tv Face the Nation CBS October 14, 2018 8:30am-8:59am PDT
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october 14th i'm john dickerson this is "face the nation." midd east.ofrcti te murder of journalist jamal khashoggi who walked into a saudi consulate. 'll have to see. we're going to get to the btt it d there will be severe punishment. >> dickerson: we'll have more from tonight's "60 minutes" interview.l as a key senator one senate foreign relations committee, florida republican marco rubio who is next for the u.s. relationship with saudi arabia. he'll also give us an update on florida's recovery fhurrmichael. then in a week of back to back to back presidential rallies,
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we'll check in on november's mid term elections with chairman of the democratic senatorial campaign committee, chris van hollen. and we'll take a look at who is ahead in the battle for control of the house with our cbs news battleground tracker. plus, we'll talk to nebraska republican senator ben sasse about his new book. all that have and plenty of political analysis all ahead on "face the nation." good morning and welcome to "face the nation." president trump sat down on thursday with lesley stahl for an interview that will air tonight. with u.n. ambassador nikki haley announcing her departure, stall asked if the president has any more changes in store for his admini t leave? >> i don't know. he hasn't told me that. i have a very good relationship with him. it could be that he is, i think
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he's sort of a democrat if you want to know the truth. general mattis is a good guy, we're getting along very well. at some point, everybody leaves. everybody. people leave. that's washington. >> dickerson: for more that have interview tune in tonight to "60 minutes" in their conversation president trump told less see stall that he plans severe punishment if saudi arabia is proven responsible for the death of journalist jamal khashoggi, though he's reluctant to cut off arms sales to the saudi kingdom. a member of both the senate intelligence and foreign relations committees joins us now from miami, florida republican marco rubio, welcome, senator, i want to start with hurricane michael. panama city, other places, absolutely devastated. what can you tell us aboutlabvi, panama -- i've gotten to panama city and met with and seen the drone images from the emergency operation center.
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it's deaf devastation. i've lived through a bunch going back to andrew and here in south florida. and what i saw in panama city reminds me of andrew. literally i think the whole power grid has been shredded. that's very important, mexico beach is just wiped out all of that, i want to remember one thing there are inland areas away from mexico beach, away from panama city not on the coast, these are rural areas, a lot have holder residents, poo poorer residents, people that could not evacuate, many living in manufactured housing and mobile homes, large mobile hom homes, but nonetheless mobile homes, multi-acre properties off of dirt roads who are completely isolated at this very moment. crews are working hard to get to them. but these are the first people, likeliest people to be forgotten that is where the challenges lie ahead in terms of saving lives and getting to people quickly. >> dickerson: let me switch topics now to the case of jamal khashoggi. you said that if it turns out
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that saudi arabia had something to do with his murder that, quote, a complete revolt against our policies with saudi arabia would take place in congress. where do you think the state that have revolt is and what are the possible range of actions congress could take? >> well, on the first point everyone waiting to find out exactly what happened and frankly this is the kind of case where we may never know exactly what happened. the denial -- that said news reports out there that there is some sort of audio-video evidence, if that were to emerge or other facts or frankly questions aren't answered there's no videos of him leaving that facility there's going to be a big problem. i can tell you in congress there is no pro sawed deelement that will stick as it's currently structured if in fact they lured this man, killed him, then cut up his body and sent team to kill him. that is unacceptable thing. never accept this from anyone in
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the world. undermines our credibility and our moral authority around the planet to go after regimes like putin's or venezuela or others. as far as the options are concerned people talk about the arm sales, our relationship with saudi arabia extends well beyond arm sales as well. and i would sus say it's unfortunately, because saudi arabia is important part of our middle eastern strategy, they are a key leverage and hedge point against the influence. that cannot supersede our commitment to human rights. >> dickerson: the moral question here, the president has recently secured the release of andrew brunson from turkey, still wor working on that account but in this account he said, basically because there's 110 billion as he claims arms purchases on order from saudi arabia, that that's essentially more important or has to be weighed here in the response. give me your sense of your reaction to that moral position the president took? >> i would say -- i would have phrased that differently, not
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about the money. plenty of other countries that want to buy arms. i would phrase it very differently. important thing is that when you sell arms torecan tree it's true that they can buy from china, russia or anybody else, when you sell arms to saudi arabia, it gives you leverage over them because they need replacement parts, they need the training it's the kind -- you can't sanction country by cutting them off if you never provide it in the first place, it is true that arm sales gives us leverage. >> dickerson: were you surprised the president said up front that these arm sales were something that he wanted to protect, in other words, aren't -- isn't that your leverage in your argument he sort of said right away those are two torn to mess with. >> they're going to buy them anyway. in the future when you want to influence saudi behavior on another topic you're not going to have anything to threaten them with or hold over their heads. it isn't about the money. i don't know the president had just been briefed that's how he used to express it but bottom line is, the money -- there's
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not enough money to the world to buy back our credibility on human rights. if we do not move forward and take swift action on this, if in fact if and when it's proven to be true. >> dickerson: let me ask you a question about climate change in the wake of hurricane michael, the republican colleague believes that republicans need to stop questioning the science behind climate change he said that america was saddling young americans with an environmental debt that was as bad as the fiscal debt. what is your response to that? >> i respect carlos tremendously he's been a leader on that top topic. my view is, climate, sea level rise these are measurable thin things, you can measure that. not even scientific debate at some point just reality. you can measure whether sea levels are higher, warmer than they used to be. as policy maker the fundamental question is what can we do about it. and if in fact humans are contributing to that what public policy can we pursue that you can actually pass, not destroy
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your economy and can be effective. >> dickerson: what the congressmecongressman and othery saying is that if you believe the science about human contribution that there are mitigation efforts you can take with greenhouse gasses and that that's where there needs to be a little more focus from republicans is on admitting that climate change is caused by human activity and taking acti actions whether it's coal plants or emissions from cars or methane gas to actually get it where the problem is occurring. >> the increase comes from the developing world. we're not a planet we're a country. the question becomes, in my mind the debate has been necessarily about always about whether or not it's human contribution it's about whether the public policies that are being advocated would be effective. in light of the fact that in other places carbon emissions continue to grow. by the way, technology is moving us in the direction that those who support those measures want us to go anyway. >> dickerson: your view then is that humans are the chief contributor to climate change in this recent period?
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>> my view is what a lot of scientists say, i think others that dispute what percentage of that is humans and not. i'm a policy maker, there's no way that i can ever debate withd their whole life on that. i can accept this, that is that we're going to have debate about human contribution because scientists are saying that, but if we're going to have that debate about whether certain laws should be passed in order to alleviate what scientists are saying is the cause that has to be balanced with the public interest and other topics like the economy and the like. >> dickerson: we're out of time. have to leave it there. thanks so much for being there. >> thank you. dickerson: we turn now to maryland senator chris van hollen who among other things is in charge of his party's efforts to elect more democrats to the senate. welcome senator i want to where i left off with senator rubio. you are on the environmental committee in the senate. what did you make of the senat senator's remarks?
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>> well, look, in the same week that we saw hurricane michael flatten the florida panhandle we had this report from the world's leading climate scientist saying climate change is hurting us today and it's only getting worse. and the same time you have trump administration, a lot of reply is cans who want the put their head in the sand, don't want to hear the information and we should start by not making things worse. this administration and inoress are actually rolling back auto emission standards, rolling back clean power pleed to take action. >> dickerson: what if senator rub owes' point once you have these regulation you the economic recovery that the americans are in the middle. >> reality is we've had auto emission standards in place for many years and in fact the auto industry has grown substantial substantially. the reality is that there are lots of economic opportunities
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when it comes to investing in clean energy and energy wind, solar, these are home grown jobs. these aren't jobs where you're importing oil from saudi arabia. >> dickerson: let me switch to politics. couple of weeks ago in the senate people were writing, democrats have a chance, they're writing that less these days, what happened? >> well, what we've said from the beginning this is a very tough political map for senate democrats. prablyhe toughest we've seen in 60 years. the fact that people were tal talking about democrats taking back majority of the senate shows how strong we have been and what kind of momentum we've got. i said from day one that we have a credible path to a democratic senate majorityare soanyeryeat t turn out point nomination. first, i want to get your sense you talked to a nuf nstientsateachedto
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you du the coirmation process and then you said their statements were reminders of how our society has let down survivors of sexual assault for decades. have you heard from or what have you heard from constituents in the wake of the confirmation? >> well, i heard from more than 50 of my constituents, women who had experienced sexual assault, sexual trauma. years ago and had never told their own parents at the time, in many cases have not told members of their families today and it was a powerful reminder of the progress we need to make in this country when it comes to sexual assault. when you have the president of the united states at big rallies belittling dr. ford, he is belittling all those survivors of sexual assault and i don't think people like what they see. >> dickerson: majority leader said that the behavior of democrats with respect to this confirmation shot in the arm for republicans that the president
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was playing on that idea, that democrats overreached that's what energized a lot of the republican voters. >> well, i don't think democrats overreached. democrats wanted a thorough fbi st te d it mitch mcconnell who really cut that short did not a that tvahin ha actually energized a lot of democrats, especially younger votedders and women voters, yes, they energized some republicans. just goes to show that turn out to really important in these mid term elections. >> dickerson: let me ask you this question, there seems to be argument going on in the democratic party how to respond to donald trump. he this to be referendum on donald trump. >> the president's energizing a lot of democratic vte turnors get out because he's been so polarizing and so divisive. lotd states, what we have are senators who were standing up
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first and foremost for the people of their state. and people even red states want someone who will hold the president accountable. >> dickerson: let me ask you about a red state, tennessee, a voter there who voted for donald trump was going to vote for the democrat because he had an experience with him. then hillary clinton came out and was quoted saying you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for. what you care about. this voter of course is an example of one, let's not go too far, but there were lot of people who felt like that waslpe hillary clinton say that. >> look, i think hillary clinton was saying is that democrats are in a pitched battle on very important issues. and we need to fight hard. nobody goes lower than donald, n one is competing with that, he gets up in his rallies, go beat the crap out of them, almost 'em up, i don't think voters independen,
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nonpartisan, bipartisan, he is doing very well. >> dickerson: you say nobody trying to compete with him but former attorney general who is in charge of executing the law said, this is a play on michelle obama said when they going low we go high. eric holder said when they go low we i can kick them, that's the new democratic party, that is directly competing with donald trump. >> no. donald trump when he says beat the crap out of them at a rally then says i'm going to pick up your legal bill, the guy knows no bottom. but the reality is, what democrats are sayings i a pitchd political battle and we are going to engage fully. this is political trench warfa warfare. and we're going to engage in that battle. that's why democrats and senate are year ago when republicans said they were going to win.
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>> dickerson: 23 days, thank you so much for being here. >> good to be here. dickerson: we'll be right back in one minute with senator and author ben sass. don't go away. 10... 9... guidance is internal. ♪... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... so they say that ai will put the future in the palm of our hands. that's great. but right now you've got your hands full with your global supply chain. okay, france wants 50,000 front fenders by friday. that's why you work with watson. i analyzed thousands of contracts and detected a discrepancy. it works with procurement systems you already use to help speed up distribution without slowing down your team. frank, tell fred full force on those french fenders. fine. fine.
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fantastic. for ai that knows your industry, choose watson. hello! the best ai for the job. >> dickerson: we're back with nebraska republican senator ben sasse. he's the author of a new book "them: why we hate each other and how to heal" welcome senat senator. >> thanks. dickerson: so, you say it isn't about politics but you're a politician. >> it's one of my callings. i'm also a dad and neighbor and football addict. >> dickerson: why is it not about politics? when people think of what is tearing this country apart, poll fix is often the culprit. >> there's a lot going on. what we're really struggling. e.thoblem in amaough digital is loneliness. the good news is it's fixable but requires friendship. it requires more attention to
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place and family and shared tiighborhood and worshiping communities. >> dickerson: help people understand what you mean by place. >> so, where you live is where you actually love. and communities of love are the center of what really keeps people happy. there's a ton of literature that shows we're the richest people in the history of humanity yet some of the most dissatisfied people. how do you make sense of that. it didn't start two years ago it starts because digital revolution is undermining that sense of local community and neighborhood. >> dickerson: because we're all in our phones and by ourselves then suddenly the sun has gone down. >> it turns out if you go from 00 to 500 social media friends for 500 to a thousand. if you know the neighbors who lives away from you, you're more likely to be happy. we need to attend to those kind of things, it's a big deal. >> dickerson: i'll get to solutions in a minute. let's stick with the diagnosis for a moment.ble make this case because you're a politician. what i want to ask you is the power of example in politics. there is no more famous person
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probably politics you have been very critical saying he is driving some of these divisions, this these divisions, wouldn't it very powerful behaved and modeled behavior you're talking about that you should see at church are at the little league ball field. >> sure. i think that's true. president and i wrestle on whole bunch of issues, things things . but i don't think most of what americans are wrestling with is a problem that's two years old. having of friendship in america the last 27 years, it's stunning thing. nomadic tribes, industrial economics, people have always known their neighbors and co-workers. decreasingly we don't know those things. we've gone from 3.5 friends american to about 1.8 friends today. president trump can't fix this. he didn't cause this. politics can't fix this. politics didn't cause this. but it's true that our political tribalism is filling that vacu
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vacuum, that loneliness that's coming from all these other institutions. we have a decline of the nuclear family structure a lot the last 25 years. and politics is a place people look to try to find meaning in the absence of these other communities that actually can make you happy. >> dickerson: that's why i wondered if that's where people are addicted to what thho report or live in this world. wouldn't it be -- if you had ham pells, for example, after this kavanaugh, if democrat had said, i understand what my republican colleague, how passionate they got in defense of this person.,t people through the power of their example, since everybody is watching, what it looks like to forgive the other side. we just don't see that. >> you're right. the senate should be an institution of 100 people who get sent from their communities where they are from and want to return to and go after build relationships and temporary
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community of people who listen to one another. we don't do that very much. because cable tv news has swallowed the senate whole. we live this sort of frenzied media circus, don't want to beat up on the media, people are more thinking about distant tribes and things we're screaming at each other. you should be for the place where you're from, the neighborhood and city or small town farming community where i'm from. but when you're temporarily thrown together, the senate should be place that does some empathy and we're brett pretty crappy at that right now. >> dickerson: you have chance to talk about this on the other side of the commercial with the solution. we'll be back in just a moment with more from senator sasse. attention to detail, and customer service are critical to business success. like the ones we teach here, every day.
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not people are happy, part of that we like to do stuff together, we like to have shared projects. i was born in the 1960s, average duration at form was two and a half decades for primary bread winner. average duration at firm today for an american is 4.2 years getting shorter. >> dickerson: what does that mean? what does that mean in terms of policy change even at the very local level? >> i think most of this is going to be about recognizing that when you're 35 owned 40 and 45 you're going to get di disintermediated out of your firm and industry. we've never prepared to become people that are li imarily freelancers in three years, we're not prepared for that. that is huge downstream implications. >> dickerson: this is where politics, because politician s saying you're not going away, you don't have to relearn that comes back to politics sending wrong messages. >> that's just not true, right? so much of what we fight about
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in washington is right versus left. and a lot more of our policy should be past versus future. there aren't going to be life long jobs any more we shouldn't be lying to the american people we sd watesto ba lar with theireighbs when they're 35 and 40 and 45. we can't say, i am going to protect your jobs forever because it's not true. >> dickerson: we have 30 secon seconds. what can i do, to just break out of this cycle? >> one of the things we'll have to develop habits for the technological age. that get back to an awareness of embodied flesh and blood neighbors matter. there is a whole bunch of tech addictions that we have, we know it's a problem when it's our kids i have 14 and 17-year-old daughters. we the adults are also addicted to technology that helps us flee the place where we're actually called to live and love our neighbor. >> dickerson: senator sasse, thank you so much for being he here. >> thanks for having me. dickerson: break away from that technology. but stay with us until the show is over. we'll be right back.
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