right now. the issue is right now for me is tomorrow for somebody else. so how do i make sure we all get to where we need to go together? that's actually a more difficult conversation than you would actually believe. >> driving is a quick win. it's not everything. it's progress. the trajectory is going forward, not backward. >> you're witnessing history. >> yes. >> you're part of it. >> we're the ones that are going to tell our grandkids about it, that we lived through it. >> they make up only 10% of the work force. you can't change the economy and
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saudi arabia without changing the culture. and the first step in changing the culture is changing the role of women. >> and it's such a young population too. i like that she said the most difficult thing was the curves. i was thinking parallel parking. >> she had a lot of space. how are men going to react to them driving? >> interesting one young woman i spoke with said that her dad was going to start making her drive him around now. so i think they're also pleased by the freedom because many times their schedules, they have to drive their daughters and wives to a doctor's appointment. they have to drive their kids to school. >> do they practice on things other than simulators? they need to get on the road. >> you saw the white cars. the saudis have lined up everything they look like nice test cars too. >> we're going to feature issues of our interview tomorrow and
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friday right here on "cbs this morning." and you can see our full report sunday night on "60 minutes." it will air in two parts. there's a lot of news if i may say so myself. ice bound island. ahead, a dramatic rescue from one of the most remote places on earth. why producers of "the crown" say claire foy earned less than her co-star. you're right, norah. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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duke basketball coach mike krzyzewski hopes to lead his blue devils to another ncaa championship, but he's also
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found time to write a note to this is a kpix5 morning update. good morning. it's 8:25 and i'm michelle griego. rookie officer was fired three months after he fatally shot a carjacking suspect. investigators said the suspect had stolen a minivan from a lottery worker before leading police on a chase and then he was shot while running toward the patrol car of the officers but turned out to be not armed. efforts are going it into an apartment complex on city- owned land in oakland at clay and 11th streets near the bart station. they hope to complete the building within a couple of years. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a
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the time is a 27:00 and we are tracking delays on the roadways and with mass transit deleting -- dealing with systemwide delays, about 10 minutes, due to a medical emergency. we are dealing with a wet commute and some equipment problems. that is what is going on. do be prepared and train number seven for ace, 12 minutes late due to earlier signal issues. muni and the train are running
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on time. a slow stop and go ride through the south bay at 880 near 101. no accidents, but you are in the red for travel times. a busy day with quite a bit of ponding on the roadways. let's check and for the weather. the rain will be on and off through the day and not allowing for the ponding to dry up because the rain will return. the south bay camera shows raindrops on the camera lens with strong downpours across oakland and extending toward danville and san ramon may be next. alameda, a drizzle and then at the top of mount diablo, a little slush and the same with east fremont along the diablo range. it's cold enough with precipitation turning to snow flurries. rain near lexington hills in boulder creek but it is like with on and off showers throughout the afternoon with a
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chance of isolated storms and the rain lasts through saturday.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen colbert, look at you. he said this is why his job is the best job in the world. he got to sing "sleep through the static" last night on his show. the "late" show. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the audience were surprised but
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i didn't know he would sing like that. >> on youtube is him singing with john pine. but when he said yes, that is the money. that is how you know you've done something to impress the prostanding across from you and then they do harmony -- >> so you would say your pal did okay. >> yeah, yeah. it was gorgeous. >> good job. >> very impressed. >> and i want to get jack johnson's music. >> started downloading. right now it is time to show you the morning headlines. claire foy was played less than matt smith on "the crown." foy plays the queen and was nominated for a an emmy. yesterday the producers acknowledged she made less than the actor who played her husband. they said matt smith was better known because he starred in the series "dr. who" but in the upcoming third season of the
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kroun -- "the crown" no one gets paid more than the queen. >> so they will make that right. >> but she's not the queen in the third season. >> it doesn't help clair. but if he was a bigger star and more well-known they are taking a chance on her but once you see she did so well there might be a renegotiation in order. but moving on. >> our partners at the bbc report how american scientists were rescued from a remote island off of antarctica after conducting research on the ice-bound island. they can be seen huddled near a tent on sunday, argentina navy sent the helicopter after a ship couldn't get through. they were carried to a ship and said to be doing well. a study looking at whether allowing a dog on the bed disrupts your sleep. with a dog in bed humans had a sleep efficiency of 81%. dogs had a sleep efficiency of
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85%. and anything over 80% is considered satisfactory. people slept slightly better when the dog was off the bed. dogs slept the same either way. >> did you let your dogs sleep -- >> yes. i like the dog on the bed. today's national school walkout calls attention to the issue of gun violence in america's schools. this morning our series "issues that matter" look at how the safety debate is playing out in classrooms. with us now two of the nation's top educator, johana hayes, national teacher of the year? she was the teacher of the year. you remember that. she teaches social studies in waterbury, connecticut. and shawn sheehan is the oklahoma 2016 teachers of the year. and he nows teaches algebra 1 in texas. maybe if i had a teacher like you in algebra, i would have
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done better. >> appreciate that. >> very good to have you both back at the table. can i get your reaction to the student walkout. did you encourage your students to take part or do you they they should be penalized if they do walk out. >> i'm glad of the students participating in this walkout. i don't think it was encouraging them to take part in today's events, i think just as a history teacher and social studies teacher, encouraging students to engage in democracy is something we do every day so to see them elevate their voices in this way, we prepare them with the tools to do it and now to see them practice that skill, that is what any teacher wants. so i'm -- i stand with students. i'm proud of students to elevate their voices and be part of this conversation. >> mr. sheehan? >> unfortunately, we're on spring break but i'm hoping they will continue the momentum and stay active in this conversation. >> now both of your schools received shooting threats after the incident in parkland. is this something you deal with
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and think about every day? how do you handle something like. >> that i think of it regularly, daily, so i'm running through a scenario and what if a shooter exits from this door then my quickest exit is this way and then the nearest desk to pile in front of this door to protect my students. >> when do you start thinking like that? >> over the last two years is when it became more of a routine for me. >> and what about you, mrs. hayes. >> it is not something that i think about that often. i think that when kids are in school that is teaching time and learning time and any time we are doing something other than that, then it is taking away from time with students and in the incident at kennedy high school, the students were the ones who brought it to the attention of authorities. >> when they got the threat. >> when we got the threat. the students saw something on social media that was troubling and they brought it to the attention of authorities and i think that is what we're trying to teach them how to do, so to
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see them respond in that way -- >> let's talk about the solutions that have been proposed or remedies. shaun, the president said he wants more school personnel to carry firearms. how do you see that? >> i think it is a tear is-- te idea and just two months ago i was at a gun location firing an ar-15 but they have no place in the classroom. teachers have an ever growing list of job duties and we should not add security guard to that list of job responsibilities. >> what about those that say had a teacher been armed in parkland, it could have stopped the shooter. >> well we had someone armed and he didn't. >> he didn't act. >> i would make the case, it is a roll of the dice and i think there are way more negatives that would come along with it. >> you were at a shooting range with an ar-15 because you are comfortable with guns and like guns? >> both. i was with a friend of mine in law enforcement and i wanted to see what the hype was about and see why -- people are protecting
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these so viciously. and i think it is foolish. i think we do need to revisit a ban on assault weapons because those have one purpose and that is to kill. and people don't need easy as access to them. >> the cdc estimates one in five children experience a mental disorder. the president has talked about -- and florida talked about improving funds for mental health, how do you see that. >> i think any improvement in mental health is something we need to address for a long time but i see that as a larger societal issue. to talk about that as part of a school safety policy, i think just distracts from what we should be talking about. allowing places for students to learn in school and keeping students safe. there are -- we have social workers so how about we increase the resources. i'm in a school in urban public school where every time there is a budget cut we start to cut resources to address things just like you just said.
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and even to your last point -- >> you're -- but you're saying -- teachers know how to teach and other social workers who are supposed to address the problems that they had down in parkland. >> that is right. my husband is a detective and we have guns in our home but our roles are different. we go to work to do very different things. i don't want to carry a gun. i want to stand in front of kids and create a space for them to learn. all of the other things that are added on as part of the conversation really confuse what we're really talking about and blurs the line between the roles. >> shaun, you moved to texas from oklahoma. >> yeah. >> teachers in oklahoma, i think they are the second lowest paid in the country. how -- explain for people how that -- it made you move. you talked about the growing list of duties, explain the tension in the lower pay and all of the extra duties. >> sure. so the electives talk about average salary so for a perspective i have six years of experience and my masters had the teacher of the year and my
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take yoem with $1,800 and i had rent and day care and it wouldn't work out. we're looking at oversize classrooms and a lack of resources, over 100 school districts went to four-day school weeks and once we had our daughter, we welcomed our first child, we didn't want to subject our own family to that -- the crumbling infrastructure. >> what do you think is a teacher is a good range of pay from teachers. from what to what? i know it varies, but what is a good start. >> it depends on the state. that is part of the problem n. connecticut, a small state, but from one end to the other, the variables are so different. but this is still a profession. i worked really hard to be a teacher. i have a graduate degree and a post graduate degree and invested in this as a career. so -- the compensation needs to match that. >> we agree with you. >> i know what all teachers do. >> thank you so much for joining
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us. and as we prepare for the beginning of march madness, duke university coach k. shares a mess does this map show the peninsula trail? you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop.
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at the marine mammal center, the environment is everything. we want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. and pg&e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. we've helped the marine mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. pg&e has allowed us to be the most sustainable organization we can be. any time you help a customer, it's a really good feeling. it's especially so when it's a customer that's doing such good and important work for the environment. together, we're building a better california. ♪ >> college basketball fans have one more day to complete ncaa tournament brackets. the duke blue devils are a
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number two seed in the region. they are often a final four favorite. thanks largely to coach mike krzyzewski who led the team since 1980. the man known as coach k. shares his historic path to becoming the most winning division coach in college basketball in our series "note to self." >> unbelievable -- they are the national champions. >> dear me. keep playing those school yard games. i know they are the best part of your day and you might not yet know they are also important to your future. those games you play with mo and the rest of the boys are laying a foundation for your future as a member and leader of teams. and the games you play when they have all gone home and you are
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alone with the ball and the hoop, those are equal in their fundamental value. when you envision yourself a championship moments, counting down the seconds in your head, driving past invisible defenders, you are giving yourself a destination. they'll be stops along the way that you could not possibly imagine. did you know that you will be the first in your family to go to college. did you know that your father the elevator operator and your mother with the eighth grade education who cleans office floors at night, those children of polish immigrants, did you know that they are doing those things to ensure opportunities for you and your brother. you will become a cadet and a basketball player. at one of the greatest institutions for leadership in the world.
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their theiren occ their -- their encouragement will send you to west point. when you come up in the army and then at duke, when you find yourself coaching a team in championship moments, you will feel as if you've been there before. because of what you are doing right now, in that school yard and inner city chicago, you will not what to do. never underestimate the immense power of your imagination. you will use it all your life. there will be a time in your future when you are approaching 50 years old when you will become disconnected with those things you learned in the school yard. where it wasn't always about winning, and when the experience and the feeling were what mattered most.
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the pressure will become heavy and you will feel that burden in your body as well as in your mind. your family will ask you to take a step away from the team and the game you love. it will be hard, but please listen to them. and let them help you reclaim the part of yourself that finds joy and meaning in the process and that understands the importance of balance. and mik, take it easy on your mom, okay. it won't be long before you realize that she is your first girl. your passion for creating opportunities for the next generation begins with her. as does your sense of humor. watch her, listen to her, she is
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selfless and courageous. [ cheering and applause ] >> for whatever reason, life will be good to you. it will offer you many opportunities and you will do your best to make the most of them. ♪ ♪ >> let's give it up for the national champion duke blue devils. >> your ability to seize those opportunities lies in what you are doing right now. and the people you have around you. please pay attention. you will be talking about that school yard a half century from now. you will still be able to feel the pavement beneath your feet and experience the joy of the countless celebrations of imagined victories. you will tell story of your mother's courage to walk a room
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full of athletes and gymnasiums full of hopeful high school graduates. you're not going to believe how lucky you are. coach k. >> duke takes on ion tomorrow in the first round of the ncaa tournament. you'll be able to read many leet leaders in our new book "note to self" available in may. the publisher is simon and schuster, a division of cbs. >> and hear more on itunes and apple podcast. today basketball insider jon rothstein and adam zucker give advice on filling out your march madness bracket. you are watching "cbs this morning." arch madness bracket.
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>> that does it for us.
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we'll see you tomorrow right here on cbs this morning. >> take it easy.
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veterans facility: good morning. in the wake of the deadly shooting at a northbay veterans facility dozens plan to attend a candlelight vigil tonight in brentwood to honor the women who lost their lives. they are christine glover, jennifer golic, and jennifer gonzales. today the police commission in san francisco will consider a taser use policy for police officers. the commission is expected to decide whether to formally oppose an upcoming ballot measure with less restrictive rules for when teachers can be used. i.c.e officials say they can't put a number on have any targets avoided arrest. the statement comes weeks after i.c.e officials in the trump administration claim some 800 criminals debated arrest after
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mayor libby shafts warning. stay with us. weather and traffic in just a minute.
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good morning. take a look at the conditions drivers are dealing with heading through the northbay. this is 101 at wilfrid. it is no surprise that there is a crash not too far from here where we are tracking it along 101 in the southbound direction. right near college avenue. you can see slow speeds in both directions. dipping below 40
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miles an hour. beyond the lookout for that. here is a live look at your ride on one of the one. you can see traffic getting backed up in all directions. if you're making your way through the northbay. we have reports of an accident along 680 heading northbound as you approach 780. right now speeds are still moving in the green. it looks like caltrans is looking for that crash. let's check in on the forecast. visibility in the northbay definitely low, especially near places like santa rosa. we're looking at dark storm clouds across lot of the san francisco skyline and beyond. it is pouring right here in in braga, lafayette, alan no, and walnut creek. also near danville as well. a lot of the east bay getting dumped on. clayton, summersville, oakleigh now missing the rain showers. some slush across the diablo range. it is cold near the lake observatory and you may see a
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dusting of snow fall up there. it's here. the ross spring dress event. where you'll find the perfect dress at the perfect price. whether you want to stand out from the crowd or dance the night away. from a weekend getaway to that special celebration. if you want to save big on dresses for every occasion, you've gotta get to the ross spring dress event. visit our newest stores in fruitvale and in the serramonte center.


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