tv KPIX 5 Noon News CBS December 28, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm PST
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we are going live to a news conference right now just getting started let's listen in. >> the kern county sheriffs office and many other law enforcement agencies who have helped us relentlessly pursue this suspect in pursuit of justice. gestapo perez are iago 33 years old again was arrested earlier today during the execution of a search warrant. he was found in a residence in the bakersfield kern county first i want to introduce officer brother. he would like to share a few words. >> please bear with me this is difficult for me. newman police officer cpl. ronil singh was my older brother. yes he is not coming back but
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there is a lot of people out there that misses him and a lot of law-enforcement people that i don't know who worked days and nights to make this happen. i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart to make this happen. i wish i could think all of the law enforcement agencies, homeland security in san francisco everybody. i was waiting for this to happen. i would like to thank you for working day and night to make this happen. thank you. >> on behalf of the newman police department and the city of newman we are extremely grateful for all of the help and support we have received over the past few days.
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without our brothers in law enforcement and sisters this would have never happened. we don't have the resources to make this happen. without even an blink of an eye they came to our aid and they were able to catch the suspect and bring him into custody. this is new for our department and this hasn't happened in the city of newman in the history of the police department. many people have gone above and beyond to help us out and we have had overwhelming support from the community. the overwhelming emails, phone calls, text messages, we haven't returned all of them please bear with us. we will try to get back to everyone. it is going to take some time but thank you, thank you all for everything you did. the team that took him into custody in kern county, we greatly
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appreciate what you did for us. the sheriffs department tirelessly worked keeping us updated throughout the night. we will always be in your debt. thank you very much. >> let's talk about the investigation and where it will go from here. obviously i shared with you yesterday that we are going to relentlessly pursue this criminal. i told to we would spare no expense and that every resource available to us would be brought to bear. that doesn't happen without relationships. that doesn't happen without partnerships so while i will probably miss some of them i will hit the high ones. our federal law enforcement partnersiol of em ca our aid. t
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you name it i had it available at our disposal. our state and local law enforcement partners yesterday when we knew our suspect was in kern county one phone call to the sheriff and he told me, whatever you need because that is how sheriffs role. we work together. we pursue justice for crime victims. in this case for newman police officer cpl. ronil singh . teams rolled out and we had these locations even though i told you there were multiple investigative leads and locations we had been working on all of our teams rolled out and we had people under surveillance and we identified those locations and search warrants were executed. earlier today the sheriff and his team along with hours and a tactical team was able to safely take the suspect incuy. anyone that aids and abets or
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helps this criminal i said ic w bergen who have gone to jail because they intentionally lied to us and try to diapered us from the investigation. they misled us and provided information that was false all in an attempt to protect their brother who we also know was trying to flee mexico. he his goal was to get across the border. this criminal across our border illegally into arizona some time ago. he is a criminal. he has two prior arrests for dui. remember that is the reason the officer stopped him. we had probable cause to believe he was under the influence of alcohol. past behavior is usually a predictor of future behavior and an officer loses his life from someone who has been previously arrested. gestapo perez ariaga also has
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known , serino street gangs. he claims to be a serino. all you have to do is take a look at social media which got way ahead of us again and there are plenty of photographs that are platforms that clearly shows himself promoting himself as a gangster. so while we absolutely need to stay focused on officer cpl. ronil singh's sacrifice and service we cannot ignore the fact that this could have been preventable. under sb 54 in california based on two arrests for dui and other active warrants that this criminal has out there law enforcement would have been prohibited from sharing any information with ice about this
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criminal gang member. law enforcement would have been prevented prohibited from sharing any information with ice about this criminal gang member . ladies and gentlemen this is not how you protect in o community regardless of their ethnicity their culture, their race any of that that they live in a safe community because there are people that want to exploit and victimize others and in this case officer cpl. ronil singh sacrificed everything . he paid the ultimate price trying to protect and serve the people of this community. we need to have a conversation about that. from this point forward we have a lot of work left to do. there is an incredible amount of work investigative work that
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we have left in order to deliver a prosecutable case to our district attorney. this could potentially be a capital case we don't know but this isn't something that is going to be done anytime soon and certainly the arrest of gestapo perez ariaga does bring some closure to the family. it certainly helps the newman police department and the community in newman. but make no mistake we will continue this investigation until we have everything presentable so we can prosecute mr. gestapo perez ariaga for his crime . obviously there is a lot of miss information and other information that is being spread and widely shared on social media. everyone has an opinion and that is okay. if you don't hear it from us be cautious about the validity and
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the validity parts of information you may see or hear . at this point i am happy to answer any questions you might have and remember i am not going to get into great detail here. again it is still an ongoing investigation. >> sheriff it says it is his coworker correct? >> i am told they are both brothers, am i wrong? >> [ indiscernible - low volume ] >> i'm sorry eric is the coworker. >> sheriff when you picked up the suspect did he say anything to you? >> i wasn't there he didn't say anything to me. even if he did we would get into that. >> did he resist? >> the location has been under surveillance for at least the past 24 hours. it resulted in a vehicle we were tracking, we kept that residence under constant surveillance including surveillance from air support
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units that were allocated. again my thanks to the highway patrol they allocated their air shipped out of fresno. we had our support unit and others so there was no way that car was not going to be under anything other than constant surveillance. >> did tips come in? >> yes we have received hundreds of tips and we log every one of those that come into our tipline and we investigate every one of them. >> how long has the suspect been in the country illegally? >> we know he has been a farm laborer and that he works or has worked at dairies. it is probbore type environment. there has been no long-term consistent employer we are aware of and he has been in this country several years. >> where did he work?
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>> miscellaneous jobs related to the labor industry type work. >> can you confirm he is from mexico? >> i cannot. he is from mexico. >> were the other two suspects >> yes. arrested were they >> can you? >> yes. >> the vehicle you were tracking does that belong to the brother or coworker or someone in the family? >> we are still working on that. >> sheriff can you explain, you talk about these suspects and how they tried to throw you guys off, how did that happen? >> we asked for their cooperation and they lied to us. >> [ indiscernible - low volume ] >> the madera area. >> people who are criminals are typically those who operate in
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that element. they use multiple aliases and he had multiple facebook pages with different names and all of that is out there. >>e two other suspects where were they arrested and was gustavo alone during the shooting? >> to your first question the other two were arrested south of stanislaus county and brought here for questioning. at this point yes we believe that gestapo perez ariaga was alone when he committed the crime. >> what is your line of motive? >> not yet and it probably wouldn't be appropriate for me to speculate. >> you say he was you believe deported once before? i don't have any information on any prior deportations. i simply want to focus on the
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fact that this is a criminal illegal alien with prior criminal act hippity that should have been reported to ice. law and horse enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws and that led to the encounter with officer cpl. ronil singh. i am suggesting the outcome could have been different if law enforcement wasn't restricted, prohibited, or had their hands tied because of political interference. >> can you clarify that? you are saying he was previously released after a dui arrest twice and had he been deported this wouldn't have happened? >> potentially if he wasn't here then he wouldn't have been driving drunk and it wouldn't have been reported encountering officer cpl. ronil singh and it would never would have occurred with him. my point is why are we providing sanctuary for criminals? gang members? it is a conversation we need to have. >> the brother here is clearly
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heartbroken and yet a brother helped this alleged criminalisa no we are not going to do that. anyone else? >> how does this affect trumps agenda and the national scene? i am not here to talk about the president but i will repeat what i have said before. order security goes hand in hand with national security and with public safety. it goes hand in hand with the safety of our community. law enforcement needs to be able to be unrestricted without political interference to be able to protect our communities. we have a strong relationship in the county with a variety of community stakeholders. we are not here to enforce federal immigration law that is not our job but law enforcement should abn people ov crimes or are gang members and
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exploit others. >> the family isn't going to speak today. >> i don't know if he was convicted. no. >> you said yesterday you had believed that the suspect was still in the area now we are hearing of an arrest in the bakersfield area. at what time do you believe he tried to flee? >> i don't know specifically the chronology or the timeline but i can tell you we were never more than a step behind this guy. we know how it occurred but i am not going to get into that. he is on his way back right now. yes sir he will. yes sir. >> [ indiscernible - low volume ] >> they are all family members. >> [ indiscernible - low volume ]
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>> more than 24 hours. >> can you give a bit more detail on the actual gunbattle you mentioned yesterday between the two? >> it would it be appropriate. remember we have to absolutely protect the integrity and credibility of this investigation. i can't get into details. we need to be able to deliver a prosecutable case to the prosecuting attorney and despite my position on legislation that does not protect our communities or promote trust i still have to protect these suspects right to a fair trial and to due process. we are not going to violate that. >> would you say this case is being politicized? >> of course it is. the last thing i want to do is politicize the death of officer cpl. ronil singh. but let's go back to ron. an immigrant, immigrated here lawfully and legally to pursue his american dream. he achieved that goal and
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history was taken from him. know we shouldn't politicize it but we need to have a conversation about restrictive legislation that puts our communities at risk. i am here to protect the people here of this county regardless of who they are. it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter what their party affiliation is or their political preference. that doesn't matter. what matters is that everyone who lives in our community can enjoy a safe, healthy, vibrant, diverse community. it is that simple. i will take two more and that we are done. >> we are so heartbroken. >> i am heartbroken too. yes. >> is the department seeking out anyone else that may be a suspect? >> we are looking at everyone that may be involved and anyone that protects or who provided
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protection will go to jail. happy birthday. >> [ indiscernible - low volume ] >> i want to see everybody prosecuted. i want justice for this family. ladies and gentlemen thank you for being here. >> we were just listening into a news conference provided by the county sheriff. we just heard him talking about the arrest of gestapo perez ariaga who is 33 years old and they say he is responsible for the killing of officer cpl. ronil singh . a few things about gestapo perez ariaga be sure of said is that he was arrested in a home that had been under surveillance 24 hours due to a vehicle they were tracking. they also said he was trying to flee to mexico where he was originally from.
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he has been in the united states several years illegally. he had two prior arrests before this incidence incident. he was also known as a street gang member due to social media posts . the sheriff says he boasted about being a gang member. two others were also arrested along with him. we are told a brother of his was arrested as well for misleading law enforcement and lightning and also a coworker the sheriff says in an effort to protect gestapo perez ariaga. also what we heard from the county sheriff is bringing up senate bill 54 which we all know here in california prevents law enforcement for sharing information about criminals with ice. he was very adamant about driving home the
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point that law enforcement should be able to communicate with ice especially when it comes to criminals and what he said is this could have been avoided had senate bill 54 not been in place and had not been politicized. we also heard a very emotional thank you from the corporals brother who thanked law enforcement for everything they did. we are going to continue to follow this and give you updates as we get them as well. we will be right back.
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we are following breaking news in hayward where a helicopter had to make an emergency landing onto skywest golf course. two people were inside at the time. no one was hurt. the search continues for an inmate that escaped san quentin state prison. this video was released and it shows carjacking a woman at a home depot parking lot shortly after he escaped wednesday night. mendoza was serving a sentence for an armed carjacking. new at new we are hearing from that carjacking victim, we have her account of what happened. >> the carjacking happened right here at this parking lot
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at home depot the night the prisoner escaped. when the victims all the prisoners picture on tv she says she knew that was the man that took her car. >> i said oh my god. >> this surveillance footage shows the carjacking as it happened and as she was leaving home depot she spotted a man approached her. >> he said give me the key i need your car and i said what and he said give me the key. i have a gun and i will kill you. >> she handed him her keys and then did some fast thinking grabbing herself in from the drivers seat. >> i asked him if he could [ indiscernible - low volume ] >> her dog was in the car >> he left the dog. >> then he drove off. he made a successful escape.
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>> he seemed to be in a hurry and scared. >> she says she called her nsurance company to report her it is still breezy out there but we are starting to see the winds relax a bit. you can see the camera is a shaking a bit and we are looking at temperatures in the mid to upper 50s currently. let's check out the winds. still 18 miles per hour in downtown san francisco out of the north and northeast. 18 miles per hour in fairfield. as we go through the afternoon we will continue to see the winds ease especially heading through tonight into tomorrow. here is what you can expect as
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we kick off and get ready for 2019. here is your 7-day forecast enjoy the sunshine for tomorrow partly sunny on sunday and we will stay dry all the way into the start of 2019. that sounds good. thank you that will do it for kpix5 news at noon. we will have an update on the arrest of that suspect in the death of officer cpl. ronil singh and you can also go on our website for updates at
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♪ >> hope: so, have you been waiting long? >> kieran: oh, we don't mind. this is so exciting. >> matt: [ chuckles ] >> kieran: look at us, matt [snaps fingers] on our way to catalina with the famous hope logan. >> matt: well, of course, until we get seats, we're not going anywhere, but... >> kieran: hope, i have to say you're even prettier than your pictures. >> hope: aww, thank you. >> kieran: and it looks like that little bun's almost done. >> matt: [ gasps ] whoa, whoa. i should get the selfie stick. we can get a picture with the baby. is that all right? >> hope: sure. >> kieran: i just love that top from your last line --
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