tv CBS This Morning CBS March 26, 2018 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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mentally, physically. it was cold. >> you did it. >> proud of you, michelle. >> next time we're all doing that together. >> all right. maybe. >> good morning to our viewers in the west. it's monday, march 26, 2018. welcome to "cbs this morning." stormy daniels tells "60 minutes" she was threatened in 2011 over her alleged affair with president trump. an attorney for the president called it baseless. the adult film star's attorney is in studio 57. >> a massive fire traps families inside a shopping mall. at least 64 people in eastern russia are dead. witnesses say there were no a harms or attempted to evacuate the shoppers. >> small rural hospitals are failing all over america but a cbs news investigation finds some are earning big money for one florida lab.
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a whistleblower takes us inside the alleged scam that could send your insurance costs soaring. >> plus, how a group called better angels is easing tensions over gun control by bringing americans together for more conversations and less confrontations. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> a guy said to me, leave trump alone, forget the story, then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said a beautiful little girl, it would be a shame if something happened to her mom. >> stormy daniels finally tells her story. >> i was like someone should take that magazine and spank you with it. like, you know, give me that. you wouldn't. hand it over. >> a terrible fire broke out at a mall in russia. dozens are good. >> no word on what sparked that fire. >> one person is dead two others are hurt after shiite rebels in
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yemen launched ballistic missiles into saudi arabia. >> facebook's founder now apologizing for the site's data scandal with full page ads in several newspapers. >> march for our lives rally drew massive crowds across the country. >> student activists are vowing to continue the fight for stricter gun control laws. >> this is not the end. this is just the beginning. >> protests erupted in spain after dcadalonia's former president was arrested in germany. >> a massive avalanche down the slope of europe's highest peak. >> and all that matters. >> it's another super nova launch for the wildcats. >> the stage for the final four is set. >> the best game of the tournament between a pair of blue bloods. >> kansas is still dancing. >> on "cbs this morning." >> the big story this year is the loyola of chicago rambler. the star of the team is sister jean. >> i'm so happy for loyola, for my congregation, for the city of chicago, because we are almost cinderella.
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be careful, san antonio, the ramblers are on their way. >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota, let's go places. >> welcome to "cbs this morning." you got to love sister jean and i saw her on television yesterday. >> ultimate fan, yes. >> john dickerson is off this morning so anthony mason is with us. >> well, hi there. great to be here. >> and i'm back, people. i'm back. >> there she is. >> you came back on a really busy news day, norah o'donnell. >> lots to talk about. adult film actress stormy daniels says fear kept her from talking about an alleged fair with president trump. she told her complete story last night on "90 minutes." it's already under attack by the lawyer for michael cohen, the president's personal attorney. >> stormy daniels says she signed an agreement because she
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was worried about her and her family's safety. she claimed cohen threatened her with financial ruin to keep quiet. >> possible legal challenges for cohen and trump. major garrett is at the white house, which has said nothing about the "60 minutes" story, major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. stormy daniels discussed in some detail the alleged affair with mr. trump, one she had previously denied. she also made mention of an alleged threat against her and her daughter. now, on the eve of the "60 minutes" broadcast, where all of this was discussed, the president had dinner with michael cohen. the two of them at the center of this ongoing political and legal drama. >> i was in a parking lot. going to a fitness class with my infant daughter and a guy walked up on me and said to me, leave trump alone, forget the story. and then he lean around and looked at my daughter and said "a beautiful little girl, it would be a shame if something happened to her mom." >> reporter: in an interview with "60 minutes" daniels says
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she was first threatened to stay silent in 2011. >> you took it as a direct threat? >> absolutely. my hands were shaking so much, i was afraid i was going to drop her. >> did you go to the police? >> no. >> why? >> because i was scared. >> reporter: daniels says she doesn't know who threatened her. her lawyer says a new lawsuit filed by cohen is meant to intimidate his client. >> there's no question, you threaten someone with a $20 million lawsuit, it's a thuggish tactic. it's no different than what happened in the parking lot in las vegas. >> reporter: michael cohen has denied ever threatening daniels. his lawyer fired back overnight at avenatti, calling allegations she was threatened baseless. mr. cohen had absolutely nothing to do with any such person or incident and does not even believe any such person exists. >> reporter: was it hush money to stay silent? >> yes. the story was coming out again. i was concerned for my family
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and their safety. >> reporter: after signing a nondisclosure agreement, daniels said she lied in statements where she denied vague affair with mr. trump. if it was untruthful, why did you sign it? >> because they made it sound like i had no choice. >> reporter: no one was putting a gun to your head? >> not physical violence, no. >> reporter: you thought there would be legal repercussion? >> as a matter of fact, the exact sentence used was they can make your life hell in many different ways. >> reporter: they being? >> i'm not exactly sure who they were. i believe it to be michael cohen. >> reporter: no official comment from the white house this morning, but the president did tweet, saying there's, quote, so much fake news going around. now, the attorney for mr. trump pointed 60 minutes to a previously signed january statement from daniels denying the affair. >> all right, major, thank you. michael cohen's $130,000 payment to stormy daniels is raising new legal questions for him and the trump campaign.
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paula reid is also at the white house. paula, so explain this, because stormy daniels calls it hush money. but why would the fec care about it? why would it become something that's a legal matter? >> reporter: the biggest question is whether or not this payment had anything to do with the election. this is an affair that occurred about a decade prior but just 11 days before the election, she received this $130,000 payment. the question for federal investigators is, was cohen trying to pay her to prevent her from talking during the election? if he was, two potential legal problems. the first is that amount of money would far exceed the individual contribution limit for mr. cohen. the other thing is we don't really know exactly where this money came from. and that could potentially cause some problems about disclosure requirements under federal campaign finance law. >> paula, why would the special counsel, robert mueller, be interested in this? >> we know that mueller is looking into how the campaign was financed. he's also asked witnesses about
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some events cohen was involved in. also requested some documents about mr. cohen. we have to look at the specific mandate mueller was given. he was asked to look into the russian government in the 2016 campaign. it's hard to see how this nondisclosure agreement would fit into that. but if he discovers any evidence of criminal wrong do he can hand it over to the justice department. >> all right, paula, thank you so much. >> thank you, paula. the attorney who represents stormy daniels joins us at the table. good to see you again. >> good morning. >> all right, michael cohen's attorney is saying listen, you are accusing him of false things. they said that he did not have anything to do with this incident about stormy daniels being threatened. if she was, in fact, threatened. or even if such a person exists. you've been hit with a cease and desist order and they're asking for an apology. what do you say about this? >> we're only getting started. michael cohen has zero credibility. we're going to prove it. his statements thus far in
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connection with this matter are laughable. this is a man who has a history of thuggish behavior using intimidate tactics and trying to step on little people. and as it relates to my client, it's going to come to an end and we're going to show the american people exactly who michael cohen is and exactly what happened in connection with this incident, including what happened with the agreement and this $130,000 payment. >> you're insisting you have evidence that proves this? >> we are going to establish evidence. we already have some evidence that certainly established this. >> why haven't you done that yet? you teased on twitter with a cd, a picture's worth a thousand words. that seems like a big tease. why are you teasing us? if you have it, why not produce it? >> we're in the process of a legal case. we're going to be methodical, surgical and smart in the way that we go about doing this. the cd, the tweet and the cd or the dvd was meant to send a warning shot. that mr. cohen and the president better be very careful what they
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come out and state regarding my client. isn't it interesting, gayle, that we have a president that will tweet about the most mundane matters, but he won't tweet about my client? the affair? the agreement or the $130,000 payment? you know why he won't tweet about it? because it's true. it's 100% true. >> what's on that cd? what's on that cd? >> i'm not going to disclose what's on the cd right now. >> video images? >> i'm not going to disclose. you can ask me ten different times. we'll disclose it at the appropriate time. but where's mr. -- >> -- nothing on the -- >> well, if you think i'm believing, you should ask a lot of people i've litigated against. you ask them if i'm the kind of guy that bluffs. >> what are you holding out for, more money? >> we're not holding out for more money. we're going to treat this like any other case. we're going to be smart about it. we're going to be strategic about it. >> we learned some very salacious things.
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okay, so the president of the united states, they had a one night stand, number one. he allegedly likes to be spanked with a magazine with his picture on the cover. he allegedly sits on the bed perched. all of this very tawdry when you just think president and porn star in one sentence is jarring for a lot of people. what exactly -- why does this matter to the american people? >> it matters -- >> i really want you to lay this out. >> i think a lot of people watch that interview last night and they went, okay, they had an affair years ago, a one night stand years ago, she was paid, how was she paid. tell us why this matters to us. >> gayle it should matter to every american because it's all about the cover-up. it's about the lies and deceit that have been laid out for the american people by mr. cohen and mr. trump by his surrogate. it is about the hiding of the knowledge of the president relating to the agreement and the negotiation of the agreement as well as this $130,000 payment. mr. cohen wants the american
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people to believe that this is all false and he just paid the $130,000, even though there was no basis to the allegation. well, if that's true, gayle, every viewer right now should call michael cohen's office here in new york city, claim they had an affair with the president and a cording to mr. cohen, he's going to send you $130,000 immediately. so i would urge every viewer to do that. it's laughable. it's a joke. >> a lot of time you were here, i asked you specifically if you had evidence that the $130,000 that michael cohen, that it came from somewhere other than his own pocket. you said you might. are you going to disclose that? >> at the appropriate time, yes. >> the person who threatened your client in 2011, do you have any indication who that might be? >> we're in the process of trying to discover who that might be. you can imagine how terrifying that was for my client. >> have you been contacted by federal investigators or the special counsel? >> i'm not going to answer. >> is she still being threatened? are you worried about her life? is she worried about her safety?
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>> absolutely. i mean, she received threats on a near hourly basis. we don't have anything tying those to mr. cohen or mr. trump to be clear. but she's certainly scared for her safety and the safety of her family in light of this. >> well, admitted she lied before. why should the american people now believe she's now telling the truth? >> i think the american people were able to observe her under some pretty tough questions by anderson cooper. they were able to observe what she said. her demeanor. et cetera. i think that 80% to 90% of the american people found her to be credible and believable. >> all right. the story to be continued, right? >> thank you. >> to be continued? >> absolutely to be continued. we're just getting started. >> all right, thank you very much for joining us at the table. we should note that we did invite the president's lawyer, michael cohen, who we've been talking about, to give his reaction on "cbs this morning." he's not yet responded to our invitation. we have breaking news from the white house where president
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trump just ordered the expulsion of 60 russian diplomats from the u.s. it's in retaliation for the nerve agent attack on a former russian spy and his daughter in england. a senior administration official says 48 are based at the russian embassy. 12 at the united nations. the president also ordered the russian consulate in seattle to be shut down. saying it's too close to boeing production plants and a u.s. navy base. 14 european countries also expelled russian diplomats today. over the attack on sergei skripal. moscow denies responsibility. a fire inside a shopping mall crowded with families killed least 64 people in russia. the fire broke out yesterday. the first weekend of a school break. and burned through the night. young children are among the victims. elizabeth palmer is following developments from london. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the fire broke out yesterday afternoon. and blazed for hours.
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as firefighters raced to evacuate people from the fourth floor of the building. the roofs of two of the three movie theaters had eventually collapsed. and in their desperation to escape, some people jumped from windows. bodies were still being discovered in the ruins this morning. the dead include children. as the fourth floor of the mall had featured a petting zoo, a skating rink and a play room. in fact, russia state news agency is reporting that the fire may have started in a foam rubber trampoline in that children's play room. cell phone video from inside the burning building shows rescue workers struggling in vain to break down an internal door. investigators believe that a security guard may have turned the fire alarm off when the blaze started and that access to the movie theater was blocked. >> very tragic story, thank you, elizabeth. the florida students behind the never again movement hope to build on the momentum created by their march for our lives protest over the weekend.
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hundreds of thousands people gathered in washington and around the world to demonstrate against gun violence. adriana diaz has been following the stoneman douglas students. she's on capitol hill now with the latest on their story. >> reporter: good morning. the parkland students said their march here on washington was just the beginning. and now they want to turn their voices into votes. at marches nationwide this weekend, they registered 5,000 people to vote. many of them millmillennials. >> who here is going to vote in the 2018 election? >> reporter: an ocean of activists delivered their demands at top volume. >> the nra has got to go. >> we're sick and tired of waking up every day scared to go to school. >> reporter: the crowd was silenced for six minutes by marjory stoneman douglas student emma gonzalez. >> in a little over six minutes, 17 of our friends were taken from us. >> reporter: she and other core ogwin organizers appeared on face the
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nation. >> we're going to be revving up. this is not the end. this is just the beginning. >> reporter: the group is also working on their next step, including a call for town halls nationwide on april 7th, a second national walkout on april 20th and a voter registration campaign to register teens before november's midterm elections. not all students feel included in the movement. >> i agree with completely, this cannot happen ever again. but i differ with them on what policy needs to be made. >> reporter: a host on nra tv also criticized the students calling them hypocrites. >> they hate machines that cause death except hold on, no, you ain't never going to take their cars away. >> reporter: senator tim kaine said congress is already building on the work of the movement. >> the activism of these young people are changing the equation. the two things we put into the budget bill the other night couldn't have been done, had these youngsters not advocated for them. >> reporter: the spending bill does include minor improvements
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to background checks. now, the students held their march in the shadow of the capitol, but with congress in recess, lawmakers weren't there. still, this week, state lawmakers will vote on tougher gun laws in new jersey and vermont. >> adriana diaz, thanks. the final four is set in the ncaa men's basketball tournament. >> going inside the paint. right back outside to newman. he is on target tonight. >> kansas took down duke, 85-81, in an overtime thriller yesterday. becoming the last team to advance to the national semifinals. on saturday, loyola university of chicago defeated kansas state. this is loyola's first title run in more than 50 years. loyola will take on michigan. and villanova will pay kansas this saturday. the championship game is next monday night. >> boy, that is a lineup. >> it's a great lineup. >> the game was hard to watch, very tough. >> nothing better.
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>> that's right, nothing better. a man who built a rocket in his garage is a big step closer to sending himself into space. ahead, how he launched himself nearly 2,000 feet into the sky in a push to overturn good morning, it might be monday, but it is a beautiful one, a beautiful start to your week. you have warm temperatures and clear skies to look forward to. your high temperatures today 67 in fairfield as well as in santa rosa, 63 in oakland, 62 san francisco, 65 in san jose. looking at your seven-day forecast, those temperatures start to creep up. the warmest will be the end of the week before we have a few clouds on saturday. that will clear out just in time for the easter egg hunts on sunday. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places.
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get a bill from a hospital in georgia they've never visited? >> i knew what they were doing right from the get-go. >> which was what? >> they were defrauding my insurance company. >> ahead, a cbs news investigation looks for answers from an attorney who started buying rural hospitals and saw insurance payments soar. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." >> this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by cool sculpting. find out more on cool scul more on cool scul now that's cool! coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. and no surgery. results and patient experience may vary. some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit today... for your chance to win a free treatment.
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commission approved arming officers this is a kpix 5 morning update. >> good morning, it's 7:26. i'm michelle griego. the san francisco police commission approved arming officers with tasers, but when they can be used is still under review. according to the mayor, the policy regulating how tasers can be used will, quote, work best for the community and officers. he says a ballot measure is unnecessary. drivers filling up their tanks paying on average about $5 more than what they did this time last year. gas prices are up $0.07 a gallon over the past two weeks. rising crude oil prices are to blame. industry analysts say we can expect to see prices climb into the summer. stay with us, a look at traffic and weather in just a moment.
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really slow along southbound 680. we're seeing these delays build as folks making their way down. 22 minute ride to get from 84 to 580. then we have an additional travel time in the yellow, 15 minutes down to mission boulevard south. that's all due to that crash blocking at least one lane over at onomal parkway. 30 minutes from 880 and east shore freeway, 30 minute ride to the bay bridge toll plaza. it is nice and beautiful as far as your weather is concerned, clear and sunny and warm is going to be the key for the rest of the week. 67 degrees in fairfield, 65 in vallejo. san francisco, 62, and warmer in the south bay at 65 degrees in san jose. looking at your seven-day forecast, sunny and warm, continuing to get warmer towards the end of the week, but for our warmest day friday, temperatures will dip back down on saturday some clouds, but then clear up for your easter sunday.
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♪ gosh. i hope your eyes are open so you can see the pretty colors on your screen. yellow and orange. wake up, everybody. that's a beautiful shot. >> nice way to wake up. >> the sunshine matches your dress. >> gayle's favorite color, yellow. >> welcome back to you. welcome back to you, too, on "cbs this morning." here are three things we think you need to know on "cbs this morning." including new turmoil for the president's legal team. the president's former top attorney john dodd resigned last week after dispute over
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strategy. >> america's oldest gun company has filed bankruptcy. remmington made the gun used in the sandy hook shooting. creditors will take hold and decide their future. the u.s. city of falls church in virginia, that's according to the first ranking by "u.s. news & world report." douglas and broomfield counties in colorado came in second and third place. emmet county, iowa, is at the bottom of the list. i'm sorry. the report evaluated 3,000 communities across ten categories including health, infrastructure and local economy. some rural hospitals are being used to set up big paydays for insurance providers raising questions of how insurance claims are reimbursed.
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since 2010 83 struggling rural hospitals have closed. several others are at risk of closing in the next decade, but as cbs news has found, they've become hugely profitable. because insurance providers reimburse them at a much higher rate. jim axelrod is here with how health care executives are cashing in. good morning. >> good morning. buying a struggling rural hospital may not seem like a best bet for a business venture, but we found these out of the way-hospitals have become gold mines for those looking to make a quick buck. on a hilltop in rural north georgia, chestatee regional -- has been operating for more than 40 years. >> it's where i was born. >> it's got a place in your heart. >> it does, it does. >> kelly smallwood worked there for 13 years most recently in the billing department. the owners of the hospital have
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been trying to unload it for three years until the summer of 2016 when a man from florida showed up offering to buy it for $15 million. >> when you heard that what did you think? >> it hit me why would someone come up at pay $15 million. >> reporter: it just didn't smell right. she did some research into the new owner. >> what did you find out? >> he owned a lab in florida. it was called reliance laboratories. >> what else had he done professionally? >> he was also an attorney. >> have you a friend or loved one been injured in a serious accident, slip and fall? >> had he ever run a hospital before? >> no. >> reporter: right after the
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sale she said he moved part of the billing operation to florida and huge checks from insurance companies started coming in. >> chestatee ever since i've been there has ever been paid a check like that. >> reporter: records show the money was paid out for drug screens, toxicology samples for urine samples. some were conducted in his lab near ft. lauderdale, but everything was billed to chestatee hospital. >> the reimbursement rate is a lot higher with our contracts. on a $1,500 claim we would get reimbursed at almost $1,000. >> and if they were run through the lab, do you have any idea what they would end getting? >> nothing extravagant like chestatee would get. >> reporter: insurance providers reimburse rural hospitals at much higher rates to keep health care in those communities. those higher rates are also making aaron durall a lot of money. documents show his lab made $67
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million billing tests through another rural hospital in graceville, florida. a similar deal he made has generated more than $31 million in the last eight months and last year durall bought two more hospitals in georgia and alabama. after he bought chestatee, smallwood started getting complaints. from patients. >> i started getting an influx of calls. >> patients from georgia? >> no. they're from all over the united states, texas, vermont, west virginia. >> i knew what they were doing right from the get-go. >> which is what? >> they were defrauding my insurance company. >> reporter: on the other end of the phone calls was sonya rye land from texas. she happens to know a lot about lab tests. >> i've been a lab tech since i was about 19 years old. >> so you know how this works. >> oh, yes. and i also do the lab billing where i work and i've been doing it for the past ten years as
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well. >> reporter: in december 2016 chestatee regional in georgia started billing her insurance $2,700 a pop for drug tests on her son who was in a rehab in michigan. >> i've never been to georgia to a hospital. my kids have never been to georgia. >> how often are you getting these $2,700 charges? >> almost every other day. >> what was the total? >> close to $20,000. >> just from the analysis of a urine sample. >> yes. >> those types of bills disturbing kelly smallwood. after months of voicing her concerns to multiple supervisors, she quit. >> i turned my notice in on march 19th, 2017. when i turned my notice in, i did not have a job lined up. i had had enough. >> kelly, wouldn't the easy thing to have done just to have kept your mouth shut and just keep doing work the way you were asked to do it? >> i tried. wrong is wrong. that's not how i was raised.
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if you're going to do something, you need do it right and you need to do it truthfully. >> reporter: we wanted to ask aaron durall about all this. he declined multiple requests for an on-camera interview. declined to speak with us when we showed up at his lab in florida in person. as for sonya rival, after numerous calls to chestatee regional, the hospital finally admitted they had no records or test results for her son. >> let's say you're sitting halfway across the country watching this story. why should you care? >> you'd better care, because it's going to affect your insurance. next year all the insurance companies are going to look at how much they've lost and how much they've paid out and they're going to adjust your premium to accommodate it. they're not going to pay for it. you're going to pay for it.
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>> reporter: in an e-mail durall said all testing at the rural hospitals you mentioned is properly billed. last month anthem sent a letter to the hospital durall contracted within california alleging $13 billion had been i am properly billed. the hospital disputes the allegations but has temporarily suspended the lab program. >> kelly smallwood is one vigilant hospital worker. jim, generally are these kinds of lab arrangements legal? >> that, of course, depends on who you ask. the insurance companies say it's fraudulent. the people running 2 the lab program say everything is above board. the amount of disputed claims across the country, $260 million. >> wow. you need to check the paperwork. does mr. durall know how to get in touch with you? >> we certainly made it abundantly cleared. >> he didn't try to run you over, but i thought he might want to talk to you.
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>> he's got some explaining to do. very interesting. tonight on the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor, jim axel rod continues his original reporting. this man claims to be rural hospital's best hope, but the plan may backfire. more news tonight on the cbs evening news. >> a former stunt driver is putting his life at risk to prove a theory. he used a homemade rocket to launch himself nearly 2,000 feet in the air. and as was pointed out, this guy is still alive. we invite you to subscribe to cbs podcasts. you'll get the news of the day, ex tenned interviews and podcast origin originals. find them all on apple's ipad and ipod apps. apple's ipod and ipad apps. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
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several failed attempts. this guy is my age. 61 years old. he eventually wants to launch himself. mireya villarreal wants to prove how the earth is flat and shaped like a frisbee. >> reporter: a daredevil rocket maker who called himself "mad mike" hues made a rocket he built in his garage. after reaching a speed of 350 miles an hour, hughes pulled his parachute. he deployed a second chute just before hitting the ground. he only hurt his back after admitting the mission could have been deadly. he spoke to noyes tv. he said he received almost $800,000 in funting from research flat earth. the little known group believes the earth is shaped like a
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frisbee with the sun and move rotating around the outer edge. >> do i believe the earth is shaped like a frisbee, flat or whatever it is, i believe it is because i cannot disprove it. >> reporter: he isn't alone. a number of celebrities including basketball stars shaquille o'neal and kyrier ving have drawn attention for supporting the theory. they've both since said they were joking. for hughes, this is no laughing matter. >> i want to go up so once and for all people know. >> he plans to share his observations around or across the world. for "cbs this morning," mireya villarreal, los angeles. >> i guess he doesn't trust the map images from space. >> or did he miss a class in elementary school? we all learned that in elementary school? >>. >> i admire his sense of
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adventure. >> okay. i'm glad he's alive. i'll just say that. >> that too. up next, a look at this morning's other headlines including how good monday morning to you. you have a lot to look forward. it's going to be beautiful, clear, sunny and warm. 67 in fairfield. 65 in napa, 62 san francisco, mountain view, 64. san jose 65. your seven-day forecast shows all that sunshine, and the temperatures that start to climb with it. friday is going to be our warmest day getting close to 80 in the inland areas but not quite there. a few clouds on saturday, but then those clear for sunday. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by the all new 2018 lincoln navigator.
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other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. what do you think? i think it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. welcome back to "cbs this morning." our partners at the bbc says saudi arabia shot down ballistic missiles shout down by yemen. they intercepted seven missiles. one person in riyadh was killed by a missile fragment. "usa today" reports the kings and celtics partnered on a public service announcement with
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accountability shirts after the stephon clark shooting. they wore the shirts in warmup before the game last night in sacramento. sacramento police shot and killed 22-year-old clark last sunday. he was unarmed. the omaha world herald reports the type of toxic gas that killed an iowa family on vacation in mexico has not been revealed. the bodies of kevin and amy sharp and their two children were discovered friday in a rented condo that. i died from inhaling poisonous gas and there wish no signs of foul play or suicide. it shows investigators checking the oven and other areas of the condo. >> one of the saddest stories i've heard. and "the wall street journal" reports a qantas flight
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completed a journey from australia to london. they're rescheduled food service at the start of the journey to sin kron nice more closely with meal times at the destination. a group called better angels says listening is better than shouting. we agree. ahead, how communities bring organizations together to talk about issues like gun control that are driving many people apart. 's husband isn't a lawyer, call legalzoom and we'll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. my digestive system used to make me feel sluggish. but those days are over. now, i take metamucil every day. it naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. so i feel...lighter. try metamucil and begin to feel what lighter feels like. take the 2-week challenge
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after october's deadly wildfires. empty lots lling and contractors have this is a kpix 5 morning update. it's 7:56. i'm kenny choi. empty lots are selling and contractors have recently started work on more than a dozen homes. and pg&e will begin a major overhaul of underground utilities in the coming months. no motive for why a man drove a flaming car through the gates of travis air force base last week. we do know that the suspect has been identified as 51-year-old hafiz kazi. he's a native of india living in the bay area since 1993. we'll have traffic and weather in just a moment.
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through the north bay along 101. take a look at ignacio boulevard, 32 minutes to go from rolling down to 580. 101 on highway 37, not too bad. in the yellow 40 minute drive. richmond, san rafael bridge that's starting to see more brake lights, 13 minutes from marina bay parkway to sir francis drake. 34 minute ride from highway 4 to the mazes and an additional 34 heading into san francisco. it's nice and clear out there, taking a look at your high temperatures for the day, they are going to be warmer than we've seen the last couple of days, and that's only going to continue through the week. our highs today 67 in santa rosa, 65 in vallejo, 63 in fremont, 60 in pacifica, 67 degrees out in the east bay. now, your seven-day forecast, look at that, all that sunshine and those temperatures start to creep up. our warmest day will be friday before we cool back off for the
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it's monday, march 26th, 2018. welcome back to "cbs this morning." ahead, the fallout from stormy daniels talking to "60 minutes." rikki klieman is here with a potential legal issue for the adult film star and president trump's lawyer. mark zuckerberg admits more facebook users had their personal data misused and other giants are seeing the potential danger. here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> adult film actress stormy daniels says fear kept her in talking about an alleged affair with trump. >> stormy daniels discussed the alleged affair and also made mention of an alleged threat against her and her daughter. >> the question is whether it
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had anything to do with the election. an affair that occurred 10 years prior but 11 days before they received a payment. >> you have been hit with a cease and desist order and they're asking for an apology. >> michael cohin has zero credibility, thuggish behavior using intimidation and trying to step on little people. >> the two of the three movie theaters collapsed. some jumped from windows. >> parkland students said their march on washington was the beginning and they want to turn their voices into votes. ♪ >> it's the economy comedy. >> rock engaged in a dance battle with shaquille o'neal. >> dance off. shirts off. vanity optional. >> magic mike. ♪ ♪
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>> i'm gayle king. norah o'donnell is back. that's always good. and anthony mason is here, always good to have you at the desk. >> great to be here always. >> john dickerson is off today. stormy daniels says she was physically threatened in 2011 by an unknown person for talk to a magazine about president trump. daniels describes her alleged 2006 affair with mr. trump in a "60 minutes" interview last night the adult film star says she signed a nondisclosure agreement out of fear. daniels was asked why people should believe her after she signed two statements denying the affair. >> i felt intimidated and honestly bullied and i didn't know what to do and i signed it. even though i had repeatedly expressed that i wouldn't break the agreement, but i was not comfortable lying. >> how do we know you're telling the truth? >> because i have no reason to lie. i'm opening myself up for, you
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know, possible danger and definitely a whole lot of [ bleep ]. >> you know, there is a potential upside, financial upside, maybe someone will want you to write a book or go on a bigger tour and make more money. >> that's a lot of ifs. i could also get shunned. i mean i could automatically be alienating half of my fan base at this moment. >> the president tweeted this morning, so much fake news. never been more voluminous or inaccurate but throughout it all our country is doing great. his attorney michael cohen denies threatening daniels. a white house lawyer referred "60 minutes" to a january statement of denial signed by daniels. yet read in part my involvement with donald trump was limited to a few public appearances and nothing more. >> cbs news legal analyst rikki klieman with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> can you help us under the end game here for stormy daniels and her attorney? because it would appear that she put herself in significant legal
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jeopardy by speaking with "60 minutes"? >> there is no question that she put herself in significant legal jeopardy. right now, that contract, that nondisclosure agreement, is valid. and it remains valid unless or until an arbitrator or a judge declares it invalid. so by going forward knowing that she has signed a contract, for whatever reason she said she signed, by threat or because she wanted the money, doesn't matter, she still is under a contractual obligation not to talk, although she has legal arguments to say the contract is void. >> what effect could they have, number one, we're calling it an affair i learned on "60 minutes" that actually it was a one night stand. >> one night stand. >> it's a one night stand. she admit she is lied and you're saying it doesn't matter she felt bullied or felt threatend? couldn't that affect the legal proceedings for her? >> she says she felt threatened and her story is very compelling about the unknown man coming up
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and threatening her and her child in a parking lot. but that threat or alleged threat, only means that that gave her a reason to say i was under fear and duress and signed the nondisclosure agreement. >> doesn't that matter? >> why you signed the nondisclosure agreement may be irrelevant once you've signed. her lawyer has said repeatedly the contract is not valid because donald trump didn't sign it. a judge or arbitrator may differ with that. a good argument for michael avenatti and stormy daniels is that michael cohen opened the door this year by speaking about it. one of the problems that has gone on not only with this situation but many situations that either involve donald trump or circle around donald trump, if there weren't -- if there was no talk, these issues would not surface. >> it's interesting you say that. just as michael avenatti was leaving the set he said we could depose the president within the next 60 days.
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i said why. he said they made a pretty big legal blunder. >> well, i think that there are two things that michael avenatti is talking about. number one, he is saying that donald trump intervened in this procedure in california to renew the case to the federal court. they want it back in arbitration which by the way the agreement says it lives in arbitration. so he says by intervening, i'm donald trump, also known as david denison, that that's a legal blunder and put himself in the middle. whether or not it gets deposed within 60 days, may be an exaggeration. what we have to look at is a much bigger picture here. the question is are there violations that come out of this nondisclosure agreement and all of the surrounding brouhaha that may agreement an election violation. >> right. >> that is with the ftc. the person who could be in trouble for that is michael cohen as well as the campaign.
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that issue may not go away, particularly if a special counsel -- >> that's what robert avenatti keeps saying not the one night stand but the cover-up that came after it. that's what we should focus on is salacious and interesting some people may find it to be. >> absolutely correct. we'll see where it goes. >> thank you. always good to have you here. >> thank you. facebook is warning its more than 2 billion users that their privacy may have been compromised by more third-party apps. u.s. and british newspapers yesterday for the leak of data from more than 50 million users to cambridge analytica. the ads said in part we expect there are others. vladimir duterte of our streaming network is here with the growing backlash. >> good morning. a new reuters poll finds 41% of americans trust facebook to obey u.s. privacy laws, compared to more than 60% for amazon and google and criticism of facebook is coming from tech titans like tim cook and elon musk and government officials.
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>> mark zuckerberg didn't mention cambridge analytica by name, but it's clear the facebook ceo had it in mind when he took out the newspaper ads. i promise to do better for you, he said. we have a responsibility to protect your information. if we can't we don't deserve it. cambridge analytica, the british political consultsy firm, had improperly obtained personal data on some 50 million facebook users. >> that's a small piece. >> reporter: on "face the nation" mark warner called on zuckerberg to come clean about cambridge analytica which helped identify supporters for president donald trump's campaign and build targeted political ads. >> i think mr. zuckerberg needs to come and testify before congress, not just put an advertisement in a newspaper. >> reporter: zuckerberg who says he's willing to appear before congress also felt pressure from silicon valley. apple's ceo tim cook speaking in china said the situation was dire and welcomed more privacy protections. >> i think that probably some
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well-crafted regulation is necessary, he said saturday. elon musk joined the #deletefacebook movement and took down the facebook pages for his company. tesla and spacex. >> it feels like a snowball effect. >> reporter: c-net editor dan ackerman said the controversy can't be ignored by apple, google and other tech companies that collect personal data. >> they won't just be able to say we'll try to do better next time and forget about it and move on to the next shiny tech story is. >> facebook is investigating all third-party apps that had access to huge amounts of user data and will ban apps that mishandled it. cambridge analytica said the data it purchased was deleted in 2015 and denies using it during the 2016 presidential election. >> this story is not going away. >> no. >> no. big deal. >> yeah. >> to be continued. your next business trip or getaway may introduce you to a new frontier in smart technology. >> inside this basement workshop in bethesda, marnds, this may
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look like a normal hotel room, but it's anything but. blinds, lights, tv. all voice activated. and much, much more. i'm peter green burg. what they're doing to design the hotel room of the future. that story coming up on "cbs this morning." >> all right. >> all they need is room service. >> right. >> gayle. >> i was waiting for that. i love a good morning, it might be monday, but it is a beautiful one. a beautiful start to your week. you have warm temperatures and clear skies to look forward to. your high temperatures today 67 in fairfield as well as in santa rosa. 63 in oakland, 62 san francisco, 65 in san jose. looking at your seven-day forecast, those temperatures start to creep up. the warmest will be the end of the week before we have a few clouds on saturday. that will clear out just in time for the easter egg hunts on sunday.
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is there a simple way to take the heat out of america's divisive political rhetoric. don dahler introduces us to one group showing the way. >> there were times when i saw the listening dprup, saw clenched draws and pens being bent. how hard is it not to say no, with wait a minute, that's not right. >> it's hard. really hard. >> ahead how the better angels are working to bridge divide. you're watching "cbs this morning." divides. you're watching "bcs this morning."
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or no downtime. and no surgery. results and patient experience may vary. some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit today... for your chance to win a free treatment. ross has the must-have styles and brands get ready for spring-at the ross spring shoe event. for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere. step one: get to ross. step two: walk out with top brands at big savings...
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rooms in major hotel chains are getting a makeover to everything from lighting to photos on the wall. and while it may look and sound exciting, travel editor peter greenberg says you may need to pay more attention to protecting your personal information. peter, good morning. >> good morning. for decades hotels have aur worked hard to offer travelers a home away from home. few things have changed until now. >> so this is the workshop. >> this is it. this is where the magic happens. >> at a marriott headquarters in bethesda, maryland, researchers are looking to change hotel rooms that once looked like this with smart rooms that look like this. with a few voice commands, blinds, lights, tvs, we start to
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understand the preferences. now, everything in this room is essentially wired. >> if i like an icebox of a room to go to sleep and i'm not in a room, the room knows through its sensors no one is in here. >> guests can go onto their personal profiles and put in workouts. at least one marriott shower now uses smart glass technology so guests can jot down their thoughts on a fogged up mirror and have it e-mailed to their smartphones. all that data including the location and voice commands can be saved for future use. >> this will grow with interaction and collection of more data and all of these are built with an intelligence system that learns with customer interak and gets that much better. >> if you're a guest talking to yourself in a room, you can get yourself in serious trouble. >> theoretically, but you have
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to ask specific questions. they have a toke about on their phone knowing where you go, they know what type of coffee you order, they know what you order in the restaurant. >> erik cole is a former cyber security expert and forter security expert the president obama. >> it can now offer customer service. the problem is huge violation of personal policy. >> this is all about the guest room of the future. >> like marriott, hilton is now also in on change. guests can open their hotel room doors but it's a convenience that needs to be used with caution. he said the bluetooth signal sent from your smartphone might be unencrypted and could be hack 15d feet away. >> they could intercept your key and track your location and if somebody can steal that digital signature, they can run up charges you'll have to pay for.
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>> reporter: he's a senior president at the hilton. >> the technology is a gee whiz and a wow. can it be hacked? >> we have worked and continue to make sure that that does not happen. >> while the back end staff may be working to make your hotel stay as pleasant as possible, hotel guests need to becareful about how much personal information they share. >> what most people don't realize, with these smart hotels, you're opting into everything. by default, they're tracking your low karks every aspect of your room, think of what you need and opt out of everything else. >> now, the option of using a regular room key remains available as well as opting out of features. they have security measures in place adding that the safety of the guest is taken into
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protection. some of us take slower than others in the shower, get ready for marriott's water bill. >> oh, okay. i don't know about that digital key. somebody could take the digital key and you wake up and there's somebody standing in your room. >> like that i can put pictures in my room, pictures of peter greenberg. >> paem will like the voice commands, close the shades. >> especially controlling the temperature of your room before you get there. >> that's a good one. >> thank god they got rid of the tacky bedspreads. >> technology will help you there. remove the bedspread immediately. >> yeah, right. a new biography on tiger woods offers surprising insight into the legendary golfer's life. ahead, the golfers will join us in studio 57 to share what they learned in three years of
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buried more than a dozen cars at a popular ski resort in russia. the snow blanketed this parking lot here. it didn't hit any major buildings and no one was hurt. the snow's unusual orange tint is from the sahara's sand storm that mixed with snow and rain. it's a phenomenon that happens once every five years. >> it's pretty. do we think it's pretty? >> i don't know what to think. i think it's a little odd. >> okay. ahead, see how workshops on
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issues like gun control can help people on opp debate find common ground. no shouting, please. it can be done. the story after your local police are investigating a dead this is a kpix 5 morning update. good morning, it's 8:25. i'm michelle griego. san francisco police are investigating a deadly stabbing inside the chinese christian church on chestnut avenue. it happened yesterday afternoon. offices say two people were stabbed, one of the victims died. the other victim could be charged in the case. meantime, a possible case of arson under investigation at a different church in san francisco. a fire tore through the basement of christ church lutheran yesterday morning. the pastor says it appears someone started it on purpose. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment.
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good morning, time is 8:27. slow going if you're making your way through the south bay taking a live look at this is 85 near stevens creek. you can see that traffic in the red, 37 minute ride for folks making their way from 101 up to 280. we are dealing with a crash in that northbound direction, just past 280, so it's closer to homestead. you can see that there was slowdowns dipped down below 10 miles per hour to give yourself some extra time heading in that direction, 101 if you choose to go that route is about a 50 minute ride from hillier to san antonio. over at the bay bridge toll
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plaza it's been looking like this all morning long, a 26 minute trip into san francisco from the maze. getting slow in that southbound direction. no reports of any accidents along that stretch. let's check in with emily now on the forecast. it is nice and clear and lovely out there right now. your temperatures are going to start to climb and get a little bit warmer as that sun gets higher in the sky. your high temperatures 67 in fairfield, 67 in santa rosa, 62 in san francisco, 65 degrees in san jose. looking at your seven-day forecast, nothing but good news here, absolutely beautiful and clear. today, tomorrow, through the end of the week. friday is going to be our warmest day. each day is going to get successively more and more warm. now, temperatures will start to come back down saturday as clouds return to our forecast just a little bit, but things are going to be dry, and then on sunday it's going to be nice and clear, so just to recap, clear, beautiful sunny skies that get warmer throughout the week for a few clouds on
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♪ beautiful pictures this morning. look that the. welcome back to cbs this morning. right now it is time to show you some of the morning's headlines. the "wall street journal" reports auto dealers worry that new vehicle prices may be getting a little too high. the average price of a car is $32, 200, and that's about $500 more than last year. new technology and safety features are being used to justify the increases. tightening credit conditions and higher interest rates are also pushing up monthly payments. the washington post says the story behind 11-year-old naomi wadler and her march for our lives speech in washington. she spoke for black women and girls who she says are disproportionately among victims of gun violence. >> for far too long these black
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girls and women have been just numbers. i'm here to say never again for those girls too. >> wadler is a fifth grader who attends school in alexandria. ler mom calls her an aware kid. a lot of people on social media are calling her if future presidential material. imagine having that presence to give a speech like that. such an important matter. >> looking at all the people at the same time. it's not like she was on tape. she's looking at the crowd. she was great. >> a lot of people have trouble standing up in front of a class. >> exactly. forbes reports apple is proposing a new line of accessibility emoji. they represent people in four categories of disability. blindness, deafness, physical and motor skills, and hidden disabilities. the proposed characters include emojis with a wheelchair, prosthetic arm and leg, a hearing aid, guide dog, a cane, and sign language. apple says it is requesting the new emojis to better represent
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people with disabilities. and espn says sister jean gave her blessing for a loyola chicago to license her name and image. the 98-year-old nun is the chaplain and a super fan for the ncaa basketball tournament cinderella team that reached the final four. the school has approved more than 25 sister jean t-shirts from different companies. there are also socks. some sister jean baubleheads on ebay have been selling for more than $300. the school says sister jean did not ask to be compensated. love her. >> i kind of want that baublehead. >> the bobbleheads are pretty great. >> comforting. politics are getting personal for more americans on both sides of the political aisle. a recent poll found that the number of democrats and republicans with negative views of the other party is growing. unfavorable ratings hit almost 90% on each side in recent years, but a group that calls itself better angels is now trying to bridge the gap. people with differing opinions from the same community talk
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face-to-face to ease tensions. one meeting in lebanon, ohio, was visited where 14 people on both siefds the debate over gun control and the second amendment come together. don, good morning. so it is possible to have a sane conversation. >> honestly, this will give you some -- sincerely. it was a great experience. in this climate there doesn't seem to be a more divisive topic than gun control. folks in our meeting in ohio were prepared to battle it out. one man told us he was expecting a firestorm, but these men and women did take on their better angels, and, well, a very constructive conversation. >> i am red. >> i am a bru. >> the colors are drawn, and the conversation is equally split. >> the idea is to stick to our own views and let others
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describe theirs. >> david lapp leads the discussion and enforces the rules. this one is in what's called a fishbowl. the reds on the inside, and the blues listening on the outside. >> where do you stand on the gun rights gun control issue? >> i am adamantly seriously upset when people start to try to defringe on that second amendment. it really does disturb me. >> we're in a sweert wal battle. this is not a battle of anything else. it is a battle of good and evil. >> training, training, training. >> i know with my grandchildren when i travel in some areas first thing i say do we have our guns? i want to be able to protect them. >> the reds then have to confront down sides to their ideas. >> are we willing to pay more taxes to put more security cameras in our schools? >> reporter: next comes the blue team. >> i don't see myself in the second amendment although i recognize it's there. >> it should be like every other amendment in the bill of rights that it's not absolute. >> why don't we have extreme
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vetting for owning a gun? >> reporter: they also had to face the down side. >> will there be a black market? sure, there will be. >> it's going to involve more fund and more bureaucracy. they, too, found that challenging. >> i don't see a down side. >> reporter: this group in lebanon has been having these tough conversations for over a year and a half, and they recognize it hasn't been easy. >> whether you are blue, red, it doesn't matter at the table you want to see something happen. we all realize that doesn't come free. >> before i daim came i was just thinking that the other side would just be, like, very status quo and i think that the openness to understanding that if there is an issue in that proper training could help was a start. >> reporter: so far over is,000 people have taken part in the workshops reaching 31 states. almost 150 towns and cities will be launching workshops this year. >> is this more therapy than debate? >> it's not so much a debate as
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it is to be enlightened, because so -- we have so many stereotypes. this gives us a chance to see that it's not really the way it is. >> reporter: there were times when i saw the listening group. i saw clinched jaws. i saw fists. how hard is it not to say, you know, wait a minute. that's not right. >> it's hard. it's really hard. >> you have to listen. it's engs streamly educational just to hear what comes out of different people, including my own red friends. >> is there part of you that you really want to try to convince the other side you want to change some minds? >> we were having this discussion on the outside. i would be chofmping at the bit at someone's throat. the objective is to try to see where we have common ground. when you say therapy, it is a kind of therapy for us. my idea is to pass this therapy on because this country needs to kind of therapy. >> reporter: that therapy kraed
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a friendship between greg smith, a self-described christian conservative and an immigrant from iran by confronting stereotypes. >> he said you go first. i said i have four initials for you. four letters. isis. i didn't have to say it clear. i said stop right there. he said my religion has been hijacked. i said you stop right there. mine has too. from that point on we were able to look for common ground. now we travel together. we eat together. we even pray together. >> despite what many people think americans are very united. we just need to demonstrate that in the country, and, unfortunately, only our differences are being portrayed. >> by the end of the evening the group found similarities were that they all wanted to protect their children and grandchild n grandchildren, and they all thought training for gun owners was essential. they also told us unanimously that the media were to blame for
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the hyper partisanship in america. >> why do they feel that way, don? >> because they are in their own echo chambers, and these echo chambers blame each other, and what these -- this group does is it helps people see each other as human beings first. you might have political dise dissent, but you are human beings, and some of them came into this with stereotypes about each other. they thought all republicans were racist. they thought all democrats were just wanted to tax me until i didn't have anything left. they found that those stereotypes are not true. >> you got to get out of your echo chambers. that's judge it's so important to do stories like this where. >> we can all use a few more therapy sessions. thank you. all right, tiger woods wants to make his comeback complete at this year's masters. we have our toyota greenroom. after talking to more than 250 people, they have written the life story of tiger woods. ahead, how his troubles have brought him closer to many of his fans.
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good monday morning to you, you have a lot to look forward to this week. beautiful, clear, sunny, and warm. looking at your high temperatures today, 67 in fairfield, 65 in napa. 62 san francisco, mountain view 64, san jose 65. your seven-day forecast shows all that sunshine, and the temperatures that start to climb with it. friday is going to be our warmest day getting close to 80 in the inland areas but not quite there. a few clouds on saturday, but then those clear for sunday.
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't
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hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. championship the masters begins next week. tiger woods will be in it for the first time in three years. he's coming off a fifth place
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finish with the arnold palmer this month. he's faced to face the challengers. >> the new biography "tiger woods" uncovers new information. it's published by simon and schuster, of cbs. the co-authors did 400 interviews with people close to woods. good morning. >> good morning. >> quite a bit of congratulations to both of you. arman, few people go by one name like tiger does. one of the greatest athletes on the planet transformed the golf game. what did you seek to learn about him? >> we tried to understand him. both the predominant question for both jeff and i was who is tiger woods. to understand tiger, you really have to go back to the beginning and to his grandparents, and that was the mission to take the whole arc of his life.
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there were a number of books written about tiger but they were seg yeahed around different parts of his life. as you said, norah, he is probably one of the best athletes to walk the face of the earth. who is tiger woods and the other is price of fame. >> tell us about his parents and grandparents. >> earl and teta are a pair. >> on the one side e. for early the other side k. for ka tilda and literally surrounded by his parents for good and bad from birth, some would argue imprisoned be his parents. >> his mom, the ultimate tiger mom. and his dad. >> i was very judgmental of him. i thought he was eater eater pull chin cheater and i liked
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elin. he to me was not likeable and i read the book and my heart changed. you put into con text what oprah said. it's not what are you doing. it's what happened to you. hecht's start with his parents. you tell a great story. from the time he was in the high chair his dad is hitting the ball, hitting the ball, and she's feeding him. when norah said ultimate tiger mom, his mom was the one who had the kill machine for him, jeff. >> yes. she comes to americaing doesn't speak much in the way of english. doesn't know much about the american culture. she marries a man who was married when he married her. >> who was also very unfaithful. >> very unfaithful. so from the very beginning she sort of swept into this situation in a relationship and in a country that's very foreign to her and then she has one child and when she has that child, it happens right when her
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husband is taking up the sport of golf and he's basically living in the gralk when he's not at work and the baby starts coming in and sitting in the highchair watching his dad hit golf balls. so for her to have time with her son, she sits next to him in the high chair and in between hits puts food in his mouth, gerber baby food or whatever it is. to me if you look at the formation of this young man it all starts right there. >> you write tiger's in ability to express gratitude or apologize or show appreciation had to do with his upbringing. his mother pampered him like a prince, his forever never said sorry. >> his parents felt they were entitled. there were certain things about tiger he just had and there were other parts of him that i think were taught to him.
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there was no question, he has talent that was got given. he was born with certain abilities that were honed by the way he was raised. but once they got out on the circuit as a junior golfer and the equivalent of little league and peewee golf for tournaments, he's crushing everyone and his dad expected when they went to people's homes and tournaments, they were the best and should be tweeted that way. he never saw that. >> his dad predicted at an early age he would be picked as the best. >> the chosen one. imagine that on your shoulders growing up. >> but the way he treated him, he was very disparaging of him. he put him down. they had a code word between them if it got to be too much, say enough. >> he never said it. >> no matter how bad it got. >> that was interesting. last year tiger wrote his own book and he talked about that language that his father used which as a parent -- i have two
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sons and two daughters. when i read that language, i thought, wow, i can't imagine speaking that way to one of my children and expecting there that's going to make them do better. tiger looks back on that now and says it helped make him who he is on the golf course. >> this is a guy who at his peak journalists routinely complained his remouth was untouchable, unaccessible. has that changed? >> yes, i think it has. i think it started when he found himself on the side of a road in florida with one helluva cocktail and opioids in his system. it's not just because of his kids but because he's spiritually healthy and emotionally healthy for the first time in his life. >> why? >> i this i what happened on florida road was a complete wake
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1yu7 call for him and i think now he sees his children, he does not want to have the life he had with his parents for his kids. >> and you say -- what did you about whether he's used performance enhancing drugs. >> there's a chapter called miracle workers i worked a long time on. it has the most definitive statement to date. the most inform it statement to date. he says he does not believe tiger used performance enhancing drugs. >> perfect time. i doubt tiger would read this book, but he should. it should be helpful and enlightening to him. it's very, very done and just in time for the masters. look at that. thank you. you can hear more of "cbs this morning" on our podcasts, itunes, and apple podcasts. we'l
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step two: walk out with top brands at big savings... the ross spring shoe event. this is a kpix 5 morning update. good morning, it's 8:55. i'm michelle griego. the san francisco police commission approved arming officers with tasers, but when they can be used is still under review. according to the mayor, the policy regulating how tasers can be used will, quote, work best for the community and officers. he says a ballot measure is unnecessary. drivers filling up their tanks are paying on average about $5 more than they did this time last year. gas prices are up $0.07 a gallon over the past two weeks. rising crude oil prices are to blame. industry analysts say we can expect to see prices climb into the summer. the oakland a's have announced they want to buy the coliseum to guarantee a long- term home in the city. the team sent a letter to the
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your screen. that's as you're approaching 580. that accident really slowing things down, and then it continues to back things up well beyond roland, a 35 minute ride to get down towards 580. speaking of 580, the richmond- san rafael bridge, 12 minutes across the span, and if you're going across the golden gate bridge, traffic is moving well in both directions. let's check in with emily now on the forecast. it is nice and beautiful outside, clear skies. taking a live look out, you can see the transamerica pyramid and not a cloud in the sky. in san francisco right now, your temperature 46 degrees. livermore getting out of the 30s, you're 43. 48 in concord, 47 in santa rosa. your temperatures today mostly in the 60s. 66 in concord, 63 san rafael, 62 san francisco and san jose up to 65. here is a look at your seven- day forecast. look at that, nice sunny weather to look forward to all week before a few clouds clear out on saturday. we'll be mostly in the 70s. be sure you keep those sunglasses out all week. no fire fighting is a very dangerous profession.
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we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner.
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