tv CBS This Morning CBS June 19, 2018 7:00am-8:58am PDT
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>> wonderful tuesday. >> yes indeed. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, june 19th, 2018. welcome to "cbs this morning." presenpidt trum rally republica to change immigration laws. gayle is along the u.s./mexico border in texas where concern is growing over detention centers. >> we'll talk to the lawyer who obtained audio that she claims captures children inside one of those centers crying out for their parents after being separated. plus, we'll take you across the border to see if the administration's zero tolerance policy is really deterring people from entering the united states. >> cbs news goes inside a lavish gathering of state attorneys
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general, paid for by business be cozend we'll take you inside a clinic that is already providing treatment. and only on "cbs this morning," an inside look at ford's new plans to transform a century old detroit train station into a high-tech base built to take on silicon valley. but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> the united states will not be a migrant camp. we can't allow that to happen to the united states. not on my watch. >> the president defends his immigration strategy. >> this is the united states of america. it isn't nazi germany. >> this is a real exaggeration of course. in nazi, germany, they were keeping the jews from leaving the country. >> senators grilled the inspector general and fbi director on the bureau's handling of the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. >> there's a serious problem with the culture at the fbi
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headquarters. >> directing the pentagon to establish a new branch of the military, a space force. >> the air force and the space force. separate but equal. >> heavy rain caused widespread flooding throughout the midwest and into the northeast. >> north korean leader kim jong-un is visiting china. reports say he will brief china's president on last week's summit with president trump. >> >> left field! ball game over. and the astros have won 12 in a row. >> and all that matters. >> save lives. oco n>> bla uckp panther star chadw boseman gave his award to shaw jr. >> this is going to live at your house. >> on "cbs this morning." >> the newbeyo zite/ wy as shojat inside the l right in front of the iconic mona lisa. >> filming in front of the mona lisa has increased its value. from now on, there's going to be
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some people who go there and be like, owh, my god, it's that chick from the video, look! >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota, let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." ed vci >> let's hope l hove has a guesr k ac frheom tonhe crypt. >> there you go. gayle king is along the u.s./mexico border. we'll hear from hern i amont. alex wagner sheis here with us. president trump goes to capitol hill today to press house republicans on a pair of immigration bills. while the uproar gets loudeeran for illegaly separating childre from parents is unacceptable. 17% say it's acceptable. our poll finds 62% of americans disapprove of the president's handling of immigration.
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35% approve. paula reid is at the white house. paula, good morning. >> good morning. when the president meets with house republican leaders tonight, he will demand funding for a border wall, border security and an end to catch and release. but given the sharp divisions within the republican party over this issue, it's unclear whether any bill that's been proposed could actually pass. >> we're doing the right thing. we're takining care of these children. >> last night, attorney general jeff sessions defended the administration's zero tolerance policy, which he first announced in april. >> hopefully people will get the message and come through the border at the port of entry and not break across the border unlawfully. >> newly releas department of sd 2,342 children were separated from their parents at the border from may 5th to june 9th. >> i say it's very strongly the democrats fault. their obstruction. they're really obstructionists. they are obstructing.
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>> reporter: president trump said democrats should back a broad immigration bill if they want to end the practice of separating children from their parents who come here illegally. >> the united states will not be a migrant camp. you take a look at the death and destruction that's been caused by people coming into this country. without going through a process. and they could be murderers. and thieves. and so much else. >> the president is saying this is all on the democrats, it's their law. it's just not right, it's not gr >> all of us who are seeing these images of children being pulled away from moms and dads in tears, we're horrified. this has to stop. >> challenges the oucountry that it must be changed. >> the children are not being used as a pawn. >> reporter: a defiant homeland% security secretary nielsen defended the process. >> we're trying to protect the
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children which is why i'm asking congress to ask. >> reporter: senator harris joined several of her democratic colleagues in calling on nielsen to resign. >> she has, i think, evidenced again an inability to run that agency. >> reporter: republican senator ted cruz says he will introduce emergency legislation so that families could be detained together. some republicans are worried all of this could drag down the entire party during a critical election year. but other republicans tell me they're actually giving voters exactly what they voted for, which is strict enforcement of our immigration laws. alex. >> paula, thank you. there is more conceabg si s go gayle who is along the u.s./mexico border outside one of those facilities in mcallen, texas. gayle, good morning. there's a lot of heart break down on that border. >> reporter: heart break, devastating, you pick anna annagetive, none of them are
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good today. undocumented immigrants inside the detention facility are drawing intense reaction. our david begnaud is part of a select group of journalists that was allowed inside. he described what he saw as people in cages. the border patrol told us they don't like that characterization. they said they were uncomfortable with that. but they did not say it was inaccurate. for the first time, we may be hearing from children separated from their parents. investigative website obtained recording it claims aioud revealed canhildren crying out inside a detention facility. the civil rights attorney received an audio from a client who sayslast week. cbs news has not beend i adeblc independently confirm the authenticityis recording, which is mostly in spanish. here is a o
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>> we spoke earlier with jennifer harbury who has live and worked in the rio grande valley for four decades. i don't speak spanner b eish bu certainly know mami and papi. you hear the anguish in the children's voice. what can you tell us about the client and the conditions of how they got the tape? >> it's important to protect any whistleblower from retaliation, but i can say that that particular person i've known and i certainly know of and is of impeccable integrity. the whistleblower did, in fact, make that tape recording. in person. >> in person? >> and brought it the to me. >> because this is really the first time we've heard the children. we've not been allowed to record anything. so this is really the first time we're hearing children's voices. before we go further, how can
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you really tell us, explain to us that this is an authentic tape? pngs i a tonne ohelath dmommy erand daddy. how can we tell it was recorded there at a facility? >> well, at the beginning of the tape, you can hear a heavy door changing shut and people saying, okay, you know, in spanish of course, it's, you know, sort of getting the children together and stuff. all that i can really say is that ginger thompson, of propublica did a great job. she's saying, tell her to come here right away, i'm all alone, i'm frightened. and she's begging and crying. ginger thompson, in fact, called that person and yes, the little girl exists, yes, the little girl is in detention, yes, she was frightened, yes, she was separate from her mother. >> what can you tell us about the children in the facility?
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>> there is -- the place in the facility is where children have been brought after they were separated from their parents. those are the small children like age 12 down to 4 that you hear on the tape. there are also some teenagers that fled the cartels for example, ran for their lives and they're unaccompanied for that reason, and they're also in the back of that room. >> what do you say to the trump administration that says, listen, these parents are putting their children in danger. we're not putting their children in danger. parents are doing that. >> i'd like to give an example maybe of one client at one point. from a few years ago. he turned 15 in and that's prime time when the duras cartels arrive at h your door a say you're working for us or you're dead. they asked him the first time and he said no, i don't want to work for you. which is maybe not very diplomatic. they came the second time. and ran him over with a car. he woke up three days later with a head injury. his mother, a very poor woman,
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had managed to round up 30 or $40, stuffed it into his hands and said run. >> the point you're making is these people are desperate, is that what you're saying? >> yes, parents are trying to save their kid's lives by getting them up here. >> as an attorney who works with children what is your take on all of this? what you're seeing and hearing? you've seen more than most of us. >> i'm astounded that america, of all places, my father having arrived at ellis island also frightened out of his wits at age 11, that of all places america would stoop to traumatizing and abusing children of refugees. how can we come to this? if we want to go after the cartels, 100%, wonderful. why are we punishing their victims? >> a lot of people are asking that. thank you very much for joining us. we do appreciate it. the administration is sending mixed signals about whether separating parents and children is intended to deter illegal immigration. cbs news radio correspondent
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steven portnoy asked homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen about that. >> are you intending to separate parents from their children, intending to send a message? >> i find that offensive. why would i ever create a policy that purposely does that? >> perhaps a deterrent. >> no. >> just last month, white house chief of staff john kelly said family separation could be a tough t.rrende r mireya villarael talked about that. >> despite the policy of separating children from their families, it has not led to a decrease of illegal border crossings. when we went into mexico just past this border wall in juarez, we spoke with a number of families who say the policy is deterring them. you don't have any more family here? we met this mexican grandmother
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monday on the outskirts of ciudad juarez. she says she wants to cross the border to join her daughters in the u.s. but is scared she'll be separate from her granddaughter if she gets caught. you're asking that the president change his heart. she's been staying act a place in juarez known as casa migrante, a safe haven for immigrants trying to cross into the u.s. or who have been detorted. this is really interesting. this definitely stood out. these are the detention bracelets that are given to people when they're in the united states and illegally crossed and are being detained. as they come through this particular shelter, they leave this kind of as a memento and they go back to their home countries. >> i live in salt lake city, utah. >> reporter: geraldo soto has been deported twice. he says he's afraid of getting caught again. >> if i go now, they're going to, you know, i'm looking at 1 to 5 in jail and have another charge. >> reporter: but not everyone is deterred. according to the u.s. customs
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and border poe directirotection the month of may, when the policy was implemented there was a nearly 2% increase in people who tried to unsuccessfully cross the border into the u.s. compared to april. for this woman from honduras, escaping cartel violence is worth the risk. she said if she can't cross legally, she will find another way. you're going to try and cross illegally? they can detain you. >> si. >> reporter: a number of families tried to cross this border here is up 400% last month. that's in comparison to the same time in 2017. i also spoke with a number of immigration officials in juarez who told me they have also seen an influx of people trying to cross into the u.s. legally but are also being turned becae of a hbaum aca a s
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leads the world in requests for asylum. more than 640,000 people had pending applications at the end of last year. and that is 44% more than 2016. but the u.s. had only made decisions on about 10% of those requests. david begnaud is at a port of entry in hidalgo texas. >> reporter: this is one of 11 land ports along the texas/mexico border. this is the entry point into mexico. you have at least four lanes. cars going in 24 hours a day. and there's a pedestrian track on the right-hand side. let me set the scene for you if you've never been to a border crossing. here where we are, it's quite busy. you've got people milling about. a shopping area. this is where the trump administration and other administrations for that matter have constantly told people you can come, ask for entry into the country, and avoid being detained or potentially being separated from your family. here's the flip side to that. there's a lot of people trying
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to get in. there's a back-up in the application process. in some cases, it can take up to two years to see an immigration judge. that is one of the reasons why people crossed the border illegally, by themselves, with their children, and in some cases they send their kids alone. look, over the last 48 hours of covering this story, we know there are emotions on both sides, border patrol officials have come to us off camera and said we feel like we're being attacked unfairly. in fact, i had a high-ranking officer here in the texas area who is a mother who said, david, it devastates me to see the families being separated. but she said what makes me even angrier is knowing that these people were not only willingly committing a federal crime by walking across the border illegally, they brought their children, knowing that we would take them and that child into federal custody. >> david, thank you. as we know, people really want to be here based on how they're treated or mistreated at home. we wanted to hear how people living along the southern border view the crackdown on illegal
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immigration. we spoke with one man named frank here in mcgowan. he told us he came here on a visa and became a u.s. citizen at 18. he's now 49, has children and tell us he's in the construction business. >> you know, i don't mean to sound insensitive, but we can't just open up the borders. a lot of times, we lose our jobs because a lot of these people come in and do the job for a portion of the pay. so we're left out. >> this is bigger though then opening up the borders. this is about children being separated from their parents. what do you say about that? >> i don't agree with that. >> you don't agree with that but? >> but my opinion is we can't just open up the borders. >> what's the solution? >> oh, my gosh. i don't know. >> as an immigrant yourself. >> well, work with the governments, with their countries, where they're from and try and get them to -- >> but you came here. >> yes. >> seeking a better life. >> yes. >> doesn't that seem like a contradiction as an immigrant
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yourself? >> yes, it is. now that i'm here, i can see the point of view of the people that live here. >> and most of the people coming here are not -- they are law-abiding citizens. would you agree with that? >> yes, most of them are. but not all of them. >> when you hear those strong opinions from both sides, it really hits home that this is very complicated. this immigration debate is not easy to resolve. in our next hour, we'll hear from someone who spent time inside one of those detention centers. for now, let's send it back to norah in new york. >> gayle, thank you. to the whole team down there for that great reporting. ul morn 8 mlionpe texas today. thunderstorms are expected along the coast, along with some parts of louisiana. a flood warning is also in effect for parts of northern illinois where stranded drivers had to be rescued yesterday after heavy rain flooded roads. part of a nearby hospital also flooded, which led to evacuations. and in poughkeepsie, new york, a
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strong thunderstorm caused a seven-strong b collapse. one woman was rescued after being trapped in debris. the world health organization wants to classify mental health condition. a treatment center for addicted gamers applauds the . hello. we have some fog forming. right along the gold especially gate bridge and the bay bridge as well. that thick marine layer causes drizzle in the sky as well. look at that satellite. it's extended far inland. it'll burn off. the sun will be out. upper 80's, low 90s in places like concord and fairfield. livermore 90 degrees. the relief will be by the water. look at that heat through friday.
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>> ahead, hidden cameras reveal who was at one of these elite retreats. >> i'm nancy cordes at one of the nation's most exclusive golf resorts. coming up, i'll tell you who's footing the bill for some of the nation's top law enforcement officers to take luxury vacations and what they get out of it. luxury vacations and what they get out of it. my portfolio, but.. well, what are you doing tomorrow -10am? staff meeting. noon? eating. 3:45? uh, compliance training. 6:30? sam's baseball practice. 8:30? tai chi. yeah, so sounds relaxing. alright, 9:53? i usually make their lunches then, and i have a little vegan so wouldn't it bereat if you had instments thd aras you do? yeah. introducing essential portfolios. the automated investing solution that lets you focus on your life. if you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis,
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exchanged gunfire in union city. it happened just before midnight on e street. at least 1 sus . good morning. it's 7:26. police and three suspects exchanged gun fire in union city. it happened just before midnight on e street. at least one suspect is hurt. the officers are okay and the suspects are in custody. a family cook out turned into a brawl in brentwood. police arrested several people after two families clashed at veterans park on saturday. palo alto city leaders condemning anti gay flyers. the posters were circulated around mitchell park. a look at traffic and weather in just a moment.
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right near ashby. that's a motorcycle down blocking one lane and then another two car crash westbound 80 right at central avenue. that has one lane blocked. you can see how thick traffic is. this is a live look at ashby. here is mcbride. it's a slow ride on toward the bay bridge toll plaza. this morning people may be running in to a little drizzle out there because we have a thick marine layer. you can see that on the roof camera. temperatures wise we are in the 50s for most locations. 53 san francisco. look at how thick that cloud cover is. our ridge of high pressure will bring us that heat. it's starting today. elm itself will be on the rise.
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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♪ and welcome back to "cbs this morning." here are three things you should know this morning. north korea leader kim jong un is back in beijing. he met with china's president xi jinping this morning. xi praised kim and reaffirmed. the seoul government says supports on going talks with north korea. soon iphones will automatically share a yours's exact location with 911 responders. technology from start-up rapid sos will update existing systems built for land lines. apple says it will pinpoint 911 callers faster. apple will activate the feature
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in september with its ios 12 update. and aa says 64% of families plan to hit the road. wyoming is number one on road trips. followed by north carolina, texas and minnesota. the worst state, hawaii, delaware connecticut and rhode island bottom out the list. do not road trip to hawaii. unless you have an amphibians vehicle. law enforcement officials in each state have the final say which cases to pursue or not. that power has not gone unnoticed by lobbyists. we got a look at one lavish retreat where businesses and trade groups paid for access. large donations so they can get one on one time to state their case. here with a look at what those
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officials get in return. nancy good morning. interested to see? >> right. and it is all perfect i legal for companies to give aye popping sums to partisan groups that help a.g.s get elected and reelected. and in exchange they organize luxurious private gathers where individuals can get to know each other far from the halls of government. >> reporter: rubbing shoulders with a state attorney general doesn't come cheep. to get an invite to this retreat lobbyists had to fork over $125,000. the dress code, resort casual. selling access to events like this one has helped the republican attorneys general association, or raga raise more than $20 million in the last year and a half. twice as much as their democratic counterparts. cbs news reviewed 88 donations
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of $50,000 or more to raga and found half the donors had a matter under consideration by a attorney general or recently settled. others needed help in that community. $700,000 four weeks al the las vegas shooting. a six fold increase from the previous year and came everyone as republicans were calling for new gun control measures. >> this been a on the bump stocks should be codified. >> reporter: one month later, 24 of the 27 gop attorneys general wrote this letter urging congress to pass concealed carry legislation. a top priority for the nra. the nra told cbs news it did not discuss the later with raga and gave generously simply because the organization works to elect
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pro second amendment candidates. >> the major concern from my perspective is that this is completely behind closed doors. >> marquette university's studied the role of state attorneys general. >> if the pick doesn't know what the connection between the money coming in and the policies or investigations going out are, then it really raises some questions. >> reporter: and the more money these lobbyists shell out, the more access they get. at 20 golf resorts like this one in pinehurst, north carolina, $50,000 entitles them to so called issue briefings. one on one, with republican ags. the most luxurious gathering we saw was an kiowa island in south carolina. so exclusive it is not even mentioned on raga's website. we asked nining a ags we saw if
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they attended and only three would confirm they went. arkansas ag leslie rutledge. when we asked her staff if she was there they added "we have nothing additional." the agenda, including yoga on the beach and a dolphin tour. representatives from coke industry, big tobacco and the nra in attendance. over four days while their agents are back home working we saw the ags by the pool, playing golf and open bar receptions. not bad for public servants whose average salaries hover around $129 thousand a year. >> thank you very much more supporting raga. >> reporter: and it is not squaus the republicans. democratic ags are courted by trial lawyers at receptions like this one in washington. and they too take donations from companies under investigation.
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>> i think that really raises some concerns about whether the ags are doing what they are supposed to be doing which is represent their state and the people of their state as opposed to representing their biggest donors. >> reporter: raga told us in a statement the republican attorneys general association has been successful in supportinged cans that will defend the rule of law. republican attorneys zwrenl have this mind set and that's what drives their actions. nothing else. told us they quote go do the right thing by the law and for the people of their states on a number of issues.afrd to get th access to top law enforcement officials and who can't. >> the optics are really unfortunate. i think when people talk about the swamp, this is the kind of interaction they are imagining unfolding happening. >> nice looking swamp out there. >> golfing.
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>> four times a year these happen, quarley. >> nancy, thanks for that. excessive video game playing could soon be classified as the formal addiction. while the world health organization is raising alarm over so called "gaming disorderest" and while others experts want to me r see more evidence. the day's top stories and what's happening in your world in less than 20 minutes. how's that for a deal. you are watching "cbs this morning." the emotions that bring us together shouldn't drive us apart. but when you experience sudden, frequent, uncontrollable episodes of laughing or crying that are exaggerated or simply don't match how you feel, it can often lead to feeling misunderstood. this is called pseudobulbar affect, or pba. a condition that can occur from brain injury or certain neurologic conditions like stroke or dementia. nuedexta can make a difference by significantly
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really attracted me to games was that being born with a disability, when i played games you know people weren't able to judge me how i looked but rather by how i was in the game. >> reporter: for the last five weeks kevin riley has been undergoing an intensive treatment program for his video game habit. >> i would definitely say it was definitely a addiction for me. get home from work and probably put in at least six hours a night. up sometimes up towards of 12 hours. >> the w.h.o. is considering recognizing gaming addiction as the disorder. the disorder which affects no more than 3% of gamers has three main characteristics. loss of control over gaming habits, prioritizing gaming over other activities and continuing to play despite negative consequences. >> we definitely have seen an increase in demand. >> reporter: hillary cash co-founded restart, one of the nation's first treatment centers if are video game addiction. phase one begins with patients like riley completely
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unplugging. >> they are going essentially through a detox. they also are receiving counseling and in general getting physically fit. eating healthy. catching up on sleep. >> reporter: but a division of the american league psychological association says it is concerned the current research base is not sufficient to label gaming addiction as the disorder, which may be more a product of moral panic than good science. a position supported by the video gaming industry. advocates theld health organization recognition will prompt them to cover treatment. >> it is important because now it will be taken seriously as a legitimate disorder. >> as for riley he's focused on taking back control of his life. >> there is really no way to avoid using technology all together in the future. so i need to figure how to balance that and integrate into my life in a healthy way.
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>> reporter: cbs this morning, los angeles. >> this is starting a conversation in every household who has children who play games about the amount of time they are spending in front of that game. >> and a conversation about the psychological effects of technology which is long, long overdue. >> it is a powerful, powerful poll. and especially now that there is communities and you have people with whom you interact. so the poll is not just things on a screen but humans you are connected with. >> hey, i'm on, get on with me. let's play together. >> exactly. up next a look at this morning's other headlines, inclusion uber's new discount for passengers who don't mind waiting. and president trump wants a new branch of the military just for space missions. . pretty thick marine layer. look at this view from the camera showing a little drizzle. that's what a lot of drivers may be running into. it's also lowering visibility as that fog is hanging around.
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we have a ridge of high pressure getting closer. the heat starts today. afternoon highs upper 80s. low 90s. the cooler air will be in places like san francisco if along the coast. we will get hot into the week and the weekend. this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by -- digestive advantage probiotics help you stay strong, even with digestive issues... and 12 rowdy campers... after dark. its protein shell survives stomach acid 100x better... where billions of other probiotics can struggle. digestive advantage. you finished preparing overhim for, in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b.
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that's why i got a subaru crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. what i do? i snack on blue diamond almonds. honey roasted? mmm!! let me control another one. don't control your cravings. eat 'em! all the flavors you crave, in a superfood. blue diamond almonds. crave victoriously. i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans better than a manual. and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque, and oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the american dental association for its effectiveness and safety. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b. oral-b. brush like a pro. if you have moderate to severe or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla.
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otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ♪ otezla. show more of you.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." here is a look at some of the morning's headlines. the wall street journal reports on president trump threatening new tariffs on another $200 billion in imports from china. mr. trump said the tariffs and maybe more would come into effect if china refuses to change its trade practices. china accused the u.s. of blackmail. stocks fell when wall street opened this morning because the dispute is now raising fears of a full blown trade war. the hill says the justice department has charged a former cia software engineer suspected as one of the worst losses of top secret document this is the agency's history. accused of stealing classified information. theft of government property and lying to the fbi. suspected of giving documents to wikileaks detailing cia hacking
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operations. he already faces child pornography charges. efforts to limit gerrymandering have faltered at the supreme court. when they alter state electoral maps to shift the power. >> our partners at c net say uber is testing a new feature that let customers wait for a cheaper ride. offering a reduced rate through the app if passengers agree to a litter pick up time. franoos angelei arabia's world p teandedyn russia att fir the video shows flames around the wing of the plane yesterday. the airline says a bird may have flown into the engine. the team was traveling for a game against uruguay tomorrow. known was hurt.
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and cbs providence affiliate wpri says a massachusetts couple of is warning parents after their toddler climbed a pool ladder that should have been child proof. the couple films the boy climbing a ladder designed to prevent a child from getting into the pool. his mother grabbed him when he got to the top. the couple wants to talk to the manufacture to push for a design change. i should say so. that is every parent's worst nightmare. >> really scary after bode miller's daughter was just drowned in a pool and died. >> and child proofing. it is a pain, right? but this is what it's designed to prevent. >> and for everybody who says well you should watch your child. we all know what it's like. you just turn your back for a second and they have disappeared. >> gone yeah. >> it is terrifying to watch is that. and a out maker is using a dare elect train station to build its future.
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bill ford on the company's plan to resurrect a detroit landmark and take on silicon valley. growing up i didn't have anyone who looked like me. that's why i started my blog to inspire people to be themselves. the surface laptop has already made me more productive. i'm creating mood boards. i'm editing content. or i'm running around new york with a huge bouquet of balloons. so having a light laptop is a game changer. plus the battery life on the surface lives forever. my blog is sometimes about fashion, sometimes about sprinkles. it's usually always about color. find what makes you different, because that sets you apart from everyone else.
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moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. [conference phone] baloney! [conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above. i thought this was a no by-products call? prepare for your demise, do your worst, doctor. i will. but first, a little presentation. hijacking earth's geothermal energy supply. phase 1. choosing the right drill bit. as long as evil villains reveal their plans, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more
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on car insurance. previously treated withd platinum-based chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene who've tried an fda-approved targeted therapy, who wouldn't want a chance for another...? who'd say no to a...? who wouldn't want a chance to live longer. opdivo (nivolumab). over 40,000 patients have been prescribed opdivo immunotherapy. opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this may happen during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough; chest pain; shortness breat diarr re schn or tenderness; severe nausea or vomiting; extreme fatigue; constipation; excessive thirst or urine; swollen ankles; loss of appetite; rash; itching; headache; confusion; hallucinations; muscle or joint pain; flushing; fever; or weakness, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effect of opdivo.
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tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, or lung, breathing, or liver problems. a chance to live longer. because who wouldn't want...that? ask your doctor about opdivo. thank you to all involved in opdivo clinical trials.
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year-old samuel youm-toub for brutually attacking a homeless man. video shows him walking up to ad . san francisco police arrested a 58-year-old for attacking a homeless man. video showing him walking up to a person, kicking him in the head twice and then leaving him with serious injuries. the suspect now faces assault charges. today councilmembers in walnut creek are considering a ban on marijuana businesses, allowing up to two medical pot delivery businesses in the area. they would have to be located away from areas with children and schools. if approved officials would regulate new businesses and fees. we will have photograph kick weather in just a moment.
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your ride slow in that northbound direction. we are still tracking delays along 280 and northbound one getting out of park a. you may still see flashing lights and activity out on the scene. that is a check of your traffic. we are going to start to feel the heat today. first we have to get through in this morning marine layer. impacting visibility. temperatures in the 50s, 60s in san jose and concord. look at that visibility map. it's down to 2.5 miles. at the airports delays likely. santa rosa you will run into low lying fog. today santa ros 80s. low 90s fairfield and livermore. in the upper 60s and the heat will just get stronger through the end of the week. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know
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you didn't cut off the light. the teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california.
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good morning to our viewers in the west. it's tuesday june 19, 2018. welcome back to "cbs this morning." ahead, congress responds to president trump's zero tolerance immigration approach. we'll go back to the border where gale talks to the lawyer working with families who have been separated. what the president's plan for a space force means for the u.s. military. president trump goes to capitol hill today to press house republicans on a pair of immigration bills while the uproar gets louder. it's unclear whether any bill could pass. >> what can you tell us about the client and the conditions on how he or she got the tape? >> the whistleblower did make the tape recording in person and brought it to me. >> when we went across the
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border into mexico just past this border wall we spoke with a number of families who say that the policy is deterring them. >> one border patrol officer says it breaks my heart but i am more infuriated that mothers and fathers take their kids to the border knowing i will take them and their child into custody. >> just call him prince harry. england got two goals from their captain to beat tunisia 2-1. >> finally found a way. >> one of the great things about our show we get all the highlights from everything that happened including the world cup. >> you don't need to watch anything else. >> the expression pile of
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english joy. i'm norah o'donnell. we will check back in with gayle on assignment reporting from the u.s./mexico border. president trump meets with house rene republicans today. >> department of homeland security figures show 2,342 children were separated from parents at the border from may 5 to june 9. the trump administration insists congress is responsible. while more republicans are speaking out against the administration policy. ed okeefe is on capitol hill. >> reporter: the president is meet wg gop lawmakers to talk about broader issues of immigration policy, not just those families separated at the border. there are two competing proposals on the table but neither has enough republican support to pass right now. that could change if the president endorses either plan. there is also a separate propoez
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proposal that would reunite those families. his plan would authorize new temporary shelters, double the number of immigration judges, reunite the families and ensure that asylum seekers are processed within 14 days. whether or not crews can find support is unclear but the fact that it would reunite the families and address back log of asylum cases suggests it might have a chance. >> let's go back to gayle along the u.s./mexico border outside a facility holding undocumented immigrants, hearing stories of people who are inside. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. homeland security secretary says children taken into custody by the government are very well taken care of. conswello garcia and her 15-year-old son might disagree with that. they fled guatamala.
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we spoke to ronaldo yesterday about what he experienced in detention. were you treated well? were you afraid there? >> it was very scary. >> reporter: what were you scared of? >> my mom didn't know where we were going. >> were the conditions nice? >> they wake you up. >> to do what? >> to count everyone in the cells. >> they wake you up at midnight to count everyone in the cell? >> they just kind of do it and you can go back to sleep. >> reporter: he also told us he did not get enough to eat. he said he was fed apples and water. jonathan ryan is the executive director for the center for education and legal services. they are the immigration legal aid group in texas. thank you for joining us. we showed a byte about conditions. what are clients telling you about the conditions?
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>> the conditions inside the detention centers and shelters vary. you have to understand these are for profit companies that make their money by housing people at little cost. in the context of the children these are better or worse, much like children shelters we have in texas which unfortunately should be no comfort for people who care about children. you just have to do a google search and you will find a laundry list of abuses and crimes against them. >> when you get a new client what is your number one priority? >> establishing trust so we can assist them with their legal case. you are often the first person in their life who is not there to take advantage of them or to hurt them so establishing trust particularly after what our own government has done to them at the border is a big challenge. >> and they want to find someone to trust. when we were in the shelter yesterday we had women asking us do you know why this bracelet is
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on me? they have so little information. they don't understand what is happening or who the people are that they are dealing with. >> they are explained very little. most of all, when they are released they are not explained the fact that they have to return to court. very little is done, suspiciously little is done to inform these people of their rights. >> yesterday we were told separating these people are treated no differently than a person here who has a child who commits a crime, that they are not treated differently. do you believe that? >> if a person or parents in this country commits a crime and goes to jail we do not p that child into a jail and separately prosecute that child which is what is happening to these children. each individual member of the family is being separately prosecuted. the different judge, different prosecutor and different legal process. it's very confusing and costly. >> you told us something that i thought in many cases that drug
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dealers and gang members are using children as pawns to get inside the country. >> this is just a common phrase that we hear flaunted by people who have an anti-immigrant interest. i have represented hundreds, thousands of children in this conte context. each story is individual. it's an individual story of pain, suffering, of abuse and escape in a moment of terror to try to find freedom. >> it did appear to be painting a whole group of people with one brush when we were talking yesterday. thank you for coming. we really do appreciate it. let's send it back to john in new york. >> thanks. >> the detention centers are unfortunate and gut wrenching to see the children but that is part of the illegal immigration picture. the issue at hand right now is what happens to the children after they are separated from their parents? do they get reunified? are we able to put the families
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back together? >> these shelters have existed in previous administrations. >> not at this capacity but this is part of the picture and has been part of the picture. >> two pools, the larger pool and smaller pool of family separation. president trump says a new space force will protect the united states from threats above the atmosphere but the proposed new military branch is at odd
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♪ ♪ president trump is ordering the pentagon to create a separate military branch to handle space. the president announced his proposed space force yesterday. it would be the first new branch of the armed services since the air force was created in 1947. supporters of the president's plan say the air force doesn't give space the attention or money it needs. david martin looks at what it would mean to have a space force. >> reporter: the air force plans to conduct 50 space launches this year and already operates 77 satellites on orbit including these gps satellites which guide everything from high tech weapons to every day drivers. nearly 40,000 air force men and women are currently assigned to space. president trump has told the pentagon to set up a new branch of the armed services just for space. >> we are going to have the air
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force and we are going to have the space force. >> the american way of war depends on space which is why potentially adversaries like russia and china have developed anti-satellite weapons, a threat brought home in 2007 when china created this vast debris field by shooting down one of its own weather satellites. general john heighten spoke with 60 minutes in 2015. >> there is a significant wakeup call to our military. until that singular event i don't think the broader military realized that is something we will have to worry about. >> the former head of space policy for the pentagon. >> it's not that the air force has done a bad job but to bring it to where we need to get to we need to focus on it. >> reporter: less than a year ago defense secretary mattis wrote the letter saying i do not wish to add a separate service for space. now his commander in chief has spoken although congress will have the final say.
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for "cbs this morning" david martin at the pentagon. >> we'll see whether congress actually moves forward on this. >> an ambitious plan. ford is using a symbol of decay to help detroit compete with silicon valley. >> i heard somebody say don't call it the train station, call it the brain station. bill ford jr. is planning to give silicon valley a run for its money in terms of recruiting really smart people to come here. >> we would love for this part of town to be that for the next generation. >> ahead ford's executive chairman shows gayle how he is driving his company forward while reviving a historic motor city neighborhood. you're watching "cbs this morning." reviving a historic motor city network. you're watching "cbs this morning." dixie ultra plates?
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with two pounds of steak. in each hand. dixie ultra. stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. our because of smoking.ital. but we still had to have a cigarette. had to. but then, we were like. what are we doing? the nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. nicodermcq. you know why, we know how. mno artificial flavorsed with no artificial colors all for a crisp, clean taste 95 calories, 2.6 carbs.
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michelob ultra, superior light beer. hnew litter?lled this no. nobody has! it's unscented! (vo) new tidy cats free & clean unscented. powerful odor control with activated charcoal. free of dyes. free of fragrances. tidy cats free & clean. when no scents makes sense. woman: it felt great not having hepatitis c. it's like a load off my shoulders. i was just excited for it to be over. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. is prove cure up to 99% opati who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions
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detroit is the historic hub for automakers, but that industry is getting 21st century competition from silicon valley. the ford motor company is stepping up efforts to compete. it will reveal plans this morning to transform 105-year-old train station into its high-tech base for the future of automotive mobility. gayle got a look at that space that you'll see only on "cbs this morning." she's in mcallen, texas, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, norah. last week i was in detroit. see the places you get to go on "cbs this morning"? yep. we get to travel on this job. i like it. as you were saying, this is an amazing old building and project for ford and detroit. ford executive chairman bill ford jr. wants this real estate project to give silicon valley a run for its money. he recently gave us a tour of the historic space. >> detroit was built in an era where there was a ton of money
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here. so buildings like this were built with grandeur. and then they fell into disrepair. >> reporter: over its 105-year history, the massive michigan central train station in detroit has reflected the life and times of the city around it. this had to be the ticket booths, right? >> yeah. this was the ticket booth. >> reporter: when the railroad was king, the station stood as a symbol of detroit's prosperity. then the city's economy collapsed and fell into bankruptcy. >> had we been looking at this ten years ago, you would have had a lot of empty buildings there. >> reporter: whenever they show a picture of how bad detroit is, this is the place -- >> the poster child. that used to always drive me -- somebody who's lived here my whole life, i hated that publicity for our city and for the structure. >> reporter: what are you thinking -- now ford motor company executive chairman bill ford jr. is doing some about that. his company just bought this half a million square-foot behemoth and is turning it into ford's new hub for autonomous and electric vehicle research. >> when we started thinking about the future of
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transportation and autonomous driving, it's very clear that that will happen first in cities. and therefore, we have to get experience on city streets. and cityscapes is where that will all be invented. >> reporter: the 2,500 ford employees who are expected to work here will do more than transform a building. they will also help revive an entire neighborhood. corktown, one of the oldest parts of the city. your love for detroit is very clear to me. it's important for you to be here in this city. >> it is. and -- >> reporter: legacy project for you? >> yeah. this is really, you know, for me a great kind of homecoming, if you will. >> reporter: his ancestors including great grandfather henry ford, the legendary founder of the company, first settled here in the late 19th >> i think everybody when detroit hit rock bottom said, okay, let's pull together and make the place work. and there's a spirit now in the city to do just that.
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>> reporter: a good example of that spirit happened just over the weekend. an unnamed thief who stole an antique clock that used to hang in the station returned it on friday. he apparently tipped off ford officials who retrieved it from an abandoned lot two miles from the station. they have authenticated it using old photos and chemical analysis. no word on how long it was gone or what ford plans to do in the renovation, but something tells me it's going to show up there. alex, to steal your pun, bill ford jr. is driving the company forward. i like that. >> wasn't mine, you're welcome to it. wasn't my pun. >> that was terrific. >> i liked it. >> glad to see you that happening for detroit. we're going show to you more of this project tomorrow. bill ford talks to gayle about autonomous driving, what his ancestors will think of ford's future and his western carmaking rival, elon musk. more ahead tomorrow on "cbs this morning." ahead, barrie petersen goes on a river ride in colorado where rainbow trout are getting a second chance to shine.
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a california man says he has terminal cancer from years of using a popular weed killer. ahead, attorney rikki klieman on what a trial against corporate giant monsanto means for thousands of others reportedly suing the company. and tomorrow, jonathan vigliotti takes us to a land before time with real dinosaur hunters. >> this is a real jurassic park. it is, it is. e're on scotland's isle of sky where you can literally walk in the footsteps of keou here tomo "cbs this morning."
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https: global stock markets fell . we have an update. some of the top head lines including union city. police and three suspects exchanged gun fire in union city. at least one suspect is injured. officers are okay and the suspects are in custody. a group of counter protesters involved in violent clashes at a protrump rally are celebrating victory more than a year later. five. them were found not guilty of assault. a jury found them not guilty after an hour. a 2,500-dollar reward is offered for information leading to arrest of a fire bug in santa rosa. an arsonist set 13 fires on saturday night. we will have traffic and weather after this.
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. we are tracking slow downs. we are still in the yellow. little under 30 minutes heading northbound. if you are going southbound out of san lorenzo down toward the dunbar ton bridge you can expect under a 45 minute ride. no accidents along that stretch but very crowded. heading through san jose 101. that northbound direction definitely seeing it's fair share of slow downs and golden gate bridge all socked in with that fog.
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may reduce some of your driving visibility this morning. be careful out there. for more on that let's check in on the forecast. bridge view showing the cloud coverage is low. you can the bay bridge. also being covered by that morning. thick marine layer. temperatures in the 50s for most locations. in concord. 55 in oakland. here is a look at your visibility map. it is down to three miles at half moon bay. oakland airport, visibility has dropped. here is a look at your afternoon highs. sun will burn off the clouds and inland it'll be warm. upper 80s. low 90s. g e temperures on up through th end of the week. it'll be down right hot. upper 90s and triple digits for friday, saturday and sunday. what about him?
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♪ and welcome back to "cbs this morning." right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "usa today" says the world's millionaires are richer than ever before. a new study by the consulting firm cap gemini finds global wealth surged more than 10% last year. it topped $70 trillion after six straight years of growth. total millionaire wealth is expected to exceed $100by. "the boston globe" says visually graphic warning labels are effective at scaring people away from unhealthy sweet drinks, according to a new study. harvard researchers found graphic labels reduced sugary drink purchases by 14.8%. text warning and calorie labels
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are no effect during the study. rapper dr. dre is making a documentary about marvin gaye. dr. dre reportedly is in the early stages of the project. gaye's hits include "what's going on." he was shot and killed in 1984 following a family dispute. our partners at the bbc say a widely ridiculed statue of ronaldo has been replaced. a bronze bust of portugal's world cup star became as famous as he is after being unveiled. many fans noticed it looked nothing like him. the original artist made a new statue and they made the swap last week. a man dying of cancer appeared in court claiming a
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popular weed killer made him sick. he's suing monsanto, the maker of round-up. he blames his cancer diagnosis on the active ingredient. he's one of thousands nationwide accusing monsanto of, quote, failing to exercise reasonable care to warn of the dangerous risk associated with use and exposure. >> monsanto denies the allegations. it says in a statement to cbs news, we have empathy for anyone suffering from cancer but we have scientific evidence clearly showing glyphosate was not the cause. dr. ri our doctor is here. this is going to be a well tried and hard fought case on both sides. this is a singular plaintiff because he's on the verge of
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death and in california you can go first. so, he is 46 years old. he worked with roundup for two years when he was a groundskeeper. he says three things. number one, we have to look at the scientific evidence and i, the plaintiff, will prove to you that this chemical in round-up is what caused my cancer. number two, that monsanto allegedly knew about this, failed to warn and also buried evidence about it for the public. and, number three, if they can actually prove that, which of course is questionable ify can, but if they can, then they're looking for punitive damages. >> monsanto will have its own mountain of data they'll put forward saying that government agencies and other studies shows that glyphosate was safe. what happens with that? >> monsanto creates this battle of experts and the literature is clearly on monsanto's side. they have 800 studies. there was one study in particular that came out of an
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agency out of the world health organization in 2015. and it was the one that said it was a carcinogen. that's what spurred on this litigation, according to monsan monsanto. monsanto says the plaintiff's science is junk science, but this judge is going to let that science in. the federal judge, who is looking at multidistrict litigation, he has said words like the science is loosy-goosy from the plaintiff. so monsanto in those cases may have a much better shot. >> button's attorney represents thousands of other cancer patients, right? >> i think at least 2,000 of the, let's count them, 4,000. you have cases in s francisco, a mass of them. another mass of them in st. louis where monsanto is located. those cases are starting to go with those cases in october. so, this is litigation that's going to continue to continue. but this is the bellwether because if, in fact, this
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plaintiff wins, that creates real momentum for other plaintiffs. and monsanto would have to rethink its position. however, if this plaintiff loses, monsanto is in a much better position to discourage some of these other cases. >> that's why we'll continue to watch it. thank you so much. the superstar catch of colorado's fishing industry is in serious trouble. summer is high season for the state's more than $2 billion recreational fishing industry, but a disease in the water is killing rainbow trout. even threatening to wipe out the species. barry petersen went to the black canyons of colorado's gunison river to learn about a new effort to fight the disease and save the trout. >> reporter: joel evans has been fishing this stretch of the gunnison river in colorado for more than 40 years. like most anglers in these parts, for him, one species of fish is king. the rainbow trout.
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what's it like to have a rainbow at the end of this line? >> they're fun. they tend to be more active. they jump more. >> reporter: but in the 1990s that fight shifted between rainbow trout and a parasite that invaded colorado rivers. it causes a plague where young fish swim in circles and die of starvation. what numbers in decrease did you snee. >> ten-fold decrease. >> reporter: ever since, colorado fish and wildlife manager has been working to keep the rainbow trout alive through various breeding programs. but at great cost and with only limited success. >> the rainbow trout is hugely important to this state. >> reporter: how important? is there a dollar number? >> fishing in general, it's estimated over $2 billion to the economy. >> reporter: scientists got a major break when they discovered a small isolated group of
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rainbow trout immune disease in the gunnison. there's disagreement over where they came from, but researchers now agree that their mission is almost biblical. turn these few fish into many. >> nice work! >> reporter: that's why biologist eric is cruising these waters where the immune trout were discovered. capturing healthy female fish and using them to breed tens of thousands of offspring that are also immune to the illness. >> usually we'll have about a s haystack. s we'uthere kind ofr >> reporter: they use this apparatus to send a weak electric current through the water that attracts and then stuns the trout. >> then it's up to our netters to be quick with their net.
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and then get the fish out of the water as quick as possible. >> reporter: the touch for getting the eggs out of a female. >> usually about 1,000 eggs per female. >> reporter: and the time, less than a minute, to use the male trout to fertilize the eggs. >> the process of life is going at that point. >> reporter: the fertilized eggs are brought to a nearby hatchery where they're cultivated and raised into healthy trout, ready to stock rivers all over colorado. >> we're starting to develop wild fisheries of fish that can reproduce and survive on their own without our help. we know these fish are resistant to the parasite and we've seen a three-fold increase in the number of rainbowseps good me even more to truealue of the >> it's where it takes you to, places like this canyon. it's the fun of going, it's the
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adventure. sometimes fishing is just part of it. >> reporter: so with a little luck and a lot of science, they'll be telling fish stories around here for decades to come. for "cbs this morning," barry petersen in the black canyon of the gunnison river, colorado. >> what a tale. >> yeah, what a fish tale. it's fascinating fish science. >> and well done. >> and beautiful. gunnison river. >> i look at that river and my blood pressure drops 20 points just looking at it. >> just the soundtrack and i feel like taking a nap. >> you don't need your blood pressure to drop, do you? you're in good -- you're in -- you're surrounded by alex and i here. >> at 7:00 a.m. >> already at this very low level around you two, but then even more. >> those pictures were stunning. speaking of things to look forward to, ellen hilder brand
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at the marine mammal center, the environment is everything. we want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. and pg&e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. we've helped the marine mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. pg&e has allowed us to be the most sustainable organization we can be.
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"the new york times" bestselling author is known for her unanimous tuckity-based -- unanimonantucke nantucket-based novel, "the perfect couple" is her first murder mystery. a bride finds her fiance dead the morning of the wedding. the murder investigation uncovers more than just the killer. elin hilderbrand, good morning. >> good morning. >> this is so exciting -- i've read a lot of your books, and they're usually great love stories which make them great beach readreads. why murder this time? >> it is my 21st book. i was looking for new material and thought i'm going to try to write a murder. i wasn't sure it was going to work. i don't read mysteries. and i wanted to keep all of the elements of my usual summer books. so like the food and the fashion and the beach and the romance. but what i found is that starting on page 1 with the murder really makes you turn pages faster.
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it does. >> a secret. >> want to know who did it. called the perfect couple. is there a perfect couple? >> i feel like we can all agree that as soon as you call yourself the perfect couple, something unexpected will happen. yeah, i think one of the things that the book explores is a punch of different relationships that appear perfect on the outside and once you go beneath the surface you find that everyone has problems. really the best we can hope for is to be imperfectly perfect. >> really every couple is a mystery. >> absolutely. >> you didn't read mysteries, but in preparation for this did you read some, or did you just say i got this? >> well, i decided i wanted to try and do it myself. to prepare, i went to the nantucket police department and met with the detective sergeant there. and i have to say he was very helpful. but nantucket doesn't have a lot of murder. he didn't have a lot of cases to give me which was a good thing. i was able to sort of useartiic unfold naturally and organically for me.
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i change who'd did it about two-thirds of the way through the book. i wrote two-thirds thinking i knew who did it. and then it was revealed -- i thought, no it wasn't that person, it was this person. >> you had written this book twice. >> exactly. >> you changed the person who dies -- >> i changed the person who dies and changed the idea of who did it. >> a twist -- >> it's correct now. i can say that. >> you did the work, going to the p.d. but there are some elements of this that you probably didn't need to research as much. there is a character in the book who lives on nantucket, is an author on her 21st book. >> that is true. i did that on purpose. i sort of poked fun at myself. the mother of the groom is a murder mystery novelist. and she's just zip her 21st -- just written herer 2 publisher -- >> that did not happen to you. >> no. she was coasting. i did that as a nudge to myself to make sure that i'm never coasting and that every book is letter than the last. >> speaking of coasting, you're incredibly prolific. you have written 21 books. at least one a year. you have three children. housewife do you -- are you
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currently while you're doing the interview writing while you're talking to us? >> oh, absolutely. yes. and i write all my novels longhand, so i have my notebook with me in the green room. always working, always writing. you know, it's stressful, but that's what i feed off of which is good. >> you were here just days before your double mastectomy. you have been a strong supporter of breast cancer survivors, breast cancer research. you dedicate this book in part and talk about breast cancer survivors. >> that's right. so the mother of the bride in this book has stage-four breast cancer. and this marks the fourth anniversary of my double mastectomy. i came on the show, i made it very public. the second that i found that i was healed, i hit the road. i was like, what can i do to help. i've met with countless -- my readers who are, you know, going through treatment, and i speak and do lunches and benefits to raise money. and the focus on stage-four patients is really i beeswome ver serious p of the disease, andulg
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companies. i wrote karen to honor them. >> it is beautiful how such a concrete relationship with your fans is -- >> it's amazing. >> congrats on the latest book and for always being here. >> thank you for having me. >> we'll see you next year. >> "the perfect couple" is in stores today. and ahead, using a best hero award to honor a real one. hear more on our podcast wherever you like to download your podcasts.
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>> receiving an award playing a superhero is amazing. but it's even greater to acknowledge the heroes that we have in real life. [ cheers ] >> bozeman called james shaw jr. up on stage. jaw tackle aid -- shaw tackled a president obama to who opened fire -- shaw tackled a waffle house shooter who opened fire. bozeman said his award would live at shaw's house. >> heroes forever. well done. >> right on. >> beautiful. that does it for us. thanks to gayle and our team in i, iagree.heir coverageatro >> right on. >> i story."kon wa >> and slam is just $5.99!
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in union city... whipple road, near railroad avenue is shut down this morning... as police investigate an overnight shootout. suspects exchanged g . in union city whiffle road is shut down this morning as police investigate an overnight shoot out. police and suspects exchanged fire injuring one of the shooters. the officers are okay and the suspects in custody. palo alto leaders are condemning anti gay flyers found over the weekend around mitchell park. they have hateful messages and criticize libraries for displaying literature on lgbtq to catch cal tran. that takes effect on july 1st. we will have traffic and weather after this.
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. good morning. we are still tracking yellow across westbound 37 as you make your way between 80 and 101. it's about a 35 minute ride. you are using the richmond, san rafael bridge we are seeing speeds in the yellow as you make your way across the area. its been a tough day. reduced visibility. still look like the north bay is dealing the fog this is 101 near spencer. just before the robin williams tunnel as you make your way southbound to the golden gate bridge. your ride is in the green. it looks like everything is starting to thin out with the
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exception of the short freeway. that's under a 45 minute drive. that is how long it'll take you to go between highway 4 and the maze. that's a check of your traffic. good morning to all of you. a foggy start to this tuesday morning. that's for sure. checked my viewing there are delays at sfo and oakland airport. low cloud ceiling. the visibility is low. san francisco and even inland. we are noticing that marine layer being pushed across the east bay. 61 degrees in livermore. 63 in san francisco. 63 in san jose. let's show you what visibility is doing. three bit. afternoon temperatures on the rise. 80s. low 90's for inland areas.
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(wayne laughing) yn mind blown! cat: "i'm really, really, happy." wayne: yay! jonathan: it's a trip to rio de janeiro! tiffany: arghhh. wayne: go get your car! bingo! jonathan: woot, woot! wayne: goal! - go for it. go for it! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady. thank you so much for tuning in. four people, let's make a deal. let's see, let's see, four of you, with the afro right there, the lady with the afro. yes, ma'am, you, 60. let's see, the... ashley, ashley, come on over here.
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