tv KPIX 5 Noon News CBS May 3, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
12:00 pm
th e llsud ecte"gdeolatn st ..cker" baur in cot. and todered provi de s ecutororwith mtee pontl iaev . idence go > >> nnow atheoon, tec suspted goldenstate llkier back in teprosutors thwi mo rerovide poevntial . idencego chod af rnoon,m i'kenny ego. ixi chmirielle g kp 5's ilemy erturn was at tos day'hearing and injos usli ve from ensacram
12:01 pm
>>? thorep dter:eao ngelend tere e urcom trooagn aiin a ir. eelc r,weve cpaomtored t hela st timei saw hi m,icwhh s wa frayidhi in s raarigennmt, he e coem ctaer minlyor hentreic, whh meant li kely he will be dioisappnt bedy the e'judgs cide tsionhimos g.rnin -year-olthirtime, 72 d sejophng deaels o wa whled into a saencramto hetr oom. lt efadwith b ne fwsor s hi dens e. osprioecutn to take remo a dn lesamps d anogphotra hph is . bo re>> a y ousadintppoied? in'cat lkta ouabt it t righ r>>teeporr:al t ikings extly why the dgjue loalwed be arse chwat rranto edecut, yisang a dnand pictur oesanf degelo's body, enev of s higenilita a,ar nontestimonial in nature d an wi bale d.lowe be y wa hellwi tillecngho tse samps.le >>he tvey ha bn eeeccollted y. dre porert: ere onof e th esctur t phecuroseti onwa asnted w ofande'sgelo ay enils, a qureesatt th m belareted to a hi ghly
12:02 pm
cpubliz pedcahysil trait of rathe n known as the east area pi stand ldgoen atste . he w naselot wl doen wed, frwhthher e idevence llcoecd te om this warrt anwi blle allowed in court inremas btoe . seen wi fhtig to keep it t.ou fens t >> jusngtryi tobaget ck to ffmy oic e.we are nggivi m hithe defee nshe >> tien ttledo. repoerrtbo: thhe th searcwa thrrant at we're g talkin th in thisto sry as well as arrearst anwarrt of gedeanlo tly. we sealecuenrr othver, ere is a onmoti in tocoght rit w no bythe a medi he avthose unedseal. wel epke youupd dateon how es. o m theeaimnte, ande gelowill ento xtot here in saamcr ne on may th15. to, portg live inamsacren 5. erturn, kpix hene w atnoa on, urcot aring justapwrped up insan frciansco in a cahase tt d coul foreifrm cala'ornis ilba for han ens be jaedil bott of coloe.gnsorintealg a ixkp 5'sckjaie rdwaor repts omfr n r>>teeporr: it'senbe stju
12:03 pm
t ou m11thonbus t datoy, es gfiofalcily lereas keetmph huhro ey ta trtmfaent ci ilityn san o. ransc -ye 64ead r-olwhom ndfries mid faly caetll pe is nd ccud of inlyg in itwa a stli5 ng $pl usa bottle of o. ranscfrom a neorighb isan n heases arrtey d mard23 of laeast yr and had been sitting co jail ever since usbecae he ul adn'tfford the . bail fona donwideebate ouab t bail rerm and ifit's fair to o ose whcan't buy eithr .freedo bee spo to humphrey's uscoin fo treaihe bl heinar g. e idsa u yoon tly get reated falyir if you can pay . up >> i inth k heis ttgeing a dfaireawil th ilba? no idonk thi tt ha, it's, um -- f he had mo ney,you ulcod do thsa mecrime and ouget ifou n'dot so money, you sit. that what i'm hereto nd t. rpp il rorteumr: hphs rey'ba $6nt was igorin ally la. ,000 tedur rece $d to350.0,00 's aann frcid.sco a. e cegu ares the dgjue waived
12:04 pm
morisk tothe public versus ne orosecut ts said he manhu ilmphreylyllegedle sto fm ro d l fears omfr his emstatent ome orrriehrhump cey may m. y t nocome teafr hi hmphreybeas en archged wi thfi grrst deee reiasidentl on bber icinfl tinginjury anelder and thomeft fr an hafore t lt, his coicontin was i2005 for an as sault. trgaio senrson may 9th, a ln edentmcit fality opfor pele ag 55 and r.olde eche ll bere requi d towear an s mtronicinonitorg videce. inncan frajaisco, ckie ward, kpix no remo x seedn ucatiofor atelemenscry hool tsstuden. the is thsiconcluafon ter a etert fremonolscho board ing. itwrapped up early th is g. nrn 'six 5 jsiesca esflor rert ss,ome pantres are stl mifung toverhe em>> rerter: ntpares in frldont to heme ty didn't p r t mu eeslp last t,nigh u fors10 hou itwaing for a d decisi fromthe sc hoolarbo tand thng meeti didapn't wr ilup unt 2:30
12:05 pm
emont ieunifd sc hool s puri soocharl bod member ll aedl-n alnir ghteheinarg spear teafr r.speake e in thd enthe d boarvoted to adt opthe rocontl versiasex ed n ucatioraprogm r fo7th h through 9tgrade but d voteag thnst itfor gresad 4 roh ug 6. coom sesetim wee mak mpmiro ses. ons memewes e makdesici at willanr geaicertn . people>> rt repoer: the new program riis kwns, ae ththree rs: gh, tsret specand sprebionsili. ty orntioatenn, gder tiidenty an. rape >> the needw n ucatiois too chmuta deil for the yog un dski i and dot n'want tthemo arlen y. orlea i think waitg inuntil 7th to iduroce the pito c iswa too tela. to al not tt k abouit is just rsweepi it under the rug. ogr:eporteur the crent grram in h 4tthroug6th h ade don'est mpcolyit wh atste law, h whicreesquir stditoricts t teachs opicsu ch as genderenidti. ty>> we cat n' gockba toe thway it wa s.
12:06 pm
it 'snot companlit. . sooing this-e wju stvoted 'rwee t noindog our dski a e.rvic sohas t' r>>teeporr: but e thlebatt is erwhat to acteh and when n'ert ov. stfrt emonund ifiesc hool dirict says 'sit nvcoening a task e forctoe comup thwi edrecoenondatis a for new sex ucn atioprm ograto be imenplemteind emelen tary scols next arye. erconcneabd thout e ogprram noapovprored f 7th ugthroh in frt,emon i'm icjessa fl, oreskpix 5. mbmef er oprenesidt umtrp's arw galel teamar regding an er nngemt betwlaeen wy miaehel con and e thporn sthoar w cimlaheed s had sex angeca z alvareporeomrts fr the whuse hoe. yorreport: former new york an r rudyiagiulni told "fox atfrie nds"thur sdaymorning thsi predent trump aechhel con thfor e ,0$13000 r stt ymen hemao de tporn arst or dmylsanie. >>she s wanidefite ly imreedburs.
12:07 pm
ay. demago it aw d dihis >> r gorter:i iulianidsa the paymts weremade in0 $35,00in al, emener and wone pers ense. axpaign e >>n'it isett pockan chge but it'se clos toit. the had anamextr aritalaffa ir r mr. tr ump. ys, lawyerl michaeataventi, sapr the enesidt may have vi olatedcagnmpai finance laws>> now we ha vea clear plexame of the president and mil chae amn lyg inatrepeed tlye o th eranicpl peoe, gae,yl abt ou this paym aent,bout e th t. mrangen the r:orte ant moh ago, ytesidt nideed knowing t. ghi about the paenym seis mni, nghe fired f ofa ries of eetwts defending the ngarraemt enn cohemade. moy fromthe aicampgn, or aicampgn ntcotiribuons, pl ayed no role in thisantrsan.ctio >>thstese ories keep gechan. wi eachinpassg weekmore foiniormatn s comet.ou sa>> rorr:teni daellas' wyer ys theonly way to ndfi out e thtruth isto sedepo the enesidt. necbs wse , thitwhe e,hous anli acaezlvar. tha > p tospokn esmais leaving
12:08 pm
e a.ep e. rofe rtdepaur'latest high- west eka , epchief t scot 'spruitt sud perfun iestminirar toand setycuri chf d steppedown amida owgrseing ri esof deferal hicsveinatstigio. ns a s texaagteener isin ja aedccus ofotplti ngan is-irenspid mass ooshting on thlocal opshping . mall e starre daaffivit acsecus r--yeaolmad teenanird of ndseoving er ,4$1 00 toun erdercoval feders agentto he lp himbuy assault flries, a moanctd taic alge. arhi s targets inedclud a olscho d a hindu templerebefo he llsettleon ristonebar ercent din cofris, xates. >> id youplan on ca rrying e t anttk ac atth onstarebri center llma? d>>teespi s itgnsiift ican des featin aqir and sy ria, sisistill ais tt hreato lidicaziyong unn g meand young women hein t ud nite
12:09 pm
st. ates foalledly used isisguide es h unond line d ans wapl anning anac attk ngduri ranamad h whic tartshimos nth. >>w > nealtilegaons ofsexual misconduct autbo erform "cbs th niis morchng" anor charlie rosero se wasrefid back in noveer afeiter ghmet won coected withs hipbs raprogm m claithat he grhad op ed, them seexpod hif mselor spoke to nothemnaprpproia. tely w "wthe astohingn stpo" is clreg rtinthat 27women inuding 14 cbsnews em s ployeeatsay th ro se lysexualas harsethd em aover 30 pe-year . riod pethe par algele s that marsnage at the ornetwk were re as early as 8619 as nd a ce antlys yea ar ago. gacuent rnmoing owsh ho st ylnge ki cntommes. e >> histi smyll iefrnd buit'sot policatilly rrcoect t i don'lit beeve in abniandong ndfries enwh ththeye . down at said, thiseris vy yobl ing, verystdiur bingd an u t can'diouscnt what esthe
12:10 pm
ng. men e yisa >>n a stenatemt, cbswsne tesaidotque, since we we dinat lichare sero, hawove rked tostreenngth extiysng stetoms en surea evafeenvienronmt where wo yonen ca dotheistr be rk ne w ooat nn,th e osrsca niorgaza tionhavos ted to mbexpebicoll sby fr omits meipersh. deilanwhe,by cos'se wifis atinndg him and shlaing t ou nd cis aus ters,heia med a s. secor callsbe coy : said ueioning, st nsuncotiontutialnz frey pragop batedy methe diana.. d ald lowetoy plaout in a suedppos c oourtf w.las thiis " jue,stic neaot rl icjuste. bi c wosbyasnd fou gltuilay st asweag of gratavnded iecent sat.ulor.. f dggruaning d lyxual aaussg ltinfoerrm eelempve unirsity oyempl cdreaonanst o lsseaccud e th y lall wosbyasou fuind glt st ekwe of agavgr ated ann acentssltau for gidrugng d xuseal lyassatiulng fo rmer teleun siiverty empleeoy dranonea s.mrby cos also accud sethe d. ofurinsue g th tcaseo adnchie s ca reerand now she is li calng h forimo t crimally iginvest. atedth
12:11 pm
is is mrs. cosby's fstir blputaic stentmece sin e th gutyilve rdt.ic a bay area rapper is stbuored f some bad behavior . tmasse z reporting th atg ea sy was starreed in enswed r fo dllegey saasngulti cuserity dsguar at a . club oathe kld anrapper whose real mena isgeldra umgill was ughtwith aitedlleglyap hd peneafr te hishs asow lt ghnit. il> stl eaaheed, kping bsta frnds. hefeatred y baarea resewochers rk totrack sthe baby bis.rd >>uspl, how sanaen scitis st thfie g ndinsome new planets wi help from oppele all arou the world. >> and riw,ght noco that . eabr eezepaimcting all of uswe ilo havecloud racovege stl nghaing ndarou and ter. i'lly nwar the cast mife yourreull fo co ng up. ffireiginht
12:12 pm
hweonave e ttoirwo fes d aay anwhd en you rpoesognd tetrhe an yod t u puyo urlionves the line, yo u hdotoave rrsu youndouelrsthf wi eerxpts. d anfousr e thexpter ginas actnd ele pric is awe run bout 2,2,500/0 80 cfireal alsr yea onand almost ereve y onofho talse cls &epg ires disponng ttollhat call as we. hed so whon we s tw upoa afirend pg&she upows wh it mitak aesme trends ou teamridu angen momt cofs.risi re olyemn th,
12:13 pm
thfie ghrefiters in this depamert rnty el tonhem, d ansoe w have ptoractice tysafe edaver. izutilin&eg pg'sal t entd anpeexe rtisinha teat ar aitrns o furigirefhts er th e s gactor elericas opectf fia d anwh wenvee ha an rg emeen scytiituaon rewe a gngoi to be mh uc smorekiedll prand epedarmi to titegat tha em geerncy alfor l erconcne e inth wgsdoe er evy ngsiayle d pthatutous versels arin hm'was y, and toav hpae a rtrne atthso is sllki att whathoey d iisndnsispeable, i and co'tuldn a sk fober a ttarer morning.
12:14 pm
nthe' flle ace thcapelins i >>w > neviofdeo e thgoenld ste atwarrrsioin takg f offor th llwi facethe penslica in game 3 of e thstweern co tonferenfi seminals moowrr. the lrriorsthead e risees 2-0. > >>lia de cateatoperion ghhi ab ay. e saodjose t s us onanne makovec owsh e n'mas e bravmpattet to ds. ndbaome byir b ic rert: er itis a un ique sle of natu reright rehe in lcfa nons'esont the 19th th thofoor sosan je tyci hall. at w'sherehr tabee by pegre inonfalcs got a new orcessy datoy. he rearses cheractrk them fol . r lifeth e two s maleand one mafele d. ethree eks ol bewe ba ndemth atatth e ag cae usr theigsle e artypret much ful lyn.grow weanel ticl whh zesi ndba to t pu. on >>ep rr:orte t bu'sit n aotn easyprs.oces mothe th fern alcowas amscreinang d viding above
12:15 pm
ci htyasall glente s wart colempted the lfha-hour . task he>> ty inthk eyth can chase i vicl very ose.eing and . i the wind by tarhe ndwi sashe shrues my adhe. i cu ts onheie babs. a fcoaln they ha vebeenme shmoniriorng f 11 years d an e's usfamo. lce faons of san jose tyci paha have r theiowcen fabo ok ge, a and live bcweam is d watcheby lbirdovs er thdrldwe. is motr hes haodpr uced42 t maes here wi th4 ffdieren te s. thhnymaave deam fs ilieof n. wr arere e w no200 pereingre lcons in thy e baar. ea inth e '7 0sth eywere moal st astinct. for esthe three -- >> tome , theyl allook ro bust. i got themin my ndhas enwh i nd th. em stcaelfet tha'rtheye ro. ng th'reylle we f. ed reep rteor wr:thhat e focharhoers pe fow r nois r meso tbodyo nadoa te w ne llmeto go ontop of tyci ha so anthey cnu conti e this t projecas the fa milypaexnd s.
12:16 pm
5. san, joseanne vomakec, na sais geg ttinsomep hel thexpline g thuniv. erse e ecprojt called opexlanet ouarnd e thworld toaccess data neonli fr kom the epplerte e.lescop every e threntmo ths he llacecftea bbams ck 0 10 miion new imag oesf our ga laxy. ucso mh was micong in, overscelmed tsientisd turneto e thpuicbl for he and they got it. tthinhest fir 48 hours of ne, leasg esimag onli a zeien scnttsissc diov ered nevew fi-pt laneemsyst. na saystwo ysda of workby the scientis tsis the leequivant of e on tfullime arresech wer forkingreor the ye ght. ss lean than hourto go be fore clthe osing bellon wall etstre. 30. e doisp u >>leget's t eca chk on >> we have aygr skieros acss subay . area ns ahinet t moun. vaca soit's stngarti tosee clrieaheng t hefurtr out east yogo. th whole racame shot s wa
12:17 pm
alactuly cod verein dsclou e.whil ethis rnmoing for a he'sre a , viewghthou, ofe th a f ife housca. mera at ttleerdiffent y,stor aygr th che. oast at's e wherwe get that eaocn brze and osthe stwend wis . thshg e thoscldsou lainnd e elberkey camera view defilyte inshowg it's aygr, e. t mygloo out ther buteatmperur wesstill ar t to nofor w, right around the nowate atth's whe eryo u'll tithce e coolest so insan frano,cisc . 55 oad klanon6 ly 5des greeright w. weor. d 64 dt idn'gecht mu inwarmg at l l since the moinrng lows al itus te ofhists we ndwi. 'spi keeng theeaocn olcoer an pu shedover ttoanhe ld. d atthha's wt'has g ppenin urso o wtheaimer splcke paed byatwh's g goinon, on e th -- soour atweher iismpteacd by 10westoustthwe s windat a sfot . oad klan8.wa hayrd. 9thbut e miarsts e ndarou 17 to0 2 le hs anour for a lot ofbay lotianons d the we stwinds ngstro, ilstrol thugh 20irfid,th rothugh e dea,lt -mpeile-r- whourinds e,ther buanh tiocup to. 13
12:18 pm
t atwhoi's gng to happisen wel couentin to see that mane r layernretu tonight keagd toain mo rrowmog rnin epg inthe ascotline cool, but in lands areamotorrow shld be wag rmin upagain on coayturd alls we as this ridge anghs rit overour st ate. d that's g gointo g brin bie mpteureratesli a ttle t e abovave.erag 64nor e'w, wre spot on. f torhe afooternn high in san anfrcisco is nl.orma so fosasen jo ials foal to50s 7n 0s itheae ar. wag rmin inthe upr pe70s for aces like h antioc and .concor . sausit62o cause rng stayibe cool of thatwe stwind. it jt usg stayinubst bornd an the asus dyclou along co nofor inlands,area expect rong idfray and rdsatuay 80s. ol th con er osuayndth, en warmer next week. wel 'ligbe rht back.
12:19 pm
iesclence sss onfor dski. son w eeis wk'ffs jeer awd erwinn itts geinemg th >>ired. yo nd wwao nt tin avitell qupet velorsd senusr you anontious abt r theihe alth d -bwelleing. ju jemust ai al ust pepits@kx.ancom d l we'lha ve re nsw e fveryriy dat righhe atoon. s r bd ilecafoli'srnia fhtig r foclean, renabewnele ergy. cheedlean ullp poutnio athe tt porof. l.a and crteeared mo odgoin-payg .jobs o antoniaivillar gosa fo ver gornor. d thisees k'jesoffern araw
12:22 pm
.andernohews t flaormu.. chedwi it thx kpi5 s'onshar in . e? nedrest in scnciesd veki ds eeis wk'jes soffern araw and er kns owthe rmfoula shedwi it th ixkp 5's arshon in. >> have been e onof the re rtpo: erowfollindag . ansts ton'cirepe udsten tsx mi d ingrielints ke war,te dirt a o sand t acreatemo del of t. o i inthk i want emthbe to . insped spedirut abo acspine, spedir ouabt scnciee, >>epteororr: f e thlast "ce res,year n dahehas ad uedp haiompofns iesc nce"the ekwely teafr-hoscrool pgr aamt chot acspe d ansce ienc thcidol ks.t skri ddmile is ilchd kelis it msouch he isnscoidinerg a iescnce . reer t'>> is remo keli eiseng it lfurse and dog init lf. ur st repte dr:enan gas gethe udtsenac in tivities fr om al ineintog ir envonntme e.ienc sten atsrydd d e ictohe t
12:23 pm
g mi pure,ou indsit inde a ba end th -- ut. keta youret com o n u caput it t righon yo ur e. a or repte r:mp"chaio ons iesc ance"cctsepou abt 60 kids a ar fr omthe kloaand ieunifd olscho dictstri. daptn caur tes heircuitriosy at a iccritale. tim th. thr age ais tug rnin eyet gti movated to do we ll scolho or some ofthem may inizalele, wl,i' m not testreed in ytan hingat . hool arstthted e 12-year-old s hiown arspk inusg his ad ds grbackou ndin ennmviroenl ta e iencand ateducio n. >>he is justa grt eal al soundonpers alyswa dog in meintherg evyo newants to icduplat e. peexntrime, roa se diedpp in to idognitren crac ksin eces luilngstrati y ic coitnd iionsn epdesp ac e. h 8tadgrer s.g e stylspeaks to inthgs is keli a acteo her whe n caeabrk ditown easily, you
12:24 pm
and. ct under >>nshampio! >> r sorter:ino for g spirinmi chddle stoool cobe "chansiof oiesce,ncth" weeker jeffson arawd wi nner stan thea ay areo goes tdan shonhi cx n, kpi5. >> and pldan apr ies fogr ants that fundhe tam progrd analso a hool s the udstscents' burides to d anfrom abch sc t getoin "champions of ple,nc" studtsen have to apy and this , yeardan has a own cacaminonate uryo en long. lo fl heroefor a j ferson t d ar aonline cocbssf.. m/herowe r'll beight back. kemas rosyoesur dtitinaoron f ifou ylo're oking r fo anedincrib sletieleconf othe anbrouds y le,ovs thiseonasne's we tsts rend foa acfr otionf atwh'd you p ayepat darentmort stes, yotou gta go rto♪oss
12:26 pm
12:27 pm
macoulpudet a ntth in e cit's m.trive asobh prle >>ws a > san fransccio geg ttin t smarwht en icomes to e. g togh t at5: 00the accompt ivmasse h trasprm.oble ci ty's >>haounk y fspor en dingmeti tht go , awayhe"t bold and e tibeaufu l"is xtne. > tt'. s us >>s hat'ri ght. meand . oo,., you t >>avgoe a od, dayevneeryo. co you veuld say energ l
12:28 pm
byofiving e f co co youlymplete.y energ l .. or. sjustet w theas hingmae chintod. col ydoinour thg. thwiy energadupgre licarnfo.ia ydoinour thg. beuscatoe annivio aillargol miio onssaft goonit de.altare efhe dend den'womes healthcare, beusnntbaedil my-itarstrgol miio onsyletsaoasulapt weons, nnbaored wkpceladi scnarimitianon, d remo. ni antofoo ver gornor.
12:30 pm
>> sfftehiy: ts wis why ientot to burng o cldhie, hom >>to o hseouyo, anurs d .mine hi yiam:oun' di'vet ha tseo e m,te sffy. buulu cod shaveenmet a ssr.enge t --you y cout an' astayway. ff stey:ou yo got tebeliev me. th'atn's t e th acaset l,al li. st.> lm:an c p youlee as?stop hcameertoe gi forveou y. hcameertoe t tryo arstert ov r fosathe kef ofaour i sese -- i wnt youoshite res e becausymthey s nbolizeew anbeginnndgs a pitur..y, and. d erths e'nointhreg pu autbo is. myodst, ..effy.
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