tv CBS Overnight News CBS June 13, 2018 3:12am-4:00am PDT
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in january 2017, he needed six more surgeries and was still in a coma. judy was told her 64-year-old husband's new heart had to come out. >> i said, why? he said well this heart just isn't acting right. >> they were telling you are starting over? >> yes, yes. seven days into this. a stroke that night left him brain dead. his family turned off life support. after two more patient deaths in may. baylor saint luke's medical center put heart transplant program on hold.
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mid 2014-2016, the hospital's one-year survival rate was 84.2%. below the national average of more than 90%. the hospital made changes. the rate jumped to around 94% by 2017. then, nose-dived this year. three of its nine transplants, have already died. hospital ceo doug lawson. >> the bottom line question, is there something we did wrong? >> the question that we always ask ourselves is what could we do better. >> dr. deborah meyers was outraged she quit last year. former medical director of saint luke's heart failure program wrote a scathing letter to the hospital president. she blamed greed, careerism, corporate takeovers. appalling administrative oversight and failure of leadership. lawson called that letter disappointing. >> our goal is to make sure we are providing great care for patients who need us most. >> judy got this anonymous r.ita
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th hpital where her family had expected the best care. >> knowing what i know now, i would never want anyone that i love to saint luke's. >> results of the hospital's review will come out thursday. with no guarantee the program will restart soon. mark strassmann, cbs news, houston. [thoughtful sigh] still nervous about buying a house? a little. thought i could de-stress with some zen gardening. at least we don't have to worry about homeowners insurance. just call geico. geico helps with homeowners insurance? good to know. been doing it for years. that's really good to know. i should clean this up. i'll get the dustpan. behind the golf clubs. get to know geico. and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be.
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in this presentation from earlier this year, rearchers wa before a cybersecurity breach on an airline occurs. that assessment after a dhs decision to launch a nez to tail series of tests on this boeing 757 for hacking weak spots. those tests came after a dhs team led by dr. robert hickey took two days to hack remotely into the plane while parked at faa facility at atlantic city airport in december 2016. the dhs team got in through the plane's radio frequency communications using typical stuff that could be brought through airport security. in response, dhs scheduled those further hacking attempts on the plane including efforts to access flight management, life support, autopilot, electrical and fuel systems, as well as the its engines. >> now i think we have come to real i that cyberthreat is everywhere. >> ron hosko former assistant director of the fbi. >> my fear is that our nation
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acts most directly when they're on the back side of a crisis. the crisis has occurred. we lose a lot of lives. and now we are prepared to put money into infrastructure. >> while the 757 hasn't been built since 2004 it is an aging work force for american, delta and united. president trump's personal plane is a 757. so is the aircraft often used by vice president mike pence. >> experts warranted to know if hackers could use the inflight wifi, usb charging port to get into a plane's system. boeing says its aircraft are safe. that it is confident in cybersecurity measures and does not believe the testing has revealed a cybervulnerability in a 757. jeff. >> kris van cleave at reagan airport tonight. kris, thanks. when we come back here, back flip, accidental gunshot. will an fbi agent face charges?
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a fallen hero returned home today, the body of staff sergeant alexander conrad flown to dover air force base in dell delaware. killed in somalia friday during a fire fight with insurgents. >> the fbi agent who accidentally shot someone in a denver club turned himself in today. chase bishop offduty when he did a back flip earlier this month. gun fell to the floor. when he went to pick it up. it went off. the bullet hit a man in the leg.
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my name is cynthia haynes and i am a senior public safety specialist for pg&e. my job is to help educate our first responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. i live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. once i moved here i didn't want to live anywhere else. i love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other people's lives. together, we're building a better california.
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we end with the final play of a baseball because as you are about to see. it was one class act. here is jim axelrod. >> reporter: the most talked about strikeout in the country has nothing to do with winning and losing. minnesota high school pitcher, ty cain provided a master class in how you play the game. >> i never thought a story like this would blow up way it did.
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last week, ty team advanced to the state tournament when he struck out jack coken, looking, in a 2-2 the corner. >> i felt for him. felt it was right to go say something. >> that's right. watch ty. while his teammate from the high school erupted in celebration, ty waved off his catcher to attend to more pressing business, hugging the kid he just struck out. >> i didn't thing. i just ran over there. instinct. >> after all. ty and jack have been pals since they were 13 and team mates on the same travel team. they stayed close even after heading off off to different high schools. >> i said, you had a great season. a great player. don't let this joum cut affect our friendship. i told him i loved him. he is my brother. our friendship will always last longer than this silly game. >> the hug has become a social media sensation. which just may say something about our thirst these days for examples of how to treat each other with class and grace, and
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empathy. >> our friendship means so much more than a game. like 20 years i will not remember the score of the game. i will remember him coming up to me after that being there for me when i need someone. >> the hall of fame manager, once said, nice guys finish last. clearly, he never met ty cain, an impressive winner on the field who saved his best stuff until after the game was over. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> that is the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from singapore, i'm jeff glor.
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welcome to the "overnight news." i'm jericka duncan. president trump returns to the white house this morning, to face washington's reaction to his landmark nuclear deal with north korea. the president is flying back from singapore after tuesday's historic summit with north korean dictator kim jong-un. two leaders signed what mr. trump called "a comprehensive document that promises to rid the korean peninsula of nuclear weapons." after the summit, the president took questions in a wide ranging, solo press conference, he addressed everything from north korea's prisoner camps to the country's potential for beach front property. jeff glor begins our coverage in
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singapore. >> reporter: president trump tweeting from air force one as he heads home from the ground breaking summit here with north core car korea's kim jong-un. late today, kim said that if the u.s. takes real action to build trust, north korea will take additional goodwill measures. >> before leaving singapore, mr. trump had a message for kim. >> chairman kim has before him an opportunity like none other the leader who ushered in security and prosperity for his people. >> major garrett covered the summit, start to finish. major. aboard "air force one" president trump offered fresh twitter commentary on the summit writing he got along great with kim jong-un who wants to see wonderful things for his country. that belief that kim is different and will act differently, fuels the
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president's seemingly boundless post summit optimism. a jubilant president trump boarded air force one for washington leaving singapore with what he said was an historic new relationship with north korea and commitment to eventually give up nuclear weapons. in roughly five hours the leaders shook hands at least eight different times. gestures that conveyed new friendliness while elevating secretive and repressive north korea on the world stage. >> a lot of goodwill went into this. a lot of work. the two men signed a joint statement called for better relations peace between the korea and denuclearization. >> mr. president the joint statement was not talk verify or irreversible denuclearization was that a concession. >> no, not at all. if you look at it. it said we are going to see, let's see here, it will be gone, i don't think you can be any more plain that what we are, what we are asking. >> the president said inspectors
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will verify north korean compliance and secretary of state mike pompeo will lead negotiations over the detail of the process to dismantle the weapons program. >> so mike, our whole team has to got to work, get it completed. otherwise, we have done a good job, but if you don't get the ball over the goal line. it doesn't mean enough. okay. >> reporter: mr. trump announced an end to joint u.s. south korea military exercises. a goal long sought by north korea. the move surprised many at the pentagon and in seoul. >> we'll be saving a tremendous amount of money. plus i think it is very provocative. >> the summit was a spectacle with kim comparing it to science fiction movie. mr. trump showed kim a video showcasing an economic future. the president said north core car had beautiful beaches ready for condominium development.
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>> think of it from a real estate perspective. you have south korea and china and they own the land in the middle. how bad is that, right? last yeathe prident lled north korea with abysmal record, wicked and depraved. he said he trusts the die nasic young dictator after one face to face meeting. >> he is smart. loves his people. he loves his country. he wants a lot of good things. that's why he is doing this. >> major, this, this joint statement address read mains of americans missing in action. or held as prisoners of war during the korean war. this was so important to so many families. what did it say? >> the president said he heard a lot about it during the campaign trail. what the two countries have committed to is recovering and repatrioting those remains. jeff, 5,300 americansest made it to be in north korea after the korean, 65 years later. many in mass graves. this has been worked on before but was stalled when north korea did not live up to pledges you. can assume the two, use
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repatriotation. >> two koreas rt rod the summit differently. there was wall to wall coverage in the south. in north news of the summit was delayed. state tv showed an opera as the president and kim jong-un met in singapore. ben tracy joins us with more on all of this. you have been to north korea multiple times. how is all this going to be portrayed there. >> we are seeing front page of the newspaper in north korea today. covered with pictures of kim jong-un with president trump. and that's one of the big things, kim jong-un got ought of this. he looks like a confident world leader on the world stage. he doesn't look like the leader of an isolated nation anymore. >> china and south korea have been watched so closely here. reaction from them? >> lot of optimism. south korea, obviously has the most to lose and most to gain from this. immediately doesm prosf ion koreprident moon of uth ko
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really influential in getting this summit to happen at all. and in china, you are seeing, they're quite happy with this. especially the cessation of militarier exsizes. that is something china asked for for a long time. that is a big gift to them. you are already seeing the chinese floating the idea of easing sanctions on north korea. before there really is big progress here. >> ben, great to have you here with us. thank you very much. awe we're going to move to margaret brennan senior foreign affairs correspondent and moderator of face the nation, our cbs news senior security contributor. margaret, what happens now? >> well, the president gave himself a lot of wiggle room today. he said i may stand up here and in six months say, i was wrong. so he has given himself some room there. he also gave the north koreans room to maneuver as well. next up, secretary of state mike pompeo has to become a salesman. he is going to south korea to try to explain what was agreed
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upon in the room. that wasn't on that written statement. that was released to all of us. then goes to china they have leverage over north korea sfeek to leadership about making north korea follow through on what they at least say are said to have agreed upon in the room. diplomats say there is still a lot of detail yet to be determined. mike pompeo and john bolton will meet with the koreans next week to hammer out details. >> michael, what did the president achieve at this summit? >> jeff, this was a diplomatic win for the united states. but we are far from a strategic win. it was a diplomatic win because the it was the best possible outcome of the summit. shared objectives to denuclearize. and an agreement to continue the negotiations. we're far from a strategic win
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two of the most popular suvs on the road got the worst scores in crash tests. 2018 ford explorer and jeep grand cherokee, rated poor in front passenger crashes. the insurance agency for highway safety tested eight suvs. only three of them earned the top score of good. three others were rated, acceptable. here its kris van cleave. >> this crash test focuses on what happens when one part of the front end hits something at 40 miles an hour. insurance institute estimates, 25% of the serious injuries and deaths that result in front end crashes come out of these accidents.
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2018 ford explorer rated poor, its construction collapsed, 15 inches in the suv, and high likelihood of injury to the hitch and lower leg. ford insists the explorer is safe saying we make improvements to our vehicles to help our customers stay safe on the road. >> we were observing that some of the counter measures were design changes that auto makers were making on the driver's side. weren't necessarily making on the right side of the vehicle. >> the passenger side crash dummy's head, in the 2018 jeep grand cherokee crashes. hits the dashboard through the airbag. side airbag does not deploy. the door opens allowing the dummy's head to go outside the suv. the poor performance resulted in possible head injuries. the vehicle safety cage protruded into the cabin by up to 10 inches. fiat chrysler makes the jeep and says all vehicles exceed safety
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standards engineers to address real world driving situations. no single test measures overall safety. >> my advice to people who are shopping for a new vehicle, is that they have got better choic choices. it its the only suv of the eight tested to earn highest overall rating, top safety pick plus. >> both the ford explorer and jeep grand cherokee are older designs. ford tells us it expects its all new 2020 ford explorer to do better in the test when launched next year. iihs expects the redesign jeep grand cherokee will do better grand cherokee will do better when the vehicle
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as the u.s. forges a few relationship with north korea. president trump faces a foreign policy challenge in afghanistan. after more than 16 years, america's longest war rages on. it appears to be escalating. taliban and isis forces have been stepping up their attacks against the afghan government which could collapse without american support. president trump sent 3,000 troops to helphe afghan army. raises the total number of american soldiers to annest mated 15,000. the capital of afghanistan has become so dangerous, you might
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be surprised to see how american diplomats, and soldiers get around town. laura logan reports from kabul under siege and story for 60 minutes. airport. a swarm of helicopters, that earned the nickname, embassy air. it is how americans and their allies working at the u.s. embassy in military headquarters travel back and forth from the airport. it is just a five minute flight. the chopper we were in was making the tenth trip of the day. >> no smoking. >> a few years ago, american convoys regularly drove on the airport road below. now, the view from the helicopter window is almost on board will see of they'll stay behind glass waulds
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for the rest of the time in afghanistan. we wanted to know what it says about where we are in this war. if american troops can't drive two miles down a road in kabul. >> it is a country that war. and a capital that its under attack by a determined enemy. >> no u.s. general has spent more time here than john nicholson, commander of american forces in afghanistan. >> we do everything possible to protect our forces. >> they're not using the road. >> protecting the lives of the troops. if we can fly instead of drive offers up a greater degree of safety. it is the right thing to do. >> in military terms, called surrendering the terrain. >> i disagree. answer moral imperative to protect soldiers and civilians. that's what we do. >> this isn't some remote outpost. it is the capital. when the u.s. first came here, the population was 500,000. now, it is more than 5 million.
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refugees, people desperate for work, and terrorists have flooded kabul. general nicholson showed us how vulnerable the city has become. >> suicide bomber is going to go in here, going to kill himself. doesn't care about his future. vastly easier than what, what the afghan security forces have to do. >> because he doesn't have to have an exit trat gee. >> exactly. >> how easy is it to infiltrate the city one this big? >> right now easier than we would like. >> general nicholson took command in 2016. shortly after the u.s. cut troop levels to fewer than 10,000. the enemy filled the vacuum. suicide bombers have terrorized kabul ever since. shattering police stations. mosques, and foreign embassieem. this truck bomb last year,
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killed 150 people. it was the deadliest attack in the capital since the start of the war. >> the level of brutality, the level of -- heartlessness is unbelievable. if we have to muster all of our resores to be able deal with this. >> afghan president, rules from the presidential palace that is occupied the city center, for more than a century. we noticed the walls around him and the rest of the city, have expanded and grown taller. since our last visit, three years ago. some of the streets we traveled, turned into tight corridors of 20 foot high concrete barriers. it made it hard to tell where we were. >> parts of the city now, are unrecognizable. what happened here? >> the war is changing from a war against armies, to war against people. >> more civilians are dying in
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kabul every year. and your response is more walls, 21 tints national terrorist groups are operating in this country. dozens of suicide bombers are being sent. their factories are producing suicide bombers, we are under siege. >> like terrorizing the people, the taliban have sown deep doubts about the government. the results, angry protesters in the capital, chanting death to the president. >> if you can't secure the capital. how are you going to secure the rest of the country. >> prevent the attack on europe. the attack on london. >> not talking about one attack. series of attacks right here on your doorstep. the bomb that blew out the window in your palace. what's your alternative? >> what is the alternative? >> the alternative is resolve.
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>> resolve has come at a heavy cost. more than 4,000 afghan soldiers and police were wounded. another 2,500 killed. since then, gainy refused to reveal casualty figures. as you will see it is a sensitive subject. >> your soldiers and policemen are dying in unprecedented numbers. how long can that be sustained? >> until, we secure afghanistan. >> how long is that? >> generations if need be. >> the u.s. isn't going to be here for generations. >> we'll be here for generations. we cannot need ooutss to fight our fights. >> people in the country that if the u.s. pulled out. your government would collapse in three days. >> from resource per speck tich. absolu absolutely. we would not sa mort -- support
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our army. for six months. >> did you just save that without the u.s. support your arm couldn't last six months. >> because we don't hatch the money. am can taxpayers bankroll 90% of afghanistan avenue defense budget. more than $4 billion a year. another $30 billion has been spent rebailing this country. a bustling city hasis the ruins. in all years we have been coming here, it's never been dangerous. check points choke the traffic all over cabul. difficult to film as the it was to move. terrorists can strike at any time. nobody knows that better than the men this elite counterterrorism uniit. they rush to the scene of every attack. such as this one at a kabul mosque where a suicide bomber blew himself up, steps away.
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they took us beyond the barbed wire to the main military hospital. site of a chilling attack last year by the islamic state. one of terror groups with a foothold in terrorism. >> they wore white coats. >> we were told by commanders here, knife terrorists disguised as doctors got past heavy security. armed with assault rifle and a weapon that allowed them to move from room to room. >> had the knife. and they killed a lot of people with that knife. they were stabbing people in their beds. patients. >> stabbing patients in their bed, yeah. >> this former lieutenant led the assault force that stormed the building. we agreed to conceal his i dent team how to protect him. >> they are very clever.
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they can do anything, any. and they stop shooting around. and showing weakness. >> reinforcements on roof. on the ledges uh you can see hospital workers hiding. when korcornered. they murdered more than 50 people that day. afghans normally bury their dead in a cloth shroud. that's not possible when bodies are obliterated by suicide bombers. it happens so often now. kabul, they have turned to something new. making coffins. there is also greater demand for prosthetic limbs. this orthopaedic clinic is run by the international. >> to watch the full report.
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news recently, cdc study shows the number of suicide are up in many states. this morning, we end with the story of hope. it is about a teen who wants th thought aboutening his life but not unexpected backup when heap needed it the most. steve hartman on the road. >> reporter: a lot of police offser go above and beyond. few have gone further than monique and elisia. last year they got a call to check on the welfare of a verbablely impaired 15-year-old boy, victor. victor was used to being bullied. but when somebody poured hot glue on his arm he decided that was the final straw.
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>> this was one of the tougher calls for us. his teacher called 911. >> saying. >> saying that he was being bullied and he went into -- he wanted to end his life. >> every year in america, more than 2,000 teenagers commit t statistic. thanks to those two police officers who didn't see him as just another call. but rather, part of their calling. >> he got to my heart. he really got to me. >> after they took victor to the hospital. for psychiatric treatment. sedbury and mar teen is made a promise to make sure this kid had good friends. which to them meant becoming his good friend. >> today they talk all the time. even go with him to karate glasses and events. >> how often do you see each other? >> often. >> he is like our family. like our little brother. >> is it helpful to you that
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they stayed in your life? >> yeah. >> any time i wanted to talk to them. they would be able to answer. >> different kid now?e, yeah. >> oh, yeah. totally different. his demeanor is so much better. >> it also helps he is in a new school away from the old bullies. >> hola. >> he is seeing more clearly now. >> i had a corn yal transplant. >> can you tell how handsome i am with the cornea, pretty clear. >> i could tell you are pretty old. >> obviously. this kid is going to be just fine. >> i was starting to really look you. >> steve hartman on the road. in denver. >> that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us an, c from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm jericka duncan.
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captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, june 13th, 2018. this is the "cbs morning news." victory lap. president trump returning home from the summit in singapore, but are the wheels in motion for denuclearization? >> another truck packed with suspected illegal immigrants is discovered in texas. and this isn't spider-man. a raccoon de-feis gravity and takes a break on a
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