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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  September 10, 2018 2:30am-3:00am PDT

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dels not ing up nafta completely, nato and re president has a reason to be paranoid at least that's what he's telling himself as people in his administration who are writing these op-eds saying they >> brennan: welcome back to "face the nation." as this year's mid term election are trying to reign him in he's campaign kicks into high gear, not going to trust anyone. we wanted to sit down with the that is counter productive for chairs of both the republican republicans. >> it's survival in tints for and democratic parties. his aides to come out and say that. we begin our conversation with he's a president does want them tom perez, chairman of the dnc to come out fighting on his behalf. he himself escalates these you have 58 days to go, lot of controversies the most work. dramatically. democrats need to pick up roughly about two dozen seats to public statements on air force one in the middle of his win a majority in the house. campaign trip talking about his when we look at our cbs polling own competence he can speak for it shows blue wave is far from hours without notes to say how guaranteed. >> progress never rolls in on competent he is, he's trying to defend himself and wants t to se wheels of inevitability. his aides doing the same thing. we're working our tails off >> brennan: david, you had everywhere. i feel excited because we're some unusual warnings from the organizing everywhere, we're white house, state department fielding great candidates elsewhere about what would everywhere. you see the energy out there. happen in syria if you saw the democratic turn out in the offensive, we know the bombing primaries in 2018 has been up is underway. it seems the warnings are being dismissed by russia and assad 84% from 2014. regime.
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>> brennan: that's enthusiasm talking. what is happening here, why >> that's the enthusiasm. and people are enthusiastic aren't the trump warnings being because we're fighting for the heeded? >> the president has signaled issues they care about. people's healthcare is on the both ways on syria in his time. ballot. this is the most important i think that he's someone who election of our lifetime. said that he wants to withdraw, if you have preex he is he's also said sent missiles continuing condition that's on the ballot. into syria. good wages are on the ballot. he's now reports that said he's education is on the ballot. committed now to longer term our democracy is on the ballot strategy and it's not going to because this is not simply an be simple. his relationship with the actors election about right versus le left. that is an election about right in that country have not -- versus wrong. i worked at doj for 13 years, a hasn't been that clear with exactly what piece demanding. president does not tell the >> brennan: what should we justice department who and who read into the fact in north korea during the military not to prosecute. parades they didn't include that is wrong. intercontinental ballistic the president of the united missiles. are we over reading the states should not believe the pageantry or is it doing -- former chief of the kgb over our >> a sign probably from kim jong-un. intelligence community. he was there with chinese we shouldn't rip children from parents. official that the already frustrating the white house, china's role with north korea this is about all those critical maybe not putting as much issues of health care but also about who we are as a nation. pressure as he'd like to get serious about denuclearization. i think jim jong-un he cancelled we're fighting for all the the trip of the secretary of things that democrats care abo state saying not enough progre
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about. and that includes our democracy. progress. they don't want to inflame them this president has undermined unnecessarily i think it is a basic principles of our sign that kim is trying to put democracy. these things back on track. presidents should unite. however, i think analysts are they shouldn't divide. >> brennan: but when you right to say we haven't seen any real progress on mentioned president trump himself, i mean, this is one of denuclearization, u.s. intelligence agencies are saying the questions here. north korea not denu rising are you antagonizing or energiz energizing voters when you put not just president trump but rising. they are concealing what they have continue to move forward. president obama out on the campaign trail and broke >> brennan: mark, you just precedent. white house hit him for that for wrote this book about the nfl. invoking president trump's name. going from one swamp to the sort of one of those unwritten other. rules that you don't flame your in the book, but this week just successor, is this a risky even this morning president strategy to be engaging like trump tweeting about football. that? >> i welcome president obama on the campaign trail because he's why is this such a useful fighting for the issues that political tool for him? people care about. >> brennan: but attacking >> the old saying that the nfl president trump by name. >> our healthcare is on the owns the day of the week that ballot. would be sunday, right. our democracy as we know is on what i found initially just from the ballot. you look at what is going on in trading swams politics keeps i this country, you see a infringing this week being perfect object lesson, my president. again i worked under republican football book is out and we're and democratic presidents at the talking about politics. justice department.
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you see the unmitigated attacks, president trump loves this iss attempts to delegilegitimize the issue, he thinks -- because he's wanted to own a team for four press, attempts to do things decades the most exclusive club that should never be done. i thought canada was our ally billionaire boys club the nfl and it appears that they are our owners want no part of it. >> . >> brennan: for you that's fiercest adversary. the world is upside down and our what it is not about patriotism and the anthem. democracy is indeed on the >> it is absolutely that, too. ballot. what we're doing is fighting for my book, look into like what health care. that world looks like it's very fighting to make sure if you have preexisting condition you mysterious world. i don't think most people know can retain your health care what goes into running the coverage. national football league. we're fighting to make sure that in president trump's case, this a union -- worker can join a is a culture war grenade. union and organize and get good he feels that this is a winning wages. those are things we're fighting issue, the protests are for. that is what americans want in something that he feels the polls are on his side which it their leadership. >> brennan: you have the challenge of messaging against seems it is. what our positive economic he also gets to be in the middle of the great spectacle of indicators right now. when you look at cbs polling in american life which is football and politics at the same time the competitive districts that really matter for you. north korea nike thought it was a winning issue, too? the majority of americans feel positively about the economic >> what donald trump has done direction of the country, either and cool lone cap irrelevant in this case they filled the vacuum going from very good 26% to of leadership. somewhat good, 45%. the fl has chosen to punt -- i how do you push back against didn't do that on purpose. that? totally didn't do that on isn't what happens at someone's kitchen table going to dominate? purpose. on this issue.
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>> it's very important. >> they are still doddering if you are very, very wealthy in around. this country the economy is there's no policy. doing great. >> brennan: rachel, who was but if you're everybody else the economy is not doing so great. the 2020 candidate trying out in rporat pfitsre sing these kavanaugh hear, this week? and wages are flat. >> who? people's healthcare is at risk which one? the focus on kavanaugh, came and because the president has d destabilized the affordable care act. the cost of prescription drugs auditioned, kamala harris are skyrocketing if you have a dollar more in your pocket but potentially running in 2020. she waited about ten seconds to gasoline has gone up 50 cents interrupt the hearing when they and your cost of prescription drugs have gone up immensely first started, they gaveled in, because they're not taking on we d't havell theave that hea the industry and your cost of health care has gone up you're documents on kavanaugh it is not right. we don't know what he's going to not even treading water. do as a supreme court justice that's the reality for millions of people including the harley until we get these documents. that was followed up by cory workers in missouri who are booker who is also a potential about to lose their job. candidate in 2020. >> brennan: wages did go up in august, but i do want to ask and his spartacus moment where he said i'm going to release you about the direction of the whole bunch of confidential party in terms of identity. information that the senate panel didn't want to release, of you have said mr. cortez the course some of those had already been released he kind of looked rock star in many ways she won in new york a few months ago, a little silly. you've called her the future of the party. but on that --
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is that a sign that more people >> brennan: we have to wrap within democratic party need to up. we will the be right back. tack left. is that the identity, to go more little things can be a big deal. progressive? >> i said conor lamb and she is that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. the future of the party, doug it's a pill that treats differently. jones is the future of the party. we have a party that reflects for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, america and every zip code. with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. a party fighting for health ca care. a party that's is fighting for and for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce fair wages, fighting for joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. democracy that works for everyone. not just a few at the top. and the otezla prescribing information your question about wages, it's has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. important for your listeners to don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, understand that, real wage growth is what it's about. nausea, or vomiting. if wages go up by a dollar and tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with your cost of living goes up by a an increased risk of depression. dollar fifty you're not better tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, off. that's the problem with this or if these feelings develop. economy. some people taking otezla if this president could take on reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight the pharmaceutical industry we could do something about itt dd and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. the most important thing to do is making sure we get the vote tell your doctor about all the medicines you take out everywhere. and if you're pregnant or planning to be. and we're actually working next week to call onan i'm going to r
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otezla. show more of you. mcdaniel to join us in that. we should have this debate then make sure that every eligible person -- >> brennan: point taken. we got to leave it there. thank you very much. we'll bring out here republican chair ronna mcdaniel next. >> always a pleasure. a moment of joy. a source of inspiration. an act of kindness. what will it bring? an old friend. a new beginning. some welcome relief... or a cause for celebration. the help you've been looking for.
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what's inside? possibilities. what we deliver by delivering. >> brennan: thanks for watching. i won't be here next week i'll be taking? time with new member of my family but john dickerson. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh (burke) seen it, covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ as one of the nation's largest investors in infrastructure, we don't just help power the american dream, we're part of it. this is our era. this is america's energy era. nextera energy. >> brennan: we're back with head of the republican national committee ronna mcdaniel.
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welcome to "face the nation." >> thank for having me. >> brennan: good to be with you. yesterday you were in knock i have to ask you about this alongside onb director when he was caught on tape obtained by "new york times" and wall street journal saying you may hate the president and there's lot of people who do but they certainly like the way the country is going and within it comes to voters, you may have to subtract from the equation how they feel about the president and then the numbers go up dramatically. do you think republicans would fare better if president trump was not so dominant in this ra race? >> the president has a 90% approval rating among republicans. it's one of the highest in history for a president from his own party. and we have seen on the ground as we bring the presidentnto these races like montana where he was this week, the candidates numbers rise. in ohio with a tough race.brt to delaware county and we sawim help propel that election day vote to victory.
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so the president is a great asset for us. remember in the mid term it's the party that is turning out are numerous reports les moonves their base. we have to turn out our base first. with the president with this type of approval rating and with these results with the 3.9% u unemployment, with four million is exiting after harassment jobs coming badge all the good charges. things that people are feeling as you mentioned earlier wage two other tropical storms increases of 2.9% people are are on the move in. the atlantic. the white house divided, an ne feeling good where they are and the president is a great asset for us north korea is mick mulvaney flat out wrong? woodward and an op-ed by a trump >> he was talking about the president being the leader, administration official. talked about working for him he and a first starbucks, a was making the point if you major jolt to italy's cafe don't like a candidate or you don't necessarily agree with them on everything, the results in this instance speak for themselves. and that you can't deny. democrats are going to try to make it about the president, they're going to make it about personality built the results don't lie coming out of this administration. we are a better country, we are bet are off than we were two years ago. and everyone around the country
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is feeling that. and that is because of this president. >> brennan: there was a recording at journal and "new york times" both had there also saying that mick mulvaney said there's real possibility that sector ted cruz may lose his race in texas. >> no. he said it's important to be likable. we're not going to lose texas. he said it's important to be likable, i'm going to make this point i don't think it's likely you could have texas, florida in the play he was talking to the candidate we had in the room about importance of being likable. that is important but we're not going to lose texas. anybody who watched ted cruz this week in the judiciary hea hearings with judge kavanaugh, hearing him talk about the importance of rule of law, the importance of what judge kavanaugh would bring to the bench, caring about the constitution, knows that today cruz is excellent representative for texas he's going to win that seat. >> brennan: and likable. >> i think he's very likable. >> brennan: i'm just kidding. when we look at mid term races, the president's party often
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loses seats. you've got specs steps, '98, will republicans hold control of the house? >> first of all we know historical trend importance seats lost in that first mid term when you hold the white house. obama lost 60 seats. usually you lose seats in the senate. thing is at map we're talking about picking up seats which is unprecedented in mid term of a first term president. so, that's something that everyone should be looking at. any seat, if we pick up one seat that would be defying history. on the house a lot of seats in the margin, absolutely we've had unprecedented amount of retirements and that has made it harder and some of these swing districts but right now i say 50-50. we're out every day working, the rnc has raised to date $250 million. we've put 549 staff on the ground, we've trained 20,000 field organizers, that's four times more than we did in 2016. our infrastructure to turn out our vote to engage with our voters to talk to them about these results is the best it has
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ever been in the mid terms. candidates matter, that's going to be different in every single race and we need these candidates to talk about their local issues, go out there, they have to work as hard as they have ever worked hand dates -- candidates have to give everything. and we're going to be there backing it up at the rnc. >> brennan: you said it's going to come down to the base in many ways. but a lot of traditional republicans are troubled by some of the president's policies, particularly on trade, tariffs, going against very traditional conservative values. how do you reconcile that? >> first all the president has done things that have been traditional republican policies that we campaigned on for years. deregulation, cutting taxes, strengthening our military, taking care of our veterans. thought of those things that have spurred the economic growth despite what president obama is now trying to take credit for. when it comes to the tariffs, the president has said he is for free trade, you that you when he talked to the president of the european union. but when we are in position of power as our country is
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economically, we're on the rise he's going to say to countries like china you are not going to take advantage of the united states any more and he is negotiating for a position of strength. when we're not in position we won't be able to fight the $15 0 billion deficit. he's making progress and he's fighting for americans and fighting for american jobs and that's why he's so popular in my state of michigan. i see it all offer the country. people who have forgotten under the last administration folic they have president who is listening and caring about them and the proof is in the results. >> brennan: ronna, thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> brennan: we'll be back in a moment with our panel.
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>> brennan: we're back with our panel. amy walter national editor of the "cook political report" and cohost of wnyc's the take away. david nakamura from the "washington post." mark leibovich is chief national for "new york times" magazine out with brand new book, big games, the nfl in dangerous time and rachel bade covers congress for politico also a cnn political analyst. rachel i'll start r start off with you we were just forecast
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the races here. is ted cruz going to win in texas? are these seats something that you heard both party leaders predict accurately? >> you know, it's texas, come on. ted cruz is likely going to win. this shows the energy on the left right now and that is democrats are turning out. their energized they could really pose a threat particularly in the house, though. i think it was interesting m mcdaniel mentioned 50-50 that she thought chance they keep the house. i from capitol hill i've heard a change in tone in past couple of weeks where some republicans actually think the house is go gone. lot of it has to do with the noise that's going on. they have a story to tell, there was a great jobs report that came out friday, record wage increases since 2009 they want to talk about the economy. but everyone right now is focused on what's going on, the drama of the scandal in the white house, the president hitting back, the russia investigation, that is really drowning out the republican
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message it's a big problem for them. >> brennan: is that also what you're seeing, amy? >> the energy is really the key part of this. the president is very good at ginning up his base and making sure that as the rnc chairwoman said he's got an 90% approval rating with his part but when he fires up his base, he fires up the other side. in fact fires them up almost to a degree that is -- to a degree that is larger than the people who like him. when you look at the approval rating of the president, those who say they strongly disapprove him have consistently been bigger than the people who strongly -- the intensity on the other side is really the big challenge for the republicans. >> brennan: is putting president obama on the campaign trail a good strategy? >> you know, the strategy of putting president on the trail to help get those people who don't turn out mid term elections, especially young people to come out and vote for democrats. that turns what is right now
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building as a wave for democra democrats. of young people also turn out that's a tsunami. the other thing that i think is fascinating aching this president with president obama, both are trying to do the thing that is very difficult for presidents to do in mid term to say i want that coalition that turned out for me in the presidential year in obama he is a case young people, people of color. in trump's case, the rural, small town america. i know came out voted for me now vote for these members of congress. it's a sign that you respect me if you come and vote in the mid terms. it's a very difficult thing to do, especially since trump got elected in many ways by running against the very people that he is saying please now vote for. >> you saw in trump's rally in montana just this past week where one of his arguments is now vote for the republican members in congress or else i face impeachment. sort of means, some of the
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progress we've made on the economy, but really is about h him. >> i do think there are two minutes. upon is -- we've seen over and over again in these special elections that support for president trump doesn't necessarily translate into turn out for republicans. but also, yes, his support among republicans is sky high. but the republican party has shrunk considerably since he has taken office. the numbers -- many of them are in that 55-60% range of di disapproval are some of the them are coming from former republicans who are no longer reflected in that sample. it's an interesting, especially for general election campaign i think that probably the more prominent. >> the real fascinating thing about this campaign is the race for the senate and house are taking place in two very different americas, the race for the senate is through red rural america in states like montana, north dakota, west virginia. the battle for the house runs through suburban america.
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in one part of america they really like trump in the other part they really don't. >> campaigning right now in north dakota and montana just this past week. >> mark, i want to ask you, to rachel's point some of the scandal in washington sometimes over shadows the messaging that the parties would rather have heard. with the decision for the vice president for cabinet members to come out this week against an anonymous self described trump administration official and bob woodward. if they elevate the story and make the problem bigger or help themselves by engaging like th that? >> i think they elevated it. i don't think there's any question they elevated it. first of all the number of days between now and the election which the core story about the economy which is what republicans clearly want to be talking about is not being told. that -- this is another basically wasted week, if you want to keep it neutral here. i don't know if they could have ignored it. i don't know if they had a choice here but we have seen over and over again this white house has a knack for drumming up news that has nothing to do with the economy or things that
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republicans rather they tack about. >> speaking of that op-ed it feels like at least republicans on capitol hill feel this was totally counter productive. they have been trying to bring
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